CMapplication 刪除頁面
CMapplication 刪除頁面
CMapplication 刪除頁面
大廈 Building
街道 Road/Street
辦公室地址 香港 HK 九龍 KLN 新界
Office Address 區域 District
國家 / 地區 Country / Region:
中國香港 Hong Kong, China 中國 China ( _________ 省 Province_________市 City )
其他 (請說明) Others (please specify): _________________________________________________
國家/地區編號 地區編號
Office Telephone No. (Please fill Country/Region Code Area Code
in the country/region code for [_________________] - [ ____________ ] - [__________________ ]
those registered overseas)
Monthly Salary Other Monthly Income (HK$)
(e.g. bonus, commission, housing
allowance, rental income etc.)
PFD003A_HC (2020-11 版本) 2
C. 債務資料 Debts Information
債務負擔包括以個人或與他人以聯名名義作為借款人或擔保人︰(1) 於其他貸款機構之現有貸款;及(2) 於中銀香港及/或其他貸款機構之已申請、正
在申請及/或將會在短期內申請的任何貸款,包括但不限於按揭貸款、私人貸款、稅務貸款、循環貸款、透支、信用卡分期貸款及汽車貸款 /汽車租
Liabilities include whether in the sole name of the individual or in joint name with others as borrower(s) or guarantor(s): ( 1) all
existing loans maintained in other lending institutions; and (2) any loan applied for, being applied for and/or to be shortly applied
for with the Bank and/or any other lending institutions, including but not limited to mortgage loan, personal loan, tax loan,
revolving loan, overdraft, loan-on-card and car loan/hire purchase and leasing etc., but excluding new and/or amended facility(ies)
applied for under this Application Form.
[Special Note: non-disclosure of liabilities without reasonable explanation could lead to refusal of this application. ]
(1) 本申請的借款人或擔保人是否在本港及外地有其他需承擔的物業抵押(包括但不限於按揭貸款、循環貸款及透支等)欠款及/或或然負債的債項;
Do the Borrower(s) and/or the Guarantor(s) of this application have any outstanding indebtedness and/or contingent liabilities
that they are liable in and outside of Hong Kong secured by other property(ies) (including but not limited to mortgage loan,
revolving loan and overdraft etc.); and/or provide guarantee to credit facility(ies) granted to any operating company(ies) and
the purpose of such credit facility(ies) or the major business nature of such operating company(ies) is property investment or
是Yes (請填寫以下部份 Please complete the following section)
類別 Type 於其他貸款機構之現有貸款 於中銀香港及/或其他貸款機構之已申請、正在申請及/或將會在短
(筆數) 期內申請 (筆數)
All existing loans maintained in Any loan applied for, being applied for and/or to be shortly applied
other lending institutions (count) for with the Bank and / or any other lending institutions (count)
Residential Property(ies) (including
Village House, Public Housing that
already paid the premium etc.)
Public Housing that not yet Paid
the Premium (including HOS, TPS,
GSH etc.)
工商物業 / 舖位 / 車位
Industrial / Commercial Property /
Shop / Car Park
Please provide the related loan repayment schedule, loan agreement, offer letter etc. of the above debts. If not available, please fill
in the related Facility Limit / Outstanding Loan Amount, Remaining Terms, Interest Rate etc.
(2) 本申請的借款人或擔保人是否在本港及外地有其他需承擔的非物業抵押欠款及/或或然負債的債項?
Do the Borrower(s) and / or the Guarantor(s) of this application have any outstanding indebtedness and / or contingent
liabilities that they are liable in and outside Hong Kong not secured by property(ies)?
是 Yes (請填寫以下部份 Please complete the following section)
類別 Type 於其他貸款機構之現有貸款 於中銀香港及/或其他貸款機構之已申請、正在申請及/或將會在短期內
(筆數) 申請 (筆數)
All existing loans maintained in Any loan applied for, being applied for and/or to be shortly applied for
other lending institutions (count) with the Bank and / or any other lending institutions (count)
Unsecured Debts (including but
not limited to personal loan, tax
loan, revolving loan, overdraft,
loan-on-card etc.)
Debts Pledged by Securities
other than Properties (including
but not limited to Deposits, Stocks,
Bonds car loan/hire purchase
and leasing etc.)
Please provide the related loan repayment schedule, loan agreement, offer letter etc. of the above debts. If not available, please fill
in the related Facility Limit / Outstanding Loan Amount, Remaining Terms, Interest Rate etc.
大廈 / 屋苑 Building / Estate
Permanent Address 街道 Road / Street
區域 District 香港 HK 九龍 KLN 新界 NT
國家 / 地區 Country / Region:
中國香港 Hong Kong, China 中國 China ( _________ 省 Province_________市 City )
其他 (請說明) Others (please specify): _________________________________________________
私人樓宇 Private Housing
現居類型 宿舍 Quarters
居屋 Home Ownership Scheme
Type of Residence 其他 Others ________________
公共房屋 Public Housing
自置 (無抵押) Self-owned (No Mortgage)
已按揭 Mortgaged
現居所有權 由親屬提供 Provided by Family Members
Ownership of Residence 由僱主提供(免租)Provided by Employer (Rent Free)
租用,每月租金支出 Rented, Monthly Rent, HK$______________
其他(請說明)Others (please specify): __________________________________________
年(Y) 月(M)
Start Date of Current Residence
電話號碼(非香港地區請註明 住宅 Home 手提 Mobile
國家/地區編號)^ 國家/地區編號 地區編號 國家/地區編號 地區編號
Telephone No. (Please fill in the Country/ Country/
country/region code for those Region Code Area Code Region Code Area Code
registered overseas) [__________] - [ _________ ] - [_______________ ] [__________] - [ _________ ] - [_______________ ]
Email Address^
將被出售 To be sold
將供父母或親屬居住,請註明與該親屬之關係 To be occupied by parents or relative, please state
relationship with the relative: ___________________________________
對現居物業之安排 退回僱主 To be surrendered to employer
Arrangement For Current 繼續居住 Continue to occupy
將終止有關租約 Termination of the tenancy agreement
繼續租用 Continue to rent
其他(請說明) Others( please specify):_________________________________________________
大廈 Building
街道 Road/Street
辦公室地址 香港 HK 九龍 KLN 新界
Office Address 區域 District
國家 / 地區 Country / Region:
中國香港 Hong Kong, China 中國 China ( _________ 省 Province_________市 City )
其他 (請說明) Others (please specify): _________________________________________________
國家/地區編號 地區編號
Office Telephone No. (Please fill Country/Region Code Area Code
in the country/region code for [_________________] - [ ____________ ] - [__________________ ]
those registered overseas)
Other Monthly Income (HK$)
Monthly Salary
(e.g. bonus, commission, housing
allowance, rental income etc.)
(2) 本申請的借款人或擔保人是否在本港及外地有其他需承擔的非物業抵押欠款及/或或然負債的債項?
Do the Borrower(s) and / or the Guarantor(s) of this application have any outstanding indebtedness and / or contingent
liabilities that they are liable in and outside Hong Kong not secured by property(ies)?
是 Yes (請填寫以下部份 Please complete the following section)
類別 Type 於其他貸款機構之現有貸款 於中銀香港及/或其他貸款機構之已申請、正在申請及/或將會在短期內
(筆數) 申請 (筆數)
All existing loans maintained in Any loan applied for, being applied for and/or to be shortly applied for
other lending institutions (count) with the Bank and / or any other lending institutions (count)
Unsecured Debts (including but
not limited to personal loan, tax
loan, revolving loan, overdraft,
loan-on-card etc.)
Debts Pledged by Securities
other than Properties (including
but not limited to Deposits, Stocks,
Bonds car loan/hire purchase
and leasing etc.)
Please provide the related loan repayment schedule, loan agreement, offer letter etc. of the above debts. If not available, please fill
in the related Facility Limit / Outstanding Loan Amount, Remaining Terms, Interest Rate etc.
借款人及 / 或擔保人是否以其資產值申請此按揭貸款?
Do the Borrower(s) and/or Guarantor(s) applying for the subject mortgage loan based on their assets value?
是 (請填寫下列各欄) Yes (please complete the following sections)
無抵押物業 地址 Address
Unencumbered 證明資產值)
Financial Assets
Include deposit, stocks, bonds, insurance policy with cash value, open-end fund, structured notes,
guaranteed fund etc.
(Please provide the relevant document to prove the assets )
無抵押 的士/小巴車牌
請提供車輛登記文件 (牌簿)
Unencumbered Licence(s)
Please provide the vehicle registration document
of taxi and mini-bus
另附 _____ 頁(適用於多項抵押物業) _____ sheet(s) attached(applicable for more than one mortgaged property)
私人住宅 (包括村屋、已補地價公營房屋)
Residential Property (including Village House, Public Housing with premium paid)
物業類型 未補地價公營房屋(居屋、租置、住宅發售計劃、夾屋等)
Property Type Public Housing without premium paid (including HOS, TPS, Flat-for-Sale Scheme, Sandwich Class
Housing Scheme etc.)
工商物業 / 舖位 / 車位 Industrial / Commercial Property / Shop / Car Park
Building / Estate
Road / Street No.
Property Address in English
香港 HK 九龍 KLN 新界 NT
區域 District
中國 China ( _________ 省 Province_________市 City )
車位(如有) 號碼 No 樓層 Level/Floor
Car Park (if applicable)
[只適用於村屋物業] 量丈約 (DD No.) 地段 (Lot No.)
[For village house only ]
Purchase Price
Date of Provisional S & P _____年(Y) ____ 月(M) ___日(D) _____年(Y) ____ 月(M) ___日(D)
Expected Drawdown Date
已出租(請附上最新租約副本) Rented Out (please provide a copy of the latest Tenancy Agreement)
Is the down payment paid by the Borrower(s)’s personal unsecured loan / credit facility(ies) drawn at the
Bank and/or BOC Credit Card (International) Limited?
否 No 是 Yes
首期是否由第三者送贈? Is the down payment is a gift from third party?
否 No 是,首期由第三者送贈 (請填寫此部份) Yes, down payment is a gift from third party (please fill
in this section)
由第三者送贈首期金額,請註明: A gift from third party, please state :
I/We confirm the aforesaid amount is given by the Donor to me/us by way of g ift and the Donor has
confirmed that he/she/they/it relinquish(es) any of his/her/their/its rights of and in the said property which
may arise from his/her/their/its present or future money gift (if any) to me/us.
經由銀行安排 Bank-arrangement
保險公司 Insurance Company: 中銀集團保險有限公司 (「中銀集團保險」)
Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited (“BOCG Insurance”)
注意: 新申請的中銀集團保險火險保單將會在此按揭貸款被提取時發出並生效,相關的保險費將從按揭還款戶口
Note: The new BOCG Insurance fire insurance policy will only be issued and take effect conditional upon
the drawdown of the mortgage loan. The insurance premium will be debited from the mortgage
repayment account. If the mortgage loan is not drawdo wn, the fire insurance application will not
be processed.
經由客戶自行安排 Self-arrangement 保險公司 Insurance Company: _____________________________
(須於提取貸款之前或保單到期 15 天前,提交一份有效保單/已辦續期的正本保單、保費收據。)
(Please submit a valid insurance policy certificati on or receipt, prior to drawdown date or 15 days before
expiry of the relevant insurance policy.)
注意 Note:
保額 如是次申請涉及結清銀行現有按揭貸款,銀行會為申請人(等)取消現有的火險保單及安排投保新的
Insured 火險保單。
For application of mortgage further advance, the Applicant(s) shall fill in the insured a mount
of the mortgaged property. The Bank will adjust the insured amount based on the above
new instruction.
If the application involves full repayment of the existing mortgage loan, the Bank will cancel
the existing fire insurance policy and issue a new fire insurance policy for the Applicant (s).
If Applicant (s) select the option of Designated Amount, the insured amount will be subject
to the Bank’s consent. In the event of any claim under the insurance policy and the
protection thereunder is not sufficient to cover the loss or damage to the property(ies), the
Applicant (s) shall bear such shortfall.
銀行專用 For Bank Use Only
轉按 Refinancing
轉按連加按 Refinancing and Top-up
Type of Loans
現契加按(物業現時沒有按揭)Top-up mortgage-free property
Loan Amount
貸款用途 支付樓款/清還現有按揭貸款 Payment of the balance of the purchase price of the Property / Full
(可選多項,只適用於分期類 payment of the existing mortgage loan
清還二按貸款 Full payment of the existing 2 nd mortgage
Loan Purpose(s)
(may select multiple 透支 Overdraft Facility
option(s) for instalment loan
applications) 其他(請說明)Others (please specify): ____________________________________________________
Repayment Period ________年 Years / _______期 Terms
月供 Monthly
還款安排 還款週期
[指定供款日 Designated Instalment Payment Day _____ (如適用 if applicable) ]
(只適用於分期貸款類別) Repayment Cycle
Repayment Arrangement 雙週 Bi-weekly
(Only applicable to
installation loan applications) 固定貸款年期 Fixed Loan Tenor
還款方法 固定供款金額 Fixed Instalment Amount HK$ / CNY_____________
Repayment Method
(最長年期 Maximum Period : ________年 Years / ________期 Terms)
第一法律押記 First Legal Charge (FLC) 衡平法按揭(樓花) Equitable Mortgage (EM)
Type of Mortgage
所有款項按揭契 All Moneys Mortgage Deed
之貸款申請) 固定金額按揭契 Fixed Amount Mortgage Deed
Type of Deed
(Applicable for non-government 一般銀行授信 General Banking Facilities
subsidised loan application only)
擔保契約 (適用於全部擔保人)
Deed of Guarantee 有限額擔保 Guarantee with limited liability: HK$ / CNY ___________________________________
(applicable to all guarantor(s))
無限額擔保 Guarantee with unlimited liability
⚫ 本計劃只適用於新做、轉按及加按住宅物業按揭貸款的客戶,合資格客戶可享優惠選擇1(免首6個月保費)或選擇2(首年保費5折)及續保保費85折優惠。
The plan is only applicable to new residential mortgage loan customers (new purchase, refinancing and further advance services), the eligible
customers can enjoy offer Option 1 (first 6 months premium waiver) or Option 2 (50% premium off on the first year) and 15% off on renewal premium.
Please refer to the Proposal Form of“ Premier Home Comprehensive Insurance” Mortgage Customer Plan for details.
本人 (等) 同意投保「周全家居綜合險」按揭客戶計劃,並同意中銀集團保險保留一切接納投保與否之權利。
I/We agree to apply “Premier Home Comprehensive Insurance” Mortgage Customer Plan and agree BOCG Insurance reserves the right to accept or
decline my application.
註: 合資格客戶必須遞交「周全家居綜合險」按揭客戶計劃投保書,及填妥投保書內的信用卡付款授權書或銀行的直接付款授權書,並以中銀集團保險正式
Note: The eligible customers require to submit the “Premier Home Comprehensive Insurance” Mortgage Customer Plan Proposal Form and complete the
Credit Card Authorization Form or the Direct Debit Authorization Form enclosed in the Proposal Form, and subject to acceptance of the application
by BOCG Insurance.
⚫ 本計劃由中銀集團保險有限公司(「中銀集團保險」)承保。
The plan is underwritten by Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited (“BOCG Insurance”).
⚫ 中國銀行(香港)有限公司(「中銀香港」)以中銀集團保險之委任的保險代理身份分銷本計劃,本計劃為中銀集團保險之產品,而非中銀香港之產品。
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (“BOCHK”) is an appointed insurance agent of BOCG Insurance for distribution of this Plan. This Plan is a product
of BOCG Insurance but not BOCHK.
⚫ 對於中銀香港與客戶之間因銷售過程或處理有關交易而產生的合資格爭議(定義見金融糾紛調解計劃的金融糾紛調解中心職權範圍),中銀香港須與客戶
In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute
Resolution Scheme) arising between BOCHK and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, BOCHK is required
to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however any dispute over the contractual terms of this Plan should be
resolved between directly BOCG Insurance and the customer.
本人 (等) 欲了解下列保障計劃,請代安排預約介紹計劃詳情。
I/We would like to understand more details of the following insurance plan(s). Please arrange a separate appointment for me/us to further
discuss with the Bank in respect of such insurance plan(s).
按揭壽險計劃 Mortgage Life Insurance Plan 中銀家全保醫療計劃 BOC Family Medical Insurance Plan
致 To: 中銀信用卡(國際) 有限公司 (「貴公司」) BOC Credit Card (International) Limited (the “Company”)
I/We hereby authorize Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited to su bmit and forward this card application to the Company and to disclose any
information to the Company regarding my/our account(s) with Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited for the purpose of processing a nd
verifying this card application.
申請人 Applicant 1
信用卡迎新禮品代碼 客戶需逹至指定簽賬要求後,方可獲得迎新禮品(如有),詳情請參閱有關推廣期內之宣傳單張。如客戶沒有選擇禮
Welcome Gift Code Customer has to meet the designated spending requirements in order to get the welcome gift (if applicable),
please refer to the relevant promotional materials for details. If welcome gift is not specified, BOC Credit Card
(International) Limited (the “Company”) will choose the gift on behalf of the applicants. Interest Free Cash
Instalment is not applicable as welcome gift.
2) 「櫃員機螢幕」指示 If you have registered for Internet Banking Services of Bank of China (Hong Kong) or Online Services of the
Company, you will receive e-Statements of the credit card(s) approved under this application by default but
ATM Screen Language
not paper statements. You may change the statement setting online anytime. Please note that e -Statement
will be provided to you pursuant to the “Terms and Conditions for Online Services of BOC Credit Card
3) 領卡方法 Card Collection (International) Limited”. You may refer to and read the said Terms and Conditions at the website of BOC
(請參考附奉之宣傳單張) Credit Card ( By activating or using the approved BOC Credit Card, you are deemed to
(Please refer to attached have accepted the said Terms and Conditions and agreed to be bound by them.
leaflet) 中文 Chinese 1 英文 English 2
分行編號 Branch code ________________
I request the Company to set up the parameters for my main credit card(s) approved as a result of this application to
decline over-the-limit transaction whenever it occurs so as to avoid any charge for Overlimit Handling Fee.
Set-up opt-out of “Over-the-limit
如 閣下欲為其他中銀信用卡設置拒納超越信用限額交易功能,請另行辦理。If you wish to set-up opt-out of Over-
Facility” function
the-limit Facility function for other BOC credit card account(s), please do so separately for each account.
有關詳情請參閱隨附之拒納「超越信用限額」功能之條款及細則。To find out more about the service terms for
opting out of the “Over-the-limit Facility” function, please refer to the enclosed Terms and Conditions.
申請人 Applicant 2
信用卡迎新禮品代碼 客戶需逹至指定簽賬要求後,方可獲得迎新禮品(如有),詳情請參閱有關推廣期內之宣傳單張。如客戶沒有選擇禮
Welcome Gift Code Customer has to meet the designated spending requirements in order to get the welcome gift (if applicable),
please refer to the relevant promotional materials for details. If welcome gift is not specified, BOC Credit
Card (International) Limited (the “Company”) will choose the gift on behalf of the applicants. Interest Free
Cash Instalment is not applicable as welcome gift.
其他指示 Other Instruction Please set up my Correspondence Address using:
1) 「通訊地址/月結單」設定 住宅 Residential Address 公司 Company Address
Settings of 如 閣下已經登記中國銀行(香港)的網上銀行服務或貴公司的網上服務, 閣下是次成功申請的信用卡將被預設為收取
Correspondence Address / 電子月結單,而非郵寄月結單。 閣下可隨時於網上更改月結單設定。卡公司將按照「中銀信用卡(國際)有限公司網
Statements 上服務條款及細則」向 閣下提供電子月結單。 閣下可瀏覽中銀信用卡網頁 並閱讀有關條款及
細則。當 閣下確認或使用獲批核的信用卡, 閣下將被視為已清楚明白及接受有關條款及細則的約束。
2) 「櫃員機螢幕」指示 If you have registered for Internet Banking Services of Bank of China (Hong Kong) or Online Services of the
Company, you will receive e-Statements of the credit card(s) approved under this application by default but
ATM Screen Language
not paper statements. You may change the statement setting online an ytime. Please note that e-Statement
will be provided to you pursuant to the “Terms and Conditions for Online Services of BOC Credit Card
3) 領卡方法 Card Collection (International) Limited”. You may refer to and read the said Terms and Conditions at the website of BOC
(請參考附奉之宣傳單張) Credit Card ( By activating or using the approved BOC Credit Card, you are deemed to
(Please refer to attached have accepted the said Terms and Conditions and agreed to be bound by them.
leaflet) 中文 Chinese 1 英文 English 2
分行編號 Branch code ________________
I request the Company to set up the parameters for my main credit card(s) approved as a result of this application to
decline over-the-limit transaction whenever it occurs so as to avoid any charge for Overlimit Handling Fee.
Set-up opt-out of “Over-the-limit
如 閣下欲為其他中銀信用卡設置拒納超越信用限額交易功能,請另行辦理。If you wish to set-up opt-out of Over-
Facility” function
the-limit Facility function for other BOC credit card account(s), please do so separately for each account.
有關詳情請參閱隨附之拒納「超越信用限額」功能之條款及細則。To find out more about the service terms for
opting out of the “Over-the-limit Facility” function, please refer to the enclosed Terms and Conditions.
長/從事貸款審批的僱員/控權人(指單獨或連同其他相聯控權人持股 5%或以上),或中銀香港附屬公司、聯屬公司以及中銀香港能對其行使控制的
Are the Borrower(s) one of the following persons or their relatives: director / supervisor / chief executive / senior managem ent and key staff
/ chairman of committee / head of department / head of branch / lending officer / controller (holdings 5% or more shareholding alone or
together with associates who are controllers) of BOCHK or Bank of China Ltd. (including their subsidiaries and branches) or B OCHK’s
subsidiaries, affiliates and other entities over which BOCHK is able to exert control or controller / minority shareholder controller / dir ector /
senior management and key staff of such subsidiaries, affiliates and other entities or being any firm, partnership or non -listed company
which any of the aforesaid persons or their relatives is / are able to control? Would any of the Borrower(s)’ directors, part ners, managers or
agents be BOCHK or any of its controllers or minority shareholder controllers or directors or their relatives? Would any of the
Borrower(s)’ guarantors be any controller, minority shareholder controller or director of BOCHK or their relatives?
No, I/We confirm that, at present, there is no such relationship. I/We agree to notify the Bank p romptly in writing if there is such
是 ( 如是,請於適當空格內填上「」號,可選多於一格)
Yes (If yes, please tick () in the appropriate box(es). You may tick () more than one box.)
控權人(指單獨或連同其他相聯控權人持股 5%或以上),或中銀香港附屬公司、聯屬公司以及中銀香港能對其行使控制的其他實體及其控權人
(如屬附屬公司,請註明有關附屬公司的名稱: ________________________________________________________________)
The Borrower(s) is/are one of the following persons or their relatives: a director / supervisor / chief executive / senior ma nagement
and key staff / chairman of committee / head of department / head of branch / lending officer / co ntroller (holdings 5% or more
shareholding alone or together with associates who are controllers) of BOCHK or BOCHK’s subsidiaries, affiliates and other en tities
over which BOCHK is able to exert control or controller / minority shareholder controller / di rector / senior management and key
staff of such subsidiaries, affiliates and other entities or being any firm, partnership or non -listed company which any of the
aforesaid persons or their relatives is/are able to control; or the Borrower’s directors, par tners, managers, or agents is/are BOCHK
or any of its controllers or minority shareholder controllers or directors or their relatives.
(In case of a subsidiary, please indicate the name of the relevant subsidiary:
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ )
The Borrower(s)’ guarantor(s) is/are controller, minority shareholder controller or director of BOCHK or their relative(s).
借款人是中國銀行股份有限公司或其附屬公司及分行(惟「中國銀行(香港)有限公司及其附屬公司」除外) 的董事/監事/總裁/高級管理層及
主要職員/委員會主席/部門主管/分行行長/從事貸款審批的僱員/控權人(指單獨或連同其他相聯控權人持股 5%或以上),以及上述人士
(如屬附屬公司/分行,請註明有關附屬公司的名稱/分行的所在地: ________________________________________________)
The Borrower(s) is/are one of the following persons or their relatives: a director / supervisor / chief executive / senior management
and key staff / chairman of committee / head of department / head of branch / lending officer / controller (holdings 5% or mo re
shareholding alone or together with associates who are controllers) of Bank of China Ltd. (including their subsidiaries and
branches, except for Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ltd. or its subsidiaries)
(In case of a subsidiary / branch, please indicate the name of the relevant subsidiary / location of the relevant branch:
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ )
如上述一項 “是”,請在下列詳述 If the above answer is “Yes”, please fill in the following(s) :
不是經由第三方轉介(例如︰地產代理、按揭轉介公司、財務機構等) Not referred by a third party (e.g. real estate agency, mortgage
referral company, financial institution etc.)
電話號碼 Telephone No. 商業登記號碼 Business registration No. 牌照號碼 License No.
* 如上述第三方有就轉介本貸款申請而向或將會向本人收取費用,本人需另行以書面向銀行提交第三方向或將會向本人收取費用之金額及其他相關資
料,銀行亦有絕對酌情權決定是否接納本人的貸款申請。If the aforesaid third party charged or will charge me/us with respect to the refe rral of
this loan application, I/We have to submit the amount of fees charged or to be charged by the third party and such other rele vant information
in writing to the Bank and the Bank has the absolute discretion to accept or reject my/our loan applicatio n.
K. 申請人(包括所有借款人、抵押人和擔保人)聲明
Declaration of the Applicants (including all Borrower(s), Mortgagor(s) and Guarantor(s))
The Applicant(s) hereby apply(ies) to the Bank for the loan particularized in this application to be granted to the Borrower(s) and secured by
a legal mortgage/equitable mortgage over the property(ies) specified in section E (the “Mortgaged Property”). Regarding such loan and any
other matters mentioned in this application form (including its attachment(s)) (“Application Form”), each of the Applicants hereby agrees,
declares, confirms and acknowledges the following (where applicable):
申請人(等)現向銀行申請本申請書所述給予借款人的貸款。有關貸款以現樓/樓花按揭將詳列於 E 部的物業(「抵押物業」)作為抵押。就該貸款及在本
申請書 (包括其附頁) (「申請書」)提及的任何其他事宜,各申請人謹此同意、宣佈、證實及承認下述各項(若適用)︰
1) I/We confirm that the information set out in this Application Form or supplied or to be supplied to the Bank and/or its agent s (the “related
bodies”) is true, correct, updated and complete and authorize the Bank and/or the related bodies to make such enquires as the Bank
and/or the related bodies consider necessary to verify such information and for credit assessment purpose directl y with or through any
credit reference agency or from any source as the Bank and/or the related bodies may think fit. In relation to the informatio n relating to
the Mortgagor(s) and the Guarantor(s), I/we confirm and warrant before providing the aforesaid information to the Bank and/or the
related bodies, I/we have obtained prior consent of the Mortgagor(s) and Guarantor(s) therefor. In case I amend any information alrea dy
provided by the other Applicant under this Application Form (where the Applicant is more than one person), I confirm and warrant that I
am duly authorized by the other Applicant to amend or provide such information. I/we have also used my/our best efforts to verify that
such information is true, correct, updated and c omplete. I/We agree to be held liable for all consequences arising from the use of any
incorrect or misleading information or any improper collection of such information.
2) I/We agree that the granting of any loan by the Bank to the Borrower(s) shall be conditional upon that all statements and
information provided by me/us in this Application Form or supplied or to be supplied to the Bank and/or the r elated bodies are
true, correct, updated and complete. If any part of the statement and information provided by me/us is found to be false,
incorrect, misleading or incomplete or there is any non -compliance of any terms herein, misrepresentation, mis -statements,
breach of warranty or undertaking on my/our part herein, the Bank may, at its sole discretion, refuse to grant or withdraw th e
loan or any part thereof, and each of the Applicants shall forthwith repay the Bank immediately on demand the loan (if an y) and
indemnify the Bank and/or the related bodies from and against all costs, liabilities (actual or contingent) and incidental
expenses in reasonable amounts and reasonably incurred by the Bank and/or the related bodies in connection with this
application, without prejudice to all other rights, powers and remedies available to the Bank and/or the related bodies. I/We
understand that I/we may incur civil and/or criminal liability by making intentional or negligent misrepresentation(s) and/or
providing fraudulent information in this application or omitting to provide relevant information including without limitation
usage of the Mortgaged Property and my/our financial information (including without limitation information relating to my/our
liabilities). Each of the Applicants shall keep the Bank informed of any change of facts or circumstances which may render any
information, statements, representations and/or particulars given hereunder, incorrect or untrue before the drawdown and each
of the Applicants understands the non-disclosure of any facts on the change of circumstances hereunder may amount to
making intentional or negligent misrepresentation(s) and/or providing fraudulent information or omitting to provide relevant
information as above-mentioned.
3) I/We authorise and request the Bank to amend the Bank’s record concerning me/us according to the information supplied by me/us in
this Application Form and marked with the “@”sign if there is any discrepancy between those information and the record kept by the
Bank, the Bank’s record will be amended according to the information in this Application Form accordingly upon drawdown and I/we
acknowledge that in case the discrepancy relates to the residential/correspondence address, I/ we am/are required to submit to the Bank
a duly signed contact information amendment form before the Bank shall amend its record concerning the residential/correspondence
註 : 請於簽名的下方空白位置寫上姓名正楷
Note: please write down your name in BLOCK LETTER under your signature
日期 Date: