6 Chapter of Odum-Ecology

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and Evolution
d ra

One of the most dramatic and important

consequences of biological regulation in the

community as a whole is the phenomenon

known as ecological succession,

but better described by the phrase, ecosys-
tem development. When a cultivated field

is abandoned in the eastern part of

America, for example, the forest that origin-
ally occupied the site returns only after a
series of temporary communities have pre-
ceded it (see Figure 6-2). The successive
stages may be entirely different in structure
and function from the forest that eventually

develops on the site. In fact, we may think

of such temporary communities as develop-
mental stages analogous to the life-history
stages through which many organisms pass
before reaching adulthood. Capacity for

151 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

self-development constitutes an important property that distinguishes

systems with major biological components from systems that are
primarily physical. Models of ecological systems that fail to include
short-term developmental and longer-term evolutionary' processes will
fall short of the mark. In other words, when dealing with ecosystems
we must include developmental parameters^ in addition to parameters
derived from physical laws ( such as laws of thermodynamics )
To look at the situation in another way we can say that change
with time in ecosystem structure and function results from an inter-

action of physical forces impinging from without ( recall the discussion
of the concept of "forcing function" in Chapter 1 ) and developmental
processes generated within the system. For convenience we may speak

of a sequence of changes primarily due to the fonrier as allogenic
succession (alio = outside, genie = relating to), and internally gene-
rated sequences as autogenic succession (auto = self-propelling) or

autogenic development. As we shall see, allogenic processes dominate
some ecosystems and autogenic processes others. But first let us con-
sider autogenic development as a
unique feature of most ecosystems.
DEFINITIONS Ecosystem development as an autogenic
processmay be defined in terms of the fol-

lowing three parameters: (1) It is the orderly process of community

changes; these are directional and, therefore, predictable. ( 2 ) It results
from the modification of the physical environment and population

structure by the community. (3) It culminates the establishment of as


stable an ecosystem as is biologically possible on the site in question.

It is important to emphasize that this kind of ecological change is

community controlled; each set of organisms changes the physical sub-


strate and the microclimate local conditions of temperature, light, and


so on), and species composition and diversity is altered as a result of

competitive and other population interactions described in Chapter 5.

When the site and the community has been modified as much as it can
be by biological processes, a steady-state develops at least in theory. —
Also, in theor)' energy utilization is optimized in that maximum
biomass (or information content) is maintained per unit of available
energy flow. The species invoh'ed, time required, and degree of sta-
bility achieved depend on geography, climate, substrate, and other
physical factors, but the process of development itself is biological, not
physical. That is, the physical environment determines the pattern of
change but does not cause it.
In summary, increasing the efficiency of energy utilization so that
each unit of structure is maintained with the least possible work can

1 The term parameter refers to a characteristic element or constant factor; in

terms of a model it is a factor that can be assumed without necessity of measure-
ment or direct observation.
152 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

be considered to be "the strategy of ecosystem development." Strong

physical forces or surges, as well as large harvests or pollution input
from man's fuel-powered systems, will modify, halt, or abort this devel-
opmental course. As we shall see, understanding man's impact on the
developmental process is one of the most important considerations in
achieving a reasonable working balance between man and nature.

SOME BASIC TERMS In ecological terminology the developmental
stages are known as .serai stages, and the

final steady-state as the climax. The entire gradient of communities
that is characteristic of a given site is called a sere. Succession that
begins on a sterile area where conditions of existence are not at first

favorable — example, a newly exposed sand dune or a recent
as, for

lava flow —
termed primary succession. The term secondary succes-
sion refers to community development on sites previously occupied by
well-developed communities, or succession on sites where nutrients and
conditions of existence are already favorable, such as abandoned crop-
lands, plowed grasslands, cut-over forests, or new ponds. As would be
expected, the rate of change is much more rapid, and the time required
for the completion of the sere is much shorter, in secondary succession.

Finally, important to distinguish between what may be called

it is

(for lack of better terms) autotrophic .succession and heterotrophic


.succession. The former is the widespread type in nature that begins in

a predominantly inorganic environment and is characterized by early

and continued dominance by autotrophic organisms. Heterotrophic

succession characterized by early dominance by heterotrophs occurs
in the special case where the environment is predominantly organic

as, for example, in a stream heavily polluted with sewage or, on a

smaller scale, in a fallen log. Energy is maximum at the beginning and

declines as succession occurs unless additional organic matter im-


ported or until an autotrophic regime takes over. In contrast, energy

flow does not necessarily decline in the autotrophic type but is usually
maintained or increased during succession.

LAB CULTURE MODELS If glass flasks half-filled with a culture

OF SUCCESSION media containing a good balance of in-
organic salts necessary for life are inocu-
lated with samples of water and sediments from a pond, ecological
development on a microcosm scale is set in motion if the flasks are
placed under a good light source as in a laboratory growth chamber.
153 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

/ y

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154 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

of biomass to daily production rate which means slow turnover (see

page 28 for discussion of the concept of turnover), and a large amount
of organic material B ) maintained by a relatively small increment of

daily energy expenditure (R). We will discuss the significance of this

kind of efficiency later in the chapter. In appearance, the cultures go
from a bright green color to a yellow-green color with detritus and
detritus-consuming animals becoming more prominent in the mature
stage.Climax cultures may continue indefinitely, but if the diversity

was low they may gradually age and die.
in the original inoculation
New successions can be set in motion at any time by inoculating
from old cultures into new media, or by adding new media to old

As indicated in the previous section, succession may proceed
either from the extremely autotrophic condition where P exceeds R, as

in the cultures we have from the extremely hetero-
just described, or
trophic condition where R exceeds P (or where P may be zero). An
interesting culture model of the heterotrophic type of succession is
the familiar hay infusion often used for growing protozoans and other
small animals for students to study in the elementaiy biology labora-
tory. If a quantity of dried hay is boiled, and the solution allowed to
stand a few days, a thriving culture of heterotrophic bacteria develops.
If some pond water containing seed stocks of various small animals is

then added to the hay infusion, a succession of species can be observed

forabout a month. Usually, small flagellates called monads appear
followed in rapid succession by ciliated protozoans such as

Colpoda and Paramecium; changes then come more slowly, with


specialized ciliates (such as Hypotricha and Vorticella), Amoeba, or

reaching peaks of abundance. If algae get into the culture, then
an equilibrium with P nearing R may be approached; otherwise, the
culture will run down in about 90 days since the organi.sm will die


for lack of food, the original organic matter introduced having
used up.

Thus, the two types of succession can be contrasted on a small

scale in the laboratory, or as a class exercise in a course in ecology,
by an algae culture on inorganic media and a hay infusion, as a culture
starting with an organic medium. Such cultures demonstrate, respec-
tively, what happens in the early stages of succession in a new pond
or artificial lake, and in the early stages of succession following dump-
ing of sewage or other organic wastes into a pond or stream. For more
on laboratory "microecosystems" or "microcosms" as models for ecol-
ogical succession, see Beyers ( 1964 ) and Cooke 1967 ) In general,
( .

laboratory cultures are much too small and too closed, and do not con-
tain enough diversity ( biological or physical ) to reveal all the impor-
tant features of ecosystem development.
155 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

A TABULAR MODEL A more general and complete summary of

FOR ECOSYSTEM important changes in community structure
DEVELOPMENT and function in the sere, as revealed by the
study of the large, open systems of nature,
is shownin Table 6-1.
Expected trends in the gradient from youth to maturity are
grouped under several headings. Although ecologists have studied
succession in many parts of the world, most of the emphasis to date

has been on the descriptive aspects such as the qualitative changes in
species structure. Only recently have the functional aspects of suc-
cession also been considered. Consequently, some of the items listed in

Table 6-1 must be considered hypothetical in the sense that they are
based on good experimental or theoretical evidence, but have not been
verified by adequate data from the field. Five aspects seem most sig-

nificant and require a bit more explanation as follows:
The kinds of plants and animals that change continuously with
Those species that are important in the pioneer stages are
not likely to be important in the climax. When the density of species in
a sere is plotted against time, a characteristic stair-step graph is ob-
tained, as illustrated in Figure 6-2. Such a pattern usually is apparent
whether we are considering a specific taxonomic group, such as birds,
or a trophic group, such as herbivores or producers. Typically, some

species in the gradient have wider tolerances or niche preferences

than others and, therefore, persist over a longer period of time. Thus,
in the terrestrial succession pictured in Figure 6-2 pine trees and

cardinals persist through longer periods of time than do most of the


other species. In general, the more species in the group (whether

taxonomic or ecological ) that are geographically available for coloniza-
tion, the more restricted will be the occurrence of each species in the

time sequence. This kind of regulatory adjustment is the result of com-

petition-coexistence interactions discussed in the preceding chapter.
Biomass and the standing crop of organic matter increase with

succession. In both aquatic and terrestrial environments the total

amount of living matter ( biomass ) and decomposing organic materials
( detritus and humus, see Chapter 2 ) tend to increase with time. Also,

many soluble substances accumulate; these include sugars, amino acids,

and many organic products of microbial decomposition. These liquid
products that leak out from the bodies of organisms are often collec-
tively known as extrametabolites. Some of these substances provide
food for microorganisms, and perhaps also for macroorganisms. Other
substances are equally important in that they may act as inhibitors
( antibiotics ) or as growth promoters ( as, for example, vitamins ) Sub- .

stances produced by one organism may inhibit the further growth of

that species (thus providing population self-regulation, see pagel24)

Table 6-1. A Tabular Model for Ecological Succession of the
Autogenic, Autotrophic Type

Ecosystem characteristic Trend in ecological development

early stage to climax
youth to maturity
growth stage to steady-state

Community Structure
Species composition changes rapidly at first, then more
Size of individuals tends to increase

Number species of autotrophs increases in primary and often early
in secondary succession; may de-
cline in older stages as size of indi-

viduals increases
Number species of heterotrophs increases until relatively late in the

Species diversity increases initially, then becomes sta-
ho bilized or declines in older stages as
size of individual increases
Total biomass increases
Nonliving organic matter increases
Energy Flow (Community Metabolism)
Gross production (P] increases during early phase of pri-
mary succession; little or no increase

during secondary succession

Net community production (yield) decreases
Community respiration (R) increases

P/R ratio P >R to P = R

P/B ratio decreases

B/P and B/R ratios (biomass increases

supported/unit energy)
Food-chains from linear chains to more complex
food webs

Biogeochemical Cycles

Mineral cycles become more closed

Turnover time increases
Role of detritus increases
Nutrient conservation increases

Natural Selection and Regulation

Growth form from r-selection (rapid growth) to
K-selection (feedback control)^
Quality of biotic components increases
Niches increasing specialization
Life cycles length and complexity increases
Symbiosis (living together) increasingly mutualistic
Entropy decreases
Information*' increases
Overall stability increases

" See text for explanation.

157 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

or they may act on completely different species. This was dramatically

brought to our attention by the discovery of penicillin and other bac-
terial antibiotics produced by fungi. In other cases, increasing organic
matter stimulates the growth of bacteria that manufacture vitamin B12,
a necessary growth promoter for many animals (many are unable to
manufacture this and other vitamins themselves). Where extrametabo-
lites do prove to be regulatory, we would be justified in calling these

substances environmental hormones since by definition a hormone is a

"chemical regulator." Chemical regulation is one way of achieving
community stability as the climax is approached, because tlie physical

as well as the chemical perturbations ( as, for example, light and water

relations) are buffered by a large organic structure. There is no

question that the increase in amount of and the change in organic
structure are two of the main factors bringing about the change in
species during ecological development.

The diversity of species tends to increase with succession. Initially
this is the case, although it is not clear from the present data that the
change in variety of taxa follows the same pattern in all ecosystems.
Increase in diversity of heterotrophs is especially striking; the variety
of microorganisms and heterotrophic plants and animals is likely to
be much greater in the later stages of succession than in the early
stages. Maximum diversity of autotrophs in many ecosystems seems to
be reached earlier in succession. The interplay of opposite trends makes

it difficult to generalize in regard to diversity. The increase in size of

individual organisms and the increase in competition tend to reduce
diversity, while the increase in organic structure and variety of niches

tends to increase As we have already pointed out

it. in the discussion
Chapter 2 there may be an optimum level of diversity

of diversity in
for a given energy-flow pattern. We
can state that, in general, rapid
growth serai stages will tend to have a low diversity on the order of
0.1 or 0.2 on the scale used in Chapter 2, while mature stages will tend

to have a higher level on the order of 0.7 or 0.8, unless there is a large
energy subsidy that counteracts this pattern.

A decrease in net community production and a corresponding

increase in community respiration are two of the most striking and
important trends in succession. These changes in community metabo-
lisms are shown graphically in Figure 6-1 which compares ecosystem
development in a small laboratory microcosm and in a large natural

forest. Total production( Pa )

increases faster than energy expenditure
(R) at first, so a large net production ( Py ) results in a rapid increase in
biomass (B). Gradually, equilibrium is established, in about 100 days
in the microcosm and 100 or more years in the forest. Perhaps the best
way to picture this overall trend is as follows: Species, biomass, and
b In terms of "information theory" the total information in the community in-

creases as the number of possible interactions between species, individuals, and

materials increases.
This table is adapted from "The Strategy of Ecosystem Development," Odum,
158 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

Time In years 25-100 100 -f

Community type pine forest hardwood forest

Grasshopper sparrow
Field sparrow

Yellow-breasted chat

Bachman's sparrow
Prairie warbler
White-eyed vireo

Pine warbler
Summer tanager ho
Carolina wren
Carolina chickadee
Blue-gray gnatcatcher
Brown-headed nuthatch
Wood pewee
Tufted titmouse

Yellow-throated vireo
Hooded warbler
Red-eyed vireo

Hairy woodpecker
Downy woodpecker

Crested flycatcher
Wood thrush
Yellow-billed cuckoo

Black and white warbler

Kentucky warbler
Acadian flycatcher

Number of common species' 2 15 19

Density (pairs per 100 acres) 27 123 IB 233

"A common species is arbitrarily designated as one with a density of 5 pairs per 100 acres or
greater in one or more of the 4 community types.

Fig. 6-2 The general pattern of secondary succession on abandoned farm-

land the southeastern United States. The upper diagram shows four
stages in the life form of the vegetation (grassland, shnibs, pines, hard-
woods) while the bar graph shows changes in passerine bird population that
accompany the changes in autotrophs. A similar pattern will be found in any
area where a forest is climax, but the species of plants and animals that take
patt in the development series will vary according to the climate or topogra-
phy of the area. (Redrawn from D. W. Johnston and E. P. Odum, Ecology,
Vol.37, 1956.)
159 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

the P/R ratio continue to change long after the maximum gross primary
production possible for the site has been achieved. As one evidence for

thiswe may cite the situation in regard to leaves in a terrestrial broad-

leaved succession. Agricultural scientists have repeatedly found that
maximum productivity of broad-leaved crops occurs when the leaf
surface area exposed to the incoming light from above is about 4 or 5
times the surface area of the ground. Any increase in leaves beyond
this leveldoes not increase the photosynthetic rate per square meter,

since increased shading cancels any advantage that might accrue from
increased photosynthetic tissue. In fact, the increased respiration of
may reduce

the extra leaves that do not receive adequate light the net
production of the crop. In a forest the leaf area apparently continues
to increase far beyond that limit experimentally shown to increase
gross production, since leaf area per ground surface is often 10 or

more an old forest. Since forests are among the most successful of
ecosystems with a long geological history of survival, we may well
consider the possibility that the extra leaves have other important func-
tions in the ecosystem in addition to production of food. They undoubt-
edly help moderate temperature and moisture and provide reserves that
are important during periods of climatic stress or insect or disease
Natural selection pressure on species in the community shifts

dramatically as ecological development proceeds toward the steady

state. These trends are summarized in the bottom section of Table 6-1.

Recall from Chapter 5 that r was used to designate the potential

growth rate of a population and K the equilibrium level of population

size. In the early stages of succession species with rapid growth rates

and unused resources are favored. We can say that

ability to exploit
the early serai community
is under strong "r-selection" pressure. In

contrast, capacity to live in a crowded world of limited resources is

favored in the climax. Larger body sizes, which increase storage

capacity, more specialized niches, longer and more complex life cycles,
and more cooperation between species ( mutualism ) are attributes that
become more important than reproductive capacity as the ecosystem
matures. We can say that the community is now under "K-selection"
pressures. If a single species is to survive all the way from pioneer
systems to mature systems, then dramatic changes must occur in its life-

style.As we shall see, this presents a tough challenge to man, when-

ever he faces the necessity of living at a saturation level.
In theory, then, the "strategy" of ecosystem development involves
decreasing entropy, increasing the total information content, and in-
creasing the ecosystem's ability to survive perturbations. Now, let us
see what are the constraints against such trends in the varied environ-
ments of the biosphere.
160 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

ALLOGENIC FORCES While the changes shown in Figures 6-1,

AND THE TLME FACTOR 6-2,and Table 6-1 seem independent of
IN SUCCESSION geographical location or type of ecosystem,
community structure and physical environ-
ment (1) the time required, that is, whether the
strongly affects:
horizontal scale (x axis, Figures 6-1 and 6-2) is measured in weeks,
months, or years; and (2) the relative stability of the climax. In
open-water systems, as in cultures, the community is able to modify

the physical environment to only a small extent. Consequently, suc-
cession in such ecosystems, if it all, is brief, perhaps lasting
occurs at
for only a few weeks. In a marine pond or marine bay, for

example, a brief succession from diatoms to dinoflagellates occurs
each season, or perhaps several times during a season. A climax, if it
can be said to occur, has a limited life span. In a forest ecosystem, to

take the other extreme, a large biomass gradually accumulates and
the community continues to change in a predictable manner over a
long period of time, unless the autogenic processes are interrupted
by severe storms or earthquakes. Terrestrial communities developing
on sites with level topography and stable substrate provide the best
examples of long-term autogenic development, as illustrated in Figure
6-2. The large biological structure that develops in such situations is

able to buffer the physical environment and to change the substrate


and microclimate to a much greater extent than is possible in a marine

situation or a small pond where watershed erosion "pushes," as it
were, the succession in a different direction than would occur in the

absence of external forces. Where climates are severe, as in deserts


or tundras, or steep slopes, as in mountains, autogenic development

is more limited and the climax less stable.

A seabeach is a good place to observe the interplay of autogenic

and allogenic processes. As long as the wave action is gentle and the

sand budget balanced that is, as much sand is deposited on the

average as is removed by tides and waves the winds build up sand

dunes and vegetation develops on them in an orderly sequence some-

thing as follows: beach grasses to hardy forbs to woody shnibs to
trees such as junipers, pines, and oaks. This community development
gradually stabilizes the dunes so that they are resistant to ordinaiy
high tides and occasional storms. However, if the sand budget be-
comes negative, perhaps resulting from a change in off-shore currents
or sand bars (or perhaps because of dredging activities of man), or if
storm action increases, or if the sea level rises slightly, then the beach
may begin to shift landward and the dunes may start to erode despite
the vegetative cover. The dunes then become a source of sand to
"renourish" and maintain the beach strand. Only recently have scien-
tists begun to understand tliis interaction of the geophysical and
161 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

biological forces. In the past building expensive seawalls, groins, or

other artificial barriers be the answer to beach erosion
was thought to
problems. In many cases this has proved not only to be futile, but it
may actually hasten the erosion of the beach because: (1) all the
wave forces are now directed at the beach itself, and (2) the source
of sand from dunes is cut off by the obstructions. A more prudent
procedure is to recognize the natural inherent instability of low-lying
shores and regulate development of man-made structures accordingly.

It follows from what we have outlined that more mature suc-

cessional stages will be more resistant, but by no means immune, to

periodic surges in physical forces. Thus, a one-year drought has a very

great effect on an early stage of succession or it may completely wipe
out a crop of com or wheat, but it will ha\'e much less effect on a

d ra

Fig, 6-3 A pulse-stabilized ecosystem in which twice-daily tides maintain

an approximate steady state with a large net production as characterizes
"youthful" communities. (Georgia salt marshes near Sapelo Island; photo by
the author.
162 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

climax forest or grassland. Only if the drought continued for several

years would the climax begin to show appreciable changes. In the
case of grassland, Dr. J.
E. Weaver and his associates at the Univer-
sity of Nebraska have described in detail the changes in species struc-
ture and density of the stand that occur in a series of dry years; in
general, the mature grassland tends to be set back to a somewhat
earlier successional stage containing more annuals and short-lived
perennials. However, a rapid recovery occurs on the return of a wet

cycle. During the severe droughts of the mid-1930s on the Great
Plains of the United States, healthy, mature grasslands, although
stressed, were able to survive as intact communities and to hold

down the soil, in sharp contrast to the complete biological collapse
and severe wind erosion that occurred on croplands and overgrazed
areas. For more on this see Weaver and Albertson, 1956.

AGING,THE CYCLIC CLIMAX, Even without external perturbations the
AND THE PULSE-STABILIZED climax does not necessarily remain un-
SUBCLIMAX changed forever. Observations in very old
forests suggest that self-destructive bio-
logical changes may be occurring, which, in the individual, we would

call aging. Thus, young trees may not be quite replacing the old ones
may be lagging and the whole
as they die, or regeneration of nutrients
metabolism thus slowing down. There is little data at present, but we

wonder if communities may not suffer gradual aging after reaching


maturity, just as do individual organisms. Storms and disease, of

course, could hasten the aging and death of a climax and the start
of a new cycle of developmental stages. In fact, a cyclic climax may be
a common phenomenon. The California chaparral vegetation mentioned

in Chapter 4 is a good example. This dwarf woodland almost seems

to "program itself" for periodic destruction by fire. As the community

matures, litter and dead wood pile up faster than they can be decom-
posed during the long, dry summers. Antibiotic chemicals produced
by the shrubs also accumulate in the soils and inhibit growth of
ground cover. As the community becomes more and more combustible,
fire sooner or later sweeps through the woodland. Detritus is removed,

antibiotics neutralized, and the shrubs and trees killed back down to
ground level. A successional development then repeats itself as the
woody vegetation resprouts and grows to maturity again. In this way
the aging community becomes youthful again for a while.
So far we have emphasized the destabilizing eflFect of allogenic
physical surges. But acute perturbations can also be stabilizing if they
come in the form of regular pulses that can be utilized by adapted
163 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

species as an extra energy subsidy. In fact, a rhythmic, short-term

perturbation imposed from without (as a forcing function in model
terminology) can maintain an ecosystem in some intermediate point
in the developmental sequence, resulting in, so to speak, a compromise
between youth and maturity. What we called "fluctuating water level
ecosystems" in Chapter 3 are examples. Estuaries, intertidal shores,
rice paddies, and Florida Everglades are held in a highly productive
early serai stage by daily or seasonal fluctuations in water levels to

which the biota are strongly adapted and coupled in terms of life
cycles. These pulse-stabilized subclimaxes ( by "subclimax" we mean a
developmental stage below, or short of, the climax that would develop

in the absence of the purturbation ) are very important components
of the general landscape because the surplus net production that is a
property of young systems passes into and helps nourish neighboring

systems. This is one reason why ecologists are generally united in
recommending that estuaries be preser\'ed and more
or less natural state.
ho utilized in their

We might even say that the fire perturbation in the chaparral is

actually a stabilizing influence over the long term, since a considerable

portion of the flora and fauna would become extinct if the cycle of
periodic rejuvenation were not maintained. Because cycles such as
dune building and erosion, alternate rising and falling of water, or

growth and burning of grasslands or woodlands are inconvenient for

man he has a hard time understanding that such things as tides and

fire are not necessarily forces he should waste previous fuel energy
and money trying to confront. A better idea is to design with the

forces ["design with nature" as McHarg (1969) would express it],

rather than against them. We wonder how much longer society can
afford expensive flood and beach control projects that are for the

convenience of small, special interest groups, especially since so many

projects in the long run increase flood and erosion damage thereby
requiring even more expensive remedial repairs.

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF The principles of ecological ecosystem

ECOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT development are of the greatest impor-
TO ENVIRONMENTAL tance to mankind. Man must have early
MANAGEMENT BY MAN successional stages as a continuous source
and other organic products, since
of food
he must have a large net primary production to harvest; in the climax
community, because production is mostly consumed by respiration
(plant and animal), net community production in an annual cycle
may be zero. On the other hand, the stability of the cHmax and its
164 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

ability to buffer and control physical forces (such as water and tem-
perature) are desirable characteristics from the viewpoint of the
human population. The only way man can have both a productive
and a stable environment is to ensure that a good mixture of early and
mature successional stages are maintained, with interchanges of
energy and materials. Excess food produced in young communities
helps feed older stages that in return supply regenerated nutrients and
help buffer the extreme of weather ( storms, floods, and so on )

In the most stable and productive natural situation there is usu-
ally such a combination of successional stages. For example, in areas
such as the inland sea of Japan or Long Island Sound, the young

communities of plankton feed older, more stable communities on the
rocks and on the bottom (benthic communities). The large biomass
structure and diversity of the benthic communities provide not only

habitat and shelter for life-history stages of pelagic forms but also
regenerated nutrients necessary for continued productivity of the
plankton. A
similar, favorable situation exists in many terrestrial land-
scapes where productive croplands on the plains are intermingled
with diverse forests and orchards on the hills and mountains. The
crop "young nature" in that they are
fields are, ecologically speaking,
maintained as such by the constant labor of the farmer and his
machines. The forests represent older, more diverse, and self-

sustaining communities that have lower rates of net production but

do not require the constant attention of man. It is important that both
types of ecosystems be considered together in proper relation. If the

forests are destroyed merely for the temporary gain in wood produc-

tion, water and soil may wash down from the slopes and reduce the
productivity of the plains. Ruins of civilizations and man-made
deserts in various parts of the world stand as evidence that man has
not been fully aware of his need for protective as well as productive

environments. Mature systems have other values to mankind in addi-

tion to products; they should not be considered as crops in the sense

of wheat or corn. The conservationist speaks of a policy of balancing

contradictory needs as "multiple use," but in the past he has found it
difficult to translate long-term values into monetary units. Conse-

quently, too often the possibilities for immediate economic gain in

harvest overrides what later turns out to be a more important value.
To illustrate these difficulties, let us consider the controversy
over National Forest management policy that received considerable
public attention in the early 1970s. For the most part National Forests
have been managed on a "selective-cut" basis; that is, selected trees,
including a portion of mature trees that are no longer growing, are
removed periodically leaving the stand more or less intact to serve
other uses (recreation,soil and water stabilization, and so on) and
165 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

leaving room for younger trees to grow faster. As the demand for
paper and other wood products became acute there was pressure for
harvesting on a "clear-cut and replant" cycle, since the yield would
then be greater and subsequent rate of net production increased. But
right after the clear-cut the system would be subject to various dis-
orders such as soil erosion and nutrient loss; the cost of taking care
of these problems could cancel out the value of extra wood yield.
Thus, both plans have advantages and disadvantages. A sensible solu-
dilemma would be management according

tion to the to vary the to
the site capability. Where topography is steep and soil thin, or where
the vegetation is botanically unique, or of great scenic beauty, a

selective-cut plan would be best Where topography
in the long run.
is more level, the soil deep and
and the species capable of
rapid regrowth, then a clear-cut procedure could be a desirable

In essence there are only two basic ways to meet the problem
of youth and maturity in the landscape. One would be to maintain
intermediate states as naturally occurs in pulse-stabilized systems,
and the other would be to compartmentalize or "zone" the landscape
so as to have separate areas primarily managed for production and
for protection. Both require that society adopts regional land-use
plans, an idea whose time is coming. We will come back to this in

Chapter 8. For now, we simply conclude that the principles of eco-

system development provide important natural guidelines for deter-
mining options and making decisions as to how to make optimum use

of the total environment.


EVOLUTION As in the case with short-term development,


OF THE ECOSYSTEM as described earlier in this chapter, the

long-term evolution of ecosystems is shaped

by the interaction of allogenic geological and climatic changes and

autogenic processes resulting from the activities of the living compo-
nents of the ecosystem. In a broad sense the "strategy" of long-term
evolutionary development is the same as that of short-term ecological
succession, namely, increased control of, or homeostasis with, the
physical environment in the sense of achieving maximum protection
from its perturbations.
Although we may never know exactly how life began on earth,
the generally accepted theory is that the first living things were tiny
anaerobic (living without free oxygen) heterotrophs that lived on
organic matter synthesized by abiotic processes. The first successional
development, then, may have been more like the hay infusion culture
166 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

model (see page 154) than the autotrophic culture model. The atmos-
phere time of the origin of life 3 billion years ago contained
at the
nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, but little or no
oxygen. It also contained carbon monoxide, chlorine, and hydrogen
sulfide in quantities that would be poisonous to much of present day
life. The composition of the atmosphere in those early days was largely
determined by the gaseous stuflF that comes out of volcanos. The
geologist would speak of this as "atmospheric formation by crustal
outgassing." The earth's early reducing atmosphere ( a term to contrast

with oxygenic atmosphere) may have been similar to that now found
on Venus or Jupiter. Because of the lack of gaseous oxygen there was

no ozone layer, as there is now. Molecular oxygen O2, acted on by
short-wave ultraviolet radiation produces ozone, or O3, which in turn
shields out the deadly radiation. Thus, at first, life could exist only if

shielded by water or other barriers, but strange to say it was the short-
waved radiation that is thought to have created a chemical evolution
leading to complex organic molecules such as amino acids that became
the building blocks of life. This synthesis also provided food for the
first organisms.
For millions of years life apparently remained as only a tiny foot-
hold, limited in habitat and energy source, in a violent physical world.
The big change began with the appearance of the first photosynthetic

algae which were able to make food from simple inorganic substances
and which released gaseous oxygen as a by-product. As the oxygen dif-
fused into the atmosphere, the ozone shield developed and life could

then spread to all parts of the globe, and there followed an almost

explosive evolution of increasingly complex aerobic organisms. The

broad pattern of the evolution of organisms and the oxygenic atmo-
sphere that make the biosphere absolutely unique in our solar system
is shown in Figure 6-4 Over long stretches of time production exceeded

respiration (P/R > 1) so oxygen increased and CO2 decreased. Our

fossil fuels were also formed during periods when P exceeded R by a

wide margin.
Incidentally, I can think of no better way to dramatize man's
dependence on his environment and his need to become a wise cus-
todian of this frail earth than to recount how our atmosphere came
into being, emphasizing, of course, that it was built by microorganisms,
not by men. I think the story of our air should be told to every school-
childand every citizen. It is a fascinating drama of living history with
enough mystery and potential tragedy to intrigue teacher and pupil
alike. It is a subject that lends itself to student participation in learn-
ing since the possibifities for study projects, artwork, plays, and the
167 Ecosystem Development and Evolution

single-celled increase m population

aquatic animal grazers; explosion
anaerobes only fossil fuel formation of man i

organisms: and
origin, evolution rapid evolution
population growth and population growth
of photosynthetic autotrophs higher land plants and animals

in atmosphere

millions of years ago: 2000+ 600 500

Fig. 6-4 The evolution of the biosphere in terms of the oxygenation of the
atmosphere as linked with the evolution of the biota.

like are unlimited. Berkner and Marshall have written both a popular

account ( 1966 ) and a more technical treatise ( 1964 ) that provide good
As was noted Chapter 5, the origin of new species and the
evolution of larger and more complex multicellular organisms is be-
lieved to occur principally through natural selection at the population
level. However, there is increasing evidence that evolution at the com-
munity and ecosystem level is also important. One way this can occur
by reciprocal between interdependent species by the

is selection
process known as coevolution. The best documented cases involve the
coupling of autotrophs and heterotrophs. In Mexico, Janzen (1966)

describes how an ant and a species of Acacia tree have evolved

together to such an extent that neither can survive without the other.

The lichen and the other examples of "mutualism" noted in Chapter

5 provide other possible examples. As one species evolves to take a
selective advantage of the association, the other species comes under

selective pressure to strengthen the interdependence. We can see how

a genetic feedback process of this sort could shape the evolution of a

whole ecosystem.
Another possibility is what is known as group selection, or natural
selection between groups of organisms that are not closely linked by
mutualistic associations. Group selection leads theoretically to the
maintenance of traits favorable to the community as a whole even
though selectively disadvantageous to the genetic carriers within the
populations; the common good wins out over the individual good, so
to speak. Conversely, group selection may eUminate traits unfavorable
at the group level even though favorable at the species level. Group
selection, while appealing to the ecologist, is a highly controversial
subject among geneticists, so we had best leave it for more study.
168 Ecosystem Development and Evolution


References cited

Berkner and Marshall. See citations. Chapter 4.

Beyers, Robert 1964. The microcosm approach to ecosystem biology.

Amer. Biol. Teacher. 26:491-498.
Cooke, G. Dennis. 1967. The pattern of autotrophic succession in laboratory
microecosystems. Bio-Sci. 17:717-721.

Janzen, D. H. 1966. Coevolution of mutualism between ants and acacias in
Central America. Evol. 20:249-275.

Johnston, D. W. and E. P. Odum. 19.56. Breeding bird populations in rela-
tion to plant succession on the Piedmont of Georgia. Ecol. 37:50-62.
Kira, T.and T. Shidei. 1967. Primary production and turnover of organic
matter in different forest ecosystems of the western Pacific. Jap. Jour.

Ecol. 17:70-87.
McHarg, Ian L. 1969. Design with Nature. Garden City,
ho New York: Natural
History Press.
Odum, Eugene P. 1969. The strategy of ecosystem development. Science.
Weaver, J. E. and Alhert.son, F. W. Grasslands of the Great Plains; Their
Nature and Use. Johnsen Publ. Co. Lincoln, Nebraska.

Ecosystem development (ecological succession)


Clements, F. E. and V. E. Shelford. 1939. Bioecology. New York: John

Wiley & Sons. (Parallel succession of plants and animals is a major

theme of this book.)


Dolan, Robert; Paul J. Godfrey; and William E. Odum. 1973. Man's impact
on the Barrier Islands of North Carolina. Amer. Sci. 61(2) 152-162. :

(Interesting, beautifully illustrated account of autogenic and allogenic

impacts on beaches.)

Drury, W.H. and I. C. T. Nisbet. 1973. Succession. Jotir. Arnold Arboretum.

54: 331-368 (Authors review population-level and community-level

theories and opt for the former.

Margalef, Ramon. 1968. Perspectives in Ecological Theory. Chapter 2.

Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press. (See also his longer paper on suc-
cession in: Advanced Frontiers of Plant Science. Inst. Adv. Sci. and
Culture, New Delhi, India. 2:137-374.)
Odum, Eugene P. 1969. The Stiategy of Ecosystem Development. Science.
1971. Fundamentals of Ecology, 3rd ed. Chapter 9. Philadelphia:
Olson, J.
S. 1958. Rates of succession and soil changes on southern Lake
Michigan sand dunes. Bot. Gazette. 119:125-170. (Reexamination of
succession on sand dunes as first described by Cowles in 1899.)
Whittaker, Robert H. 1970. Communities and ecosystems. New York:

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