Responses to
General Instruction: This examination is divided into three parts. Follow globalization D. De-nationalization
the respective instructions indicated in every part. Write your answers on
your answer sheet. Only use the front page of your answer sheet. 7. A process inevitably imposed on contemporary societies which
elicits responses and resistance.
TEST A: Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer on A. De-territorialisation B. Homogenization C. Responses to
your answer sheet.
globalization D. De-nationalization
8. Globalization’s impact manifests on its contribution to the
1. The existence of global structure which refers to the matrix of the
interconnection of all regions of the world was first emphasized by denationalization of territorial space or the reshaping of the state as
___________. key networks of power that increasingly transcend national
a. Steger b. Hart and Prakash c. Bartelson d. None of boundaries.
the above A. De-territorialisation B. Homogenization C. Responses to
2. There are three dimensions of globalization according globalization D. De-nationalization
to___________. 9. Globalization as the exchange of things between pre-constituted
a. Steger b. Hart and Prakash c. Bartelson d. None of units, whether political, economic, or cultural generally refers to:
the above A. Transference B. Transcendence C. Transformation D.
3. An approach which considers globalization as defining a new age in Transnational
which people everywhere are increasingly subject to global market 10. Brings change to the identity of units and systems and the objects of
sanctions. inquiry and the fields where they are situated.
A. Hyperglobalist b. skeptic c. Transformationalist D.
A. Transference B. Transcendence C. Transformation D.
4. Argues that globalization is essentially a myth and hides the Transnational
international economy’s reality. Globalization is increasingly 11. According to Steger (2005), globalization resulted in a level of
segmented into blocks with national governments remaining very economic development conducive to creating complex with a
strong powerful middle class and societal structure. This means that
A. Hyperglobalist B. skeptic C. Transformationalist D. globalization facilitates the:
Socialist A. Spread of Information B. Spread of Democracy C. Spread of
5. An approach supporting the idea that globalization’s contemporary Civilization D. Spread of Integration
patterns have no historical precedent or example. 12. Steger (2005) asserts that globalization is accelerating, happening,
A. Hyperglobalist B. skeptic c. Transformationalist D. and is continuing. This means that globalization suggests the
Socialist context of:
6. Refers to time-space compression process in which communication A. Historical Viability B. Historical Inevitability C. Historical
transport and the acceleration in production, exchange, and Vulnerability D. Whatever
consumption annihilate space and shorten the time.
13. Nobody is in charge, nobody is in control even governments and 5. These are corporations that have significant investments and
institutions in the states’ economy. In this statement, Steger would facilities in multiple countries and lacks dominant headquarters.
want to emphasize that in the course of globalization there is no: 6. They have an investment in other countries but do not have
A. Self-regulating market B. Self-regulating government C. coordinated product offerings in each country
Self-regulating mechanism 7. They have invested in and are present in many countries and they
D. None of the above typically market their products and services to each local market.
14. It refers to the degree to which an initially localized practice spreads 8. It was a network of pathways in the ancient world that spanned from
throughout the globe. China to the Middle East to Europe.
A. Global diffusion B. Geographical Dispersion C. Liberalization 9. Refers to how European powers had colonized or established
of the Globe D. None of these effective control over most of Africa, Asia, America, and Oceania
15. Reconciling and integrating economic policies in the global market by the end of the Nineteenth century.
would mean that: 10. The trading which connected Manila to Acapulco whereby Manila
A. Global Harmonization B. Global Integration C. Global became one of the world’s great ports, serving as a focus for trade
Nationalization D. All of the above between China and Europe.
11. It is an economic theory where the government seeks to regulate the
TEST B: Write the correct answer on your answer sheet.
economy and trade in order to promote domestic industry – often at
Corresponding Points: 2-points in every correct answer.
the expense of other countries.
12. It is associated with policies which restrict imports, increase stocks
1. The monetary values of all finished goods and services made within of gold and protect domestic industries.
a country on a specific period of time. 13. It is a common system that would allow for more efficient trade and
2. It policed the rules of the international financial order. It intervened prevent the isolationism of the mercantilist era.
in national economies, especially in developing countries, to impose 14. Established during the United Nations Monetary and Financial
stabilization programs when the balance of payments crises are Conference to prevent the catastrophes of the early decades of the
deemed structural rather than cyclical. century from reoccurring and affecting international ties.
3. It increasingly became a development agency for the third World 15. It refers to the active role of governments in managing spending.
nations following the postwar reconstruction of Europe and Japan. 16. The study of political, military and other diplomatic engagements
Its policy recommendations are closely tied to those of the IMF, between two or more countries.
especially after the neoliberal agenda dubbed Washington 17. It is a form of institutionalized cooperation between states to
Consensus became established in the 1980’s. complement their national efforts to promote national power and
4. It became the primary international trade agency by default when welfare.
U.S. president Harry S. Truman abandoned the international trade 18. An imagined community united by common descent, history,
organization provided by the 1947 Havana Charter after being culture, or language,
opposed in the US congress. 19. Anchors on the principle that one sovereign state should not
interfere in another’s domestic affairs
20. Capacity and willingness to control flows of people, goods, and 12. United Nations is an Intergovernmental organization tasked to
capital into and out of a country. maintain international peace and security, developing friendly
relations among nations, achieve international cooperation an a
TEST C: Write TRUE when the statement conveys the correct thought
center for harmonizing the actions of nations.
and write FALSE when it is otherwise then write the correct answer by
13. Global governance encompasses the totality of institutions, policies,
replacing the underlined word or phrase (e.g. : FALSE: Nation).
Corresponding Points: 2-points in every correct answer. norms, procedures and initiatives through which States and their
citizens try to bring more predictability, stability and order to their
1. In the exercise of domestic sovereignty, state chooses and responses to transnational challenges.
implements policies within and beyond its territory provided it is 14. Transnational Corporations have global effect on global labor laws,
coincides with its perceived jurisdiction environmental legislation, trade policies, etc.
2. Patriotism facilitates state formation 15. The name "United Nations", coined by United States President
3. Internationalization is the desire for greater cooperation and unity Franklin D. Roosevelt was first used in the Declaration by United
among states and people. Nations of 1 January 1942.
4. The Bretton Woods System was named in honor of Austrian
diplomat, Klemens Von Metternich who was the system’s main
architect. “We are all stuck in a dream to have a world that’s a better place to
5. Jeremy Bentham, imagined a form of global government since live in to the point that we’ve failed to ask ourselves of our
without a form of world government, the international system would contributions and efforts to make this world a better space for the
be chaotic. rest of the human race. Be kind.”
6. Woodrow Wilson, advocated for the creation of international law
that would govern the inter-state relations - Castaño, A.J.H., (2017)
7. Immanuel Kant hoped that free nations would become democracies,
because only by being such would they be able to build a free
system of international relations based on international law and
8. The League of Nations was a international organization founded
after the Paris Peace Conference, 1919.
9. The Union of European socialist and Labor parties established in
Paris 1889.
10. Karl Marx criticized Wilson by not believing in nationalism as the
basis for internationalism.
11. International institutions form a vital part of contemporary
international relations that governs much interaction at the system