Gr5.Health Teachers Guide JP
Gr5.Health Teachers Guide JP
Gr5.Health Teachers Guide JP
Teacher Guide
Grade 5
Standards Based
Standards Based
ISBN: 978-9980-86-575-5
Health Teacher Guide
Secretary’s message.......................................................... iv
Introduction........................................................................ 1
Guided Lessons................................................................. 20
Resources........................................................................... 125
Glossary.............................................................................. 126
Appendix............................................................................ 129
References.......................................................................... 146
Grade 5
Secretary’s Message
This Health Teacher Guide for Grade 5 was developed as a support
document for the implementation of Health syllabus for Grades 3, 4 & 5.
The document provides guidelines for teachers on how to plan and
program teaching and learning activities. It also contains sample guided
lessons and assessments tasks with suggested teaching and learning
strategies that teachers can use to work towards the achievement of
content standards in the syllabus.
The teaching of health equips students with the knowledge, skills and
values they need to make informed decisions and choices to perform
basic first aid procedures, basic nutrition knowledge, keeping personal
hygiene, understand and accept the different growth changes (physical,
emotional, social, spiritual, and mental) to be healthy, wealthy, wiser and
smart individuals. Other stakeholders are encouraged to become impor-
tant partners in the health of students and their communities
Secretary for Education
Health Teacher Guide
The Health Education reflects the Government of Papua New Guinea‘s
Vision 2050: “Smart, Wise, Fair, Healthy and Safe Society.” This includes
a range of learning experiences that enables students, as individuals and
as members of society, to make informed decisions, modify behaviors,
and change social conditions in ways that enhances health and increases
health literacy. The health education standards define the essential skills
and knowledge that all students should achieve as they progress from
Grades 3 - 5.
The teacher guide is purposely written to provide information and
guidelines that can assist the teachers to interpret and translate the
prescribed content in the Syllabus into teachable instructional programs.
The guided lesson samples provided can be used by teachers to deliver
the health content and to generate other creative teaching and learning
activities. It also provides samples of assessment tasks for content
standards. The knowledge, skills, attitudes and values provided in this
guide will assists teachers to prepare teaching and learning activities that
will promote personal health and hygiene, cleanliness, safe behaviour,
basic health care and first aid, food hygiene and care and healthy choices
of nutritional diet.
Grade 5
In order for you to understand and know how to use this guide
effectively, you are encouraged to do the following:
There are 13 sample guided lessons done for each unit to help you
teach. For the lessons that are not written, there are KSAVs and the
lesson template provided. Use the template and the KSAVs to plan your
lessons. Some teaching and learning activities are also provided to
assist in your planning of the lessons.
Health Teacher Guide
Key Features
Being healthy is being free from sickness and diseases. The health
content for Grade 5 draws upon the broad concepts of healthy growth,
healthy individual, healthy home, healthy community, healthy
district, healthy province and healthy nation. The teaching and learning
also builds upon the broad contents and concepts of Individual and
Community Health which is a strand in the Culture and Community
subject at elementary level.
This table shows the strands and units of the subject. Each strand has a
number of Units. The strands and the units are the same for Grades 3, 4
and 5. The content standards are written according to each unit for each
2. Relationship
Growth and
health choices. They learn to appreciate the relations and cultures they
3. Culture, Values have while at the same time develop a high self-esteem during the time
and Morals when they are undergoing changes. They also become aware of how
4. My Career several factors affecting their growth and their personal interests that
helps them build a certain interest in a particular job or work for
the future.
Substance other harmful substances like drugs and alcohol which can become
Individual and
Abuse harmful when abused. They look at the roles of the family and community
2. Protection health services; their relationships and observe bad and healthy practices
against Disease at homes. The unit embraces aspects of the social and physical
environment that influence the health of individuals and communities and
3. Healthy
nurtures the skills that enable students to take action to promote healthier
Environment social and physical environments and also look after health services.
4. Health services
Healthy diet or good eating habits are also an essential part of good
health. In this unit the children can be able to know the value of local
1. Food and Growth foods and those obtained from the stores. The children can also be able
2. Food and to prepare food using various styles of cooking and practice serving
Hygiene balance meals to make food safe to eat. They learn about healthy food
and also diseases caused by eating unhealthy food.
able to learn safety rules for the use of roads and vehicles. The children
will be guided to develop good safety habits to follow the rules that are in
1. Safety place. The students will be guided to understand an demonstrate
2. First Aid simple and basic first aid such as care of sores and scratches, head
ache, stomach ache swelling and where to get help from the services that
are provided in the community. They will also learn that some of the rules
are common sense that needs them to be critical, analytical and require
good decision making skills.
Grade 5
Life skills
Three main life skills will be reinforced throughout the learning period of
Grades 3-5 in the Primary Level.
Interpersonal communication
Decision making
Goal setting
Health Teacher Guide
The teacher acts as a facilitator and helps students to find the information
they need to answer their questions. Students could locate the
information by:
• interviewing community members
• going on an excursion.
Problem solving
Grade 5
For example; your lesson aims to teach students about the negative
impacts peers can have on individual health. The task for the students is
to identify ways to deal with negative peer pressure.
Organize the class into groups and ask students to identify solutions to
cope with peer pressure. Groups go into discussions and find their
solutions. The teacher walks around and gives students guidance,
answering questions and encouraging students to explore further if they
have yet to find a solution.
The groups are then asked to share their solutions to the class. The
classes discuss the solutions from each group and appreciate each
other’s suggested solutions. This approach helps students to learn that
there is no right or wrong answer and that there can be more than one
solution for a problem
For example; the idiomatic expression; “The early bird catches the worm”
teaches about punctuality and the benefits of punctuality. Another fable;
“Loners are easy prey” teaches about safety. It teaches that it can be
dangerous to be alone as no one can be a witness to any bad things or
harm that other people may cause you. People who may have bad
intentions to hurt us can take advantage of the situation and hurt us
because they can easily get away with it.
Health Teacher Guide
Cooperative learning
1. Positive interdependence
students must understand and accept the fact that they need
their group members and they can depend on them for the
group to progress,
2. Individual accountability
that each student is responsible for both the failure and the
success of achieving the goal,
5. Group processing
the group discusses progress toward achieving a goal.
Grade 5
Inquiry learning
Inquiry learning approach not only increases student motivation, but also
provides a means to actively involve students in the learning process.
With the trend to move away from teacher-centered instruction to a more
student-centered approach, inquiry learning approach gives you the
opportunity to help students learn the content and course concepts by
having them explore a question to find solutions and answers themselves.
Thus, giving students more opportunity to reflect on their own learning,
gain a deeper understanding of the subject concepts in an integrated
fashion, and become better critical thinkers.
Choosing tasks
This learning strategy requires the teacher to prepare task sheets with a
range of activities sequenced from easiest or simplest to difficult or
advanced. Students choose a task and attempt those that they would
like to try; usually they must start with the easiest. This allows students
to progress at their own pace and allows students to achieve their task or
goal according to their own ability. Tasks can be designed for all including
students with special needs.
Health Teacher Guide
• Content overview
• Yearly overview
• Termly overview
• Weekly overview
Content overview
• Puberty stages
1. • Secondary changes
• Differences and similarities in growth changes for both sexes
My Body
• Overcoming negative growth emotions
1. Growth and Development
• Positive attitudes
2. • Ways to overcome negative emotions
• Bad behavior
• Promoting positive attitudes
Grade 5
• Illegal drugs
• Useful drugs
• Disease and social life related to drugs
1. • Reasons for using drugs
Alcohol and • Overcoming drugs
Substance Abuse • Drug addiction
2. Individual and Community Health
• Decision making
• Road safety
4. Safety and First Aid
1. • Personal safety
• Safety from natural disasters
• Safety instructions and gears
Health Teacher Guide
Strands Units
1. Growth & 1. My Body 1. My Body 1. My Body
Development 2. Relationship 2. Relationship 2. Relationship
3. Culture, Values and 3. Culture, Values and 3. Culture, Values and
Morals Morals Morals
4. My Career Interest 4. My Career Interest 4. My Career Interest
3. Nutrition 1. Food and Growth 1. Food and Growth 1. Food and Growth
2. Food and Hygiene 2. Food and Hygiene 2. Food and Hygiene
Grade 5
Yearly overview
When planning an instructional program we begin with the yearly plan.
The yearly plan is organized by terms in a school year. The main or key
information that form the content of the plan is provided in the syllabus.
These are the strands, units, content standards and performance
standards. We have compiled a sample yearly plan for Grade 5 class. The
syllabus is translated into a delivery plan for use in the classrooms for a
school year. The plan promotes sequencing of the learning content so;
there is fair distribution of content standards throughout the school year.
The yearly overview is a long term plan, whilst the term overview is a
medium term plan and, weekly and daily plans are short term.
Teachers have to ensure that the following are done when implementing
the yearly overview. These are:
• read and understand the content overview and content expansion
sections of the syllabus
• check to see that the units are fairly distributed throughout the year
Health Teacher Guide
Strand 1: Growth and Strand 1: Growth and Strand 2: Individual Strand 3: Nutrition
Development development and Community
Health Unit 2: Food and
Unit 1: My Body Unit 4: My Career Hygiene
Interest Unit 3: Healthy
5.1.1: Explore and Environment 5.3.2: Describe the
identify secondary 5.1.4: Demonstrate ways and reasons
changes at puberty an understanding 5.2.3 Assess unsafe of keeping food
that are associated that setting goals can situations in the products safe to eat.
with growth and further develop an community and take
development stages individual’s interest actions to reduce
and discuss ways to and ability to perform harm and promote
address the related a particular activity or health.
changes. job.
Strand 1: Growth and Strand 2: Individual Strand 2: Individual Strand 4: Safety and
Development and Community and Community First Aid
Health Health
Unit 2: Relationship Unit 1: Safety
Unit1: Alcohol and Unit 4: Health
5.1.2: Develop Substance abuse Services 5.4.1: Demonstrate
strategies to manage and evaluate
the influence of 5.2.1: Evaluate the 5.2.4: Identify health strategies to deal
individuals and impact of harmful services and products with unsafe and
groups on attitudes substances on young in the community emergency situations
and behaviors. people and take and plan ways to in the community.
actions to encourage assist and care for the
healthy choices. services.
Strand 1: growth and Strand 2: Individual Strand 3: Nutrition Strand 4: Safety and
Development and Community First Aid
Health Unit 1: Food and
Unit 3: Culture, values Growth Unit 2: First Aid
and Morals Unit 2: Protection
against diseases 5.3.1: Assess the 5.4.2: Demonstrate
5.1.3: Demonstrate nutritional value how to provide care
an understanding 5.2.2: Explore and of different foods and manage risk in
of the importance identify causes of and take action to responding to unsafe
of personal values, common illnesses promote healthy food or risky situations and
attitudes and other and take action to choice. behavior.
influences that promote behavior that
identify them as reduces health risks.
Grade 5
Termly overview
• Units
• Performance Standards
The termly overviews for the school year is important for all Grade 5
Teachers as these sample is giving the view that all teachers for Grade 5
are teaching according to the content organized in this plans across the
country. This practice is a strategy to maintain standards in:
• implementing the content from the Grades 3, 4 and 5 Primary Health
Syllabus for Grade 5
Term 1
5.1.1b Discuss Overcoming
2 Growth and 5.1.1
secondary changes for negative growth
Development boys and girls, such as and emotions
pimples, beard, armpit
hair, breasts
Health Teacher Guide
Term 1
1. My Body
Growth and 5.1.1 5.1.2d Describe ways Differences and
Development to overcome negative similarities in
feelings and emotions of growth changes for
4 growth and development both sexes
stage, eg: menstruation/
wet dreams.
1. and shyness.
Growth and 5.1.2
5.1.2c Discuss and Bad behavior
describe negative feelings
and emotions that can
lead to bad behavior.
Grade 5
Term 1
Health Teacher Guide
Weekly plan
To compile a plan for a week’s program teachers will need to organize the
plan using the;
• Units
• Content standards
• Performance indicators
• Lesson topics
Teacher should use the term overview to see how units are organized, and
then use this order to plan the weekly program. The weekly plan is
implemented through a timetable that is planned for the subjects in the
junior primary levels.
These basically give a total time of 1650 minutes per week to deliver the
7 subjects in primary classrooms, Grades 3 to 5. The subject total times
given are sample lessons breakup for the teacher to use per week as
reference. The teachers are encouraged to work on their own to suit their
teaching and learning needs.
Grade 5
Health Teacher Guide
Sample timetable
It is important to be mindful of how much time there is to deliver the
content of the subject in a week and throughout the school year.
Grade 5
Guided Lessons
Health lessons in Grade 5 must promote active and interactive
learning and be planned around the main concepts and key ideas and
skills identified in the content standards. These lessons must be delivered
using guided discovery learning strategies, so that, as much as possible
students are fully participating in the learning processes of the activities
using the different learning and teaching strategies according to the three
domains of learning within the experiential learning cycle.
The guided lessons for Grade 5 are sample lessons developed from the
performances standards derived from the content standards statements
prescribed in the syllabus. They are only lesson guides to guide and direct
the teacher to teach the content of the lesson in a sequential manner
providing appropriate students learning activities to demonstrate
concepts, skills, attitudes and values appropriate for the grade level.
There are total of 117 guided lessons to be taught for a school year in
Grade 5 classes in all Primary Schools. The guided lessons provided in
this teacher guide are provided in two sets and they are;
Lesson titles
The lesson titles are created from the performance standards given in the
syllabus. They are recommended for delivery in Grade 5 classrooms in the
primary schools. These lesson titles are further organized in weeks and
according to the number of lessons per week. This is one way to monitor
that all Grade 5 students are learning the same lessons from the
performance standards, and content standards. The following is a
schedule of lesson titles which are sequenced in the order of strands
appearing in the syllabus. Teachers are encouraged to teach the lessons
in order as much as possible, as they are given, and ensure that delivery
is done according to the number of lessons per week for a total time of 90
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Grade 5
The table below shows some similarities and differences in both boys and
girls during puberty.
The voice box(larynx) enlarges The breasts become enlarged, Grow taller and stronger
and the voice becomes deeper hips become broader and waistline
in tone becomes narrow.
The penis and the testes The external genitals (vagina) and Perspiration (sweating)as a result of
become enlarged internal reproductive organs fast development of the sweat glands
(uterus and ovaries) become may cause the skin to become oily
enlarged. and trigger acne (pimples)
Activity 2 :
Discuss and describe the different stages
and changes they have gone through from
fertilization to their current stage.
(see teachers notes)
Health Teacher Guide
Teacher's reflection/evaluation:
Key concepts
Grade 5
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Grade 5
Key concepts
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Grade 5
Key concepts
Spiritual Challenges
• Exploration and experimenting
during puberty tests spiritual
values and beliefs. Spiritual
values can give good morals
and guidance during puberty.
Lesson title: Positive attitudes learned from the family, school and
Time: 30 minutes
Lesson objective(s): The students can list some positive attitudes that
they learnt from their families at homes.
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Grade 5
Teacher's reflection/evaluation:
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Grade 5
Key concepts
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Grade 5
Key concepts
c) Conditions:
- people with special needs
- poverty
- being rich
- illiterate.
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
c) Conditions:
- people with special needs
- poverty
- being rich
- illiterate.
Grade 5
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Assessment tasks:
1. Identify factors influencing personal identity
2. Describe how these factors affect personal identity
Grade 5
Key concepts
Teacher’s notes
Health Teacher Guide
Teacher's reflection/evaluation
Time: 30 minutes
Key concepts
Grade 5
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Lesson title: How the media can affect health Time: 30 minutes
Key concepts
Key concepts
Grade 5
Lesson title: How my peer groups can affect decisions I make about my
Key concepts
Time: 30 minutes
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Key concepts
Grade 5
Key concepts
Lesson title: Short and long term health goals Time: 30 minutes
Health Teacher Guide
Teacher’s notes
Grade 5
Teacher's reflection/evaluation
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Grade 5
Key concepts
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Key concepts
Grade 5
Key concepts
Lesson title: Illegal drugs and the effects it has in our body
Time: 30 minutes
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Teacher’s notes
Teacher's reflection/evaluation
Grade 5
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Key concepts
Grade 5
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Key concepts
Grade 5
Time: 30 minutes
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Key concepts
Grade 5
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Key concepts
Grade 5
Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.2.2 Explore and identify causes of common illnesses and
take action to promote behavior that reduces health risks.
Performance standard: 5.2.2c: Explain what communicable and
non-communicable diseases are and list ways to prevent catching them.
Lesson objective: The students can identify and describe the causes of
communicable diseases.
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Teacher’s notes
Virus or bacteria Flies, food and Boil drinking water, wash hands
through ingested food water. after using toilet, wash hands
Diarrhea or water. before preparing and before
eating food.
Microbes such as Droplets in the air Runny nose, Cover mouth when coughing
Colds viruses when breathed. when people cough cough, sore or sneezing. Keep five meters
or sneeze. throat, away from infected people.
influenza temperature.
Bacteria ingested Food and water, Vomiting and Good hygiene and sanitation.
through mouth with flies, contact with diarrhea.
food or drink. feces.
Grade 5
Teacher's reflection/evaluation:
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Key concepts
Grade 5
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Key concepts
Grade 5
Key concepts
Content standard 5.2.3: Assess unsafe situations in the community and take
actions to reduce harm and promote health.
Performance standard 5.2.3a: Survey the community for toilets and rubbish
disposal and recommend ways to make them more hygienic.
Lesson objective: The students can learn proper ways to use toilets and
identify ways to improve toilet building and caring for the facility.
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Teacher's notes
Grade 5
Conclusion • Why is using toilet very important? • We would not walk on human
5 minutes
Teacher's reflections/evaluation
Content standards 5.2.3: Assess unsafe situations in the community and take
action to reduce harm and promote health.
Performance standard 5.2.3a: Survey the community for toilets and rubbish
pits and recommend ways to make them more hygienic.
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Content standard 5.2.3: Assess unsafe situations in the community and take
action to reduce harm and promote health.
Performance standard 5.2.3b: Organize sign boards and notices to warn the
public about unsafe areas in the community.
Key concepts
Content standard 5.2.3: Assess unsafe situations in the community and take
action to reduce harm and promote health.
Performance standard 5.2.3b: Organize sign boards and notices to warn the
public about unsafe areas in the community.
Grade 5
Key concepts
Content standard 5.2.3: Assess unsafe situations in the community and take
action to reduce harm and promote health.
Performance standard 5.2.3c: Plan and organize awareness on the need to
keep the community healthy, safe and clean.
Key concepts
Unit 3: Healthy environment Lesson title: Safe and clean water source
Content standard 5.2.3: Assess unsafe situations in the community and take
action to reduce harm and promote health.
Performance standard 5.2.3c: Plan and organize awareness on the need to
keep the community healthy, safe and clean.
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.2.3: Assess unsafe situations in the community and take
action to reduce harm and promote health.
Performance standard 5.2.3c: Plan and organize awareness on the need to
keep the community healthy, safe and clean.
Key concepts
Content standard 5.2.3: Assess unsafe situations in the community and take
action to reduce harm and promote health.
Performance standard 5.2.3d: Discuss how to keep the environment neat
and clean in their home and community.
Grade 5
Key concepts
Content standard 5.2.3: Assess unsafe situations in the community and take
action to reduce harm and promote health.
Performance standard 5.2.3d: Discuss how to keep the environment neat
and clean in their home and community.
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Key concepts
Grade 5
Key concepts
Content standard (CS) 5.2.4: Identify health services and products in the
community and plan ways to assist and care for the services.
Performance standard (PS) 5.2.4b: Explain what immunization is and
suggest ways to encourage parents with young children to attend
immunization clinics.
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Grade 5
• Ask children to check their friend’s arms. • Check friend’s immunization scars.
What can they see?
• Introduce the lesson title and lesson
5 minutes objective.
20 minutes
• Possible answers: treat sick
children, give vaccines to babies
and young children, travel to
communities giving
Teacher's reflection/evaluation
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Lesson title: Life skills: Goal setting plans for parents to attend clinics
Key concepts
Grade 5
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Key concepts
Grade 5
Lesson title: The role of clinics and aid posts Time: 30 minutes
Key concepts
Content standard: 5.3.1: Assess the nutritional value of different foods and
take action to promote healthy food choice.
Performance standard 5.3.1a: Identify junk food found in the school, canteen
village stores, and market and discuss its effects.
Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson, the students can: discuss
and list junk food. State their effect to the body and name healthy food to
replace them.
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Teacher's notes
Encyclopedia of Junk Food and Fast Food defines junk food as “those
commercial products, including candy, bakery goods, ice cream, salty
snacks and soft drinks which have little or no nutritional value but do have
plenty of calories, salt and fats." While not all foods from bakeries, stores
or fast food outlets are called junks foods, most products from these
places are junk foods. Fast foods are foods that are readily prepared food
for direct consumption after ordering. Ken Mighty Fried Chicken (KFC),
Big Rooster, fast-food outlets.
Activity 1:
Body Draw a table on the board. Name a junk
food and its effects then a healthy food to
20 minutes
replace it. • Complete the table in their
exercise books.
Junk Food Bad effects
Stick lollies Decay teeth Peanut
• Teacher and student do correction • Read your answers out for the
together on the board. teacher to correct.
5 minutes
• Recap on the main teaching points.
Teacher's reflection/evaluation
Grade 5
Lesson title: Effects of eating too much junk food Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.3.1: Assess the nutritional value of different food and
take action to promote healthy food choices.
Performance standard 5.3.1a: Identify junk foods found in the school
canteen, village stores and market and discuss their effects.
Key concepts
Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.3.1: Assess the nutritional value of different food and
take action to promote healthy food choices.
Performance standard 5.3.1a: Identify junk foods found in the school
canteen, village stores and market and discuss their effects.
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Content standard 5.3.1: Assess the nutritional value of different foods and
take action to promote healthy food choices.
Performance standard 5.3.1b: Prepare a balanced meal and discuss the
meal requirement of people with special nutritional requirements.
Key concepts
• Healthy food
Content standard 5.3.1: Assess the nutritional value of different foods and
take action to promote healthy food choices.
Performance standard 5.3.1b: Prepare a balanced meal and discuss the
meal requirement of people with special nutritional requirements.
Key concepts
Grade 5
Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.3.1: Assess the nutritional value of different foods and
take action to promote healthy food choices.
Performance standard 5.3.1b: Prepare a balanced meal and discuss the
meal requirement of people with special nutritional requirements.
Key concepts
• Healthy food
Lesson title: Goal setting for daily nutritional meals Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.3.1: Assess the nutritional value of different foods and
take action to promote healthy food choices.
Performance standard 5.3.1b: Prepare a balanced meal and discuss the
meal requirement of people with special nutritional requirements.
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Lesson title: Foods that have too much sugar Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.3.1: Assess the nutritional value of different foods and
take action to promote healthy food choices.
Performance standard 5.3.1c: Discuss health problems that result from bad
food choices and ways to prevent them.
Key concepts
Lesson title: Foods that have too much fats and oils Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.3.1: Assess the nutritional value of different foods and
take action to promote healthy food choices.
Performance standard 5.3.1c: Discuss health problems that result from bad
food choices and ways to prevent them.
Key concepts
Grade 5
Lesson title: Ways that prevent having health problems associated with
junk food
Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.3.1: Assess the nutritional value of different foods and
take action to promote healthy food choices.
Performance standard 5.3.1c: Discuss health problems that result from bad
food choices and ways to prevent them.
Key concepts
Content standard 5.3.1: Assess the nutritional value of different foods and
take action to promote healthy food choices.
Performance standard 5.3.1d: Identify and analyze key components of the
“Nutrition Facts” labels to the analysis of the local food collection.
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Content standard 5.3.1: Assess the nutritional value of different foods and
take action to promote healthy food choices.
Performance standard 5.3.1d: Identify and analyze key components of the
“Nutrition Facts” labels to the analysis of the local food collection.
Key concepts
Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.3.1: Assess the nutritional value of different foods and
take action to promote healthy food choices.
Performance standard 5.3.1d: Identify and analyze key components of the
“Nutrition Facts” labels to the analysis of the local food collection.
Key concepts
Grade 5
Content standard 5.3.2: Describe the ways and reasons of keeping food
products safe to eat.
Performance standard 5.3.2.a: Identify how food products can be safe to
Lesson objective: the students can discuss ways of how they can make
food products safe to eat.
Key concepts
• Ways of making food products safe • Discussing ways of making food • Being responsible.
to eat. products to be safe.
Teacher's notes
• Ask children to name any food they ate • Children’s answer: rice, banana,
Introduction in morning. kaukau, tea, milk, bread.
5 minutes
• Introduce the lesson title and state the
objective of the lesson.
Health Teacher Guide
Activity 2:
How do the packets help to preserve the
20 minutes foods inside?
• Ask children to discuss in pairs how
each one could be kept safe.
- Pack biscuits in a tight container
- Put sugar, coffee, milk in empty
peanut butter jars.
Teacher's reflection/evaluation
Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.3.2: Describe the ways and reasons of keeping food
products safe to eat.
Performance standard 5.3.2a: Identify how food products can be safe.
Key concepts
Grade 5
Content standard 5.3.2: Describe the ways and reasons of keeping food
products safe to eat.
Performance standard 5.3.2b: Demonstrate ways to keep food safe to eat.
Key concepts
Content standard 5.3.2: Describe the ways and reasons of keeping food
products safe to eat.
Performance standard 5.3.2b: Demonstrate ways to keep food safe to eat.
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Content standard 5.3.2: Describe the ways and reasons of keeping food
products safe to eat.
Performance standard 5.3.2b: Demonstrate ways to keep food safe to eat.
Key concepts
Lesson title: Signs that tell that food is not safe to eat
Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.3.2: Describe the ways and reasons of keeping food
products safe to eat.
Performance standard 5.3.2c: Describe the effects of eating food products
that are bad/stale.
Grade 5
Lesson title: What can be done to prevent food from going bad?
Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.3.2: Describe the ways and reasons of keeping food
products safe to eat.
Performance standard5.3.2c: Describe the effects of eating food products
that are bad/stale.
Key concepts
Content standard 5.3.2: Describe the ways and reasons of keeping food
products safe to eat.
Performance standard 5.3.2c: Describe the effects of eating food products
that are bad/stale.
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Content standard 5.3.2: Describe the ways and reasons of keeping food
products safe to eat.
Performance standard 5.3.2c: Describe the effects of eating food products
that are bad/stale.
Key concepts
Time: 30 minutes
Lesson objective(s): The students can describe some safe ways when
crossing the road.
Key concepts
Grade 5
Teacher's notes
A pedestrian crossing or crosswalk is a place Explain that pedestrians have to wait on the pavement until
designated for pedestrians to cross a road. all the traffic coming from both directions has stopped - only
Crosswalks are designed to keep pedestrians then is it safe to cross.
together where they can be seen by motorists, Explain that if there is an island in the middle of the road,
and where they can cross most safely across your child should treat each half of the crossing as a
the flow of vehicle traffic. separate crossing.
5 minutes
• Pedestrian is someone walking on foot • Copy the meaning in the book.
rather than on vehicle/riding.
e.g. bush trackers
Teacher's reflection/evaluation
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Time: 30 minutes
Key concepts
Grade 5
Time: 30 minutes
Key concepts
Time: 30 minutes
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Key concepts
Grade 5
Time: 30 minutes
Key concepts
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
Time: 30 minutes
Key concepts
Content standard 5.4.2: Demonstrate how to provide care and manage risks
in responding to unsafe or risky situations and behavior.
Performance standard 5.4.2a: Apply basic first aid to accidents at school.
Grade 5
Key concepts
Teacher's notes
Health Teacher Guide
• Divide students into the number of steps/ • Move into groups according
procedures to be followed. to the number of procedures
and practice what is written
• Allow students to demonstrate the on each flash card.
procedures and rotate in their groups.
i) Check airway, breathing and pulse. • Turn and flip the flash card to
ii) Loosen clothing around the neck, chest another until they complete
and waist and ensure that plenty of fresh all the procedures.
air is available.
iii) Lay child in the recovery position –
preferably with the lower part of the body
Body slightly raised above the head. This will
19 minutes ensure that vomit or saliva does not flow
into the lungs. Do not provide pillows and
keep the head flexed slightly backwards.
iv) Cover with a blanket and stay with the
child until medical help arrives. Never
leave an unconscious child unattended.
v) If consciousness returns, speak
reassuringly to the child, moisten his/her
lips and prevent him from hurting himself/
herself. Do not attempt to give a drink to
an unconscious child.
Conclusion • Give time for students to copy all the • Copy procedures written
procedures. form all the flash cards.
5 minutes
Teacher's reflection/evaluation
Content standard 5.4.2: Demonstrate how to provide care and manage risk in
responding to unsafe or risky situations and behavior.
Performance standard 5.4.2a: Apply basic first aid to accidents at school.
Grade 5
Key concepts
Lesson title: Basic first aid for bone fractures Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.4.2: Demonstrate how to provide care and manage risk in
responding to unsafe or risky situations and behavior.
Performance standard 5.4.2a: Apply basic first aid to accidents at school.
Key concepts
Lesson title: Basic first aid for snake bite Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.4.2: Demonstrate how to provide care and manage risk in
responding to unsafe or risky situations and behavior.
Performance standard 5.4.2a: Apply basic first aid to accidents at school.
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Content standard 5.4.2: Demonstrate how to provide care and manage risk in
responding to unsafe or risky situations and behavior.
Performance standard 5.4.2a: Apply basic first aid to accidents at school.
Key concepts
Content standard 5.4.2: Demonstrate how to provide care and manage risk in
responding to unsafe or risky situations and behavior.
Performance standard 5.4.2a: Apply basic first aid to accidents at school.
Grade 5
Key concepts
Content standard 5.4.2: Demonstrate how to provide care and manage risk in
responding to unsafe or risky situations and behavior.
Performance standard 5.4.2b: Apply basic first aid procedures in unsafe
situations such as marine environment.
Key concepts
Lesson title: Use basic first aid treatment for bites related to marine
Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.4.2: Demonstrate how to provide care and manage risk in
responding to unsafe or risky situations and behavior.
Performance standard 5.4.2b: Apply basic first aid procedures in unsafe
situations such as marine environment.
Health Teacher Guide
Key concepts
Lesson title: Use basic first aid treatment for bites to related marine
Time: 30 minutes
Content standard 5.4.2: Demonstrate how to provide care and manage risk in
responding to unsafe or risky situations and behavior.
Performance standard 5.4.2b: Apply basic first aid procedures in unsafe
situations such as marine environment.
Key concepts
Content standard (CS) 5.4.2: Demonstrate how to provide care and manage
risk in responding to unsafe or risky situations and behaviour.
Performance standard (PS) 5.4.2c: Apply basic first aid to care and manage
the injuries.
Lesson objective(s): The students can apply basic first aid and care to
minor injuries that happen at school.
Grade 5
Key concepts
Resource materials:
Junior Health trs Syllabus, Basic First Aid in PNG, by Andrew Solien, page
24- 25.
Teacher's notes
The human eye is an organ which reacts to light and pressure. It is a very
sensitive organ that allows humans to see. Care must be given for our
eyes which enables us to see the beauties of this world. Many times,
when we work we encounter problems or injuries. Some of these injuries
could be minor while others could be permanent.
• Emphasis to the students that the eye is the • Briefly say how they will
Conclusion delicate part of the body which needs special care for the eye if there is a
5 minutes care as it is useful to our lives. foreign object in the eye.
Health Teacher Guide
Content standard (CS) 5.4.2: Demonstrate how to provide care and manage
risk in responding to unsafe or risky situations and behaviour.
Performance standard (PS) 5.4.2c: Apply basic first aid to care and manage
the injuries.
Key concepts
Content standard 5.4.2: Demonstrate how to provide care and manage risk in
responding to unsafe or risky situations and behaviour.
Performance standard 5.4.2.c: Apply basic first aid to care and manage the
Key concepts
Grade 5
Content standard (CS) 5.4.2 Demonstrate how to provide care and manage
risk in responding to unsafe or risky situations and behaviour.
Performance standard (PS) 5.4.2c: Apply basic first aid to care and manage
the injuries.
Key concepts
Content standard 5.4.2: Demonstrate how to provide care and manage risk in
responding to unsafe or risky situations and behaviour.
Performance standard 5.4.2.c: Apply basic first aid to care and manage the
Key concepts
Health Teacher Guide
The standards based curriculum introduces benchmarks, a form of
assessment which is established to qualify student attainments in the
subject. Benchmarks are derived from the curriculum content standards
highlighting the key set of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes a learner
must achieve at the end of a level of schooling in numeracy, literacy,
scientific and life skills.
The Health subject has benchmarks that determine how much the
students will achieve when they complete Grades 3, 4 and 5 Primary
level. This ensures the students to be able to use the knowledge, skills
and attitudes they have acquired in the Grades 3, 4 and 5 Primary and
guarantee their partway of learning the aspects of health education as
they progress onto the next level of schooling.
Assessment as or in learning
Assessment as or in learning is conducted when teachers interact with
students and assess their participation in the learning activities. Teachers
must be prepared for assessment as or in learning in all learning
situations and use this approach where applicable.
Grade 5
Assessment of learning
Summative assessment takes place at the end of a unit of study in a term,
year or a program. It is used to provide information on student
achievements and on the effectiveness of the content.
For example: The teacher may want to evaluate his or her teaching in
term 1 on growth and development and questions the students on what
they learnt about growth and development in term1? The teacher can
then use the students’ responses to plan for revision on particular content
areas in preparation for the new content to be learned.
Assessment strategies
Assessment strategies are used by teachers to conduct or deliver the
assessment tasks planned for their students. There are many options for
teachers to choose to develop assessment strategies. The few listed
below are recommended for teachers to use to assess the students.
These include:
• oral presentations
• observation
• role plays
• written test
• group work
• practical activities.
Oral presentations
Teachers plan assessable tasks for individual students or groups to do
oral presentations. They can be done is various ways such as peer
teaching, group or class presentations. For example, a topic on lifestyle
diseases can be given to the students to carry out a research with guided
questions. A set of criteria can be provided to guide students and used
for assessing students accurately.
Health Teacher Guide
To observe is to look and listen attentively to a student in order to make
an assessment of and about what they know, understand and can do.
Whilst in the process of observation teachers can ask questions on how
the student/s can work as a group or an individual to complete a given
Role plays
Role plays are also used as assessment strategies to cater for students
with different abilities and talents. Students demonstrate the knowledge,
skills, attitudes and values in a form of role plays which enable them to
find learning more meaningful and enjoyable.
Test is an assessment strategy used in relation to students’ performances
of learning formatively or summatively on the content of the learning the
students are undertaking or have undertaken in a unit.
Group work
Teachers are encouraged to organize assessable tasks to target group
work. This strategy will encourage fast, average and slow learners to
discuss ideas and learn from each other in groups. Ensure that every
student in the group is given a task and contributes in the group to
complete that task.
Practical activities
Practical activities may include for example, planning and preparing a
nutritious meal or applying Fist Aid procedures. Teachers are encouraged
to design appropriate checklists to use to guide them as well as students
to demonstrate the assigned practical activity. By doing so, interactive
learning is evident and as such students give constructive feedback on
each other’s performances.
Assessment tasks
Assessment tasks are learning activities created from the performance
standards. These are especially written and specifically designed and
planned before conducting any assessment. This particular activity has
key knowledge skills, attitudes and values that must be achieved at the
end of performing the assessable activities.
Teachers are the best assessors of students and must ensure that all
assessment tasks are:
• clearly stated for students to interpret
• linked to the content standards
• balanced, comprehensive, reliable and fair
• engages the learner.
Grade 5
The suggested assessment tasks are written from the content standards
and listed performance standards to guide the teachers to develop their
own tasks. They are given as examples or you may want to adopt the
proposed assessment tasks shown below.
Table 1.1a: This assessment task has been taken out from the Grades
3, 4 and 5 Syllabus which will be used as a unit assessment.
Health Teacher Guide
and emergency situations in the
Grade 5
Term 1
1 Orientation
5.1.1: Explore and 1. Identify the secondary
identify secondary changes changes of growth and
at puberty that are development and
associated with growth and recommend ways to
3 My Body development stages and improve their own
discuss ways to address the developmental changes.
related changes.
1. Growth and development
Health Teacher Guide
Term 2
2. Identify factors that
influence the decisions
4 of people doing these
two jobs.
alternative solutions to
their problems.
Grade 5
Term 3
2. Describe diseases
9 caused by eating
unbalanced meals.
Health Teacher Guide
Term 4
precautions when on
First Aid
unsafe or risky situations plane, etc.
8 and behavior.
First Aid 2. Suggest healthy and
safe practice at
Grade 5
Content Performance Assessment Assessment Assessment
Standard Standard/s Task Criteria Method
3. Sound
skills, attitudes
and values on
the information
4. Sources of
information to
5. Creativity.
Guided questions
Health Teacher Guide
Content Performance Assessment Assessment Assessment
Standard Standard/s Task Criteria Method
5.2.1: Assess the 5.2.1b: In groups plan 1. Correct steps Practical Checklist for
nutritional value Demonstrate and and prepare a in preparing group activity. individual
of different foods prepare a balanced meal the balance student
and take action balanced meal and explain meal. performance
to promote and write a report how it helps record and
healthy food to explain why it is the body. 2. Correct type of group
choices. important. food from the activity.
four groups of
3. Correct
description of
the benefits of
4. Group
and behavior.
5. Individual
effort and
6. Creativity.
Note: This task will require time and resources. Ensure that prior preparations and ways to source
income to purchase food or other things are done smoothly and transparently. Safety and care in
handling equipment and hot objects are paramount in this practical activity.
Grade 5
Content Performance Assessment Assessment Assessment
Standard Standard/s Task Criteria Method
3. Photos or
illustrations to
4. Creativity.
5. Neatness.
Health Teacher Guide
Work sample
3. Photos or illustrations
Grade 5
Health Teacher Guide
AT 1
Performed C1 &2
AT 1
Performed C1
satisfactorily but C1 was
AT 1
Performed C2
satisfactorily but did not
attempt C1
Class List (Total number 1. Identify secondary 2. Recommend ways 3. Apply knowledge, skills,
of students on roll) changes of growth to improve own values and attitudes in
and development developmental real life situations
1. Mathew
2. Ruth
3. Kila
4. Shalom
5. July
Grade 5
No. Names Body Hair Teeth Clothes Comments
Paul Long nails
1 X
Saso Broken home
2 X X X X
Health Teacher Guide
1. Resources recommended in this Teacher Guide are documents issued
by the National Department of Education (NDOE), community
resources and materials published by other organizations and
commercial companies.
Grade 5
Health subject has words specific to the content of growth and
development, nutrition, Individual and community health and safety and
first aid. The words are taken from the subject content of learning for
Grade 5 Primary. The definitions are given here to assist with meanings to
help students as the need arises. The list is expandable according to the
students’ needs.
Word Definition
Asthma A disease of the respiratory system, sometimes caused by allergies, with
symptoms including coughing, sudden difficulty in breathing, and a tight
feeling in the chest.
Balance meals A meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) which consists of equal amount of food from
the four food groups.
Betelnut A nut of a palm tree that people in the tropics chew with mustard and lime.
Body features A part of the body that contributes to its distinct character, especially the
eyes, nose, or mouth.
Career Somebody's progress in a chosen job or during that person's working life.
Chronic disease Describes an illness or medical condition that lasts over a long period and
sometimes causes a long-term change in the body.
Courteous Polite in a way that shows consideration of others or good manners.
Decision making The process of making choices or reaching conclusions, especially on an
important political or business matters.
Diet A controlled intake of food and drink designed for weight loss, for health or
religious reasons, or to control or improve a medical condition.
Earthquake A violent shaking of the Earth's crust that may cause destruction to
buildings as results from the sudden release of tectonic stress along a fault
line or from volcanic activity.
Emergency drills An unexpected and sudden event that must be dealt with urgently.
Emotions A strong feeling about somebody or something.
Family values Group of people living together and functioning as a single household, usually
consisting of parents and their children and share same importance of
First aid Emergency medical treatment for somebody who is ill or injured, given before
more thorough medical attention can be obtained.
Floaters Somebody or something that is floating.
Food groups Grouping of food into categories especially the four food groups (High energy,
energy, and protein, protective.
Food poisoning Severe infection of the slippery tissue of the stomach and intestines caused
by eating food contaminated with toxic substances or with microorganisms
that generate toxins.
Gum The firm flesh that surrounds the roots of the teeth.
Grinding teeth The teeth that breaks up the solid food before swallowing .
Habits An action or pattern of behaviour that is repeated so often that it
becomes typical of somebody, although he or she may be unaware of it.
Health Teacher Guide
Word Definition
Health record Keeping written documentation of the history of someone’s health
Herbs A overpowering plant used fresh or dried for seasoning, for its medicinal
properties, or in perfumes.
Hygiene The practice or principles of cleanliness.
Injuries An instance of physical damage to a body part
e.g. a serious back injury.
Life jacket A sleeveless jacket made of light material or filled with air, used to keep
somebody afloat in water.
Molar teeth A large back tooth in humans and other mammals, used for chewing and
grinding. Human beings have twelve molars.
Morals Relating to issues of right and wrong and how individual people should be-
Nutrients A substance that provides nourishment, e.g. the minerals that a plant takes
from the soil or the constituents in food that keep a human body healthy and
help it to grow.
Nutritional meals Food, or the minerals, vitamins, and other nourishing substances that food
contains in a breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Natural disasters A disaster caused by natural forces rather than by human action, e.g. an
Negotiation Skills The reaching of an agreement through discussion and compromise.
Oral health Relating to or belonging to the mouth. Eg tooth brushing, tooth medicine.
Polite Showing or possessing good manners or common courtesy.
Personality The somebody's attitudes and interests, behavioural patterns, emotional
responses, social roles, and other individual traits that endure over long
periods of time.
Positive behaviour Confident, optimistic, and focusing on good things rather than bad.
Physical changes Relating to the different stages of body growth.
Physical character Relating to the body physical differences in behaviour and appearance of a
Quality food Food which is of high standard or good grade.
Regular meals Occurring in a fixed, unvarying, or predictable pattern, with equal amounts of
time or space between each meal.
responsibility The state, fact, or position of being accountable to somebody or for
Roles The part played by somebody in a given social context, with any
characteristic or expected pattern of behaviour that it entails.
Role model A worthy person who is a good example for other people.
Safety signs Protection from, or not being exposed to, the risk of harm or injury.
Seat belts A strong strap or harness designed to keep the user securely in a seat in a
vehicle or aircraft.
Storage Space which is used to store things,
Teeth A hard whitish bony object inside a human or vertebrate animal's mouth, used
for biting and chewing food.
Grade 5
Word Definition
Unconsciousness Unable to see, hear, or otherwise sense what is going on, usually
temporarily and often as a result of an accident or injury.
Utensils A tool or things , especially one used in a kitchen.
Values The worth, importance, or usefulness of something to somebody.
Volcano drill An emergency exercise conducted in preparation to respond to volcanic
Warning labels A written piece of advice on poisonous or dangerous items that
persons must be careful of or to handle with care.
Health Teacher Guide
Background information
Strand 1: Growth and development Unit 1: My body
2. What are some of the appropriate words used during the puberty
• Be sure to use the more neutral words suggested. Avoid using
words like penis or vagina as the words may be offensive, and
sharing of childhood words may lead to embarrassment or ridicule.
• Being familiar with language that they can use in public is important
to enhance students’ sense of self. Because language is such a
powerful tool, it also helps them to develop greater confidence and
Grade 5
iii. Ask the students to describe the kind of exercise shown in the
iv. Discuss with the students the kinds of exercises that they think they
could easily do:
• Taking short daily walks,
• Simple regular movements of the arms and legs for at least 10-15
Health Teacher Guide
Grade 5
The four food groups are a simple way of putting the different nutrients
into main groups that will encourage people to include a variety of food in
their diet to meet their body nutrient needs.
The main food in this group are meat, fish, milk, egg, bush animals, pork,
canned meat, chicken, peanut, beans, peas, pandanus and other nuts.
Helps the body build itself and replace new tissues and other building
blocks of the body.
The most common vegetables eaten in PNG are, dark green leaves (ferns,
tulip, watercress, aibika, pumpkin leaves), tomatoes, cabbage, carrot,
pitpit, capsicum, corn.
The most common fruits in PNG are; mango, ripe banana, pineapple,
guava, pawpaw, oranges, mandarin, passion fruit, apple, rambutan, etc.
They are rich sources of vitamins and minerals. For example, mango is
rich in vitamin A and C. Provide more minerals and vitamins that are
essential for the general health of the body such as the immune system
and also involve in many of the body processes.
Water is not a food group, but it is necessary for life because it helps the
body digest, absorb and transport nutrients and regulates body
temperature. People should drink at least 8 glasses (1.5 liters) of water a
day and even more when it is hot or they are doing heavy physical work
and sweating or suffering from diarrhoea, vomiting or fever. People can
also get water by drinking soups or fruit juices. Water for drinking, taking
medicines or making juices should always be boiled or treated with
chlorine tablet to make it safe.
Health Teacher Guide
Grade 5
i. Explain that food hygiene and safety is one of the main ways of
preventing infection
• Food can be a source of infection if it is not properly handled,
prepared and kept.
• Most infections that arise out of poor food hygiene and safety
practices are associated with diarrhoea and vomiting. These reduce
intake and absorption of food, thus compromising nutritional status.
ii. Discuss vital food hygiene and safety practices in the picture:
• Wash hands thoroughly before handling, preparing and eating food.
• Keep food and drinking water covered and stored away from
insects, flies, rats and other animals.
• Wash fruits and vegetables with clean water before eating, cooking
or serving.
• Use clean, safe water for food preparation.
• Wash the food preparation area and eating and cooking utensils,
and keep them clean.
• Keep cooked food away from contact with raw food.
Health Teacher Guide
1. Fire is fast! In less than 30 seconds a flame can completely get out of
control and turn into a major fire. Its takes only minutes for thick black
smoke to fill a house.
2. Fire is hot! A fire’s heat can kill. Room temperature in a fire can be 100
degrees at floor level and rise to 600 degrees level. Inhaling this
super-hot air will burn your lungs.
3. Fire is dark! Fire starts bright but quickly smoke and complete
darkness comes. If you wake up to fire you may be blinded,
disoriented and unable to find your way around the home you have
lived for years.
4. Fire is deadly! Smoke and toxic gases kill more people than flames do.
Fire uses up the oxygen you need and produces smoke and
poisonous gas that kill.
Fire drills
Fire is a serious hazard in homes. Most houses in PNG are made of wood
and bush materials. Many people use kerosene lamps and candles and
cook on open fires. Everyone must be careful with lit lamps and fires.
Never put the wrong fuel in kerosene lamps or stoves, and never leave
Grade 5
a naked flame in the house when people are asleep. Don’t let anyone
smoke in the house. If you have an open fire in the house, it is a good
idea to keep a covered bucket of water supply.
Be careful with polyester clothes and foam mattresses. They burn and
melt quickly and the smoke they produce is very poisonous. It is also
dangerous to you and the environment to burn plastics on open fire.
If a person’s clothes catches fire, stop them moving, push them down to
the ground, wrap them in a woolen coat or blanket if possible, and roll
them over to put the flames out.
Health Teacher Guide
Life skills
Three main life skills will be reinforced throughout the learning period of
Grades 3-5 in the Primary level.
Interpersonal communication
Decision making
Decision-making model
2. Consider all alternatives. List all the possible ways to resolve the
problem, all the possible decisions that could be made. Eliminate
those alternatives you know you would never seriously consider, if
you are clear about the reasons for eliminating them. You may need to
gather more facts or consult with others to be sure you haven’t
overlooked any options.
Grade 5
live by and believe are important – for example, beliefs about honesty,
loyalty, or whether it’s all right to smoke or drink. Most of our values
come from the up-bringing we receive at home. Others come from our
friends and society. Consider whether each alternative is consistent
with your personal and family values.
Goal setting
Fear is often a cause of failing to meet our goals. If we face the fear or
issue we stand a much better chance of conquering that fear and
accomplish our fear. Goal setting in any area such as career, education,
family, exercise, arts and recreation you will be on course for success.
Health Teacher Guide
Components Elements Pointers
• Students express verbally by Enable children to interact
using the correct forms of verbally/nonverbally with others
language i.e. respect and through active listening and by
consideration for others, expressing feelings and feedback
acceptable vocabulary. constructively.
Grade 5
Components Elements Pointers
• Students to work together as a Enable children to respect each
team in whatever circumstances other’s ideas, abilities, values,
ie sports/group work. contributions and different styles
Cooperation when working together. They
Communication and
and Teamwork • Students develop and use these skills to influence and
Refusal Skills • Students are prepared to assert Enable children to deal effectively
one’s opinion using a variety of with conflict they encounter in
strategies. their daily lives , firmly, decisively
and confidently.
• Students are prepared to assert
one’s opinion.
• Students can think through the
Solving information they have gathered.
• Students can identify the options
and consequences of alternate
decisions and select or chose
Health Teacher Guide
Components Elements Pointers
• Students can identify their Enable children to understand,
strengths, weaknesses and accept who they are and have a
potentials. healthy self-image. They use this
understanding to organise
• Students know their rights and
themselves, set goals and plan
responsibilities and take.
their learning to meet everyday
appropriate actions in situations. challenges.
• Students can express their
thoughts and feelings in a
constructive manner E.g.
Resolve a conflict amongst
• Students know they are valued,
recognise and appreciate their
• Students are assertive with their
strengths and acknowledge
their weaknesses by following a
leader as part of a team.
• Distinguish the difference
between rights and
Coping and
Grade 5
Components Elements Pointers
• Students identify sources of Students use a range of
stress. strategies to cope with demands
and expectations placed on them
• Students decide to take actions
by their parents, schools, peers
with regards to that stressful
and external pressures.
situation to avoid it.
Health Teacher Guide
Components Elements Pointers
• Describe characteristics of To enable students to acquire
well-being E.g. clean, happy, specific and practical
safe, secure, pain-free, sociable.
knowledge and needed skills
which are appropriate and relevant
• Identify behaviours that can
for their competent use in their
threaten their well-being E.g.
daily lives: recognize and
smoking, excessive sweets, poor
nutrition, lack of physical appreciate the elements and
importance of well-being; make
activities, disruptive,
informed decisions for healthy
uncooperative, sexually
actions and behaviours; apply
inappropriate actions. skills to manage pressures/
• Confide in appropriate and challenges/ threats that impact on
trustworthy persons when they their well-being (such as
feel threatened, basic substance abuse, all forms
Health information about nutrition, of-physical, verbal sexual abuse,
sanitation, hygiene and sexual sexuality, relationships, violence,
education. nutrition; advocate good health.
• Describe the pertinent/relevant/
related features of elements that
threaten their well-being E.g.
HIV,STI, poor nutrition,
substance abuse etc.
• Explain the benefits of practices
that promote good health.
Contextual or
Issue based
• Demonstrate good
Life skills
Grade 5
Components Elements Pointers
• Able to recite the and sing the The creation of awareness in
national anthem. children of their duties to their
countries, and knowledge of the
• Respect for and observe the flag process of governance. To take
raising ceremony, show respect pride in being a citizen of their
for their school and classmates. country and to learn to behave
• Maintain a clean environment in in a manner that helps promote
the classroom, whole school and civic duties, a love for a clean and
beyond. healthy country, maintenance of
peace, observation of law and
• Be able to converse in a order and the rights of other
Civic language of another cultural people.
Education/ group.
Governance • Participation in public speaking
(content taught on peace themes.
Contextual or
Issue based
Life skills
Health Teacher Guide
Components Elements Pointers
• Students investigate, develop Enable children to acquire and
and apply local knowledge and apply knowledge demonstrating
understanding in managing and an understanding of the
conserving the flora, fauna, land environment (flora/fauna/water/air/
and water in the local context. land). Developing an awareness
• Students investigate the causes and respect to manage and
Environment conserve, ensuring sustainable
of air, water and land pollution;
(content extinction of species; identify use of resources through balanced
preventive measures that can be traditional and modern practices.
taught in
Contextual or
Issue based
Science and
• Students identify or investigate
into alternate strategies to
Science - Skills manage and conserve fauna,
application in flora, land and water and apply
waste management and
recycling procedures.
• Students identify value and
apply local/traditional protection
laws, government policies and
recognize international
Grade 5
NDOE ( 2004) OBC Lower Primary Syllabus and Teacher Guides
NDOE (1995) Set of Health pupil’s books: Take Care, Me and You, My
Skin, Germs: Our Unseen Enemies, Safe-Healthy Homes, Me and
Others, Malaria, Growing Well, Safe-Healthy Communities, Good Advice
for Growth, My Head, Deadly Habits
NDO (1994) Drug Booklets: You are special, Stop for Life, What about
me?, Betelnuts and Drugs, alcohol and Smoking.