Reading Strategies
Reading Strategies
Reading Strategies
Reading strategies are essential for teachers and students, especially in an EFL classroom.
However, reading comprehension strategies and effective adoption of the strategies have
been challenging for both teachers and students in Malaysia. This study aimed to identify
the reading strategies used and not used by students and teachers when answering and
teaching reading comprehension questions and explore the discord between the responses
using an explanatory sequential mixed methods research design. The participants were
91 students and five teachers from a private university in Malaysia recruited using census
sampling methods. A questionnaire consisting of literal, reorganization, and inferential
reading comprehension questions was administered to the students, whereas interviews
and observation were used to examine the strategies targeted by teachers based on
Barrett’s reading taxonomy (1972). The findings revealed that EFL teachers used a vast
repertoire of strategies in teaching reading,
whereas students only used a small number
of strategies when answering reading
Article history:
Received: 08 July 2021 comprehension questions. This study
Accepted: 16 March 2022
Published: 30 May 2022 underscores the importance of the accord
DOI: between the strategies taught and those
E-mail addresses: utilized by L2 readers. Students’ awareness
[email protected] (Wen Min Sieo)
[email protected] (Mansour Amini)
plays a key role in filling in this gap.
[email protected] (Kam Fong Lee)
[email protected] (Siew Eng Lin) Keywords: Inferential, literal, reading, reorganization,
[email protected] (Jing Ni Tee)
[email protected] (Ching Sin Siau) strategies
* Corresponding author
ISSN: 0128-7702
e-ISSN: 2231-8534 © Universiti Putra Malaysia Press
Wen Min Sieo, Mansour Amini, Kam Fong Lee, Siew Eng Lin, Jing Ni Tee and Ching Sin Siau
Reading Strategies in English
and students may not have an adequate • How do students and teachers use
acquaintance with reading strategies different strategies in answering and
(Cadena, 2006). Thus, if this issue is not teaching reading comprehension
addressed adequately, the learners’ academic questions?
performance can be affected negatively. This study investigates reading
Previous studies, such as Humphreys et al. strategies in teaching and learning English
(2012), found that reading ability is strongly as a foreign language in the Malaysian EFL
interrelated to academic success. In addition, context. The following section summarizes
there is a gap in the literature about the studies conducted on reading strategies in
international students’ understanding and EFL and Malaysian contexts.
application of EFL reading comprehension
strategies in Malaysia. Reading is often LITERATURE REVIEW
taught directly and systematically using Reading comprehension strategies are
strategies. Reading strategies for young intentional plans and procedures that
learners could enhance learners’ familiarity proficient readers apply to comprehend the
with the aim, lexicon, comprehension text (Maine, 2013). Readers should equip
skills, and textual structures (Ng et al., themselves with multiple reading strategies
2020). Likewise, explicit instruction seems to comprehend a text effectively (Sohail,
necessary in teaching reading strategies to 2016). The complexity of the reading
expand phonemic and phonic knowledge, process is often associated with grasping the
spelling, and comprehension skills. Such intended meaning of the text (Yapp et al.,
explicit teaching could improve learners’ 2021). In addition, the process often involves
fluency, automaticity, and understanding “internal thinking” (Paris & Flukes, 2005).
(Javed et al., 2016). Since reading Reading strategies are thus employed by the
strategies are flexible tools designed to readers who deliberately attempt to monitor
facilitate text comprehension (Javed et and alter their initiatives in decoding the text,
al., 2016), comparing the strategies used comprehending words, and understanding
by instructors and learners could provide the meaning of the text (Afflerbach et al.,
an in-depth understanding enhancing 2008). These strategies enable readers
reading comprehension skills. Therefore, to identify the text’s main point from
the following research questions were the explicit and implicit information and
formulated based on the objectives of the synthesize the content effectively (Harvey &
study: Goudvis, 2007). Readers who read critically
• What strategies are utilized by can draw conclusions, find solutions,
students and teachers to answer form justifications, compare concepts,
and teach reading comprehension hypothesize, and evaluate different ideas and
questions in the Malaysian EFL circumstances (Tran, 2015). It demonstrates
context? how skilled readers are generally more
Wen Min Sieo, Mansour Amini, Kam Fong Lee, Siew Eng Lin, Jing Ni Tee and Ching Sin Siau
Reading Strategies in English
strategies can help students answer reading 2015) in collecting quantitative and
comprehension questions. Students who are qualitative data.
taught comprehension strategies become
more vigilant and engaged readers who Participants
oversee their reading comprehension. The study was conducted at UCSI University
The present study adapted Barrett’s Malaysia, Centre for Languages. At UCSI
(1972) Taxonomy. This taxonomy deals University, international students must
particularly with reading comprehension. complete ten levels of English for Tertiary
Barrett classified reading comprehension Education with at least a band score of 5.5
strategies into five levels of comprehension: in IELTS to enroll in the degree program.
1) literal, 2) reorganization, 3) inference, Therefore, the first group of participants
4) evaluation, and 5) appreciation. The in the study was students at the Centre for
levels of comprehension related to language Languages, UCSI University, Malaysia.
learning skills are literal, reorganization, Census sampling was used in this study to
and inferential comprehension. Evaluation recruit the maximum number of available
and appreciation levels are mostly used in EFL teachers and students at the center.
teaching literature. The first three levels Ninety-one out of 123 questionnaires were
are further divided into sub-categories, i.e., returned to the researchers (dropout rate =
reading comprehension strategies (Barrett, 26%).
1972). The present study adapted the three Table 1 shows the demographic
main types from Barrett’s taxonomy, i.e., information of students. The participants
literal, inferential, and organizational, were 35 female and 56 male students. The
to identify the reading comprehension age groups of students were divided into
strategies and how the EFL students and four categories: Below 18, 18 to 21, 22 to 25,
teachers used them. In the present study, and above 25 years old. Most of the students
EFL refers to the English language taught were from the second age group, i.e., 18 to
to international (non-Malaysian) students 21 years old (% 63.7). Students’ English
in Malaysia who intend to enter a degree proficiency levels were categorized into: 1
program. to 3, 5 to 8, and 9 to 10. More than half of the
The following section summarizes the students were from levels 5 to 8 (% 53.8).
design, participants, and the details of the Students mainly were from Arab-speaking
data collection and analysis procedure in countries, China and Indonesia.
the present study. The students had completed a reading
lesson prior to answering the questionnaire.
The student’s responses to the reading
strategies were tallied with the teachers’
Study Design interviews and the classroom observations.
The current study enjoyed an explanatory As for the student’s proficiency level,
sequential mixed-method design (Creswell, the higher number represents the higher level
Wen Min Sieo, Mansour Amini, Kam Fong Lee, Siew Eng Lin, Jing Ni Tee and Ching Sin Siau
Reading Strategies in English
the respondents and the three experts. The the validation of instruments. Another
development of a valid content instrument constraint was conducting the pilot study
is usually achieved by a rational analysis of on a sufficient number of students in a
the instrument by raters (experts) familiar short time. Moreover, since the population,
with the construct of interest or experts i.e., the total number of students at the
on the research subject (M. Alavi et al., Center for Languages, UCSI University
2018; Sangoseni et al., 2013). Moreover, was not large enough for a questionnaire-
the convergent validity yielded similar based survey study, we decided to go for
results for the same concept measured the maximum number of participants from
(Smith, 2005), i.e., via the open-ended that population for the survey and opted
questionnaires, expert feedback, and pilot for a mixed methods research design to
test in the present study. use the qualitative findings after collecting
Observations were conducted using an and analyzing the quantitative data. This
observation checklist adapted from Javed merging and comparison of quantitative and
et al. (2016), originally designed based on qualitative data provided more valid results
Barrett’s Taxonomy. The checklist had 46 (Creswell, 2015).
items with three main categories: literal
comprehension strategies, reorganization Procedure
comprehension strategies, and inferential
All participants were briefed on the purpose
comprehension strategies. There were 11
of the study. Informed consent was obtained
strategies under literal comprehension,
from the participants before data collection.
19 strategies under reorganization
The students were from different levels,
comprehension, and 16 strategies under
which means they had been exposed to
inferential comprehension.
different reading materials and reading
Finally, interview questions were used
strategies during their study. It could affect
to explore the teachers’ experiences and
the consistency and trustworthiness of the
their elaborations and interpretations of
quantitative results. To address this issue,
the experiences (Rubin & Rubin, 2012).
we tried to give some additional reading
The questions were then validated for their
materials to the students from different
content by three experts in reading and
assessment. levels. We briefed them for about 30 minutes
There were several limitations and about reading strategies before distributing
constraints in validating the instruments. questionnaires.
The main challenge was finding qualified As for the qualitative phase of the study,
content experts willing to validate the structured interviews and ‘unobtrusive
instruments. It was tackled by obtaining a observations’ were conducted to explore
list of 10 experts and approaching them via the use of strategies by the teachers.
email and academic platforms. Eventually, Unfortunately, single classroom observation
three experts agreed to contribute to was insufficient, considering the long
Wen Min Sieo, Mansour Amini, Kam Fong Lee, Siew Eng Lin, Jing Ni Tee and Ching Sin Siau
checklist with 46 items. Therefore, the same analyzed using descriptive statistics (M.
teachers and classes were observed twice Alavi et al., 2017). Then, the data were
for about 90 minutes. Nevertheless, we tabulated according to the three main types
attempted to obtain an accurate view of the of literal, reorganization, and inferential
use of strategies by the five teachers with comprehension questions.
these considerations. Answers to the open-ended questions
The observation allowed us to analyze on the questionnaire from the students
the participants’ negligence or the reasons were coded and thematically analyzed. As
which contributed to this neglect (Kawulich, similar codes were grouped to form the main
2012). Furthermore, observations facilitated idea, themes were analyzed (Vaismoradi
further documenting what was important et al., 2015; Yap & Amini, 2020). As for
to the respondents, discovering the time the qualitative data from the teachers, the
spent on a certain task, observing non- emerging themes were categorized based
verbal cues, and ascertaining their social on the strategies adopted by teachers in
circle (Schmuck, 1997). Observations also teaching reading comprehension. Member
helped us verify unmentioned information checking and rereading were processed with
in the interviews (Marshall & Rossman, the teachers to check if the explanations
1995). Two observations were carried out were accurate and representative of the
for each teacher right after the survey was qualitative data. The reasons why particular
themes were more significant in the data and
administered, and the reading strategies
the selection process were reported. Finally,
that teachers applied during the lesson were
possible reasons for the connection between
taken down.
the qualitative and quantitative data were
After the observations were conducted,
explained. The results of the data analysis
face-to-face, in-depth interviews were
were then summarized and presented. The
conducted with each teacher. Follow-up
following section provides the findings of
questions (probing) were used after the
the present study in terms of the strategies
initial questions were asked to extract
used and not used by students and teachers,
further information on their responses. The
as well as how the strategies were utilized
interviews were recorded with the consent
differently by the instructors and students.
of the participants. The interviews were
then converted into transcripts which were
verbatim records of the respondents to the
questions asked by the interviewer. Strategies Used and Not Used by
Students and Teachers
Reading Strategies in English
Number of students
Read the Skim Identify Locate Scan
questions first keywords from supporting
the passage details
Figure 1. Strategies used by students to answer questions clearly stated in the text
Wen Min Sieo, Mansour Amini, Kam Fong Lee, Siew Eng Lin, Jing Ni Tee and Ching Sin Siau
Table 2
Literal comprehension strategies used by students
was found in both scale and open-ended (2021) study, which reported that students
question responses, with a high percentage apply to skim during the reading test to grasp
of students using it when answering literal the central idea due to time limitations. This
comprehension questions. strategy also improved students’ results,
“Locate supporting details from the especially reading comprehension (Amjadi
keywords” was another strategy employed & Talebi, 2021).
by the students to answer literal and The students did not “preview the text”
reorganization comprehension questions. when answering literal comprehension
This finding was also supported by Lestari questions. Although this strategy was
et al. (2015), where students were “fairly” explicitly taught to students, the reason for
able to locate supporting details in a text. not “previewing” could be due to the time
“Go through the text thoroughly (skim) to factor and trying to answer the questions
find out the main ideas/concepts” was also straight away. However, Amjadi and Talebi
one of the strategies applied by the students. (2021) reported that students employed the
This finding aligns with Amjadi and Talebi’s preview strategy in answering the reading
Reading Strategies in English
test. This difference could be due to the can be seen in the study conducted by Sani
purpose, research designs, and methods used et al. (2011) on reading motivation and
in the present study. While the study was reading strategies used by undergraduates
merely eliciting the types of strategies used in Universiti Teknologi MARA. They
by the students, Amjadi and Talebi (2021) found that skimming the text to find out the
administered a reading test that required cause and effect is useful in strengthening
multiple strategies to deal with the reading students’ reading ability.
test effectively. Students did not “read the signpost
questions (questions indicated beside the
Use of Reorganization Comprehension text)” when answering reorganization
Strategies. The results indicated that the comprehension questions. The findings also
students “go through the text thoroughly revealed that the students did not “analyze
to find out the cause and effect” when the information to find the answers.” It
answering reorganization comprehension could be because the textbook that they were
questions (see Figure 2 and Table 3). A small using did not provide signpost questions,
number of students applied this strategy. It is or signpost questions were not part of their
in line with Torgesen (2002), i.e., identifying IELTS exam that they were supposed to take
main ideas is one of the difficulties students at the end of the proficiency course. Thus,
face when reading comprehension. they possibly found it irrelevant to their
Next, students “combine information studies. This finding is in line with the study
clearly stated from more than a single by Javed et al. (2016), which concluded that
source” when answering reorganization some reading strategies, such as reading
comprehension questions. The students the signpost questions, locating answers to
used this strategy “often” based on data the signpost questions, and analyzing the
from the scale analysis. The same result information to find the answers were not
Number of students
Reorganize Combine info Reread for Skim Scan Locate
information from sources supporting keywords
Figure 2. Strategies used by students to answer questions related to keywords and chronological events
Wen Min Sieo, Mansour Amini, Kam Fong Lee, Siew Eng Lin, Jing Ni Tee and Ching Sin Siau
Table 3
Reorganization comprehension strategies used by students
employed ideally by the teachers. Thus, it students did not “distinguish between
is no surprise that the students are unaware important and unimportant supporting
of these strategies. details” when answering reorganization
Students did not “identify difficult/new comprehension questions. Shah et al. (2007)
words to figure out their meanings with the reported that students never recognize their
contextual clues.” They did not “identify deprivation of concentration, split sentences
the key concepts from the passage” when into parts, and paraphrase a sentence. He
answering reorganization comprehension concluded that the students are probably
questions. This result was also found by ignorant about those strategies or are unsure
S. S. Alavi et al. (2015), Susanto (2017), of their application method.
and Yang (2002). It can be said that most
college students are still facing difficulties in Use of Inferential Comprehension
reading English textbooks due to insufficient Strategies. Figure 3 and Table 4 provide an
vocabulary knowledge. Moreover, the overview of the strategies used by students
Reading Strategies in English
to answer questions that are not stated Another identified strategy was “relate
in the text. Students “make assumptions the text to personal experience.” They
about the meaning of unfamiliar words” applied this strategy when answering
when answering inferential comprehension inferential comprehension questions.
questions. Students used this strategy However, this finding is inconsistent with
“often” based on the analysis of the scale Shah et al. (2007). They reported that
and open-ended questions. This finding students never related the sentences to
aligns with Amjadi and Talebi’s (2021) personal experience. A possible justification
finding. They reported that students make could be that the students were probably
predictions about the meaning of a word and aware or sure of how to use the strategy.
the text’s content. One possible explanation The students did not “identify the
for this might be that students are required contextual clues from the text” when
to accomplish and submit their reading tasks answering inferential comprehension
within a short time. Grasping the meaning of questions. Furthermore, they neither “try
the text within a “limited” time could be a to understand the writer’s intention” nor
major challenge for them, considering their “reformulate the assumptions” when
overall language proficiency. answering inferential comprehension
Students “reread the text to draw questions. Comprehension is the link between
conclusion” when answering inferential prior knowledge and new information.
comprehension questions. The analysis Thus, the readers who did not employ such
revealed that most of the students employed strategies as using contextual clues, revising
this strategy. This finding is in line with predictions, and understanding the purpose
the findings of Shah et al. (2007). They of the text are considered as reading but not
concluded that students often reread the text comprehending a text (R. C. Anderson &
to find relations among ideas. Pearson, 1984; Pearson & Johnson, 1978).
Number of students
Figure 3. Strategies used by students to answer questions that are not stated in the text
Wen Min Sieo, Mansour Amini, Kam Fong Lee, Siew Eng Lin, Jing Ni Tee and Ching Sin Siau
Table 4
Inferential comprehension strategies used by students
Teachers’ Use of Strategies When the students to anticipate what may be the
Teaching Reading Comprehension answer and predict logically.
Use of Literal Comprehension Strategies. The analysis revealed that teachers
The results indicated that the teachers “identify the keywords from the questions”
applied multiple strategies when teaching when teaching literal comprehension
literal comprehension questions, i.e., the questions. This strategy was applied by
pedagogical strategies used by teachers in all the teachers when they were observed.
teaching reading comprehension (see Figure The teachers believed that many keywords
4). Based on the analysis of the observations, could be identified from the questions,
all the teachers “read the questions first which would later help the students locate
before reading the passage” when teaching answers. Furthermore, the teachers used
literal and reorganization comprehension “identify keywords from the passage” to
questions during their lesson. According teach literal comprehension questions. One
to Palinscar and Brown (1984), teachers of the teachers mentioned she would ask
who read the questions first would allow the students questions to make them look at
Reading Strategies in English
Percentage (%)
t xt ds s
te ns ce ge inf
or ail as
tio en sa c et ide
on th
t s
cifi ey
esti w q s pa e k p ain
qu vie m pic ro
m sp ro
m su rm
ad Pr
e ro to sf n
sf of fo
sf te rd ca
ail ce kim
Re rd ca wo
et n
y wo Lo y .d rta S
Ke Ke p po
Sup Im
Figure 4. Strategies used and not used by teachers to teach literal comprehension questions
Note. Blue=Used; Red=Not used
certain words in the passage. Besides that, the signpost questions” and “locate answers
the teachers preferred to “locate supporting to the signpost questions through obvious
details from the keywords” when teaching information from the text.” Again, it could
literal and reorganization comprehension be due to the lack of signpost questions in
questions. The teachers applied this strategy the textbook. When teaching reorganization
when teaching literal comprehension comprehension questions, the teachers
questions based on the interview. Javed et al. did not use “read the signpost questions
(2016) stated that teachers employ various (questions indicated beside the text)” either.
reading strategies, particularly identifying
keywords from the questions, identifying Use of Reorganization Comprehension
keywords from the passage, and locating Strategies. The findings revealed that the
supporting details from the keywords. The teachers used the strategy of “identify the
present study’s findings also showed that key concepts from the questions” when
teachers “scan the text for a specific piece of teaching reorganization comprehension and
information” and “skim to find out the main “summarize the text to identify supporting
ideas or concepts” when teaching literal details” (see Figure 5). For example, one
comprehension questions. One teacher teacher mentioned that she would give
encouraged students to scan “because it the students a brief idea of what the text
saved their time.” Skimming and scanning is about answering the questions. It could
are common effective strategies that teachers imply that teachers should be encouraged to
can utilize to enhance students’ reading identify the main ideas and support details
comprehension (Wallace & Wray, 2021). to help students become proficient readers.
When teaching literal comprehension Another strategy was using “skim to find
questions, the teachers did not use “read out the cause and effect” when teaching
Wen Min Sieo, Mansour Amini, Kam Fong Lee, Siew Eng Lin, Jing Ni Tee and Ching Sin Siau
Percentage (%)
st xt ns st ils ge ds ct ct ge er er rds ils ext nfo es nfo er
fir te tio po eta sa or effe effe led sw nsw wo eta e t it i urc it i nsw
ti he
t es
ig . d s
a lt w d d w a n a ey p.d th plic so plic t a
es iew qu d s pp m p cu an an kno for for k up ad ex om ec rec
q u v m e a s u r o i ffi s e s e s e e m s r e e fr e r
d Pre fro R for ts f fy d au au iou lys niz fro of Re th fo bin co
ea t s p t i c c v a a i l s e d i n t e
R ep is
ce en fo
r r
fo t pr
e An rg ta nc ta
n e om la
nc ar on Id im an c eo de rta rs bin C mu
o m c k e R . p o e r
um Key S Sc nn p
up Im nd Com Fo
e S o S U
Figure 5. Strategies used and not used by teachers to teach reorganization comprehension questions
Note. Blue=Used; Red=Not used
Reading Strategies in English
Percentage (%)
es t
ab ory
fro xt
as enti
o w onc
aw info pret
nc om
Re form ce
ac ake
aw lus
Re pta
Figure 6. Strategies used and not used by the teachers to teach inferential comprehension questions
Note. Blue=Used; Red=Not used
that identifying contextual clues from the strategy. Teachers also “asked students to
text by teachers could help students obtain conclude the text” when teaching inferential
the correct answer. Teachers should adopt comprehension questions. For example,
the strategies according to the student’s one teacher stated that she would ask the
proficiency level. students to share their personal experiences
Furthermore, it was found that teachers regarding a certain topic before she started
“make assumptions” about the meaning the lesson.
in the text when they teach inferential Analysis of the interviews indicated
comprehension questions. One of the that teachers “guide the students to share
teachers mentioned that she uses “a lot the reasoning regarding predictions.” The
of guessing when it comes to teaching teachers asked the students to share their
inferential comprehension questions.” opinions regarding certain questions using
Celce-Murcia (2001) and Bakhtiarvand this strategy. This finding is supported
(2006) confirmed that guessing by referring by Choo et al. (2011), which suggested
to the contextual clues and paraphrasing that teaching questioning and predicting
is an effective strategy to teach reading strategies drew positive outcomes for
comprehension. students. Effective questioning is a
Teachers’ use of “relating the text to constructive strategy for teaching reading
personal experience,” whereby the text comprehension (Primas, 2010).
would be linked to the students’ personal The teachers did not use the “reformulate
life by teachers, was another identified the assumptions” strategy when teaching
Wen Min Sieo, Mansour Amini, Kam Fong Lee, Siew Eng Lin, Jing Ni Tee and Ching Sin Siau
Reading Strategies in English
teaching methods according to the student’s This study offers insights for students
assessment of their level of understanding, and teachers to strengthen their knowledge
needs, and expectations. Assisting students and practice a repertoire of strategies,
in utilizing various reading strategies and especially those overlooked by students
catering to them with a repertoire of reading and teachers. In addition, students are
materials could be useful for students and recommended to evaluate their preferences
teachers. for using strategies throughout the reading
About half of the strategies used by comprehension course.
teachers to teach inferential comprehension
questions were employed by students CONCLUSION
for answering inferential comprehension
Reading comprehension strategies play
questions. Teachers are recommended
an important role in an EFL classroom
to take the initiative to identify students’
for teachers and students. This study was
favorable strategies and apply effective
conducted to identify the use of strategies by
strategies selectively when teaching
students and teachers based on three types
inferential comprehension questions. The
of reading comprehension questions. The
awareness about the neglected strategies
analysis revealed that students occasionally
could be raised, and the changes in students’
employ a limited number of strategies to
reading comprehension skills could be
answer different reading comprehension
questions. On the other hand, teachers
None of the students applied “preview
apply more diverse strategies when teaching
the text,” “identify the key concepts from the
different reading comprehension strategies.
questions,” “identify difficult/new words to
For example, using illustrations, guessing,
figure out their meanings with the contextual
and synonyms for unknown words could
clues,” “analyse the information to find the
strengthen students’ reading comprehension
answers,” or “distinguish between important
(Amjadi & Talebi, 2021).
and unimportant supporting details,” “relate
Furthermore, the analysis showed
the text to personal experience,” “read other
that identifying the main idea and making
materials to gain background knowledge,”
inferences could improve students’ reading
“use visual aids,” and “share knowledge
among students.” performance. This finding was also
Moreover, some strategies were supported by N. J. Anderson and Cheng
overlooked by students and teachers (2004).
when answering and teaching reading Another possible factor within the
comprehension questions. It suggests that reading strategies was the role of lexical
the strategies were probably unknown to knowledge. Vocabulary was identified as
the students and teachers, for example, a challenge for EFL students. This finding
when they were too new for the students was supported by Amini et al. (2018)
and teachers. and Thongwichit and Buripakdi (2021).
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