Sage Math
Sage Math
Sage Math
We have two options to run our main tool for the course, SageMath.
1. Use the Cloud/CoCalc Version
• Go to
• Create an account and sign in
• Create a Project
• Add a New File
2. We will be using the version 9.1 for Mac this year because the latest version is 9.2
requires us to install some extra libraries.
3. Download the DMG file with a name like sage-9.1-*-OSX_10.11.6- (Do not download the first one without .app. in the name.)
4. Mount the downloaded DMG file by double-clicking on it. It will take a while to verify
and load.
5. Copy the bundle from the mounted disk image to your
/Applications by dragging it as shown in the mount window of the disk image.
6. It may take up to five minutes. Be patient!
7. Go to your /Applications folder (shortcut Shift-Command A in a Finder window)
and right-click on Double-clicking to open it may not work! Select
the Open option. (You will see the version 9.1, instead of 8.8 as shown in the screenshot)
8. Say Open to the unidentified publisher warning. Double-clicking does not give the Open
option! (You will see the version 9.1, instead of 8.8 as shown in the screenshot)
12. It may be much faster to launch it from a Terminal. Open a Terminal and type in
/Applications/ -n Jupyter
13. Any of the last three steps (9, 10 or 11) will result in a Jupyter interface on your web
2(b) How to Install on Windows
1. Click on Microsoft Windows in the Mirror Content
2. Click the installer for version 9.1, SageMath-9.1-Installer-*.exe to download it
3. Double-click the downloaded installer SageMath-9.1-Installer-v*.exe
4. If you see a warning like below, click on Run anyway (You will see the version 9.1,
instead of 8.8 as shown in the screenshot)
2. Once the SageMath server is running, you can launch the jupyter notebook in any browser
by accessing:
3. If you see a “Password or token” prompt, you can get the token from the notebook server
terminal. In this case it is – “d4ab2cb6af9fbabfdb76be4a1527c5fcf20bf608b38935e3”. You can
get this value from
Reference Manual
• Go to
• Click on Linear Algebra in the sidebar