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Kamprofile ZW703 - API 6FB Certificate
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Kamprofile ZW703_API 6FB certificate
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Fire Test Report API Standard 6FB, Third Edition Performed for Zen Wang Co. Ltd. ww ‘ Kammprofile — ZW703 ZW703-316L/FG-316L 316LSS core with 0.5 mm Graphite Layer 6 inch Class 300 Project Number: 210201 November 13, 2010 Performed by YARMOUTH RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY, LLC 434 Walnut Hill Road North Yarmouth, ME 04097 USA (207) 829-5359
[email protected]
www. varmouthresearch.comYarmouth Research and Technology, LLC API 6FB FIRE TEST REPORT Customer: Zen Wang Co.,Ltd Date: 11/13/2010 Product Code: Kammprofile Gasket - 2W703 ZW703-316L/FG-316L, 6 inch Class 300 SIGLSS core with 0.5 mm Graphite Layer Project Numbe PN210201 Test Specification: ‘API GFB, Third Edition, Nov. 1998 Non-Bending, On-shore or Open-offshore Test Seal Area OD: 8.50 Seal Area ID: 7.00 inches Mean Seal Diamete: 78 inches ID of fire seal Mean Circumference: 24.3 inches ‘Allowable Leakage: 24.3 ml/min ‘Nominal Test Pressure: 555____psig 76% of ANSI Class 300 YRT Technician: Matthew J, Wasiclewski, PE Version of YRT's FIRE-Control 6FB Software: A’ Equipment Confirmed to be in Calibration to NIST Standards: Yes: Burn and Cool Down Test Burn Start Time:] 11:03:00 Burn / Cooldown Duration: 60. [minutes ‘Average Pressure During Burn/Cooldown: 566 psig. Leak Rate During Burn/Cool Downy 2 mi/min Allowable External Leak Rate: 24.3 ml/min Amount of Time of Avg. Cal. Block > 1200 deg. 20.8 |minutes Were Test Conditions Within Compliance?| Yes ‘Was the Leakage Below the Allowable? Yes Depressurization - Repressurization Test ‘Average Pressure During Test: 564 [psig Gasket Leak Rate: 0 ml/min Allowable External Leak Rate: 24.3 ml/min ‘Was the Leakage Below the Allowable?| Yes Does the Gasket Pass or Fail API6FB?| PASS Witnesses‘Temperature -F Yarmouth Research and Technology, LLC ‘Temperature verses Time Chart 1800 11600 400 1200 1000 400, ‘www.yarmouthresearch.comYarmouth Research and Technology, LLC Pressure verses Time Chart} ‘www.yarmouthresearch.comYarmouth Research and Technology, LLC 2010 11/13/2010 Gasket Before Test ‘win parmontlresearch comYarmouth Research and Technology, LLC Gasket Fire Test ‘wn parmoutlresearch comYarmouth Research and Technology, LLC Gasket After Test wir jarmouthresearch comoo yptoasanpmowiotnnn (earr [rear fesor_—_|eo0r fore [ee pesoTT bposr rest lozor__|svor eiee eos e607 IST aT fesor—_|eeor Jsozer [ses ooeortr ere eT jseor ero ca a lever lees [zror_—_|e6s. sso joesorr larer fees [zee [016 [sso __farsorrr FIST eect faze [v8 [ssa ___foosorr [east [stST r3¢__ Fae fase __Joruorte 08 feesr [zee [208 [sce __pezorr zor fers foe [a0 [sss __[era0rr s0sr [rts lear fies lessee [eee _Joozorrr laos nT Tre [P08 josase [sso [aro0e loose 13 [308 [ear [esaee foes osworre [zor ast Ta__ |Web, Ipcose_focs__eroorr Perr A jreoce fess ooo 0s jorst__[urrt_tost__|reo Jaro fzsoer less |ev's0Tr oer [rrei__fesrr Joost Jor [roo. lovee |eeeJor's0rr lever lerst__esvt__post__ [zee [ue fovsee Jose forgo pect jrest__[oeat__ost__[zes [eos [zvoc lees foo's0-r1 lever joret_—_feeot eat [par as firoce [ees |errortr loss s_|oest Joos oor ror a a OC iesi__|oost_Jersr__frest__foost [ser __[tse forsee fess fervor lzerr [ror pert [rut __foast Jaze [oe ease [aes [porvorrt fazer [rset __fport_faurt__frovt__|oaz [ava fresee fees _|ov-e0-rr jiget [ower fuser [evo _over__|oer 21 lsevee [oes _peeortt [pre ues —_lovtr ozo _freor__|er__oet Feros [ese __fereorr jece__ bet [ter los fos [a0 loot Izeose Jase _jooeorr [a dung fa Sway py Away [a Suan Sway ly - 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