HRM Midterms Reviewer

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Human Resources  To arrange and maintain adequate

-means the collection of people and manpower inventory

their characteristics at work. These are distinct  To devise employee benefit schemes
and unique to an organization in several ways.  To ensure and enhance the quality of
work life
-“A whole consisting of inter-related,  To offer training
inter-dependent and interacting psychological,  To help keep up ethical values and
sociological and ethical components” behavior amongst employees both
( Michael Jucius ) within and outside the organization
 To maintain high morale and good
Human Resources Management human relations within the
-the planning, organizing, directing organization.
and controlling of the procurement,
development, compensation, integration,
maintenance and separation of human SCOPE OF HRM
resources to the end that individual,
organization, and social objectives are 1.Personnel or Labour Aspect
accomplished. -Planning, recruiting, selection,
placement, transfer, promotion, training and
- Is concerned with policies and development, lay-offs, retrenchment,
practices that ensure the best use of the human renumeration, incentives and productivity.
resources for fulfilling the organizational and
individual goals ( Edwin Flippo) 2.Welfare Aspect
-Housing, transport, medical
assistance, canteen, rest rooms, health and
CHARACTERISTICS OF HRM safety, education, etc.
 People- oriented
 Action- oriented 3. Industrial Relation Aspect
 Individual – oriented -Union-management relations,
 Development – oriented collective bargaining, grievance and
 Persuasive Function disciplinary actions, settlements of disputes.
 Continuous Function
 Future- oriented
 Challenging Function
 Science as well as art
 Staff Function
 Young Discipline
 Nervous System

Difference between HRM and PM

- HRM seeks to develop the
competencies of the employees on a sustained
basis while PM is a regular, status quo-based
OBJECTIVES OF HRM administrative function.
 To act as a liaison between the top
management and the employees  HRM is proactive in nature while PM
is reactive
 HRM is a resource-centered activity  Providing maximum opportunities for
whereas PM is a employee-centered personal development of each
activity. employee
 HRM emphasizes on flexible, open-  Maintaining healthy relationships
ended contracts but PM emphasizes among individual and different work
the strict observance of defined rules, groups.
procedures and contracts.  Allocating work properly
 HRM views better performance as a
cause if job satisfaction whereas PM 3.Social significance
considers job satisfaction as a source -Sound human resources
of better performance. malmanagement has a great significant for the
society. It help to enhance the dignity of labor
in the following ways.
 Providing suitable employment that
provides social and psychological
satisfaction to people
 Maintaining a balance between the job
available and the jobseekers in terms
of numbers, qualification, needs and
 Eliminating waste of human resources
through conservation of physical and
mental health.

4.National significance
 Human resource and their management
play a vital role in the development of a
nation. The effective exploitation and
SIGNIFICANCE OF HRM utilization of a nations natural, physical
and financial resources require an efficient
1.Significance for an enterprise and committed manpower.
-attracting and retaining the required  There are wide differences in development
human resource, recruitment and selection, between countries are with similar
placement, orientation, compensation and resources due to differences in the quality
promotion policies. of their people.
 Developing the skills and necessary  Countries are underdeveloped because of
attitude among the employees by T&D their people backward. The attitude and
and performance evaluation values of its human resources, effective
 Providing them social and job security management of human resources helps to
by grievance handling, motivating and speed up the process of economic growth
participation in management which in turn leads to higher standards of
 Utilizing effectively the available living and fuller employment
human resources  Human resource management is the
 Ensuring that the enterprise will have central subsystem of an organization.
in future a team of competent and
dedicated employees.
2.Professional significance  Knowledge
 Intelligence
 Communication skills
 Objectivity and fairness  Jobs are grouped together in various
 Leadership and motivational qualities combinations to form jobs.
 Emotional maturity  Involves the activities of job analysis
 Empathy and job design.

Job Analysis
CHAPTER 2: HUMAN RESOURCES AND -the process of getting detailed information
Job Design
Human Capital -the process of defining the way work will be
-an organizations employee, described in terms performed and the tasks tat give a job requires.
of their trainings, experience, judgements,
intelligence, relationship and insights.
5. Recruiting and Hiring Employees
Human Resources have these necessary  An organization makes selection
qualities: decisions in order to add employees to
 HR is valuable its workforce as well as to transfer
 HR is rare existing employees to new positions.
 HR cannot be imitated
 HR have no good substitutes
High Performance Work Systems -the process through which organization seeks
-an organization in which technology, applicants for potential employment.
organizational structure, people and processes Selection
all work together to give an organization an -the process by which the organization
advantage in the competitive environment. attempts to identify applicants with the
necessary knowledge, skills, abilities and other
Responsibilities of the Human Resource characteristics that will not help the
Departments organization achieve its goals.

1.Administrative Services and Transactions

 Handling administrative tasks 6. Training and Developing Employees
efficiently and with a commitment of
-a planned effort to enable employees to learn
 This requires expertise in particular
job related knowledge, skills, and behavior.
-involves acquiring knowledge, skills,
2. Business Partner Services
behavior that improve employee’s ability to
 Developing HR systems that help the
meet the challenges of a variety of new or
organization meets its goals for
existing jobs.
attracting, keeping, and developing
people with the skills it needs.
 Interpersonal Skills
3. Strategic Partner
 Work ethics
 Through an understanding of its
existing and needed human resources  Initiative/ Flexibility
and ways HR practices can give the  Honesty/ Loyal
company a competitive advantage.  Strong communication skills (verbal
and written)
4. Analyzing and Designing Jobs
7. Managing Performance
 Includes keeping track of hoe well HR Planning
employees are performing relative to -identifying the numbers and types of
objectives such as job descriptions and employees the organization will require to
goals for a particular position. meet its objectives.
 Includes specifying the tasks and
outcomes of a job that contribute to Evidence-Based HR
the organization’s success. -refers to demonstrating that HR practices
have a positive influence on company’s profits
or key stakeholders.

Performance Management
-the process of ensuring that employees SKILLS OF HRM PROFESSIONALS
activities and outputs match the organizations
goals. 1.Credible Activist
-being so well respected in the organizations
that you can influence the position taken by
8. Planning and Administering Pay and managers
 How much to offer in salary or wages, 2.Cultural Steward
as opposed to bonuses, commissions -involves understand the organization culture
and other performance related pay. and helping to build and strengthen or change
that culture.

9. Maintaining Positive Employee Relations 3.Talent Managers/ Organizational Designer

 Includes preparing and distributing - knows the ways that people join the
employee handbooks that company organization and move to different positions
policies. within it.
 Handle certain kinds of
communication from individual 4. Strategy Architect
employees -requires awareness of business trends and an
understanding of how they might affect the
10. Establishing and Administering
Personnel Policies 5. Business Allies
 Establish policies related to hiring, - knows how the business makes money, who
discipline, promotions, and benefits its customers are, and why the customers buy
what the company sells.

11. Ensuring Compliance with Labor Laws 6. Operational Executor

-policies and transactions deliver results by
 Laws that govern such matters equal
employment opportunities, employee
safety and health
12. Supporting the Organizations Strategy
 Need to understand the organizations’
 Help define jobs
business operations, project how
business trends might affect the  Forecast HR needs
business.  Provide training
 Interview and select candidates
 Appraise performance
 Recommended pay increase and CHAPTER 3
 Communicate policies Work flow Organization
 Motivate with support from pay, o Informed decisions about jobs take
benefits and other rewards place in the context of the
organizations overall work flow

Work Flow Design

Ethics in Human Resource Management o The process of analyzing the tasks
necessary for the production of a
Ethics product or services.
-the fundamental principles of right and wrong o They assign these tasks needed to
produce a product or aa service

Employee Rights Job

o A set of related duties
 Rights of free consent
 Right of privacy Position
 Rights of freedom of conscience o A set of job performed by a particular
 Right of freedom of speech person
 Right to due process

Career in HR Management

 HR assistant
 Benefits administrator
 Payroll specialist
 Training coordinator
 Compensation specialist
 Training manager
 HRIS specialist
 Employee relation manager
 HR manager
Work Flow Design and an Organizations
o It is important to see how the work fits
within the context of the organizations
o Organizations structure brings
together the people who must
collaborate to efficiently produce the
desired outputs
Centralized o Looks at the qualities or requirements
o Authority concentrated in a few the person performing the job must
people at the top management possess
o List of knowledge, skills, abilities, and
Decentralized other characteristics (KSAOs) that an
o Authority is spread among many individual must have to perform a
people particular job

Job Analysis Knowledge

o To achieve high quality performance, o Factual or procedural info that is
organizations have to understand and necessary for successfully performing
match job requirements and people a task
o The process of getting detailed
information about jobs Skills
o An individuals level of proficiency at
Job Descriptions performing a particular task-that is, the
o An essential part of job analysis is the capability to perform it well.
creation of job description
o A lists of the tasks, duties and Ability
responsibilities (TDRs) that a o Refers to a move general enduring
particular job entails. capability that an individual possess
o Includes the Job Title, Brief
Description of TDRs, and a List of
the essential duties with detailed
specifications of the tasks involved
in carrying out each duty
o helps the organization make
consistent decision about such
matters as pay and promotion

Sources of Job Information

o Information for analyzing an
existing job often comes from
incumbents-people who
currently hold that position in
the organization
o They are logical source of
information because they are
most acquainted with the details of the

Position Analysis Questionnaire

o Standardized job analysis
questionnaire containing 194 questons
Job Specifications abut work behavior, work conditions,
ad job characteristics that applt to a  Training
wide variety of jobs.  Performance Appraisal
 Career Planning
Job Design
1.Information Output o The process of defining how work will
o Where and how a worker gets be performed and what task will be
information needed to perform a job required in a given job
2.Mental Processes o To design job effectively, a person
o The reasoning, decision making, mut thoroughly understand the job
planning and information-processing itself and its place in the larger work
activities involved in performing the units work flow process.
3.Work Output
o The physical activities, tools and Approaches to Job Design
devices used by the worker to perform
the job o Designing for Efficiency
4.Relationship with other persons o Design for Motivation
o The relationship with other people o Design for Mental capacity
required performing the job o Design for Safety and Health
5.Job Context
o The physical and social context where 1.Designing for Efficiency
the work is performed o Organization benefit from lower costs
6.Other Characteristics and greater output per worker, but
o The activities, conditions and workers should be less fatigues
characteristics other than those o Industrial Engineering – the study of
previously described that are relevant jobs to find the simplest way to
to the job structure work in order to maximize
Fleishman Job Analysis System o Reduces complexity of the work
o Job analysis technique that asks the
subject matter experts to evaluate a job
in terms of the abilities required to
perform a job
o The survey is based on 52 categories
of abilities, ranging from written
comprehension to deductive
reasoning, manual dexterity, stamina,
and originality
2.Designing Jobs that Motivate
o Job Characteristics Model- model that
shows how to make jobs more
Importance of Job Analysis motivating
o The building block of everything that Skill Variety
personnel does -the extent to which a job requires a variety of
 Work Design- redesigned required skills to carry out the tasks involve
information about the existing job Task Identity
 Human resource Planning
 Selection
-the degree to which a job requires completing
a “whole” piece of work from the beginning to
Task Significance
-the extent to which the job has an important
impact on the lives of other people
-the degree to which the job allows an
individua to make decisions about the way the
work will be carried out
-the extent to which the person receives clear
information about performance effectiveness
from the work itself

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