Iso Fdis 13679
Iso Fdis 13679
Iso Fdis 13679
ISO/TC 67/SC 5
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This ISO document is a Draft International Standard and is copyright-protected by ISO. Except as permitted
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English language only.
Contents Page
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................vii
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................1
3 Terms and definitions and symbols and abbreviations ....................................................................1
3.1 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................1
3.2 Symbols ..................................................................................................................................................4
3.3 Abbreviations .........................................................................................................................................6
4 General requirements ............................................................................................................................8
4.1 Connection data sheet ..........................................................................................................................8
4.2 Quality control........................................................................................................................................9
5 General test requirements ....................................................................................................................9
5.1 Test principle..........................................................................................................................................9
5.2 Test matrix ............................................................................................................................................11
5.3 Test programme ...................................................................................................................................19
Calibration and accreditation requirements .....................................................................................20
5.5 Material property tests ........................................................................................................................21
5.6 (
Make-up and break-out procedures ...................................................................................................23
5.7 Internal pressure leak detection for test series B and test series C ..............................................24
5.8 Leak detection for test series A .........................................................................................................30
ISO/FDIS 13679
5.9 Data acquisition and test methods ....................................................................................................36
5.10 Elevated temperature tests .................................................................................................................39
6 Connection test specimen preparation .............................................................................................40
6.1 General connection test objectives ...................................................................................................40
6.2 Connection test specimen identification and marking ....................................................................41
6.3 Connection test specimen preparation .............................................................................................41
6.4 Connection test specimen machining ...............................................................................................43
6.5 Machining tolerances ..........................................................................................................................44
6.6 Grooved torque shoulder....................................................................................................................46
7 Test procedures ...................................................................................................................................46
7.1 Principle ................................................................................................................................................46
7.2 Make-up/break-out tests .....................................................................................................................48
7.3 Test load envelope tests .....................................................................................................................49
7.4 Limit load tests.....................................................................................................................................70
7.5 Limit load test path ..............................................................................................................................73
8 Acceptance criteria ..............................................................................................................................74
8.1 Make-up and break-out tests ..............................................................................................................74
8.2 Test load envelope tests .....................................................................................................................75
8.3 Limit load tests.....................................................................................................................................76
9 Test report ............................................................................................................................................76
Annex A (normative) Connection data sheet .................................................................................................77
Annex B (informative) Test load envelope by the critical cross-section method .......................................79
Annex C (normative) Data forms .....................................................................................................................87
Annex D (normative) Connection full test report ...........................................................................................94
Annex E (normative) Calculations for pipe body load envelope and examples of load schedules
for each test series .............................................................................................................................. 98
Annex F (informative) Frame load range determination ............................................................................. 118
Annex G (informative) Connection product line qualification .................................................................... 119
Annex H (informative) Special application testing ...................................................................................... 126
Annex I (informative) Rationale for design basis......................................................................................... 132
Annex J (informative) Independent seal testing of connections with metal-to-metal and resilient
seals .................................................................................................................................................... 135
Annex K (informative) Summary of changes to ISO 13679:2002 as of April 2011.................................... 138
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................... 143
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 13679 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 67, Materials, equipment and offshore structures
for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries, Subcommittee SC 5, Casing, tubing and drill pipe.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 13679:2002). Refer to Annex K for a listing of
the parts of this document that have been technically revised.
ISO/FDIS 13679
This International Standard is part of a process to provide reliable tubing and casing connections for the oil
and natural gas industry which are fit for purpose. It has been developed based on improvements to
API RP 5C5 and proprietary test procedures, with input from leading users, manufacturers and testing
consultants from around the world. This International Standard represents the knowledge of many years of
testing and qualification experiences.
The validation of connection test load envelope and failure limit loads is relevant to design of tubing and
casing for the oil and natural gas industries. Tubing and casing are subject to loads which include internal
pressure, external pressure, axial tension, axial compression, bending torsion, transverse forces and
temperature changes. The magnitude and combination of these loads result in various pipe body and
connection failure modes. Although pipe body test and limit loads are well understood in general, the same
cannot be stated for the connection. These failure modes and loads are generally different and often less than
that of the pipe. Consequently, experimental validation is required.
The validation of test and limit loads requires testing at the extremes of performance parameters to these
defined loads. Testing at the extremes of the performance parameters assures that the production population
that falls within these limits meets or exceeds the performance of the test population. Thread connection
performance parameters include dimensional tolerances, mechanical properties, surface treatment, make-up
torque and the type and amount of thread compound. For typical proprietary connections, worst-case
tolerances are known and defined in this International Standard. For other connections designs, analysis is
required to define worst-case tolerance combinations.
It is necessary that users of this International Standard be aware that further or differing requirements can be
needed for individual applications. This InternationalISO/FDIS Standard
13679 is not intended to inhibit a vendor from offering,
or a purchaser from accepting, alternate equipment or engineering solutions for the individual application. This
is particularly applicable when there is3878e49e0ce7/iso-fdis-13679
innovative or developing technology. Where an alternative is offered, it
is the responsibility of the vendor to identify any variations from this International Standard and provide details.
This International Standard consists of the following major parts. Based on manufacturer's supplied data
specified in Annex A and/or calculations in Annex B, tests are conducted in accordance with Clauses 4 to 8
and reported on the data forms given in Annex C. Annex D lists all the information that it is necessary to
provide in the full test report. Annex E provides methodology for calculating and examples of pipe body load
envelopes, the test load envelope and the test load points. Annex F gives an example of a load frame
calibration. Annex G gives considerations for possible connection product line qualifications. Annex H
provides guidelines for supplemental tests that can be used for special applications. Annex I gives the design
rationale for this International Standard. Annex J gives requirements for connections that contain both a metal-
to-metal seal and a resilient seal that are tested separately. Annex K is a summary of changes to
ISO 13679:2002.
For specific applications that are not evaluated by the tests herein, supplementary tests can be appropriate. It
is necessary that the user and manufacturer discuss well applications and limitations of the connection being
Representatives of users and/or other third party personnel are encouraged to monitor the tests. ISO 13679
covers the testing of connections for the most commonly encountered well conditions. Not all possible service
scenarios are included. For example, the presence of a corrosive fluid, which can influence the service
performance of a connection, is not considered.
This International Standard includes various provisions. These are identified by the use of certain verbal
SHALL is used to indicate requirements that strictly need to be followed in order to conform to this
International Standard and from which no deviation is permitted.
SHOULD is used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable,
without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily
required, or that (in the negative form) a certain possibility or course of action is deprecated but not
MAY is used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the document.
CAN is used to indicate statements of possibility and capability, whether material, physical or causal.
In addition, for Standard International (SI) units, the thousands separator is a space and the decimal separator
is a comma. For United States Customary (USC) units, the thousands separator is a comma and the decimal
separator is a period.
The “Highlighting in gray change-identification system” and the “Summary of changes” shown in informative
Annex K identify sections of this document where committee-agreed changes (additions, modifications, and/or
deletions) affecting the performance of the product(s) or the technical requirement(s) applicable to the
product(s) have been made from the previous edition of this International Standard. While efforts have been
made to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the application of the change-identification system, the user
of this International Standard is both encouraged to consider the totality of the technical content of this
International Standard rather than those changes identified, and is ultimately responsible for recognizing any
differences between this and previous editions of the International Standard.
ISO/CS expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from inappropriate use of
this International Standard based on inaccuracy of the “change-identification” system.
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies tests to perform to determine the galling tendency, sealing performance
and structural integrity of casing and tubing connections. The words “casing” and “tubing” apply to the service
application and not to the diameter of the pipe.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3183, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Steel pipe for pipeline transportation systems
For the purposes of this document, the following terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms apply.
100 % pipe body load envelope
diagram containing the extremes of pipe body performance based on actual properties
NOTE Pipe body performance is also known as VME yield. See ISO/TR 10400 (API TR 5C3) for collapse.
ambient temperature
actual current temperature of the test lab environment at the time of testing
axial-pressure load diagram
plot of axial load versus pressure showing pipe and/or connection test load envelope or limit load extremes
one pin and its adjoining coupling side or integral box
connection leak
leak that occurs across a connection.
diametrical interference
outer diameter of the inner member minus the inner diameter of the outer member
failure load
load at which the pipe body or connection fails catastrophically as in an axial separation, a rupture, large
permanent deformation (e.g. buckling or collapse) or loss of sealing integrity
form of surface damage resulting from cold welding of contacting material surfaces followed by tearing of the
metal during further sliding/rotation
NOTE There are several degrees of galling used for repair and reporting purposes as defined in 8.1.
interference (
amount of geometric overlap of mating members created by the design and tolerances of the members
light galling
galling that can be repaired by the use of abrasive paper
limit load
load combination extreme (axial load and/or pressure) that defines the failure conditions for the connection or
load combination resulting in large permanent deformation (such as buckling) prior to catastrophic failure
lengths of pipe with the same specified dimensions and grade from the same heat of steel that are
heat-treated as part of a continuous operation (or batch)
material test coupon
cylinder of material from the tested pipe and/or coupling stock from which tensile test specimens are cut
metal-to-metal seal
seal or sealing system that relies on intimate and usually high contact stress of mating metal surfaces to
achieve a seal
NOTE The thread compound can affect, both beneficially and detrimentally, the performance of a metal seal.
moderate galling
galling that can be repaired by the use of fine files and abrasive paper
mother joint
length of pipe or coupling stock from which short lengths are cut for machining connection test specimens
multiple seal
sealing system having more than one independent barrier, with each barrier forming a seal
pipe string
pipe body and the connection
pup joint
short pipe length usually with threaded ends
resilient seal
seal or sealing system that relies on entrapment of a seal ring within a machined groove in the connection (e.g.
in the thread-form, on a seal area, etc.) to achieve a seal
pressure barrier to prevent the passage of the test medium
ISO/FDIS 13679
seal ovality
maximum seal diameter minus the minimum seal diameter divided by the average seal diameter multiplied
by 100
severe galling
galling that cannot be repaired by the use of fine files and abrasive paper
single seal
one barrier or multiple barriers that cannot be physically differentiated in their function
two connections with a shared coupling or one integral connection
test load envelope
extremes of loads (axial load, pressure, bending) based on actual measured mechanical properties and
dimension of the specimen for a specific temperature to which the connection has been or will be tested in
accordance with this International Standard
thread lot
all products manufactured on a given machine during a continuous production cycle that is not interrupted by
a catastrophic tool failure or injurious machine malfunction (excluding worn tools or minor tool breakage), tool
holder change (except rough boring bar) or any other malfunction of either threading equipment or inspection
thread seal
seal or sealing system that relies on intimate fitting of the thread-form and usually entrapment of the thread
compound within the thread-form to achieve a seal
VME stress
equivalent stress based on the von Mises-Hencky minimum distortion energy criterion
3.2 Symbols
Aa cycles in test series A at ambient temperature using gas for internal pressure and liquid for external
pressure. For CAL I-E, either gas or liquid shall be used.
Ae cycles in test series A at 180 °C (356 °F) for CAL III and CAL IV using gas for internal pressure and
liquid for external pressure
Ba cycles in test series B, without bending, at ambient temperature with gas for CAL II through CAL IV;
with gas or water for CAL I-E; with water for CAL I
Bab cycles in test series B, with bending, at ambient temperature with gas for CAL II through CAL IV; with
gas or water for CAL I-E; with water for CAL I
cycles in test series B, with bending, at 180 °C (356 °F) using gas for CAL III-Ambient A, CAL III, and
CAL IV; at 135 °C (275 °F) for CAL II using gas
C compressive axial force
ISO/FDIS 13679
D specified pipe outside
diameter or measured average outside diameter of a specimen used for axial
load or pressure load 3878e49e0ce7/iso-fdis-13679
Di inside diameter
Do outside diameter
F failure
Fa total axial force, tension or compression (sum of applied loads: Fb, Fi, FCEPL)
I moment of inertia
Imax maximum design interference between thread or seal members, resulting from pin and box diameter
specification and tolerances
Imin minimum design interference between thread or seal members, resulting from pin and box diameter
specification and tolerances
Irange range of design interference between thread or seal members, equal to Imax minus Imin
pc collapse rating for specified OD, specified wall thickness and specified specimen yield strength (see
ISO/TR 10400:2007,Clause 8)
pi internal pressure
pin (
normalized internal test pressure
qmax maximum connection leak rate that is acceptable during a test hold period
tave average measured wall for the specimen used for axial load calculations
c axial compressive yield strength if available or otherwise axial tensile yield strength
e actual measured minimum yield strength of the specimen or the source mother tube
t transverse tensile yield strength if available or otherwise axial tensile yield strength
tc defined transverse compressive yield strength if available or otherwise axial tensile yield strength
3.3 Abbreviations
A connection A end
B connection B end
H/H maximum specified amount of thread compound / maximum specified torque value in Figures 1 to 6;
and maximum thread interference / maximum seal interference
H/L maximum specified amount of thread compound / minimum specified torque value and in Figures 1
to 6; maximum thread interference / minimum seal interference
IJ integral joint
kN kiloNewton
lb pound-force
L/H minimum specified amount of thread compound / maximum specified torque value
LL limit load
LP load point
M/B make-up/break-out
mechanical cycle
MPa megapascal
MT material test coupon ISO/FDIS 13679
MTC metal seal threaded and coupled connection
MTM metal-to-metal seal
MU make-up
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
RS resilient seal