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PHYSICAL EDUC1: UNDERSTANDING THE demonstrate a variety of motor skills and

BODY (Prof. Joe Mar Capulot) movement patterns

⦁ Skill Related Components
1. Balance- ability to maintain our centre of mass
⦁ Physical Education - "education through the
over base of support
2. Coordination- smooth flow of movement in the
⦁ aims to develop students' physical competence
and knowledge of movement and safety
3. Reaction Time- time taken to react to an
⦁ latin word “physica”-physics
environmental stimulus
“education”-train of bodily organs and
4. Agility- ability to quickly and precisely move
power with the view to promotion health and
without losing balance
5. Speed- ability to move quickly across the
⦁ Example: running, jogging, playing ball
⦁ Five Dimentions of health
6. Power- ability to produce force quickly
- social
- intellectual ⦁ Health-related Fitness- multidimensional
- physical construct containing the components:
- spiritual 1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance-Our ability to
- emotional perform an activity, with our heart rate elevated,
⦁ Article 14, section 19 of the 1987 constitution for a certain amount of time.
of the RA of the Philippines state that: 2. Muscular Strength- Our ability to exert force
- shall promote physical education and during an activity.
encourage sports programs 3. Flexibility/Mobility- The range of motion
⦁ Objectives of physical education around our joints.
1. Physical Development- develop and maintain a 4. Muscular Endurance- The ability of our
high level of physical fitness. muscles to continue to perform an activity
2. Social Development- development of desirable without fatiguing.
social traits 5. Body Composition-The amount of body fat,
3. Emotional Development- offer opportunities muscle, bone and other tissues that make up our
for self-expression and emotional mastery blood
example: self-confidence, self-control, self- ⦁ Benefits of Exercise
reliance, courage, determination - improve your mental health
4. Mental Development- it develops his mental - help control your weight
capacities - strengthen your bones and muscles
5. Spiritual Development-development of inner - reduce your risk of heart disease
self and soul
CONCEPT OF UNDERSTANDING THE BODY ⦁ Body Position- It can be defined as a pose or
THROUGH PHYSICAL FITNESS (module 2) movement that can be broken down into a series
⦁ Physical Fitness- to the human body what fine- of specific kinetic movements conveying certain
tuning is to an engine. personal and/or social meanings.
- It can be described as a condition that helps us ⦁ Other term to describe body position
look, feel and do our best. In sport: Stance, Carriage, station, deportment,
-it involves the performance of heart, lungs and position
muscles of the body In dance: Posture, poise, bearing, pose, posture
- state of physical well-being ⦁ Basic Body Position
⦁ Skill Related Fitness- are movements that are - kneeling - leaning
necessary for an individual to successfully - lying - squatting
- slouching - sitting ⦁ Lower Extremities - part of the body from the
- crouching - standing hip to the toes
⦁ Standing - orthostatic
- position and supported only by feet
⦁ Kneeling - one/both knees touch the ground
- Kneeling when only composed of
one knee, and not both, is called genuflection
⦁ Sitting - action and resting position in which
the body weight is supported
- bony ischial tuberosities with the
buttocks in contact with the ground or a
horizontal surface
⦁ Lying - body is more or less horizontal and
supported along its length by the surface
⦁ Movement- change in the position of a body
part with respect to the whole body
- ex: eyes blinking, breathing, eating
⦁ Types of Movement
⦁ Locomotor- movement is a type of movement
in which the body travels through space from
one location to another location.
⦁ Basic Locomotor movement: walk, jump, leap,
skip, slide, crab walk, run, gallop, hop, pencil roll
⦁ Non Locomotor- movement also called an axial
movement, is anchored movement that takes
place about the body's axis or the spine.
⦁ Basic Non Locomotor movement: balance,
bend, curl, pull, push, stretch, sway, swing, turn,
(module 5)
⦁ Body Conditioning- exercises target your whole
body, using lots of different muscles to
strengthen, shape, and tone your body.
- They may combine several
types of exercise, such as flexibility, strength, and
resistance training.
⦁ Extremities - farthest or most remote part,
section, or point the island's westernmost
⦁ Upper Extremities - or arm is a functional unit
of the upper body. It consists of three sections,
the upper arm, forearm, and hand.

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