Ra - Floor Box Ins - QCSD - Rev 0
Ra - Floor Box Ins - QCSD - Rev 0
Ra - Floor Box Ins - QCSD - Rev 0
Maintenance Chances of 1 1 1 2/3 3/4 High Ensure earth leakage switch trip tested L
/Routine Electrocution daily.
checks of Flexible extension leads, portable tools and
Electrical electrical plant inspected, tested and tagged
Equipment every weekly.
Short circuit Electrical Fire, burns 2 3 3 3 4 High Use proper type of fire extinguisher.
resulting in and/or contact with
Person should be trained in the use of
an electrical electricity M
firefighting equipment.
To makes sure that the fire extinguishers are
stored at the designated source. Eg base of
Strike underground
switch board or power source.
Underground cabling with machine,
electrical hand tools or other. 2 2 1 2 2 Medium
Make sure that the underground services are
located and isolated.
demolition When base built drawings are incorrect
work. and services are not in their expected S
Hands not directly exposed to the wires or
existing services.
Project: Qatar Central Securities Depository Project No:
Activity: Installation of Floor box Date: 14 November 2022
Live Electric shocks, burns 2 2 3/4 4 High Ensure the power supply is connected H
electricity in or electrocution. with an RCBO.
roof cavity. Check and recheck for all existing circuits
and isolate the DB before accessing the roof
Tag out the distribution board and it
should be controlled by the site engineer or S
the electrical supervisor. Anyone other than
should be reported for further assistance.