Sweet Cakes
Sweet Cakes
Sweet Cakes
I also recommend doing this trainer 3x a week, on a M/W/F rotation. If you are already working
your legs twice a week, then I would add these glute exercises onto your regular workout and then
add one extra glute day along with the other prescribed training that day.
Today we are doing a lot of lunges. I recommend doing them body weight only, but if you feel
stronger then feel free to add some weight and give that a go.
Today’s craze is all about that rock-hard, firm, perky set of cakes! I really want you to work hard at
this trainer. If you feel like you need to add sets or reps, do so, but first I’d like for you to add weight
rather than reps.
Six sets of the following:
Barbell back squats x 10 (Make sure you’re going deep and heavy)
Pronate scissor kicks x 30
Weighted hip thrusters x 30
When doing weighted bridges, use a hand towel to wrap the bar and place over your hips. This will
be more comfortable, and you’ll be able to put more weight on that bar.
If your training facility does not have gliders, use old hand towels or wash clothes under your feet.
Make sure your knees never go over your toes when performing any kind of lunges or squats.
Five sets of:
Weighted GHD x 12
Weighted Plié squats each foot on a separate bench x 15
Single leg elevated hip thrusters x 8 on each side
Weighted bridges x 10 (pause for 3 seconds at the top)
Jumping split squats x 20
Six rounds of the following:
Deadlifts x 10 (heavy)
Jumping Squats x 20
Back Squats x 20
Squat wall holds x 60 seconds
Stability ball bridge rollouts x 10
300 weighted walking lunges
Yes, this is hard… break them up. But only give yourself a minimal break, and then get back to it.
Keep perfect form, and put some weight on your shoulders. If this is too challenging, then scale
back and go with body weight only.
Five sets of the following:
Weighted Bulgarian split squats x 15 each side
Jumping split squats body weight x 30 each side
Reverse back extension x 30
Four sets of the following:
Cable kick backs x 30 each side
Cable side kicks x 30 each side
(If you do not have cable machines, use body weight only and double the reps, making it 60 reps)
Jumping split squats x 20 total
Pronate flutters, holding onto a bench x 30
Five sets of the following:
Weighted GHD or lower back extension x 15
Weighted Plié squats each foot on a separate bench x 15
Single-leg elevated hip thrusters x 15 on each side
Weighted bridges x 20 (pause for 3 second at the top)
Jumping split squats x 40
Four sets of the following:
Cable kick backs x 10 each side
Cable side-leg extensions x 10 each side
Dumbbell plié squats x 20
If you do not have ankle straps available to you at your gym, you can pick them up at a local sporting
goods store for a reasonable price. Permanent marker your name inside and take them with you
from now on.
Three sets of:
Weighted hip thrusters x 20
Reverse GHD or lower back extension X 20
Pistol squats X 8 each side
Five sets of:
Weighted Bulgarian split squats x 15 each side
Cable kickbacks x 20 each side
Cable side leg extensions x 20 each side
Incline walk for 5 minutes at 10-12% grade incline
Purchased by Erin Crooks, [email protected] #10268244