In Uence of Pore Size Distribution On Water Adsorption On Silica Gels
In Uence of Pore Size Distribution On Water Adsorption On Silica Gels
In Uence of Pore Size Distribution On Water Adsorption On Silica Gels
17 1,265
3 authors:
Dolores Lozano-Castello
University of Alicante
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Abstract The influence of pore size distribution on water characterization of these parameters is crucial for assessing
adsorption has been analysed for a series of partially their applicability for liquid or gas phase processes. Phys-
dehydroxylated silica gels with different pore structure, ical adsorption of gases is the most common technique for
assessed from the analysis of nitrogen and CO2 adsorption the characterization of porous solids [6–11]. Physical
isotherms. It has been observed that some silica gels show adsorption includes attractive dispersion forces and, at very
water adsorption mainly in the first range of relative short distances, repulsive forces, as well as contribution
pressures (relative pressure from 0 up to 0.6), while other from polarisation and electrostatic forces between perma-
silica gels also show water adsorption at higher relative nent electrical moments and the electrical field of the solid,
pressures. Comparison of the N2 and water adsorption if the adsorptive or the adsorbent have a polar nature.
isotherms points out that only silica gels containing mes- Depending on the nature of the molecule and the solid,
oporosity show water adsorption at relative pressures specific interactions may contribute to the adsorption
higher than 0.6. Moreover, a good correlation between the energy. Generally, non-polar molecules, like N2, CO2, Ar,
initial part of water adsorption isotherms (relative pressure He, CH4, benzene, nonane are used for this purpose [6–15].
from 0 up to 0.3) and CO2 adsorption isotherms has been Among the gases, N2 adsorption at 77 K is the most widely
found (the higher the CO2 adsorption capacity, the higher used and, usually, has a special status of recommended
the water adsorption capacity at low pressure). adsorptive [16]. On the other hand, polar molecules, like
NH3, H2O, alcohols are scarcely used for this purpose. This
Keywords Porous silica gels Microporosity is because the adsorption of polar molecules is more
Mesoporosity Water adsorption complex than that of non-polar molecules [2, 17–19].
The mechanism of water adsorption on porous solids has
been the subject of numerous investigations during the last
1 Introduction several decades. However, at the present, several ambigu-
ities still remain unresolved, which make this subject very
The synthesis and structural characterisation of inorganic complex [9, 11, 20–22]. In previous studies, we analyzed
porous solids, like activated carbons (AC), silicas and the water adsorption in AC obtained from different pre-
zeolites, have received a growing and intensive research cursors. These materials covered a wide range of pore
during the last decades [1–5]. The parameters that are used volumes and had different contribution of mesoporosity
to define the pore structure of solids are apparent surface and microporosity [23–25]. It was shown that water
area, pore volume and pore size distribution and the adsorption on AC is influenced by the pore size distribu-
tion: water adsorbs in all the porosity, filling first the
microporosity, followed by the mesoporosity, and finally
J. Alcañiz-Monge (&) M. Pérez-Cadenas the macroporosity.
D. Lozano-Castelló
Water adsorption on amorphous silica has been also
Dpto. Quı́mica Inorgánica, Universidad de Alicante, Apdo. 99,
03080 Alicante, Spain investigated by numerous researchers due to the impor-
e-mail: [email protected] tance that water interaction with the surface of silica has on
410 J Porous Mater (2010) 17:409–416
many of the uses of this material, as a drying agent, catalyst micropore volume (pore size \ 2 nm), which contains the
support, chromatographic and filler [2–4, 9, 11, 26, 27]. volume of the narrow micropores and that of the supe-
However, those studies are mainly focused on the charac- rmicropores, was calculated applying the DR equation to
terization of the hydrophobicity degree of a given surface, the N2 adsorption data at relative pressures \0.14; and (iii)
or the structural stability toward water, while the effects of the volume of mesopores (2 nm \ pore size \ 50 nm) was
pore size distribution has not been analyzed in the litera- assessed by applying the BJH-method to the N2 adsorption
ture. From this starting point, the aim of the present work is data. The specific surface area was determined using the
to analyse the influence of pore size distribution on water BET (Brunauer–Emmett–Teller) equation.
adsorption on silica gels. Water adsorption studies were carried out at 298 K in an
automatic volumetric gas adsorption instrument (Belsorb
18). It should be noted that, in conventional gas adsorption
2 Experimental equipments is difficult to accurately measure P/P0 above
0.98, due to water condensation on the walls of the
A series of silica gels was synthesised from tetraethyl instrument. However, the instrument used in the present
orthosilicate (Si(OCH2CH3)4, TEOS) following the proce- study is design to avoid the condensation of water vapour
dure described in the literature [28]. A two-step reaction was on the walls of the apparatus. Moreover, this equipment
used in order to avoid formation of a precipitate. The prep- allows to measure for long times (40–80 h). Experimental
aration was done in a polypropylene beaker. For the prepa- data was corrected for adsorption on inner wall of appa-
ration of sample 3A, 39 mL ethanol, 32.6 mL water and ratus. Additionally, a blank experiment using the empty
50 mL Si(OCH2CH3)4 (250 mmol) were mixed, obtaining a bulb showed that water adsorption on the inner surface of
biphasic solution. 1.37 mL HCl (0.1 N) was added to this glass was negligible. Previous to water adsorption experi-
biphasic solution and after 25 min the solution became ments, the samples were degassed at 623 K under high
monophasic (pH 4). After 4 h of stirring, NH3 was added vacuum (10-6 Torr). Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier
until pH 7 and a gel was formed within 5 min. The solid was Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) characterisation of
dried under vacuum at 120 °C for 4 days. Changing the silica gels was carried out in a spectrometer Mattson
water/TEOS and ethanol/TEOS ratios three more samples Infinities (MI60). Powdered samples were located in a
(1A, 1B, 2B) with different porosity were obtained. Four controlled environment chamber available in this equip-
additional samples with different porosity were obtained by ment. Measurements were carried out under N2 flow
following the same procedure but adding NH3 until pH 10, (60 mL/min) and at temperature of 623 K.
instead of pH 7 (samples 2A, 3B, 4B, 5B). To make easier
the presentation and discussion of the results, the nomen-
clature of the samples in this paper is not related to the 3 Results and discussion
preparation conditions, but to their porosity. Thus, the
nomenclature of the samples includes a letter, which indi- 3.1 Porous texture characterisation of silica gels
cates the presence of mainly microporosity (denoted by
letter ‘‘A’’) or the existence of also mesoporosity (denoted Figure 1 contains the nitrogen adsorption isotherms corre-
by letter ‘‘B’’) and a number, which indicates the order of sponding to all the silica gels prepared in the present study.
samples from low to high total pore volume.
In order to minimize the influence of hydrophilic silanol
groups on water adsorption on silica gels, prior to
400 4B
adsorption experiments, the major part of silanol groups 3B
existing on as prepared silica gel must be removed. Thus,
according with the literature [10], samples were degassed 300 2B
at 623 K under vacuum, down to 10-3 Torr. Porous texture
Vads (cc/g)
characterisation of these samples was done by gas 200 2A
adsorption (N2 and CO2 adsorption at 77 and 273 K,
respectively) (Quantachrome. Autosorb 6). The Dubinin– 1A
Radushkevich (DR) equation was used to calculate the
micropore volume. The pore volume distributions was
calculated as follows [11]: (i) the volume of narrow 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
micropores (\0.7 nm) was calculated by applying the
Dubinin–Radushkevich (DR) equation to the CO2 adsorp-
tion data at relative pressures (P/P0) \0.015; (ii) the total Fig. 1 Nitrogen adsorption isotherms on a series of silica gels
J Porous Mater (2010) 17:409–416 411
25 5B 0.30
20 0.25
0 0.10
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
P/Po 0.05
412 J Porous Mater (2010) 17:409–416
silica, water adsorption is claimed to start by physical
4B adsorption: first water molecules bond to the remaining
100 5B hydroxyl groups on the surface of silica and, afterwards,
the growth of clusters of water molecules takes place
[10, 36, 37]; as the pressure increases, these clusters grow
and can coalesce to give a continuous adsorption layer on
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 the surface of the pores leading finally to the micropores
P/Po filling.
Considering all the results reported by other authors
Fig. 5 Water adsorption at low relative pressures
saying that a heat treatment up to 573 K on silica gels
removes a major part of silanol groups [10, 38], silica gels
mesoporosity. These results are in agreement with those of the present study must suffer an important dehydroxy-
obtained from water adsorption on AC [23, 24]. lation during the degassing process at 623 K, previous to
Next step in this research is to analyse the way water water adsorption experiments. This fact could explain the
adsorbs in each type of porosity. A deeper analysis of the low water uptake of these silica gels at low relative pres-
low relative pressure region (see Fig. 5), indicates that sures. These results agree with the study done by Baker and
water adsorption on silica gels is scarce at relative pressure Sing [39], where it was demonstrated that all dehydroxy-
lower than 0.1, compared with N2 adsorption. This is an lated silica presented a very small water adsorption at
indication of the weak water–silica interaction in this type P/P0 \ 0.3, due to the hydrophobicity of these samples.
of solids [32]. This is clear if we consider the overall Taking into account the above comments, the fact that
interaction potential energy (/T) for a polar adsorbate the initial adsorption is quite similar on all the studied
molecule on a heteropolar surface, which is given by the samples at very low relative pressures (0–0.025; see Fig. 5)
equation [8, 33, 34]: should be related to the interaction between water and
/T ¼ /D þ /P þ /F þ /FQ þ /R ; silanol groups. However, this cannot explain the different
water uptake at relative pressures higher than 0.025 that
where /D = energy due to dispersion forces; /P = energy follows the silica gels analysed. In order to analyse if there
due to polar nature of adsorbent and/or adsorptive; /F and is a relationship between the amount of hydroxo groups on
/FQ = energy due to permanent dipole and quadrupole silica gels and water adsorption capacity, the character-
moments of the adsorptive molecules, respectively; and isation of surface groups was investigated by infrared
/R = energy due to repulsion forces. The terms /D and /R spectroscopy (DRIFTS). Figure 6 contains the FTIR
are the non-specific contributions, which are always spectra corresponding to some selected silica gels. The
present in physisorption, whereas the other terms provide signal related to OH groups appears in the region between
J Porous Mater (2010) 17:409–416 413
Table 1 Pore volumes estimated from CO2, N2 and water adsorption data
Sample SBET VCO2 VN2 Vmeso Vtotal VLH2 O (0–0.95) VSH2 O (0–0.6) VLH2 O (0.6–0.95)
(m2 g-1) (cm3 g-1) (cm3 g-1) (cm3 g-1) (cm3 g-1) (cm3 g-1) (cm3 g-1) (cm3 g-1)
414 J Porous Mater (2010) 17:409–416
compared to 3A must be a consequence of water adsorption giving a value of 0.92 g cm-3, which is quite similar to the
on mesoporosity, which indicates that both processes ordinary solid phase of water [23–25]. This value has been
overlap. Thus, when a clear transition does not exist used to estimate the micropore volume from water
between micro and mesoporosity, as it is the case of these adsorption data up to P/P0 around 0.6, while the water
samples (Fig. 1), both the final filling of micropores and liquid density has been used to calculate the volume of
the start of mesopore filling could be taken place in the adsorbed water in the range of P/P0 around 0.6–0.95.
same range of relative pressures. Hence, they overlap given Table 1 contains these calculated values.
a single adsorption curve. As it can be observed in Table 1, the volumes obtained
The rest of mesoporous silica gels (3B, 4B, 5B) show from water adsorption are quite similar to the calculated
the knee of their water isotherm at higher relative pressures micropore and mesopore volume, which points out the
than the sample 2B. Sample 3B shows this knee around suitability of the approach considered in the present study.
P/P0 0.8, sample 5B around 0.9, and in the case of sample Water adsorbs initially on microporosity (up to P/P0 0.6),
4B the knee is less defined. This trend can be related to the as a solid-like structure. In these pores the density of
mesopore size distribution. From N2 isotherms, it can be adsorbed water can be considered to be similar to the ice
deduced that these samples present different mesopore size density. Recently, both Molecular Dynamics simulation
distribution. Sample 2B contains mesopores with narrow studies and experimental results of water adsorbed on silica
pore size, because N2 only adsorbs up to P/P0 0.6, while the pores gave a theoretical value of density of water equal to
others samples have wider mesoporosity because they 0.88 g cm-3 [22, 48]. On the other hand, the fact that the
present adsorption at higher P/P0. values of Vmeso and VLH2 O (0.6–0.95) included in Table 1
From these results it can be said that the shape of water are similar, points out that water adsorbs on mesopores as a
isotherm up to relative pressures around 0.6 is mainly liquid.
related to the micropore size distribution. On the other Water adsorption on the mesoporosity should take place
hand, the adsorption at higher P/P0 is due to the presence of mainly by the capillary condensation mechanism. Then, the
mesoporosity. use of Kelvin equation should be, in principle, correct to
describe this adsorption mechanism [10]. Using this
3.3 Water adsorption isotherms on silica gels: physical equation and taking into account the multilayer thickness
state of adsorbed phase of water adsorbed on silica, in previous works have esti-
mated that water adsorption on mesopores should start at
Another interesting result that can be extracted from water P/P0 around 0.45 [49, 50], which is not in agreement with
adsorption data is pore volume. Table 1 includes pore the experimental result obtained in the present work.
volume values considering that the adsorptive is in the However, it is important to note that none of those works
liquid state (liquid density for water 1.0 g cm-3). took into account the contact angle between water and the
According to the Gurvitsch rule, the pore volume calcu- surface of the silica. It was considered that water wets
lated from N2 adsorption data and water adsorption data completely the silica surface, despite all silica gels show,
should be similar [10]. However, it is usually observed that up to some extension, a hydrophobic character [51, 52].
pore volume estimated by water adsorption is lower than Thus, the Kelvin equation with correction for the contact
the nitrogen saturation volume [41, 42]. From this dis- angle h between liquid phase and pore wall should be used.
crepancy it has been suggested that the density of water in This equation is:
the adsorbed phase is lower than the normal liquid at the
P0 2rVm cos h
corresponding temperature [10, 43]. Several studies have ln ¼
P RTrk
been carried out to understand the behaviour of water
confined into the pores. These include X-ray and neutron where r and Vm are, respectively, the surface tension and
diffraction studies, calorimetric (DTA, DSC) techniques the liquid molar volume of bulk water at temperature T, R
applied to the analysis of the freezing behaviour of the gas constant and rk is the core pore radius. For the case
adsorbed water, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spec- of water adsorption at 298 K, the liquid molar volume is
troscopy, dielectric measurements and so on [44–46]. All Vm = 18 cm3 mol-1, and the surface tension is around
those studies showed that adsorbed water has different r = 72 mN/m. As it has been explained above, a critical
structures depending on the pore size where it is adsorbed. parameter is the contact angle, which has a great uncer-
On narrow pores (micropores) has a solid-like structure tainty, because liquid water wets the pore wall depending
even at room temperature, as a consequence of the strong on the groups existing on the surface of the silica: when
wall interaction. On the other hand, on mesopores, water is hydrophobic Si–O–Si groups exist, water cannot wet the
adsorbed as a liquid [47]. Experimental density of water surface; when hydrophilic Si–OH groups exist, water does
adsorbed on the microporosity of AC has been obtained, wet the surface. Thus, contact angle values are different
J Porous Mater (2010) 17:409–416 415
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hydrophobic solids, as for example pure graphite, h value (project GV/2007/144 and PROMETEO/2009/047) and Ministerio de
Fomento (Project 70012/T-05) for the financial support.
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