154 What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Dor't worry about anything, but in everything. .let your requests be male known to God. Philippians 4:6
L. What a friend we have in’ Je - sus, AIL our sins and griefs to bear!
2. Have we ti - als and temp-ta- tions? Is there trou-ble an - y - where?
3. Are weweak and heav-y lad - en, Cum - bered with a load of care?
a priv
We should nev
Pre = cious Sav
lege to. car - ry Ev ~ ‘ry-thing to God in prayer!
be dis-cour-aged; Take it to theLord in prayer
jor. stil our ref - uge: Take it to theLord in prayer,
what peace we of - ten for ~ Oh, what need-less pain we bear,
Can we find a friend so. faith Who will all our sor-rows sh:
thy friends de-spise,for-sake thee? Take it to. the Lord in pr
All be-cause we do not car Ey - ‘xy-thing to God in prayer!
Je = sus knows our ev -"ry wi Take it to the Lord in prayer.
In His arms He'll take and. shi Thou wilt find a so-lace there.