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Annotated Bibliography


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1 Annotated Bibiliography 3

Ross and Wilson, “Anatomy & Physiology In Health And Illness”,12th edition,

Elsevier ltd.2014:1-481
2 Annotated Bibliography 4

R Sreevani. “Psychology For Nurses ”, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers(P)

3 Annotated Bibliography 5
Sahu N,N. “Effectiveness Of Coconut Oil Message On Gain In Weight Among Low
Birth Weight Babies”, International journal of pediatric nursing.2018;4(3):179-181.
4 Annotated Bibliography 6
Sharma P, Kumari M. “Practice Of Mothers On Home Management Of Fever
Among Under Five Children In Selected Area Of Dadra And Nagar Haveli”.
International journal of advances in nursing management.2020;8(1).67-68.

5 Annotated Bibliography 7

 S.K.Sharma/Reena Sharma. “Communication And Educational Technology”,

Second Edition, Elsevier Relx India Pvt.Ltd.2016:1-451

Annotated Bibiliography

Ross and Wilson, “Anatomy & Physiology In Health And Illness”,12th edition, Elsevier ltd.2014:1-481

Ross and Wilson has been a core text for students of anatomy and physiology for over 50 years. This latest
edition continues to be aimed at healthcare professionals including   nurses, students of nursing, the allied health
professions and complementary therapies, paramedics and ambulance technicians, many of whom have found
previous editions invaluable. It retains the straight for- ward approach to the description of body systems and
how they work. The anatomy and physiology of health is supplemented by new sections describing common
age-related changes to structure and function, before considering the pathology and pathophysiology   of some
important disorders and diseases. The human body is presented system by system. The reader must, however,
remember that physiology is an integrated subject and that, although the systems are considered in separate
chapters, all function cooperatively to maintain health. The first three chapters provide an overview of the body
and describe its main structures.

The later chapters are organised   into three further sections, reflecting those areas essential tor normal body
function: communication; intake of raw materials and elimination of waste; and protection and survival .This
book is very much beneficial for the nursing ,medical and paramedical students.

 Annotated Bibliography

R Sreevani. “Psychology For Nurses ”, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers(P) Ltd.2013:1-180

The first edition of Psychology  for Nurses received strong acclaim for its content, approach and organization.
While retaining these strengths in the second edition, the author  added many more illustrations, figures,
flowcharts and tables where required. All theoretical aspects and psychological principles are well presented
with figures and flow charts. They are immediately followed up with application in nursing practice enabling
the students to grasp the concept.

Complex topics are also presented very interestingly. After going through this textbook, the students will be
able to manage their examinations on psychology and also meet the psychological needs of patients more
effectively. The second edition is dramatically different from the first edition as it has been aligned as per the
revised Indian Nursing Council (INC) syllabus. In the said process, the textbook has been rewritten and
reorganized into nine chapters.

This book will motivate students to understand and apply psychology to their own lives.

Annotated Bibliography

Sahu N,N. “Effectiveness Of Coconut Oil Message On Gain In Weight Among Low Birth Weight Babies”,
International journal of pediatric nursing.2018;4(3):179-181.

WHO estimated that globally about 17% of all live birth are low birth weight babies. The incidence of low birth
weight in India is 30%- 40% of all births. Out of this 8 – 10% are preterm and 20 – 30% is small for data. In
India low birth weight and prematurity are major contributing to infant mortality rate. The objective of the study
is to assess the pretest score in term of weight of preterm, low birth weight babies and to assess the post test
score in term of weight of preterm, low birth weight babies. Quantitative approach with quasi experimental
design with non-randomized control group design and the study was based on Faye Glenn Abedellah’s   theory.
An observation checklist was used by the investigator for data collection. 20 samples for experimental group
and 20 samples for control group was selected. The main post-test weight score (3317) was apparently higher
than the pretest weight score (3087). The study shows that there is significant increase in weight of low birth
weight babies after applying coconut oil in experimental group rather than control group. Thus it is concluded
that coconut oil message was an effective intervention in improving the weight of low birth weight babies.

Annotated Bibliography

Sharma P, Kumari M. “Practice Of Mothers On Home Management Of Fever Among Under Five Children
In Selected Area Of Dadra And Nagar Haveli”. International journal of advances in nursing

Suffering from minor ailments is the commonest and frequent episode in childhood experiences. Most of the
children consistently suffer from infectious diseases. The main primary symptom in any infection is fever. The
majority of the mothers are not aware of the fever control measures. Fever is one of the major markers of an
illness and one of the frequently reported causes of under-five children’s care takers visits to healthcare
facilities. A quantitative research method was selected. A descriptive research design was adopted for this
study. The samples for the study were 50 mothers of under five children which were selected by using non-
probability purposive sampling technique. Results: The results showed that greater percentage 36% of samples
are in the age group of 16-22 year. Only 35.3% of the mothers were having good practice on home management
of Fever and 64.7% of the mothers were having poor practice on home management of Fever. Conclusion: The
study concluded that very few mothers were having good practice on home management of Fever.

Health awareness programme need to be given to Mothers of Under five Children in selected area of Dadra and
Nagar Haveli.

 Annotated Bibliography

 S.K.Sharma/Reena Sharma. “Communication And Educational Technology”, Second Edition, Elsevier Relx

India Pvt.Ltd.2016:1-451

The second edition of this book, Communication and Educational Technology: Contemporary Pedagogy for
Health Care Professionals, consists of total 10 chapters. It begins with the chapter Review of the communication
process', followed by the chapters 'Interpersonal relationships, "Human relations’, Guidance and counseling ',
Principles and philosophies of education', ‘Teaching-Learning process, ‘Methods of teaching', 'Educational
media', 'Assessment' and Information, ‘education and communication for health'. Each chapter begins with
Leaning Objectives, followed by the Key Terms and the subject content of the chapter, and ends with Review
Questions consisting of long-answer questions, short -answer questions, short notes and multiple -choice
questions (MCQs).

This is a simple, comprehensive, lucid and an example-oriented book with indigenous content on
communication and educational technology, which will primarily meet the needs of the undergraduate nursing
students. However, it can also be used as reference book by the postgraduate nursing, medical, dental,
physiotherapy ,pharmacy and other paramedical students and faculty members.

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