Tabor Thesis Draft
Tabor Thesis Draft
Tabor Thesis Draft
A Thesis Submitted for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor
Prepared by:
Name ID No.
1. Gutema Tefera……………......................Tech/0801/10
3. Amanuel Alemayehu………..…….….......Tech/0927/09
5. Amanuel Adane…………………….……Tech/1756/09
6. Yonatan Mamushet………………….........Tech/1067/09
We hereby declare that this thesis entitled “Water Supply and Demand Analysis of Tabor Sub-
city” is our original work. That all information in this research has been obtained and presented
in accordance with academic rules, regulation and ethical conducts. We fully cited and
referenced many materials and results that are not copied from other researches.
This thesis paper can be submitted for examination with my approval as a university advisor.
Signature __________________
Date: __________________
We are grateful to the almighty GOD, the merciful and compassionate that helped us in all
endeavors of our life. We would like to express our deep gratitude to our advisor Mr. Lemma
Tufa (MSc) for his valuable advice and extended support throughout the study. We extend our
gratitude to the staff of Hawassa Town Water Supply and Sewerage Service Enterprise who
allowed using their precious time in helping us to acquire the required data and relevant
documents. We are also very much indebted to Faculty of Biosystem and Water Resource
Engineering and Department of Hydraulic and Water Resource Engineering staff members in
Hawassa University for all their support. Finally, we would like to thanks our friends for their
material and moral support and all people who have helped us by one way or another during this
Table of Contents
LIST OF TABLES.........................................................................................................................vii
LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................................................viii
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background.........................................................................................................................1
1.3 Objective.............................................................................................................................2
2. LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................4
2.6 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH).............................................................................8
4.3.1 Domestic Water Demand........................................................................................25
5.1 Conclusion........................................................................................................................35
5.2 Recommendation..............................................................................................................36
Table 2.1 Water and sanitation coverage by region
Table 2.2 Water supply and sanitation coverage in urban and rural by region 2000
Table 2.3 Percentage of Ethiopians population with access to safe drinking water selected years
Table 4.2 Population growth rate of tabor sub city (CSA 2007)
Table 4.9 Water demand projections by category for the year 2022-2040
Fig. 2.1 Percentage of Ethiopians population with access to safe drinking water
Fig. 3.1 Map showing the study area with sub-cities and neighboring districts
Fig. 4.2 Water demand projections by category for the year 2022-2040
Water is one of the primary driving forces for sustainable development of any country where
environmental, social and economic development are to a large extent dependent on improved
water supply services. The demand for water is continuously increasing due to an increase in
population, industrialization, urbanization and improved standard of living. The objective of this
study was to analyze the water supply and demand of Tabor sub-city. It has undergone through
various social and economic developments through the year which have pushed up the demand
for water extremely high so, improvement of basic water supply service to give proper and
timely response to urban water demand. This research work examined the gap between water
supply and demand in Tabor sub-city.
This research work assesses the gap between water supply and demand, its challenges in Tabor
sub-city of Hawassa town. Currently the water supply coverage of sub-city is 78%. Therefore,
the demand gap is expected to be visible by the coming long-term period. In addition to this
under estimation of population growth and socio- economic change, uneven distribution of
water, shortage of electricity and failure of pipe is main cause for the public aggravated and the
vast problem in study area. The gap between water supply and demand can be narrowed through
demand management, demand oriented supply, participating different actors, mobilizing
financial resources, and improving organizational structure with skilled person and equipping it
with material facilities and water authorities should repair or replace old pipelines.
1.1 Background
Water is at the core of sustainable development and is critical for socio-economic development,
energy and food production, healthy ecosystems and for human survival itself. It plays a great
role in making life comfortable and luxurious. It is used in many ways; it has been observed that
in cities where water supply scheme was introduced development and economic level increased.
In ancient times human beings do not bother about quality of water. But with the advancement of
science and technology, the need for both quantity and quality of water increased. Some studies
have shown that water supply has never sufficed the world demand.
As the global population grows, there is an increasing need to balance all of the competing
commercial demands on water resources, so that communities have enough for their needs. At
the human level, water cannot be seen in isolation from sanitation. Together, they are vital for
reducing the global burden of disease and improving the health, education and economic
productivity of populations (WHO).
International community has well recognized the importance of water supply and sanitation for
reducing poverty in developing countries. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) identifies
targets for improving water supply and sanitation. Success in this endeavor would mean
providing an additional 1.5 billion people (1 billion in urban areas, and 0.5 billion in rural areas)
with access to safe water, and about 2 billion people (1.1 billion in urban areas, and 0.9 billion in
rural areas) with basic sanitation in developing countries. As one of developing countries,
Ethiopia is working to change millions of poor people life, through improving existing water
supply and sanitation conditions.
Although Ethiopia is known to be gifted with abundant water resources, the availability of
potable water is a problem in many parts of the country. The national coverage figure for access
to safe water is quoted to be 65.8 % (MoFED, 2010). In case of Hawassa town, rapid population
growth, establishment of governmental and private institutions for different purpose such as
modern small and medium trade enterprises, institutions of higher learning, health facilities and
hotels are becoming the great burden for the existing water supply system of the town (Takele,
Therefore, accurately forecasted water demand will be a basis for the strategically decision
making on future water sources selection, upgrading of the available water sources and designing
for the future water demand management options, so that water resources are not exhausted, and
competing users have adequate access to those resources. The research work therefore,
specifically it’s investigated the water supply and demand status, the gap associated with water
scarcity and will initiate intervention measures to address the mentioned problems in Tabor sub-
city of Hawassa town.
1.3 Objective
1.4 Significance of the Study
The result of this study is expected to become valuable updated information to improve water
supply services for the Tabor sub-city. The research findings are also intended to help
implementers, as well as policy makers, planners and donors, in water sector as working
document and benchmark data for any further investigation. It will also be helpful to understand
the different barriers, which are being faced by urban households to get access to and utilization
of the available water.
The centrality of freshwater in our lives cannot be overestimated. Water has been a major factor
in the rise and fall of civilizations. It has been the source of tensions and fierce competition
between nations that could become even worse if the present trends continue. Lack of access to
water for meeting basic needs such as health, hygiene and food security undermines development
and inflicts enormous hardship on more than a billion members of the human family. And its
quality reveals everything, right or wrong, that we do in safeguarding the global environment
(WHO/UNICEF, 2006).
Africa 62 60
Asia 81 48
Latin America and Caribbean 85 78
Oceania 88 73
Europe 96 92
North America 100 100
Source: (WHO/UNICEF/WSSCC, 2000)
As table above shows the sanitation coverage of Africa is better than Asia but, it is not at stage to
be called sufficient since 40% of the region population don’t have access to sanitation. Also, the
water supply coverage is the lowest.
Africa has the lowest coverage of water supply both in urban and rural area and has low
coverage of sanitation in urban and rural areas but it is better in sanitation coverage than Asia as
shown in the table below.
Table 2.2 Water supply and sanitation coverage in urban and rural by region 2000 (WHO
exploitable. Natural variability in rainfall patterns and distribution, punctuated by extreme
climatic events, has thrust many regions of the country into conditions of extreme water scarcity,
degraded water quality and chronic food insecurity.
The Government of Ethiopia (GoE) aims to increase access to safe water supply and basic
sanitation in rural and urban areas and to invest more resources into water related infrastructure.
For example, under the One WaSH National Program, the (GoE) aims to increase access to safe
water supply to 98 percent for rural areas and 100 percent for urban areas and to provide all
Ethiopians with access to basic sanitation.
Ethiopia achieved its Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target of 57 percent access to safe
drinking water, halving the number of people without access to safe water since 1990. Yet access
to improved sanitation remains stubbornly low at only 28 percent nationwide up from three
percent in 1990. Despite these strides, safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) coverage
remains insufficient. Inadequate access to safe water and sanitation services and poor hygiene
practices negatively impact health and nutrition; diarrheal disease is one of the leading causes of
under-five mortality in Ethiopia (USAID, 2022).
In both the urban and rural households in Ethiopia, the trend slowly outreach to more households
gaining access to safe water from the year 1996 to 2004 and due to the population increase still
gap exists between supplying service. In 1990 only 19% of the country’s population had access
to a safe drinking water supply (MoFED 2007). Table below shows an over view of Ethiopians
safe drinking water coverage for some selected years.
Table 2.3 Percentage of Ethiopians population with access to safe drinking water selected years
(MOFED, 2007)
50 Rural
1996 1998 2000 2004 2006 2007
Fig. 2.1 Percentage of Ethiopians population with access to safe drinking water
Enhance the integrated and comprehensive management of water resources that avoids
fragmented approach.
Recognize that water resources development, utilization, protection and conservation go
hand in hand and ensure that water supply and sanitation, irrigation and drainage as well
as hydraulic structures, watershed management and related activities are integrated and
addressed in union.
Recognize water as a scarce and vital socioeconomic resource and to manage water
resources on strategic planning basis with long term visions and sustainable objectives.
Ensure the integration of water resources development and utilization with Ethiopia's
overall socioeconomic development framework and be guided by those socioeconomic
development objectives at the Federal and Regional levels of government.
Ensure that water resources management is compatible and integrated with other natural
resources as well as river basin development plans and with the goals of other pectoral
developments in health, mines, energy, agriculture…etc.
2.4 Water Supply and Demand
Water is a natural resource that plays an important role in economic activities and it impact the
health and sanitation of human beings. Specifically safe drinking water and sanitation is one of
the basic necessities for existence, definitely urgency for life next to air. When the significant
portion of the world`s population do not have access to it yet, being majority of the losers from
developing countries. Women and children are the most vulnerable segments of the society in
this regard. Reports from different sources agree in common that up to 60 percent of the current
disease burden in Ethiopia is attributable to poor sanitation whereas 15 percent of total deaths are
from diarrhea, mainly among the large population of children under age of five. A number of
children die every year from sanitation and hygiene related diseases in Ethiopia (MoWR, 2001).
health. Contaminated water can cause diseases such as diarrhea, cholera and typhoid. The issue
of clean water is present worldwide and demands preventative action.
Ethiopia is one country where the water crisis needs to be addressed. According to One WaSH
National Programme report in 2020, close to 33 million people in Ethiopia lack access to a safe
water supply and nearly 89 million don’t have access to basic sanitation. This lack of access is
responsible for 90% of diarrheal disease occurrences, which is a leading cause of child mortality
in Ethiopia. To fight this, the Ethiopian government along with partners developed the One
WaSH National Programme in 2013. The goal was to drastically improve access to safe water
and sanitation services throughout the country.
The One WaSH National Programme aims to improve the health and well-being of communities
in rural and urban areas. Their strategy to achieve this is to increase equal and sustainable access
to clean water supplies, sanitation services and good hygiene practices. As explained by the IRC,
“It combines a comprehensive range of water, sanitation and hygiene interventions that include
capital investments to extend first-time access to water and sanitation, as well as investments,
focused on developing the enabling environment, building capacity, ensuring the sustainability
of service delivery, and behavioral change. It has rural, urban, institutional WaSH and capacity
building components.”
The climate is warm with mean annual temperature 20.9ºC and mean annual rainfall 956mm.
The highest maximum temperature scored in 2005 G.C and its value is 34.5ºC and lowest
minimum temperature scored in 2003 G.C and its value is 10.4 ºC. The land form is plain with
reddish volcano soil which is ideal for construction. The relief features of any region can affect
its physical, social and economic characteristics.
The town has a total area of 50 square kilometers. Divided into seven sub towns and each sub
towns divided into kebeles. Immigration of people from the nearby zones and woredas for
seeking job, development of infrastructures such as roads (asphalt and all whether road), opening
of Hawassa University and various private colleges and foundation of different industries and big
market made great contribution for the increment of the size of the city population.
Fig. 3.1 Map showing the study area with sub-cities and neighboring districts
As far as hydrogeology is concerned, weathered and fractured rock serves as ground water
storage and circulation media. Due to the existence of rainfall throughout the year in the area
highly amounts of recharge is received by infiltration and the existence of surface water body
like Hawassa Lake, highly groundwater potential is expected. Geomorphological area is found at
depressed place due to this reason from highland area of the surrounding mountains groundwater
flows to Hawassa catchment. This indicates that the area is controlled by geologic structures like
faults joints and fractures. 2021
Hawassa town is situated at the Eastern shore of Lake Hawassa close to the eastern fault belt of
the central part of the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley in a large volcano-tectonic collapse. The town
is located on a plain between Lake Hawassa and Lake Chelelaka with general slope towards
Lake Hawassa. The elevation at the town is 1708m and that of the lake is 1680m.a.m.s.l. The
drainage of the town is towards the lake at present and the lake has submerged some part of the
western side of the town due to the continuous rise of the lake level.
Fractured and jointed ignimbrites and the overlying volcano-lacustrine sediments are the two
aquifers in the region. The underlying, down faulted tertiary ignimbrites, if not buried too deeply,
will probably incorporate the most extensive aquifer in the mer.
The occurrence of cooled water is confined to shallow depth of ignimbrites aquifer and the over
laying inter-granular aquifers. The lacustrine sediment has a thickness ranging from 40-60m.
Frequently one or more aquifer, separated by clay aquitards, is encountered in boreholes drilled
in the lacustrine sediments (HTWSSSE, 2018). BACHELOR THESIS 2021
The area, east of wendo genet escarpment in the hawassa caldera, is classified as very high
potential aquifer. The once united hawassa to Shallo Lake deposited thick lacustrine sediment
that is overlain by young alluvial sediment deposits, transported from eastern high land
(HTWSSSE, 2018).
12 High to Moderate Potential Aquifer
Highly permeable sediment and un-welded coarse tuff constitute the potential aquifers of this
zone that is found in hawassa-corbettti caldera. Relatively thicker aquifers are common. Water
tables are generally deep. The area receives quite significant amount of recharge from shemena
escarpment and direct rain fall, during rainy season (May to october). Unlike Wendo Genet
escarpment, there are no either springs or potential stream on this part the catchment (HTWSSSE,
Fractured Tertiary Ignimbrites aquifer is the most important aquifer of this group. In the
Hawassa caldera it is buried deeply, under the sediments. Numerous good quality perennial
springs emanate from this unit. The escarpment of Wendo Genet, east of Lake Hawassa is zone
of numerous springs. Most of them are good quality cold springs and some are thermal springs
(60- 70 ºC). One exceptionally high discharge (20l/sec) spring emanate from ignimbrite at Loke
(South of Lake Hawassa) and flows into Lake Hawassa. In terms of water quality this is the best
zone in the entire study area. Most of these springs are used as drinking water supplies for small
villages and cities in the surroundings (HTWSSSE, 2010).
surrounding country, discoveries of mines, construction of railway stations etc. may produce
sharp rises, slow growth, and stationary conditions or even decrease the population. For the
prediction of population, it is better to study the development of other similar towns, which have
developed under the same circumstances, because the development of the predicted town will be
more or less on the same lines.
Population data of Tabor sub-city were collected from Tabor sub-city administration office,
which had two purposes. Firstly to know the present population that is served by the existing
water supply system. Secondly to forecast the future population of the town to be served from
water supply system within the anticipated design period.
Estimation of future population has uncertainties and shortage of exact data regarding the
number of birth per unit time, number of death per unit time, immigration and sudden expansion
and development of town would worsen the situation. All these factors constituted to the
estimation of the population growth rate per year which is the main element of forecasting
population in the future. Several models are used but it should be pointed out that the judgment
was made based on the trend of population growth and to minimize uncertainties that may occur
due to improper estimation of Tabor sub-city of Hawassa town population. Therefore,
geometrical increase method was adopted for this scenario for the purpose of future population
forecast of Tabor sub-city.
The next step is determining population of the town for the next 18 year. Population projection
provides information on the future size and composition of a given town. Knowledge of this
information is fundamental for development plans where the target is to satisfy the future needs
of population in the area of specially the water demand.
There are many methods of population forecasting adopted in practice. Some of them are:
Master plan curve method
Logistic curve method
Ratio and correlation method
Method used by central statistic authority
This method is based on the assumption that the percentage increase in population from decade
to decade remains constant. In this method the average percentage of growth of last few decades
is determined, the population forecasting is done on the basis that percentage increase per decade
will be done.
Po =initial population
n =decades or years
This method is mostly applicable for growing towns and cities having vast scope of expansion.
Arithmetical increase method is generally applicable to a large and old city, whose scope of
further expansion has reached to saturation limit. For small, average or comparatively new cities,
if this method of population forecasting is employed, we shall likely get low result than actual
value. In this method the average increase in population per decade is calculated from the past
census reports. It is based upon the hypothesis that the rate of growth is constant within time.
Pn = Po + n. X
Po = present population
For an average size town under normal condition the growth rate is found to be in increasing
order. This method is improvement over the above two methods. The average increase is
determined by the arithmetic method and this is added the average of the net incremental
Since the rate of increase in population goes on reducing, as the cities reach towards saturation, a
method which makes use of the decrease in the percentage increase and gives rational results. In
this method, the average decrease in the percentage increase is worked out, and is then subtracted
from the latest percentage increase for each successive decade. This method is only applicable in
cases where the rate of growth shows a downward trend.
Graphical method
The procedure involves the graphical projection of the past population data for the city being
studied. The population data of other similar but larger cities are also plotted in such a manner
that all the curves are coincident at the present population value of the city being studied. These
curves are used as guides in future projections. In this method, the populations of the last few
years are correctly plotted to a sustainable scale on graph with the respect to years. Then, the
curve is smoothly extended to forecast the future population.
The master plan developed for a city is generally such as to divide the city in various zone, and
thus to separate the residence commerce, and industry from each other. The population densities
are also fixed. Thus, using this fixed population densities for various zones of the town, it is
possible to know the future population of the city when fully developed.
Logistic curve method
When the growth rate of population due birth, death and migration takes place under normal
situation and it is not subjected to extra ordinary changes due to unusual situation like water,
epidemic, earth quake, exodus of refugees, i.e. the population would probably follow the growth
curve charters tics of the living things with in limited space and economic opportunity. This
curve has an S- shape and is known as Logistic curve.
A demand-responsive approach to the water sector needs to ascertain what levels of service users
are willing and able to pay for and what mechanisms might ensure that poor people have
affordable access to services. At the center of this approach is the process of demand assessment
itself. For the present low income area water supply project main concern will be domestic
personnel of Hawassa Town Water Supply and Sanitation Service Enterprise and Tabor sub city
administration office.
Secondary data collection:- is a method of data collection specially obtained from written
materials. We gathered data from the available source such as census and survey reports, books,
journals, internet as well as other published and unpublished documents.
20 Gerarketa Weda Eredo 4,320
21 Boko Alemura 1,533.6
22 Tirtment 630.7
Total 52,372.3
Source: (HTWSSSE, 2022 )
Except Kedo River, Loke Spring, Beshma Spring and Ambo Spring all other sources listed above
are groundwater (boreholes). The source of water comprises 6.4% surface water (river), 7.7%
springs and 85.9% groundwater (boreholes) which supplying water for all water using sectors
inside the town and for some villages and camps (HTWSSSE, 2022). The Kedo River treatment
plant and six ground water wells are located 17km and 10km south-east outside the town
boundaries respectively. Loke Spring located 11km within the town boundaries to South-West
direction and Ambo Spring with its service reservoir (R6) is located about 13km in North-East
direction outside the town boundaries.
The purpose of a water distribution network is to supply the amount of water demanded and to
supply it with adequate pressure. Almost all water sources produced from aforementioned
sources have been directly connected to the distribution network by loop system which supplies
water for Hawassa town (HTWSSSE, 2022). The spatial extension of pipeline over any
settlement area is a pre-condition for supplying the community with piped water. The efficiency
of water supply is therefore, determined primarily by the density of pipelines. In spite of its
importance, the spatial extension of pipelines is confined to central parts of the town.
Gravity distribution
Use of Pumps without storage (direct pumping)
Gravity distribution
This is possible when the source of supply is a lake or impounding reservoir at some elevation
above the city so that sufficient pressure can be maintained in the mains for domestic and fire
service. This is the most reliable method if the conduit leading from source to city is adequate in
size and well safeguard against accidental breaks. High pressure for firefighting, however, may
be obtained only by using the motor pumps of the fire department.
In this method the excess water pumped during periods of low consumption is stored in elevated
tanks or reservoirs. During periods of high consumption the stored water is drawn up on to
augment that pumped. This method allows fairly uniform rates of pumping and hence is
economical, for the pumps may be operated at their rate capacity. Since the water stored
furnishes a reserve to care for fires and pump breakdowns, this method of operations fairly
reliable. Motor pumpers must ordinarily be used for higher fire pressure, although it is possible
to close the valves leading to the elevated storage tanks and operate a fire pump at the pumping
In this method the pumps force water directly in to the mains with no other outlet than the water
actually consumed. It is the least desirable system, for a power failure would mean complete
interruption in water supply. As consumption varies, the pressure in the mains is likely to
fluctuate. To conform to the varying consumption several pumps are available to add water
output when needed, a procedure requiring constant attendance. The peak power consumption of
the water plant is likely to occur during periods of otherwise high current consumption and thus
increase power cost. An advantage of direct pumping is that a large fire service pump may be
used which can run up the pressure to any desired amount permitted by the construction of the
In case of Hawassa town (i.e include Tabor Sub-city) the water is distributed to the consumers by
means of pumps with storage (pumping + gravity) system. The water distribution network of the
town is consist of Ductile Cast Iron (DCI) , Galvanized steel(GS) and Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
pipe diameter ranging between 50mm to 350mm. The size and length of the distribution network
is changing with the development of the town. The available data and plan of the distribution
network of water supply system were reviewed and map of Hawassa town used to over lay the
distribution network. Input data collected for the analysis of distribution system were type,
length, size, age of pipe, GPS reading of service reservoirs and junctions. Computer software
called EPANET 2.0 was used to evaluate Hawassa town water supply distribution system.
analysis was used to evaluate the supply coverage for the entire city and supply coverage map
has been prepared for nearly half of the city.
There are a number of methods to be used to forecast the future population to be served by the
proposed water supply system. But it should be judged to select among various methods of
forecasting future population. In case of our research population projection were done by
geometric increasing method with base population as recorded by sub city administration and
depending on the existing demand of water because this method is mostly applicable for growing
towns and cities having vast scopes of expansion. According to Tabor sub-city administration
office, the number of population of the sub city was 122,224 in the year 2021 G.C. The
population estimation of the sub city for the next eighteen years projected as follows.
Po =initial population
n =decades or years
Table 4.2 Population growth rate of tabor sub city (CSA 2007)
Category 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
Urban 4.32% 4.1% 3.9% 3.7% 3.54%
The estimates of present and future population figures are used for estimation of the
corresponding water demands that will enable us further project planning and preliminary
designing of the project.
To determine the total quantity of water utilized by various purposes in the town water demand
need to be known. In order to achieve reliable water demand data, existing consumption records
were obtained and analyzed. After considering several factors which affect all types of water
demands, the water demand forecast database of Tabor sub-city were established and the forecast
consumption for each group were determined to evaluate the existing water supply to the average
water requirements of the town.
To determine the total quantity of water required for various purposes, the following categories
should be considered.
The following are the main factors affecting for capita demand of the city or town.
Climatic condition: Climatic condition has great influence on water consumption rate. The
amount of water requirements in hot and arid regions will tend to increase as compare to wet and
cold places. In addition during summer seasons of the year will require more water is used for
drinking, bathing, cleaning, etc.
Standard of living: high class community level consumes more water due to their better living
standard. Middle class people use water at average rate while the poor slum dwellers consume
very low amounts of water.
Size of the city: generally the water demand per head will be more in big cities than in small
cities. Since lot of water is used for different hygiene and sanitation purposes in order to
maintain a clean and healthy environment. Similarly, in a big city, commercial and industrial
activities are generally more, thus requiring more water.
Cost of water: the rate at which water is made available to the consumers may also affect the
rate of demand. The more costly is the water, the lesser will be the rate of demand. However,
rich people are little affected by such policies.
Pressure in the distribution system: with high and sufficient pressure in water
mains/distribution pipes to make the water reach at some store, water consumption shall
definitely be more. This is due to increase in losses and wastes of water.
Quality of water: there is high consumption of water if the quality is good enough as people
consider it safe for their life; otherwise there should be less consumption. Similarly, certain
industries which require certain standard quality waters will not develop their own supplies and
will use public supplies.
There are four modes of service identified for domestic water consumers of Hawassa town. The
domestic water consumers are categorized as House Connection (HC), Yard Connection Own
(YC), Yard Connection Shared (YCS) and Public Tap Users (PTU). To determine the domestic
water demands of Hawassa town, the following procedures have been followed:
Table 4.4 Domestic demand by mode of service
House connection(HC) 70
Yard connection own(YCO) 40
Yard connection share (YCS) 30
Public tap users (PTU) 25
Source: (HTWSSSE).
The percentage use of the population for house connection, yard connection own, yard
connection share and public tap users mode of serves are 15.6%, 57%, 8.6% and 17.8%
respectively. The domestic water demand of 2022 is calculated as follows.
Mode of percentage Population The number of people demand The amount of daily water
service use number who use mode of (l/c/d) demand by mode of service (l/d)
service (col. 2* col. 3) (col. 4* col. 5)
HC 15.6% 127,394 19,873 70 1,391,110
YCO 57% 127,394 72,615 40 2,904,600
YCS 8.6% 127,394 10956 30 328,680
PTU 17.8% 127,394 22,676 25 566,900
The total daily water demand by mode of service = (1,391.1 + 2,904.6 + 328.7 + 566.9) m^3/day
= 5,191.3 m^3/day
In order to account change in climate which affects the water demand, the value of average
percapita domestic demand were factored for climatic changes using the climatic factor.
Table 4.6 Adjustment due to Climatic Effects (MoWR, 2006)
Based on the above table, Hawassa town has average rainfall of 956 mm, adjusted factor due to
climate effect 1.0 was used. The domestic water demand also depends on the socio- economic
situation of the area. The per capita domestic water demand was modified using appropriate
factor that corresponds to the socio-economic situation of the area.
Considering the socio-economic situation of Hawassa town, the town can be considered under
category B, town having a very high potential for development, but lower living standards at
present. Thus, a socio-economic factor of 1.05 is used.
Average daily demand for 2022 = daily water demand * climatic adjustment factor * socio
= 5,451 m^3/day
Table 4.8 Adjusted domestic demand.
Institutional water demand is the quantity of water required for various public utility purposes of
public buildings; such as city hall, jails, schools, hospital, administrative offices governmental
and nongovernmental organization etc. as well as water used for public services, including street
washing, park irrigation. The demand varies with the nature, number and type of the institutional
centers. On an average it accounts for 5-10 percent of the total municipal water demand.
Therefore for the institutional water demand, from the socio-economy data water demand
breakdown 10% of the adjusted daily domestic water demand was adopted.
Industrial Demand
Water required for small scale or large scales factories can be categorized as industrial water
demand. To estimate this water demand of the area, it is important to consider the major industries
found in the town and proportion of their water consumption from the town water supply system.
Actually, the water requirement of either small scale industries or large scales industries is higher
than other demand requirement of the town. The recommended value of industrial demand by
effective design guideline for urban water supply presented by Ministry of Water Resource (2006)
is 5 to 10% of the domestic demand. The amount of water demand for industries within the sub
city is 10% of domestic demand.
Commercial water demand
Commercial water demand comprises the needs of hotels, restaurants, shops, etc. The demand
depends on the nature and number of commercial center, the customers and employee or visitors,
etc. The commercial water demand is mostly about 10-20 percent of the total water demand. In
this project it assumed to the commercial water demand 10% of adjusted domestic water
Fire demands
Fire generally breaks out at commercial centers, stores etc. Big cities which have valuable
properties require large quantity of water for firefighting. Fire demand is the quantity of water
needed to extinguish fire which depends up on population, center of building, density of building
and their resistance to fire. The quantity of water for fighting is small compared to the annual
average consumption of water which will not be more than the amount of water distributed
during the maximum day water demand. Therefore the water required for firefighting will be
stored in reservoir, with 5% of the storage volume of the reservoir and will be meeting from the
storage but not from the sources.
Total average water demand: -The total average water demand is the summation of all the
above-mentioned water demands and losses.
Table 4.9 Water demand projections by category for the year 2022-2040
This result shows that the currently average water demand of Tabor sub city is 8177m^3/day.
Currently the water supply coverage of Tabor sub-city is 6,354m^3/day and it cover 26.6% of
supplied water of Hawassa town which is 23,920m^3/day (HTWSSSE, 2022). Figures of supply
and demand revealed that there is a big difference in water demand and supply of water that is
being delivered to the Tabor sub city community.
= 1,823m^3/day (deficit)
Therefore, the water supply system of the town is inadequate to meet the demand of Tabor sub-
city. The following figure shows the detail observation of water demand of Tabor sub city.
Water demand projection
Total 12,000
average 10,000
demand 4,000
(m^3/day) 2,000
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
Fig. 4.2 Water demand projections by category for the year 2022-2040
The evidence for this is the increased number of projected population and per capita water
demand due to the socio-economic change of the people get better their water consumption
depending on the improvement of mode of service level. The projected increase in population is
the principal force triggering the projected increase in total water demand. Water demand
increases with time due mainly to population growth and economic development. The projected
water demands were developed by multiplying the population by the projected liter per capita per
day (l/c/d) consumption which took into consideration projected non domestic, industrial and
unaccounted water demand in the town for the year 2022 to 2040.
The result shows that at the current time the existing water supply coverage of the Tabor sub-city
is estimated to be 78% and this coverage decrease to 40% at the end of design period 2040, if
new water supply project is not proposed and if existing water source does not properly used.
Therefore, the demand gap is expected to be visible by the coming long-term period. The water
supply system of the city is inadequate to meet the demand of rapidly growing population and
also the distribution of the system do not cover the fringed areas of the extremities of the city.
Expansion of the city, rapid population growth and establishment of governmental and private
institutions are made the great burden for the existing water supply system. Increasing the future
water supply to fulfill the estimated water demand, exploration of new water sources seem to be
Shortage of skilled manpower, lack of staff motivation to retain trained and experienced staffs
are the constraints to service delivery. These constraints are the most limiting factors in the
fulfillment of the desired service provision. In addition to these, lack of effective cost recovery
mechanism, inadequate equipment facilities and other material resources further exacerbated the
nature of the problem.
There is frequent interruption of the supply due electricity fluctuation and frequent broken-down
pipe lines which reduced the actual production to be less than the expected amount. Study
document of HTWSSE (2005) show that the geological setting of most of Hawassa town and its
peripheries is favorable for the occurrence of ground water; however, all the ground water which
obtained especially from the center of the town is not potable due to high fluoride concentration.
This makes the challenge worse.
Uneven distribution of water for the public and the spatial distribution of the pipe network
system do not satisfy the demands of the community. The distribution system covers mainly the
central part of the town but the peripheral built up areas of the town are currently beyond the
reach of the pipelines. In addition to the under-capacity rate of production which lowers down
the actual production of water supply, water loss and unreliable distribution due to unequal
pressure and frequent interruption has further reduced the amount of water supply that can reach
the customers.
Individuals and communities, the private sector and NGOs have very important roles to play in
the implementation of water supply activities and in achievement of sustainable water
management. However, there is no adequate participation of these important stakeholders in
Hawassa town water supply service. Hawassa Town Water Supply and Sanitation Service
Enterprise (HTWSSSE) is the only mandated government body to supply water for Hawassa
town inhabitants to satisfy their need. Thus, it is difficult for the enterprise alone to meet the
ever-growing demand of the population. Involving the community during planning,
implementation and operation phases of the scheme and delegating those helps to create sense of
ownership to ensure the sustainability of the water supply scheme.
The gap between water supply and demand can be narrowed through demand management,
demand oriented supply, participating different actors, mobilizing financial resources, and
improving organizational structure with skilled personnel and equipping it with material facilities
and water authorities should repair or replace old pipelines.
5.1 Conclusion
Adequate and safe water supply is one of the basic urban services, which highly influence
economic progress of towns and the health of their dwellers. Hawassa as a town has existed more
than 50 years. It has undergone through various social and economic development. The town is
also the main administrative and business center for both Sidama Regional State and SNNPR
State. These results in increasing population, growing urbanization and socio-economic change
of the people have pushed up the demand for water extremely high. These obviously call for the
expansion and improvement of basic water supply service to give proper and timely response to
urban water demand.
The water supply problem of a town increase from time to time, together with its rapid
population growth. The existing production of water from the existing water source is
insufficient to satisfy water demand of the town. Currently the water supply to the sub city is
6,354m^3/day and demand is estimated about 8,177 m^3/day, showing that the total abstracted
water from the existing source covers, only 78% of the water requirement of the sub city.
For appropriate water supply projection, a detail study on the physical and socio-economic
factors affecting per capita water consumption is desirable. Population growth is one of the
socio-economic factors that have been mainly taken in future water supply and demand
projections. At the same time, as the living standard of the population increases per capita water
consumption is also likely to rise.
The town water supply system should not only focus on the development of new supplies to deal
with water scarcity. Along with new supplies, demand management that is oriented towards
changing the behavior of consumers is very important. This means, along with population
growth of a particular town, the overall change of their life style towards water consumption
consideration is inevitable. This helps to have a complete picture of the water supply needed in
the town. Evidence from the study shows that Hawassa Town Water Supply, Sanitation and
Sewerage Enterprise should have much to accomplish, and so more action must continue in order
to meet the increasing water demand.
5.2 Recommendation
The following recommendations may be useful in achieving more efficient provision of water
supply in Hawassa town.
As the system worked for long period maintenance and rehabilitation activities such as
repairs of damage pipes, fittings, taps, and consideration of pressure zoning of the
distribution system are necessary in order to maintain water supply system sustainable as
well as improvement of water distribution networks and the reduction of water losses.
We suggest that the Hawassa town water resource office in coordination with the
community, and the regional water resource bureau should have to take a timely measure
in maintaining the non-functional water schemes. On account of the vital role of water to
socio-economic life of humans, we recommend an overall involvement of the private
sector, the public sector, women, the local inhabitants, and the donor institutions to play
their supportive roles in the improvement of the provision of water to the urban dwellers
in the town.
The accuracy of a population model forecast is essential prerequisite for effective water
supply planning. An underestimation increases the likelihood that planners will not meet
the future need for water supply infrastructure. Therefore, the actual population growth
rate and socio-economic factors should be adjusted periodically based on revised
population estimates and trends.
Documentation of past experience and evaluating the existing performance are important
for further development and expansion of water supply service. Therefore, it is highly
recommended that HTWSSSE should have a better and well-arranged. Hawassa Town
Water Supply Sewerage and Sanitation Enterprise office should hold the document
properly for provision of information for the desiring body.
Even though women are prime collectors and users of water supply services, their role
did not come in to light during schemes development and management. Therefore,
necessary consultation and promotion should be made to participate of women during
planning and management of water supply.
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Appendix 1. Water demand projections by category for the year 2022-2040
Appendix 2. Hawassa city pipe distribution network