Answer Key To Practice Test in Weed Science

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ANSWER KEY PRACTICE TEST IN WEED SCIENCE 14. Which among the following is not true about the
characteristics of weeds?
a. Rapid vegetative growth
1. A farmer sowed rice seed in his seed bed. Prior to b. Reproduce efficiently
pulling of the rice seedlings, some Echinocloa species c. Not adapted to competition
were found growing with it. For him, what character d. Cause damage even at low densities
will distinguished the rice from Echinocloa?
a. Color of Echinocloa is lighter than rice 15. Weeds that originate from other areas and are
usually introduced to the area where they are found is
b. Check the shape and length of the leaves classified as______
c. Look for differences in roots a. Endemic c. Native
d. All of the above is correct b. Exotic d. Local

2. What is the first organic herbicide that revolutionized 16. Weeds that grow and complete their life cycle under
chemical weed control? dry or wet condition of the soil
a. Butachlor c. 2,4-D a. Lowland c. Floating
b. Gramoxone d. Glyphosate b. Aquatic d. Upland

3. Which among the following genus of weeds is/are 17. Lowland weeds with their roots attached to the soil but
common to maize? the shoots are aerial/above-water
a. Panicum / Paspalum a. Submerged c. Floating
b. Rottboealla/ Striga b. Emerged d. Aquatic
c. Bracharia / Digitaria
d. Imperata/ Saccharum 18. Weeds that reproduce mainly through seeds, and grow
within a year
4. The weed density and duration where the crop is most a. Annuals
affected. b. Simple perennials
a. Critical period of competition c. Creeping perennials
b. Crop-weed competitive threshold d. Biennials
c. Critical threshold level
d. Density effect 19. Weeds which are members of Family Gramineae
a. Sedges c. Grasses
5. The weed which occurs in sorghum, millet and maize b. Broadleaves d. Annuals
as a hemi-root parasite?
a. Rottboella c. Panicum 20. Weeds that belong to Family Cyperaceae
b. Striga d. Paspalum a. Sedges c. Grasses
b. Broadleaves d. Annuals
6. When was the first organic and selective herbicide
developed? 21. Weeds with rounded hollow stems and fibrous root
a. 1930s c. 1950’s system
b. 1940s d. 1960’s a. Sedges
b. Broadleaves
7. What is the mechanism which controls the sprouting of c. Grasses
Cyperus rotundus tubers that are attached to the d. Annuals
mother plant?
a. Dormancy c. Apical dominance 22. Weeds with triangular stems and parallel leaf venation
b. Quiescence d. Longevity a. Sedges c. Grasses
b. Broadleaves d. Annuals
8. Allelopathy could be classified as this type of weed
control. 23. Weeds having expanded leaves with netted venation
a. Physical c. Chemical a. Sedges c. Grasses
b. Biological d. Cultural b. Broadleaves d. Annuals

9. More than 95% of the weed that infest a crop comes 24. The following are vegetative propagules except____
from_________ a. Seeds c. Rhizomes
a. Grasses c. Irrigation water b. Tubers d. Off-shoots
b. Wind d. Soil
25. Most weed seeds in the soil are found within the_____
10. The first organic herbicide belongs to what chemical a. Upper 50 inches
family of herbicides? b. Upper 40 inches
a. Phenoxys c. Phenols c. Upper 15 inches
b. Diphenyl ethers d. Triazines d. Upper 30 inches

11. The major weeds of crops deposited in the soil 26. The phenomenon when weed seeds fail to germinate
seedbank are estimated to be______ even under favorable conditions
a. 1-5% c. 50-70% a. Quiescence c. Viability
b. 10-20% d. 70-90% b. Dormancy d. Longevity

12. Which among the following does not describe what 27. The following are physical causes of weed seed
weeds are? dormancy except..
a. Unwanted c. Important a. Presence of inhibitors
b. Harmful d. Out-of-place b. Thick hull
c. Impermeable seedcoat
13. Why is it important to spray pre-emergence herbicide d. Hard seedcoat
before a rain or schedules f irrigation.
a. To decrease the rate of microbial activity 28. The mechanism which controls sprouting of Cyperus
b. To decrease the rate of chemical breakdown rotundus tubers that are attached to the mother plant
c. Move the herbicide into weed germination a. Dormancy
zone b. Quiescence
d. To decrease the chance of chemical run- c. Apical dominance
off d. Longevity
e. All of the above is correct



29. The stage of growth when the weed is most affected by

weed control measures 44. The innate property of a chemical to produce harm
a. Seed stage a. Toxicity c. Selectivity
b. Seedling stage b. Hazard d. Resistance
c. Vegetative stage
d. Reproductive stage 45. The risk of likelihood of an adverse effect due to
exposure to a harmful chemical
30. The following are means by which weeds are dispersed a. Toxicity c. Selectivity
from one area to another, except____ b. Hazard d. Resistance
a. Wind c. Fire
b. Water d. Animals 46. The component of a pesticide which is responsible for
its toxic effect
31. Which among the following is not a weed dispersal a. Acid equivalent c. Inert Ingredient
unit? b. Active ingredient d. Surfactant
a. Leaves c. Tubers
b. Seeds d. Stem cuttings 47. The component of a pesticide that act as surface active
32. This is described as the struggle between two or more a. Acid equivalent c. Inert ingredient
plants for a limited resource b. Active ingredient d. Surfactant
a. Allelopathy c. Interference
b. Dispersal d. Competition 48. The presidential decree number which created the
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority
33. The effects of one plant on another plant due to the a. 1144 c. 1433
chemicals that it releases b. 3256 d. 6454
a. Allelopathy c. Interference
b. Dispersal d. Competition 49. The year when the FPA was promulgated
a. 1975 c. 1977
34. The term that collectively describes the effects of both b. 1976 d. 1978
competition and allelopathy
a. Interference c. Dispersal 50. The DA Special Order number which embodies the
b. Harmful d. Critical provisions on Integrated Pest
35. The duration during the life cycle of a crop when it a. 492 c. 494
most affected by competition by weeds b. 493 d. 495
a. Critical period of competition
b. Critical threshold level 51. The year when the DA Special Order on IPM was
c. Crop-weed competitive threshold signed______
d. Density effect a. 1996 c. 1998
b. 1997 d. 1999
36. The weed density, higher than which significant yield
losses will be observed 52. The color code of the most toxic pesticides
a. Critical period of competition a. Yellow c. Green
b. Critical threshold level b. Blue d. Red
c. Crop-weed competitive threshold
d. Density effect 53. The color code of the least toxic pesticides
a. Yellow c. Green
37. The weed density and duration when the crop is most b. Blue d. Red
a. Critical period of competition 54. Herbicides with the blue band belong to what category?
b. Critical threshold level a. 5 c. 2
c. Crop-weed competitive threshold b. 3 d. 6
d. Density effect
55. How many categories of pesticides are there based on
38. The process of decreasing weed population to minimize toxicity?
competition a. 4 c. 6
a. Weed evaluation b. 5 d. 7
b. Weed control
c. Weed science 56. The word ‘CAUTION’ is the signal word for what
d. Population management category of pesticides?
a. 3 c. 5
39. The study of weeds and their control b. 4 d. 6
a. Weed evaluation
b. Weed control 57. The world’s worst weed based on distribution
c. Weed science a. Rottboellia cochinchinensis
d. Population management b. Amaranthus spinosus
c. Cyperus rotundus
40. Chemicals that are used to kill weeds d. Echinochloa crusgalli
a. Weedicides c. Herbicides
b. Insecticides d. Fungicides 58. These genera of weeds resemble rice at its seedling
41. The general term used to describe any chemical used a. Cyperus
to control pests b. Eleusine
a. Herbicide c. Fungicides c. Monochoria
b. Pesticide d. Viricides d. Echinochloa

42. The inherent property of a herbicide to kill some plants 59. The chemical family to which 2,4-D belongs
but not other plants a. Phenoxy
a. Resistance c. Sensitivity b. Dinitroanilines
b. Toxicity d. Selectivity c. Ureas
d. Bipyridiliums
43. The ability of some plants to survive a herbicide
treatment that would normally kill other plants 60. Which of the following weeds found in the fishponds
a. Resistance c. Sensitivity are difficult to remove?
b. Toxicity d. Selectivity a. Nelumbo c. Pistia



b. Bracharia d. Hyrilla d. Pistia stratiotes- water lettuce

61. Which of the following is a sedge? 75. Nearly all grasses exhibit the following type of seedling
a. Beggarstick c. Little iron weed emergence which is ___________
b. Bulrush d. Spreading dayflower a. Epigeal c. Hypogeal
b. Mesogeal d. Intermediate
62. What is the most important criterion for a plant to be
classified as weed? 76. Of the broadleaf weeds of sugarcane, which cling to
a. Interference c. Diapause sugarcane?
b. Reproduction d. Tolerance a. Cleome c. Amaranthus
b. Euphorbia d. Ipomea
63. The following are grasses EXCEPT?
a. Lantana camara 77. Which of the following is INCORRECT?
b. Cynodon dactylon a. Grass- Monochoria vaginalis
c. Echinocloa grusgalli b. Sedge- Cyperus rotundus
d. Imperata cylindrica c. Broadleaf- Lantana camara
d. All of the above are incorrect
64. Onion and garlic are easily affected by weeds like
Cyperaceae and some Broadleaves. It is most likely 78. Which among the following weed reproduces by seed
due to _________. alone?
a. Morph of onion and garlic a. Commelina diffusa
b. Aggressiveness of Ceyperaceae b. Chromolaena odorata
c. Environment factors affecting both weeds and c. Pistia stratiotes
crops d. Synedrella nodiflora
d. Sensitivity of both onion and garlic
79. Which of the following practices below would be the
65. Which among the following weed species is a perennial best way to avoid herbicide resistance from occurring?
grass? a. Continue to use the same herbicide just at
a. Cenchus echinatus higher rates
b. Imperata cylindrical b. Use different types of herbicide to control
c. Echinocloa colona seeds
d. Rottboellia cochinchinensis c. Rotate to a different crop but use the
same herbicide
66. The oldest and most familiar form of weed control is d. All of the above is correct
a. Chemical c. Mechanical 80. Gramoxone is also known as _________
b. Biological d. Physical a. 2,4-D c. Bordeaux mixture
b. DDT d. Paraquat
67. What is the most feared group of weeds based on life-
span? 81. Which among the following weed are spread easily by
a. Annuals c. Simple perennials winds?
b. Biennials d. Creeping perennials a. Echinocloa glabescens
b. Mimosa pudica
68. Most obnoxious weed grasses reproduced by c. Tridax prcumbens
underground stem that produce new plants. These d. Spehnoclea zeylanica
underground stem are called ________.
a. Stolon c. Adventitious roots 82. The following weeds are monocots except?
b. Tuber d. Rhizomes a. Ischaenum rogusom
b. Sphenoclea zeylanica
69. Rottboellia exalta and Ischaenum rogusom have similar c. Leptochloa chinensis
panicle. What characters should you look for d. Rottboella exaltata
distinguish between the species?
a. Color of the stem 83. Which of the following depicts allelopathy?
b. Upright or decumbent a. Mungbean and cyperus rotundus
c. Both A and B b. Cucumber seedlings and talahib roots
d. Neither A nor B c. Echinocloa crus-gali and Echinocloa colone
d. Tomato seedlings and mungbeans
70. Bioherbicides are _______ of fungi formulated as
chemical pestides for the control of weeds. 84. The duration during the life cycle of a crop when it is
a. Secondary metabolites c. Enzymes most affected by competition by weeds is _______
b. Toxins d. Spores a. Critical period of competition
b. Crop- weed competitive threshold
71. The following are physical causes of weed dormancy c. Critical threshold level
EXCEPT? d. Density effect
a. Presence of inhibitors
b. Impermeable seedcoat 85. Weeds that belong to family Cyperaceae are
c. Thick hull considered ______
d. Hard coat a. Sedges c. Grasses
b. Broadleaves d. Annuals
72. Which of the following special adaptation of weed seeds
is usually found in weeds classified as under the family 86. Post emergence like 2,3-D can control species like
Asteraceae? _______
a. Puncture vine c. Sandbar a. Monochoria vaginalis
b. Pappus d. Cockbar b. Echinocloa crusgali
c. Eleuisine Indica
73. Which of the following genera of weeds that resembles d. Cyperus iris
rice as its seedling stage?
a. Cyperus c. Monichoria 87. The onion’s lifespan is about 110 days. The critical
b. Eleusine d. Echinocloa period of competition in onion is ________
a. 32-56 DAT c. about 120 DAT
74. Which of the following is wrong? b. 8-10 WAE d. All of the above
a. Eichhornia crassipes- water hyacinth
b. Salvinia molesta- water ferns
c. Nulumbo nucifera- water lotus END OF EXAMINATION





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