Lakh Datta Flour Mills
Lakh Datta Flour Mills
Lakh Datta Flour Mills
Company Information....................................................................................................1
Balance Sheet....................................................................................................................6
Profit and Loss Account...................................................................................................7
Board of Directors
Chief Executive
.R Committee
H.R Committee
Investment on Assets
A sum of Rs. 1879,400 was added for the addition in property, plant & equipments during the period
from July 2005 to June 2006. The details of additions of assets recorded in property, plant & equipments
Note <------------Rupees------------>
(10,728,483) (9,176,621)
Operating profit 4,071,427 6,272,567
Financial charges 24 (14,951) (125,290)
Profit before taxation 4,056,476 6,147,277
Taxation 25 (2,993,837) (1,925,291)
Profit after taxation 1,062,639 4,221,985
Appropriation of Profit
The Board of Directors of the Company proposed appropriation of profit for the year ended
June 2006 as under:
2006 2005
Profit / (loss) before taxation 4,056,476 6,147,277
Less: Taxation (2,993,837) (1,925,291)
Profit after taxation 1,062,639 4,221,985
Un-appropriated profit brought forward 33,743,369 27,178,728
34,806,008 31,400,713
Less: Dividend declared @ 50% (Rs.5 per share) (1500,000) (600,000)
Add: Adjustment of incremental depreciation 2,684,528 3,534,345
Add: Other comprehensive income (345,425) 8,686
Correction of Error ----------- (600,376)
Un-appropriated profit carried forward 35,645,111 33,743,369,
Proposed dividend
The Board of Directors of the Company proposed to declare payment of cash dividend @ Rs.
1.75 per share i.e. 17.50% amounting to Rs. 525,000 for the year ended June 30, 2016.
Future Program
Considering the prevailing situation in the country the Board of Directors of the company has
decided to run the business of the factory as usual and that no major changes or new
investment whatsoever is proposed during the forthcoming year.
The company has maintained proper books of accounts as required by the law.
There are no significant doubts upon the Company’s ability to continue as a going
The Company has paid all taxes, duties and there are no unpaid disputed balances.
There has been no material deviation in observing the code of corporate governance.
Paid up Capital 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000
Reserve and surplus/(deficit) 35,645,111 35,002,667 27,837,651 19,011,214 11,149,909 10,002,969 9,922,677 9,157,150
Shareholders equity 38,645,111 38,002,667 30,837,651 22,011,214 14,149,909 13,002,969 12,922,677 12,157,150
Long term & Deferred liabilties 22,664,364 21,521,822 22,857,543 24,111,095 6,427,679 7,106,025 7,601,926 6,806,832
Current Liabilities 4,550,400 4,389,734 6,540,626 2,008,581 1,898,272 2,104,912 2,658,345 1,587,097
Operating Assets 209,853,136 213,096,319 216,188,213 222,330,407 2,971,489 2,588,417 2,628,514 3,034,010
Current Assets 43,159,257 39,395,652 36,165,701 22,132,020 19,203,588 19,324,709 20,268,952 17,231,586
Long Term Deposits 355,282 355,282 349,282 313,282 300,782 300,782 285,482 285,482
Trading Results
Turn over / Sales 871,085,337 762,259,773 69,303,183 471,977,106 415,325,716 381,582,157 488,276,553 428,267,753
Gross Profit 14,799,910 15,449,188 15,449,188 4,396,303 9,283,727 8,795,230 10,905,732 11,080,626
Other Income 0 0 6,696,791 31,172 0 0 0 0
Operating Profit (Loss) 4,071,427 6,272,566 8,724,510 (2,459,465) 2,549,566 1,750,744 4,122,916 4,790,173
Finacial charges 14,951 125,290 11,717 40,609 17,868 148,829 113,959 223,812
Profit before tax 4,056,476 6,147,277 8,712,793 (2,468,902) 2,531,698 1,601,915 4,008,957 4,566,361
Profit after tax 1,062,639 4,221,985 5,590,049 1,165,302 1,746,940 680,292 1,365,527 2,372,910
Dividend declared 525,000 1,500,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000
2022 2021
Note <------------Rupees------------>
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with approved accounting standards requires the
use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires management to exercise its judgement in
the process of applying the Company's accounting policies. Estimate and judgements are continually
evaluated and are based on historic experience and other factors, including expectations of future
events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. Revisions to accounting estimates
are recognised in the period in which the estimates is revised and in any future periods affected.
5.1 In the process of applying the company's accounting policies, management has made the
following estimates and judgements which are significant to the financial statements:
2022 2021
Impact on Balance Sheet
Increase in Revaluation Surplus 600,376 658,924
This has resulted in restated balances of 'Surplus on Revaluation of Fixed Assets' for the prior
years as follows;
9.1 Th
2016 2015
- Discount rate - per annum compound 7.25% 9.50%
- Expected rate of increase in salaries - per annum 6.25% 8.50%
- Expected remaining working lifetime of members 8 years 7 years
15.1.3 Mortality Rate
- The rates assumed were based on SLIC (01-05) SLIC (01-05)
Mortality Table Mortality Table
15.1.8 The following amounts have been recognised in the profit and loss account in respect of the staff
retirement gratuity:
Current service cost 488,215 344,245
Net Interest cost 747,353 905,497
Expenses 1,235,568 1,249,742
15.1.10 The sensitivity of the defined benefit obligation to changes in the weighted principal assumptions is:
The methods and types of assumptions used in preparing the sensitivity analysis did not change
compared to the previous method
Based on actuary's advice the expected charge to profit and loss account for the year ending June 30,
2017 amounts to Rs. 1.230 million
Historical information
20162016 20152015 2014220140142013202013132012
Present value of defined benefit ----------------------Rupees ---------------------
benefit value of defined benefit
obligation 9,538,566
9,538,566 7,938,720
7,938,720 6,965,942 6,011,081 6,550,511
obligation 9,538,566 7,938,720 6,6,9965,65,942942
Experience adjustment
adjustment on
on 6,6,0011,11,081081 6,6,55550,0,5
obligation 507,978 (12,964)
(12,964) 42,081 (1,226,920) 2,659,339
Experience adjustment on