Young Star - One Pager - Version 1.2 - August 2021
Young Star - One Pager - Version 1.2 - August 2021
Young Star - One Pager - Version 1.2 - August 2021
Version_1.0_SP Parameters
Unique Identification No: SHAHLIP21217V032021
New Born on paying additional premium (Intimation should be given within 90 days from D.O.B)
Restoration triggers upon partial/full utilization of limit of cover (Limit of Cover= Basic SI+NCB)
Automatic Restoration Restored sum insured can be utilized for all claims (for subsequent hospitalizations)
(Up to 100%, Once in every policy year)
The maximum liability in a Single claim will be up to the limit of cover
No Claim Bonus 20% for each claim free year subject to a maximum of 100%
(Up to 100% of the Basic SI)
Additional Cover for RTA In case of RTA, 25% of SI (or) max up to 10 lac for wearing helmet
Modern treatments Based on the Sum insured chosen limits differ, refer policy wording for further details
12 months
(a) Diseases of ENT and Thyroid
For Specific diseases (b) All types of Hydrocele, Hernia, Vericocele, Piles, Fistula and Fissure in Ano
(c) Diseases of Female Reproductive System
(d) Calculus diseases of the Gall Bladder, Kidney and Urinary Tract
For Pre-existing diseases 12 months
Moratorium Period Available after completion of 8 years
* The information provided in this document is only indicative. For more details on the terms and conditions, please read the policy wordings before concluding a sale.