Air Dusters/ Air Tool Supplies
‘Three types of bodies are available to meet the needs of a variety of uses.
‘The amalgamation of materials with ergonomic design has resulted in
easy-to-use products for all types of blowing and drying work. [
bodies that are lignt and strong, a wide selection of
replaceable nozzles such as extra-long nozzles, f
flexible nozzles. nozzles with flanges, and a protector to }
prevent loosening of the handle lever.
Alir DUSTEP AD-4 rows | \
VESSEL's ar dusters boast aminum decastNo. AD-4 Air Duster
Air Dusters
DAN Sondord Nozle 2 180 125 245 Covpling in paperbox 110x173 027078 20
Abana | Slandord Norse 2 10 125243 Coupling asxtéo 027085 10
AD-ANPT | Siandord Nera 2 180) 128245 1/a Hove asx1é0 027092 10
aba) Aajtrat Nozale 2 150 130 243 Covgling in paporbox 110%173 027108 20,
‘D-4 398 | alse Nozzle 2 150) 130 243 Covplng 1a5x160. 027113 10
04291 | Aaustent Nozzle 2 150 130243 17/attose 1asx160 027122 10
Dam High Volume Novsle 2xipe 08X4pe 240 125228 Coupling —npaperbox 110173927313 20,
Abas Bruthing Nozze 2 80 170__248 __Covpling _in paper box 115%220_027306 10
Wong pranare OS WFa Wax wating panure OF Pa Waring npereia args O20 S240)
tore than gamm Cvarallongth wag A copter nc
Interchangeable Nozzle (or ap-4/ ab-48)
= a — a
Survend entree, Ee
Web, | Pate Ona Daag vesito. | aoe Oey eae
waso | 25 3 130 o27igo 10 urso | 23 7 Tso 027269
i200 | 25 5 0 om7I77 10 tr200 | 23 7 200027276
tNaoo | 25 3 00 oayi8a 10 tea00 | 23 7 oo 027283,
wsoo_| 25 3 500 advi9i 19 tyo0_| 73 2 Foo 027390 10
‘How Volone Rajustnent Lana Nowe Flaite Nowe
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ti200 | 25 5 700027214 10 _arehangnabip aah Tor AD)
tio | 25 3 300 0770110 Nesaine | Legh Ose Ugo ear
tsoo_| 75 3 Soo 02724810 ea ohimm) ma Maareer) an
saaerhaae $250 ra Ea ows 5
i210 | OF z To as TT
tss-t00 | 16 i 10027952 10,
No, AD-3 Ergo Handle Air Blow Gun Potenied
ho AD-3 $-PB
vo AD-3 10OK-PB sure
pases | SoleyNorle 2 20 17k 98 Coupling 195K 100 77018
AD3SR | Seley Nore — 3 20 177 90love ‘Nas 100 7023
‘AD 100A | Leng Nozzle 100 2 190242108 Covpling 288 100027080
‘Aba 100A | tang Nozzle 100 2 Igo___245__—102__—tatoe 235100 __—02/OuF
‘Working ar nose 1.
rote than 4mm “Oveallogeh waht A coplr nedAir Dusters
No. AD-2 Air Blow Gun %,
For Dusting and Drying Wet Paint Soft Rubber Adapter
sed blow dst and di tom Fragile melds,
‘coated sutaes, se pes, se
fm Boxpacage
vo AD-2 ON vo AD-2 TOON Ns AD-2-1OOR
ve. AD-2 ON-PB. ve AD-2 100N-PB
Nat wi ao rubber tp
yo AD-2 2000
vo AD-2 3000
Wid sprees a ao ana uct
25 batt ono wey.
vo AD-2 100K
vo AD-2 0S
Low Pressured but for Large Alr flow
— ok = (== svcatansnaven
“more emission than ON type. dabrees. Ze A
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ses ge ate en igi rere hear
18 npn fmt tes epee tt
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‘AD2ON. Fgh Volume Nozzle 010 185 160126 159x232 017703 10
‘hens serew gamete Re Vis “Wking ar Fase LD moretan 9 mm “Ar pressie when it cnsurpion amassed 049 MPa
Prapackoa 280 90M pape bo