SSIP I June 2022
SSIP I June 2022
SSIP I June 2022
2. An annual Implement and Annual Operational Review and revise the June of every Schedule and minutes of School Director No budget
operational plan monitor the Plan annual operational school year meetings to review, revise assigned area needed
drawn from the operational plan Accomplishment plan which drawn and finalize and approve heads
standards-based which responds to report on the from the revised the revised annual
school the needs of the Annual Operational standards-based operational plan of the
improvement plan school and which Plan school improvement school
is drawn from the plan that is aligned
Implement quarterly
3. A system that Utilizes student Report on student Conduct quarterly and Every assembly Schedule and minutes of School Director No budget
utilizes student performance performance annual reporting of Year-round meetings of quarterly and assigned needed
performance indicators and indicators student performance annual reporting committee
indicators and provides feedback List of intervention heads
provides feedback for different activities
for different stakeholders on Evaluation report on
stakeholders on the over-all school the results of Secure all forms for
the over-all school effectiveness and intervention Integrate student feedbacking on the tool
effectiveness and impact of school activities and plans performance
impact of school planning Report on evaluation of
indicators as base line
planning Quarterly results of intervention
for quarterly and
Identify and
intervention activities Quarterly
based on the reported
student performance
indicators and plans
4.A system for Conduct a regular Results of the Set a quarterly Quarterly Check evaluation results School Director No budget
collaboratively monitoring and evaluation of the meeting for the and minutes of meetings of assigned heads needed
monitoring and evaluation of the Operational and evaluation of the different assigned heads
evaluating the results of the School
Operational and
results of the annual Improvement Plans
School Improvement
annual operational operational plan Quarterly and
plan and the and standard- Annual Plans
standards-based based school accomplishment
school improvement plan rate
improvement plan
5.A system for communicate the Minutes of Meeting Conduct assembly to Minutes of meetings Assigned No budget
communicating the content and during parents present content and personnel in needed
content and results results of the assembly and cards results of the Year-round Documentations coordination
of the standards- standards-based distribution day with core
standards-based Regularly check content/s in academic and
based school school Presentation
school improvement every post and non-academic
improvement plan improvement plan Materials
to different to different announcement on school coordinators
Prepared by:
Mrs. Camille G. Santiago Mr. Aldrin C. Laddran Mr. Leo Renz R. Nicolas
Records and Data Privacy Officer Academic Coordinator Vice Principal
Noted by:
Approved by: