Tue Feb
Tue Feb
Tue Feb
Students’ will be writing facts on their animals and learning how to research.
GOs: GLO: 2.1: Canada’s Dynamic Communities: Students will demonstrate an understanding and
appreciation of how geography, culture, language, heritage, economics and resources shape
and change Canada’s communities.
SOs: SLO: 2.1.1: Students will appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities
- Appreciate how a community’s physical geography shapes identity
- Appreciate the diversity and vastness of Canada’s land and peoples
- Demonstrate care and concern for the environment
SLO: 2.1.2: Students will investigate the physical geography of an Inuit, an Acadian, and a
prairie community in Canada by exploring and reflecting the following questions for inquiry:
-How are the geographical regions, landforms, and bodies of water in each
- What are the main differences in climate among these communities?
- What geographic factors determined the establishment of each community (e.g.,
soil, water and climate)?
- How does the physical geography of each community shape its identity?
- What is daily life for children in Inuit, Acadian and prairie communities (e.g.,
recreation, school)?
- How does the vastness of Canada affect how we connect to other Canadian
Objectives Students will:
● Watch an anchor video book to get them engaged and thinking about arctic animals
● Recall prior knowledge about their chosen arctic animal
● Inquire about what they want to learn about their arctic animal
● Draw their arctic animal in detail
● Research and find facts on their arctic animal, writing the facts in their own words
We will begin with the anchor text as a starting point. I will explain that I heard
while I was away they began some work around arctic animals!
- Afterwards we will have a short discussion around the anchor text
- What did you enjoy about the book? Did you learn something new? Did
anything surprise you? What was your favourite animal in the book?
Learning Activity 1:
First I can either introduce the chart or ask if anyone has seen this before.
Explain that in your partners groups - there are 2 students’ doing each animal
you will be doing 1 KWL chart together on what you already know about your
animal, and questions or wonders you have.
- Explain each column
- They should have 2-3 points for K and 2-3 points for W
- Explain that we are not doing the L part yet.
Explain that after you are done the KW part and have 2-3 in each part, put up
your hand or come show me. Ask students’ if they think they can answer their
W with research today - this can be discussions with me and each partner group.
- Then you will get your journal and draw your animal on the front of your
foldable. (Show example)
- When you’re done drawing (no rushing! Tell them I can tell when they
rush), put up your hand and someone will bring you a computer, or you
can go get one once your drawing has been checked.
Subject/Grade: Social Studies, Grade ½ (gr. 2 objectives) Lesson/Date: Time: 1:30 - 2:30
Once students’ have their computer, the will go on google slides (show example
on board of what it looks like) and research their animal
- Explain that in the foldable we will be putting facts about our animals
- With each video - watch the video twice
- One all the way through
- Second time to listen for facts
- Remind students’ to write things in their own words (as if they were
going home and telling someone about their animal)
This should keep students busy for quite a while, but for students’ that go
through it fast there are more research options they can do
Learning Activity 2:
I can teach students’ that are done quickly how to research outside of google
slides by going onto google and searching ______ facts for kids, if watching a
youtube video they have to check with a grown up first to make sure it is okay.
Once students’ are done their facts, and drawings, I can help the glue their
foldable into their journal