Who Consolidated Guidelines
Who Consolidated Guidelines
Who Consolidated Guidelines
guidelines on
Module 2: Screening
Systematic screening for
tuberculosis disease
guidelines on
Module 2: Screening
Systematic screening for
tuberculosis disease
WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis. Module 2: screening – systematic screening for tuberculosis disease
ISBN 978–92–4-002267–6 (electronic version)
ISBN 978–92–4-002268–3 (print version)
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3.2 Use of computer-aided detection software for automated reading of digital chest
radiographs 25
3.3 Tools for screening for TB disease among people living with HIV 28
3.4 Tools for systematic screening for TB disease among children and adolescents 35
5. Research gaps 41
5.1 Screening for TB in targeted populations 41
5.2 Tools for screening for TB 42
5.3 Operational research 43
6. References 45
Supplementary Table 51
Web annexes
Web Annex A. Methods and Expert Panels
The production of the WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis. Module 2: screening was coordinated
and written by Cecily Miller, with support from Annabel Baddeley, Dennis Falzon and Matteo Zignol,
under the overall direction of Tereza Kasaeva, Director of the World Health Organization (WHO)
Global Tuberculosis Programme. The WHO Global Tuberculosis Programme gratefully acknowledges
the contribution of all experts involved in producing these guidelines1. This update was funded
by grants provided to WHO by the United States Agency for International Development and the
Russian Federation.
Evidence reviewers
The following persons contributed to the reviews and summarized evidence for the guidelines using
the Population, Intervention, Comparator and Outcomes (PICO) framework (see Section 1.3 for more
information about the PICO questions).
More information about the areas of expertise, and the gender and geographical distribution of participants as well as declarations of
interests and the management of potential conflicts for members of the GDG and External Review Group are summarized in Web Annex A.
Acknowledgements v
PICO questions 1–4 (individual effects of screening): Lily Telisinghe, Maria Ruperez, Tila Mainga,
Modope Amofa-Seki, Lawrence Mwenge, Virginia Bond, Ramya Kumar, Cyrus Daneshvar and
Maged Hassan (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom and Zambart,
Zambia); and Eveline Klinkenberg (independent consultant, Netherlands).
PICO questions 5–7 (community effects of screening): Peter MacPherson, Marriott Nliwasa, Rachael
Burke and Helene Feasy (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom and Malawi-Liverpool-
Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme, Malawi).
PICO question 8 (accuracy of screening approaches in people living with HIV): Gary Maartens and
Ashar Dhana (University of Cape Town, South Africa).
PICO question 9 (accuracy of screening approaches in the general population): Anja Van’t Hoog
(Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development, Netherlands), Miranda Langendam and Ba
Da Yang (Amsterdam University Medical Centre), and Olivia Biermann (Karolinska Institute, Sweden).
PICO question 10 (accuracy of screening approaches in children and adolescents): Anna Mandalakas,
Tara Ness and Bryan Vonasek (Baylor College of Medicine, USA); Karen Steingart (Cochrane Infectious
Diseases Group, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom); and Yemisi Takwoingi
(University of Brimingham, United Kingdom).
PICO question 11 (accuracy of computer-aided detection software): Sandra Kik, Morten Ruhwald,
Claudia Denkinger, Stefano Ongarello and Samuel Schumacher (Foundation for Innovative New
Diagnostics, Switzerland); Faiz Ahmad Khan, Mikashmi Kohli and Gamuchirai Tavaziva (McGill University,
Canada); Sifrash Gelaw (International Organization for Migration, Philippines); and Jacob Creswell and
Zhi Zhen Qin (Stop TB Partnership, Switzerland).
PICO question 12 (accuracy of molecular WHO-recommended rapid diagnostic tests for screening):
Adrienne Shapiro (University of Washington, USA) and Karen Steingart (Cochrane Infectious Diseases
Group, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom).
PICO question 13 (number needed to screen in general and high-risk groups): Lelia Chaisson University
of Illinois at Chicago, USA); Jonathan Golub, Fahd Naufal, Katherine Robsky, Hector Manzo and Pamela
Delgado (Johns Hopkins University, USA); and Adrienne Shapiro (University of Washington, USA)
PICO question 14 (number needed to screen and effectiveness of screening in contacts): Gregory
Fox and Kavindhran Velen (University of Sydney, Australia), Mariana Velleca (University of California
San Francisco, USA).
PICO question 15 (risk factors for TB): Rafia Bosan (Harvard University, USA) and Lelia Chaisson
(University of Illinois at Chicago, USA).
PICO question 16 (costs and cost–effectiveness of TB screening): Hannah Alsdurf, Brianna Empringham
and Alice Zwerling (University of Ottawa, Canada).
PICO question 17 (community perceptions of TB screening): Paul Garner and Nancy Medley (Liverpool
School of Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom).
Acknowledgements vii
Abbreviations and acronyms
ART antiretroviral treatment
CAD computer-aided detection of TB-related abnormalities on chest radiography
CI confidence interval
CRP C-reactive protein
CXR chest radiograph (chest X-ray)
ERG External Review Group
GDG Guideline Development Group
GRADE Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation
IPD individual patient data
LF-LAM lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan assay
mWRD molecular WHO-recommended rapid diagnostic test
NNS number needed to screen (to detect one person with tuberculosis disease)
PICO population, intervention, comparator and outcomes (framework)
RR relative risk
TB tuberculosis
TPT TB preventive treatment
W4SS WHO-recommended four-symptom screen
WHO World Health Organization
Definitions ix
Triage: The process of deciding the diagnostic and care pathways for people based on their symptoms,
signs, risk markers and test results. Triaging involves assessing the likelihood of various differential
diagnoses as a basis for making clinical decisions. It can follow more- or less-standardized protocols
and algorithms, and it may be done in multiple steps.
Triage test for TB: A test that can be rapidly conducted among people presenting to a health facility
to differentiate those who should have further diagnostic evaluation for TB from those who should
undergo further investigation for non-TB diagnoses.
Tuberculosis disease: The disease state caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is usually
characterized by clinical manifestations, which distinguish it from TB infection without signs or
symptoms (previously referred to as latent TB infection). Also referred to as active tuberculosis.
Executive summary 1
both the screening and triage contexts. Evaluations showed substantial variation in diagnostic accuracy
across different contexts, implying that the use of CAD will require calibration for the purpose and
setting in which it will be implemented.
C-reactive protein (CRP) is an indicator of inflammation that can be measured using point-of-
care tests performed on capillary blood collected via finger prick. The accuracy of CRP to detect
bacteriologically confirmed TB in people living with HIV was assessed with a meta-analysis of individual
patient data of people screened in high- and medium-burden settings. CRP was found to have similar
sensitivity and higher or similar specificity to symptom screening in all subpopulations tested. CRP
offers a clinically significant improvement in accuracy over the WHO-recommended four-symptom
screen among ambulant people living with HIV who are newly in care and not yet on antiretroviral
treatment, a subpopulation for whom the accuracy of the four-symptom screen is low.
Molecular WHO-recommended rapid diagnostic tests for TB (mWRDs; eg Xpert MTB/RIF) were
reviewed for use as TB screening tools among different populations at high risk of TB. Evidence shows
improved accuracy and effectiveness in people living with HIV and in other high-risk populations. The
evidence is strongest for hospitalized patients with HIV in settings with a high burden of TB, given
the limited value of symptom screening and the grave consequences of missing the opportunity to
initiate TB treatment promptly in this patient group.
Based on these updates, a set of 17 new and revised recommendations for screening for TB
disease have been developed (Table 1). The main changes from the previous WHO guidance are
summarized in Box 1. The new guidelines replace all previous WHO guidance on TB screening.
The recommendations are accompanied by updated operational guidance, the WHO operational
handbook on tuberculosis. Module 2: screening – systematic screening for tuberculosis disease, that
includes further details on target populations and tools to use for systematic screening, including
revised algorithms and modelled estimates of their performance.
1 Systematic screening for TB disease may be conducted among the general population in
areas with an estimated TB prevalence of 0.5% or higher
(updated recommendation: conditional recommendation, low certainty of evidence).
2 Systematic screening for TB disease may be conducted among subpopulations
with structural risk factors for TB. These include urban poor communities, homeless
communities, communities in remote or isolated areas, indigenous populations, migrants,
refugees, internally displaced persons and other vulnerable or marginalized groups with
limited access to health care
(existing recommendation: conditional recommendation, very low certainty of evidence).
3 People living with HIV should be systematically screened for TB disease at each visit to a
health facility
(existing recommendation: strong recommendation, very low certainty of evidence).
4 Household contacts and other close contacts of individuals with TB disease should be
systematically screened for TB disease
(updated recommendation: strong recommendation, moderate certainty of evidence).
5 Systematic screening for TB disease should be conducted in prisons and penitentiary
(updated recommendation: strong recommendation, very low certainty of evidence).
Executive summary 3
16 Among individuals younger than 15 years who are close contacts of someone with
TB, systematic screening for TB disease should be conducted using a symptom screen
including any one of cough, fever or poor weight gain; or chest radiography; or both
(new recommendation: strong recommendation, moderate to low certainty of evidence for
test accuracy).
17 Among children younger than 10 years who are living with HIV, systematic screening for
TB disease should be conducted using a symptom screen including any one of current
cough, fever, poor weight gain or close contact with a TB patient
(new recommendation: strong recommendation, low certainty of evidence for
test accuracy).
TB: tuberculosis.
1.1 Background
Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading cause of death from a single infectious agent, despite being largely
curable and preventable. In 2019, an estimated 2.9 million of the 10 million people who fell ill with TB
were not diagnosed or reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) (1). WHO’s End TB Strategy
envisions a 90% reduction in TB incidence and a 95% reduction in TB deaths by 2035 (2, 3), and the
Declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2018 at the High-Level
Meeting on the Fight Against Tuberculosis commits to diagnosing and treating 40 million people
with TB by 2022 (4). In order to achieve these ambitious targets, there is an urgent need to deploy
strategies to improve the diagnosis and initiation of care for people with TB. One key strategy is
systematic screening for TB disease, which is included in the End TB Strategy as a central component
of its first pillar, aimed at ensuring early diagnosis for all with TB.
To help facilitate the implementation of TB screening at the country level, WHO published guidelines on
systematic screening for TB in 2013 (5). Since then, there have been important new studies evaluating
the impact of screening interventions on both individual-level and community-level outcomes related
to TB, as well as new research evaluating innovative tools for screening for TB among important
populations at high risk for TB disease. In light of these new developments and continual requests by
Member States for guidance on how to conduct effective TB screening, in 2020 WHO convened a
Guideline Development Group (GDG) to examine the evidence in order to update WHO’s guidelines
and recommendations for screening for TB disease.
1. Introduction 5
There are two primary objectives of screening for TB disease: the first objective is to ensure that TB
disease is detected early and treatment is initiated promptly, with the ultimate aim of reducing the risk
of poor treatment outcomes, health sequelae and the adverse social and economic consequences of
TB; the second objective is to reduce the community-level prevalence of TB disease, thus reducing
transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and averting future incident TB. Beyond TB disease,
screening can also identify individuals who are eligible for and would benefit from TB preventive
treatment (TPT) once TB disease is ruled out, thus further averting future incident TB.
Arising from these two primary objectives, there are two primary levels at which screening can
augment standard TB care practices: that of the individual and the community. For individuals with TB
disease, screening interventions can speed up and improve the probability of receiving a diagnosis
and initiating treatment by bypassing many of the barriers to diagnosis and care that people suffering
from TB disease can face, including (6):
• lacking knowledge about the signs and symptoms of TB;
• not recognizing symptoms;
• being unable to seek care or lacking sufficient resources for care-seeking;
• lacking access to TB diagnostic and treatment services;
• seeking care from providers who lack sufficient knowledge of TB or in facilities where TB diagnosis
and treatment services are not available or of sufficient quality.
Beyond improving individual health and welfare, screening interventions for infectious diseases such
as TB also address the epidemiology of the disease at the community level. By identifying and treating
a proportion of the pool of individuals with TB disease in a given community, screening for TB seeks
to reduce the prevalence, transmission and future incidence of the disease, with the long-term goal
of eliminating the disease from the population.
The recommendations in this document apply to screening interventions that are conducted for the
purpose of directly benefitting the individuals being screened by improving TB case detection and
care and, thereby, benefitting the larger community by reducing the population burden of TB.
A series of PICO (population, intervention, comparator and outcome) questions was established and
systematic reviews were sought or commissioned for each of the PICO questions and the priority
background questions.
The first PICO questions aimed at summarizing the evidence on the effectiveness of systematic
screening interventions for TB disease to address individual and community outcomes.
1. Among people with TB disease, does TB screening identify people at an earlier stage of disease
compared with passive case-finding?
2. Is there a difference in TB treatment outcomes between people with TB identified through
screening interventions compared with people with TB identified through passive case-finding?
3. For people with TB disease and their families, does receiving a diagnosis and undergoing a course
of treatment after case detection through screening have a different cost of illness and risk of
adverse social consequences compared with receiving a diagnosis and undergoing a course of
treatment after diagnosis through passive case-finding?
4. For people being screened who do not have TB disease, what are the consequences of TB
5. Does TB screening used in addition to passive case-finding affect subsequent health-seeking
behaviour compared with passive case-finding alone?
1. Introduction 7
6. Does TB screening initially increase the number of people with TB detected compared with passive
case-finding alone?
7. Does TB screening affect the epidemiology of TB in a community, including the prevalence,
incidence and transmission, compared with passive case-finding alone?
A series of questions focusing on the diagnostic accuracy and performance of screening tools was
also prioritized.
8. Among people living with HIV, what is the performance of a range of screening tools compared
with a microbiological reference standard?
9. Among the general population and high-risk groups eligible for TB screening, what is the
performance of a range of screening tools compared with a microbiological reference standard?
10. Among children and adolescents eligible for TB screening, what is the performance of a range of
screening tools compared with a composite or microbiological reference standard?
11. What is the performance of computer-aided detection (CAD) software for automated reading of
digital chest radiographs (CXRs) for the detection of TB disease in the screening- and the triage-
use cases?
12. Among the general population and high-risk groups eligible for TB screening, what is the
performance of molecular WHO-recommended rapid diagnostic tests (mWRDs) for screening
for TB disease compared with a microbiological reference standard?
Lastly, in addition to the PICO questions assessing the accuracy and effectiveness of screening
interventions, there was a series of background questions prioritized to inform the implementation
of TB screening interventions.
13. Among the general public and high-risk populations, what is the number needed to screen (NNS)
to detect one person with TB disease?
14. Among contacts of people with TB disease, what is the NNS to detect one person with TB disease?
15. What are the estimated relative risks of TB associated with a range of risk factors?
16. What are the costs and cost–effectiveness of implementing TB screening interventions?
17. What are the perceptions and attitudes of communities towards TB screening programmes?
1. Introduction 9
WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis:
systematic screening for tuberculosis disease
2. Recommendations for
systematic screening for TB
disease in targeted populations
In this guideline, recommendations about systematic screening for TB disease are made for distinct
populations for whom it is judged that the benefits and desirable effects of screening outweigh the
potential harms.
Systematic screening for TB disease can be done for an entire population (community-wide screening)
or it can be targeted at selected risk groups or subpopulations of people who may be at higher risk of
being exposed to TB, developing TB disease or suffering poor outcomes from the disease, or some
combination of these. It can target people who seek health care (with or without symptoms or signs
compatible with TB) and people who do not seek care (because they do not perceive that they have
a health problem that warrants medical attention, barriers make it difficult to access health care, or
for other reasons). Furthermore, screening can help identify people who are at particularly high risk of
developing TB disease and thus may require repeat screening, for example, people with an abnormal
CXR compatible with TB but who are not diagnosed with TB disease at the time of screening or people
for whom TPT is recommended. Combining screening for TB with screening for TB risk factors can also
help map individual- or community-level risk factors, comorbidities and socioeconomic determinants
that need to be addressed to more effectively prevent the disease.
Strong recommendations are made for those risk groups or subpopulations for which the desirable
effects of adhering to the recommendation are judged to clearly outweigh the undesirable effects: for
these recommendations, screening is judged to be feasible, acceptable and affordable in all settings.
Conditional recommendations are made for those risk groups for which the desirable effects of TB
screening probably outweigh the undesirable effects, but the trade-offs, cost–effectiveness, feasibility
or affordability, or a combination of these, are uncertain. Reasons for uncertainty may include a lack of
high-quality evidence to support the recommendation; limited evidence of benefit from implementing
the recommendation; high costs or low feasibility or acceptability, or a combination of these.
It is important that TB is diagnosed promptly in groups that have a particularly high likelihood of
undetected TB or a high risk of poor health outcomes, or both, in the absence of early diagnosis
and treatment, even if direct evidence of benefit from screening is lacking. This is the rationale for
making strong recommendations despite a lack of high-quality direct evidence for some risk groups.
However, prioritization should also consider the risks associated with screening, including false-positive
diagnoses, overtreatment and the opportunity costs of screening in terms of the resources required,
both across risk groups and in relation to other interventions aimed at improving early diagnosis,
treatment and prevention. Therefore, owing to the lack of high-quality direct evidence comparing
benefits with harms and on the cost–effectiveness of screening in many of the populations considered,
many of the recommendations made for screening in specific populations are conditional.
The degree of uncertainty about the trade-offs between the desirable effects and undesirable effects
varies across settings, and it depends on the epidemiological situation and the health system. Therefore,
a conditional recommendation in this guideline implies that the appropriateness of adhering to the
Malnourishment A systematic review found that lower BMI is associated with an increased risk
of TB, with a reduction in TB incidence of 13.8% (95% confidence interval:
13.4–14.2) per unit increase in BMI within the range 18.5–30 kg/m2. There
are multiple pathways by which undernourishment can increase the risk
of TB, including cell-mediated immunity and micronutrient deficiency, and
other conditions can increase the risk of malnourishment and TB, including
mental health and substance use disorders.h
BMI: body mass index; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DM: diabetes mellitus; IRR: incidence rate ratio; RR: relative risk.
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No. of No. of
Screening test studies (no. Sensitivity studies (no. Specificity
of participants) of participants)
WHO target product NA > 0.90 NA > 0.70
Prolonged cough 40 (6 737) 0.42 40 (1 284 181) 0.94
(≥ 2 weeks)
Any cough 21 (2 734) 0.51 21 (768 291) 0.88
Any TB symptom (cough, 28 (3 915) 0.71 28 (460 878) 0.64
haemoptysis, fever, night
sweats, weight loss)
Chest radiography 22 (4 243) 0.94 22 (1 012 752) 0.89
(any abnormality)
Chest radiography 19 (2 152) 0.85 19 (464 818) 0.96
(suggestive abnormality)
Molecular WHO- 5 (337) 0.69 5 (8 619) 0.99
recommended rapid
diagnostic test
The three technologies that had received a CE mark by January 2020 and were included in all the evaluations are CAD4TB v6, Delft
Imaging; Lunit Insight CXR, Lunit Insight; and qXR v2, Qure.ai.
The results showed the variability of both human readers and CAD software programmes across
different settings and populations. In comparing the range of accuracy of CAD to that of human readers
interpreting CXRs and noting the variability of readers and the substantial overlap between the two
ranges, the data suggested there is little difference between the two. Therefore, the GDG considered
that CAD software programmes can be considered accurate when compared with human readers.
Other desirable effects beyond the accuracy of the technologies would likely include the possibility
to scale up and thus increase the access to chest radiography, given the scarcity of radiologists in
many settings. In addition, GDG members noted that in many settings, general practitioners or other
providers without specific training in radiology are often tasked with interpreting chest radiographs,
and they may not be as highly skilled as the readers used for comparison in the evaluations considered,
thus indicating that the comparisons presented here may represent an underestimate of the true
comparative accuracy of CAD software for detecting TB.
The drawback of using CAD interpretation in place of human readers for chest radiographs included
the fact that it cannot detect other lung pathologies beyond TB. The capacity of CAD technologies
to simultaneously screen for multiple pulmonary or thoracic conditions could be attractive for
programmes, but no data on the performance of CAD for differential diagnosis were available to be
assessed by the GDG.
CAD technologies have the potential to increase equity in the reach of TB screening interventions
and in access to TB care if they facilitate the scale up of radiography for TB screening and triage and
improve the interpretation of images.
The recommendation applies to software brands that upon external validation demonstrate a
performance that is not inferior to the products reviewed by the GDG in 2020. The analysis for this
recommendation was restricted to bacteriologically confirmed TB and, thus, the recommendation
may not necessarily apply to other forms of TB (e.g. exclusively extrapulmonary TB, clinically
diagnosed TB). This recommendation is specific to adults and adolescents aged 15 years and older.
The recommendation applies only to the interpretation of anteroposterior or posteroanterior views
of digital plain CXRs for pulmonary TB: it does not apply to the interpretation of lateral or oblique
views, and its applicability to the interpretation of analogue CXRs is unknown.
While there may be real-life limitations to the W4SS in terms of consistency and quality of delivery
that might not be reflected in studies, it remains the simplest non-invasive tool to implement in any
setting, requiring no infrastructure. However, the high proportion of W4SS positivity (94%) and very
low specificity in medical inpatients living with HIV in settings where TB prevalence among study
participants was > 10% gives it limited utility as a screen to rule in TB prior to diagnostic confirmation
by mWRD in this very ill population.
The meta-analysis of IPD found no alternative screening tools or strategies that were significantly
higher in both sensitivity and specificity than the W4SS or that met the WHO target product profile
for a screening test on both parameters. In all cases, when sensitivity was higher and met the minimal
requirements of the target product profile, specificity was compromised, and vice versa. Depending on
a programme’s decision to prioritize higher sensitivity or higher specificity, other tools or combinations
of tools may be used to complement the W4SS.
As a point-of-care biomedical test, CRP represents an opportunity for enhancing TB screening among
people living with HIV. Health staff and patients might be more motivated to pursue a confirmatory
diagnostic test following a positive screen for CRP. The specificity and predictive value of the test for
detecting TB, however, will likely be reduced in settings with a lower TB prevalence than in those
included in the meta-analysis. Molecular WHO-recommended rapid diagnostic tests for all other people
living with HIV
The systematic review of the performance of an mWRD used to screen for TB among people living
with HIV included 14 studies with a total of 9 209 participants (see Web Annex B, Table 16, and
Web Annex C, Table 9). The Xpert MTB/RIF assay was the primary mWRD used in these studies.
The prevalence of TB in the studies ranged from 1% to 26%. The average TB prevalence among
participants attending outpatient facilities was 8.6%.
Using an mWRD alone was found to have sensitivity of 0.69 (95% CI: 0.60–0.76) and specificity of
0.98 (95% CI: 0.97–0.99) compared with using the W4SS followed by an mWRD as a diagnostic
test, which had sensitivity of 0.62 (95% CI: 0.56–0.69) and specificity of 0.99 (95% CI: 0.97–0.99) (see
Table 8). There were no significant differences in the accuracy of the mWRD between the different
subpopulations when compared with using the W4SS followed by the mWRD.
Due to the increased sensitivity of mWRDs, but also in consideration of the likely challenges relating
to access, high costs and feasibility in many countries, mWRDs are recommended as an option
for screening for TB disease among all adults and adolescents living with HIV who are not medical
inpatients in settings where the TB prevalence exceeds 10%. As with all screening tools, the GDG
emphasized the importance in all settings of following up an mWRD screen with a diagnostic
assessment to prevent the potential harm of overtreatment. In addition, due consideration should
be made to prioritizing mWRDs as a diagnostic test for all people with presumptive TB before scaling
up mWRD as a screening test. Children younger than 10 years who are living with HIV
The evidence reviewed about the performance of symptom screening (any one of current cough,
fever, poor weight gain or close contact with someone with TB) included 2 studies conducted in the
outpatient setting with a total of 20 926 participants and including 20 3135 screens (see Web Annex B,
Table 19, and Web Annex C, Table 10). In this setting, the combined symptom screen (where the
presence of any symptom constitutes a positive screen) was found to have a pooled sensitivity of
0.61 (95% CI: 0.58–0.64) and a pooled specificity of 0.94 (95% CI: 0.86–0.98).
Again, despite the absence of high-certainty evidence, the GDG felt that a strong recommendation
was warranted for symptom screening for children younger than 10 years who are living with HIV,
given the high risk of disease and of mortality if the diagnosis is missed and TB is left untreated.
4.1 Indicators
Continued monitoring can help programme managers assess the performance of the TB screening
components that are within their purview. The following indicators should be considered for each
targeted risk group:
1. the number of people eligible for screening;
2. the number of people screened (considering the first screening and second screening separately,
if applicable);
3. the proportion of those eligible for screening who were screened;
4. the number of people with presumptive TB who were identified;
5. the number of people undergoing diagnostic investigation;
6. the number of people diagnosed with TB, stratified by type of TB;
7. the proportion of those undergoing diagnostic investigation who have TB;
8. the NNS to detect one person with TB;
9. the proportion of initial defaulters (that is, the number of people diagnosed with TB who do NOT
start treatment divided by number of people diagnosed with TB);
10. the treatment success rate and the death rate (using standard cohort analyses).
Additional disaggregation may be done – for example, by age group and sex – but this requires that
more detailed data are collected for each individual who is screened.
5. Research gaps 41
5.1.3 Children and adolescents
The GDG considered data on using mWRDs for screening children and adolescent outpatients
accessing health care. They felt that the data, which included 2 studies with 787 participants and had
results demonstrating substantial heterogeneity, represented insufficient evidence to establish an
accurate and reliable estimate of the diagnostic accuracy of mWRDs, and, thus, the GDG decided not
to issue a recommendation for or against their use as a screening tool for children and adolescents.
This highlights as a research priority the need for more rigorous studies evaluating the use of mWRDs
for screening children and adolescents.
Also highlighted is the urgent overall need for more research and the development of better screening
tools and approaches for use in this population, including more data on screening approaches that
target specific and distinct age ranges including infants younger than 12 months, children younger
than 5 years, children up to the age of 10 years and those aged 10–19 years. More data are needed
to determine the frequency with which screening should be conducted among the subpopulations
of children at highest risk of TB, and further research is needed from well-designed clinical trials to
provide evidence on patient-important outcomes for TB screening in children.
5. Research gaps 43
WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis:
systematic screening for tuberculosis disease
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Supplementary Table
Supplementary Table 51
For further information, please contact:
Global Tuberculosis Programme
World Health Organization
20, Avenue Appia CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland
Web site: www.who.int/tb