Ra - Floor Box Ins - QCSD - Rev 0

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Project: Qatar Central Securities Depository Project No:

Activity: Installation of Floor box Date: 14 November 2022

Persons at Risk Risk Rating Existing Control Measures Specified Residual

Activity Potential Hazards E S/C V P L S R Level of [All below mentioned will be strictly complied Level of
Risk to ‘Isolation of Mains’ before proceeding ] Risk
USAGE OF Staff and visitors may 1 2 Low Daily good housekeeping.
EXTENSION be injured if they trip All areas well lit, including stairs. L
POWER over objects or slip on No trailing leads or cables.
CHORDS spillages from power Staff keeps work areas clear, e.g. no boxes left in
cables and chords. walkways, deliveries stored immediately, offices
cleaned each evening
Tool cable installation Of
Chances of wiring will harm the body High Usage of universal joints industrial outlets and
Electric or fatal. 1 1 1 3 Plugs as per project. H
Will cause injuries to the
Usage of operative Medium Using only 230volt power tools or Battery operated L
power tools 1 2 drills. Trained manpower only to be use power tools.
Chances of unexpected
Storage of impacts Low Adequate storage space should be arranged at site. L
Materials 1 1 4 As per the HSE policies.
Project: Qatar Central Securities Depository Project No:
Activity: Installation of Floor box Date: 14 November 2022

Persons at Risk Risk Rating Existing Control Measures Specified Residual

Activity Potential Hazards E S/C V P L S R Level of Level of
Risk Risk

Working at Major/Minor injuries 1 1 1 2/3 High  Scaffoldings/ladders should be used with H

height proper supports. Safety harness to be used
for heights above 2 meters.
 All scaffold to be inspected every 7 days
by trained scaffold Inspectors. Scaffold
inspector badge attached.
 Safety harness to be fitted to a secure
Anchorage point.(Not on the ladders and
Mobile scaffold.
 Avoid working from ladder if possible.
Never use the last 3 steps of a
ladder/step ladder.
 If ladders are used for short work periods,
they must be held by a Team Member.
Power sited Contact with electricity 1 1 3 2 Medium
too far away
from work  To make sure that several extension leads
area. are connected together in series.
 Insulated and fused hooks are used for the
 Possible if the extension leads are directly
secured above the work area avoiding wet
Project: Qatar Central Securities Depository Project No:
Activity: Installation of Floor box Date: 14 November 2022

Persons at Risk Risk Rating Existing Control Measures Residual

Activity Potential Hazards E S/C V P L S R Level of Specified Level of
Risk Risk

Maintenance Chances of 1 1 1 2/3 3/4 High  Ensure earth leakage switch trip tested L
/Routine Electrocution daily.
checks of  Flexible extension leads, portable tools and
Electrical electrical plant inspected, tested and tagged
Equipment every weekly.

Short circuit Electrical Fire, burns 2 3 3 3 4 High  Use proper type of fire extinguisher.
resulting in and/or contact with
 Person should be trained in the use of
an electrical electricity M
firefighting equipment.
 To makes sure that the fire extinguishers are
stored at the designated source. Eg base of
Strike underground
switch board or power source.
Underground cabling with machine,
electrical hand tools or other. 2 2 1 2 2 Medium
 Make sure that the underground services are
located and isolated.
demolition  When base built drawings are incorrect
work. and services are not in their expected S
 Hands not directly exposed to the wires or
existing services.
Project: Qatar Central Securities Depository Project No:
Activity: Installation of Floor box Date: 14 November 2022

Persons at Risk Risk Rating Existing Control Measures Residual

Activity Potential Hazards E S/C V P L S R Level of Specified Level of
Risk Risk

 Ensure faulty electrical appliances or

Power supply Contact with electricity 2 2 2 2/3 3 High equipment are within shed. H
within the site  Regular inspection of appliances and
amenities. equipment by a professional electrician.

Inappropriate Contact with electricity  Lighting to be protected with wire guard or

electrical 1 2 1 4 2 2 Medium diffuser.
lighting to  Single lamp holders with bare light bulb S
work area. shouldn’t be used.

Inappropriate Contact with electricity

 Ensure the power supply is connected
electrical 2 3 2 2 3 High
with an RCBO.
supply to M
 Electrical board to be protected and
work area.
tagged out by the Engineer.
 Ensure specific socket to be used in an
area and rest all sockets to be isolated.
Project: Qatar Central Securities Depository Project No:
Activity: Installation of Floor box Date: 14 November 2022

Persons at Risk Risk Rating Existing Control Measures Residual

Activity Potential Hazards E S/C V P L S R Level of Specified Level of
Risk Risk

Live Electric shocks, burns 2 2 3/4 4 High  Ensure the power supply is connected H
electricity in or electrocution. with an RCBO.
roof cavity.  Check and recheck for all existing circuits
and isolate the DB before accessing the roof
 Tag out the distribution board and it
should be controlled by the site engineer or S
the electrical supervisor. Anyone other than
should be reported for further assistance.

 When electrical switchboard not locked

Live power Contact with electricity 2 3 2 4 4 4 High
outside work hours.
on site, un- M
 Earth leakage circuit breakers to be
installed on mains.
access by
the public  When site not adequately fenced or
Project: Qatar Central Securities Depository Project No:
Activity: Installation of Floor box Date: 14 November 2022

Persons at Risk Risk Rating Existing Control Measures Residual

Activity Potential Hazards E S/C V P L S R Level of Specified Level of
Risk Risk
Noisy works Noise at work can 2 2 1 2 3 3 High  By using quieter equipment or a different
on site cause hearing Quieter process.
damage that is  By use of screens, barriers, enclosures and M
permanent and absorbent materials to reduce the noise on
disabling its path to the people exposed.
 Designing and laying out the workplace to
create quiet workstations.
 Improved working techniques to reduce
noise levels.
 Limiting the time people spend in noisy
Vibration Regular and frequent
produced exposure to excessive 2 2 2 2 2 3 Medium  Choose low vibration equipment
during hand-arm vibration can  Ensure cutting tools are sharp Eg: drill L
construction lead to permanent health bits, chisels, blades.
activity effects  Ensure equipment is maintained in
accordance with manufactures
Project: Qatar Central Securities Depository Project No:
Activity: Installation of Floor box Date: 14 November 2022

Persons at Risk Risk Rating Existing Control Measures Residual

Activity Potential Hazards E S/C V P L S R Level of Specified Level of
Risk Risk
 Provide employees with personal protective
equipment to keep them warm and dry, this
will improve blood circulation.
 Provide information about the safe use of
equipment to employees.

 Use pallets and forklifts where possible.

Manual Manual handling of 2 3 2 4 4 4 High  While handling aim for a minimal distance
Handling loads may cause carry and lift. L
cumulative disorders  If possible reduce the work load with the
due to gradual and help of 2 persons to carry out an operation.
deterioration of the
system through

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