Atomic Structure
Atomic Structure
Atomic Structure
Atomic Structure
Element: a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by a chemical reac!on.
Compound: a substance made by chemically combining two or more elements. It has different
proper!es from its cons!tuent elements.
Mass number(A): the number of protons plus the number of neutrons in an atom. Give the total
number of nucleons, and o#en referred to as nucleon number.
Isotopes: atoms of the same element with different mass numbers.
Ions: when an atom loses or gains an electron, an ion is formed. Posi!ve ions are known as ca"ons
and nega!ve ions are known as anions.
Rela"ve atomic mass(Ar ): average mass of an atom of an element, taking into account all the
isotopes and their rela"ve abundance, compared to one atom of carbon-12.
Wavelength(λ): the distance between two successive crests or troughs.
Measured in metres(m).
Frequency(ν ): the number of waves produced in one second.
Measured in Hertz(Hz).
Ground state: when an electron is in its lowest energy level.
Absorp"on spectrum: electron absorbs light photons and jumps to an excited state of higher
This spectrum would be black lines, represen!ng absorbed colours, on a coloured background.
Emission spectrum: electron emits light photon as it jumps down to a state of lower energy.
This spectrum would consist of coloured lines, represen!ng emi$ed colours, on a black
Ionisa"on energy: the energy needed to remove an electron from the ground state of each atom in a
mole of gaseous atoms, ions, or molecules.
c = λν
E = hν
ΔEelectron = Ephoton
The energy change when an electron drops a level is equal to the energy of the photon emi#ed due
to the drop.
Ephoton = hν
Ephoton ∝ ν
The energy of the photon is propor!onal to the frequency of light emi#ed. High energy photons
emit UV or violet light(high frequency) and low energy photons emit IR or red light(low frequency).
Orbital configura"on
All isotopes of the same element have the same chemical proper"es, but different physical
A: mass number.
X : symbol of element.
Z : atomic number.
Mass spectrum
The results of the analysis of an element’s isotopes by a mass spectrometer are presented in the form
of a mass spectrum.
It is a bar graph where mass/charge is plo$ed on the x axis and % abundance is plo$ed on the y
Emission Spectrum
It is produced by excited atoms and ions as they fall back to a lower energy level.
Line emission spectrum is characteris!c to the element. Therefore, different elements have different
line spectra, and can be used to iden!fy unknown elements.
Emission spectra are not con"nuous, but consist of separate lines.
These lines converge towards the higher energy end of the spectrum.
Lyman ni = 2, 3, 4, … , ∞ nf = 1 Ultraviolet
Balmer ni = 3, 4, 5 … , ∞ nf = 2 Visible
Paschen ni = 4, 5, 6 … , ∞ nf = 3 Infrared
Lyman ni = 1 nf = 2, 3, 4, … , ∞ Ultraviolet
Balmer ni = 2 nf = 3, 4, 5 … , ∞ Visible
Paschen ni = 3 nf = 4, 5, 6 … , ∞ Infrared
The amount of light absorbed at a par!cular frequency depends on the iden!ty and concentra!on of
the atoms present. Atomic absorp!on spectroscopy is used to measure the concentra!on of metallic
Atomic models
Merits Demerits
Explained hydrogen
Failed to explain mul"-electronic system
emission spectrum
Explained orbits (2D) Failed to explain wave-par"cle duality and concept of orbitals (3D)
Energy and radii of orbits Failed to explain quantum mechanics and spli$ng of spectral lines of
were explained. elements with more than one electron.
E = mc2
mc2 =
mc =
⟹ λ∝
Wave-Par"cle Duality
No two par"cles can occupy the same space at the same Two or more waves can co-exist. (there
!me. (ie, no interference) exists interference)
Explained by photo electric effect and black body Explained by electromagne"c wave
radia"on. theory.
It is impossible to know both the momentum and posi"on of a moving par!cle simultaneously.
Orbit Orbitals
Well defined circular path around the The 3D space around the nucleus of the atom having
nucleus in which the electron revolves. maximum probability of finding the electrons.
Electronic Configuration
A more detailed model of the atom describes the division of the main energy level into s, p, d, and f
sub-levels of successively higher energies.
s orbitals
Spherical in shape.
Has only 1 shape.
Holds maximum 2 electrons with opposite spins.
Lowest energy orbital.
p orbitals
Dumbbell shaped.
Has 3 orbital shapes, which hold 2 electrons each, for a total of 6 electrons.
The orienta!ons are: px , py , pz .
Higher in energy than s.
d orbitals
f orbitals
Au%au Principle
When electrons fill up the orbitals, the orbitals with the lowest energy level get filled up with
electrons first.
The order of energy levels of orbitals is:
Hund’s Rule
In orbitals of the same energy level, electron pairing will not take place un"l each orbital has got 1
electron each in parallel spin.
This is mainly because electrons are nega"vely charged will repel each other and create distance
between each other and try to remain unpaired.
This means that when drawing electron configura"ons, you must fill each orbital with an electron
before pairing them up.
Period 3
Quantum Numbers
n = 1, 2, 3, 4...
As value of n increases, the distance between the furthest electron and the nucleus increases.
The a$rac!on between the electron and the nucleus decreases.
It is easier for an atom to expel that electron, reducing ionisa"on energy.
l = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4...(n − 1)
For example:
When n = 1, l = 0:
l takes only one value, which means there is only 1 subshell in this principal shell: s.
When n = 2, l = 0, 1:
l takes 2 values, which means there are 2 subshells in this principal shell: s and p.
When n = 3, l = 0, 1, 2:
l takes 3 values, which means there are 3 subshells in this principal shell: s, p, and d.
In general:
0 s
1 p
2 d
3 f
Value of ml Orienta"on
−1 px
0 py
+1 pz
ms = ±
If ms is posi!ve, it means the electron has an upward spin(↑).
If ms is nega!ve, it means the electron has a downward spin(↓).
Pa$erns in successive ionisa!on energies give evidence for shells and subshells.
Following is a graph showing the successive ionisa!on energies of Aluminium:
The general, con!nuous increase in successive ionisa!on energies is explained by the fact that it
becomes harder and harder to remove electrons from more and more posi!vely charged ions.
This is because, for the same nuclear charge there are lesser and lesser electrons, making each one
harder to remove than the previous one as a result of greater a$rac!on.
The above graph also shows evidence for shells - there are steep increases between ionisa!on
numbers 3-4 and 11-12, which signify that electrons are now being removed from a shell that is
closer to the nucleus - since there is more a$rac!on as we move closer to the nucleus, more energy is
The next graph shows a zoomed-in version:
This graph, which depicts more closely the successive ionisa!on energies from 4-12, shows evidence
for sub shells - the slightly larger increase between ionisa!on numbers 9-10 indicates that there is a
change in sub-shell, since slightly more energy is required to remove the 10th electron.
Thus we can deduce that the 2p sub-shell can hold 6 electrons and the 2s sub-shell can hold 2.
More evidence for sub-shells can be observed if the graph on page 90 in the textbook is observed.
The explana!ons for the reasons for the fluctua!ons in the pa$erns are given clearly under ‘Solu!on’
on Page 91. This informa!on is concise and so has not been men!oned here.
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