Keywords: Solar mirrors for concentrated solar power (CSP) plants are expected to last at least 30 years. As this delay is far
Solar mirrors too long to obtain useful information regarding in-service degradation, accelerated approaches to weathering
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) testing are performed by manufacturers and research laboratories in order to quickly assess the lifetime of
Ageing test commercial or new technologies. However, most published studies that have been performed in the CSP field are
Acceleration factor
based on phenomenological approaches. The characterization of the degradation, which mostly considers re-
flectance loss, has rarely been linked to physical or chemical processes that are responsible for the degradation of
Lifetime prediction
properties. Furthermore, the general laws that can be established from these data to establish material behaviour
are empirical.
Ageing tests have been used for many years in other fields, particularly in the domain of polymeric materials.
The impacts on the material properties of stress factors such as temperature, irradiation and humidity have been
extensively studied, and models have been proposed for different kinds of materials, even though most are based
on empirical observations. One of the goals of this article is to determine how these models could be applied to
the weathering of solar mirrors, and as such, the goal of this paper is to provide a critical review of the various
models that are most used and accepted by the scientific community. All of these models include material-
dependent parameters, and the values that have been determined in these studies are reported here to list their
order of magnitude.
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (O. Raccurt), [email protected] (J.-L. Gardette).
Received 9 April 2018; Received in revised form 7 June 2018; Accepted 12 June 2018
0927-0248/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C. Avenel et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 186 (2018) 29–41
Fig. 2. Structures of (left to right) monolithic glass [11], laminated glass, aluminium [33] and polymer mirrors [34] with a magnitude order of layer thicknesses.
consequence but also in order to reduce costs, manufacturers have establishing models to predict the lifetime and the performance evo-
developed new coatings [24], new designs [25] and new technologies lution of the product under normal use [34].
(or have updated the old ones), aiming to make the devices lighter and The goal of any accelerated weathering test is to increase the rate of
easier to shape. These adaptations include aluminium [26–29], polymer degradation of material properties. Methodologies must be developed
[30–32] and glass laminated mirrors, and their efficiency and durability in order to assess the fate and the lifetime of new mirror technologies.
over the course of 30 years has not yet been proven. As stated above, this kind of methodology already exists in other do-
The back side of monolithic mirrors is protected by a paint system. mains, with general methods developed by statisticians [34–36] or
The binder of such paints is a polymer or a mix of polymers, holding methods applied in research fields such as those of polymers, paints and
together other elements such as inorganic fillers and pigments, which coatings [37–39] or microelectronic fields [40,41], even for other solar
provide desired protective properties such as anti-UV, oxygen and technologies [42,43]. All of these domains have a technological ma-
water barriers [33]. Laminated mirrors contain a polyvinyl butyral turity that is greater than that of CSP, and many of durability studies
(PVB) layer to affix the two glass parts together. Polymer mirrors, as have already been performed [44–46]. This could help in establishing
their name suggests, have a polymer top layer and often a polymer novel procedures that could be applied to the specific case of mirrors. In
substrate. Only aluminium mirrors do not contain polymers. In this particular, the experience gained in the domain of polymers is a sub-
regard, it seems relevant to base the study of mirror lifetime on the stantial asset, which has proven that an appropriate combination of
methodologies and models developed in the polymer field. testing conditions and set of methods assessing weather-induced
On the other hand, all solar technologies are confronted with more changes allows for a better understanding of property changes.
or less similar environmental conditions, and so it is also relevant to A general methodology for evaluating durability and lifetime can be
base this review on solar fields such as photovoltaic and solar thermal explained in the 4 steps described below [34,43]:
technologies. Define a performance requirement and a way to monitor the func-
tional properties that are associated with the performance.
Identify environmental conditions to define the main stress factors
1.2. Methodology for service life prediction
that are responsible for the loss of properties and measure their level in
a representative location. This allows establishing a hierarchy of the
Reliable methodologies are required to provide quantitative lifetime
stress factors that considers a probability of occurrence at the applica-
durability projections that support correct design decisions at the ear-
tion site. Meteorological data from sites all over the world are mon-
liest phases of product development. Relevant data should be obtained
itored, in particular in the framework of weather prediction and can be
in shortened times, and one could expect that this would allow for
C. Avenel et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 186 (2018) 29–41
C. Avenel et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 186 (2018) 29–41
standard ageing tests that account for the results obtained from ac- discussed. As varying the stress load over the testing time noticeably
celerated ageing tests of mirrors and their correlation with the results complicates the modelling work, this article reports only models with a
from natural exposure must be established. It is essential to assess that constant stress or a stress assimilated to a constant value. In this article,
the mechanism involved in accelerated tests and in natural exposure are we will also discuss the possibility and the relevance of using these
similar, otherwise any attempt to transfer the data from the lab to the relationships to obtain a drastic improvement of lifetime prediction of
ground would be meaningless. Several actors in the CSP field are trying mirrors for CSP plants.
to establish relevant standard procedures [55,63] in order to test mir- This kind of review article already exists in the other fields men-
rors with appropriate accelerated ageing tests and to obtain an esti- tioned above, such as in electronics [64] and photovoltaic (PV) tech-
mation of their lifetime, but even if many studies were done, the im- nologies [65]. Some studies review several stress factors [64,65],
pacts of stress factors on mirrors would still have to be ranked. whereas others are focused on one stress factor of interest [41,66].
Table 1
Meaning of symbols used in equations. Units of the parameters are an indication and can be adapted to the others in the equation used.
Symbol Unit Name Symbol Unit Name
C. Avenel et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 186 (2018) 29–41
⎝ ⎠
s ⎝ ⎝ Tt Ts ⎠⎠ (5) n
aT = ⎛ t ⎞
⎜ ⎟
The same precautions as for the Arrhenius law must be kept in mind ΔT
⎝ s⎠ (7)
C. Avenel et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 186 (2018) 29–41
An empirical extension of this relationship has been established to where p is the Schwarzschild's coefficient, also called the p-coeffi-
account for how the cycling frequency and the maximum temperature cient. When Schwarzschild established this law, he assumed that the p-
impact the ageing of the material. The Coffin-Manson relationship be- coefficient had a constant value of 0.86, which fitted reported experi-
comes Eq. (8), where freq is the cycling frequency, m is a property of the ments well. Nevertheless, it appeared in later experiments that the p-
material, Ea is a quasi-activation energy, and Tmax is the maximum coefficient depends on the studied material and that it could even vary
temperature reached during the cycle [64]. within a batch of the same material, and in some cases, it also changes
with the radiant flux range [46].
C 1 −Ea×11605 ⎞
N= × × exp ⎛⎜ ⎟ The reciprocity law should be considered as a specific case of the
(ΔT )n (freq)m ⎝ Tmax ⎠ (8) Schwarzschild's law with p = 1. Experiments made on the reciprocity or
All of these models contain parameters that depend on the tested Schwarzschild's laws have been reviewed by Martin et al., [46] who
material, and so the difficulty is to estimate them accurately. In parti- reported a list of all the values of p found in the literature. In the do-
cular, since the (apparent) activation energy is in the exponential main of photography, the study of photoconductive materials and of
factor, a little change in its value induces a large variation in the ac- photodegradation of materials, p ranges between 0.5 and 1, but there
celeration factor. are some cases where it may reach 1.2 [46].
The acceleration factor based on Schwarzschild's law can then be
2.2. Irradiation calculated by Eq. (11), assuming that p is constant over the entire range
of intensities [43]:
Degradation due to light irradiation is usually called photo- ts I
tt ⎝ Is ⎠ (11)
studied in numerous fields [46,64], but it is mainly in the photographic
domain that methods to quantify the effect of the physical parameters Reciprocity and Schwarzschild's laws are the most used to describe
were first developed [91,92]. Models have subsequently been applied to the photoresponse of materials, but other models have been developed.
other fields such as medicine, biology or environmental ageing tests. Although most of them are seldom used, a few have gained acceptance
The basic law used in photodegradation is the reciprocity law, [46]. One is a graphical technique proposed by Halm which is based on
which says that the same dose produces the same effect, independent of Kron's catenary Eq. (12), where I0 and C are constants that vary ac-
the dose rate. In other words, sources of light of different intensities I cording to the material. This model describes the behaviour of de-
produce the same amount of degradation under different times of ex- gradation in the case of a reciprocity failure. The constant C governs the
posure t if the multiplication of irradiation by time results in a constant shape of the curve and can vary within the range of intensity, whereas
value. This means that the product of a photochemical reaction is only I0 corresponds to the optimal intensity, at which a minimum amount of
dependent on the total energy employed, which is the product of irra- exposure is required to produce a given degradation. It corresponds to
diation and time and is independent of the two factors separately. This the minimum of the curve on the graph [46,92,94].
is illustrated in Fig. 4, which shows different exposure regimes with C −C
varying intensity and time but with the same integrated area, indicating log (I × t ) = constant+log ⎡ ⎛I⎞ ⎛I⎞ ⎤
⎢ I0 + I0
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
the same dose of irradiation. The photoresponse of a material is as- ⎣⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎦ (12)
sumed to be the same in each case according to this law. The first ex-
The historical development and all of the experiments associated
periments to establish the reciprocity law were published in 1859 by
with this law are well reviewed in Chapter VI of the book written by
Bunsen and Roscoe [46,91,92].
Mees [92], so they are not described here. At low intensities, this
However, there are many cases that clearly show deviation from this
equation can be reduced to (13). This representation is shown in Fig. 5
law. In particular, the law often fails when very low or high intensities
are used [46]. Schwarzschild showed in 1900 that the law should in-
stead consider the product I ×t 0.86 [93]. log (I × t ) = constant −ClogI (13)
This empirical model was generalized later as the two equivalent
forms (9) and (10) [46]: The linear form of this equation is given by Eq. (14), and it is a
specific case of the Schwarzschild's equation with p = 1 ± C [92].
I × t p = constant (9)
(10) I × t1 ± C = constant (14)
Ip × t = constant
Other common graphical representations include log (I × t ) vs. log (t )
and log (I ) vs. log (t ) plots. Another solution is merely to represent
log (photoresponse ) vs. log (I ) . If a straight line is obtained,
Fig. 4. A selection of radiant flux VS exposure times for testing the law of re- Fig. 5. Halm's graphical method for presenting reciprocity data in which the
ciprocity, in which the integrated areas for each exposure regime are identical. logarithm of the dosage (log It) necessary to produce a fixed photoresponse is
When the reciprocity law is obeyed, the photoresponse is the same [48]. plotted against the logarithm of radiant intensity (log I) [48].
C. Avenel et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 186 (2018) 29–41
Schwarzschild's law is obeyed and the slope provides the p-coefficient. If for the degradation due to the corrosion that includes the following four
it is not the case, Schwarzschild's law may still be obeyed but the p- steps [102]:
coefficient varies within the material or with the irradiation flux. These
representations are particularly used to link the photoresponse of a 1) permeation of water through the plastic encapsulant, usually mod-
material with the UV environmental exposure. To do this, they can be erately fast,
adapted to include temperature and humidity effects [46]. 2) diffusion of moisture through the passivation layer, usually low,
Even if the literature is abundant on the subject, especially in the 3) transport of contaminant ions by water, usually moderately fast,
photographic field, many of the published data have to be handled with 4) electrochemical corrosion of the metal, usually fast once initiated.
care. On one hand, before the 1970s, controlling the irradiant flux and
knowing its value could be difficult because almost no device was 2.3.2. Relative humidity vs water vapour pressure
available to monitor this parameter. On the other hand, measuring the Another difficulty to take into account with the moisture effect is
photoresponse of the exposed materials was complex and sometimes that it can be modelled using the partial vapour pressure of water,
consisted of subjective assessment, due to the lack of accurate mea- which describes the amount of water present, or the relative humidity
surement devices [46]. (RH) which is usually expressed in percent and is defined as [64,103]:
The reciprocity law and the reciprocity breakdown model only ac- Vapour Pressure
count for the total amount of light received by the material. However, RH = × 100
Saturation Vapour Pressure (15)
the wavelength distribution of the light to which the material is sub-
mitted also plays a part in degradation [95]. Polymers in particular are Identifying which parameter, between relative humidity and water
sensitive to specific wavelengths, because chemical bonds only absorb vapour pressure, is the most relevant has been discussed a lot in the
light with a wavelength below or equal to a specific value [96,97]. literature [41,66,103–105]. In another study from the microelectronic
Consequently, a large cumulative dose of light with a long wavelength field, Gunn et al. [104] designed several experiments with a goal to
can cause no damage to a polymer material, whereas a small dose of determine it. They kept vapour pressure constant while varying tem-
short wavelength light can cause significant damage [95]. This is why perature and so the relative humidity because saturation vapour pres-
the wavelength distribution of the laboratory sources of light used to sure is temperature dependent. The results showed that degradation is
perform accelerated ageing tests must be known precisely, especially faster when relative humidity increases, even if the temperature is
the short wavelength part. lower and the water vapour pressure is constant [104]. This agrees with
The temperature must be controlled carefully during experiments an earlier result from Striny and Schelling [105] for a dynamic random
because it has been shown that the degradation of polymer materials is access memory (DRAM) and an aluminium metallized N-type metal-
accelerated by temperature [95]. oxide semiconductor (NMOS) integrated circuit. They compared four
Bauer et al. developed several models [47,95,98–100] to predict the kinds of relationships to model the effect of humidity on these devices.
photooxidation of polymer materials. The authors worked in the auto- They demonstrated that the ones based on relative humidity and on an
motive domain and specifically studied the ageing of coatings exposed Eyring law, presented below by Eqs. (16) and (17), fitted the data better
to light. In this domain, South Florida is a reference site for natural than the one with vapour pressure. Furthermore, they represented these
ageing [95]. The photooxidation rates of polymers in different locations four models as a function of humidity and temperature to determine the
around the world were compared to the data obtained in the case of dependence on each factor in order to assess their reliability at low
exposures in South Florida, and on this basis, relative models of ageing humidity. This analysis confirmed the exclusion of the model using the
were extrapolated. The simplest model only uses the UV dose of the water vapour pressure because of physical non-sense at low humidity
exposure sites, whereas a second model includes the temperature of [105].
samples and a third adds the humidity effect [95]. The relative humidity has been accepted as the parameter that is
used in accelerated tests modelling, rather than the usual thermo-
2.3. Humidity dynamic parameter that is the vapour pressure, because its effect on
corrosion's progress seems to be independent of temperature [64–66].
2.3.1. Degradation mechanism due to humidity For this reason, only the models using relative humidity are presented
Humidity can participate in the degradation processes and at least in this review.
often accelerates these processes, especially corrosion mechanisms and
some chemical reactions that provoke degradation of the materials. 2.3.3. Eyring based models
Indeed, moisture can lead to corrosion if there is a path to the corrosion The two models developed by Striny and Schelling from the Eyring's
site, a contaminant and an electrical potential difference [64–66]. At law are shown by Eqs. (16) and (17), where tf is the time to failure and β
least two steps are involved in the corrosion process: diffusion of water and β’ are an activation energy term for humidity (others terms have
molecules to the corrosion site and the corrosion reaction itself. been described before and can be found in the Table 1) [105]:
In the case of microelectronic packaging, the Lawson experiments
E β ⎞
showed that diffusion was not the rate limiting step, but that it was the t f = C . exp ⎛ a +
corrosion reaction itself [101]. In this specific case, modelling only the ⎝ R. T RH ⎠ (16)
corrosion reaction can be accurate enough to represent the degradation E
process and allow for simplification of a model that can quickly become t f = C . exp ⎛ a − β′.RH ⎞
⎝ R. T ⎠ (17)
complex [66].
Nevertheless, another experiment was led by Gunn et al. [102] on When applied to the data reported in the article published by Striny
plastic encapsulated bipolar integrated circuits, and results showed that and Schelling [105], Eq. (16) leads to Ea = 67 kJ/mol and β = 528%,
the degradation process was limited by the diffusion process of water whereas Eq. (17) leads to Ea = 77 kJ/mol and β’ = 0.12%-1. Even if
through the passivation layer of the devices. Identical components were both fit the humidity test data, model (16) has a behaviour at low
passivated by quartz or by silicon nitride, and then they were aged in an humidity that is more relevant than model (17), so it has been selected
accelerated test with temperature and humidity. The activation en- by the authors. The accelerated factor so obtained is described by Eq.
ergies for the degradation, using the Arrhenius relationship only, were (18) and takes into account the temperature and relative humidity.
106 and 29 kJ/mol, respectively for the two passivation layers, and this E 1 1 1 1 ⎞⎞
difference was explained based on the different kinetics of water dif- aT, RH = exp ⎛⎜ a ⎛ − ⎞+β ⎛
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ − ⎟ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ Ts Tt ⎠ ⎝ RH s RHt ⎠⎠ (18)
fusion processes in these materials. The authors proposed a mechanism
C. Avenel et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 186 (2018) 29–41
Another result of the work by Gunn et al. [104] is that degradation is model in general books on ageing tests methods and modelling [34,90],
different between high and middle levels of humidity, and such that the as well as in studies regarding the humidity effect [41,109].
linked processes are represented by different activation energies. This
highlights the possibility that the degradation of the devices may be 2.3.5. The T + HR correlation
different at in-service conditions, which commonly have a relative This empirical correlation was first developed for plastic packages
humidity that is even lower. Consequently, the extrapolation of lifetime for semiconductors devices to relate failure rate with temperature and
from the results obtained with high humidity tests must be handled relative humidity [110]. This study compared outdoor exposure in
with care, and degradation mechanisms must be studied closely and Panama to the method 106 of the MIL-STD-202 standard [111] for la-
compared to data obtained from natural ageing [104]. Keeping in mind boratory testing. It has been shown that 10 cycles are equivalent to at
these considerations, the authors applied model (16) that was estab- least 6 months of exposure in a tropical environment, which equates to
lished by Striny and Schelling [105] to their data. They found an ac- a laboratory to field acceleration factor of 18. Thus, field data were
tivation energy for the global process of approximately 29 kJ/mol and a obtained operating the device in a coastal area, so the authors noticed
β constant of 296% [104]. that the acceleration factor could be even greater compared to inland
Park et al. [106] also applied model (16) to the degradation of PV operation because of the device sensitivity to saline mist.
modules under humidity and temperature ageing tests, using form (19): Because this test method is performed by a cycle, it is difficult to
model. Consequently, the authors made the assumption that the de-
−Ea β ⎞
RD = C . exp ⎛ − gradation was similar in a test performed at 80 °C / 80% RH, which
⎝ R . T RH ⎠ (19)
seemed reasonable according to their experimental data and to the
They found Ea to be 47 kJ/mol and β to be 281.86%, which are of literature, but with an acceleration factor of only 7.5 compared to the
the same order of magnitude as the results of other previous studies. Panama site.
An acceleration factor to describe the humidity stress aH is given by They found that the degradation rate RD of the investigated plastic
Eq. (20), which is based on the Eyring-Flood relationship where β is a encapsulated device depends on the sum of the temperature T and the
material-dependent constant and RH is the relative humidity during test relative humidity RH of the test, according to Eq. (24) [110]:
(RHt ) or in service (RHs ) conditions [43]: RD = exp (C + n (T + RH )) (24)
1 1 ⎞⎞
aRH = exp ⎜⎛β ⎛ −
⎜ ⎟ ⎟
where C and n are material dependent constants.
⎝ ⎝ RHs RHt ⎠ ⎠ (20) Desombre studied the degradation mechanisms that occur on PV
modules and found the same empirical ageing correlation (24) that
This acceleration factor is the same type as that presented by Eq.
agreed well with the contact corrosion phenomenon [112].
(18) and developed by Striny and Schelling [105], but without the
Later, Cuddihy studied the electrical resistivity of polyvinyl butyral
temperature effect.
(PVB) during ageing tests at several temperature and humidity levels
[103]. PVB is often used as an encapsulant material for PV modules. He
2.3.4. The Peck model
applied the previous model to his data, changing the degradation rate
Another model has been established by Peck for epoxy packages of
for the electrical resistivity of PVB and using form (25):
microelectronic devices, which corresponds to Eq. (21) where n is a
material-dependent constant [107]: ln (u) = C − n (T + RH ) (25)
C. Avenel et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 186 (2018) 29–41
relationship has also been studied by Striny and Schelling to model the 3. Coupling several stress factors
ageing of dynamic random access memory in plastic packages, and they
observed a poor correlation in their data [105]. Indeed, the model is The simplest hypothesis to couple several stress factors is to assume
based on empirical observations made for specific data, and its validity a linear interaction between them. So, relationship (28) has been pro-
for other materials must be carefully verified. To do that, an experi- posed, where the global acceleration factor A is the product of all
mental plan such as the one proposed by Cuddihy [103], with 3 tem- models established for each stress [43].
peratures and 3 humidity levels, can be performed. This kind of ex- A = aT × aRH × aI × ach × … (28)
perimental plan has also been used for photovoltaic modules [106], for
example. Thus, the final relationship has disharmonious dimensions However, sometimes a synergic effect can occur between several
(for example, degrees Celsius are added to percent) and that can be stress factors, and global degradation does not behave according to the
hazardous or not physically consistent. previous law. To take this into account, empirical relationships can be
established to model the degradation that occurs during a test using all
stress factors of interest. Relationship (28) can be a starting point in this
2.4. Others stress factors case, and some terms to model interactions will be added.
A model was developed by Jorgensen et al. [53] to link the loss of
While the three stresses presented above are considered to be the reflectance to the three main stress factors: temperature, light and hu-
main parameters, other constraints exist in the environment. They can midity. The effect of temperature is taken into account by the Eyring
vary according to specific locations, for example saline mist is a strong model and humidity is taken into account by an Eyring-based model.
stress factor in coastal areas but is almost non-existent inland. D
Δρ = C . IUV . T −ne− T e RH (B + T )
Pollutants, especially sulfur dioxide, are also specific stress factors be- (29)
cause of their strong concentrations near industries but weaker con- A similar model was used by Lee et al. [113] to model the loss of
centrations in wild areas such as deserts. specular reflectance, and it can be generalized to all kinds of de-
When a material is used in environmental conditions, it may be gradation with time.
exposed to liquid water such as dew and rain. This stress is also specific
because it is dependent on climatic conditions: the rate of rain is quite RD = C . IUV . e− R . T . e B . RH . t (30)
different in sand deserts than in tropical climates. Thus, the impact of
The first model proposed by Bauer [47,95,99] to predict the pho-
liquid water is different from the impact of humidity and necessitates its
tooxidation rate of automotive coatings at several locations (see above)
own model. A common acceleration factor to describe the liquid water
was completed a second time by the author in order to include the
stress a w is Eq. (26) [43], where tw is the time of wetness during test
temperature effect, and a third time to include the effect of the hu-
(t w, t ) or service (t w, s ) conditions:
midity. This last model is based on the empirical law (31):
tw , t RD, relative = 1 + 0.2 RH (31)
aw =
tw , s (26)
4. Assessment of outdoor parameters
This law is based on the assumption that degradation only occurs
during wet periods and stops when there is no more liquid water in
Once a model has been validated and the global activation energy
contact with the material.
has been determined, the acceleration factor can be calculated using the
The acceleration factor for a stress provoked by chemicals such as
temperature of the site of interest. Nevertheless, several ways to obtain
pollutants or saline mist is given by Eq. (27), where c i,t , cj,t , c i,s and cj,s
this value exist and can readily affect the lifetime prediction.
are the concentrations of a chemical compound i or j during the test or
The first and most common value used is the mean value of the
in service conditions, respectively, and αi and αj are reaction order
ambient temperature over the course of a year. Indeed, meteorological
constants [43]:
data at many sites over the world are monitored, in particular in the
αi αj framework of the weather prediction, and can easily be accessed.
ci, cj,
× ⎜⎛
ach = ⎜⎛
⎟ ⎟ ×… However, the mean temperature is not a relevant parameter, because
⎝ ci, s⎠ c
⎝ j, s⎠ (27) the degradation rates do not vary linearly with temperature.
Consequently, the degradation rate can be dramatically faster with a
The relationship can be adapted to the number of chemical com- high amplitude of temperatures than the one calculated with the mean
pounds that take part in the degradation process. temperature. This is the case for all of the processes that are thermally
Another way to calculate the acceleration factor of a test compared activated, such as chemical reactions and diffusion process. In such
to an application site for degradation due to corrosion is to use a re- cases, it is necessary to define a new average temperature to use for
ference metal that has a degradation similar to the studied material. service life prediction.
Data for reference materials are available in the literature, and so de- Tencer et al. [114] proposed to calculate an effective temperature
gradation rates during real ageing tests can be found for several loca- that would be defined as the temperature which would lead to the same
tions. Then, the time needed to reach the same extent of corrosion in degradation of the component if it was exposed to a constant tem-
the test is compared to the site according to the definition of the ac- perature, rather than varying temperatures. They assumed that the time
celeration factor (see Eq. (1)) [43]. of exposure could be divided into discrete equal intervals, because in
Modelling the atmospheric corrosion of a material, even a simple practice the measure is often done with an equal interval of time. Thus,
metal, is quite complex. The degradation mechanism involves several the temperature is continuous in a classical climate model, and they
stress factors in which saline mist is usually preponderant, but tem- assumed that the rate of degradation follows the Arrhenius equation. In
perature and humidity are also aggressive. The role of wind has also the end, the authors proposed the following Eq. (32):
been demonstrated, because it carries salt particles far away from the
sea [43]. −Ea
Teff =
To the best of our knowledge, no model has been properly devel-
Rln ⎡ t ∫0 exp ( ) dt ⎤⎦
R.T (32)
oped for such stress factors, due to the high complexity and the speci-
ficity of phenomena. Because this equation depends on Ea, different materials and com-
ponent technologies will have different effective temperatures, and
C. Avenel et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 186 (2018) 29–41
therefore different rates of degradation in similar conditions of ex- can be seen as the protection system formed by the plastic encapsulant
posure. Thus, the same material can have several effective temperatures and the passivation layer, whereas the silver layer would be the elec-
because it depends on the failure mechanism of interest, usually the tronic part. The functional property of electronic devices is the electric
fastest, which can vary according to the exposure conditions. conductivity, whereas the one of mirrors is the specular reflectance.
Pickett and Sargent [79] used an effective temperature defined as Both properties are governed by the central part of the structure: the
the irradiance weighted average temperature. Their hypothesis was that electronic part is surrounded by the encapsulant, whereas the silver
even if the temperature varies outdoors, there should be a constant layer is protected by glass or aluminium on one side and coatings on the
effective temperature which would result in the same amount of de- other side. As demonstrated in the two studies mentioned above
gradation after exposure to the same amount of sunlight. This hy- [101,102], the rate-limiting step depends on the material or on device.
pothesis is mathematically represented by Eq. (33). As a consequence, the conclusions regarding the limiting step and the
associated activation energy cannot be directly applied to the case of
Ea ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
∑ I Δt = ∑ Iexp ⎛⎜ ⎜
R ⎝ Teff
− ⎟⎞ ⎟ Δt
mirrors, but the methodology to determine it can be used for mirrors
t t ⎝ ⎠ (33) and provides an order of magnitude for activation energies of these
The same method was then used by Dumbleton and Haillant [82]. Many studies [105,106] consider several models, usually among the
Although it is easier to know the air temperature of a site, the true 3 kinds presented above (Eyring, Peck and T + HR), and apply them to
temperature of interest is that of the exposed sample. One way to obtain their experimental data in order to determine which one is the best
that temperature is exposing a sample for a long period of time, at least adapted to their specific case. The basic way to identify the best model
a complete year, on the application site and monitoring its temperature would be to determine the degradation mechanism and the related
variations. Nevertheless, in most cases, such experiments cannot be physical law. In practice, this is a difficult task, which is why studies try
performed because of a lack of time and accessibility to real sites. to correlate experimental data as well as possible to existing models.
Another method used by Bauer et al. [95] includes estimating the Laminated mirrors contain a PVB layer, consequently its degradation
material temperature Tmat using the air temperature Tair, a constant C might be correctly modelled by the T + HR model that has previously
that is a function of the material colour and the declination angle θdec been used to model the degradation of the electrical resistivity of PVB
with relationship (34): [103].
Tmat = Tair + C . cos (θdec ) (34) While the relationships were discussed here for glass and polymer
solar mirrors, they could be applied to aluminium mirrors as well as to
other materials. The point is that for each new material, the degrada-
5. Discussion tion mechanism should be identified by material characterizations, and
the kinetic parameters should be determined experimentally and then
As discussed in the introduction, solar mirrors contain polymers, be correlated to this mechanism. Nevertheless in practice, the identi-
except for aluminium mirrors. Specific attention should be paid to fication of such mechanism is hard and necessitates a long period of
polymer parts, even if the specular reflectance seems to be stable. As an analysis with a lot of complementary characterization methods. The
example, works on monolithic mirrors [115–117] have shown that their complete mechanism is then rarely known, but some clues can be given
top paint colour changed during ageing tests under temperature before by similar degradations observed with some well-chosen analysis.
any loss of specular reflectance could be observed. Thus, this colour The minimum and maximum values of the four kinetic parameters
change indicates a modification in the paint structure, which has been Ea, β, n and p reported in this paper are summarised into the Table 2,
evidenced by infrared spectroscopy with an Attenuated Total Re- separately for each field of application.
flectance module (FTIR-ATR). A stress-step method has been applied to solar polymer mirrors
In the current testing procedures, solar mirrors are not often tested [113,120]. Workers used the Ultra-Accelerated Weathering System
at constant temperature [16,55,118] because of a poor representa- (UAWS) developed by NREL and ATLAS [113,121]. The acceleration
tiveness of temperature outdoor variations and because the community factor of the device is assumed to be 63 compared to the South Florida
is not yet aware of modelling methods. A cycling temperature test is example. They concluded that testing plans should be developed using
usually used instead, because it is assumed that it would better mimic this device and that statistical procedure adapted to these experiments
the natural day and night cycle [16,55,56,118]. The maximum tem- would be necessary, but complex to develop [113,120].
perature reached in the test must be chosen carefully, and should not It is well known that polymer degradation is sensitive to the initial
exceed or even be too close to the transition temperature of the poly- polymer composition, in particular to the presence of photooxidation
mers used in the device. catalysts, and thus to the conditions of polymerization. As an example,
As shown before, polymers are sensitive to irradiation, in particular see the work published by Gerlock et al. [97] This is of paramount
UV irradiation, and so the paint system of mirrors will be degraded by importance for the study of mirrors, because the back system of pro-
exposure to sunlight. When the binder is deteriorated, fillers and pig- tective paints has a composition that depends on the manufacturer and
ments are released and can no longer play their protective role [33].
Solar mirrors from different manufacturers have been aged by exposing
the front or back face to irradiation, and the composition of paints were Table 2
monitored by FTIR-ATR spectroscopy [119]. Results have shown that Kinetic parameters ranges from literature with the associated field, where Ea is
the loss of specular reflectance was faster with the back side exposed, in kJ/mol, β is in %, and n and p have no unit.
but only for mirrors whose paint was damaged by irradiation. For those Parameter min max field / application
with a few changes in paints, the loss of specular reflectance was similar
Ea 0 480 gas reactions
with the front and the back face exposed.
Ea 0 210 polymers
At least two steps are involved in the corrosion process: diffusion of Ea 0 200 PV
water molecules to the corrosion site and a corrosion reaction. In the Ea 140 210 solar absorbers
case of monolithic glass mirrors, the silver layer is protected by a β 290 530 microelectronic
system of paints that act as a coating. Water must then diffuse through β 282 – PV
n −3 − 2.5 microelectronic
this barrier or by the edges, which are not always sufficiently protected.
n −4 − 1.5 PV
A comparison can be made between the electronic devices with plastic p 0.5 1.1 photodegradation of materials
packages and monolithic mirrors: the paint system and the copper layer
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