Bluefish Doc PDF A4 1.0 4
Bluefish Doc PDF A4 1.0 4
Bluefish Doc PDF A4 1.0 4
Bluefish: The Definitive Guide: User's, Developer's, and Documentarian's Guide for Bluefish version 1.0.1 by Daniel Blair, Michle Garoche, Anita Lewis, Alastair Porter, Denny Reeh, Olivier Sessink, and Scott White Logo art: Dave Lyon
Revision History Revision 1.4 15/12/2005 Changed to DocBook XSL style sheets 1.69.1. Improved pdf stylesheets. Revision 1.3 30/05/2005 Update for bluefish version 1.0.1. Revision 1.2 13/04/2005 Changed to DocBook 4.4 and DocBook XSL style sheets 1.68.1. Improved css stylesheets. Added contents to Customizing Bluefish. Revision 1.1 03/02/2005 Added sections to Working with files and folders. Added examples to Custom Menu, External programs and filters. Added sections to Customizing Bluefish. Revision 1.0 10/01/2005 Initial release for bluefish version 1.0
Copyright 2004-2005 The Bluefish Project Team 120-126 pages Published December, 15th 2005
Table of Contents
Preface ................................................................................................................................................ xiii 1. About this Manual ..................................................................................................................... xiii 2. What is Bluefish? ...................................................................................................................... xiii 2.1. History of Bluefish .......................................................................................................... xiii 2.2. Main Features of Bluefish ................................................................................................. xiv 2.3. How Stable is Bluefish? ..................................................................................................... xv 2.4. Contact Us ...................................................................................................................... xv I. Getting Bluefish .................................................................................................................................... 1 1. Choosing a Version ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. How and When Updates are Released .................................................................................... 1 1.2. Operating Systems Supported by Bluefish ............................................................................... 1 2. Latest Stable Version ..................................................................................................................... 1 3. Latest Developmental Version ......................................................................................................... 2 II. Installing Bluefish ................................................................................................................................ 3 1. Requirements ............................................................................................................................... 3 2. Quick Standard Installation ............................................................................................................. 3 3. System Specific Installation Issues ................................................................................................... 3 4. Installing a Bluefish Source Distribution ........................................................................................... 4 4.1. Quick Installation Overview ................................................................................................. 4 4.2. Installing from Development Source Tree ............................................................................... 4 4.3. Problems Compiling? .......................................................................................................... 5 5. Configure Options ........................................................................................................................ 5 5.1. Standard configuration flags ................................................................................................. 5 5.2. Flags personal to bluefish .................................................................................................... 7 6. Installing a Binary Distribution ........................................................................................................ 9 7. Post-installation Setup ................................................................................................................... 9 III. Using Bluefish .................................................................................................................................. 11 1. Starting Bluefish ......................................................................................................................... 11 1.1. Command line options ...................................................................................................... 11 2. The user interface ....................................................................................................................... 11 3. Working with files and folders ...................................................................................................... 16 3.1. Creating files ................................................................................................................... 16 3.2. Managing directories ........................................................................................................ 17 3.3. Opening files ................................................................................................................... 17 3.4. Saving files ..................................................................................................................... 19 3.5. Renaming files ................................................................................................................. 20 3.6. Deleting files ................................................................................................................... 20 3.7. Closing files .................................................................................................................... 20 3.8. Inserting files .................................................................................................................. 21 3.9. Editing ........................................................................................................................... 21 3.9.1. Undo and Redo ..................................................................................................... 21 3.9.2. Cut, Copy, and Paste .............................................................................................. 22 3.9.3. Input methods ....................................................................................................... 22 3.10. Basic Find and Replace .................................................................................................... 23 3.10.1. Searching for a word within a whole document .......................................................... 24 3.10.2. Setting limits to the search scope ............................................................................. 25 3.10.3. Case sensitive search ............................................................................................ 27 3.10.4. Overlapping searches ............................................................................................ 27 3.10.5. Retrieving previous search strings ........................................................................... 29 3.10.6. More on find ....................................................................................................... 29 3.10.7. Replacing features ................................................................................................ 30 3.10.8. Retrieving previous replace strings .......................................................................... 30 3.10.9. Changing letter case when replacing ........................................................................ 31 3.10.10. Choosing strings to replace ................................................................................... 31 3.10.11. More on replace ................................................................................................. 32 3.11. File types ...................................................................................................................... 32 3.11.1. Syntax highlighting .............................................................................................. 32 3.12. More on files ................................................................................................................. 32 3.12.1. Remote files ........................................................................................................ 32 3.12.2. Character encoding ............................................................................................... 33 3.12.3. Open advanced .................................................................................................... 33 4. Navigation and Managing documents ............................................................................................. 34 4.1. Navigating through a document ........................................................................................... 34 4.2. Navigating through many documents ................................................................................... 34
Bluefish: The Definitive Guide 4.3. Projects .......................................................................................................................... 35 4.4. Bookmarks ..................................................................................................................... 38 4.4.1. Generating several bookmarks at once ....................................................................... 40 4.5. Find and Replace .............................................................................................................. 43 4.5.1. Find Again ........................................................................................................... 43 4.5.2. Find from Selection ................................................................................................ 43 4.5.3. Find and Replace Using Regular Expressions .............................................................. 45 5. More than a Text Editor ............................................................................................................... 48 5.1. Indenting ........................................................................................................................ 48 5.2. Auto tag closing ............................................................................................................... 49 5.3. Spell checker ................................................................................................................... 50 5.4. Function reference ............................................................................................................ 50 5.5. HTML ........................................................................................................................... 52 5.5.1. Special find and replace features ............................................................................... 54 5.5.2. Thumbnail generation ............................................................................................. 54 5.6. Customizing the Quick bar ................................................................................................. 57 5.7. Custom menu .................................................................................................................. 59 5.7.1. Adding a custom menu dialog .................................................................................. 61 5.7.2. Adding a custom replace dialog ................................................................................ 63 5.8. External programs, filters ................................................................................................... 65 5.8.1. Customizing browsers ............................................................................................ 66 5.8.2. Customizing Commands menu ................................................................................. 68 5.8.3. Customizing Ouputbox menu ................................................................................... 69 6. Customising Bluefish .................................................................................................................. 70 6.1. Modifying shortcut keys .................................................................................................... 70 6.2. Showing hidden files and folders ......................................................................................... 70 6.3. Showing backup files ........................................................................................................ 71 6.4. Editor appearance ............................................................................................................. 71 6.5. Customizing the bookmarks path ......................................................................................... 73 6.6. Customizing the html tags style ........................................................................................... 73 6.7. Changing the author meta tag on the fly ................................................................................ 74 6.8. Customizing files handling and browsing .............................................................................. 75 6.8.1. Setting the encoding meta tag on save ........................................................................ 75 6.8.2. Setting the default base directory .............................................................................. 75 6.8.3. Merging file browser views ..................................................................................... 75 6.8.4. Backup files .......................................................................................................... 75 6.8.5. Using multiple instances of a file .............................................................................. 76 6.9. Customizing the user interface ............................................................................................ 76 6.10. Modifying file types ........................................................................................................ 76 6.11. Modifying the files filters ................................................................................................. 77 6.12. Modifying the highlighting patterns ................................................................................... 78 IV. Debugging Bluefish ........................................................................................................................... 83 1. Using the Debugger .................................................................................................................... 83 V. Reference ......................................................................................................................................... 85 VI. Development guidelines ..................................................................................................................... 87 1. Indenting and formating style ........................................................................................................ 87 2. Naming ..................................................................................................................................... 87 3. Declaring procedures ................................................................................................................... 87 4. Header files ............................................................................................................................... 87 5. New files .................................................................................................................................. 88 6. File reference ............................................................................................................................. 88 7. Patches ..................................................................................................................................... 88 8. Translations ............................................................................................................................... 88 8.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 88 8.2. PO files basics ................................................................................................................. 88 8.3. Shortcut keys ................................................................................................................... 89 8.4. How to contribute ............................................................................................................. 89 9. Some tips .................................................................................................................................. 89 10. Making releases ........................................................................................................................ 89 11. Useful stuff .............................................................................................................................. 89 A. Credits ............................................................................................................................................. 91 1. Bluefish developers ..................................................................................................................... 91 2. Bluefish package maintainers ........................................................................................................ 91 3. Bluefish translators ..................................................................................................................... 91 4. Supporters to bluefish .................................................................................................................. 91 B. Bluefish change history ....................................................................................................................... 93 1. Changes in release GTK2-port ....................................................................................................... 93
Bluefish: The Definitive Guide 2. Changes in release GTK1-version .................................................................................................. 93 C. Guidelines for Writing this Manual ........................................................................................................ 95 1. Introduction to DocBook .............................................................................................................. 95 2. Manual building requirements ....................................................................................................... 95 3. Make HTML/PDF/PostScript Versions of the Bluefish manual ............................................................ 96 4. Conventions for Writing this Manual .............................................................................................. 97 4.1. The id Attribute .............................................................................................................. 97 4.2. Using Screen shots ........................................................................................................... 97 4.3. Referencing Bluefish interface elements ............................................................................... 98 4.4. Using procedures ............................................................................................................. 98 4.5. Using notes, tips, warnings ................................................................................................. 99 4.6. Using links ...................................................................................................................... 99 4.7. Others tags ...................................................................................................................... 99 4.8. Recommendation ........................................................................................................... 100 4.9. Contact us ..................................................................................................................... 100 D. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE .................................................................................................. 101 1. Preamble ................................................................................................................................. 101 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION .................... 101 3. How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs ........................................................................ 103
List of Figures
III.1. Bluefish Editor Array ...................................................................................................................... 11 III.2. Bluefish Main Menu ....................................................................................................................... 12 III.3. Bluefish Main Tool Bar ................................................................................................................... 12 III.4. Bluefish HTML Tool Bar ................................................................................................................. 12 III.5. Bluefish Custom Tool Bar ................................................................................................................ 12 III.6. Bluefish File Browser ...................................................................................................................... 12 III.7. Bluefish Function Reference Browser ................................................................................................. 13 III.8. Bluefish Bookmark Browser ............................................................................................................. 13 III.9. Bluefish Status Bar ......................................................................................................................... 13 III.10. Bluefish View Menu ...................................................................................................................... 14 III.11. Bluefish About Window ................................................................................................................. 15 III.12. Bluefish File Menu ........................................................................................................................ 16 III.13. The file browser contextual menu ..................................................................................................... 16 III.14. The File name dialog ..................................................................................................................... 17 III.15. Bluefish Open File Dialog .............................................................................................................. 17 III.16. Filtering Files with the Bluefish File Browser ..................................................................................... 18 III.17. Info on open file with the Bluefish File Browser ................................................................................. 18 III.18. Tool Tip for Modified File .............................................................................................................. 19 III.19. Saving a File under a new Name ...................................................................................................... 19 III.20. Moving a file to another location ...................................................................................................... 20 III.21. Closing a file with the document tab icon .......................................................................................... 20 III.22. Closing a modified file ................................................................................................................... 21 III.23. Closing all files ............................................................................................................................ 21 III.24. The Input Methods Contextual menu ................................................................................................ 22 III.25. Writing in Japanese with Bluefish .................................................................................................... 23 III.26. Finding a word in a document, from start to end .................................................................................. 24 III.27. Unsuccessful search window ........................................................................................................... 24 III.28. Highlighted search result in the document window .............................................................................. 25 III.29. Setting the cursor location .............................................................................................................. 25 III.30. Choosing a limited search method .................................................................................................... 26 III.31. Limited search result ..................................................................................................................... 26 III.32. Making the search case sensitive ...................................................................................................... 27 III.33. Case sensitive search result ............................................................................................................. 27 III.34. Finding overlapping strings ............................................................................................................. 28 III.35. An overlapping string retrieved with the Find dialog ............................................................................ 28 III.36. Retrieving recent searches .............................................................................................................. 29 III.37. The Replace dialog ........................................................................................................................ 30 III.38. Changing letter case when replacing ................................................................................................. 31 III.39. The Replace confirm dialog ............................................................................................................ 32 III.40. Opening an URL from the web ........................................................................................................ 32 III.41. A style sheet opened via the Open URL menu .................................................................................... 33 III.42. Using the Open Advanced dialog ..................................................................................................... 34 III.43. Bluefish Go Menu ......................................................................................................................... 35 III.44. Using the Goto Line dialog ............................................................................................................. 35 III.45. The Bluefish Project Menu ............................................................................................................. 36 III.46. The Create Project dialog ............................................................................................................... 36 III.47. Creating a New Project .................................................................................................................. 36 III.48. Entering Bluefish Project Filename .................................................................................................. 37 III.49. Selecting a Bluefish Project ............................................................................................................ 37 III.50. Opening a Bluefish Project ............................................................................................................. 38 III.51. How bookmarks are marked ............................................................................................................ 39 III.52. Bookmarks in the side panel ............................................................................................................ 39 III.53. Contextual menu on bookmark in the side panel .................................................................................. 39 III.54. Editing a bookmark ....................................................................................................................... 40 III.55. A named bookmark ....................................................................................................................... 40 III.56. The contextual menu on a document in the bookmark tab ..................................................................... 40 III.57. Bookmarking with Posix regular expression ....................................................................................... 41 III.58. Bookmarks with Posix regular expression .......................................................................................... 41 III.59. Bookmarking Objective C functions via the Find menu ........................................................................ 42 III.60. Bookmarking PHP functions via the Find menu .................................................................................. 42 III.61. Nth occurrence with Find Again ...................................................................................................... 43 III.62. Nth+1 occurrence with Find Again ................................................................................................... 43 III.63. Selecting a string for subsequent search ............................................................................................. 44 III.64. Finding a string from selection ........................................................................................................ 44
Bluefish: The Definitive Guide III.65. The table before transformation ....................................................................................................... 46 III.66. The table after transformation .......................................................................................................... 46 III.67. Indenting part of a text ................................................................................................................... 49 III.68. Bluefish Spell Checker ................................................................................................................... 50 III.69. The reference browser contextual menu ............................................................................................. 51 III.70. The reference browser options menu ................................................................................................. 51 III.71. A function reference dialog window ................................................................................................. 51 III.72. Info available for a function ............................................................................................................ 52 III.73. The HTML Tags menu .................................................................................................................. 52 III.74. The HTML Dialogs menu ............................................................................................................... 53 III.75. An HTML button with a three-dotted tool tip ..................................................................................... 53 III.76. A simple HTML tool tip button ....................................................................................................... 53 III.77. The Replace special menu .............................................................................................................. 54 III.78. The Insert thumbnail icon ............................................................................................................... 54 III.79. The Multi thumbnail icon ............................................................................................................... 54 III.80. The Insert thumbnail dialog ............................................................................................................ 55 III.81. The Multi thumbnail dialog ............................................................................................................. 56 III.82. The Table icon in the html tool bar ................................................................................................... 57 III.83. Adding an element to the Quick bar .................................................................................................. 57 III.84. The added element in the Quick bar .................................................................................................. 58 III.85. Adding a pop up menu element to the Quick bar ................................................................................. 58 III.86. Removing an element from the Quick bar .......................................................................................... 58 III.87. Moving an element within the Quick bar ........................................................................................... 58 III.88. Accessing the custom menu ............................................................................................................ 59 III.89. The Custom Menu Editor ............................................................................................................... 59 III.90. Extract of the default custom menu path ............................................................................................ 60 III.91. The Custom Replace Dialog ............................................................................................................ 61 III.92. A new custom entry in the Menu path list .......................................................................................... 62 III.93. A new menu in the custom menu tool bar .......................................................................................... 62 III.94. A block of selected text before activating the menu ............................................................................. 62 III.95. A block of text after activating the menu ........................................................................................... 62 III.96. The new div with class dialog .......................................................................................................... 63 III.97. The block of text after entering the value ........................................................................................... 63 III.98. The HTML page before the transformation ........................................................................................ 64 III.99. The HTML page after the transformation ........................................................................................... 64 III.100. The custom menu replace dialog filled in ......................................................................................... 65 III.101. The Add Title dialog .................................................................................................................... 65 III.102. Bluefish External Menu ................................................................................................................ 66 III.103. The Browsers panel in Preferences ................................................................................................. 66 III.104. Selecting the browser's line to be moved .......................................................................................... 66 III.105. Dragging the browser's line ........................................................................................................... 67 III.106. Dragging the browser's line to the bottom ........................................................................................ 67 III.107. Utilities and Filters panel in Preferences .......................................................................................... 68 III.108. The tidy output box in Bluefish 1.0 ................................................................................................. 69 III.109. The Output parsers tab in Preferences panel ...................................................................................... 69 III.110. Adding a shortcut to a menu item ................................................................................................... 70 III.111. Turning files and folders visibility on .............................................................................................. 71 III.112. Bluefish with a customized Gtk theme ............................................................................................. 72 III.113. The Editor tab in Preferences ......................................................................................................... 73 III.114. The Bookmarks path pop up menu in Preferences .............................................................................. 73 III.115. The HTML tab in Preferences ........................................................................................................ 73 III.116. The author meta tag filled in on save ............................................................................................... 74 III.117. Update of the author meta tag on save ............................................................................................. 74 III.118. The Files preference panel ............................................................................................................ 75 III.119. Choosing an action on backup failure .............................................................................................. 76 III.120. The User interface preference panel ................................................................................................ 76 III.121. The HTML pattern ...................................................................................................................... 78 III.122. The <html> Tags pattern ............................................................................................................... 79 III.123. The HTML Attributes pattern ........................................................................................................ 79 III.124. The HTML Attribute Contents pattern ............................................................................................. 80 III.125. The PHP Block pattern ................................................................................................................. 80 III.126. The Comment (C++/single line) pattern ........................................................................................... 81 III.127. Syntax highlighting example ......................................................................................................... 81
List of Examples
III.1. Retrieving all sections in an xml book ................................................................................................ 45 III.2. Retrieving all functions in an Objective C file ...................................................................................... 45 III.3. Retrieving all functions in a PHP file .................................................................................................. 45 III.4. Transforming a table into a definition list ............................................................................................ 46 III.5. Adding a file type ........................................................................................................................... 77 III.6. Adding a file filter .......................................................................................................................... 78
List of Procedures
I.1. Getting the source ............................................................................................................................... 2 II.1. Getting the new defaults after upgrading - First method ............................................................................. 9 II.2. Getting the new defaults after upgrading - Second method ......................................................................... 9 III.1. Writing in Japanese with Bluefish on a non-Japanese system .................................................................. 23 III.2. Searching from selection .................................................................................................................. 25 III.3. Creating a New Project .................................................................................................................... 36 III.4. Generating a photos album with multi thumbnails ................................................................................. 57 III.5. Adding a custom menu based on custom dialog .................................................................................... 61 III.6. Adding a custom menu based on replace dialog .................................................................................... 64 III.7. Changing the order of browsers items ................................................................................................. 66 III.8. Customizing an existent browser ....................................................................................................... 67 III.9. Adding a new browser ..................................................................................................................... 67 III.10. Adding a Commands menu item ...................................................................................................... 68 III.11. Adding an Outputbox menu item ..................................................................................................... 70 IV.1. Running bluefish under gdb .............................................................................................................. 83 C.1. Getting the Bluefish manual source files .............................................................................................. 95 C.2. Installing DocBook and DocBook XSL ................................................................................................ 95 C.3. Installing the xslt processors and parsers .............................................................................................. 95
1. About this Manual
Bluefish has a large feature set, allowing the user to customize the editing experience in numerous ways. This manual targets both novice and advanced users, providing a full resource for everyone. Chapters I [p. 1] , II [p. 3] , and III [p. 11] are highly recommended for anyone new to Bluefish. They present general information, installation instructions, and an introduction to the main features of Bluefish. Chapter IV [p. 83] explains how to debug Bluefish. Chapter V [p. 85] contains a nearly complete feature reference, useful for advanced users interested in customizing Bluefish. Chapter VI [p. 87] provides guidance for developers, including code formatting styles and a reference for all the source files. The manual targets the end user. To that end, we have tried to use a simple, well-explained approach whenever possible. Some typographic conventions are denoted below: Any URLs are denoted like this: Shortcuts look like this: Ctrl-S Menu options are displayed like this: File. However, many of Bluefish's menus are quite complex. When referring to submenus, options are separated by an arrow, like: File Open (Ctrl-O). The default keyboard shortcut is shown in parenthesis. When referring to user input, like issuing commands to the command prompt, a monotype font is used: $ foo -bar | bang -l Do not write the $ character - it simply identifies the command prompt. For commands requiring root access, the prompt is shown as a #. Finally, if you find errors in this manual or wish to write new sections, join the mailing list and let us know. Guidelines for this manual can be found in Appendix C, Guidelines for Writing this Manual [p. 95].
2. What is Bluefish?
Bluefish is a powerful editor for experienced web designers and programmers based on the GTK2 GUI interface. Bluefish supports many programming and markup languages, but focuses on editing dynamic and interactive websites. Bluefish is not a WYSIWYG1 text editor. This is deliberate, allowing the programmer to stay in full control. To facilitate the editing process, a large number of features are at your disposal. For inserting markup and code, there are tool bars, dialogs, and predefined/user-customized menus. Syntax highlighting, advanced search/replace functionality, scalability and language function references make Bluefish a powerful tool for development.
As Bluefish is a part of a larger desktop environment, we have focused on making the GUI consistent with the Gnome HIG2. However, we prefer not following it in every detail, as some parts are intended for the end user, while Bluefish is for the programmer.
2.4. Contact Us
We, the Bluefish development team, welcome all comments, user requests, constructive criticisms, and contributions. Are you curious or seeking information regarding Bluefish? Would you like to contribute by translating Bluefish or its manual? Here are your options: - The main website where you will find news, updates and more information. - The Bluefish WiKi is the notebook for the developers, containing a lot of information. This includes, but is not limited to: updated project road maps, status of translations, feature requests, and open bugs. You can subscribe to the Bluefish mailing list by sending an email containing subscribe bluefish-dev to <>. Do you want to help translate Bluefish? Please let us know by dropping an email to Walter Echarri <wecharri(at)>, our friendly translation maintainer. If you have a general question, drop an email to <bluefish(at)>.
As commented in Section 1.1, How and When Updates are Released [p. 1] , the long time between stable releases makes the CVS snapshots and current CVS an enticing choice. If you want the latest and greatest, read Section 3, Latest Developmental Version [p. 2] below. If you simply want to use Bluefish, read Section 2, Latest Stable Version [p. 1] for how to get the latest stable package for your system.
1 Concurrent 2
From the Utils section: bzip2 (to decompress bzip2-compressed archives), desktop-file-utils ( menu support), gnome-mime-data (old GNOME <= 2.4 MIME support), shared-mime-info ( shared MIME-info database) From the Web section: tidy, wget (to download Bluefish archives) From the X11 section: hicolor-icon-theme To run Bluefish, you need to start the cygrunsrv Service. First log in to a Cygwin-Shell and run /usr/bin/cygserver-config. Then open a Windows shell (cmd.exe or command.exe) and type net start cygserver. To automatically start the service with Windows, set Starttype for cygrunsrv to Automatic (see Start > Control Panel > Computer Administration > Services and Applications > Services : CYGWIN cygserver : Properties). To allow Bluefish to use the Cygserver facilities (to use the XSI IPC function calls like msgget successfully) you need to export the CYGWIN environment variable. Add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile: $ export CYGWIN=server
Debian: Debian Woody (the current Stable) has an old GTK 2.0.2 version, that contains several known bugs, but they are not serious. Debian Sarge (currently in Testing) has Bluefish 1.0 and GTK 2.6.4 version. Debian Sid (Unstable) will always have the latest Bluefish version.
Mandrake: libpcre: Breaks pcre into 3 different pieces, make sure pcre-devel is installed if compiling from source. Try this command: $ rpm -ql pcre-devel ... more nags with Mandrake?
4.3. Problems Compiling? parameters instead. $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/bf-cvs If configure fails, it will probably give a hint telling you what is missing or wrong. Assuming it completed successfully, your next step is to compile Bluefish. To do this, run make. When make has completed, you can install Bluefish: (su to root first, unless you specified a user writable prefix to configure), then issue: # make install.
4. 5.
To update the sources at a later time, you run the command cvs -z3 -q update from within the bluefish-gtk2 directory.
If you're unable to find a solution (or if you think you have a solution others might want), feel free to contact us on the bluefish-dev list (See Section 2.4, Contact Us [p. xv] ).
5. Configure Options
This section describes all the configure options available for bluefish.
Fine tuning of the installation directories: For better control, use the options below. Defaults are shown within brackets. --bindir=DIR user executables [EPREFIX/bin] --sbindir=DIR system admin executables [EPREFIX/sbin] --libexecdir=DIR program executables [EPREFIX/libexec] --datadir=DIR read-only architecture-independent data [PREFIX/share] --sysconfdir=DIR read-only single-machine data [PREFIX/etc] --sharedstatedir=DIR modifiable architecture-independent data [PREFIX/com] --localstatedir=DIR modifiable single-machine data [PREFIX/var] --libdir=DIR object code libraries [EPREFIX/lib] --includedir=DIR C header files [PREFIX/include] --oldincludedir=DIR C header files for non-gcc [/usr/include] --infodir=DIR info documentation [PREFIX/info] --mandir=DIR man documentation [PREFIX/man] Program names: --program-prefix=PREFIX prepend PREFIX to installed program names --program-suffix=SUFFIX append SUFFIX to installed program names --program-transform-name=PROGRAM run sed PROGRAM on installed program names System types: --build=BUILD configure for building on BUILD [guessed] --host=HOST cross-compile to build programs to run on HOST [BUILD] Some influential environment variables: Use these variables to override the choices made by configure or to help it to find libraries and programs with nonstandard names/locations. CC C compiler command CFLAGS C compiler flags LDFLAGS linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries in a nonstandard directory <lib dir> CPPFLAGS C/C++ preprocessor flags, e.g. -I<include dir> if you have headers in a nonstandard directory <include dir> CPP C preprocessor 6
By default, the --enable-feature option is not enabled, you should pass it if you want to get it, the --disable-xxx option is not disabled, you should pass it if you want to disable it. --enable-auto-optimization Optimizes the build process for a given architecture if possible. It works only on a selected set of x86 platforms. How: rely on the result of: 1. uname -p or grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo | cut -d: -f2 to detect the architecture 2. the version of gcc to pass the arguments Tested gcc versions: 3.2.*, 3.0.*, 2.95.* Machines: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4CPU, Pentium III, AMD-K6 (tm) 3D, Pentium 75 - 200, Pentium II, AMD Athlon(TM) XP Other machines are ignored --enable-gcc3-optimization optimizes the build process for a given architecture if possible Machines: i386, i486, pentium, pentium-mmx, pentiumpro, pentium2, pentium3, pentium4, k6, k6-2, k6-3, athlon, athlon-tbird, athlon-4, athlon-xp, athlon-mp, winchip-c6, winchip2, c3 Other machines are ignored --enable-gcc2-optimization optimizes the build process for a given architecture if possible Machines: i386, i486, pentium, pentiumpro, k6 Other machines are ignored --enable-debugging-output turns debugging output on (this option impacts performance) --disable-splash-screen suppresses the display of the splash screen at launch time (Bluefish launches faster) --enable-highlight-profiling outputs statistics on where the program spends most of its time when highlighting patterns. Usage: for debugging highlight patterns or trying to optimize the program --enable-development enables development checks (slows down the program) --enable-gprof-profiling outputs statistics on where the program spends most of its time by generating extra code to write profile information suitable for the analysis. (slows down the program) --enable-gcoc-coverage Purpose: to be able to collect statistics on how many times each branch is executed and how long it has lasted. Creates data files for the gcov code-coverage utility. (slows down the program) --disable-nls disables the Native Language Support (might speed up the program) --disable-update-databases do not run the update-desktop-database or update-mime-database utilities, mostly useful for package maintainers Optional Packages: This works as is: --with-xxx=foo enables the flag, --without-xxx disables it. When not enabled, the default is used. --with-gnome1-menu customized path for the gnome1 menu. Usage: --with-gnome1-menu=customizedpath or --without-gnome1-menu By default disabled.
5.2. Flags personal to bluefish --with-freedesktop_org-menu customized path for the (gnome and kde) menu Usage: --with-freedesktop_org-menu=customizedpath or --without-freedesktop_org-menu Defaults to autodetection. Autodetection will try: /usr/share/applications PREFIX/share/applications /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/applications PREFIX/share/gnome/applications --with-freedesktop_org-mime customized path for the (gnome and kde) mime Usage: --with-freedesktop_org-mime=customizedpath or --without-freedesktop_org-mime Defaults to autodetection. Autodetection will try: /usr/share/mime PREFIX/share/mime /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/mime PREFIX/share/gnome/mime --with-gnome2_4-mime customized path for the gnome 2.4 mime Usage: --with-gnome2_4-mime=customizedpath or --without-gnome2_4-mime Defaults to autodetection. Autodetection will try: /usr/share/mime-info PREFIX/share/mime-info /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/mime-info PREFIX/share/gnome/mime-info --with-gnome2_4-appreg customized path for the gnome 2.4 application registry Usage: --with-gnome2_4-appreg=customizedpath or --without-gnome2_4-appreg Defaults to autodetection. Autodetection will try: /usr/share/application-registry PREFIX/share/application-registry /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/application-registry PREFIX/share/gnome/application-registry --with-icon-path customized path for the icon. Usage: --with-icon-path=customizedpath or --without-icon-path Defaults to auto detection. Autodetection will try: /usr/share/pixmaps PREFIX/share/pixmaps /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/pixmaps PREFIX/share/gnome/pixmaps --with-libiconv-prefix customized path for libiconv top level installation. Usage: --with-libiconv-prefix=customizeddir Effect: searches for libiconv in customizeddir/include and customizeddir/lib --with-included-gettext use the GNU gettext library included in the package
7. Post-installation Setup
The first time you run Bluefish it will create a directory ~/.bluefish where all Bluefish's configuration options are stored. This includes all preferences, customized menus, highlighting-patterns, file history, etc. Bluefish will work right out of the box, but you can and should take advantage of the many customizations available. Change the font in the main text view if you do not like it, remove unused tool bars, add shortcuts to the customizable menu, and edit the list of browsers and external programs. If you are upgrading from a previous version, perhaps CVS, you should note that the syntax highlighting may have changed. To make sure you have the latest highlighting patterns, follow the following procedure: Procedure II.1. Getting the new defaults after upgrading - First method 1. 2. Exit Bluefish Delete the highlighting file in your ~/.bluefish directory. Next time Bluefish is started, the new defaults will be loaded. Note that this will also annihilate all your changes to the highlighting. Here's a more gentle approach: Procedure II.2. Getting the new defaults after upgrading - Second method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Exit Bluefish Move your current highlighting file to highlighting.old Start Bluefish to get the new patterns Exit Bluefish Run diff -c highlighting.old highlighting to find the differences.
If your settings become corrupted, unusable, or you simply want to revert to the defaults, you may safely delete the ~/.bluefish directory.
If you want to contribute a description on how to install Bluefish on your system, just drop us a note. :-)
1. Starting Bluefish
In GNOME, Bluefish can be started from the Applications/Programming menu. From a terminal, simply launch bluefish using the command bluefish.
2. The user interface The top of the Bluefish interface consists of a menu, a main tool bar, an HTML tool bar, and a Custom menu.
The main tool bar gives you quick access to the basic functionalities of a text editor.
The HTML tool bar provides access to the most commonly used HTML functionalities.
The custom tool bar provides access to languages and replacement functions. It is fully customizable through the preferences panel.
To the left of the editor area is the side panel. If you would prefer that the side bar be on the right side, simply change the setting in the User Interface tab found in the Edit Preferences menu option. The side panel consists of a file browser, a function reference browser, and a bookmark browser. The file browser provides quick access to files and directories.
2. The user interface The function reference browser references CSS2, HTML, PHP, and Python functions with their syntax. Some of them provide dialogs to help you inserting them ,
Figure III.7. Bluefish Function Reference Browser The bookmark browser provides access to previously marked positions in a file.
Figure III.8. Bluefish Bookmark Browser On the bottom of the Bluefish window is the status bar. Shown here are messages, the current line & column number, the insert (INS) or overwrite (OVR) mode for the cursor, and the file type & character encoding.
The visibility of these items can be toggled via the View menu.
If you want to disable any of these items by default, you can set these options in the preferences under User interface.
3. Working with files and folders The Help menu contains the typical About box. As usual, you will find in it developers', maintainers', and translators' details. Plus the configure flags used to compile Bluefish on your system.
The other menus are described in the following sections: the Tags and Dialogs menu in Section 5.5, HTML [p. 52] the Go menu in Section 4.2, Navigating through many documents [p. 34] the Project menu in Section 4.3, Projects [p. 35] the External menu in Section 5.8, External programs, filters [p. 65]
Figure III.12. Bluefish File Menu You may also add directories, delete files, and refresh the file browser in the side panel using its contextual menu.
3.2. Managing directories To spare yourself the bother of saving, right click on the desired directory in the directory list of the file browser in the side panel and select New File. You will be presented with a File name dialog, where you will enter the desired name:
Figure III.15. Bluefish Open File Dialog The most recently opened directories appear in the upper part of the side panel, while the lower part contains user-defined locations. To add a new directory to the list, click on Add. You can also filter the file list by file type using the pop menu located on the right side. The list of file types in the filter menu is provided through the Filetypes tab found in Bluefish's Edit Preferences menu option.
3.3. Opening files Recently opened files can be opened by selecting them from the list within File Open recent. The number of files in this menu can be set in the preferences under Files. The file browser in the side panel can also be used to open files. It supports filtering files, by right clicking the contextual menu in the file browser.
Figure III.16. Filtering Files with the Bluefish File Browser The available filters may be modified in Preferences. For more information, see Section 6.11, Modifying the files filters [p. ?] . If you right click a directory, you can make this directory the base directory for the file browser using the Set as basedir option. Then you can access it directly from the pop up menu in the upper part of the file browser. By default the file browser follows the document focus. If you change to a different document, the file browser will show the contents of the directory where this document is located. This behaviour can be changed on the bottom of the file browser. Information about currently opened files can be seen if you move the mouse over the document tab (by default on the bottom of the screen). A so called tool tip will be shown with information about the full path, size, permissions, file type and encoding of the file.
Figure III.17. Info on open file with the Bluefish File Browser An interesting feature of Bluefish is the ability to open files by selecting the text of a currently opened file. For example, if a filename is shown in say a terminal application, you can select the filename, and use File Open from Selection to open that file. The file, if it exists, will be opened in another tab within Bluefish.
Finally, files can be opened via the command line by feeding filenames to Bluefish as arguments. This can even be done while Bluefish is running and the resulting file will then show up in its own tab. Files can also be opened by clicking on the Open... icon in the main tool bar. If you have installed gnome-vfs or gnome-vfs2 before installing Bluefish, you will be able to open files on remote desktop. Be aware that if the file is huge it may take a very long time to get the rendering if syntax highlighting is enabled. The GTK editing widget used in Bluefish, furthermore, is not very good at handling files with very long lines, and that could also slow down Bluefish considerably.
Figure III.18. Tool Tip for Modified File To save a document, you can use the File menu, the Save icon in the tool bar, or press the shortcut key combination Ctrl-S. By default a backup is made during save. The original file is copied to the same filename with a tilde ~ appended. This suffix and the backup behaviour can be changed in the preferences under Files. Before saving the file, Bluefish will check if the original file was changed on disk, using the last modified time and the file size. On some file systems the last modified time is sometimes not very precise (most notably on samba mounts). This makes Bluefish think the file is modified when it is not. This check can be changed in the preferences under Files. You can also save a document under a different name, using the Save As... (Shift-Ctrl-S) menu entry, or the Save As... icon in the main tool bar. The original file will still exist.
Figure III.19. Saving a File under a new Name To save all modified files, you can use the File Save All menu entry. This will save all documents that have been modified and present you with a save dialog if some files are new files.
If the file is unchanged, it is merely closed. If the file has been modified, you will be presented with a save dialog.
Figure III.22. Closing a modified file Use it to save and close a file in one step. When dealing with multiple files, you may want to use the File Close All (Shift-Ctrl-W) menu item. For each modified file, you will be presented with a save dialog, where you can choose to save the changes, close the file (i.e. discarding any change), or cancel the operation.
Figure III.23. Closing all files Say you have a number of open files, and only a few of them have been changed. To quickly close the unchanged files, and remain with the modified ones, use it answering cancel for the latter ones. Note that the File Close Window menu item offers the same behaviour.
3.9. Editing
3.9.1. Undo and Redo The undo and redo functionalities are available from the Edit menu, the main tool bar, and the keyboard shortcuts. Undo (Ctrl-Z) Redo (Shift-Ctrl-Z)
The functions Undo All and Redo All in the Edit menu will undo or redo all of the stored changes. The maximum number of changes can be configured in the preferences, by default Bluefish will remember the last 100 changes per document. It is possible to clear the changes after the document is saved, an option in the preferences which is disabled by default.
3.9. Editing
3.9.2. Cut, Copy, and Paste The functions Cut, Copy, and Paste are available from the Edit menu, the main tool bar, and the keyboard shortcuts. Cut (Ctrl-X) Copy (Ctrl-C) Paste (Ctrl-V) On X Windows Systems, you can also paste the current selected text using the middle mouse button. First select some text (in Bluefish or in any other X application), then press the middle mouse button where you want to paste the selected text. Cut or copy and then paste can also be done by selecting some text and dragging it to the destination. If the text is dragged to another document (or another application), it is copied. If the text is dragged within one document it is moved. Dragging highlighted text from one application to another may or may not work. However, most GNOME and GTK programs support this feature. 3.9.3. Input methods Bluefish handles a number of input methods, available from the contextual menu within a given document.
Figure III.24. The Input Methods Contextual menu The default mode switches all input methods off. The Amharic mode is used for the most popular Ethiopian language. The Cedilla mode is used for languages such as French, which uses the cedilla. The Cyrillic mode is used to enter Russian with Roman letters. The transliteration occurs immediately. The Inukitut mode works the same as Cyrillic mode. The IPA mode is used for International phonetic alphabet. Other modes are used for Erythrean, Ethiopian, Thai and Vietnamese languages.
3.10. Basic Find and Replace The X Input method relies on a client-server input system, and an input server. For Japanese, Chinese, and Korean documents, you may have to install and launch the correct input system, such as canna, and the appropriate input server, such as kinput2.
Here is how to write a Japanese document on a non-Japanese system. Procedure III.1. Writing in Japanese with Bluefish on a non-Japanese system 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Launch the canna server if it is not running already Set the encoding to Japanese, for example: export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 Set the Xinput method with export XMODIFIERS="@im=kinput2" Launch kinput2 as a background process with kinput2 & Launch bluefish as a background process with bluefish & To activate the Xinput method within bluefish, use Shift-Space. A small window with a Japanese glyph will appear at one of the corner of the Bluefish window. Once the desired glyph has been composed, press Space, and hit enter to validate it.
Here, you can see the small Xinput method window, at the bottom left corner of the window and the first Japanese word not already validated in the Bluefish window launched on a French system.
Figure III.25. Writing in Japanese with Bluefish For an in-depth discussion on that subject, see Inputting from the keyboard.
3.10.1. Searching for a word within a whole document Choose the Edit Find... (Ctrl-F) menu item. A Find dialog will be displayed. Enter the word to search for in the Search for: field. Then click OK.
If the word does not exist in the document, a small window pops up.
If the search is successful, the document window scrolls up to the first occurrence of the string in the document and highlights it.
3.10. Basic Find and Replace Below is an example of a search applied to a shell script.
Figure III.28. Highlighted search result in the document window To find a subsequent occurrence of the string, use the Edit Find again (Ctrl-G) menu item. If no further occurrence is found, a dialog will be displayed notifying you that no match was found.
3.10.2. Setting limits to the search scope You may want to search for a string from the cursor location till the end of the document. Here is an example to search all name == occurrences within a python script from a given location. Procedure III.2. Searching from selection 1. Put the cursor where you want to start the search from in the document window
Figure III.29. Setting the cursor location 2. 3. 4. Open the Find... dialog Enter your search string in the Search for: field Choose Current position till end from the Starts at: pop up menu
Figure III.31. Limited search result Notice that the search does not take into account the occurrence of the same string at line 50, since it is outside the search scope. You can also limit the search scope to a selection range. In that case, highlight the selection before the search, and choose Beginning of selection till end of selection from the Starts at: pop up menu in the Find dialog.
3.10.3. Case sensitive search By default, the search process is case insensitive. If you want to make it case sensitive, just check the Match case box in the Find dialog.
Figure III.32. Making the search case sensitive Here is the result applied to a ruby script:
Figure III.33. Case sensitive search result Notice again that the result does not catch the XML string at line 45, since the search string was xml and case sensitive search was requested.
3.10.4. Overlapping searches It may occur that the document contains some kind of palindrome you want to search for. The "normal" find process does not retrieve all occurrences of that kind of string.
In this case, you have to check the Overlap searches box in the Find dialog to retrieve all occurences of the string.
Applied to a shell script, the second search (with Ctrl-F, then Ctrl-G) will give the following result:
3.10.5. Retrieving previous search strings Notice that the pop up menu to the right of the Search for field in the Find dialog allows you to retrieve previous search strings. They are listed in reverse order by search history, providing quicker access to the most recent searches.
3.10.6. More on find For an explanation of the Bookmark results box of the Find dialog, see Section 4.4.1, Generating several bookmarks at once [p. 40]. You will find details on Find Again and Find from Selection in Section 4.5, Find and Replace [p. 43]. For a quick way of switching from HTML entities to other types of encoding and changing letter cases, see Section 5.5.1, Special find and replace features [p. 54].
3.10.7. Replacing features The Edit Replace... (Ctrl-H) menu item works the same way and has all the features, the Edit Find... (Ctrl-F) menu item offers. The Replace dialog is also accessible through the contextual menu within a document. For the features common to the Find dialog, see Section 3.10.1, Searching for a word within a whole document [p. 24] . Here we will explain the features unique to the Replace dialog.
3.10.8. Retrieving previous replace strings As for the Search for field's pop up menu, the Replace with field's pop up menu allows you to retrieve previous strings used for replace, the most recent ones being at the top of the list.
3.10.9. Changing letter case when replacing If you want to change letter case when replacing, use the Replace type pop up menu. The default choice is Normal, that is the case is not changed. With the Uppercase replace type, the search string will be replaced with its uppercase translation. Likewise, with the Lowercase replace type, the search string will be replaced with its lowercase translation.
Notice that in this case, the Replace with field is deactivated, thus not taken into account even if you have entered some string in it. 3.10.10. Choosing strings to replace It may occur that you do not want to replace all search strings retrieved by the search process, but only some of them. In this case, check the Prompt before replace box. A Confirm replace dialog will appear for each retrieved string where you can choose to Skip this string, i.e. leave it as it is, Replace it, Replace all strings within the search scope, or Close the dialog, i.e. cancel the process.
Figure III.39. The Replace confirm dialog If you want to replace only the first occurrence of a search string, check the Replace once box instead. 3.10.11. More on replace For further explanation on replace features within Bluefish, see Section 4.5, Find and Replace [p. 43].
3.12. More on files Here you can see the style sheet of an Apache web site, nicely highlighted after its opening via the Bluefish File Open URL menu.
Figure III.41. A style sheet opened via the Open URL menu 3.12.2. Character encoding There are many different standards for character encoding of text files. Most well known is the ASCII standard, which describes only 127 characters, and is supported by every text editor in the world. The most common standard nowadays is UTF-8, which describes thousands of characters, and is backwards compatible with ASCII. Internally, Bluefish will always work with UTF-8. When opening a file, Bluefish has to detect the correct encoding for the file. For HTML files, the encoding should be present in a <meta name="encoding"> tag. Bluefish will always use this tag if it is available in the file. If this tag has an encoding that is not present in the Bluefish config file, this encoding is automatically added to the Bluefish config file. The locale also defines a default encoding. If you are using a locale (a local setting, defining language, time format, currency format, number formatting etc.), Bluefish will try to load the file using the encoding defined in the locale. Bluefish itself also has a setting for a default encoding. This is the next encoding Bluefish will try. This is also the encoding Bluefish will use for files created by Bluefish (UTF-8 by default). If these steps fail, Bluefish will simply try every encoding defined in the Bluefish config file. Filenames on disk can also contain non ASCII characters. All GNOME and GTK programs (including Bluefish) assume that filenames are in UTF-8 encoding. If you have filenames in the encoding of your locale on your disk, you have to set G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1 in the environment to make GNOME and GTK programs detect this encoding. For information about writing documents in 16-bits encoded languages, such as Japanese, see Section 3.9.3, Input methods [p. 22] . 3.12.3. Open advanced You can open multiple files at once with the File Open Advanced... (Shift-Ctrl-O) menu item from a directory based on their extension or their contents. The same functionality is available from the file browser in the side panel by right-clicking a directory. This feature is available only when the find and grep utilities are installed on your system. To open all files by extension, enter the extension in the dialog, and leave the search pattern empty. Check the recursive option if you want to include all subdirectories in the search. To open files by content, leave the extension at *, and enter a search pattern in the dialog. You can use regular expression patterns if you check the Is regex option.
4. Navigation and Managing documents You may also combine both methods. Here we open recursively all Chinese XML files in a given tree, whose contents contain the word packaging.
These shortcuts are also available when selecting text. Some examples: To select the current line, press Home, hold Shift and press End. To select the current word, press Ctrl-Left-Arrow, hold Shift and press Ctrl-Right-Arrow.
4.3. Projects
Navigation between documents can also be done using the Go menu, or its shortcuts.
Figure III.43. Bluefish Go Menu The shortcuts are the following: Ctrl-Page-Up will change to the previous document Ctrl-Page-Down will change to the next document Shift-Ctrl-Page-Up will change to the first document Shift-Ctrl-Page-Down will change to the last document
The Go Goto Line (Ctrl-L) offers an interesting feature. If there is some number in the document, you may select it, then click the From selection label in the Goto line dialog. Bluefish will fill in the Line number field with that number and go directly to it. The same feature is available from the Go Goto Selection.
Figure III.44. Using the Goto Line dialog Check the Keep dialog box to keep the dialog open, when you plan to access several parts of the document by line numbers.
4.3. Projects
The projects are a sort of saved state of Bluefish. Thus, they are a very convenient way to work with files scattered all over your disks or to pick up only the files you are interested in within a huge tree. Projects features are accessible through the Project menu.
4.3. Projects
Figure III.45. The Bluefish Project Menu Procedure III.3. Creating a New Project 1. Click on the Project New Project If some documents are already opened, check the appropriated box in the Create project dialog.
Figure III.46. The Create Project dialog 2. Fill in the fields in the Create New Project dialog
Figure III.47. Creating a New Project With a Basedir the file browser in the side panel shows only the files within its hierarchy. With gnome-vfs support, the Basedir can be remote, as smb://user:pass@server/someshare/ or sftp://someserver/somedir.
4.3. Projects
The Preview URL allows Bluefish to launch the browser to the appropriate URL, for example Bluefish. This can be very convenient for testing server side scripting languages like PHP, JSP, etc. If the Template field is used, Bluefish will use the template file's contents for new files, which can be requested either via the New button on the main tool bar or File New (CtrlN). Otherwise an empty document will be created. Once the project is created, you need to tell Bluefish where you want to save it. An Enter Bluefish project filename dialog will be displayed. Notice that you can save the project in a location different from the files to which the project points.
To open a project, you have the choice between Project Open Project... or Project Open recent. When you choose the former, a Selecting a Bluefish Project dialog is presented to you.
4.4. Bookmarks To save the project under its current name/location, use Project Save or Project Save & close; to save it under a new name/location, use Project Save as.... If any file in the project has changed, a dialog will allow you to save the file, discard the changes, or cancel. All files open when the project is saved are automatically opened the next time you open the project.
Notice that the side panel only shows the tree related to the project. Also, the recently used files in that project are shown in the File Open recent menu item.
A project also saves some basic Bluefish settings, giving the project its own customized Bluefish setup. Currently, the word wrap preference and the state of various tool and menu bars are saved in a project file. The project file itself is simply a text file in the standard Bluefish format (same format as the config file). This format is key: value. Here is an example: name: BluefishDoc basedir: ~/bluefishcvs/bluefish-gtk2/doc/ webdir: template: view_main_toolbar: 1 view_left_panel: 1 view_custom_menu: 1 view_html_toolbar: 1 word_wrap: 1
In Bluefish you can add bookmarks to a line in the text, and you can later use the bookmark to quickly jump to this location, or even to open the document referred to by the bookmark at that line. Bookmarks can be added to the current cursor location by using the Edit Add Bookmark (Ctrl-D) menu item; or by right-clicking in the text, and selecting Add bookmark. You can delete a bookmark using the Delete bookmark item in the document contextual menu.
Each bookmark in a given document is marked by a blue background in the line number margin.
Figure III.51. How bookmarks are marked Bookmarks can be temporary or permanent. Permanent bookmarks are stored, and temporary bookmarks are gone after Bluefish is closed. The default is set in the preferences under Editor.
Bookmarks can be found in the third tab of the side panel, sorted by document and line number.
If you right click a bookmark in the bookmark tab of the side panel, you get a pop up menu with several options.
Figure III.53. Contextual menu on bookmark in the side panel The Goto bookmark item allows you to go to the bookmark location in the document, opening it if needed.
The Edit item allows you to change a bookmark from temporary to permanent or the other way around, to name it, and to give it a short description.
Note that after naming a bookmark, the default name - first characters of the bookmarked line - is displayed after the new name.
Via this contextual menu, you may also delete a bookmark, delete all bookmarks in the active document, or delete all bookmarks stored in the bookmark tab of the side panel. The latter ones are also available when you right click the name of a document in this tab.
To add many bookmarks at once, use the Edit Find (Ctrl-F) dialog. Check the Bookmark result option, and all search results will be added to your bookmarks.
4.4. Bookmarks For example, the XML files for this manual have sections, each identified by a header like <sect1 id="nameofthesection">. A way to automatically get a bookmark to every section is to search for the following posix regular expression pattern: <sect[0-9]+ id="[^"]+"> and bookmark all results.
4.4. Bookmarks Here are two examples which bookmarks all functions in Objective-C and PHP files with POSIX or PERL regular expressions:
Figure III.60. Bookmarking PHP functions via the Find menu Check Section 4.5.3, Find and Replace Using Regular Expressions [p. 45] for more information on finding and replacing with regular expression in Bluefish. 42
Figure III.62. Nth+1 occurrence with Find Again 4.5.2. Find from Selection The Edit Find from selection menu item will search for the currently selected text. If you select for example the name of a function, in bluefish, or in any other program, and you choose find from selection Bluefish will start a new search for this selected string.
Figure III.64. Finding a string from selection Next occurrences of the string can be found with Ctrl-G as usual.
4.5.3. Find and Replace Using Regular Expressions With find and replace you can do incredibly powerful searches. We have already seen some of them in Section 4.4.1, Generating several bookmarks at once [p. 40] , which deserve some explanation here. Example III.1. Retrieving all sections in an xml book The regular POSIX expression <sect[0-9]+ id="[^"]+"> can be split into: <sect: a string beginning by <sect [0-9]+ : followed by one or more (the + part) characters in the range of 0 to 9 (the [0-9] part), i.e. digits, followed by a space id=": followed by the string id, followed by an equal sign, followed by a double-quote [^"]+: followed by one or more (the + part) not double-quote characters (the [^"] part - ^ is a not ) ">: followed by a double-quote, and ending with a > sign
Therefore, it matches any string of type <sectn id="nameofthesection">, where n is a positive integer.
Example III.2. Retrieving all functions in an Objective C file In a simplified example, an objective C function may have two forms: 1. 2. - (IBAction)nameofthefunction:(id)parameter - (void) nameofthefunction
We will try to make a pattern from those forms: Hyphens and parentheses have special meanings in regular expressions, hence we need to escape them, i.e. to put before each of them a backslash, so that they will be interpreted as normal characters. Thus, - ( is matched by: \- \( IBAction or void are a non empty sequence of alphabetical characters. We have already seen something similar in the previous example. They are matched by: [a-z]+, that is one or more characters in the range of a to z. Another parenthesis matched by: \). A space or no space at all, it is matched by: *, that is a space followed by an asterisk, which means 0 or more times the preceding character. A non empty sequence of characters, matched by [a-z]+ as already seen. A colon or no colon at all, which is matched by: [:]*.
Thus the whole POSIX regular expression is: \- \([a-z]+\) *[a-z]+[:]*. In the example, we have grouped the parts with parentheses, you may prefer this simplified form, though it is not recommended.
Example III.3. Retrieving all functions in a PHP file A php function has the form function nameofthefunction(listofparameters), where the list of parameters can be empty. To match it with a PERL regular expression, you have to know that \s matches any white space and \w matches any alphanumerical character as well as white spaces. Thus, the matching regular expression is: function\s+\w+. Now, if you want to capture also the function's parameters, you have to add: An opening parenthesis: \(. Remember parentheses should be escaped with a backslash. Zero or more characters, none of them being a closing parenthesis: [^\)]* A closing parenthesis: \)
4.5. Find and Replace Here is a new example which transforms a table into a definition list inside an html file. Example III.4. Transforming a table into a definition list Say you have the following table:
For the rendering, you will use the following css style sheet: .st2 { font-weight: 900; color: #e38922; margin-left: 30px; } dl { font-weight: 900; margin-left: 55px; } dt { margin-top: 6px; } .dd1 { font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; }
4.5. Find and Replace The table's source code is the following: <table border="1"> <tr> <th>Software</th> <th>Use</th> <th>Requirements</th> <th>Author</th> <th>Date</th> <th>Download</th> </tr> <tr> <td>BackupSeek 1.8</td> <td>To catalog your backup from all media. Prints labels too.</td> <td>PPC</td> <td>Ken Ng</td> <td>17 November 1999</td> <td>English version (452 Ko)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Biblioteca v. 1.0</td> ... </tr> </table>
The definition list's source code will be the following: <p class="st2">BackupSeek 1.8</p> <dl> <dt>Use:</dt><dd><span class="dd1">To catalog your backup from all media. \ Prints labels too.</span></dd> <dt>System requirements:</dt><dd><span class="dd1">PPC</span></dd> <dt>Author:</dt><dd><span class="dd1">Ken Ng</span></dd> <dt>Date:</dt><dd><span class="dd1">17 November 1999</span></dd> <dt>Download:</dt><dd><span class="dd1">English version (452 Ko)</span></dd> </dl> <p class="st2">Biblioteca v. 1.0</p> ... </dl>
Comparing both chunks of code, we see that the variable sequence of characters to capture is the one between one <td> tag and its closing </td> tag. That sequence can be interpreted as one or more characters which are not a <. We have already seen that. This is expressed as: [^<]+ To be able to retrieve it later, we need to embed it into parentheses. Thus, the string becomes: ([^<]+) Next, this sequence is embedded into <td> and </td>, which is expressed simply concatenating the strings: <td>([^<]+)</td> We should also add the end of line character, which is expressed as: \n. The regular expression now describes a whole line: <td>([^<]+)</td>\n As we cannot use variables to retrieve the headers of the table, we will merely repeat that string five times, so that the regular expression matches exactly the six lines of importance to us. Do not type it six times in the search field. Select the string, use the shortcuts Ctrl-C to copy it, move to the end of the string with the right arrow, and use Ctrl-V five times to paste it at the end of the string.
The regular expression becomes (backslashes are inserted at end of line just for the purpose of not to have too long lines): <td>([^<]+)</td>\n <td>([^<]+)</td>\n <td>([^<]+)</td>\n <td>([^<]+)</td>\n <td>([^<]+)</td>\n <td>([^<]+)</td>\n \ \ \ \ \
5. More than a Text Editor Those lines are at their turn embedded into <tr> and </tr> tags each of them on their own line, which can be expressed as: <tr>\n for the first one, and </tr>\n for the second one. We add those strings respectively at the beginning and at the end of our regular expression, which becomes: <tr>\n \ <td>([^<]+)</td>\n <td>([^<]+)</td>\n <td>([^<]+)</td>\n <td>([^<]+)</td>\n <td>([^<]+)</td>\n <td>([^<]+)</td>\n </tr>\n \ \ \ \ \ \
Now that we have described the search pattern, we will build the replace pattern. Each expression embedded into parentheses in the search string can be retrieved with \x, where x is an integer starting at 0 for the first expression, 1 for the second, etc. All others parts in the final string are fixed strings which we will express as they are. The first line becomes (note the \n at the end to match the end of line character): <p class="st2">\0</p>\n The second line (again, note the \n to match the end of line characters): <dl>\n<dt>Use:</dt><dd><span class="dd1">\1</dd>\n And finally the whole replace pattern is: <p class="st2">\0</p>\n \ <dl>\n<dt>Use:</dt><dd><span class="dd1">\1</dd>\n \ <dt>System requirements:</dt><dd><span class="dd1">\2</span></dd>\n \ <dt>Author:</dt><dd><span class="dd1">\3</span></dd>\n \ <dt>Date:</dt><dd><span class="dd1">\4</dd>\n \ <dt>Download:</dt><dd><span class="dd1">\5</span></dd>\n</dl>\n After entering both patterns, choose PERL type in the Regular expression drop down list, check the Patterns contain backslash escape sequences (\n, \t) and click OK. After replacement occurred, you have to remove the table headers and the last </table> tag and to insert the link to the style sheet. Note that if some lines contain a < sign, the table row will not be translated, but others will. In the Find and Replace dialogs it is not possible to insert the keys Enter or Tab. A simple way to do it is to copy two lines in a row from the current document into the Find or Replace dialog, this way you retrieve the end of line character. The same applies for Tab. A more elaborated way to do it is to use escaped characters to represent these characters. A new line character, produced by pressing the Enter key, is represented as \n. Use \t for a tab. To get an actual backslash, just escape the backslash, \\. There are many other escape characters used in regular expressions. To enable the escaped characters in your searches check the Patterns contain backslash sequences (\n, \t) option. If you have any search and replace patterns you use often, you can also add them to the Custom Menu. Check Section 5.7, Custom menu [p. 59] for more information. For more information about regular expressions you might want to read man 1 perlre, man 3 pcrepattern, man 3 regex or man 7 regex, or read any of the great Internet sites about regular expressions. As you become more familiar with regular expressions, you will realize that they make Bluefish a very powerful editor.
5.2. Auto tag closing Here's an extract of Dante's work indented with the Shift Right button in the main tool bar:
Figure III.68. Bluefish Spell Checker Bluefish uses aspell for spell checking. If the aspell libraries are not installed on your system, then the spell checking feature will not be available. At the aspell web site you can also download dictionaries for many different languages. To launch the spell checker, select Document Check Spelling... or click on the ABC button on the main tool bar. The spell checker will launch in a separate window, which you can keep open as you edit files. You have the option to check a whole document or just a selection, to use a personal or a session dictionary, and to choose the language depending on the installed dictionaries. Click on Spell Check to start spell checking the current document. You may want to set a default dictionary by first choosing the language in the Language pop up menu, then clicking on Set default. Key words for different languages can be ignored using filters. Currently, the only filter is for HTML. If you want to help write more filters, join the mailing list.
The Options menu accessible via the contextual menu offers three actions:
Figure III.70. The reference browser options menu Rescan reference files in case you have customized one of them, so that the new items be available. Left doubleclick action, which can be: Insert to insert the function in the document for latter parametrizing if needed Dialog to insert the function in the document while filling in the parameters in a dialog window:
Figure III.71. A function reference dialog window Info to display a window with all available info about the function:
5.5. HTML
Figure III.72. Info available for a function Info Type: this is where you can customize what appears in the info window. It can be: the function Description (this is the default) the Attributes/Parameters of the function some Notes about the function
5.5. HTML
HTML is obviously the most supported language in Bluefish. There is a special HTML tool bar with many dialogs, and two menus to work with tags: the Tags menu:
5.5. HTML
The preferences have several settings on HTML style under HTML. The HTML tool bar has two types of buttons. You can recognise each type by the tool tip if you move the mouse over the button: First there are buttons that will open a dialog for some HTML tag. These buttons have a tool tip that ends with three dots.
Figure III.75. An HTML button with a three-dotted tool tip Second, there are buttons that will directly insert text, these buttons do not have the dots in the tool tip.
Figure III.76. A simple HTML tool tip button If you want to add an HTML tag around some block of text, select the block of text, use the HTML tool bar or the Tags or Dialogs menu to insert the tag. The opening tag will be inserted before the selected block, the closing tag after the selected block. An existing tag can be edited by right-clicking the tag, and select Edit tag in the context menu. You can also place the cursor in the tag and use Dialogs Edit tag under cursor... (F3). Not all tags, however, have a dialog, so this is not always possible. Colors in the style #RRGGBB can also be edited from the right-click context menu. In the reference browser on the left panel there is an HTML reference available. All possible attributes and valid values can be found in this reference. See Section 5.4, Function reference [p. 50] for more info.
5.5. HTML
5.5.1. Special find and replace features There are several special search and replace actions in the menu Edit Replace special. These can be used to convert special characters (like < and &), or ISO characters to their HTML entities, as well as to change the letters case.
Figure III.77. The Replace special menu In all cases, when you want to replace some part of the text, you should first select the part to replace, then use the appropriated menu item.
5.5.2. Thumbnail generation Bluefish can automatically generate thumbnails for images. A thumbnail is a small image, with a link to the larger image. Bluefish will create the small image based on your settings, and insert a <img> tag in the file, and a <a> tag linking the original. The thumbnails are created in the same directory as the original sources. The formats used for thumbnails may be png or jpg format. By default, the format used for thumbnails is png. You can change it in the Images panel of Preferences. For jpg images, the thumbnail extension is jpeg. There are actually two thumbnail dialogs in Bluefish: an Insert thumbnail dialog,accessible from the Dialogs General Insert Thumbnail... (Shift-Alt-N) or from the Standard bar of the HTML toolbar.
Figure III.78. The Insert thumbnail icon a Multi thumbnail dialog, only accessible from the Standard bar of the HTML toolbar.
Figure III.79. The Multi thumbnail icon The Insert thumbnail dialog is very straightforward. You select the image file, provide some <img> tag attributes, choose the scaling, and press OK. The scaling factor is chosen by moving the slider directly under the image. The resulting image is previewed in the preview frame. Bluefish will create the thumbnail with extension _thumbnail.png or _thumbnail.jpeg (depending of the settings for images in the preferences).
5.5. HTML
Figure III.80. The Insert thumbnail dialog If the source image is not accessible, change webimage to image in the Select File window loaded after clicking on browse for choosing an image. This way you can choose whichever format you want for the original sources. Another way to do it is to change the definition of webimage (see Section 6.10, Modifying file types [p. 76]). If that does not solve the problem, it is likely that the type of images you want to load is not defined yet in preferences. In this case, change the definition of image as explained in Section 6.10, Modifying file types [p. ?] . As last resource, if you don't want to change the generic file types, you may choose All files in the pop up menu at the bottom of the Select File window. The code generated for a png image and a png thumbnail looks like this: <a href="/Users/michga/Desktop/343-4351_IMG_2.png"> <img src="/Users/michga/Desktop/343-4351_IMG_2_thumbnail.png" width="89" height="134" border="0" name="Gamboling" alt="Gamboling in the meadow" align="middle"></a> and for a jpg image and jpg thumbnail: <a href="/Users/michga/Desktop/343-4351_IMG_2.JPG"> <img src="/Users/michga/Desktop/343-4351_IMG_2_thumbnail.jpeg" width="89" height="134" border="0" name="Gamboling" alt="Gamboling in the meadow" align="middle"></a> You can perfectly mix jpg images with png thumbnails or the other way around. If the html file exists beforehand, the paths to image and thumbnail are inserted relative to the location of the html file. On the contrary, if the html file does not exist beforehand, the full paths to the image and thumbnail are inserted in the code.
5.5. HTML In the multi thumbnail dialog, you first choose the scaling method, then you set the corresponding width and/or height parameters. Finally, you may want to adjust the HTML code to be inserted for each image. Scaling can be based on a fixed ratio, a fixed width, a fixed height, or a fixed width and fixed height (this last option does not keep the original aspect ratio!). In the HTML code for each image, you can use several placeholders, such as: %r for the original filename %t for the thumbnail filename %w for the original width %h for the original height %x for the thumbnail width %y for the thumbnail height %b for the original file size (in bytes) The default string is: <a href="%r"><img src="%t" width="%x" height="%y" border="0"></a> After you have set up the scaling method and parameters, as well as the HTML code, you can select multiple images. Bluefish will create the thumbnails and insert the code. Here is an example of two thumbnails created with a non nul border width and middle-aligned, with a fixed height and width, disregarding the aspect ratio. The Multi thumbnail window is the following:
Figure III.81. The Multi thumbnail dialog And the generated code is: <a href="/Users/michga/Desktop/tot/343-4351_IMG_2.png"> <img src="tot/343-4351_IMG_2_thumbnail.png" width="50" height="50" border="5" align="middle"></a> <a href="/Users/michga/Desktop/tot/343-4352_IMG_2.png"> <img src="tot/343-4352_IMG_2_thumbnail.png" width="50" height="50" border="5" align="middle"></a> Full pathnames are always used to reference original image sources. The paths to thumbnails are relative to the html file path if the html file already exists, while they are inserted as full paths when the html file does not exist.
Below is a full procedure to quickly generate thumbnails from a directory of image files. This example is purposedly made with deprecated tags, so that you have an idea of what can be made with the variables. Feel free to adjust it when using CSS style sheets. Procedure III.4. Generating a photos album with multi thumbnails 1. 2. 3. 4. Put the image files in a folder of their own Open a new file in bluefish, click on the Multi thumbnail... icon in the Standard bar tab of the html tool bar. Enter the scaling percentage in the Scaling (%) field Change the html code as follows: <tr><td><a href="%r"> <img src="%t" width="%x" height="%y" border="0"></a> </td> </tr> <tr><td>Original: %w x %h</td></tr> and click OK. Choose the folder containing the images from the Select files for thumbnail creation window, click Ctrl-A to select all files, then click OK. The code generated by Bluefish will look like the following: <tr><td><a href="/Users/michga/Desktop/photos/343-4344_IMG.JPG"> <img src="/Users/michga/Desktop/photos/343-4344_IMG_thumbnail.png" width="80" height="53" border="0"></a> </td> </tr> <tr><td>Original: 1600 x 1065</td></tr> <tr><td><a href="/Users/michga/Desktop/photos/343-4347_IMG.JPG"> <img src="/Users/michga/Desktop/photos/343-4347_IMG_thumbnail.png" width="80" height="53" border="0"></a> </td> </tr> <tr><td>Original: 1600 x 1065</td></tr> 6. Use Ctrl-A to select the file's contents and click on the Table icon located in the Tables tab of the HTML tool bar to embed the code into table tags.
Figure III.82. The Table icon in the html tool bar 7. Save the file wherever you want.
If you want to add the file name and the file size in bytes, use this code: <tr><td><a href="%r"> <img src="%t" width="%x" height="%y" border="0"></a> </td> </tr> <tr><td>%r: %w x %h (%b bytes)</td></tr>
5.7. Custom menu And automagically you will see the element in the Quick bar:
Note that you cannot add a pop up menu. Thus, if the item you want to add is inside a pop up menu (as is the code tag located in the Context formatting pop up menu of the Fonts tool bar), you have to first click on the pop up menu to display its contents, then to right click on the desired element to insert it in the Quick bar.
If you want to remove items from the Quick bar, right-click them and select Remove from Quick bar.
You can also change the location of an element in the Quick bar. To do so, right-click the element and select Shift left or Shift Right as desired. The element will be moved to the left or to the right of its neighborough. Notice that this is not a drag and drop action; you may have to repeat the process if you want to move the element farther.
Figure III.88. Accessing the custom menu The Custom menu Edit custom menu... leads to the Custom Menu Editor. The Load new item allows you to load a new menu in case you have directly changed the custom_menu file located in the .bluefish directory within your HOME directory, while Reset item allows you to return to the default custom menu under the same circumstances. The custom_menu file is created upon install Bluefish and corresponds to some default entries, the ones you can see in the Custom menu tool bar. These will give you an idea what can be done with the custom menu. The custom menu operates only on elements of the Custom menu tool bar, and allows you to: add "often used" items to an existing menu search and replace patterns to the Replace menu create new menus
The Custom Menu Editor is the place where you make all changes to the custom menu. The location for entries in the custom menu is defined by their menu path in the Custom Menu Editor:
5.7. Custom menu It has four parts: The top one with all action buttons: Add which adds new menu entries, once all necessary fields have been filled in Apply which applies changes to an existing menu entry, once it has been edited Delete which deletes the menu entry currently selected in the Menu path list Close which discards changes Save which saves the changes and exit the editor The Menu Path field below the buttons, to enter either an existing or a new menu path The Menu path list on the left side, which lists existing menu paths. A menu path looks like /Main menu/submenu/item or /Main menu/item. Here's an extract of the default custom menu paths:
A custom part on the right side, whose contents changes depending of the type of menu. There are two types of items in the Custom Menu Editor: the Custom dialog, which will insert a string, optionally based on values asked in a dialog the Custom Find and Replace, which will run a replace, also optionally based on values asked in a dialog. Here's how the Custom Replace dialog looks like:
5.7.1. Adding a custom menu dialog The most simple custom dialog item has a menupath, for example /MySite/author, and a Formatstring before, for example written by Olivier. If you add this item, you can add this string by selecting the menu item.
Procedure III.5. Adding a custom menu based on custom dialog 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose Custom menu Edit custom menu... in the custom menu tool bar. Enter /MySite/author in the Menu Path field of the Custom Menu editor. Enter written by Olivier in the Formatstring Before field located on the right. Click on the Add button at the top. Notice that upon adding the new entry, it is listed at the bottom of the Menu path list:
Figure III.92. A new custom entry in the Menu path list 5. Click on the Save button. This will add the menu to the Custom menu tool bar:
Figure III.93. A new menu in the custom menu tool bar Note that the new menu is placed at the right end of the custom menu tool bar. When closing Bluefish and relaunching it, it will be placed in alphabetical order, except that the Replace menu will always be at the far right side. In another example, you have a string you often need to set before and after some block of text, for example <div class="MyClass">YourBlockOfText</div>. To do it: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open the Custom Menu Editor Enter /MySite/div with class in the Menu Path field Enter <div class="MyClass"> in the Formatstring Before field Enter </div> in the Formatstring After field Click on Add, then on Save. The item will appear in the menu.
Figure III.94. A block of selected text before activating the menu And activate this menu item, the first bit of text is now added before the selection, and the second bit after the selection:
Figure III.95. A block of text after activating the menu Suppose you want to improve this last example. You have both MyClass1 and MyClass2 and want to be able to choose the desired class when activating the menu. Here's how to do it:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Open the Custom Menu Editor Browse the Menu path list to retrieve the /MySite/class with div entry and click on it to make appear its components in the Menu Path and Custom Dialog fields Click on the top arrow of the Number of Variables pop up menu to get 1 in the field. As you see a Variables entry appears where you can enter the name for variable %0. As name we enter MyClass number Now change the FormatString Before field to take this new variable into account, as following: <div class="MyClass%0"> Click on Apply so that your changes will be taken in account, and click on Save to update the menu.
If you now activate this menu after having selected a block of text, you will be presented with a new dialog asking you for the value of MyClass number:
Figure III.96. The new div with class dialog After entering the desired value, the same process as before will occur, using the value you provided. Here we have entered 1 as value:
Figure III.97. The block of text after entering the value You can use the Return and Tab keys to format the output. Any variable can be used any times you want in the dialog.
5.7.2. Adding a custom replace dialog Find and replace items are no different. The dialog has some more options, each of these options corresponds to the regular Replace dialog. Again you can use variables like %0, %1 etc. to make a certain menu item more flexible. Say you want to add title tags to a selection in a HTML page so that the user agent could render it either as a tool tip or as spoken words. To ease the discussion we will work on the following snippet of code: <ul> <li><a href="progsys01.html">Process scheduling</a> - 26/10/2002</li> <li><a href="progsys02.html">Fork and Wait</a> - 02/11/2002</li> </ul> We will transform it into the following one: <ul> <li><a href="progsys01.html" title="blah Process scheduling">Process scheduling</a> \ - 26/10/2002</li> <li><a href="progsys02.html" title="blah Fork and Wait">Fork and Wait</a> \ - 02/11/2002</li> </ul> where blah is any text you want.
Figure III.98. The HTML page before the transformation will be transformed as is:
Figure III.99. The HTML page after the transformation To do this, we need to express the <a href="yoururl">yourstring</a> part of the initial snippet of code as a Perl regular expression (see Section 4.5.3, Find and Replace Using Regular Expressions [p. 45] for full details): a href=" will be expressed as is and embedded into parentheses to retrieve it as \0 variable. yoururl will be expressed as ([^"]+) to match one or more non double quote characters and retrieve it as \1 variable. The second double quote will be expressed as is and embedded into parentheses to retrieve it as \2 variable. The second > sign will be expressed as is and embedded into parentheses to retrieve it as \3 variable. yourstring will be expressed as ([^>]+) to match one or more non > characters and retrieve it as \4 variable. </a> will be expressed as is and embedded into parentheses to retrieve it as \5 variable.
Thus, the search string will be: (<a href=")([^"]+)(")(>)([^>]+)(</a>) The replace string should be of the form: <a href="yoururl" title="yourvariablestring yourstring">yourstring</a> Expressed as a regular Perl replacement expression, it will be as simple as: \0\1\2 title=\2%0 \4\2\3\4\5 where %0 will match yourvariablestring, that is the value entered in the Title field of the Replace dialog at activating time.
Procedure III.6. Adding a custom menu based on replace dialog 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose Custom menu Edit custom menu... in the custom menu tool bar. Browse the Menu path list to retrieve the /Replace/Convert in Selection/<td> to <th> and click on it to make appear its components in the Menu Path and Custom Replace fields. Change the Menu Path to /Replace/Anchor/Add Title. Click on the top arrow of the Number of Variables pop up menu to get 1 in the field. Enter Title in the %0 Variables field. Change the Matching pop up menu to perl regular expressions. Change the Search Pattern field like this: (<a href=")([^"]+)(")(>)([^>]+)(</a>) 7. Change the Replace String field like this: \0\1\2 title=\2%0 \4\2\3\4\5 8. Click on the Add button. The Custom replace dialog should have the following appearance:
Figure III.100. The custom menu replace dialog filled in 9. Click on the Save button.
To use the new menu item, select the lines to be changed in the HTML file and activate Replace/Anchor/Add Title in the custom menu bar. Fill in the dialog as follows:
Typically all programs and filters apply to the current document. Nevertheless it is possible to invoke a program without applying it to the current document. On the contrary, it is not possible to apply text filters to anything but the current document.
Figure III.102. Bluefish External Menu Customization of the External menu is performed in different parts of the Edit Preferences dialog: Items in the Outputbox submenu in the Output parsers tab. Items in the Commands submenu in the Utilities and filters part at the bottom of the External programs tab. Top level items in the Browsers part at the top of the External programs tab. 5.8.1. Customizing browsers The Browsers panel in Preferences shows the items in the same order as in the External menu:
Figure III.103. The Browsers panel in Preferences The first line in the panel will be the browser selected when clicking on the View in browser button in the main tool bar. If you want to change the order of the browsers, apply the following steps: Procedure III.7. Changing the order of browsers items 1. 2. 3. Click on the Preferences... icon in the main tool bar to access the Edit preferences panel. Click on the External programs tab to display the Browsers panel. Click near the left border of the browser's line you want to move. The whole browser's line will be highlighted:
Figure III.104. Selecting the browser's line to be moved 4. While maintaining the click, drag the selected line over another line, until you reach the place you want, so that the selected line covers entirely the latter one. The cursor will change its appearance and the dragged line will be shown as a framed line:
Figure III.105. Dragging the browser's line To drag a line to the end of the list, drag it until a thin line appears below the last item:
Figure III.106. Dragging the browser's line to the bottom If you change your mind, drag the line over its original place and release the mouse button. There will be no change. 5. 6. Release the mouse button to drop the line at the desired place. Click on the Apply button to save the change if you plan to make further changes in the panel, otherwise click on the OK button to save the change and close the Edit preferences panel.
If you want to customize one of the browsers supplied by default, use the following procedure: Procedure III.8. Customizing an existent browser 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click on the Preferences... icon in the main tool bar to access the Edit preferences panel. Click on the External programs tab to display the Browsers panel. Click on the Command region of the browser's line you want to change. The line will be hightlighted. Double-click on the same location to allow editing. The line will be framed. Make the desired change Click on the OK button to save and close the panel.
To add a new browser, proceed as follows: Procedure III.9. Adding a new browser 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Click on the Preferences... icon in the main tool bar to access the Edit preferences panel. Click on the External programs tab to display the Browsers panel. Click on the Add button. A new line will be shown, with an Untitled label. Double-click on the label to allow editing, and enter the string you want to appear in the External menu. Double-click in the Command zone and enter the command followed by the & sign to detach it from the main bluefish process, for example: amaya %s & Click on the OK button to save and close the panel.
To delete a browser, just click on the Delete button. Though nothing impedes you to put any command (not necessary a browser) in the panel for quick access, you may want to avoid to put it at the top range, since it will be somewhat strange to click on View in browser to launch abs for example.
5.8.2. Customizing Commands menu To add items to the External Commands submenu, you use the External programs tab of the Edit Preferences panel:
Figure III.107. Utilities and Filters panel in Preferences You add, modify, delete, move commands or text filters the same way as described in Section 5.8.1, Customizing browsers [p. 66] . Bluefish will apply the supplied command on the current document, while representing the document as it is before the command is applied by %s and the document after the command has been applied by %f. Usage of the %i parameter is not implemented yet. You should embed those parameters into simple quotes to prevent special characters to be interpreted by the shell. Usage of the parameters depends on the command: If the command does not operate on the file, as xterm, you just supply it as you would in an xterm, detaching it to avoid bluefish freezing with: xterm & If the command does operate on the file, but not on the file's contents, as chmod, you supply it as you would in an xterm, using %s as a reference to the current document: chmod +x '%s' If the command operates on the standard input device by default, as tidy, you will have to redirect the document's contents, i.e. %s, with cat for example, to the standard output device, pipe the result so that it will be used as standard input device for the command, then redirect the result of the command to the document, i.e. %f, as in: cat '%s' | tidy 'someoptions' > '%f' If the command operates on file's contents, as sed, you should use input, i.e. %s and output, i.e. %f redirection to feed the command with the right parameters, as in: sed -e 'somesedcommand' < '%s' > '%f' As those parameters are used internally to create temporary files, you cannot use them to modify the name of the final document for example. But you can redirect the standard output to a named file, if you do not want to override the current document, as in: sed -e 'somesedcommand' < '%s' 1 > 'namedfile' Here is an example to get rid of hard-coded /usr in a source file: Procedure III.10. Adding a Commands menu item 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Click on the Preferences... icon in the main tool bar to access the Edit preferences panel. Click on the External programs tab to display the Utilities and filters panel. Click on the Add button. A new line will be shown, with an Untitled label. Double-click on the label to allow editing, and enter the string you want to appear in the External menu. Double-click in the Command zone and enter: sed -e 's|\/usr|${PREFIX}|g' < '%s' > '%f'. We need to escape the slash in /usr with a backslash to avoid interpretation by the shell. 6. Click on the OK button to save and close the panel.
5.8.3. Customizing Ouputbox menu Items within the External Outputbox submenu allow for programs to give feedback by opening an output box at the bottom of Bluefish's main window. Here is an example showing the output box after using the External Outputbox tidy HTML validator item on an html file with an on purpose error:
Figure III.108. The tidy output box in Bluefish 1.0 The contents of the resulting output box are based upon scanning the output of the supplied command, as it appears in an xterm, with a given regular expression and filling in the various fields of the output box with the desired parts of that regular expression. The Output parsers tab of the Edit preferences panel provides you with a model to do that:
Figure III.109. The Output parsers tab in Preferences panel The Outputbox panel comprises 7 fields: The Name field, a character string which will appear as the item in the Outputbox menu. The Pattern field, a Perl regular expression which describes the command output, so that some of its parts could be used in the following fields. Let's use an example: say you have a ruby script named foo.rb with the following line in it: put Hello Word When executing ruby -d foo.rb in an xterm, the output is: Exception `NoMethodError' at foo.rb:1 - undefined method `put' for main:Object foo.rb:1: undefined method `put' for main:Object (NoMethodError) The second line can be parsed with the following Perl regular expression: ([a-zA-Z0-9/_.-]+):([0-9]+):(.*) The first part embedded into parentheses will match the script name, i.e. foo.rb; the second part will match the line, i.e. 1: the third part will match the remaining. See Section 4.5.3, Find and Replace Using Regular Expressions [p. 45] for some explanation on using regular expressions within bluefish. The File # field, a part number matching the filename in the Perl regular expression given in the Pattern field. Note that the first part is numbered 1, the second 2, etc. If you do not want that the part be shown, put -1 in it. The Line #, a part number matching the line number in the regular expression, here it will be 2, as same rules apply as in the Filename # field. The Output # field, a part number matching the desired part in the regular expression, typically the remaining of the line, here it will be the third and last part. Again, same rules apply as in the Filename # field. The Command field, the command to execute on the current document, internally named %s. Here it will be: ruby -d '%s'. Notice that you should embed the reference to the current document, if any, within parentheses to avoid interpretation at run time.
6. Customising Bluefish The Show all output check box, which can be checked to show all output not matching the Perl regular expression. Here it is not needed, since the regular expression matches all output.
You add, modify, delete, move output boxes the same way as described in Section 5.8.1, Customizing browsers [p. 66] . Procedure III.11. Adding an Outputbox menu item 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Execute the desired command in an xterm with some error either in the command or in the file which it is applied on, in order to know how the errors are outputting. Build a Perl regular expression based on the output, so that the filename, the line number and the error message be retrieved. Click on the Preferences... icon in the main tool bar to access the Edit preferences panel. Click on the Output parsers tab to display the Outputbox panel. Click on the Add button. A new line will be shown, with an Untitled label. Click "Add" to add a new item. Double-click on the Name field to give the command a name. Double-click on the Pattern field and fill it in with the Perl regular expression you have built previously. Double-click on the File # field and give the number for the subpattern matching the filename (-1 for none). Double-click on the Line # field and give the number for the subpattern matching the line number (-1 for none). Double-click on the Output # field and give the number for the subpattern matching the actual error message (-1 for none). Double-click on the Command field and enter the command to execute in the form command options '%s', %s being the current filename. Toggle the "Show all output" check box to show output NOT matching the regular expression, if needed. Of course, it is also possible to add these items by editing the file named ~/.bluefish/rcfile_v2 found in the user's home directory. The fields are delimited by colons and correspond to those found in the GUI.
6. Customising Bluefish
We have already seen how to customize the quick bar, the Custom menu, and the External menu. Here are some other possibilities, most of them being made through the Edit preferences panel, accessible from the Preferences... icon in the main tool bar or from the Edit Preferences menu item.
Figure III.110. Adding a shortcut to a menu item To remove a shortcut, press the backspace key when you move the mouse over a menu entry to remove the shortcut. To save the shortcut key combinations for later Bluefish sessions, use Edit Save Shortcut Keys. This will store the settings in the ~/.bluefish/menudump_2. If you want to restore the default combinations simply remove this file and restart Bluefish. Be aware that if you give a menu entry the same shortcut as another one, the shortcut of the latter will be lost.
6.3. Showing backup files Here is how to view all visible files and folders in the whole system:
Figure III.111. Turning files and folders visibility on This feature is very convenient for Mac users when used with caution, since combined with the Delete contextual menu in the file browser, it allows you, for example, to get rid of files generated by cvs on conflicts within bluefish.
# GUI highlighted background color #(GUI when mouse over elements) bg[PRELIGHT]="#c6e9e9" # GUI unactive background color #(GUI disabled elements) bg[INSENSITIVE]="#9fb2b2" # GUI active background color #(GUI enabled elements) bg[ACTIVE]="#c7d4d4" } class "GtkWidget" style "bluefish" You may give any name to the style on the first line, provided that you use the same on the last line. The customization applies to any Gtk application.
6.5. Customizing the bookmarks path Other options for the Editor are available in the Editor tab of the Edit preferences panel accessible via the Edit preferences... button in the main tool bar. In particular you may want to customize the font of the editor, the end of line wrapping, and the undo history size:
Let's say you created an html file with an author meta tag while you were logged in as user foo. On save bluefish will fill up the contents attribute of the author meta tag with the full name associated with the foo user:
You share this html file with another user bar or you change the owner of the file to bar. When you modify the html file while logged in as user bar, the author meta tag is updated to reflect the new author on save, providing that the user bar has write permission on the file:
If you do not want that the author meta tag be changed while editing the file under another user's login, uncheck the box.
Figure III.118. The Files preference panel 6.8.1. Setting the encoding meta tag on save Apart from setting the default character encoding in the Files tab of the Edit preferences panel, you may also instruct bluefish to set the encoding meta tag when you modify the document character set encoding. Note that, if the encoding meta tag does not exist, it is inserted in the file, otherwise it is changed. Either modification occurs immediately. 6.8.2. Setting the default base directory You can set a default base directory in the Files tab of the Edit preferences panel. This directory will serve as the initial point for the file browser. 6.8.3. Merging file browser views By default, the file browser uses separate views for files and directories. You can have a single view by unchecking the Use separate file and directory view option in the Files tab of the Edit preferences panel. 6.8.4. Backup files By default, a backup file is created on save in the same directory as the original file based on the same filename with the exception that a ~ suffix is added. This backup file is deleted on closing the file. You can change this behaviour in the Files tab of the Edit preferences panel.
6.9. Customizing the user interface When the backup fails to be created, you can choose what to do:
Figure III.119. Choosing an action on backup failure 6.8.5. Using multiple instances of a file A nice feature of bluefish is it allows you to open multiple instances of a file. Combined with either launching two instances of bluefish or opening the same file in two windows, it eases the modification of a file in one window while browsing it in another one. This feature can be disabled in the Files tab of the Edit preferences panel. Be aware that the last closed instance of the file wins. Hence it is important that you remember which instance is the modified one. You can, for example, always open the file to be modified on the left side of your screen, the file to be browsed on the right side.
6.11. Modifying the files filters The file types consist of: 1. 2. 3. a label (this label is also used in the file filters, and in the highlighting patterns). a list of extensions, separated by a colon (:). the highlighting update characters. Upon a key press of one of these characters, the highlighting engine will refresh the highlighting around the cursor. If this field is empty, any character will force the highlighting engine to refresh. Special characters like the tab and the newline can be entered as \t and \n, the backslash itself is entered as \\. the icon location for this file type. whether this file type is editable by Bluefish (whether or not Bluefish should try to open it after a double click). a regular expression that can be used to detect the file type if a file without extension is loaded. the auto-tag-closing mode. A value of 0 means that Bluefish should not close XML/HTML tags, a value of 1 means it should close the tags XML style (<br />), a value of 2 means HTML style.
4. 5. 6. 7.
You add, modify, delete, or move file types the same way it is described in Section 5.8.1, Customizing browsers [p. 66] . Example III.5. Adding a file type Let's say you use DocBook xsl stylesheets. Those files are recognized by bluefish as xml files, but they do not appear with the xml icon in the file browser as their extension (.xsl) is not listed in the Extensions field of the Filetypes tab of the Edit preferences panel. On the other hand, adding them to the xml file type would impede to group them into a stylesheet filter, where they belong from a semantical point of view. And you cannot add them to the provided stylesheet filetype made for css stylesheet, since the highlighting patterns are different. To add an xsl stylesheet file type, execute the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click on the Preferences... icon in the main tool bar to access the Edit preferences panel. Click on the Filetypes tab to display the Filetypes panel. Click on the Add button in the Filetypes part. A new line will be shown, with an Untitled label. Double-click on the label to allow editing, and enter the string you want to appear in the Label field. Here enter xsl stylesheet. Click in the Extensions zone and enter the extension: .xsl. Click in the Update chars field of the xml filetype line to copy and paste this field into the corresponding field of the xsl stylesheet filetype line. Once the field is highlighted, use Ctrl-C to copy the field. Click again in the Update chars field of the xsl stylesheet filetype line and use Ctrl-V to paste the field. For the icon field, you can either use the xml icon path used in the Icon field of the xml filetype line or better create a new icon based on the xml one by changing its colors with the Colormap Rotation filter of gimp, located under the FiltersColorsMap... menu. To do it, first copy the xml icon on your Desktop, apply the filter on it, and save it under bluefish_icon_xsl.png in a dedicated folder in your home directory, for example ~/Pictures for Mac users. 8. 9. 10. 11. Whichever icon you decided to use, click on the Icon field to enter its path. Check the Editable box, if it is not already checked. Copy and paste Content regex field of the xml filetype line into the corresponding field of the xsl stylesheet filetype line. Set the Auto close tags mode to 1. Click on the OK button to save and close the panel. If you want to enter more than one extension in the Extensions field, you should separate them with a colon. When you define a new filetype, you should also provide new highlighting patterns.
You add, modify, delete, or move file types the same way it is described in Section 5.8.1, Customizing browsers [p. 66] .
Example III.6. Adding a file filter Following with our example in Section 6.10, Modifying file types [p. 76] , we can add a stylesheet filter to group css and xsl stylesheets together. To add a stylesheet filter, execute the following steps: 1. Click on the Preferences... icon in the main tool bar to access the Edit preferences panel. 2. Click on the Filetypes tab to display the Filetypes panel. 3. Click on the Add button in the Filefilters part at the bottom. A new line will be shown, with an Untitled label. 4. Double-click on the label to allow editing, and enter the string you want to appear in the Label field. Here enter All stylesheets. 5. Check the Inverse filter box. 6. Click in the Filetypes in filter field and enter the filetypes you want to group together, separated with a colon. Here it is stylesheet:xsl stylesheet. 7. Click on the OK button to save and close the panel. The file types used in the Filetypes in filter match those defined in the Filetypes part. Do not confuse them with the file extensions. For example the C programming file filter matches c and image filetypes, i.e. files whose extensions are .c, .h, etc...
Figure III.121. The HTML pattern has a match at position 0: <p align="center">
So now the highlighting engine searches for the lowest match in all subpatterns of HTML, in the region matched by a type 2 pattern. Again, the lowest match will count. The pattern named <html> Tags:
Figure III.122. The <html> Tags pattern has a match at position 1. This pattern is a type 3 pattern, so it matches a subpattern of the parent: p
The match from subpattern <html> Tags ends at position 2 and it does not have any child patterns, so the highlighting engine continues at position 2 with all subpatterns from HTML. A type 2 pattern named HTML Attributes:
Figure III.123. The HTML Attributes pattern has the lowest match: align="center"
This pattern does have a child pattern, again a type 3 pattern called HTML Attribute Contents:
The pattern HTML Attribute Contents does not have any child patterns, and subpatterns of HTML Attributes do not have any more matches, and also HTML subpatterns do not have any more matches. So we are back on the main level, the remaining code to highlight is: <?php // this is a comment ?> ?>
6.12. Modifying the highlighting patterns has the lowest match. This is a type 1 pattern, so the highlight engine continues with all the remaining code, but it will not only search for the lowest match of the child patterns of PHP Block, but it will also ue it for the end pattern of PHP Block. The lowest match in this example is a pattern named Comment (C++/single line):
Figure III.126. The Comment (C++/single line) pattern As you can see the ?> within the comment does not end the php pattern, because it lies within a subpattern of PHP Block: // this is a comment ?> The pattern Comment (C++/single line) does not have any child patterns, so the remaining code for the PHP subpatterns is: ?> It is very obvious now, the lowest match will be the end pattern of the php pattern, so we're back on the main level, and we have matched all of the code!
Figure III.127. Syntax highlighting example The config file for highlighting is a colon separated array with the following content: mode: patternname: case_sensitive(0-on/1-off): start reg-ex: end reg-ex: start & end pattern(1), only start(2), subpattern(3): parent-match: foreground-color: background-color: don't change weight(0), non-bold(1), bold(2): don't change style(0), non-italic(1), italic(2): The same options are found in the syntax highlighting preferences. As an exercise you may want to add the highlighting patterns for the xsl stylesheet file type created previously. They will be based on the xml patterns with just small changes.
If you check the force bold weight check box, you should also check that the font you use has a bold variant in the Editor tab of the Preferences panel.
3. 4. 5. 6.
Do not run make install since it strips the debugging symbols from the executable. Execute bluefish under gdb with: gdb src/bluefish. This way, you will get access to a non stripped version of bluefish, which is not the case if you run gdb bluefish or gdb /usr/local/bin/bluefish, since those binaries do not have any debugging symbols anymore. 7. Once gdb has started, type r to start the debugging session. 8. Try to reproduce the crash in bluefish. 9. Copy and paste the last 50 lines of debugging output to an email. 10. Type bt in gdb to get the backtrace, and copy it to the email too. If the backtrace is huge, copy only the first 50 lines. 11. Send the email to the general address, the mailing list, or a specific developer (see Section 2.4, Contact Us [p. xv] for info). 12. Quit gdb with q
Chapter V. Reference
... list all options in the preferences and their config file and config-name
2. Naming
For non-local functions, the name should preferably include a prefix that shows the part of bluefish it is used for. There are, furthermore, many often used abbreviations in the bluefish code, such as: Abbreviations used in the Bluefish code doc A function for handling a specific document bfwin A function for handling a specific Bluefish window cb Callback, a function called after a button click or some other event lcb Local callback, a function called after an event, only used in this .c file Here are such function names that show where they are from, what they handle, and/or what they do Examples of function names in Bluefish bmark_set_for_doc Bookmark code, sets bookmarks for a document spell_check_cb Spell check code, this is a callback function (for a button) project_open_from_file Project code, opens a new project from a given file name
3. Declaring procedures
All local functions should be static! Callback functions (called for events such as button clicks) should have prefix _cb, or _lcb for local callbacks. For GTK callback functions, use the name of the signal in the name.
4. Header files
Only functions that are used from outside the file itself should be in the header file, in the order in which they are found in the .c file itself. Basically these are all non-static functions in the .c file.
6. File reference
5. New files
About new files
6. File reference
7. Patches
Before starting to code: 1. 2. Update your CVS tree, or alternatively download the latest snapshot Copy this original tree, so you can make a patch against this tree
Before creating the patch: 1. 2. Run make distclean && ./configure && make and test if it runs successfully If you have the possibility do this both with gcc-2.95 and gcc-3.x as compiler
Now create the patch. Assuming that you have two directories, original-tree and my-tree: 1. 2. 3. Run make distclean in both trees cd to the parent directory of both trees Run diff -Naur original-tree my-tree | bzip2 -9c > patchbla.diff.bz2
8. Translations
8.1. Introduction
Bluefish has been translated into more than 15 different languages and this is only the beginning. Translation process is not a difficult task but you will need some time because there are more than one thousand strings to be translated. The good news are you don't need to be a programmer to make Bluefish speak your language and the only tool you need is a text editor (Vim, Emacs, bluefish, etc.) Bluefish uses po (Portable Object) files. A po file is just a plain text file that you can edit with your favorite text editor.
8.3. Shortcut keys Hence, your task as a translator is to: 1. Translate all empty msgstr entries 2. Check all fuzzy entries, correct them if they are wrong and remove all fuzzy tags 3. Optionally, remove obsolete strings 4. Check that the po file ends with a blank line
And at last, do not start a new translation before contacting me or contact Olivier and do not post your po file at the list, please. If you have some doubts, do not hesitate contact me at <wecharri(at)>.
9. Some tips
Development tips
Appendix A. Credits
1. Bluefish developers
Here are the developers for release 1.0: Olivier Sessink Jim Hayward Oskar Swida Eugene Morenko Alastair Porter Developers for previous releases are: Chris Mazuc Neil Millar Gero Takke Bo Forslund David Arno Pablo De Napoli Santiago Capel Torres Rasmus Toftdahl Olesen Roland Steinbach Christian Tellefsen Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
3. Bluefish translators
Translators for the 1.0 release are: Brazilian Portuguese - Anderson Rocha Bulgarian - Peio Popov Chinese - Ting Yang (Dormouse) Danish - Rasmus Toftdahl Olesen Finnish - Juho Roukala French - Michle Garoche German - Roland Steinbach Hungarian - Pter Sska Italian - Stefano Canepa Norwegian - Christian Tellefsen Polish - Oskar Swida Portuguese - Lopo Pizarro Russian - Eugene Rupakov Serbian - Marko Milenovic Spanish - Walter Oscar Echarri Swedish - David Smeringe Tamil - Murugapandian Barathee
4. Supporters to bluefish
Supporters 91
3. Make HTML/PDF/PostScript Versions of the Bluefish manual 5. FOP does not yet support embedding PNG images in pdf files. To get PNG support, we need Java Advanced Imageing (JAI) from For Linux, download the CLASSPATH version, jai-1_1_2-lib-linux-i586.tar.gz. Unpack and copy the files jai_core.jar and jai_codec.jar files to ~/bluefish-doc/fop/lib. JAI support is available for FOP Release 0.20.5 and later.
4.8. Recommendation As a workaround a bug in fop, we use a special processing instruction to insert page breaks for PDF production. If the break is the same for A4 and USLetter format, the instruction is: <?pagebreak?> If it is only for A4 format, the instruction is: <?pagebreaka4?> Likewise for USLetter format only, it is: <?pagebreakus?> Similar processing instructions are used to insert line breaks for PDF production: <?linebreak?> <?linebreaka4?> <?linebreakus?>
4.8. Recommendation
Do not use simplesect as it messes the table of contents. Avoid to add blank lines or unnecessary white spaces in the files, it may break the files production and has the disadvantage to increase the files size. A chapter should at least contains an id, a title, and either a para or section tag. Be aware that you cannot use an isolated para tag after a section. All list items should use a para tag to embed their contents. If all of the items contents are very short, i.e. fit into one line, you may want to use the following attribute to suppress the additional line between items: <itemizedlist spacing="compact"> The same applies to ordered lists. Avoid contractions. Use you will instead of you'll. Use the spell checker to correct any misspelling.
4.9. Contact us
If you find errors in the manual, or just want to add more, please contact us. If you have questions on how to edit the manual that are not addressed in this appendix, you can always ask on the mailing list. Often, you can look to the chapter source to see how things are done.
1. Preamble
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software. Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations. Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow.
2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.) These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program. In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License. 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it. 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software
3. How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License. 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. NO WARRANTY 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.
3. How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President of Vice This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General Public License instead of this License.