Pca 9TH Grade
Pca 9TH Grade
Pca 9TH Grade
EFL 4.4.2 Make and use a simple LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS
print or digital learning resource
to compare and contrast CE.EFL.4.18. Use main ideas in order to
information in order to understand, predict, infer and deduce
demonstrate understanding and literal and implied meanings in short,
command of a topic. simple, everyday literary texts (online,
oral or in print).
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work
collaboratively and to participate
EFL 4.5.1 Make use of main effectively in a variety of student
points in literary texts groupings by employing a wide range of
(authentic and semi-authentic, creative thinking skills through the
oral and written) to understand completion of activities such as playing
short simple everyday stories, games, brainstorming and problem
especially if there is visual solving.
Performance Indicators
EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative
thinking through brainstorming, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL
working in groups, games and AWARENESS
problem-solving tasks by
showing the ability to accept a I.EFL.4.3.1. Learners can employ a range
variety of ideas and capitalize of self-monitoring and self-correcting
on other people’s strengths. strategies and interpret and use
appropriate verbal and nonverbal
communication features to communicate
in familiar contexts. (I.3, S.4, J.4)
I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can demonstrate an
ability to give and ask for information and
assistance using level-appropriate
language and interaction styles in online
or face-to-face social and classroom
interactions. (J.2, J.3, J.4, I.3)
2. Cultures around Talk about customs of COMMUNICATION AND Evaluation Criteria 6 weeks
the world other cultures. CULTURAL AWARENESS
Talk about EFL 4.1.1 Compare and contrast AWARENESS
celebrations in other oral traditions, myths, folktales
countries. and literature from Ecuador and CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral
international regions and traditions and literature from Ecuador
cultures and identify similarities and beyond in order to manifest an
and differences and universal understanding of the relationship
cultural themes. between cultural perspectives and
EFL 4.1.2 Recognize and practices and by sharing cross cultural
demonstrate an appreciation of experiences.
some commonalities and CE.EFL.4.2. Recognize and demonstrate
distinctions across cultures and an appreciation of commonalities
groups (differentiated by between cultures as well as the
gender, ability, generations, etc.) consequences of one’s actions while
including the students’ own. exhibiting socially responsible behaviors.
EFL 4.1.8 Use suitable CE.EFL.4.4. Demonstrate the ability to ask
vocabulary, expressions, for and give information and assistance
language and interaction styles using appropriate language and
for formal and informal social or interaction styles in a variety of social
academic situations in order to interactions.
communicate specific intentions
in online and face-to-face ORAL COMMUNICATION
interactions. (Example:
thanking, making promises, CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning:
apologizing, asking permission, Understand and follow the main idea in
chatting with friends, answering spoken texts set in familiar everyday
in class, greeting an authority contexts, provided speech is clear and
figure, etc.) articulate, and deduce the meanings of
unfamiliar words and phrases using
ORAL COMMUNICATION context clues and/or prior knowledge.
CE.EFL.4.9. Production – Fluency: Use
EFL 4.2.1 Understand phrases simple language to describe, compare
and expressions related to areas and make statements about familiar
of most immediate priority everyday topics such as objects,
within the personal and possessions and routines in structured
educational domains, provided situations and short conversations.
speech is clearly and slowly Interaction is with reasonable ease,
articulated. (Example: daily life, provided speech is given clearly, slowly
free time, school activities, etc.) and directly.
EFL 4.2.12 Describe habits,
routines, past activities and READING
experiences within the personal
and educational domains. CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate comprehension
of main ideas and some details in short
READING simple texts on familiar subjects, making
use of contextual clues to identify
EFL 4.3.1 Understand main relevant information in a text.
points in short simple texts on CE.EFL.4.13. Apply learning strategies
familiar subjects. (Example: such as using prior knowledge and
news about sports or famous graphic organizers to interpret new
people, descriptions, etc.) information in a text, and assess this
EFL 4.3.6 Apply learning information according to the
strategies to examine and organization, subject area and purpose of
interpret a variety of written the text, using different criteria, including
materials using prior ICT tools.
knowledge, graphic organizers, WRITING
context clues, note taking and
finding words in a dictionary. CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and
ideas and describe feelings and opinions
WRITING in simple transactional or expository texts
on familiar subjects in order to influence
EFL 4.4.1 Convey information an audience, while recognizing that
and ideas through simple different texts have different features and
transactional or expository texts showing the ability to use these features
on familiar subjects using ICT appropriately in one’s own writing.
tools and conventions and CE.EFL.4.16. Make use of simple learning
features of English appropriate resources, including those created by
to audience and purpose. one’s self, in order to compare and
EFL 4.4.2 Make and use a simple contrast information, and choose
print or digital learning resource appropriate resources according to the
to compare and contrast value, purpose and audience of each.
information in order to
demonstrate understanding and LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS
command of a topic.
CE.EFL.4.18. Use main ideas in order to
understand, predict, infer and deduce
literal and implied meanings in short,
simple, everyday literary texts (online,
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS oral or in print).
EFL 4.5.1 CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work
Make use of main points in collaboratively and to participate
literary texts (authentic and effectively in a variety of student
semi-authentic, oral and groupings by employing a wide range of
written) to understand short creative thinking skills through the
simple everyday stories, completion of activities such as playing
especially if there is visual games, brainstorming and problem
support. solving.
EFL 4.5.11
Participate in creative thinking Performance Indicators
through brainstorming, working
in groups, games and problem- COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL
solving tasks by showing the AWARENESS
ability to accept a variety of
ideas and capitalize on other I.EFL.4.1.1. Learners can compare and
people’s strengths. contrast oral traditions, myths, folktales
and literature from Ecuador and other
cultures in order to demonstrate an
understanding of the relationship
between cultural practices and
perspectives. Learners can share
crosscultural experiences while naming
universal cultural themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2,
I.EFL.4.2.1. Learners can name similarities
and differences between different aspects
of cultural groups. Learners can
demonstrate socially responsible
behaviors at school, online, at home and
in the community, and evaluate their
actions by ethical, safety and social
standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can demonstrate an
ability to give and ask for information and
assistance using level-appropriate
language and interaction styles in online
or face-to-face social and classroom
interactions. (J.2, J.3, J.4, I.3)
I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand
main ideas and some details in short
simple online or print texts on familiar
subjects, using contextual clues to help
identify the most relevant information.
(Example: title, illustrations, organization,
etc.) (I.2, I.4)
I.EFL.4.13.1. Learners can apply learning
strategies such as using prior knowledge
and graphic organizers to interpret new
information in a text. Learners can assess
this information according to the
organization, subject area and purpose of
the text, through the use of different
criteria, including ICT tools. (I.2, I.4, J.4)
Performance Indicators
Ministry of Education. (2016, Septiembre 03). Currículo. English as a Foreign Language. Retrieved from Ministerio de It will use the English Book Pre A2.1, which is directed to 9 th
Educación: http://educacion.gob.ec/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2016/03/EFL1.pdf EGB.