HRM Midterms Reviewer
HRM Midterms Reviewer
HRM Midterms Reviewer
4.National significance
Human resource and their management
play a vital role in the development of a
nation. The effective exploitation and
SIGNIFICANCE OF HRM utilization of a nations natural, physical
and financial resources require an efficient
1.Significance for an enterprise and committed manpower.
-attracting and retaining the required There are wide differences in development
human resource, recruitment and selection, between countries are with similar
placement, orientation, compensation and resources due to differences in the quality
promotion policies. of their people.
Developing the skills and necessary Countries are underdeveloped because of
attitude among the employees by T&D their people backward. The attitude and
and performance evaluation values of its human resources, effective
Providing them social and job security management of human resources helps to
by grievance handling, motivating and speed up the process of economic growth
participation in management which in turn leads to higher standards of
Utilizing effectively the available living and fuller employment
human resources Human resource management is the
Ensuring that the enterprise will have central subsystem of an organization.
in future a team of competent and
dedicated employees.
2.Professional significance Knowledge
Communication skills
Objectivity and fairness Jobs are grouped together in various
Leadership and motivational qualities combinations to form jobs.
Emotional maturity Involves the activities of job analysis
Empathy and job design.
Job Analysis
CHAPTER 2: HUMAN RESOURCES AND -the process of getting detailed information
Job Design
Human Capital -the process of defining the way work will be
-an organizations employee, described in terms performed and the tasks tat give a job requires.
of their trainings, experience, judgements,
intelligence, relationship and insights.
5. Recruiting and Hiring Employees
Human Resources have these necessary An organization makes selection
qualities: decisions in order to add employees to
HR is valuable its workforce as well as to transfer
HR is rare existing employees to new positions.
HR cannot be imitated
HR have no good substitutes
High Performance Work Systems -the process through which organization seeks
-an organization in which technology, applicants for potential employment.
organizational structure, people and processes Selection
all work together to give an organization an -the process by which the organization
advantage in the competitive environment. attempts to identify applicants with the
necessary knowledge, skills, abilities and other
Responsibilities of the Human Resource characteristics that will not help the
Departments organization achieve its goals.
Performance Management
-the process of ensuring that employees SKILLS OF HRM PROFESSIONALS
activities and outputs match the organizations
goals. 1.Credible Activist
-being so well respected in the organizations
that you can influence the position taken by
8. Planning and Administering Pay and managers
How much to offer in salary or wages, 2.Cultural Steward
as opposed to bonuses, commissions -involves understand the organization culture
and other performance related pay. and helping to build and strengthen or change
that culture.
Career in HR Management
HR assistant
Benefits administrator
Payroll specialist
Training coordinator
Compensation specialist
Training manager
HRIS specialist
Employee relation manager
HR manager
Work Flow Design and an Organizations
o It is important to see how the work fits
within the context of the organizations
o Organizations structure brings
together the people who must
collaborate to efficiently produce the
desired outputs
Centralized o Looks at the qualities or requirements
o Authority concentrated in a few the person performing the job must
people at the top management possess
o List of knowledge, skills, abilities, and
Decentralized other characteristics (KSAOs) that an
o Authority is spread among many individual must have to perform a
people particular job