MRH June 2021
MRH June 2021
MRH June 2021
- Touring Ken Pa�erson’s layout
- Model an Arduino speedometer
- Small N scale layout build con�nues
- Ba�ery power in small scales?
... and more inside!
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What’s Neat: Touring Ken’s layout, ... Joe and Patty are the core staff when it comes to
KEN PATTERSON magazine production. As a result, MRH Magazine
HO release is a couple days late this month (16th-17th
instead of the 15th). MRH Running Extra has been
delayed an entire month – subscribers will get a one-
Building an Arduino speedometer month extension on their expiry date to account for the
I know deadrail excites the imagination and promotes visions
of never needing to run a rail feeder again.
However, that’s somewhat over-hyped for many reasons. Yes,
some have achieved no-feeders, but that’s far from common.
First, how do you check the battery level in your loco �leet and
make sure all your locos get recharged before the next op session?
If you have a handful of locos, then removing the battery to
test its charge level and recharge may not be that onerous,
although having to disassemble my locos every op session
sounds like a pain to me.
But when you start talking about a layout with a dozen or
more locomotives, the recharging headache becomes
signi�icant. Imagine needing to disassemble, check, and
recharge a dozen cell phones and you get the idea.
Decoder Buddy
21-pin mother board
To decoder
track leads
Power from (red/black)
the battery +
Kept topped off with trickle charge wireless DCC
Power from
the battery TAM Valley DRS1 wireless
Trickle-charge converter
(Stanton S-cab system) DCC receiver
(Needs TAM Valley DRS1
wireless transmitter for
Trickle charge: $71 NCE DCC System)
1. Up top I show a state-of-the-art sound decoder install with stay alive. Below
I show the additional parts to add for Power-on-board wireless DCC.
Best of the
2. Watching a layout take shape from a track plan can be exciting. MRH
forum member Joe W’s Sandpiper Bay Terminal is one such example.
Sandpiper Bay Terminal
Forum member Joe W. (nogoodnik) launched his MRH blog back
in 2018 by posting his layout track plan and its back story.
“I always wanted a layout whose railroad met the ocean and
something with a Paci�ic Northwest feel to it. My previous lay-
out was rooted more in a prototype/freelance vein with real
towns and mostly real industries running from Yakima to
Olympia, Washington. This layout is more freelance and hence
the reason for the railroad name; however, I still envision it be-
ing located around Seattle, Tacoma, or perhaps Anacortes,
Washington. It is HO scale, set around 1979-1980, and the di-
mensions are roughly 11.5 x 13 feet. Track height is about 44
Follow along to see how Joe proceeds on this layout!
View the full blog on the MRH website R��� ���� �������
Model Railroad Hobbyist | June 2021
4. The Union Pacific’s Desoto Subdivision runs at the base of 5. Many of Ken’s modules feature bridges, which are very
the bluff below Ken’s house and is also modeled. Carving the photogenic in run-by photos and videos. This is a model of the
foam for this module took nine days. Union Pacific (formerly Missouri Pacific) bridge over a creek in
Kimmswick, Missouri. Ken considered the bridge interesting
due to it featuring girder, truss, and concrete sections all in the
same crossing.
6. Using Google Earth, a roller wheel, tape measure, and laser 7. The Meramec River Bridge is also on the Union Pacific
rangefinder, Ken measured and plotted out the scene to fit on Desoto subdivision. Four miles south of Ken’s house, it has
a 4′ by 2′ 1/2″ sheet of foam, carving the exact topography of three 85′ girder sections and two 150′ trusses. During the
the surrounding area. The bridge itself was constructed of summer the river runs low, exposing a lot of sand and beach.
Micro Engineering girders, Central Valley bridge parts, and
wood for the piers. Here Ken has taken his module to the
prototype location to see if he got the scene correct.
D�� ��� ����
Jim Six on how to do
satisified downsizing
MRH ����������
In the
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2018 Each eBook ~100 pages
We depend on word-of-mouth to grow
Also see the “What’s neat this week” WATCH ... if you don’t share us, we don’t grow
weekly video podcast! NOW
10. The module measures 16′ x 4′ overall, and has become a 11. The center section of the bridge is a BLMA 200′ truss
signature scene on his layout, as well as the star of many bridge with 85′ girder sections on each side. The Central Valley
outdoor photoshoots. 200′ truss bridge is a drop-in replacement for the BLMA bridge
and sits on the wood piers perfectly.
Did you see this article? Did you see this article?
Allagash gets a shortline
connection Creating a realistic Stock cars used
log pond for other things
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Each eBook ~100 pages
In the click here click here
Also see the “What’s neat this week” WATCH V��� ������
weekly video podcast! NOW
Make your own Preventing lead shot THE BEST OF MRH RUNNING EXTRA!
static grass tufts oxidation (weighting)
Perfectly square magnetic
Get this eBook now► Get this eBook now► jig for the workbench
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V��� ������ Also see the “What’s neat this week” WATCH
weekly video podcast! NOW
Also see the “What’s neat this week” WATCH Also see the “What’s neat this week” WATCH
weekly video podcast! NOW weekly video podcast! NOW
Building an
2. Brian used
an Arduino
Nano as the
basis for his
project. The
Arduino runs off
of a 5V power
supply, or via
4. This Adafruit
0.56″ four-digit,
display shows the
speed readout.
Manufacturer photo
5. This Digiten 0.56″
six-digit timer
displays the
elapsed time as the
train rolls by. It ADVERTISEMENT
requires an
independent 12V
power supply.
Manufacturer photo
Your ad here could
6. The project uses
reach 65,000+
a FlyRon MP3
player to sound
warnings. Simply
find a suitable audio
notice file, upload it
for as low as $222
to the micro SD
card, and you’re in
business. The
FNBC04 requires a
a month.
12V power supply.
Manufacturer photo Click to learn more ...
Brian even notes that you can con�igure the system to activate
a power relay to cut power to the track if the engineer is espe-
cially reluctant to reduce speed. The sketch and materials are
not so-con�igured for this article, but it does once again show
just how customizable this system can be.
If you connect your Arduino to a computer with a USB cable
and open the Arduino integrated development environment
(IDE) application, the speedometer will transmit text to the se-
rial monitor window, providing a readout of elapsed time and
speed recorded. If an engineer happens to be traveling over-
speed, the display will include the degree of the infraction [7].
Once a train has passed, the system will go into its reset mode,
which is coded as a 10-second delay. The sensors and the sys-
tem will be unresponsive to avoid false positives as the system
resets itself. Until the next train arrives, the speedometer will
continue to display the train’s speed and elapsed time.
10. Brian
modified this
dual-size wall
plate to hold the
two displays and
three LEDs.
Brian has been into model railroading
for 20 years. He has belonged to several
model railroad clubs over the years:
two N scale, an HO scale, and an O scale.
His HO scale layout at home includes 11
scale miles of single-track main line and
nine industrial districts, with over 20
animation and automation features. His
layout can operate with DC or with Digi-
trax DCC and JMRI automation.
Brian is also into amateur radio, traveling, and fishing. █
1. The tracks on the upper level of the Wyoming division flow track route up Sherman Hill with Harriman Cutoff are on the bottom
counterclockwise from the double track helix to staging (top right), past bench. Tracks 1 and 2 continue over the remaining benches to the small
the classification and steam yards and depot at Cheynne (left). The three- helix (vertical oval on right). Zoom into this plan to study it more closely.
2. The middle level flows counter-clockwise from the main helix branches off to the lower level at Granger (mid right), and the Park City
(vertical oval) to Ogden, Utah (left). Main staging and the helix to Branch departs for the lower level at Echo (bottom right) [3]. Zoom
Cheyenne are beyond (smaller oval, top). The Oregon Short Line (OSL) into this plan to study it more closely.
3. The third level is for hidden track without scenery or signals. The OSL The Park City Branch (bottom) originates in Echo [2], and wraps around
originates at Granger [2], cuts across aisle 4, and wraps around toward to terminate at Park City staging, with a turntable. Zoom into this plan to
Portland staging, with a return loop. study it more closely.
A�������� ����� ������� ������ ��������������� the bi-directional Harriman Cutoff. Road hazards and mainte-
nance can be signaled by a signal man, and such signals are an
We completed an ABS system for the Wyoming division in March absolute red as described below.
2017. The signals are generally three-color. Green indicates the Note: there is no provision to set an individual signal manually
next two blocks are unoccupied and authorizes full speed; yellow (other than the yard entry signals described in the following para-
indicates the track two blocks ahead is occupied and authorizes graph), thus hazards and maintenance must be �lagged red, but
restricted speed; and red requires the train to stop, because the any such instances will cause a signal to turn and stay red due to
next block is occupied. track being occupied.
Red has two aspects, “permissive” and “absolute,” both of which Red and yellow signals protect the four manned yard entries,
requires the train to stop. Permissive red signals, however, allow and these are always normally red. Trains approaching must
the train to proceed at restricted speed after stopping, slow stop, notify the YM, and wait for the YM to align a path and
enough to stop safely ahead of any collision or other obstruction clear traf�ic. The YM then manually changes the signal to red/
causing the red signal. Most red signals along the unidirectional, yellow [red + yellow] and verbally instructs the train to ap-
double-track main are permissive. proach at restricted speed. The signal automatically reverts
to red after 30 seconds [4].
Absolute red signals require the train to wait until the signal
changes or the dispatcher/yardmaster(YM) authorizes move- Standard tri-colored signals protect egress from all manned
ment. Absolute red signals protect entry into manned yards and yards onto the main between Cheyenne and Ogden, though the
train crew must contact the dispatcher for clearance prior to
departure. This allows the dispatcher to record the train’s
movement and position. The dispatcher may also hold the
train to avoid delaying a higher priority train [5].
In the case of track hazards such as derailments or mainte-
nance of way, the cleanup or MOW crew will place a DCC �lag-
man to signal all oncoming trains to stop. The DCC �lagman has
4. (Left) The West side of the signal bridge at the west entrance to
Cheyenne yard. Signals controlling entry into the yard have red
and yellow aspects, with default of red. Incoming trains must wait
until the YM admits them with a yellow signal. From left, the tracks
are the eastbound main, the westbound main, the Harriman
cutoff, and tracks to the Cheyenne Stockyard. Note only the
westbound main and the Harriman Cutoff are signaled inbound.
THE BEST OF MRH RUNNING EXTRA! Dennis Drury provided the electrical engineer-
ing expertise to make signals on the Wyoming
Division happen.
Art deco station build (in
A former signalman and engineer for Southern
2 parts)
Pacific, he has conducted clinics on setting up
Get both eBooks now► ← click
here and using JMRI for operations.
In the Each eBook ~100 pages
Dennis models the Southern Pacfic's Klamath Falls Sub-
Nov/Dec division. █
Building a small
N scale layout Part 3
2. A base gray craft paint blended with two or three other earth
tones provided a varied base for ground cover.
4. (Upper-right) After
painting the goop and
adding ground cover, my
mistake faded away.
V��� ������
I shifted focus to covering the blue and pink foam on the rest of 6. (Left) I added ground goop in batches, not worrying about
the layout with ground goop. I worked in sessions to �ill in color consistency between batches.
gaps and smooth transitions between the various heights of
foam, mixing only enough goop for each session. I didn’t 7. (Below) A dark gray wash of acrylics and varying grades
concentrate on color consistency between batches [6]. and colors of talus tied together the batches of goop.
8. I used lightweight Hydrocal rock castings to create rock 9. I painted the rocks, then gave them a gray wash. I left a slight
outcroppings along the river. depression in the goop above the lower track for a small pond.
10. (Left-top) Medium and fine talus along the upper river bank
helps blend in the rock outcroppings.
11. (Left-bottom) I also used medium and fine talus to
represent a rocky mountain riverbed.
12. (Bottom) With the eyedropper, alcohol, and scenic cement
already in play, ballasting the tracks was a natural next step.
15. A dam of Woodland Scenics Water Waves compensated 16. With the dam in place, I made a second pour into the high
for the slope of the river and allowed me to add resin to the end of the creek to achieve the depth I was after. The dam
shallow end. I might camouflage this later with rapids. (top, center) all but disappeared as the resin set.
21. The mine road, a few trees, and a variety of ground foams
completed the scene. Can you make out the wheel tracks?
22. For more than 30 years, I dreamed watching a passenger In the Each eBook ~100 pages
Model Railroad Hobbyist | June 2021
R��� ���� �������
M.T.H. reports it will continue to produce and market
RailKing models. After founder Mike Wolf announced plans to
retire, M.T.H. successfully negotiated the sale of much of its
Did you know tooling, with HO and S scale items going to Scale
and Atlas purchasing the tooling for selected O scale items.
there’s an
M.T.H. was reportedly less successful in liquidating its
RailKing assets and subsequently decided to continue
producing selected O and G scale items under the RailKing
MRH/RE index
brand. M.T.H. is currently downsizing operations and is
relocating its principal sales and parts center to Elkridge,
Maryland. The company’s R&D operation will remain in
topics of interest
click here click here
In the In the
Nov 2018 Nov/Dec
Each eBook ~100 pages Each eBook ~100 pages
TEXAS, STAFFORD (GREATER HOUSTON), August 14, 2021, And get unlimited
Greater Houston Train Show, Stafford Centre, 10505 Cash Rd. For access to all 80 layout
more information visit tours!
VIRGINIA, FREDERICKSBURG, August 7-8, 2021, Greenberg’s Train
& Toy Show, Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center. For more
information visit �
Installing a WOWSound decoder in a small diesel switcher ... Eric Hannsman shows how to do effective pin wash weathering ...