Bhds 3536
Bhds 3536
Bhds 3536
Samples Tests
Casing (mOD) Depth Water
Description of Strata
Depth Type Depth Result Depth Depth Depth
5/12 Dark brown slightly gravelly sandy silty TOPSOIL with rootlets. Sand is
Printed: 09/05/2019 09:00:33 Raeburn Drilling and Geotechnical, Whistleberry Rd, Hamilton ML3 0HP Tel: 01698-711177 E-mail: [email protected]
2018 0.10 B fine to coarse. Gravel is fine to coarse subangular and subrounded of
0.20 T various lithologies including granite, psammite and quartzite
0.40 B, T 215.69 0.50 0.50
Brown gravelly silty fine to coarse SAND. Gravel is fine to coarse
subangular and subrounded of various lithologies including granite,
psammite and quartzite
1.00 B, T
214.99 1.20
1.20 B, T 1.20 CPT=42 11.12 Dense mottled brown and orange brown very silty fine to coarse SAND
/ with occasional rootlets 1.50
209.99 6.20
6.20 B, T Dense to very dense light brown gravelly to very gravelly very silty fine
to coarse SAND with cobbles. Gravel is fine to coarse angular to
subrounded of various lithologies including psammite, granite and
quartzite. Cobbles are subangular to rounded psammite and granite
Samples Tests
Casing (mOD) Depth Water
Description of Strata
Depth Type Depth Result Depth Depth Depth
....see previous sheet
Printed: 09/05/2019 09:00:34 Raeburn Drilling and Geotechnical, Whistleberry Rd, Hamilton ML3 0HP Tel: 01698-711177 E-mail: [email protected]
203.69 12.50
12.50 T Light brown silty fine to coarse SAND
201.39 14.80
06/12 14.80 B, T Orange brown silty fine to coarse SAND
15.00 201.19 15.00 4.00m 15.00
15.00 CPT>50 10.10 /
Style: BOREHOLE NEW File: P:\GINTW\PROJECTS\25055 AGS 4.04.GPJ+44 (0)1698 710999