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Forensic Odontology to the rescue-A case Report

Article  in  Medico-Legal Update · October 2006


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Thorakkal Shamim
Government General Hospital Manjeri India


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Forensic Odontology to the rescue-A case Report
Shamim T, **Ipe Varghese V, ***Shameena PM, ****Mehul.R.Mahesh
*Postgraduate Student,Dept.of Oral Pathology, **Principal
***Assistant Professor,Dept.of Oral Pathology, ****Senior Lecturer,
Dept.of Prosthodontics, Government Dental College, Calicut, Kerala

Abstract going for work on 09.09.2002.The postmortem

Dentistry has today evolved to play a pivotal report revealed deep injuries to head and neck
role in the field of forensic sciences. Forensic due to stabbing. The investigation could not
odontology has been used extensively in the west make any break through as there were no
to detect victims in mass casualties like natural eyewitnesses or scientific evidence. The only
disasters and even terrorist attacks. Its role in object obtained from the scene of crime was a
homicide cases has been extensively reported. partial denture.
However in India especially in Kerala, this The case was subsequently handed over to the
science is still in the seminal stage. A case is CrimeBranch in 2005.The line of investigation
presented here to substantiate the role of forensic was then centered on the partial denture
odontology in the identification of culprit. recovered from the scene of crime. The suspect
Key Words who had been zeroed on was a 59 year old
neighbour who used to accompany her quite
Identification, Dentistry, Forensic science often. The Crime branch approached the
Introduction Government Dental College, Calicut on
Forensic Odontology is an investigative aspect information of possible identification of the
of dentistry that analyzes dental evidence for partial denture wearer using forensic
human identification. The Federation Dentaire odontology methods.
Internationale (FDI) defines forensic odontology The Department of Prosthodontics made
as that branch of dentistry, which, in the interest impressions and study models of the suspect’s
of justice, deals with the proper handling and jaws using irreversible hydrocolloid material and
examination of dental evidence and with the type III Dental stone. These included full arch
proper evaluation, and presentation of dental and anterior segmental models.
findings. Detailed intra oral clinical examination of the
Dental identification assumes a primary role suspect revealed missing upper right central
in the identification of remains when incisor. The site of missing upper right central
postmortem changes, traumatic tissue injury or incisor had a deep notch extending from the
lack of a fingerprint record invalidate the use of buccal to the palatal surface. Spacing was seen
visual or fingerprint 1 . The fundamental in the upper anterior regions between right
principles of dental identification are those of lateral incisor and canine.
comparison and exclusion2. The partial denture which was produced
Here we present a case where not the victim before us was examined, the findings included:
but identification of the suspect was done using 1. It was a single tooth partial denture for the
forensic odontology. replacement of upper right central incisor.
Case Report 2.The intaglio surface of the denture in the
The case relates to the murder of a 27 year old region of the replaced tooth had a projection
lady in an isolated rural area while she was extending from the buccal to palatal surface.
The intra oral findings were compared with
Reprint requests : Shamim T. that of the partial denture on the models
Dept.. of Oral Pathology, Government Dental College, prepared. It was observed that:
Calicut, Kerala.

Shamim T et al/ Medico-Legal Update. October-December, 2006, Vol.6, No. 4 115

1. The missing tooth of the suspect’s mouth is Labelled dentures can be of greater assistance
maxillary right central incisor and the submitted in the identification of individuals7.Unlabelled
partial denture is also that of a replaced missing dentures have been recovered from patients and
right central incisor (Fig.1). then fitted to casts retained by the treating
2. The morphology of the artificial tooth of the dentist or laboratory and this has been an
partial denture coincides with the natural accepted method of identification8.
maxillary left central incisor of the suspect’s The Swiss identification system was
mouth (Fig.2). introduced to identify victims of mass disasters9.
3. There is a depression in the region of the The system consists of an encoded information
edentulous space that extends across the ridge chip sealed with in the enamel of the tooth with
which corresponds to the projection as seen in a fire resistant red composite material.
the partial denture (Fig.3, 4 & 5). It is accurate to say that any item that records
4. The cervical margin of the teeth of the information about the suspect’s teeth can serve
suspect in the region of the maxillary left central as a basis for comparison in the identification
and lateral incisors corresponds with the finish process10. This has included study models, old
line of the partial denture in the same regions dentures, custom bleach trays or custom splints.
(Fig.6). Conclusion
5. The partial denture margin closely adapts Based on the intraoral findings of the suspect
with the cervical margin of the corresponding and the partial denture we were of the opinion
natural teeth (Fig.6) that the partial denture had been used by the
6. The incisive papilla in the suspect’s mouth suspect. The same was reported to the Crime
corresponds to the depression in the artificial Branch who took the suspect into custody. The
partial denture (Fig.7 & 8). suspect later confessed of the crime and has been
convicted. This has been the first ever conviction
of a suspect using forensic odontology in the
The use of forensic odontology in the state of Kerala.
identification of homicide victim and suspects is
The introduction of uniform system of naming
well known by using bite mark analysis. Though
and coding the dentures by dental practitioners
the use of artificial denture in the identification
will be of immense help in identification.The
of victims has been documented in the literature,
dental evidence is most valuable and reliable
we have not come across any case of
method like fingerprints. The scope of forensic
identification of a suspect using artificial
odontology is very broad and is a challenging
field and the dentist should make unique
The partial denture could not be placed in the contributions in the administration of justice.
suspect’s mouth due to the drifting of the upper
anterior natural teeth as a result of non usage of References
the denture and as the preservation of the partial 1. Spitz WU and Fischer’s Medico legal investigation of
death: guidelines for the application of pathology of crime
denture was not scientifically done, some
investigation, Springfield, III: Charles C Thomas;1993
amount of warpage in the denture would also
2. Avon. S L. Forensic Odontology: the roles and
have occurred.
responsibilities of the Dentist, Journ. Cana Dent Assoc 2004;
Many investigators have suggested engraving 70: 453-458.
and inclusion method of marking dentures. 3. HarveyWB.Identity of teeth and marking of
Engraving methods include marking the dentures,Brit Dent Jour 1956;121:334
impression3, marking the model (in reverse) and 4. Tedeschi. C.G., Eckert W.G., Tedeschi L.G. Forensic
scribing the finished denture using a bur 4. Odontology in Forens Medicine, Vol.II. WB Saunders
Inclusion methods using name or number on Company, Philadelphia, 1977; 1116-1153.
paper nylon or linen included at final closure 5. MacEntee MI, Campbell T.Personal identification
using dental prostheses.: Jour Prosthet Dent. 1979
stage of flasking. Metal inserts5 and microchips6 Apr;41(4):377-80.
are also recommended.

116 Shamim T et al/ Medico-Legal Update. October-December, 2006, Vol.6, No. 4

6. Rajan M, Julian R.A new method of marking dentures Figures 3 & 4 : There is a depression in the
using microchips,Jour Forensic Odontostomatol. 2002 region of the edentulous space that extends
across the ridge.
7. Marella GL,Rossi P.An approach to identification by
means of dental prosthesis in a burnt corpse.Jour Foren Figure 3
Odontostomato 1999;17:16-19
8. Jacob RF, Shalla CL.Postmortem identification of the
edentulous deceased:denture tissue surface anatomy.Journ
Foren Sci 1987;32:698-702
9. Muhlemann. H.R., Steiner. E. and Brandestini M.,
Identification of disaster victims: The Swiss identification
system, Journ of Foren Sci 1979; 24: 173-181
10. Vale GL.,Identification by dental evidence: basics and
beyond, Jour Calif Dent Ass 2004;32(8):665-672

Figure 1 : The missing tooth of the suspect’s

mouth is maxillary right central incisor.

Figure 1

Figure 4

Figure 2 : The morphology of the artificial tooth

of the partial denture coincides with the natural
maxillary left central incisor of the suspect’s
mouth. Figure 5 : Projection seen in the partial denture

Figure 2 Figure 5

Shamim T et al/ Medico-Legal Update. October-December, 2006, Vol.6, No. 4

Figure 6 : The cervical margin of the teeth of Figures 7 & 8 : The incisive papilla in the
the suspect in the region of the maxillary left suspect’s mouth corresponds to the depression
central and lateral incisors corresponds with the in the artificial partial denture.
finish line of the partial denture in the same
The partial denture margin closely adapts
with the cervical margin of the corresponding
natural teeth.

Figure 7

Figure 6

Figure 8

118 Shamim T et al/ Medico-Legal Update. October-December, 2006, Vol.6, No. 4

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