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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123


Detrital zircon age patterns and provenance of the metamorphic

complexes of southern Chile
F. Hervéa,*, C.M. Fanningb, R.J. Pankhurstc
Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas y Matemáticas. Departamento de Geologı́a, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 13518, Correo 21, Santiago, Chile
Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
Visiting Research Associate, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG, UK

Zircon SHRIMP U – Pb age patterns are reported for 13 metasedimentary rocks from the low grade metamorphic complexes of the
Patagonian Andes. Combined with four recently published patterns, these provide the first detailed survey of the provenance of these
complexes. The youngest dated zircons, corresponding to maximum sedimentation ages, are Devonian-Late Triassic in the eastern Andes
metamorphic complex, Carboniferous in the main range metamorphic complex, Permian in the Duque de York complex, and Late Triassic in
the Chonos metamorphic complex. In the last two cases, these ages are in agreement with their respective fossil ages. Older components in
the eastern Andes metamorphic complex include a large proportion of Proterozoic (predominantly 1000– 1200 Ma) zircons, which may
indicate distribution, probably by rivers, of detrital material from regions currently in northern South America, Africa, or east Antarctica. The
abundance of Proterozoic zircons is very much less in the Duque de York complex, possibly because of the rise of an inferred Permian
magmatic arc related to the Gondwanan orogeny and consequent westward migration of the watershed. A Late Triassic magmatic episode is
registered in the Chonos metamorphic complex, where reappearance of significant Proterozoic zircons indicates exhumation of the cratonic
areas or of recycled sedimentary material.
q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Geochronology; Gondwana margin; SHRIMP; U –Pb

1. Introduction and K – Ar age determinations in both the schists and

cross-cutting granites. Fossiliferous Late Triassic rocks
The western edge of the South American plate south of unconformably overlie the subduction complex in central
348S is mainly composed of low grade metasedimentary Chile, and Late Jurassic acid volcanic rocks of the Tobı́fera
rocks, interpreted by Hervé (1988) as a Late Palaeozoic series overlie the metamorphic basement at Peninsula
subduction complex and intruded by the Mesozoic-Cen- Staines in southern Chile (Allen, 1982). There is a similar
ozoic granitoids of the Patagonian batholith (Fig. 1). Fossil volcanic unconformity on the Trinity Peninsula group
localities in this vast complex are extremely rare. Devonian metasandstones of the Antarctic Peninsula. However, a
trilobites are known from black slaty rocks at Buill (Biese, Mesozoic-Cenozoic metamorphic age for the Scotia meta-
1953; Fortey et al., 1992), the Late Triassic (Norian) bivalve morphic complex has been established by extensive
Monotis in the Chonos Archipelago (Fang et al., 1998), and geochronological work by Tanner et al. (1982); Hervé
Early Permian fusulinids (Douglas and Nestell, 1976) and et al. (1990a, 1991); Trouw et al. (1990), among others.
radiolaria (Ling et al., 1987) in the limestones of the Madre Glaucophane-bearing metabasites in the Diego Ramı́rez
de Dios/Duque de York area (Cecioni, 1956). The Archipelago (Wilson et al., 1989) yield Jurassic meta-
relationship of the Buill rocks to the subduction complex morphic (?) ages (Davidson et al., 1989). On the basis of
Rb – Sr whole-rock systematics, Mesozoic reactivation of
has not been firmly established.
the metamorphic basement was suggested by Nelson et al.
The age for the metamorphic rocks was based on
(1980) for Cordillera Darwin (Tierra del Fuego), by
stratigraphical relationships and Late Paleozoic Rb –Sr
Davidson et al. (1987) for the Chonos metamorphic
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 56-2-678-4541; fax: þ56-2-696-3050. complex (CMC), and by Hervé et al. (1990b) for the
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (F. Hervé), mark.fanning@ western metamorphic series of central Chile, but the age of
anu.edu.au (C.M. Fanning), [email protected] (R.J. Pankhurst). the sedimentary protolith in all cases was still considered
0895-9811/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
108 F. Hervé et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123

Fig. 1. Geological sketch map of the southern Andes modified from Hervé et al. (2000) showing sample localities and distribution of maximum possible
depositional ages indicated by the SHRIMP U– Pb dating of detrital zircons. The ages given are best estimates for the youngest peaks that can be confidently
identified by the probability distributions of Figs. 2–4; the ages in parentheses represent a very minor component (one or two grains) or are discordant, possibly
due to resetting. Fission track (FT) ages of metamorphism are from Thomson et al. (2000).

Late Paleozoic. However, SHRIMP U – Pb dating of 2. Geological background

detrital zircon has established the depositional age of
the CMC as Late Triassic (Hervé, 1998; Hervé and The general context of the studied area is shown in Fig. 1.
Fanning, 2001). Two elongated outcrop zones of mainly low grade
The purpose of this paper is to present a more metasedimentary rocks occur to the east and west,
systematic review of the chronology of the low grade respectively, of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Patagonian bath-
metasedimentary complexes of southern Chile based on olith. Smaller patches of higher-grade metamorphic rocks
new SHRIMP U – Pb zircon analyses. These data constrain are also included in the batholith.
the depositional ages of the rocks and indicate the The eastern Andes metamorphic complex (EAMC) crops
characteristics of their provenance, which can be inter- out to the east of the batholith but reaches the coastal canals
preted in terms of the geodynamic evolution of this part of and islands south of 488S. It comprises a mainly turbidite
the Gondwana margin. succession but also includes large bodies of marble in
F. Hervé et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123 109

a higher-grade greenschist facies to the north, on the western island environment exotic to the South American continent.
shores of Lago General Carrera. Metabasites are scarce, but After accretion, a turbidite succession (Duque de York
alkali pillow basalts intercalated with subgreenschist facies complex [DYC]), including locally abundant paraconglo-
metaturbidites have been reported at Lago O’Higgins merates, was deposited on top of the oceanic succession.
(Hervé et al., 1999). Metamorphism is of intermediate to The same sequence, more tightly folded, occurs 100 km on
low P type (3 – 4.6 kb and 380– 360 8C; Hervé et al., 1998). the Diego de Almagro islands (Fig. 1), where it is separated
Fossil plant remains and tetrapod tracks indicate deposition from a metamorphic complex of basic blueschists, greens-
of the EAMC during Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous chists, grey micaschists, and ultrabasic rocks by the N – S-
times (Ramos, 1989). Between 47 –498S, the EAMC is trending Seno Arcabuz shear zone with well-developed
unconformably overlain by the subhorizontal Ibañez mylonites (Forsythe et al., 1981; Olivares et al., 2003 in
Formation of Late Jurassic rhyolites (Suárez and De La press).
Cruz, 1997; Pankhurst et al., 2000). As noted, at 528 in
Penı́nsula Staines, metamorphic rocks considered part of the
EAMC are overlain by rhyolites of the Tobı́fera series, 3. Method
which elsewhere have yielded Middle-Late Jurassic ages
(Pankhurst et al., 2000). These rhyolites are distributed Metasedimentary samples of the various basement units
regionally throughout the Magallanes basin and, at this and
were collected for U – Pb zircon dating by SHRIMP
other localities, are strongly deformed with a penetrative
(sensitive high resolution ion microprobe) at The Australian
foliation that also affected the underlying basement.
National University (SHRIMP I and II). The procedures
Higher grade metamorphic rocks with staurolite, anda-
followed are outlined by Ireland (1992); Williams (1998). In
lusite, and sillimanite are found in patches in the batholith or
general, zircon concentrates were poured onto double-sided
very close to the contacts. These have been referred to as the
tape with Duluth gabbro reference zircons and then cast into
main range metamorphic complex (MRMC) in the Aysén
an epoxy mount. An area was selected at random, and the
region (Hervé, 1988). Little is known of similarly located
requisite grains were analyzed without regard to appearance
counterparts south of the Golfo de Penas, though Calderón
to minimize bias toward any particular morphological
and Hervé et al. (2000) identify rocks with a similar
member of the population. In most cases, at least 50 grains
mineralogy along the eastern contact of the south Patago-
were analyzed for statistically valid provenance patterns.
nian batholith in the vicinity of Puerto Eden (498080 S,
Because of the low precision of 204Pb measurements, ages
748230 W), where they are the result of contact metamorph-
less than 1000 Ma were determined from the 206Pb/238U
ism superimposed on otherwise low grade EAMC rocks.
ratio, using the 207Pb measurement to correct for common
The western belt of metamorphic rocks, which constitu-
Pb as described by Williams (1998) and in references
tes a subduction complex, is interrupted by the Golfo de
therein. Older ages were calculated from the 204Pb-
Penas, a Tertiary pull-apart basin (Forsythe and Nelson,
corrected 207Pb/206Pb ratios. The results are summarized
1985) related to strike-slip movement along the Liquiñe-
in Table 1; full analytical data are available as a
Ofqui fault zone, and by the batholith, which extends to the
supplementary.pdf file, obtainable from any of the authors.
coast between 48 and 498300 S. To the north, the CMC crops
The analytical data were plotted on Tera-Wasserburg
out throughout the Chonos Archipelago and the Taitao
diagrams uncorrected for common Pb (Figs. 2 – 4), and the
Peninsula. Its eastern part consists of coherent bodies of a
derived radiogenic ages were plotted on relative probability
weakly metamorphosed turbidite succession, with minor
diagrams (Figs. 5 –7) using Isoplot (Ludwig, 1999). A
chert and metabasite, and layers of broken formation,
maximum age for the deposition of the host rock sample
composed of blocks of the same lithologies. Metaturbidite
on Isla Patranca in the east has yielded Late Triassic fossils may be determined from the weighted mean age of the
(Fang et al., 1998). The intensity of deformation and youngest peak in these distributions, where $ 3 analyses are
metamorphism increases toward the west (Hervé et al., within analytical uncertainty. Such an age grouping takes
1981), composed of micaschists, metacherts, and metaba- into account isolated cases of Pb loss, which can produce
sites with occasional pillow basalts. Metamorphism is of the minor scatter to younger ages. Ages for individual grains are
high P, low T type characteristic of subduction complexes, reported at the 68% confidence level.
varying from 5.5 kb and 250– 2808C in the eastern belt to
9.4 kb and 500 8C in the western belt (Willner et al., 2000).
The Madre de Dios Archipelago forms the westernmost 4. Samples
part of the continent between 49 and 518S. Forsythe and
Mpodozis (1979, 1983) describe a stratigraphic succession Latitude and longitude readings were obtained by global
consisting, from base to top, of pillow basalts, red and white positioning systems, except for samples for which no
cherts (the Denaro complex), and Early Permian pelagic decimal part is shown for the minutes figure. Place names
fusulinid-bearing limestones (the Tarlton limestone). They not shown in Fig. 1 can be located using a good quality atlas
consider this succession as having formed in an oceanic or navigational charts.
Table 1
Summary of U –Pb SHRIMP Data for Analyzed Zircons

Age (Ma) Age (Ma) Age (Ma)

Grain spot U Th ppm Th/U Pb# Pb/238U ^ Grain spot U Th Th/U Pb# 206Pb/238U ^ Grain spot U Th Th/U Pb# 206
Pb/238U ^
ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

1.1 227 87 0.38 14 391 6 21.1 925 248 0.27 41 291 4 41.1 138 58 0.42 30 1294 21*
2.1 396 86 0.22 30 499 6 22.1 276 169 0.61 62 1333 23* 4.21 140 61 0.43 28 1222 36*
3.1 349 145 0.42 17 314 4 23.1 316 316 1.00 17 295 4 43.1 406 178 0.44 29 450 6
4.1 601 13 0.02 22 267 4 24.1 415 122 0.30 49 757 11 44.1 478 38 0.08 20 290 4

F. Hervé et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123

5.1 747 588 0.79 32 245 3 25.1 1088 456 0.42 59 345 5 45.1 608 56 0.09 48 529 6
6.1 282 122 0.43 24 524 8 26.1 447 120 0.27 26 389 5 46.1 374 65 0.17 28 505 7
7.1 155 32 0.20 16 659 11 27.1 225 133 0.59 11 311 7 47.1 615 482 0.78 41 387 5
8.1 503 226 0.45 35 426 5 28.1 908 445 0.49 204 1245 8* 48.1 371 137 0.37 24 414 5
9.1 195 236 1.21 10 267 5 29.1 105 53 0.51 11 597 13 49.1 519 141 0.27 27 347 5
10.1 281 18 0.06 13 314 6 30.1 122 148 1.21 36 1332 32* 50.1 720 485 0.67 35 286 3
11.1 281 13 0.05 31 751 13 31.1 271 150 0.55 21 462 7 51.1 173 80 0.46 29 1044 13
12.1 459 10 0.02 18 274 4 32.1 502 290 0.58 99 895 19* 5.21 208 167 0.81 9 263 4
13.1 466 154 0.33 34 476 6 33.1 1288 87 0.07 89 488 5 53.1 710 254 0.36 56 534 7
14.1 413 33 0.08 26 432 5 34.1 82 45 0.55 4 311 7 54.1 337 156 0.46 23 442 6
15.1 3805 425 0.11 263 472 5 35.1 234 159 0.68 18 449 7 55.1 260 57 0.22 47 1186 32*
16.1 94 15 0.16 5 350 8 36.1 724 50 0.07 51 480 7 56.1 152 49 0.32 22 958 13
17.1 401 73 0.18 20 331 6 37.1 669 372 0.56 124 1114 18* 57.1 2363 4028 1.70 142 299 4
18.1 893 808 0.90 44 279 3 38.1 50 24 0.47 9 1118 86* 58.1 182 107 0.59 9 322 5
19.1 799 645 0.81 57 405 5 39.1 905 233 0.26 51 376 4 59.1 226 100 0.44 8 255 4
20.1 200 212 1.06 10 262 4 40.1 732 42 0.06 79 740 8 60.1 1156 132 0.11 47 298 4
1.1 338 185 0.55 26 510 9 19.1 189 108 0.57 10 354 10 36.1 1378 606 0.44 94 455 6
2.1 88 43 0.49 35 2056 24* 20.1 342 127 0.37 60 1240 45* 37.1 392 201 0.51 35 578 8
3.1 437 130 0.30 73 1077 24* 21.1 98 62 0.64 13 794 34 38.1 539 57 0.11 54 723 12
4.1 334 175 0.52 28 537 10 22.1 352 158 0.45 64 1140 26 39.1 278 108 0.39 25 613 10
5.1 253 119 0.47 55 1339 26 23.1 421 68 0.16 68 1051 52* 40.1 383 280 0.73 69 1061 26*
6.1 208 69 0.33 24 780 20 24.1 1141 79 0.07 123 778 9 41.1 171 41 0.24 28 1131 96*
7.1 208 102 0.49 17 527 9 25.1 131 64 0.49 15 729 15 42.1 442 144 0.33 73 1016 37*
8.1 357 71 0.20 50 1015 54* 26.1 549 396 0.72 45 509 8 43.1 449 176 0.39 105 1721 41*
9.1 141 85 0.60 26 1120 25 27.1 91 58 0.64 12 831 24 44.1 249 60 0.24 35 1027 43*
10.1 761 336 0.44 61 535 8 28.1 410 351 0.86 42 612 10 45.1 350 178 0.51 57 1036 28*
11.1 462 254 0.55 28 391 5 29.1 118 24 0.20 11 656 19 46.1 153 138 0.90 25 1139 81*
12.1 371 157 0.42 54 940 14 30.1 990 872 0.88 88 534 8 47.1 605 201 0.33 39 450 7
13.1 341 452 1.33 34 532 9 31.1 146 94 0.64 27 1178 82* 48.1 269 100 0.37 41 1047 27*
14.1 190 100 0.52 32 1107 57* 32.1 372 125 0.34 60 1048 45* 49.1 180 121 0.67 57 1771 34*
15.1 329 91 0.28 48 977 17 33.1 207 151 0.73 39 1014 92* 50.1 625 184 0.29 94 998 34*
16.1 693 123 0.18 66 672 12 34.1 556 451 0.81 98 1027 30* 51.1 636 54 0.09 58 661 8
17.1 619 276 0.45 44 476 7 35.1 603 268 0.44 102 1071 15 52.1 382 86 0.23 45 816 18
18.1 1125 141 0.13 71 462 8
1.1 139 83 0.60 7 420 7 18.1 238 190 0.80 16 557 7 35.1 955 267 0.28 51 496 6
2.1 271 21 0.08 29 1002 14 19.1 211 38 0.18 19 826 14 36.1 116 128 1.10 3 529 13
3.1 457 4 0.01 23 504 6 20.1 245 72 0.30 18 668 9 37.1 688 388 0.56 98 2701 7*
4.1 178 74 0.41 36 1727 25* 21.1 699 217 0.31 27 365 4 38.1 162 85 0.53 8 1054 17
5.1 92 24 0.26 12 1155 16 22.1 86 59 0.68 3 293 7 39.1 333 138 0.41 16 1047 13
6.1 451 387 0.86 12 224 3 23.1 602 314 0.52 32 469 6 40.1 685 69 0.10 19 671 8
7.1 286 159 0.55 10 303 4 24.1 260 110 0.42 9 305 4 41.1 341 516 1.51 20 1016 14
8.1 71 68 0.96 2 243 6 25.1 21 6 0.27 3 1101 34 42.1 115 47 0.41 6 1049 60*
9.1 658 229 0.35 54 733 9 26.1 90 56 0.62 13 1127 24* 43.1 927 253 0.27 15 381 4
10.1 183 77 0.42 12 580 10 27.1 942 989 1.05 32 267 3 44.1 218 104 0.48 12 1197 18*
11.1 482 174 0.36 20 378 4 28.1 144 37 0.25 17 1042 13 45.1 471 76 0.16 8 402 6

F. Hervé et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123

12.1 74 36 0.48 5 584 11 29.1 124 106 0.85 17 1082 43* 46.1 54 4 0.07 1 555 16
13.1 417 64 0.15 59 1194 16* 30.1 777 348 0.45 44 501 6 47.1 1889 497 0.26 22 292 3
14.1 73 55 0.76 29 2585 16* 31.1 592 255 0.43 19 301 4 48.1 288 78 0.27 8 656 8
15.1 144 102 0.71 26 1656 22* 32.1 406 233 0.57 13 286 4 49.1 845 488 0.58 16 411 5
16.1 77 166 2.16 8 602 11 33.1 85 103 1.22 4 351 6 50.1 1065 342 0.32 13 295 4
17.1 180 67 0.37 12 596 9 34.1 33 63 1.90 3 553 17
1.1 424 148 0.35 15 773 9 19.1 780 11 0.01 21 678 8 36.1 153 113 0.74 13 582 9
2.1 149 87 0.58 2 299 7 20.1 622 87 0.14 12 479 6 37.1 522 108 0.21 35 529 7
3.1 359 9 0.03 5 332 5 21.1 624 164 0.26 8 292 5 38.1 121 40 0.33 25 1413 24*
4.1 482 161 0.33 10 470 6 22.1 104 63 0.61 2 318 6 39.1 355 42 0.12 24 550 22
5.1 1145 90 0.08 14 311 4 23.1 155 49 0.32 4 591 8 40.1 201 106 0.53 7 271 5
6.1 348 158 0.45 9 551 8 24.1 682 200 0.29 12 424 5 41.1 935 787 0.84 64 461 6
7.1 223 107 0.48 3 297 5 25.1 379 200 0.53 9 544 7 42.1 447 174 0.39 28 484 7
8.1 667 249 0.37 16 545 7 26.1 625 376 0.60 15 521 6 43.1 114 28 0.25 15 1040 44*
9.1 292 111 0.38 4 288 4 27.1 135 14 0.10 3 516 9 44.1 187 125 0.67 8 297 8
10.1 303 45 0.15 7 537 8 28.1 83 52 0.62 12 3044 13* 45.1 138 45 0.33 8 437 9
11.1 291 283 0.97 5 363 6 29.1 832 702 0.84 7 176 2 46.1 166 19 0.12 6 310 7
12.1 243 123 0.51 5 482 6 29.2 1161 1217 1.05 66 187 2 47.1 111 57 0.52 8 557 13
13.1 496 126 0.25 6 287 4 30.1 37 17 0.47 1 385 10 48.1 105 112 1.07 4 256 8
14.1 436 80 0.18 9 499 7 31.1 1801 625 0.35 21 277 3 48.2 98 139 1.42 8 257 5
15.1 919 122 0.13 10 280 3 32.1 41 31 0.77 1 570 16 49.1 219 59 0.27 16 562 10
16.1 205 132 0.64 3 314 5 33.1 109 49 0.45 2 514 11 50.1 334 215 0.64 14 305 4
17.1 62 30 0.49 1 377 12 34.1 140 70 0.50 2 290 8 51.1 289 81 0.28 46 608 9
18.1 812 258 0.32 14 392 4 35.1 181 114 0.63 3 312 5
1.1 163 113 0.69 20 569 8 18.1 243 84 0.35 50 1013 14 35.1 235 116 0.50 24 513 8
2.1 152 79 0.52 30 951 19 19.1 847 559 0.66 82 465 6 36.1 270 115 0.43 33 615 8
3.1 67 27 0.40 20 1422 40* 1139 41 0.04 233 1194 30* 37.1 421 171 0.41 42 512 6
4.1 54 26 0.48 11 941 25 21.1 295 250 0.85 96 1366 17 38.1 337 146 0.43 83 1188 32*
5.1 510 145 0.28 54 558 6 22.1 294 272 0.93 144 1882 10* 39.1 524 327 0.62 30 285 3
6.1 781 665 0.85 69 402 4 23.1 1755 1814 1.03 154 389 4 40.1 240 72 0.30 50 1054 18*
7.1 393 282 0.72 39 470 7 24.1 419 292 0.70 32 366 5 41.1 498 10 0.02 49 551 8
8.1 782 397 0.51 76 479 6 25.1 185 34 0.18 43 1156 36* 42.1 270 233 0.86 40 658 8
9.1 203 1 0.00 24 668 10 26.1 321 139 0.43 30 478 6 43.1 312 146 0.47 25 410 6
10.1 77 42 0.55 4 248 7 27.1 530 50 0.09 52 532 7 44.1 179 65 0.36 81 2044 14*

(continued on next page)
Table 1 (continued)
Age (Ma) Age (Ma) Age (Ma)
206 238 238 206
Grain spot U Th ppm Th/U Pb# Pb/ U ^ Grain spot U Th Th/U Pb# 206Pb/ U ^ Grain spot U Th Th/U Pb# Pb/238U ^
ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

11.1 338 230 0.68 33 469 6 28.1 437 344 0.79 191 1803 11* 45.1 1196 1065 0.89 114 434 5
12.1 163 78 0.48 18 538 8 29.1 109 33 0.30 21 1057 29* 46.1 214 168 0.78 21 454 6
13.1 210 310 1.48 61 1090 15 30.1 445 170 0.38 36 414 6 47.1 115 54 0.47 13 570 11
14.1 107 116 1.08 54 1849 15* 31.1 147 113 0.77 93 2642 7* 48.1 342 164 0.48 45 643 8
15.1 163 67 0.41 107 2618 11* 32.1 343 69 0.20 72 1073 13 49.1 52 39 0.75 3 262 7
16.1 51 42 0.83 12 1071 23 33.1 68 33 0.49 15 1224 35* 50.1 292 77 0.27 25 465 7
17.1 159 88 0.55 15 472 8 34.1 256 144 0.57 14 282 4

F. Hervé et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123

1.1 101 3 0.03 8 550 8 5.1 409 10 0.02 9 159 2 8.2 379 227 0.60 239 2822 29
1.2 435 2 0.00 9 147 2 5.2 213 142 0.66 10 274 4 9.1 1094 30 0.03 42 269 3
2.1 84 99 1.18 4 235 4 6.1 481 100 0.21 15 198 2 9.2 569 46 0.08 45 531 6
2.2 474 47 0.10 11 158 2 6.2 355 129 0.36 17 307 4 10.1 527 12 0.02 11 148 2
3.1 451 11 0.02 26 394 4 7.1 382 211 0.55 17 273 3 11.1 225 152 0.68 21 542 7
4.1 296 1 0.00 6 152 2 7.2 835 33 0.04 23 191 2 12.1 528 413 0.78 50 525 6
4.2 213 110 0.51 13 380 5 8.1 364 17 0.05 16 367 4

1.1 165 65 0.40 29 519 7 18.1 122 102 0.84 12 268 5 35.1 148 86 0.58 16 573 10
2.1 198 34 0.17 28 456 6 19.1 456 45 0.10 75 531 7 36.1 276 11 0.04 12 281 6
3.1 162 79 0.49 29 514 8 20.1 420 66 0.16 36 278 4 37.1 82 40 0.49 7 469 14
4.1 165 81 0.49 29 504 7 21.1 1385 4 0.00 178 434 5 38.1 318 101 0.32 30 539 9
5.1 409 222 0.54 80 560 6 22.1 57 27 0.46 5 282 8 39.1 190 94 0.50 65 1883 24*
6.1 182 108 0.60 30 464 7 23.1 484 225 0.47 86 522 6 40.1 217 101 0.47 22 549 10
7.1 279 199 0.71 25 254 3 24.1 206 60 0.29 43 625 8 41.1 1937 94 0.05 327 904 10*
8.1 134 64 0.47 17 380 7 25.1 661 168 0.25 63 301 3 42.1 196 38 0.20 21 613 9
9.1 229 60 0.26 38 516 6 26.1 385 163 0.42 48 379 5 43.1 116 124 1.07 7 297 9
10.1 267 58 0.22 22 269 4 27.1 275 102 0.37 37 412 5 44.1 121 57 0.47 13 571 11
11.1 228 171 0.75 44 521 7 28.1 92 52 0.56 17 522 10 45.1 175 48 0.27 17 566 11
12.1 183 66 0.36 33 537 8 29.1 430 64 0.15 68 501 6 46.1 1141 1589 1.39 128 494 6
13.1 298 28 0.09 25 278 5 30.1 243 75 0.31 71 972 18* 47.1 304 162 0.53 31 541 10
14.1 347 29 0.08 58 548 7 31.1 2100 111 0.05 250 396 4 48.1 340 129 0.38 34 559 7
15.1 153 24 0.16 12 261 4 32.1 142 80 0.56 14 515 9 49.1 119 0 0.00 5 248 7
16.1 43 22 0.52 7 492 14 33.1 56 42 0.75 12 1002 71* 49.2 148 74 0.50 14 518 13
17.1 319 57 0.18 51 508 6 34.1 343 161 0.47 35 558 9
1.1 435 7 0.02 76 577 8 18.1 141 24 0.17 48 1028 28* 35.1 324 94 0.29 102 924 14
2.1 406 35 0.09 106 819 10 19.1 660 162 0.25 121 567 6 36.1 278 176 0.63 58 577 7
3.1 235 92 0.39 52 650 11 20.1 1619 67 0.04 327 657 8 37.1 345 4 0.01 59 567 7
4.1 683 42 0.06 129 612 14 21.1 124 146 1.18 31 603 10 38.1 84 2 0.02 14 539 8
5.1 160 118 0.74 43 718 10 22.1 182 89 0.49 71 1040 24* 39.11 77 40 0.52 28 1249 119*
6.1 509 431 0.85 211 1042 12* 23.1 123 52 0.42 45 1022 27* 40.1 55 49 0.89 11 518 9
7.1 76 22 0.28 16 648 14 24.1 283 297 1.05 36 331 4 41.1 712 356 0.50 145 590 6
8.1 564 26 0.05 96 555 6 25.1 116 64 0.56 21 532 11 42.1 61 138 2.25 17 555 11
9.1 125 153 1.23 30 575 9 26.1 29 25 0.85 12 1106 45 43.1 192 76 0.40 144 1908 10*
10.1 330 65 0.20 68 644 9 27.1 788 52 0.07 147 602 7 44.1 268 126 0.47 71 747 38
11.1 539 83 0.15 142 815 9 28.1 2093 237 0.11 394 607 6 45.1 323 100 0.31 56 950 13
12.1 107 79 0.74 20 502 9 29.1 1284 115 0.09 242 607 6 46.1 142 35 0.25 15 590 10
13.1 350 175 0.50 301 2088 8* 30.1 396 23 0.06 86 699 11 47.1 82 36 0.44 20 1206 38*
14.1 262 130 0.50 41 464 6 31.1 466 76 0.16 148 956 22* 48.1 114 68 0.59 55 2075 23*
15.1 325 142 0.43 52 477 6 32.1 351 145 0.41 209 1603 11* 49.1 23 16 0.70 5 1031 47
16.1 23 14 0.60 24 2441 25* 33.1 372 128 0.35 121 949 17* 50.1 207 79 0.38 38 973 20
17.1 531 331 0.62 117 611 7 34.1 245 46 0.19 63 785 11
1.1 122 56 0.45 16 1695 48* 18.1 275 124 0.45 10 469 24 35.1 252 149 0.59 6 276 6
2.1 229 212 0.93 5 235 13 19.1 348 36 0.10 11 425 10 36.1 44 25 0.55 12 1336 57
3.1 1027 1240 1.21 29 303 8 20.1 220 96 0.44 13 875 87* 37.1 5064 2608 0.52 228 258 13
4.1 122 44 0.36 3 294 10 21.1 401 211 0.53 9 275 4 38.1 623 151 0.24 29 282 7

F. Hervé et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123

5.1 202 65 0.32 7 430 16 22.1 1070 686 0.64 27 303 5 39.1 120 78 0.65 9 419 12
6.1 261 43 0.17 6 298 10 23.1 508 142 0.28 21 535 16 40.1 717 251 0.35 36 301 4
7.1 68 50 0.74 3 512 16 24.1 667 360 0.54 15 278 8 41.1 252 152 0.60 13 287 6
8.1 862 428 0.50 25 366 5 25.1 729 235 0.32 23 405 10 42.1 267 184 0.69 14 277 12
9.1 179 98 0.55 46 2757 16* 26.1 488 344 0.70 12 289 6 43.1 307 179 0.58 16 283 7
10.1 784 422 0.54 18 278 5 27.1 987 58 0.06 29 413 9 44.1 440 187 0.43 22 284 10
11.1 388 301 0.78 9 284 7 28.1 107 97 0.91 3 310 7 45.1 597 280 0.47 44 413 13
12.1 354 137 0.39 27 946 27 29.1 227 59 0.26 38 2002 52* 46.1 441 252 0.57 29 366 13
13.1 943 452 0.48 22 297 23 30.1 486 191 0.39 15 387 14 47.1 201 98 0.49 16 456 40
14.1 327 185 0.57 8 292 7 31.1 430 234 0.54 10 276 5 48.1 679 357 0.53 62 505 15
15.1 340 239 0.70 8 276 6 32.1 199 109 0.54 6 391 11 49.1 404 196 0.48 20 282 6
16.1 1496 1443 0.96 33 251 13 33.1 866 327 0.38 19 288 9 50.1 264 171 0.65 14 288 8
17.1 2507 1918 0.77 66 309 7 34.1 535 316 0.59 12 270 4
1.1 579 31 0.05 31 440 6 7.1 499 375 0.75 45 623 11 13.1 697 28 0.04 33 394 21
2.1 2327 111 0.05 139 496 6 8.1 167 58 0.35 10 458 12 14.1 352 165 0.47 27 579 12
3.1 266 272 1.02 28 675 11 9.1 633 124 0.20 62 768 12 15.1 643 577 0.90 194 1782 14*
4.1 69 44 0.63 11 1048 39 10.1 210 93 0.44 24 814 20 16.1 297 183 0.62 23 566 12
5.1 698 33 0.05 39 469 7 11.1 594 336 0.57 47 579 12 17.1 672 2267 3.37 78 499 9
6.1 347 242 0.70 58 1186 31* 1838 81 0.04 115 528 7
1.1 43 29 0.67 2 285 14 18.1 298 162 0.54 13 289 5 35.1 524 212 0.41 23 296 4
2.1 238 165 0.69 33 912 58* 19.1 320 302 0.94 19 349 5 36.1 822 117 0.14 32 291 4
3.1 207 120 0.58 9 288 6 20.1 197 104 0.53 9 297 7 37.1 2769 2678 0.97 108 238 3
4.1 967 1233 1.27 49 275 3 21.1 299 156 0.52 12 265 4 38.1 783 774 0.99 35 263 3
5.1 897 647 0.72 37 264 4 22.1 308 223 0.72 13 268 4 39.1 839 367 0.44 31 256 3
6.1 2235 1075 0.48 93 283 3 23.1 358 294 0.82 17 289 4 40.1 376 396 1.05 18 275 6
7.1 1457 1817 1.25 70 271 3 24.1 340 127 0.37 53 1084 24* 41.1 647 206 0.32 25 269 4
8.1 413 240 0.58 17 274 4 25.1 185 142 0.77 8 285 5 42.1 590 67 0.11 25 316 5
9.1 1311 580 0.44 53 277 3 26.1 317 100 0.32 14 313 4 43.1 – – – – 543 98
10.1 460 321 0.70 21 290 5 27.1 593 248 0.42 33 378 4 44.1 765 1232 1.61 40 273 4
11.1 436 160 0.37 18 283 5 28.1 1488 308 0.21 55 265 4 45.1 82 82 1.00 5 301 10
12.1 692 913 1.32 34 270 4 29.1 353 193 0.55 15 276 4 46.1 1101 549 0.50 48 288 4
13.1 355 180 0.51 20 372 6 30.1 797 584 0.73 33 263 4 47.1 377 345 0.92 27 433 6
14.1 274 131 0.48 9 230 4 31.1 489 235 0.48 21 293 4 48.1 167 65 0.39 7 279 6

15.1 2601 166 0.06 139 401 5 32.1 61 60 0.99 3 289 8 49.1 497 219 0.44 20 279 5
(continued on next page)
Table 1 (continued)

Age (Ma) Age (Ma) Age (Ma)
206 238 238 206
Grain spot U Th ppm Th/U Pb# Pb/ U ^ Grain spot U Th Th/U Pb# 206Pb/ U ^ Grain spot U Th Th/U Pb# Pb/238U ^
ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

16.1 77 97 1.25 22 1888 42* 33.1 429 226 0.53 20 305 4 50.1 561 205 0.36 29 357 5
17.1 531 340 0.64 23 284 5 34.1 905 256 0.28 36 285 3
1.1 257 151 0.59 13 343 8 22.1 329 153 0.47 13 272 7 42.1 593 524 0.88 28 288 4
2.1 103 30 0.29 18 1098 23 23.1 1321 1059 0.80 62 289 4 43.1 250 119 0.48 10 282 4
3.1 373 160 0.43 16 296 6 24.1 671 147 0.22 28 296 4 44.1 621 237 0.38 26 294 5
4.1 311 90 0.29 12 280 6 25.1 379 279 0.74 18 295 4 45.1 518 394 0.76 54 634 8

F. Hervé et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123

5.1 1165 199 0.17 43 274 4 26.1 1086 486 0.45 65 403 5 46.1 1313 557 0.42 160 792 11
6.1 473 204 0.43 20 297 5 27.1 494 160 0.32 25 358 6 47.1 1088 1164 1.07 50 270 4
7.1 533 345 0.65 23 277 5 28.1 173 86 0.50 7 279 7 48.1 557 285 0.51 34 405 7
8.1 311 161 0.52 18 381 7 29.1 172 96 0.56 9 340 7 48.2 545 278 0.51 35 429 6
9.1 872 242 0.28 36 295 4 30.1 475 77 0.16 77 1347 29* 49.2 874 1007 1.15 43 279 4
10.1 188 100 0.53 8 293 6 31.1 348 126 0.36 20 396 6 50.1 581 208 0.36 24 284 4
11.1 556 87 0.16 29 382 5 32.1 1497 1212 0.81 66 275 4 51.1 433 51 0.12 33 560 8
12.1 411 179 0.43 17 284 5 33.1 140 79 0.56 10 456 12 52.1 679 137 0.20 54 557 9
13.1 300 66 0.22 13 303 5 34.1 808 379 0.47 33 273 3 53.1 410 241 0.59 17 273 4
14.1 75 41 0.55 4 353 14 35.1 290 232 0.80 14 301 6 54.1 316 128 0.40 13 280 5
15.1 259 153 0.59 11 289 7 36.1 786 614 0.78 33 265 4 55.1 491 182 0.37 18 258 4
16.1 611 410 0.67 26 271 4 37.1 624 150 0.24 32 372 17 56.1 1021 106 0.10 100 757 9
17.1 878 559 0.64 36 269 3 38.1 195 56 0.29 78 2626 16* 57.1 903 304 0.34 35 271 3
18.1 86 68 0.79 4 290 8 39.1 378 759 2.01 23 297 5 58.1 1036 358 0.35 40 270 4
19.1 967 875 0.90 43 268 4 40.1 581 391 0.67 25 282 5 59.1 720 370 0.51 35 325 4
20.1 1116 380 0.34 59 368 5 41.1 551 266 0.48 24 287 4 60.1 810 32 0.04 39 365 5
21.1 157 113 0.72 7 273 6
1.1 1274 46 0.04 75 416 5 20.1 549 124 0.23 23 284 4 39.1 784 201 0.26 34 307 4
2.1 735 372 0.51 33 283 3 21.1 452 420 0.93 21 260 4 40.1 431 179 0.42 17 275 4
3.1 335 347 1.04 40 636 8 22.1 3945 852 0.22 283 481 5 41.1 261 170 0.65 12 292 4
4.1 366 14 0.04 20 383 5 23.1 112 30 0.27 12 697 11 42.1 409 190 0.46 15 252 3
5.1 593 350 0.59 26 268 3 24.1 136 3 0.02 20 1478 76* 43.1 72 46 0.63 4 331 7
6.1 147 72 0.49 7 298 5 25.1 490 173 0.35 21 279 4 44.1 298 513 1.72 16 272 4
7.1 253 70 0.28 38 1181 23* 26.1 353 223 0.63 15 263 4 45.1 685 202 0.30 29 298 4
8.1 243 198 0.82 11 263 5 28.1 284 120 0.42 18 393 6 46.1 93 63 0.68 4 284 7
9.1 617 137 0.22 27 299 4 29.1 129 44 0.34 5 271 5 47.1 322 330 1.02 15 270 4
10.1 2140 511 0.24 97 303 3 27.1 298 164 0.55 24 479 8 48.1 304 196 0.65 14 285 4
11.1 187 97 0.52 9 291 7 30.1 912 27 0.03 62 477 5 49.1 429 306 0.71 19 284 4
12.1 145 56 0.39 6 264 5 31.1 216 198 0.92 10 264 5 50.1 474 352 0.74 21 278 3
13.1 397 173 0.44 25 394 5 32.1 138 57 0.42 6 274 6 51.1 68 43 0.64 3 275 8
14.1 297 91 0.31 13 296 5 33.1 83 129 1.54 37 1841 35* 52.1 169 184 1.09 8 273 4
15.1 621 417 0.67 29 279 3 34.1 207 72 0.35 13 430 6 53.1 111 53 0.47 15 883 57*
16.1 303 119 0.39 13 279 4 35.1 467 178 0.38 29 412 6 54.1 374 407 1.09 18 268 4
17.1 271 122 0.45 59 1249 16 36.1 105 34 0.33 4 275 8 55.1 317 263 0.83 15 282 4
18.1 166 75 0.45 7 285 5 37.1 4105 1802 0.44 181 295 3 56.1 1144 992 0.87 52 276 3
19.1 304 109 0.36 14 284 5 38.1 274 141 0.51 13 319 5

Notes: # Pb ppm is common Pb. *Indicates ages based on 207Pb/206Pb ratios

F. Hervé et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123 115

Fig. 2. Tera-Wasserburg diagrams for zircon U –Pb data from samples of the EAMC. Analyses are plotted as total ratios calibrated for U/Pb but uncorrected for
common Pb; the error ellipses are 68% confidence limits. Points for which the inferred age is doubtful are shown by empty ellipses.

4.1. Eastern andes metamorphic complex (EAMC) developed in a psammopelitic schist with abundant folded
quartz veins and segregations.
FO98-P17 (488100 S, 738350 W) is a hornfelsed metasedi- VS11A (488250 S, 728450 W) is a quartz-rich metasand-
ment from Puerto Valdés in Estero Angamos, the eastern- stone with one well-developed cleavage and scarce quartz
most extension of Fiordo Baker. It is located near the eastern veins and was collected from near Villa O’Higgins. It is the
margin of the Patagonian batholith. The hornfels is easternmost sample analyzed from the EAMC.
116 F. Hervé et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123

Fig. 3. Tera-Wasserburg diagrams for zircon U –Pb data from samples of the MRMC and CMC. Analyses are plotted as total ratios calibrated for U/Pb but
uncorrected for common Pb; the error ellipses are 68% confidence limits. Points for which the inferred age is doubtful are shown by empty ellipses. The heavy
dotted arrows show the direction of common Pb at 275 Ma (CE96-29) and 210 Ma (CE96-03, CE96-25 and FO96-06). Alignment along these arrows suggests a
real inferred age on Concordia with variable degrees of incorporated common Pb at the time of crystallization.

FF99-01 (49833.30 S, 73851.00 W) is a fine-grained meta- PE99-32A (49806.00 S, 74822.90 W) is a migmatitic

sandstone in a succession of black pelites located in Fiordo muscovite-biotite-sillimanite banded gneiss with isoclinally
Falcon. These are documented as Lower Cretaceous in the folded quartz veins from near Puerto Eden.
1:1,000,00 scale Geological Map of Chile (Instituto de SE99-08 (50805.40 S, 74814.10 W) is a banded micaschist
Investigaciones Geológicas, Mapa Geológico de Chile, with rootless isoclinal folds in quartz veins, which is cut by
1:1,000,000, 1980, Sheet 6). granitic dykes in Seno Europa.
FF99-05 (49816.70 S, 74801.50 W) is a polydeformed PS98-01 (51839.90 S, 73837.70 W) is a 20 cm thick bed in a
micaschist with isoclinally folded quartz veins and a metasandstone succession in Seno Yusseff, which is
prominent subhorizontal S2 transposition foliation. It was unconformably overlain by the Tobı́fera Formation. It is
collected at the intersection of Fiordo Eyre and Fiordo part of the Staines complex (Allen, 1982).
SI99-28C (48844.20 S, 748050 W) is quartz micaschist with 4.2. Main range metamorphic complex (MRMC)
andalusite porphyroblasts up to 1 cm in length from a
septum of metamorphic rocks in the Patagonian batholith in CE96-29 (45821.80 S, 73820.80 W) is a banded muscovite-
the Seno Iceberg. biotite-garnet schist with a strong crenulation foliation that
F. Hervé et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123 117

Fig. 4. Tera-Wasserburg diagrams for zircon U –Pb data from samples of the Madre de Dios metamorphic complex. Analyses are plotted as total ratios
calibrated for U/Pb but uncorrected for common Pb; the error ellipses are 68% confidence limits. Points for which the inferred age is doubtful are shown by
empty ellipses. The heavy dotted arrows show the direction of common Pb at 275 Ma. Alignment along these arrows suggests a real inferred age on Concordia
with variable degrees of incorporated common Pb at the time of crystallization.

is axial planar to tight isoclinal folds of quartz veins (axes (1978) and as Late Triassic (Norian) bivalves by Fang et al.
trend N30E/45N) from Posa Sangra in Fiordo Aysén. It (1998).
belongs to a body of the MRMC exposed in the North CE96-25 (748100 S, 458250 W) is a low grade metacon-
Patagonian batholith. glomerate collected from a small island in the Smith
MA21 (44823.10 S, 72851.80 W) is a sillimanite-bearing group, where a probably Mesozoic bivalve, Lima sp:; was
quartz micaschist from the northern shore of Canal Yacaf, identified by Fang et al. (1998). Continuous slate beds
north of Isla Magdalena, where it is unconformably overlain make up only 5% of the sequence, which mainly consists
by the Traiguén Formation. Only 14 zircon grains could be of turbidites with bottom channels, dewatering structures,
separated from this sample, and the resulting statistics for convolute bedding, and rip-up clasts of shale. These
the age obtained are correspondingly poor. rocks are cleaved and have a NW-trending lineation; they
belong to the eastern belt of the CMC.
4.3. Chonos metamorphic complex (CMC) FO96-40 (738490 S, 448270 W) is a foliated metasandstone
with tectonic lamination; it is part of a deformed turbidite
Hervé and Fanning (2001) present U – Pb zircon data sequence with some chert horizons from the SE end of Isla
from this complex, including four samples for which Jechica in the western belt of the CMC. The sequence has a
there are detrital age patterns. CE96-3 (45844.10 S, subhorizontal foliation and E-trending fold axes and is
72851.80 W), from a small unnamed island in the inverted.
Canquenes group, is a metasandstone with an L-tectonite
fabric caused by the intersection of two cleavages in a
NW direction. 4.4. Duque de York complex (DYC)
FO96-6 (45828.30 S, 74808.80 W) is a medium-grained
metasandstone with convolute bedding from Isla Patranca. MD3 (508280 S, 75812.50 W) is a metasandstone from
It immediately underlies the coarse-grained coquinaceous the turbidite succession in the northwestern corner of Isla
horizon from which fossils were identified as Late Silurian- Santa Rosa, near Puerto Caracciolo, in the Madre de
Early Devonian brachiopods by Miller and Sprechmann Dios Archipelago.
118 F. Hervé et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123

Fig. 6. Detrital zircon age distribution patterns (relative probability) for

samples from the MRMC and CMC. Data for the latter are from Hervé and
Fanning (2001); otherwise, see notes for Fig. 2.

5. Detrital zircon age spectra

The Tera-Wasserburg diagrams (Figs. 2 – 4) plot the total

Fig. 5. Detrital zircon age distribution patterns for samples from the ratios, uncorrected for common Pb, and show that the data
EAMC (the vertical axis is nonquantitative relative probability of the generally plot close to Concordia. Apparent discordance
occurrence of zircon of a given age compiled from each individual
may be due to either a high common Pb content in the area
analysis age and age uncertainty). The data are given in Table 1. Note that
the 0–1000 Ma scale for age is expanded relative to 1000–3000 Ma. To analyzed, perhaps arising during crystallization (the data
assist in identifying peaks, the vertical shaded bars represent the time plotted in this diagram are conventionally uncorrected), or a
spans of Precambrian eras and Paleozoic periods (Ordovician and Silurian postcrystallization disturbance (most likely, recent loss of
combined). The samples are stacked in order of decreasing age of the radiogenic Pb, but loss or gain of U and common Pb are also
youngest zircons and show a progressive change in the relative
contribution of the other components.
feasible). Analyses that plot within uncertainty of the
Concordia curve are considered representative of real
MD32 (508300 S, 758140 W) comes from a 1 m thick crystallization events in the protoliths. Exceptions are
metasandstone on the eastern shore of Seno Palo, north discussed subsequently when significant. Relative prob-
coast of Isla Duque de York. ability spectra of the detrital zircon ages listed in Table 1 are
AL1 (51823.50 S, 75804.50 W) is a 15 cm thick massive presented in Figs. 5 – 7, organized according to the
sandstone from the far end of Seno Abraham in Isla Diego metamorphic complexes previously described.
de Almagro, several hundred metres from the intrusive The relative probability patterns of the EAMC samples
contact of the Patagonian batholith. plotted in Fig. 5 show a generally wide range of provenance
F. Hervé et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123 119

Fig. 7. Detrital zircon age distribution patterns (relative probability) for

samples from the DYC. Notes are as for Fig. 2.

ages with peaks in the Paleozoic, Neoproterozoic, and

Mesoproterozoic, lesser peaks in the Paleoproterozoic, and
a few (mostly single grains) in the Late Archaean. In general,
the Paleozoic and Neoproterozoic ages are from zoned
(interpreted as igneous) areas of zircon, and Mesoproterozoic
zircons in the 950 – 1250 Ma age range are frequently
euhedral, elongated grains. There is considerable variation
in the age of the youngest zircons. In VS11A, the easternmost
sample, the two youngest ages (355 and 390 Ma) are for points
that plot well above Concordia (Fig. 2), are more enriched in
common Pb, and may be affected by radiogenic Pb loss. The
youngest reliable ages are Ordovician, with an even more
prominent Cambrian peak. Ordovician and Cambrian peaks Fig. 8. Montage of cathodoluminescence images of dated zircon grains
are evident, in different proportions, in all other samples from samples FO98-P17 (a) and PE99-32A (b), showing the position of the
SHRIMP analysis spots. (a) One Triassic and several Permian ages were
except PE99-32A. The Penı́nsula Staines sample (PS98-01)
obtained from zoned overgrowths on preexisting cores, but other grains in
has a broadly comparable pattern to VS11A but with a single the sample with older ages had no overgrowths, which suggests a mixed
youngest grain at c. 330 Ma (Early Carboniferous) and more provenance that includes Permian (? and Triassic) S-type granites. (b) Late
prominent components in the 550 –620 Ma age range. The Jurassic ages were consistently obtained from prevalent overgrowths
patterns for SE99-08 and SI99-28C are similar but lack 700 – (weakly zoned or unzoned) that are interpreted as due to partial anatexis of
the parent metasediment during subjacent emplacement of the Patagonian
900 Ma zircons; their youngest zircons are Permian, and they
have a significant input of Devonian and Silurian provenance.
In SI99-28C, the two youngest ages (, 250 and , 260 Ma)
involve significant common Pb correction and are thus not (igneous) rims on older cores, probably signifying an S-type
definitive. The spread of the youngest points in SE99-08 may granite provenance. However, the same sample contains
also indicate slight Pb loss effects, but the youngest many simple zoned igneous grains of Carboniferous and Early
provenance appears to be at approximately 260 Ma. The Palaeozoic age, so the provenance is clearly mixed and the
youngest well-defined major peak in both samples is at 280 – rims do not reflect in situ metamorphism of the metasediment.
285 Ma. The sample from Puerto Valdés (FO98-P17) has a In FF99-01, there are two grains with Triassic ages (, 225 and
very comprehensive Paleozoic input, and reference to Fig. 2 , 245 Ma), though both plot above Concordia, the older one
shows that most of the ages entail very low common Pb markedly so. These and the other Triassic ages must be
corrections. In this sample, the youngest zircon age is considered in light offission-track zircon ages data (Thomson
apparently Triassic (, 245 Ma), but the youngest prominent et al., 2000), which indicate that the low grade metamorphism
peak is , 265 Ma. Cathodoluminescence images (Fig. 8(a)) of the EAMC occurred at approximately 267 Ma. Either this
show that these young ages are mostly associated with zoned was a prolonged or diachronous event or the youngest
120 F. Hervé et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123

U – 206Pb ages have been affected by radiogenic Pb loss, ages down to 260 Ma. Only sample MD3 has any evidence
because zircon growth would not normally occur in the P – T of post-Permian zircons, represented by two data points well
conditions of this event. Farther west, FF99-05 has no above Concordia with Triassic ages. All three samples have
Archaean and very few Proterozoic zircons, a prominent Early Paleozoic peaks represented by a few analyses, the
Late Carboniferous peak (also apparent in FO98-P17 and oldest being Ordovician (3 grains give , 480 Ma in sample
FF99-01), and one anomalous grain that gave an Early Jurassic AL1). Only a small proportion of Proterozoic zircons is
age (two analyses from the same grain, which is a high U apparent; no more than one or two grains in each sample
fragment, possibly of metamorphic origin). All these samples (i.e. less than 5%) fall in the Grenvillian age range, and Late
gave a significant broad peak in the range of 950– 1250 Ma, Archaean zircons are almost entirely absent.
commonly referred to as Grenvillian. Finally, the Puerto Eden
orthogneiss (PE99-32A) has a pattern distinct from those of
the remainder of the EAMC. It is notable for its complete lack 6. Discussion
of Precambrian zircons (though only 20 points were
determined in this sample) and a prominent Late Jurassic Among the youngest ages in each pattern are some that
peak at , 150 Ma. The latter age was only obtained from may be affected by radiogenic Pb loss during the low grade
younger overgrowths on grains, the cores of which gave a metamorphism of the complexes (Late Permian in the
spread of earlier Phanerozoic ages (Fig. 8(b)). In this case, the EAMC, Late Triassic in the CMC and the Madre de Dios
overgrowths occurred on all grains in the sample, which is complex). Other than this issue, the differences in the zircon
taken as evidence of local gneiss formation under in situ populations observed among the different metamorphic
anatectic conditions during the emplacement of Jurassic complexes can be interpreted in terms of different
components of the Patagonian batholith. contributions from recognizable source regions.
In the MRMC (Figs. 3, 6), the probability distribution The EAMC rocks have a much more significant
pattern of MA21 is based on only 17 points and therefore contribution from Proterozoic rocks than do those of the
may not be fully representative. It has a single Devonian other complexes (with the exception of FO96-40 and MA21
grain but otherwise appears similar to the patterns of VS11A from the northern outcrops in Fig. 1). The most eastern
and PS98-01 from the eastern and southern areas of the sample (VS11A) contains no zircons demonstrably younger
EAMC. Sample CE96-29 has predominantly Permian than Ordovician; it, PS98-01, and FF99-01 could have
zircons (discounting one point that plots above Concordia Carboniferous or older sedimentation ages. Alternatively,
with an extrapolated age of , 235 Ma), with a main peak at deposition of these rocks could be only slightly older than
, 278 Ma. This pattern is comparable to those of the that of the others at a time when the post-Early Paleozoic
younger samples of the EAMC, such as FF99-01. granitoids were not yet exposed. The majority of EAMC
The most northern sample from the CMC (FO96-40) has samples have a range of provenance to Late Archaean.
a very wide range of detrital zircon ages, with a single Early Petrographical and geochemical results from the EAMC
Carboniferous age (, 335 Ma) and a small cluster at rocks (Faūndez et al., 2002) has been taken to indicate
, 360 Ma (Late Devonian) as the youngest. Other features deposition in a passive margin setting, at least for the eastern
of the pattern are strong peaks in the Ordovician, throughout outcrops, with provenance from the cratonic interior to the
the Late Neoproterozoic, and at , 1050 Ma, which resemble north and east. The most direct sources available in
the main features of the EAMC patterns. However, other Gondwana would be in present-day southern Africa, east
CMC rocks (Figs. 3, 6) are characterized by a prominent Antarctica, or the southeastern Brazil-Uruguay region of
Late Triassic peak of zircon ages. Although many of these South America (Fig. 9), where Mesoproterozoic and
ages involve significant common Pb corrections (Fig. 3), Neoproterozoic rocks of suitable ages are widely exposed.
their consistency both among the three samples and within However, the 2000 – 2200 Ma zircons that could be
each shows that this is a real igneous event in the source expected if the source area encompassed the Rı́o de la
area; only the single anomalous point with a Jurassic age in Plata craton (Cingolani et al., 2002) are conspicuously
CE96-03 (, 185 Ma) is discounted. These samples also absent. Recent work has shown that the metamorphic
exhibit some of the other Paleozoic peaks characteristic of basement of the Cape Fold belt of South Africa is 1000–
the EAMC and MRMC, namely, Permian, Carboniferous, 1100 Ma in age (Armstrong and de Wit, 2002) and that it
and Devonian. Cambrian to Silurian zircons are more was intruded by late Neoproterozoic-Cambrian granites (Da
scarce, and the Precambrian is represented mainly by a Silva et al., 2000). Similar sources should also be available
small Late Neoproterozoic peak at approximately 600 Ma. for the basement of the Ellsworth mountains of Antarctica
Older Precambrian zircons are scarce. and perhaps near the proto-Pacific margin of northern South
The major component in the DYC is Permian (270 – America (e.g. northernmost Chile and Bolivia), but these
290 Ma), extending into the Late Carboniferous (to would imply transport along the coast of Gondwana over
, 310 Ma). For samples MD3 and MD32, the principal even greater distances.
Permian peak seems to contain separate components at The delivery of inner cratonic material from any of these
, 270 and , 290 Ma, but in all cases, there is a spread of sources to the EAMC basin on the passive margin of
F. Hervé et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123 121

swamped, or even cut off access to, cratonic provenance to

the basins in which the western EAMC, MRMC, and DYC
were deposited. This was probably associated with the
initiation of a Permo-Carboniferous magmatic arc near the
margin of the supercontinent during the Gondwanian
orogeny, though little evidence of this theory is visible in
the outcrop. Permo-Carboniferous granitoids have not yet
been found any closer to this part of the Gondwana margin
than the North Patagonian Massif and the Coastal
Cordillera of south central Chile (Pankhurst et al., 1992;
Franzese, 1995).
This change from a passive to an active margin
coincided with the uplift of the Gondwanide mountain
belts, including the Cape Fold belt and Sierra de la
Ventana, whose topographic expression may have barred
access of rivers from the continental interior. This would
explain the paucity of Precambrian zircons that found
their way into the Duque de York basin in Permian
times. It is also possible that parts of the basement of
eastern Patagonia became exposed at this time, because
Fig. 9. Pre-Jurassic reconstruction of part of Gondwana showing the Permian conglomerates in the Deseado massif contain
potential source areas for the Proterozoic detrital zircons of the EAMC of cobbles of Ordovician granites, whereas other granites
southern Chile discussed in the text (1. Saldania/Cape Fold belts, 2.
there are of Silurian and Devonian age (Pankhurst et al.,
Southeast coastal areas of Brazil/Uruguay, 3. Sierra de la Ventana, 4.
Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica). They also may be derived indirectly 2003). The importance of Permian magmatic activity is
from reworked Early Paleozoic sedimentary sources in Patagonia. EA ¼ well known from the Choiyoi complex of western central
east Antarctica; FI ¼ Falkland Islands; EWM ¼ Ellsworth-Whitmore Argentina, and volcanic rocks of this age may have
mountain block; SG ¼ South Georgia; and AP ¼ Antarctic Peninsula. originally extended much farther south, perhaps covering
the drainage basin of the DYC. Much of this cover could
have been removed rapidly during and following the Late
Gondwana up to Permo-Carboniferous times would imply Paleozoic glaciation of this part of Gondwana.
transport by a system of long rivers (ca. 2000 km) over a The CMC zircon patterns display prominent Late
wide and relatively flat extra-Andean platform. The range of Triassic zircons but only a moderate range of Proterozoic
potential distant source areas is shown in a pre-Jurassic grains. This complex bears witness to a Late Triassic
Gondwana reconstruction in Fig. 9. However, the basement igneous source, the nearest known outcrops of which are
of Patagonia, now largely covered by Jurassic and later found in and around the North Patagonian massif
volcanic and sedimentary rocks, may contain deeply buried (Cingolani et al., 1991; Rapela et al., 1992). Rhyolitic
Grenvillian rocks (Pankhurst et al., 1994, 2000; Pankhurst volcanic rocks of Triassic age are known from farther north
and Rapela, 1995), which also could be a source of the 950 – in Patagonia (Rapela et al., 1996). The older zircons in the
1250 Ma zircons. The Early to mid-Palaeozoic components CMC show age patterns similar to those of the EAMC,
of the zircon patterns could be derived from southern South though they are generally much reduced in abundance
America, because Cambrian-Carboniferous igneous rocks compared with the EAMC. This indicates the reemergence
are now known from various parts of Argentine Patagonia of the older source areas or the erosion of sedimentary
and the areas immediately north of Patagonia (Pankhurst rocks derived from them, in which they underwent erosion
et al., 2003; Rapela et al.,2003 in press). Some of the and delivered detritus into distal western basins. Basement
Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks in this region also could uplift associated with the Late Triassic tectonism, which
indirectly provide Precambrian zircons from reworked might be referred to as the Chonide orogeny, is not
cratonic material (Pankhurst et al., 2001, 2003). widely known, because it is usually regarded as a period
Some samples from the more westerly outcrops of the of extensional tectonics in southwestern Gondwana
EAMC have a predominance of younger zircons (Late (e.g. Franzese et al., 2003). However, it is possible that
Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic) and fewer old this was largely a back-arc extension with respect to a Late
zircons. The appearance of abundant Late Paleozoic/Early Triassic magmatic arc. This would represent a tectonic
Mesozoic igneous zircons reflects a major change in scenario similar to that of the present-day western United
provenance (and tectonic environment) that is also States, where core complexes of older rocks are exhumed
evidenced in the DYC. Apparently, in Permo-Carbonifer- by crustal extension behind a narrow active zone at the
ous times, a major magmatic source arose whose detritus continental margin.
122 F. Hervé et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 107–123

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