Cruise Tourism Reviewer
Cruise Tourism Reviewer
Cruise Tourism Reviewer
And there's a reason he did it: to provide other pleasure 1835 The registration of seamen is introduced with the
travelers of his time with a sort of guidebook to where to Merchant Shipping Act 1835 in the UK. Each
go and what to see. seaman was given a “ticket”, with their own
unique number.
The Arrival of Leisure Sailing
1840 Samuel Cunard is awarded the first British
In the 1800s, shipping companies rediscovered transatlantic steamship mail contract and forms
that they could increase their profits by booking the British North American Royal Mail Steam,
passengers aboard their merchant ships. A few of these later known as Cunard Line. The designation
travelers were wealthy patrons looking for adventure in RMS would be used as a ship prefix to indicate
faraway lands. Most of the others were relatively poor it was a Royal Mail Ship.
people looking for a new place to live.
1840 Cunard Line launches the Britannia. They took
passenger comfort to a new level – taking a cow
on board to supply fresh milk during the 1869 Suez Canal is completed which giver steamships
transatlantic crossing. The voyage took 14 days an edge over the clippers.
and 8 hours.
1873 Netherlands American Steamship Company
1840 Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation (NASM) is founded. They provide cargo and
Company (P&O) is formed after they are passenger service between Rotterdam and
awarded a mail contract to extend their service Americas on ships such as Rotterdam. They
to Egypt with their newly acquired ship, would later be named Holland Amerika Lijn and
Oriental. then Holland America Line.
1840 P&O offers cruises to Egypt and stamps 1875 Thomas Cooke organized his first cruise and
passenger tickets with the acronym P.O.S.H. chartered the steamer, President Christi for
This was to indicate the higher-class passenger cruises to the North Pole.
cabins which translated to Port Out Starboard
Golden Age of Cruising (1880 to 1929)
Home. Passengers benefited from having their
cabins located on the cooler side of the ship at Emigrants continued to leave Europe for the
all times which meant portside on the trip United States, Canada and Australia. In fact, between
outbound and starboard on the return trip. With 1880 and 1920 more than 20 million immigrants entered
hot temperatures and no air conditioning, being a the United States alone. At the same time, the roaring
P.O.S.H passenger was a higher class. twenties meant opulent spending and a high seas society.
1841 Cunard’s ship Columbia is awarded the Blue Luxuriously appointed ocean liners catered to
Riband for the fastest Atlantic voyage of less wealthy passengers while an immigration boom meant
than 11 days. For most of the next ten years, one lower decks were filled by emigrants in steerage. Ships
of Cunard’s vessels would hold the Blue Riband were getting faster, but some shipping companies were
for the fastest Atlantic voyage. committing themselves to comfort and reliability,
1845 The White Star Line is founded and operates a
fleet of chartered sailing ships from Britain to This era also included the Gold Rush to Alaska,
Australia to take advantage of the gold rush in the sinking of the Titanic, the completion of the Panama
Australia. Canal, the First World War and many firsts for the
cruising industry. The Golden Age of cruising would
Passenger Steamships Continue to Evolve (1850 to 1879)
come to a halt by the end of the decade with the Wall
Steamships continued to replace sailing ships as Street Crash of 1929.
the need to meet schedules are increasingly important.
1880 SS Ravenna was constructed as the first ship
During the 1850s and 1860s major Atlantic lines turned
with a totally steel superstructure.
to screw propelled steamers rather than the previous
paddle steamers while the desire to have the fastest ship 1896 The Klondike Gold Rush (aka: Yukon Gold
and be awarded a Blue Riband was still pursued. The Rush) lasted from 1896 to 1899. Prospectors
California Gold Rush as well as the Australian Gold travelled by sea to get to Alaska. Many vessels
Rush entices prospectors to travel by sea to find their were overloaded and sank before they even
fortunes. reached their destination.
1850 Inman Line was founded. It was one of the three 1898 On Holland America’s 25th anniversary they
largest 19th-century British passenger shipping own six ships and have already carried 90,000
companies in the North Atlantic, along with the cabin passengers and 400,000 steerage
White Star Line and Cunard Line. passengers in addition to their cargo.
1852 Inman Line increases emigrant traffic by 1904 P&O offers its first official pleasure cruises.
designating four different classes, 1st class, 2nd P&O refits their mail steamer, Rome, and
class, 3rd class and steerage class. His ships renames her Vectis. After her conversion to a
would provide a better style of cheap passage for first-class only cruising yacht, she makes her
steerage class as well, proving cooked meals to first cruise from London to the Norwegian
emigrants. Fjiords. Shore excursions were arranged by
Thomas Cook.
1907 Cunard launches both Mauretania and Lusitania During this period, corruption in the corporate
on their maiden voyages. They are equipped world bankrupts a number of companies and
with steam turbine engines. Their interiors are millionaires. Those that survive the crash must also face
luxurious and include elevators, wireless deadly maritime disasters that occur on passenger ships.
telegraph and electric lights. In an effort to improve, more international maritime
regulations and technologies are developed. By 1945
1907 White Star Line introduces the first swimming
WWII has already began and thus marks an abrupt stop
pool on a cruise with their ship, Adriatic. The
to leisure travel.
Amerika also features electric passenger
elevators. 1929 Wall Street crashes which affects Europe an well
as the Americas.
1907 The Blue Riband is awarded to Lusitania for her
transatlantic voyage in less than five days. The 1930 The Great Depression follows after the stock
Mauretania would hold the Blue Riband title market crash. The Pan American World Airways
form 20 years. survives the stock market crash and it’s the first
airline to offer international air express service.
1911 White Star Line launches the Olympic, the
largest ship in the world that time, which would 1931 Manhattan is launched by the United States
be the first of three Olympic-class liners Lines. It was the largest cruise ship built in the
(Olympic, Titanic, Britannic). United States at that time.
1912 White Star Line’s Titanic embarks on her 1933 The Safety of Life at Sea 1929 (SOLAS) enters
maiden voyage. She strikes an iceberg and sinks into force. For all new ships, the total capacity of
with over 2,000 passengers and crew lose their lifeboats and life rafts must accommodate 125%
lives. of the persons onboard.
1913 Panama Canal opens. It would knock 9,000 1934 Cunard and White Star Line merge.
miles off a New York and San Francisco
1935 Radio Detection and Ranging (RADAR) is
demonstrated for the British Air Ministry. In the
1914 – 1918 World War I begin. The cruise ships United States, the Navy Research Lab (NRL)
were refitted as troop ships and hospital ships. starts developing their RADAR system. Around
the same time, Italy and Germany were also
1919 Most ocean liners are refitted and returned to
developing their own version of RADAR.
their passenger service schedules.
1935 Pan American World Airways is the first airline
1922 Laconia is launched by Cunard Line. This is one
to offer transpacific passenger and mail service
of the first circumnavigation cruises. The cruise
between San Francisco and Honolulu.
took six months – double that of a world cruise
today. 1937 Pan American World Airways is the first airline
to operate transatlantic passenger and mail
1929 P&O launches Viceroy of India, one of the first
turbo electric ships in the world. She had
luxurious accommodations and interiors which 1937 Cruising was brought to a sudden stop with the
also included an indoor swimming pool. She start of World War II in Europe.
offered unique itineraries for the leisure cruise
Cruising and Cruise Ships Post War (1945 to 1957)
With WWII over, the ocean liners are returned
Depression and War Years (1929 to 1945)
to their owners to be refit. More new ships are built and
After a decade of wealth, success and spending, maritime technology continues to evolve such as
often referred to as the “roaring twenties”, the stock LORAN and RADAR systems. In addition, a specialized
market crashed and led to 10 years of a downward agency was established by the United Nations to develop
spinning economy, called the Great Depression. In spite international maritime regulations. Furthermore, classes
of it all, the strongest shipping companies survived the diminish in both air travel and cruise travel as tourist-
times through mergers and continued to build larger and class is introduced.
faster ocean liners.
1945 Ocean liners begin repatriating those that fought 1958 Pan American World Airlines was the first
in the war and then start their refit to re-enter airline to receive the American built Boeing 707
commercial passenger service. jets which make their first transatlantic flight.
That year also marks the time when Pan Am also
1947 After WWII, the surviving passenger ships are
introduces economy fares.
returned to their pre-war owners and are refitted
for passenger service. For example, the Queen 1960 P&O merges with Orient Line to form P&O
Mary is outfitted with air conditioning and its Orient Lines.
accommodations are altered to accommodate
1960 Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative
three different classes, First Class, Cabin Class,
Organization (IMCO) met at the Convention for
and Tourist Class.
the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1960). A
1947 Cunard purchases White Star Line’s interest and number of technical improvements and
changes their name from Cunard White Star amendments had been adopted since the
Line to Cunard Line. previous SOLAS convention of 1948, such as
radio requirements and the carriage of life rafts
1948 The Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative
as a partial substitute for lifeboats.
Organization (IMCO) was formally adopted as a
specialized agency of the United Nations. Its 1962 P&O’s Canberra is the largest passenger vessel
main purpose is to develop and maintain to transit the Panama Canal at that time.
international regulations and legislation for
1965 SOLAS 1960 enters into force.
shipping including maritime safety, security and
environment concerns. The name would later be 1965 Convention on Facilitation of International
changed to International Maritime Organization. Maritime Traffic (FAL) is adopted. The
Convention contains recommended practices on
1948 An International Convention for the Safety of
formalities and procedures for ship’s arrival,
Life at Sea (SOLAS) was held to replace
stay, and departure in each port of call.
SOLAS 1929 since an assortment of technical
developments had occurred since 1929 such as 1965 Princess Cruises was formed.
radio and radar.
1968 Three Norwegian shipping companies join
1951 Classes onboard cruise ships start to diminish. together to establish Royal Caribbean Cruise
Holland America Line (HAL) begins to offer Line. Norwegian Caribbean Lines (NCL) was
tourist-class on its voyages. Tourist-class also established.
passengers were given the run of the ship except
for one upper deck restricted to first-class 1968 New requirements are introduced into SOLAS
passengers. such as shipboard navigational equipment, the
use of automatic pilot and the carriage of
1954 SOLAS 1948 comes into effect. nautical publications.
Air Travel and Its Effect on the Cruise Industry (1958 to 1968 Holland America Line is the first line to adopt
1969) the Lido dining concept (aka: the buffet) with a
As air travel continues to increase and evolve wide variety of dining selections.
through the 1960s, it results in a decrease in demand for How Cruising was Reinvented (1970 to 1979)
transatlantic ship travel. It becomes more convenient and
cost effective to fly rather than travel by ocean liner. Although some cruise lines continue to prosper,
during the 1970s many ocean liners prove to be
Alternatively, passenger ship travel turns unprofitable and are either taken out of service or sold
towards leisure cruises to the Caribbean, Bahamas, for scrap during this era. Contributing factors are the
Mexico, and Alaska. New cruise lines are formed such increase in fuel prices due to the Oil Crisis but also
as Princess Cruises, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, and because the number of new regulations that makes it
Norwegian Caribbean Lines (name changed at a later harder for older ships to comply. The introduction of the
date). During this period, more maritime regulations are Boeing 747 may have been another contributor, too.
added to SOLAS making it difficult for older ships to
comply and be competitive unless they spend money to
be refit.
Many maritime regulations are created or Cruise Ship Industry from 1980 to 1989
amended through conventions that are held during this
Just as more ships are built and rebuilt in the
period. They include the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS
1980s, some cruise lines change their name or their
1974), Prevention of Marine Pollution from Ships
branding. There are also a number of new cruise lines
(MARPOL) and the International Regulations for the
formed in the 1980s such as Seabourn, Windstar,
Prevention of Collisions at Sea (COLREGS). In
Dolphin, Regency, Crystal, Renaissance and Celebrity.
addition, technology continues to evolve with
Plus, the partnership that Walt Disney World has with
advancements such as Global Maritime Distress and
Premier Cruises would be instrumental in Disney Cruise
Safety System (GMDSS) and the Marine Evacuation
Line emerging in the 1990s.
System (MES).
Also, in the 1980s, we see the origins of onboard
1970 Song of Norway enters service as Royal
shopping programs emerge and the introduction of
Caribbean’s first cruise ship. It was one of the
another private island destination by Royal Caribbean.
first ships purposely designed for warm weather
This is also the period when many International
Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations come into
1971 SOLAS regulations are amended concerning force such as MARPOL 73/78 (International Convention
radiotelegraphy and radiotelephony. for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships) and STCW
78 (Standards of Training, Certification and
1972 The International Regulations for the Prevention
of Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) are adopted as
a convention of the International Maritime 1980 Norway from Norwegian Caribbean Line made
Organization (IMO). These “rules of the road” her maiden voyage. It is the longest and largest
are designed to update and replace the Collision passenger vessel float at the time.
Regulations of 1960, in particular with regards
1982 Carnival Cruise Lines debuts their cruise ship,
to Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS). The IMO
Tropicale. It is the first ship that they have
also designates federal authorities from each
custom built for their company.
member country to implement and enforce the
provisions (i.e. Coast Guard). 1983 MARPOL 73/78 enters into force. 1984 Dolphin
Cruise Line and Regency Cruises are created
1972 Royal Viking, a luxury cruise line, is founded.
during this year.
They introduce three vessels that cater to
wealthy retirees offering single cabin occupancy 1984 The Standards of Training, Certification and
and single seating dining. Watchkeeping (STCW 78) for Seafarers enters
into force. It establishes the basic requirements
1973 The International Convention for the Prevention
on seafarer standards on an international level.
of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) is adopted.
It provides new regulations regarding pollution 1984 The Shipping Act of 1984 is passed and brings
by oil, chemicals, sewage and garbage. It is one about a major deregulatory change for ocean
of the first conventions to protect the marine going commerce.
environment. It would enter force in 1975.
1985 Premier Cruise Lines partners with Walt Disney
1974 Princess Cruises is acquired by the Peninsular & World to provide land and sea vacations on the
Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O) and Big Red Boat. Premier is licensed to use Disney
becomes P&O Princess Cruises. characters on its ships.
1975 Cunard Line’s QE2 is the biggest ocean liner to 1987 Norwegian Caribbean Lines rebrands itself with
transit the Panama Canal. the new name, Norwegian Cruise Line.
1976 The Love Boat TV series begins filming and airs 1988 Crystal Cruises is formed as a luxury cruise line.
in 1977.
1988 Royal Caribbean International’s Sovereign of
1977 P&O Orient Lines rebrands its passenger the Seas embarks on her maiden voyage as the
divisions and names them P&O Cruises and worlds’ largest cruise ship.
P&O Cruises Australia.
1989 Carnival Cruise Lines acquires Holland America
Line, including Windstar Cruises.
1989 Celebrity Cruises is founded. 1993 Genting Hong Kong is incorporated operating its
fleet under Star Cruises.
1989 The cruise line, Flotta Lauro is purchased by
Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC). They Carnival changes its name to Carnival
rename the brand, StarLauro Cruises. The name Corporation to distinguish itself from their
will later change to MSC Cruises. Carnival Cruise Lines brand.
Cruising 1990 to 2010 Orient Lines is founded.
The 1990s saw a frenzy of new builds that Global Positioning System (GPS) has a
featured bigger and more innovative ships. Innovations constellation of 24 satellites. This allows a
such as HI-FOG fire suppression systems, GPS, Voyage navigational fix for a ship’s position to be taken
Data Recorders and Azipod propulsion were introduced. 24/7.
Cool new features such as ice-skating rinks, rock walls,
1994 Silversea Cruises is founded as a niche luxury
weddings at sea, and internet cafes were also emerging.
cruise line. They introduce their first ship, Silver
That decade and the next decade saw new cruise Cloud.
lines formed while some existing cruise lines merged.
Disney Cruise Line selects the guests for the
Unfortunately, September 11, 2001 brought a slow down
Disney’s Magic maiden voyage by a lottery held
to travel and the end to a few cruise lines. Luckily, the
in February.
majority of the cruise industry was resilient and grew
stronger. Regulatory and policy development continued Royal Caribbean merges with Celebrity Cruises.
to promote a safe, secure and healthy cruise ship Royal Caribbean Cruise Line changes its brand
environment. name to Royal Caribbean International to reflect
its international operations as well as distinguish
Amendments were made to SOLAS, MARPOL
itself from the parent company.
and STCW95 in an effort to introduce new safety
measures, pollution control, and better training 1998 The International Safety Management (ISM)
standards. The first decade of the millennium also Code for passenger ships is entered into force. It
brought wireless internet, bowling alleys, shore-power to focuses on the “human element” side of
cruise ships, female captains and millions of dollars shipping, by providing an international standard
spent on ship upgrades. for the safe management and operation of ships
and for pollution prevention.
1990 Princess Cruises’ Captain’s Circle is introduced,
one of the first cruise line loyalty programs. The Grand Princess joins the Princess Cruises
fleet as the world’s largest ship at 109,000 tons.
Norwegian Cruise Line’s Norway undergoes
It is also the first ship to feature an on-board
expansion and becomes the largest cruise ship
wedding chapel to offer weddings at sea.
1999 Voyager of the Seas (RCI) enters service as the
Celebrity Cruises sails its first cruise with the
biggest cruise ship in the industry at 138,000
rebuilt SS Meridian.
tons. It features a rock wall, an ice-skating rink
MSC Cruises is founded by its parent company, and a golf simulator.
Mediterranean Shipping Company.
Carnival Cruise Lines’ Carnival Triumph is
Crystal Cruises launches their first ship, Crystal launched. It breaks a capacity record with 3,413
Harmony. passengers.
1991 Royal Caribbean International launch Monarch 2001 September 11th, terrorists hijack passenger
of the Seas. It has the largest passenger capacity airplanes and fly them into the World Trade
at 2,744. Center towers in New York City. Rising fuel
costs and post 9/11 uncertainty result in a
number of cruise lines declaring bankruptcy
including Renaissance Cruises, American
Classic Voyages and Commodore Cruise Lines.
2002 In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the International Royal Caribbean Group
Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS
Formerly known as Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd
Code) is developed. It is a comprehensive set of
is a global cruise holding company based in Miami,
measures to enhance the security of ships and
Florida, US
port facilities.
It is the world's second-largest cruise line operator
2003 The merger between P&O Princess Cruises and As of January 2021, Royal Caribbean Group fully
Carnival Corporation is finalized, making owns three cruise lines: Royal Caribbean
Carnival Corporation one of the world’s largest International, Celebrity Cruises, and Silversea
cruise companies. Cruises.
They also hold a 50% stake in TUI Cruises and the
Outbreak of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory
now-defunct Pullmantur Cruises and CDF Croisières
Syndrome) disrupts cruise schedules. The cruise
de France.
industry institutes screening and control
Previously Royal Caribbean Group also fully owned
protocols including pre-embarkation screening,
Azamara Cruises selling the cruise line to Sycamore
isolation of ill people, infection control, and
Partners in January 2021.
antiviral treatment of ill people and contacts.
2006 Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA)
merges with International Council of Cruise Royal Caribbean International (RCI) is the
Lines (ICCL) and makes Miami their head largest cruise line by revenue and second largest
office. by passenger counts. It operates the five largest
passenger ships in the world.
Royal Caribbean International launches Freedom
Celebrity Cruises is a Greece-based cruise
of the Seas. It is the largest cruise ship built at
founded in 1988 and merged with Royal
154,407 tons complete with Flow Rider surfing
Caribbean Cruise Line in 1997.
simulator, full sized boxing ring, rock wall and
Silversea Cruises is a luxury cruise line founded
ice rink.
in 1994 and pioneered all-inclusive cruising with
Costa Cruises’ Costa Concordia is launched. It its first ship, Silver Cloud.
features the largest oceangoing spa operation at
25,000-square feet and offers Spa Suites at Sea.
2007 Celebrity Cruises creates a luxury sub brand, Pullmantur Cruises is the largest Spain-based
Azamara Cruises (renamed Azamara Club cruise line. Since mid-July 2021, it was in
Cruises in 2010). process of liquidation due to the economic
impact caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
2009 Carnival Cruise Lines’ largest ship to date is TUI Cruises is a cruise line based in Germany
constructed, Carnival Dream. It is 130,000 GRT and a joint venture between TUI AG and Royal
and features the longest waterslide at 303 feet Caribbean Cruises Ltd.
and four decks high. There is also a 104-foot-
long spiral water slide and a double-lane 80- Former:
foot-long racing slide. Island Cruises (50% share, owned 2000–2008)
Royal Caribbean International launches the CDF Croisières de France (2007-2017)
Oasis of the Seas, the largest cruise ship built to SkySea Cruise Lines (35%, 2016–2018)
date. It is over 225,000 tons, 1187 feet long and Azamara Cruises
carries 5,412 passengers.
2010 Royal Caribbean launches Allure of the Seas.
2015 Royal Caribbean launches Harmony of the Seas.
Carnival Corporation &p PLC Swan Hellenic – P&O Princess subsidiary since
1983, liquidated in 2007 with ship transferred to
A British-American cruise operator with a combined
Princess Cruises
fleet of over 100 vessels across 10 cruise line brands.
Windstar Cruises – Carnival subsidiary since
The Carnival group comprises nine cruise line
1989, sold to Ambassadors International in
brands and one cruise experience brand operating a
combined fleet of 91 ships.
Carnival is ranked first on the list of largest cruise
lines based on passengers carried annually.
Brands and Ships:
Cruising is indeed a global phenomenon. People Getting away from it all. Unless you make your
from everywhere take cruises to everywhere. One living on a fishing boat, oil tanker, or pirate ship,
important statistic: Currently only about 13% of all chances are that leaving land and unwinding at sea
North American adults who can afford to take a cruise will be a special experience.
have done so, but over four times more say they would Luxury and service. At one time, the pampered
someday like to do so. service provided on cruise ships was reserved for the
rich and powerful. No more. Now everyone can have
Here are a few facts, based on research studies done by breakfast in bed, lounge on deck, and relax in a hot
CLIA and other researchers: tub.
27% of all cruisers are under 40 years old, 42% Interesting destinations. You can sail to some of the
are between 40 and 59, and 31% are over 60. world's most exciting places—on all seven
This clearly punctures the myth that "cruises are continents—on a cruise ship. Ships can travel a great
only for old people." distance, stopping at the most interesting ports along
On average, about 40% of the people onboard the way. Cruises are an excellent way to sample a
are taking their first cruise. Three out of every specific geographic area. Factors such as road
four cruisers are married. conditions and distances between destinations make
People who take cruises earn about 15% more cruising the best option (for most people) when
money in household income per year than do visiting places such as Alaska, the Caribbean, and
non-cruisers. They also travel more, in general. the fjords of Norway.
About 10% of all cruisers bring a child or You can do it all. Work out or dine endlessly? Take
children along. a seat for blackjack or for afternoon tea? A multitude
of choices is yours. Cruises present a vast variety of
These statistics define the average cruiser. A wide activities, events, and dining options to occupy your
variety of types make up each "average" statistic. The time.
kind of cruise has a powerful bearing on which type
within these statistics will be attracted to that cruise.
You can also do nothing. While some people's idea A prepackaged vacation. Generally, a cruise is
of a vacation is to pack in as many activities as categorized as an inclusive vacation. While the
possible, others prefer to relax. On a cruise, people degree of "inclusiveness" can vary from cruise to
are free to do as they wish. Sleep in. Relax by the cruise.
pool. You're in charge. A vacation value. Dollar for dollar, travelers find
Something for everybody. Because of the many they get more for their money on a cruise than on a
dining, entertainment, and activity options, a cruise similar land-based vacation. Evidence of value is
can satisfy virtually anyone. Can you think of demonstrated by studies showing that consumers
another vacation experience that can make that regularly rate cruising higher than other vacation
claim? In fact, a cruise can be so fulfilling that many choices.
companies hold their meetings, retreats, or incentive
trips on cruise ships (even chartering a whole Always or almost always included
vessel). stateroom accommodations
A learning experience. Cruising exposes you to stateroom amenities (e.g. shampoo)
different people and cultures. On many cruises, meals
expert lecturers make the vacation experience that certain beverages
much more enriching. Or celebrities can illuminate entertainment
topics unrelated to the destinations. Some passengers
onboard activities
choose specialty cruise lines that make the learning
supervised children's programs
experience their primary selling point.
access to the exercise facility
A friendly experience. A cruise ship offers endless
ship transportation
opportunities to socialize and meet new people. By
your choice of ship and destination, you're bound to In a few cases, room service or dining at a special
encounter people with similar interests. alternative onboard restaurant entails a modest add-on
A romantic experience. Before Leonardo DiCaprio charge.
and Kate Winslet kissed on the Titanic—and even
before TV's "Love Boat"—people have known that a Sometimes included, sometimes not
cruise ship is a good place to spark a relationship. In airfares
fact, a Cosmopolitan magazine survey showed that port charges (what ports charge cruise lines to dock)
80 percent of cruise ship passengers feel more
government fees and taxes,
amorous at sea. Who can argue with that?
transfers between the airport and the dock.
A safe experience. While crime, terrorism, and
accidents can happen anywhere at any time, cruising Usually not included
represents one of the safest travel options available.
The ship is tightly managed and secured. Access shore excursions
onto and off the ship is strictly controlled. Safety gratuities to ship and shore side personnel
devices and construction features make the chance of alcoholic beverages and soft drinks (but they cost
fire—-or an iceberg— sinking the ship highly less than at a hotel)
unlikely. Increasingly stringent sanitation procedures optional activities
make illness onboard less probable. transfers when the air isn't purchased from the
A trendy experience. Studies show that people tend Cruise line
to book a cruise in reaction to the most powerful laundry,
form of advertising: word-of-mouth. Plus, positive ertain special offerings (e.g., gourmet desserts at an
images of cruising on television and in moues onboard sweets shop)
promote the idea that a cruise ship is an "in" place to pre-, post-, and/or land packages.
Very upscale lines tend to include almost everything
A no-hassle vacation. For those looking at stress-free
in their packages. Clients on such cruises get almost all
escape, cruising is it. A cruise ship minimizes your
drinks and maybe some shore excursions for the price
concerns and maximizes your leisure time. Unpack
they pay. Also, on such luxury cruises the crew is not
just once. Transportation, food, and lodging are all
supposed to accept tips.
part of one seamless experience.
Cruise Prices Cruise Ship Facilities
The cruise price is basis for two or double Private spaces - are reserved for the ship’s personnel.
occupancy – it's per person, based on two passengers These include the crew’s cabins, cafeteria, gym, and
to a room. recreational facilities, the bridge where the vessel is
Price depends upon where the desired stateroom controlled, the galley or kitchen, and machine areas.
"category" is located on the ship.
Public spaces - are areas dedicated to passengers’ usage.
The higher the deck the stateroom is on, the higher
The public areas in cruise ships are similar with those of
the price.
land-based hotels.
Outside staterooms (which have windows) are
generally more expensive than inside or interior Stateroom Space - if the hotels have guestrooms, a cruise
staterooms (generally without windows). Often, the ship has a stateroom or a cabin. Ship staterooms are
industry calls an outside stateroom an "ocean-view" usually extremely compact but all spaces are well utilized
stateroom. to answer the guests’ needs.
Larger staterooms on a given ship are usually more
expensive than smaller ones.
Staterooms with balconies generally cost more than
those without.
Outside staterooms whose views are obstructed (e.g.,
by a lifeboat) often cost less than those with
unobstructed views.
On many ships, it's possible to have three or four
different stateroom price categories on a single deck:
The smaller outside staterooms toward the front
might be one price, larger outside staterooms
another, inside ones another, a suite on that deck still
another, etc.
Many other factors can affect price...
Classification of Cruise Ship
1 Corinthians 9:24-25 Do you know that in a Program Head, HMD – Mr. Eduard Monares
race all runners run, but only one gets the prize? Program Head, TMD – Mr. Jose Andre Julian
Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone
who competes in the games goes into strict SIEP Coordinator – Ms. Anne Uy-Julian
training. They do it to get the crown that will not
CRDI Coordinator – Ms. Angielyn Raquedan
last, but we do it to get the crown that will last.
QATO Head – Mr. Egel Gumasing
Diligence – Careful and persistent work and effort.
RDESO Head – Dr. Darwin Quintos
Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead to
profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. 40% - Class Standing
Proverbs 1:4 Lazy hands make for poverty but 50% - Major Examinations
diligent hands bring wealth.
10% - Character
WCC Aeronautical and Technological College – North Manila