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Compiled by:
Miranti Kartika Dewi
Dian Nastiti
Minor update by:
Yan Rahadian

Yan Rahadian
What is the Case Method
What is Case
The Skills to Read and Analyze a Case
How to Prepare and Discuss Case
What is Case Method?

Chapter 1
What’s Case Method?

Lecturing Case Method

Lecturers analyze the material Students analyze the material

Lecturer-centered Students-centered

Lecturer teaches and students Students learned through co-

take the note operative efforts
A Metaphor for the Case Method

The manager (the lecturer)

directs and coordinates the
players but doesn’t play a

The players (the students)

each play as a contribution to
the game of the whole.
What do you need to solve a case?

Read & attempt to Communicate your

answer the questions thinking

Write a persuasive
What is Case?

Chapter 2
What is a Case?

A case is verbal representations of

reality that put the reader in the role
of a participant in the situation.

• Purpose: To represent reality, to convey a situation with all

its cross currents and rough edges – including
irrelevancies, sideshows, misconceptions, and little
information or an overwhelming amount of it.
Characteristics of A Good Case

A significant information on
business issue which to base

No objective
Characteristics of A Good Case
Complications in A Case


A nonlinear
Textbooks vs Cases

Textbooks Cases
Present Principles and Present Information only
Explain the meaning and Require readers to
significance of concepts construct the meaning of
a case
Organize content in a Employ “organized
logical sequence organization”
What Reader must be Able to do with the case?

Construct conclusions from the

information in the text

Filter out irrelevant or low-value

portions of the text

Furnish missing information

through inferences

Associate evidence from different

parts of the case and integrate it
into a conclusion
Making Meaning from cases

Recognize the Reading the Following a

main issue case actively path of analysis
Skills you need to read
and analyze a case

Chapter 3
Types of Case Situations


Decision Making

Nearly all business case Tools for analysis

involve decisions which can
be implicit or dependent on • Decision Options, Decision Criteria,
other situations. Relevant Evidence
• To make decision that create the best fit
between available evidence and criteria
• The product development division, had
asked Mr. Steve Whitehead for his
analysis and recommendation as to
whether Jaguar should commit to
producing a newly designed part used in
the assembly of automobiles.

Express a judgement about

the worth, value or Tools for analysis
effectiveness of a
performance, act or
• Criteria as a standard to assess the worth,
outcome. value or effectiveness of a
• Include both sides: positive and negative
• To assess performance/act/outcome of
decision that has been taken
• To develop next strategy

• Chan and her two key associates, Chin and
Chun, were reassessing the firm’s long-term
growth strategy.
Problem Diagnosis

A situation where there is a

significant outcome or Tools for analysis
performance and there is •Problem definition
no explicit explanation (the •Explain the problem: link the outcome or performance
“why”) of the outcome or to its root causes - we can use relevant tools or
performance. specialized method in organizational behavior or
operations management
•To find the root causes of the problem and address
•The US government agency aims to saving lives. Every
commercial aviation crash involving US carriers is
investigated by the National Transportation Safety
Board (NTSB). Their goal is to understand the causes of
the crash and then recommend changes that can
prevent another one like it.
Rules Implementation

Implementation of rules in
specific context. Tools for analysis
• Detail of rules

• To implement rules in specific

• Implementation of new
accounting standard in unique
Case Reading Process

Read the first and

Look at other
the last sections of Stop! Think of the 2
sections and the
the case. What is powerful test
the case scenario?

Skim sections, and

List the things you mark places or take Carefully read and
need to know about notes about any analyze any required
the situation. necessary information

What actions does

Make an evidence- your position
based conclusion support or
The 2 Powerful Tests

What does the

main character
have to do?

What is the major

uncertainty of the
Remember, there are usually no objectively
right answer to a case. The best answer
is the one with the strongest evidence
backing it.
(Ellet, 2018)

Backed by

Should be
How to prepare and
discuss a case

Chapter 7
Roles in Discussion

The role of the lecturer

• As facilitator

The role of students in discussion

• Small group discussion

• Class discussion
Your Responsibilities

 Be prepared
 Take part in the
 Respect yourself,
respect others
 Conflict with others?
Take it wisely.
Reluctance to Participate

 I didn’t prepare the case

 I’m afraid of speaking
 I’m the only one who’s uncomfortable
 I need to say brilliant things
 People will think I’m stupid when I make a
 I’m afraid someone will disagree with me
and show everyone that I’m wrong
Other Possible Barriers

 Introversion
 Language
 Culture
 Gender, Race and Class
Reducing Risk

Wrong Way Right Way

Canned Comments Be prepared!

Delayed speeches Speak Up Early

Delay and Assess Remember: You’re not on the Stage
Learn to listen
Recognize the social factor
Remember how to Laugh
Should you take notes?
Be Patient with yourself
The goal of case analysis is to investigate the
pieces of the puzzle and arrange them into
a picture of the main issue that makes sense
to you.
(Ellet, 2018)
Agenda for Next Week

How to analyze a case • Review what we learn today

Case: What Went Wrong with • Read the text book: Chapter 4-6
Boeing's 737 Max?
• Read the Case: analyze it
individually and prepare a summary
of the case for group discussion
Students are encouraged to get
the text book and the cases • Discuss the case in your group and
online through: report the analysis (PPT) – next session

• Present and discuss the case in 176989 class – next session

• The group will be arranged every


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