Alc1 - 1
Alc1 - 1
Alc1 - 1
Time Allotted: (CD) Exam Date:
Approved by Proctors Listening Speaking
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(CBCT) (50%) (50%)
1. 1. In figures:
2. 2. In words:
1. _______________________ 5. _______________________
4. _______________________ 8. _______________________
PART 2 You will hear part of an interview with a man called Tony Elliott who founded a magazine
called Time Out. Choose the best answer (A-D) to the following questions. (1.8 points)
9. Tony says that Time Out was unlike other publications in 1968 because
A. it was written by one person. C. it had a comprehensive list of events.
B. information was more accurate. D. it was in the form of a magazine.
10. What experience did Tony have of publishing?
A. He had worked for What’s On. C. He had transformed an existing magazine.
B. He had written numerous articles. D. He had started a student magazine.
11. Why did Tony leave university?
A. He wanted to go to France. C. He had failed his French examinations.
B. He didn’t have time to study. D. He had found an alternative career.
12. According to Tony, what led to the magazine becoming a weekly?
A. some market research C. technical improvements
B. the quantity of information D. external pressure
13. Tony says the big publishers were not interested in this type of magazine because
A. it was popular with students. C. it came out too frequently.
B. it was considered too expensive. D. it threatened their publications.
14. Tony says that, compared to 1968, people who buy Time Out today are
A. more intelligent and active C. more or less the same age
B. more likely to be parents D. more mature and professional
PART 4 You will hear a woman called Kate Assadi talking to a group of people interested in taking
up skydiving. Answer the following questions with NO MORE THAN SIX WORDS OR A
NUMBER. (3.6 points)
22. When did Kate first try skydiving? _______________________________________________________
23. According to Kate, what can skydiving can help people to overcome? ___________________________
24. Where are people buying skydiving equipment these days? ___________________________________
25. What equipment did Kate buy recently? ___________________________________________________
26. How many jumps must a skydiver do to become an instructor? ________________________________
27. How long does Kate advise people to spend learning to skydive? _______________________________