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Sweet Cakes

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Cakes by ashley horner ashleyhorner.co

Purchased by Erin Crooks, [email protected] #10268244

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
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Purchased by Erin Crooks, [email protected] #10268244

Sweet Cakes
Everyone is craving that big bootylishious, that junk in the trunk, sweet cakes,
solid-as-a-rock glutes! I am going to give you my favorite, most effective, bum
supersizing exercises to get you your very own pair of sweet cakes!


This trainer is meant to be a supplemental trainer. I recommend doing this in conjunction with
another Becoming Extraordinary trainer that I have available! This sweet cake trainer is meant
to be an add-on workout and shouldn’t last more than 15-20 minutes. Remember, to gain mass
you must lift heavy, so you’ll notice on certain exercises you will be lifting heavy. The lower the
rep range, the heavier the weight should be. This isn’t a tighten-and-tone trainer but rather one to
give you that rock-hard, perky ass. Please follow this program exactly as is, and you will love your
results. I can’t wait to see your very own customized sweet cakes!

I also recommend doing this trainer 3x a week, on a M/W/F rotation. If you are already working
your legs twice a week, then I would add these glute exercises onto your regular workout and then
add one extra glute day along with the other prescribed training that day.


Glute bridge (single)
Barbell hip thrusts (heavy)
Pronate (on your stomach, holding onto a bench)
Flutter kicks/scissors
Cable kickbacks
Cable side extensions
Reverse lunges
Sumo squats
Bulgarian split squats
Dumbbell side lunges
Stability ball leg curls
Back extension/GHD
Clam shell weighted
Plié squats
Single leg deadlifts
Hip thrusters
Curtsy lunges

ashleyhorner.co 1 sweet cakes

Purchased by Erin Crooks, [email protected] #10268244
Week 1
5 sets x 8 reps of the following:
Barbell hip thrusters
Plié squats holding a dumbbell
Single-leg deadlifts

Finisher, 100 reps of:

Donkey kicks
Single-leg hip thrusters (100 total)

Today we are doing a lot of lunges. I recommend doing them body weight only, but if you feel
stronger then feel free to add some weight and give that a go.

Body weight recommended. If you add weight, do so by holding a plate overhead.

1 set of the following:
Walking lunges x 100
Side lunges x 100 each side
Curtsy lunges x 100 each side
Clam shells x 100 each side

Today’s craze is all about that rock-hard, firm, perky set of cakes! I really want you to work hard at
this trainer. If you feel like you need to add sets or reps, do so, but first I’d like for you to add weight
rather than reps.

Six sets of the following:
Barbell back squats x 10 (Make sure you’re going deep and heavy)
Pronate scissor kicks x 30
Weighted hip thrusters x 30

When doing weighted bridges, use a hand towel to wrap the bar and place over your hips. This will
be more comfortable, and you’ll be able to put more weight on that bar.

ashleyhorner.co 2 sweet cakes

Purchased by Erin Crooks, [email protected] #10268244
Why are squats one of my favorite exercises?
Because you burn more fat doing squats than any other single exercise.
One of the most time-efficient ways to burn more calories is actually to gain more muscle! For
every pound of additional muscle you gain, your body will burn an extra 60-70 calories per day
even while you sleep. So, if you gain five pounds of muscle, you will automatically burn 300-700
more calories per day than you did before.

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Purchased by Erin Crooks, [email protected] #10268244
Week 2
Five sets of:
Weighted Bulgarian split squats x 15 each side
Jumping Bulgarian split squats, single legged, body weight x 20 each side
Reverse extension x 20

Three sets of:

Reverse glider lunges x 20 each leg
Side glider lunges x 20 each leg
Pulsing Split lunges x 10 each side (10 pulses=1 rep)

If your training facility does not have gliders, use old hand towels or wash clothes under your feet.

Make sure your knees never go over your toes when performing any kind of lunges or squats.

Five sets of:
Weighted GHD x 12
Weighted Plié squats each foot on a separate bench x 15
Single leg elevated hip thrusters x 8 on each side
Weighted bridges x 10 (pause for 3 seconds at the top)
Jumping split squats x 20

Six rounds of the following:
Deadlifts x 10 (heavy)
Jumping Squats x 20
Back Squats x 20
Squat wall holds x 60 seconds
Stability ball bridge rollouts x 10

ashleyhorner.co 4 sweet cakes

Purchased by Erin Crooks, [email protected] #10268244
Try to perfect every aspect of your life.
Love your life, and learn to love your body! Think of training and sculpting as more of a game in
order to take away the pressure of thinking you have to look a certain way. Define perfection as
what you already are and have rather than as what others expect.

ashleyhorner.co 5 sweet cakes

Purchased by Erin Crooks, [email protected] #10268244
Week 3
Pulsing squats x 100

Then, three sets of the following:

Weighted reverse lunges x 10 each side
Bulgarian split squats x 10 each side
Weighted bridges x 30

Then, after all completed sets, do the following:

1 set of Pulsing squats X 100

300 weighted walking lunges

Yes, this is hard… break them up. But only give yourself a minimal break, and then get back to it.
Keep perfect form, and put some weight on your shoulders. If this is too challenging, then scale
back and go with body weight only.

Five sets of the following:
Weighted Bulgarian split squats x 15 each side
Jumping split squats body weight x 30 each side
Reverse back extension x 30

Three sets of:

Reverse glider lunges x 30 each leg
Side glider lunges x 30 each leg
Pulsing Split lunges with weight x 10 each side (10 pulses=1 rep)

ashleyhorner.co 6 sweet cakes

Purchased by Erin Crooks, [email protected] #10268244
For the rest of this supplemental trainer, I want you to take out all processed sugar and artificial
sugar. Fruit and honey are okay, but in the next three weeks as you finish this trainer you will
see your skin texture change. Don’t like cellulite? Neither do I! I noticed a HUGE difference
in my skin when (even in my coffee) I switched to honey instead of artificial sweeteners like
truvia and stevia (these are some natural sweeteners, but I would really like to challenge you
to just get rid of all of the artificials). Try it, drink lots of water and see what happens to you.

ashleyhorner.co 7 sweet cakes

Purchased by Erin Crooks, [email protected] #10268244
Week 4
TEN rounds of the following as fast as you can:
Barbell glute bridge x 10
Plié squats holding a dumbbell x 20
Squat jumps x 30


Four sets of the following:
Cable kick backs x 30 each side
Cable side kicks x 30 each side
(If you do not have cable machines, use body weight only and double the reps, making it 60 reps)
Jumping split squats x 20 total
Pronate flutters, holding onto a bench x 30

Three sets of the following:

Single-leg deadlifts x 8 each side
Weighted Bulgarian split squats x 15 each side

Five sets of the following:
Weighted GHD or lower back extension x 15
Weighted Plié squats each foot on a separate bench x 15
Single-leg elevated hip thrusters x 15 on each side
Weighted bridges x 20 (pause for 3 second at the top)
Jumping split squats x 40

ashleyhorner.co 8 sweet cakes

Purchased by Erin Crooks, [email protected] #10268244
Week 5
Five sets of the following:
Reverse lunges x 6 each leg
Deadlifts x 6
Sumo squats x 20 (really squeeze)

Four sets of the following:
Cable kick backs x 10 each side
Cable side-leg extensions x 10 each side
Dumbbell plié squats x 20

If you do not have ankle straps available to you at your gym, you can pick them up at a local sporting
goods store for a reasonable price. Permanent marker your name inside and take them with you
from now on.

Three sets of:
Weighted hip thrusters x 20
Reverse GHD or lower back extension X 20
Pistol squats X 8 each side

Burnout with three rounds of the following:

Single leg elevated hip thrusters x 20 on each side

ashleyhorner.co 9 sweet cakes

Purchased by Erin Crooks, [email protected] #10268244
Week 6
Tabata workout

20 seconds of work/10 second of rest for 8 rounds, 5 exercises

Runner’s squats
(Be sure to alternate left and right leg. By the end of 8 rounds you should
have completed 4 rounds on the right and 4 rounds on the left.)
Plié squat
Jumping lunges
Monster mountain climbers
Jumping squats

Five sets of:
Weighted Bulgarian split squats x 15 each side
Cable kickbacks x 20 each side
Cable side leg extensions x 20 each side

Three sets of:

Reverse glider lunges x 20 each leg
Side glider lunges x 20 each leg
Pulsing Split lunges x 10 each side (10 pulses=1 rep)

Incline walk for 5 minutes at 10-12% grade incline

Four sets of:

Plié squats X 50
Body weight reverse lunges X 50 each side
Weighted back squat X 10
Weighted bridges X 20

ashleyhorner.co 10 sweet cakes

Purchased by Erin Crooks, [email protected] #10268244
Sweet Cakes
Congratulations on your new pair of #SweetCakes.
If you’re not feeling like you’ve reached the results you were wishing, you probably just need
a little more time, and I would recommend continuing on this trainer for an additional 4-6
weeks, supplementing it into your daily workouts three times a week. Once you really see
change take place, I would recommend using this trainer twice a week for maintenance. Please
remember that to achieve optimum results you must also discipline your nutrition by watching
the foods your consuming. I have experienced a huge difference in my butt and the texture
in my skin once I cut out most sugars (not talking about fruit, but you should still keep your
fruit intake moderately low) and sweets including foods/drinks with artificial sweeteners.

Purchased by Erin Crooks, [email protected] #10268244

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