Tue Feb

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Subject/Grade: Social Studies, Grade ½ (gr.

2 objectives) Lesson/Date: Time: 1:30 - 2:30

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson Tuesday, Feb. 7
Continuing some of the work we started with arctic animals. We will begin with a read
aloud/anchor book, work through part of a KWL chart, and then begin on a foldable where we
do inquiry research into our chosen arctic animal.

Students’ will be writing facts on their animals and learning how to research.

GOs: GLO: 2.1: Canada’s Dynamic Communities: Students will demonstrate an understanding and
appreciation of how geography, culture, language, heritage, economics and resources shape
and change Canada’s communities.

SOs: SLO: 2.1.1: Students will appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities
- Appreciate how a community’s physical geography shapes identity
- Appreciate the diversity and vastness of Canada’s land and peoples
- Demonstrate care and concern for the environment

SLO: 2.1.2: Students will investigate the physical geography of an Inuit, an Acadian, and a
prairie community in Canada by exploring and reflecting the following questions for inquiry:
-How are the geographical regions, landforms, and bodies of water in each
- What are the main differences in climate among these communities?
- What geographic factors determined the establishment of each community (e.g.,
soil, water and climate)?
- How does the physical geography of each community shape its identity?
- What is daily life for children in Inuit, Acadian and prairie communities (e.g.,
recreation, school)?
- How does the vastness of Canada affect how we connect to other Canadian

Objectives Students will:
● Watch an anchor video book to get them engaged and thinking about arctic animals
● Recall prior knowledge about their chosen arctic animal
● Inquire about what they want to learn about their arctic animal
● Draw their arctic animal in detail
● Research and find facts on their arctic animal, writing the facts in their own words

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Students’ participation will help assess Summative Later we will finish the L part of our
Assessment their understanding. Assessment chart as a summative assessment to
show what students’ have learned.
Students’ completion of the KW part
of the chart will help me assess where
they are at.

Students’ working on their foldables

Subject/Grade: Social Studies, Grade ½ (gr. 2 objectives) Lesson/Date: Time: 1:30 - 2:30
will also demonstrate understanding.

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to - Have slides prepared Resources:
Lesson: - Have foldables prepared
- Book computers
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/

Review of Previous Concepts/New Learning:

Students’ can be at the board for this or their desks.

We will begin with the anchor text as a starting point. I will explain that I heard
while I was away they began some work around arctic animals!
- Afterwards we will have a short discussion around the anchor text
- What did you enjoy about the book? Did you learn something new? Did
anything surprise you? What was your favourite animal in the book?

This will help to get students’ engaged in the lesson.


After the discussion we will move into our KWL chart.


Learning Activity 1:

First I can either introduce the chart or ask if anyone has seen this before.

Explain that in your partners groups - there are 2 students’ doing each animal
you will be doing 1 KWL chart together on what you already know about your
animal, and questions or wonders you have.
- Explain each column
- They should have 2-3 points for K and 2-3 points for W
- Explain that we are not doing the L part yet.

Explain that after you are done the KW part and have 2-3 in each part, put up
your hand or come show me. Ask students’ if they think they can answer their
W with research today - this can be discussions with me and each partner group.
- Then you will get your journal and draw your animal on the front of your
foldable. (Show example)
- When you’re done drawing (no rushing! Tell them I can tell when they
rush), put up your hand and someone will bring you a computer, or you
can go get one once your drawing has been checked.
Subject/Grade: Social Studies, Grade ½ (gr. 2 objectives) Lesson/Date: Time: 1:30 - 2:30
Once students’ have their computer, the will go on google slides (show example
on board of what it looks like) and research their animal
- Explain that in the foldable we will be putting facts about our animals
- With each video - watch the video twice
- One all the way through
- Second time to listen for facts
- Remind students’ to write things in their own words (as if they were
going home and telling someone about their animal)


This should keep students busy for quite a while, but for students’ that go
through it fast there are more research options they can do

Learning Activity 2:

I can teach students’ that are done quickly how to research outside of google
slides by going onto google and searching ______ facts for kids, if watching a
youtube video they have to check with a grown up first to make sure it is okay.

Once students’ are done their facts, and drawings, I can help the glue their
foldable into their journal


Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:

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