Significant Ships 2002
Significant Ships 2002
Significant Ships 2002
ARKLOW RALLY Bijlsma Trader 4500 cargo vessel 4
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Shipbuilder ...... ,.... , ,..,.., .., Samsung Heavy system (SMS), which serves as a central command
Make" ", ,"""', ,""""', ,""""", , ,Kocks
Industries Co Ltd, Korea station for carrying out cargo and ballasting operations,
Type ""',.,"""", ..,"""""", ,"" Self-containedhydrauliC
Vessel's name:", , , British Trader and monitoring and remotely controlling the propulsion
Cargo tanks
Hull nurnber.. ,, 1380 plant. Also installed is a one-man bridge system
Number... .. , 4
Owner/operator BP Shipping, UK complying with Lloyd's Register's NAV1/IBS notation,
Stainless steel Structureand piping
Designer: .., , Samsung Heavy an ECDIS, a manoeuvring simulator, GMDSS console,
Cargo pumps
Industries Co Ltd, Korea voyage data recorder, and automatic identification
Number,.. ', ,8
Model test establishment used ...... SSPA, system. Type.. , , Submerged electric
Sweden Other features of note included in the specification
Make.. .. Ebara International
Flag: Isle of Man are a ballast water exchange system which uses
Capacity,.., " , ,8 x 1700m'
Total number of sister ships sequential empty/refill procedures to complete the
Cargo and bridge control systems
already completed: , Nil operation in under 30hours. The diesel-alternator
Type.. ...., , , , IntegratedwithlAS
Total number of sister ships engine has a low N Ox emission, and there is an
still on order .. emergency operation for water ballast leakage, a CO,
Officers" ............22
blowing agent for the insulation system, and all paint
Crew.. ", .. ,,"""'" ",,11
complies with environmental requirements.
Suez/repair crew" "'" " "",6
RITISH TRADER has been constructed in
B accordance with the Gaz Transport & Technigas
Mark III cargo containment system for the carriage of TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
Make", """""""""""" KawasakiHeavy Industries
Number... , "'" , """""",1
LNG cargoes at cryogenic temperature (-163'C) and Length,oa .. 278,80m
Output.. """ """"""" ......2500kW
atmospheric pressure, Within a double hull, which has Length, bp.. """'" ,...., 266,00m Firedetection system
been designed to last for a period of not less than 40 Breadth, moulded.. .., ....... , ........,....42,60m Make.. ' " """" ..........,'" Consilium
years, there are four cargo tanks, encased in a primary Depth, moulded Type ...""""",, ...,,"""", .....,,""'" Analogueaddressable
membrane of 1.2mm-thick corrugated, SUS 304L to main deck.. ..26,00m Fireextinguishingsystem
grade, stainless steel plates, and a secondary membrane to trunkdeck .., , , ,.. 32,70m On deck" ""'" Drypowder
of triplex glass wooL Insulation is made up of 270mm Widthof double skin ... NK
reinforced polyurethane foam, and the system allows side.. . 2,30m Engineroom"" "CO,
the daily boil-off gas rate to be restricted to 0,15% of bottom.. .. , 3 AOm Cabins/public spaces" ' "'" Sea water
the total cargo volume, Draught Radars
Two 1700m'/h cargo pumps are fitted in each tank, design.. ....,...... 11,35m Number.... .,., """", ,""""""""""""""", .. ,""".",2
capable of completely discharging the cargo in 12 scantling.. .. , 12,30m Make" "" ..,," Kongsberg
hours, following pre-cooling by LNG spray. Two Airdraught (approx) ,..,50.00m above base Mocel.. "'" """"""""" ..., 2 x DB10
8000m' /h, low-duty, and two 26,000m' high-duty Displacement,at 12.30m , ,107,30Otonnes Satellitenavigationsystems
compressors are installed, together with four spray Number", """'" ,2 x DGPS
Lightweight.. ,.., 29,80Otonnes
pumps: a 550m' /h emergency cargo pump, two Make" '" ........,"""""""""""""""""""""""" Leica
warming-up heaters, an LNG vaporiser, forcing Model" """""""'" MX412
design , , 68,1OOdwt
vaporiser, a 14,000Nm'/h inert-gas generator and two Waste disposal systems
scantling.. ...., 77,500dwt
90Nm' /h nitrogen generators. Incinerator
The machinery installation is centred on a Kawasaki Speed, service.. 20, 10knotsat 85%MCRwith
Make" , ......."".,,"""""'" TeamTec
cross-compound steam turbine, supplied with steam 15%sea margin
ModeL, "", ...""."""""""""""OGS400C
from boilers which burn fuel oil or boil-off gas, or a Cargo capacity Waste compactor
combination of both. This drives a six-bladed propeller liquidvolume.. , .. 138,200m' Make" ""'"'' Hackman Metos
for a service speed of 20.1Oknots. Electrical power is Bunkers Model" " ",..,,"" '''' Orwak5030
produced by two 3450kW steam-turbine driven heavy oil.. , , , , 7700m' Waste shredder/crusher
alternators, with a similar-sized diesel set as stand-by. A diesel oil , , , , 400m' Make.. """""""""Bin Systems
2500kW thruster is fitted at the bow. Water ballast.. 54,800m' Model" "", ...,"""""""""', ....,""""""""""""" F515
Britisb Trader is equipped with a 'centralised Fuel consumption , ,170,90tonnes/day Contract date" , """ .."""''''''''',, ......,'' 20 July 2000
administration and control centre', with integrated Classification , , Lloyd'sRegister of Shipping Launch/float-outdate" " 9 December 2001
automation system (lAS) and shipboard management + 1OOA 1 LiquefiedGas Deliverydate """""""""" ...""""" ..,,,,,,15 November2002
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COASTWAY: innovative dredger
Shipbuilder: Merwede Shipyard The two main engines are of Wartsilii6L32 design, each Manufacturer ...
(IHC Caland Group), The Netherlands developing 2760kW and driving a pair of Rolls-Royce Propellers
Vessel's name:. .. Coastway Karnewa CP propellers operating in nozzles, through Material.. ..Copper-nickel aluminium
Hull number:. . 692 propulsion gearboxes,with the port unit fitted with a PTO Manufacturer... .. Rolls-Royce Kamewa
Owner/operator:. .. Royal Boskalis to a shaft alternator. The drive from the front end of the Number... . 2
Westminster Dredging, The Netherlands engines to the respective pumps is as described above. Pitch.. .. Controllable
Designer:... ........... Merwede Shipyard, Electrical power is also derived from an auxiliary diesel- Diameter... . 2500mm
The Netherlands driven alternator. Control of the dredging operation is Speed.. ...... 230rev/min
Model tank establishment used: MARIN, maintained from an asymmetricalwheelhouse laid alit for Special adaptations Van der Giessen
The Netherlands the three functions of dredge control, arranged to Type 19B nozzles
Total number of sister ships starboard; navigation, based on a central console; and Main-engine driven alternator
already completed: . . 1 cargo survey, carried out in a separate area to port. Number.... 1 (port engine)
Total number of sister ships Make/type ... . A van Kaick/DSE 86 L1-4W
still on order .. ......NiI Output/speed .. .. 1 x 1500kW/1500rev/min
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Diesel-driven alternator
Length, oa 97.00m Number.. . 1
ESIGNED primarily for mud and sand dredging, Length, bp.. .. 83.39m Enginemake/type .. . ...Caterpillar/3508BVSCAC
D also shore replenishment work in shallow waters,
including operations whilst beached (for which purpose
Breadth, moulded.. .
Depth, moulded, to main deck ,
.. 23.00m
Output/speed ..
Alternator make/type ..
A van Kaick/DSG 64 L2-4W
extra hull strengthening has been built-in), Coos/way and Draught Output/speed .. ...450kW/1500rev/mln
her sister [Po/em/ay incorporate many novel design desiqn (slwl).. ...5.72m Dredge pump
features, as well as innovative energy-conservation dredging.. .. 6.58m Number.... .........................1
concepts. The shallow-draught requirement, and the Dredging depth.. . .. 28.00m (suction pipe at Make.. .... IHC
adoption of low LIB, and consequently, high BIT, ratios 50deg; draught 5m) Type.. ....... Single-walled: HR-MD 182-38-90
were examined during comprehensive model tests, aimed Deadweight Jet pumps
at developing a suitable hull form. Unusually for this type dredging draught. 6700dwt Number... . 2
of vessel, a bulbous bow is fitred, and the tests also design draught.. .. 5600dwt Make..
examined the effect of this on waterflow to the bow Gross.. .5300gt Ballast and cargo control systems
thruster, which, as a consequence, has been fitted in an Speed, service 13.20knots Make.. .. IHC Systems
angled position. Hopper capacity... 4900m' Special rudders
To avoid energy losses inherent in the conversion from Bunkers Number... ...2
mechanicalto electricalpower, and back to mechanical,the Diesel oil.. 661m' Type. ..... Low-aspect ratio, spade type with flap
dredge and jet pumps are driven directly from the forward Water ballast 840m' Bow thruster
ends of the main engines.The location of these pumps in Classification.. .. Bureau Veritas 1 3/3 Make Rolls-Royce Kamewa
the side buoyancy tanks amidships saves space; however, + E, Trailing Suction Hopper Number... .. 1 x variable speed
this has, together with the wide bearn, necessitated tile use Dredger, Deep Sea, AUT MS. Dredging more than Output. .......... 500kW
of shaft lines from engine to propeller and pumps, 15 miles from shore. Ice Class 1A Bridge control system
respectively, which diverge at an angle of 7deg to the Main engines Make.. .. Bakker Sliedrecht
centreline. This arrangement was a major influence on the Design.. .. wartsua One man operation .. ....yes
designers'decision to adopt a 'twin-gondola' aft hull form. Model. . 6L32 Fire detection system
Dredging is carried out over the starboard side,and uses Manufacturer wartsua Make. .......Thorn
a relativelyshort, 900mm diameter suction pipe (provision Number... ..2 Fire extinguishing systems
is made for extending this in the future, if required) and a Output. .......2 x 2760kW/750rev/min Engineroom... ....... CO,
single-walled dredge pump, driven through a variable- Propulsion gearboxes Make.. ...Ajax
speed gearbox from the starboard main engine. The port Make.. .. Jahnel Kestermann Radars
main engine drives two jet pumps through a twin-speed Model. .. . .... PGV-700-450 Number... ... 2
gearbox, and these are available to fluidise and disperse Number... .............. 2 Make.... . Kelvin Hughes
spoil in tile single, open hold, necessary when using tile Output speed .. . ......230rev/min Models .. ...... Nucleus 2-5000
dredge pump to discharge over the bow, where a ball- Dredge pump gearbox Waste disposal plant
jointed speed coupling is installed, or by 'rainbowing'. For Number... . .. 1 (starboard engine) Sewage plant
these operations, the full power of the starboard engine is Type... ...... 2-stage variable speed Make.. ....Salzkotten
available to the pump, with the port unit utilised for Manufacturer" .. IHC Model ... . KSA-S15
manoeuvring and drivingthe shaft alternator.Alternatively, Jet-pump gearbox Contract date .. ............24 October 2000
discharge can be accomplished through four hydraulically Number... . 1 (port engine) Launch/float-out date.. ......... 16 November 2001
operared bottom drop doors, positioned on the centreline. Type... Twin-speed Delivery date ... ...... 22 February 2002
the Contship Containerlines brand, and the first to Width of double skin Maker.. ................................. MacGregor
operate on the line's re-vamped services from Europe side .. . 207m Type.. ..................................... Liftaway pontoons
to Australasia. However, of particular significance is bottom .. .........1.80m Containers
the award to the vessel and its two sisters, of the first Gross. .......... 46,009gt lengths.. . 20ft; 40ft; 45ft
GL 'Green Passport' notation (this was made in Deadweight Cell guides.. . Yes
Hamburg after the delivery of the vessel, and is, des.qn. . 50.361dwt Total TEU capacity .4121
therefore, not recorded in the 'as-built' class notation scantling ........ 54,155dwt Reefer plugs.. 1304
given below). Draught Tiers/across, maximum
In essence, this document is a complete record of the design .. . 12.00m upper deck 7/13
environmental properties of the ship, and is available scantling. . 1~5Om in holds.. . .7/11
for port authorities to assess its compliance with Speed, service: 90% MCR, Ballast control system
international ecological requirements (which, in many 15% sea margin, Beaufort 3 ..... 25.37knots Maker.. . Navalimpianti
cases, bring benefits such as reduced port fees). The re- Bunkers Type Independent, self-contained power pack
organised trading pattern which Contship heavyoil .. 8580m' Complement
Containerlines is opening up, in conjunction with its dieseloil ... ..... 396m' Officers ......20
partners, replaces five current routes with two contra- Water ballast. 14,302m' Crew 10
rotating, fixed-day, weekly 'round the world 'schedules. Fuel consumption Suez/repair crew.. . 6
Operating eastbound via Suez and returning via Panama main engine only 185.2Otonnes/day Bow thruster
and east coast USA, and complemented by a Classification.. Germanischer Lloyd + 100ASE Make Lips
westbound, reversed service, these will require 12 Container Ship, + MC, E, AUT, IW. Number... . 1
vessels, with Contsbip Aurora and her two sisters SOlAS 11-2,Reg 45 Output.. .... 1600kW/1200rev/min
contributed by CP Ships. Percentage of high-tensile steel Bridge control system
The design provides for seven cargo holds forward of used in construction 53.10% One man operation Yes
the machinery space, which is positioned 'semi-aft', and Fire detection system
Heel control equipment. FW transfer using
above which is an eight-tier accommodation block and Cargo holds CO,
1000m'/h pump
navigating bridge. Behind this superstructure, space is Make NK Nam Yang
Main engine
arranged for loading 40ft and 45ft containers, part of a Waste disposal plant
Design.. Sulzer
total of 2423TEU carried on deck. In the holds, ceU Model. ....... 9RTA96C-B
Make.. Hyundai
guides secure 1698TEU, 739 of which are refrigerated. Manufacturer... . HSD Engine Co Ltd Model ... .Maxi T150Sl W/S
In ail, connections are arranged for a massive number Number... ... 1 Waste compactor
of 1304 reefer boxes, reflecting the current and future Output.. 69.930bhp/l02rev/min. MCR Make.. Electrolux
pattern of the northbound trade out of Australasia. 62,940bhp/98.50rev/min. NCR Model. .51060
The 14 hatches are closed by a total of 41 liftaway Propeller Sewage plant
panels designed by MacGregor to accept stack loadings Material... . ..... Nickel-aluminium-bronze Make.. . Jong-Hap Machinery
of 90/120tonnes (TEU/FEU). Except for the bay Manufacturer Hyundai Model .. ....................................... Bl0-AEROB
adjacent to the engineroom, aUholds can accept most Number... . 1 Contract date.. . 3 November 2000
dangerous cargoes classified by IMDG, and holds 2 to Pitch Fixed launch/float-out date 17 May 2002
7 have a mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation Diameter 8500mm Delivery date 5 September 2002
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edition, for example), where these aero-derivative extinguishing systems feature a Marioff Hi-Fog water Make.. . Brissonneau et Lotz Marine
machines have been combined with steam turbines in a mist installation covering the entire vessel, including Special lifesaving equipment
COGES (combined gas and steam turbine, integrated local points in the engineroom as required by new IMO Number. ..... 2 x marine evacuation systems
electric drive system) installation. Coral Princess now regulations, and low-location safety lighting is provided Make.. ..... RFD
introduces another arrangement, CODAG (combined at escape routes and stairways. Type. .. Marin-Ark 430 persons
diesel engine and gas turbine); this brings together a Complement. ..960
General Electric 25,000kW gas turbine driving an Passengers
alternator, innovatively located in the funnel on deck TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Total.. .... 2481
15, and two WartsiJa/ Alstom 16,200kW diesel- Length,oa ... ...29400m Number of cabins ... . 987
alternators, fitted in the main machinery room and Length, bp .. ............. 266.00m Special rudders .. . 2 x Becker flap-type
using prime movers of the maker's latest Enviroengine Breadth, moulded ........ 32.20m Bow thrusters
design, introduced to Limit exhaust emissions and Draught, design .. .. 8.00m Make .. ......... Rolls-Royce Kamewa
smoke. Gross ,.. ............ 88,000gt Number ... . 3
The three alternators supply power to two main Deadweight Output .. ....... 3 x 1720kW
switchboards and twin 20,000kW Alstom variable- design ....... 8015dwt Stern thrusters
speed propulsion motors. These drive FP propellers in Speed, service.. .. 24.00knots Make .. Rolls-Royce Kamewa
an arrangement which can provide 50% redundancy in Classification.. . ...... Lloyd's Register of Shipping Number . ...3
case of fault, with back-up electrical supply available Roll stabilisation equipment. . ACH fin stabilisers Output . ............. 3 x 1720kW
from two 1080kW diesel-alternator sets. The installation Power installation (CODAG) Fire detection systems
is served by a completely integrated automation system Gas turbine-driven alternator Make .. . .Consilium
provided by Imtech, monitored in the engine control Turbine design .General Electric (USA) Fife extinguishing systems
room, the safety centre, and wheelhouse. A somewhat Number ... .. 1 Engineroom .. . .... CO,
similar CODAG arrangement has also been specified Model .. ... LM2500+ Make .... .. Tyco
for P&O's two ships under construction at the Manufacturer... . . General Electric Cabins/public spaces .... ........ Hi-Fog high-pressure
Nagasaki yard of Mitsubishi, Output.. ... 1 x 25,000kW water mist
Coral Princess has accommodation for 2581 passengers Alternator manufacturer General Electric Aero Make .. .. MarioH
and 960 crew, with the former using cabins on six decks Energy Products Waste disposal plant
(5, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12), and public rooms spread over Number ... . 1 Incinerator
seven decks. All but 108 passenger cabins are positioned Output... .................. 1 x 25,000kW (approx) Make .. ............. Deerberg
outboard, and a large number have balconies. Twenty Main diesel-driven alternators Sewage plant
cabins, including balconied and external types, are Number ... ...................... 2 Make .. . Hamworthy KSE
available for disabled travellers, and 400 are equipped Engine make .. .. wartsua Model .. .... Membrane bio-reactor for grey
with ceiling-recessed sofa-beds for multiple occupancy. Output. ... 2 x- and black water
An atrium served by two panoramic lifts, extends over Alternator make ... .. Alstom Contract date ..
four decks (5, 6, 7, and 8) and is the location of Output ... . . . 2 X 16,200kW Launch/float-out date ..
reception and tour offices. Two main restaurants are Propulsion motors Delivery date ...
eucs 15
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EURO SUN: STX keeps open the
Daedong tanker portfolio
Shipbuilder: .... STX Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Korea TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Hose-handling crane
Vessel's name:. .... Euro Sun Length,oa . .................. 18300m Number... .... 1
Hull number: S-1091 Length, bp . ........................ 173.90m Make.. . ..... Dong Nam
Owner/operator:. . ..Euroceanica CTGM SA, Breadth, moulded. ..................... 32.20m Type.. .. Electro-hydraulic
Switzerland Depth, moulded Performance .. .. 10tonne/l0m radius
Designer: STX Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Korea to main deck .... .............. 19.10m Mooring equipment
Model test establishment used: .. KRISO, Korea Width of double skin Number.... .. 6
Flag: Marshall Islands side .. .. 2.00m Make.. ................... Rolls-Royce
Total number of sister ships bottom ... 2.15m Type.. ..... Hydraulic
already completed: ..... Nil (2 for other owners) Draught Cargo tanks
Total number of sister ships design .... ................. 11.00m Number... ........... 12 plus 2 slop tanks
still on order:. ......3 (plus others scantling .. ................ 12.20m Cargo segregations .. .....6
for different owners) Gross. . 29,998gt Product range ... .......Crude oil, oil products.
Deadweight IMO III chemicals
design .. ..... 39,960dwt Coated tanks .. ...Pure epoxy
Stainless steel.... .. Piping: SUS3161
D ESPITE the financial problems of recent years,
orders, mainly
Shipbuilding continued
for vessels selected
to attract
from the
scantling ..
Speed, service, 85% MCR....
Cargo capacity
.................... 46,135dwt
..14.60knots Cargo pumps
Number..... ......... 12 plus 2 for slop tanks
company's extensive portfolio of product tanker liquid volume. ................................ 54,666m' Type.. .. Submersible, hydraulic
designs, and particularly the 45,800dwt/46,000dwt Bunkers Make.. .. .....Frank Mohn (Framo)
MR range. Work on these designs has continued heavyoil .. 1552m' Capacity ... ........ 12 x 600m'/h, 2 x 300m'/h
following the reconstitution of the company under diesel oil.. 185m' Cargo control system
the name STX Shipbuilding within the Ssangyong Water ballast. ....... 24,390m' Make.. .....Framo
group (well known for diesel engine construction), Percentage segregated ballast .. . ..87.40% Type.. ...........Hydraulic
and Esro SlIn is the first of four vessels delivered by Fuel consumption Ballast control system
the new company to Swiss operator Euroccanica. main engine only.. .. .......... 29.5Otonnes/day Make... .. Danfoss
Two similar hulls have been built for another owner, auxiliaries.. 3.7Otonnes/day Type.. .......... Hydraulic
and 28 further deliveries are understood to be Classification .... American Bureau of Shipping, + lA(E) Oil Complement
programmed for further European operators. and Chemical Carrier SH, + AMS, + ACCU, Officers ... ..... 15
Suitable for worldwide trading, the design is single- ESP,UWILD, IMO Type 3, Caustic Soda only, Crew... ................... 12
decked with forecastle, and features a double hull VEC-L Suez/repair system .. .. 6
containing a cargo space divided into six pairs of Percentage of high-tensile steel Single rooms. ........... 27
tanks by corrugated, longitudinal, and transverse used in construction .. <25% Bridge control system
bulkheads. Side stiffening is contained within the Main engine Make.. . NABCO
double hull, and the structure of the cambered upper .MAN B&W Type.. ...M-800
deck is external, thus presenting a flush surface in the One man operation.. ..No
Model .. ............ 6S50MC Mk VI
tanks. A high percentage of mild steel - 75% of the Fire detection system
Manufacturer... Hyundai Heavy Industries
Make.. .. Consilium
total steelweight - is used. Number... ..1
Type.. . C316
Esro Sun is designed to carry crude and product oils, Output .. 1 x 11,640bhp/127rev/min
Fire extinguishing system
also IMO Type III chemicals. Some 120 commodities, Propeller Engineroom.. . High-expansion foam
including caustic soda, can be loaded in tanks which Material.. ...... Nickel-aluminium-bronze Make.. ........Unitor
are coated with pure epoxy. The piping system is Designer... ....... STX Shipbuilding Co Ltd Radars
designed for six cargo segregations, with each tank Manufacturer... .....Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Number... ..... 2
fitted with a Frank Mohn (Frarno) hydraulic, Number of blades ... 4 Make.. .... Japan Radio Co
submerged pump (total 12) rated at 600m;/h. Two Pitch ..Fixed Models.. . JMA-9833-SA, S-band:
slop tanks are provided and served by two 300m' /h Diameter... 6000mm JMA-9823-XA, X-band
pumps. Water ballast capacity is 24,390m\ carried in Speed .. ...127rev/min Satellite navigation system
tanks coated with a light coloured, tar-free epoxy, and Number..... ........ 2
Diesel-driven alternators
Make.. Japan Radio Co
handled by two 750m l/h pumps. Number. ....3
Models.. .... 1 x JUE-310B, 1 x JUE-75C
Hyundai Heavy Industries built the MAN B&W Engine-make/type Ssangyong/MAN B&W 6L23/30H
Waste disposal plant
6S50MC (Mk 6) main engine which develops Output/speed.. . 3 x 794kW/720rev/min Incinerator
11,640bhp full power at 127rev/min. Three sets of Alternator make/type.. ....Hyundai/HFC6 506-14K Make.. ............ Hyundai Marine Machinery Co
H yundai 740kW alternators powered by Ssangyong- Output speed.. . 3 x 740kW/720rev/min Model... ....... Maxi 100SL-l
built MAN B&W diesel engines supply the electrical BOilers Waste compactor
power, with steam produced in an 18,000kg/h Number... ................. 1 x oil fired: 1 x composite Make.. .............. ISIR
Aalborg oil-fired boiler, and a 1200kg/h/1150kg/h Type.. . 1 x Mission COL model 20,000 Model.. ...................... BI5
composite boiler. Accommodation is provided for a 1 x vertical cylindrical Contract date
complement of 15 officers and 12 crew, plus six Make.. ...Aalborg Launch/float-out date... . 21 December 2001
Suez/ repair crew, in the deckhouse aft. Output 1 x 18,000kg/h: 1 x 1200kg/h/1150kg/h Delivery date .. . 24 July 2002
Steam turbine
Design .. . Cross-compound impulse turbine
Manufacturer ... . .......... Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Model .. .. UA-360
Number . ..... 1
Output . . MCR: 36,000shp/88rev/min
NCR: 32,400shp/85rev/min
Material.. · Cunial
Manufacturer... · Lips
Number... .. 1
Pitch.. .. Fixed
Diameter... .. 8500mm
Speed .. .. 88rev/min (MCR)
Steam-turbine driven alternators
Turbine make.. Mitsubishi Heavy lnoustries
Type.... .. Multi-stage
Alternator make.. .. Hyundai Heavy Industries
Output .. .. 2 x 3450kW/1800rev/min
Diesel-driven alternator
Number... ............. 1
Engine make.. .. ... Ssangyong Heavy Industries
Alternator make. .. Hyundai Heavy Industries
Output .. . 1 x 3450kW/720rev/min
Number 2 plus 1 low-pressure steam generator
Type.. 2 x vertical two-drum
........ 2
.......... 14,090dwt
Reefer plugs
TEU capacity loaded to 14 tonnes..
at achieving high-quality handling, and safe transportation scantling .... ..... 15,140dwt upper deck. max: 5/10
of timber, paper, and pulp cargoes. In this latest and most Draught in holds max: 6/8
interesting series, three vessels (plus one option) built at design.. 8.70m Doors/ramps
Gdynia, not only incorporate a comprehensive outfit of scantling.. ...9.00m Number/type .. .. 1 x stern door/ramp;
MacGregor rolling, and lift-on/lift off, access systems to Speed, service, 85% MCR/20% sea margin 18.20knots 1 x dust-tight top-hinged bulkhead door;
ensure speedy cargo handling, but they meet the service 75% MCR/20% sea margin 17.50knots 1 x watertight side-hinged bulkhead door:
requirements of a number of backhaul cargoes. The latter Cargo capacity 2 x dust-tight side-hinged bulkhead
include china clay from Savannah to Europe, which can be grain .. . 27.764m' door: 1 x side door: 3 x elevators with loading
introduced, as required, into a loading schedule which Bunkers platforms and inner deck conveyors
would normally comprise paper to the USA from Finland heavy oil 2019m' Designer .. .. MacGregor/Stocznia Gdynia
or Zeebrugge, and a return with newsprint from Canada diesel oil .. ...165m' Vehicles
to the UK and the Con tinen t. Water ballast. .. 4850m' Number of vehicle decks ....
The double-skin hull is marked by a whaleback Fuel consumption.. .. ..... 48tonnes/day Total lane length.. 770
protection over the forecastle, and by tile structure which Classification. ........ Lloyd's Register of Shipping Trucks/trailers ...54 x 40ft; 5 x 20ft; 54 x Rolux cassettes
encloses the side loading system, built into the starboard Percentage of high-tensile steel Complement
side of No 3 hold. This contains three independent cargo used in construction.. . .... 49.50% Officers .. ........ . 8
elevators, each of 16tonnes capacity, serving tweendeck and Heel and roll stabilisation equipment.. .. Intering Crew ..
tank top levels. Rolling access to the vessel is by means of a Main engines Repair crew .. .............. 4
stern ramp/door, with forward movement into the Design wartsua Spare .. .................. 6
tweendecks, which provides 780 lane metres stowage for Model . . .. .. 6L46C Single/double rooms .... ............................... 17/2
trailers, obtained through No 4 hold. Manufacturer ................................... .wartsua Special rudder. High-lift Becker-type
Internal movemen t is con trolled by wa tertigh t doors (one Number .. . 2 Bow thruster
top-hinged and one side-hinged) at each end of this level. Output .... 2 x 6300kW/550rev/mln Make........ . . ....... .. ........ Rolls-Royce Ulstein
Folding hatch cover sets are fitted to weatherdeck levels of Gearbox Number 1
holds 1,2, and 4, and also to the tweendeck level of No 2, Make .... .. Renk Output. 1 x 1200kW/287rev/min
with the former designed to accept container stack loads of Model .. ........... NDSHL-3500 Fire detection system
56tonnes (TEll) and 65tonnes (FEU), and the latter Number. .................. 1 Make. . .... . .. . .. .. . Nittan AB
arranged for a uniform loading of Btonnes/m". By varying Output speed. 120.40rev/min Type .. . NSAC-1
the combination of opening/ closing the bulkhead doors, Propeller Fire extinguishing systems
and tile folding cover in No 2 tween deck (which is non- WT Material .. ....... Stainless steel Cargo spaces and engineroom.. Low-pressure CO,
in the closed posicion and dust-tight when open, using tile Manufacturer. .. .... Rolls-Royce Kamewa Make.. . Wormald
Hydro-Seal system), between three and five cargo Number .. .. ... 1 Puolic spaces .. .... Water mist
separations can be carried at one time. There are, in Pitch .. ..... Controllable Make .. .. Marioff Hi-Fog
addition, two side-hinged bulkhead doors on the tankrop, Diameter .. .. ........ 5700mm Computers on board
between holds 1 and 2, and 2 and 3. A comprehensive Speed .. ...... ..... .... .......... 120.40rev/min Number .. . ........ 3 x ABB, monitoring and control
outfit of cargo securing fittings also form part of this Gearbox-driven alternator 1 x NAPA, loading system
complex MacGregor installation. Number.. . 1 1 x owner's supply,
The main superstructure is arranged tight aft, with the Make/type ABB (France)/AMG500 S04 administration
engineroom containing two Wfu:tsiHi 6L46 main engines, Output/speed.. 1750kVA/1500rev/min Sewage plant
positioned forward of this under No 4 hold. This Diesel-driven alternators Make .. . .... ......... Evac
installation produces 2 x 6300kW at 550rev/min and drives Number.. . .. 3 Model .. ................. MSP 25
a CP propeller through a Renk twin-input/ single-output Engine make/type.. Wartsila/6L20 Contract date .. ..- July 1999
gearbox. A 1750kYA alternator is powered from the Alternator make/type. . AMG500 S06 Launch/float-out date ................ 14 April 2001
gearbox, with additional electrical supply derived from Output/speed 3 x 1285kVA/1000rev/min Delivery date 12 December 2001
. 2
transporting. From years of experience, owners and Deadweight Number 1 x stern quarter door/ramp,
builders have, more or less,. developed a standard scantling .. ........ 19,120dwt 2 x side door/ramps, fixed internal ramps
layout for the juggernauts of this trade, and it is only Speed. service. 85% MCR.. .. 20.00knots
in relatively minor details (excluding choice of Bunkers Officers .. ...... 9
machinery, subcontractors, and similar features) that heavy oil .. 2793m' . 15
individual vessels of this class differ. diesel oil .. .. 251m'
Bow thruster
For example, a quick comparison between Grand Fuel consumption
Number... ............... 1
Pioneer and Crystal Ray, the last large car-carrier to main engine only.... .................50.6tonnes/day
Output... . 1155kW
feature in Significant Ships (2000), shows that the first- auxiliaries.. .. 4.1tonnes/day
named has side-entrances port and starboard, whilst Fire detection
Classification Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
the latter manages with only one - positioned just Type.. .............................. Ion/optical/heat type
(ClassNK) NS' (Vehicles Carrier). MNS·. MO Fire extinguishing systems
forward of the engineroom, whereas Grand Pioneer
also Engineroom ..... . Foam
favours a midships access. Both ships do, however,
Korean Register of Shipping ." KRS1-Ro-Ro
have quarter ramps, aft on the starboard side. Other Vehicle spaces .. ... Foam
than that, perhaps the only external difference is in Ship. PCC, • KRM1-UMA
Cabins/public spaces .. ........ Sea water
the layout of the accommodation block. Main engine Radars
Internally, Grand Pioneer has 12 car decks, two of Design .. ...................... Mitsubishi Number... . 2
which are hoi stable, plus a garage deck, covering Model ... ................................. 8UEC60LS Make.. .. Japan Radio Co
three-quarters of the hull on the upper deck, behind Manufacturer..... .. Kobe Diesel Co Ltd Models 1 x JMA-9303-CA; 1 x JMA-9253-9CA
the deckhouse. Access, as already noted, is over stern Number... ...... 1
Satellite navigation systems
and side ramp/doors, with the former carrying a Output 14.160kW ....... 2
designed load of 150tonnes. Movement between Propeller
decks is by a series of fixed ramps. The vessel's Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze Models ... ..... JLR-7700
design has been produced with particular emphasis Manufacturer Nakashima Propeller Co Ltd Computers on ship
on the carriage of large-sized vehicles, notably buses, Number... .. 1 Number... ............ 1
dump-trucks and bulldozers, and on maximising the
Pitch.. . Fixed Tasks.. .................. Loading
stowage of passenger cars, with a capacity of 6501
claimed. Diameter... .. 6600mm Contract date 16 November 2000
The main engine is a Mitsubishi 8UEC60LS unit Speed.. .. 100rev/min Launch/float-out date.. . .. 27 December 2001
built by Kobe Diesel, and developing 14,160kW at Special adaptations Turbo-ring Delivery date .. ........... 17 April 2002
The Netherlands
. UK
Breadth, moulded
Depth, moulded. to main deck.. ..
Number... .. 2 x mooring winch/windlass;
2 x mooring winch
Totalnumberof sister ships
alreadycompleted ...Nil
Width of double skin
side 1.75m
........................ Kraaijeveld
......Hydraulic/electric-hydraulic I
Totalnumber of sister ships bottom.. .. 1.S5m Lifesaving equipment
still on order............................. .....1 Draught Number... .. 1 x freefall lifeboat;
design 7.92m 1 x rescue boat; 3 x liferafts
scantling.. .. S.40m Make Hatecke/Hatecke/Zodiac
PROSPERING association between owner and Gross.. .. 14,155gt Hatch covers
A builder over the past 20 years has resulted from
these two companies recognising the need for change
design.. .. 17,740dwt
Manufacturers Damen Galati/MacGregor
and diversification. For Carisbrooke, this has meant scantling 19,460dwt Type
widening its interests to become involved in worldwide Speed, service, 90% MCR; 15% sea margin 14.S7knots main deck High-stowing folding
trading with larger ships, whilst for Damen, bringing Cargo capacity tween deck Lift-off pontoon
together the economies of Eastern European and Far grain .. .. 26.S36m' Containers
Eastern shipbuilding costs, and the technical skills Bunkers Lengths .. . 20ft
inherent in the builder's Western base, has been the key heavy oil.. .. 10S6m' Heights .. .... Sft 6in
to its expansion. Gre/a-C demonstrates the effects of diesel oil 195m' Cell guides.... .. No
these strategies: entering service with a deadweight Water ballast 7207m' Total TEU capacity 1226
capacity nearly ten times greater than was the fleet Classification Lloyd's Register of Shipping on deck.. .. 696
average 20 years ago. + 100Al, + LMC. in holds 530
Basing much of its output on standard 'Combi- UMS, SCM, Ice Class lA, Strengthened for Reefer plugs.. .. 110
Freighter' bulls has helped the shipyard's performance, Heavy Cargoes, Container Cargoes in Holds and Tiers/rows (max)
and Gre/a-C introduces the '19000G' variant of that on Hatch Covers, Carriage of Dangerous Cargoes on deck .. ..5/9
range - the largest to date. The design features a double- to SOLAS 54-11-2,excluding classes I and II. in holds.. . ..... . A/S
skin hull with side and bottom spaces allocated for Heel control equipment... ......... Frank Mohn with 1120m'/h
ballast and bunker purposes, and these surround two reversible pump
OO~m 9
box-shaped holds 37.68m and 72.84m long and 20.20m Main engine
wide. Depth under the covers is 12.28m, and the spaces Design .. ..MAN B&W
S~~~. ...4
are suitable for containerised or break-bulk cargoes, Model. ....6S46MC-C
Special rudder Free-hanging balanced type
with mechanical ventilation at 12 air changes/hour and Manufacturer.
Bow thruster
dehumidification available. Number... . 1
Make... .......... Lips
The tank top is strengthened for a maximum uniform Output 7S60kW/129rev/min
Number 1 x 4-bladed CP, 1.50m diameter
loading of 15tonnes/m', and container stack loading is Propeller
Output 750kW
1OOtonnes/TEU or 130tonnes/FEU. MacGregor high- Manufacturer MAN B&W Alpha
Bridge control system
stowing covers serve Nos 1 and 2 hatches with two lift- Number... .. 1
One-man operation No
away panels fitted between them to complete the Pitch Controllable
closure. A uniformly distributed weather load of Diameter 5100mm Fire extinguishing system
1.7Stonnes/m' and container stack loadings of Speed.. .. 129rev/min Cargo holds CO,
SOrannes (fEU) and 6Stonnes (FEU) can be sustained. Main engine-driven alternator Engineroom.. .. CO,
The tweendeck openings are closed by non- Number.. . 1 Radars
weathertight pontoon covers, which can also be used to Make/type Leroy Somer LSA 52M7 Number... .. 2
form grain divisions, and deck cargo is protected by a Output/speed 1500kW/1500rev/min Make Furuno
break-waterat the forecastle. Diesel-driven alternators Models FAR 2S15/FR2115
Cargo handling is by three slim-line Liebherr cranes Number 2 Satellite navigation systems
built on pedestals into the starboard side structure, with Engine make/type ABC/DXC-750-1OOA Number... .......................... 1
each capable of lifting 30tonnes/40tonnes/60tonnes at Output.. .. 2 x 662kW Make.. ........................................ Furuno
32m/30m/18m outreach. As well as cargo duties, the Alternator make.. .. A van Kaick Model. ...................................... GP-SO
cranes are used for hatch cover and grain division Output 2 x 7S1kVA Sewage plant
handling. Boilers Make Hamworthy
The main engine is a MAN-B&W 6S46MC-C type Number 1 x thermal oil ModeL. .. ST2A
rated at 7860kW at 129rev/min. and connected by a Make.. .. Wiesloch Contract date .. . 15 July 2001
Vulkan flexible rubber coupling to a runnel gearbox. Type H4-0-TFO-00S Launch/float-out date -
Vulkan also supplied the multi-disc coupling which links Output.. .. SOOkW Delivery date .... .. 30 August 2002
- o o
0 o
o 0 !1 0 [!
G ,1 0 0 u ,:~ilg
E:=b~ 0. " I
fO!.b~1+li !I:-_-- __
liquid volume .. ... 350,100m'
Bunkers, 100% full
heavy oil.. ................................. 10,970m'
diesel oil., ...... 570m'
Water ballast.. . 98,200m'
Percentage segregated ballast.. 100%
Fuel consumption (main engine) 124.70tonnes/day
Classification .......... Amerrcan Bureau of Shipping + A1(E),
'Oil Carrier', + AMS, + ACCU, SH,
also Lloyd's Register of Shipping,
ShipRight (SDA, FDA, CM)
Percentage of high-tensile steel
used in construction .. .45%
Main engine
Design .. ...... Sulzer
Model .. . 8RTA84T-D
Manufacturer HSD Engine Co Ltd
Number.. .. 1
Output/speed 32,825kW/76rev/min
Material.. .. Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Maker Mecklenburger Metallguss
Number... . .. 1
Pitch.. ..Fixed
Diameter... .. 10,200mm
Speed.. .. 76rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Nurnber., . 3
Engine make/type.. wartsua
Alternator make/type.. ..Hyundai
Output/speed 3 x 1200kW/720rev/min
Number. .. ........... 2
Type .. . MAC-45B (D-type)
Make .. . Mitsubishi
Output. . 2 x 5tonnes/h
Hose-handling cranes
Number. .. .2
Make .. .... Samsung{TTS-Norlift
HARAD: Samsung.built Type ..
Duties ..
Mooring equipment
................. Hydraulic, single lib
.. 20tonne/10m/min
,I' VLCC for Saudi owner Number. ..
........ 2 x mooring winch/windlass
8 x mooring winch
Sam sung/Rolls-Royce
Type. ..... Hydraulic
Shipbuilder Samsung Heavy 5000m' /h steam turbine-driven pumps, which can Cargo tanks
Industries Co Ltd, Korea handle three grades of oil simultaneously through a Number ... ............ 15 plus 2 slop tanks
Vessel's name Harad two-valve segregation arrangement. Cargo loading Grades of cargo carried .. .3
Hull number:.. . .. 1321 rate is 20,000m3/h. Radar-type tank level gauges are Product range .. ....... Crude oil
Owner/operator National Shipping Co fitted, and a double-scrubber inert gas system Coated tanks ..
of Saudi Arabia (NSCSA), reduces SO, levels to less than 2ppm. This system Cargo pumps
Saudi Arabia also gives full coverage to the ballast tanks, cutting Number ... ............................. 3
Designer Samsung Heavy corrosion levels of steelwork and piping Type .. ........Steam turbine driven, vertical centrifugal
Industries Co Ltd, Korea considerably. Gas level monitoring is applied to all Make .. ......... Shinko
Model test establishment used: ......... Samsung tanks, ballast spaces and pumprooms, and displayed Material.. . Bronze casing
Ship Model Basin, Korea in the cargo control room. Capacity 3 x 5000m'/h
Flag: Bahamas The main engine has been constructed by Samsung Cargo/ballast control systems
Total number of sister ships already (HSD) to a Sulzer 8RTA84T-D design, developing an Make.. .. Nakakita
completed Nil MCR of 32,825kW at 76rev/min. The service speed Type.. ...Hydraulic with mimic board
Total number of sister ships is 16.10knots at an output of 26,780kW, including a Complement
still on order 3 15% sea margin. Electrical requirements are catered Officers .. .......... 17
for by three WartsiEi/Hyundai diesel-alternator sets, Crew.. ... 25
each producing 1200kW at 720rev / min, and two Bridge control system
H originally
is the first of four VLCCs
by Greek owner Hellespont,
on to NSCSA during construction, and, as such, the
but sold
boilers each supply 45tonnes/h steam to the cargo
systems. The vessel is also fitted with an integrated
Make ..
One man operation.
.................... JRC
......... Yes
navigation system, which supports the operation of Fire detection system
design retains much that was specified in the initial various bridge activities, including route planning and Make .. ..... Consilium
contract. These features are particularly concerned manoeuvnng. Fire extinguishing system
with the strength and future structural life of the
Cargo deck. ................. Low-expansion foam
vessel, and include adopting a beam of 58m in order
Make .. NK Fire Protection
to reduce hull deflection, and strengthening the TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Engineroom.. .......... High-expansion foam
primary members by adding double structures and Length,oa . ........ 333.30m Make .. . NK Fire Protection
buttresses in order to reduce hull deformation by Length, bp . ..... 318.00m
10%. Breadth, moulded. . 58.00m
Number. .. .. 2
The requirements of ABS Safehull and LR Depth, moulded
Make .. ....... JRC
ShipRight have been incorporated, and an PEA of to main deck .. ..... 31.25m
Satellite navigation systems
the hull structures in different loading conditions has Width of double skin
Number .. ................... 2
been carried out, in line with the vessel's designed side .. ............................. 3.38m
Make .. ...... JRC
fatigue life, in excess of 40 years. The hull weight bottorn.. .. 3.00m
Models .. .......... 1 x Inmarsat-B;
includes 45% high-tensile steel, with 'Z' quality used Draught
for the outermost strakes of the double bottom, and 1 x Inmarsat-C
design 21 AOm
'E' grade in the lowest hopper strake. Structural scantling.. .. 22.50m Waste disposal plant
design has reduced the number of individual Displacement. 350,900tonnes Incinerator
components used in construction, thereby benefiting Lightweight.. . .. 47,80010nnes Make .. ................... Hyundai Maxi 150SL-1 W/S
future maintenance. Deadweight Sewage plant
Fifteen cargo tanks are arranged within a double design 284,000dwt Make Hamworthy ST-6A (46 persons)
hull designated for segregated water ballast, and there scantling.. 303,100dwt Contract date.. ...21 October 1999
are also two slop tanks. The pumping system allows a Speed, service, 75% MCR.. ............ 16AOknots Launch/float-out date.. ........ 17 July 2001
maximum discharge rate of 15,000m3/h using three Cargo capacity, 100% full Delivery date .. . ...... 8 October 2001
Classification Lloyd's Register of Shipping + 100A 1
'Double Hull Oil Tanker', ESP, ShipRight
Other important regulations complied with Exxon
Minimum Safety Criteria for industrial vessels
in Exxon service
Percentage of high-tensile steel
used in construction " 38.4%
Main engine
Design.. . Sulzer
Model 9RTA84T-D
Manufacturer HSD Engine Co
Number... . 1
Output. 36,911 kW/76rev/min
Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Manufacturer... . Mecklenburger Metallguss
Number... . 1
Fixed/controllable pitch.. . Fixed
Diameter... . 10,500mm
Speed.. 76rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Number... . 3
Engine make/type Wartsila/9L20C
Alternator make/type Hyundai/HI-IPS,
HF35 636-84E-OW
3 x 1530kW
Officers .. . 14
mandatory double-hull (the vessels are the largest steam turbine driven, Hellespont Alhambra is fitted Crew .. .. . .. . 28
tankers of this type ever built), but a whole range of with a nine-cylinder Sulzer RTA84T-D main engine Repair crew 6
innovative features, mostly developed by the owner's developing 36,911kW at 76rev/min. At 95% MCR, Single/double rooms 36/3
technical department. First of series Hellespont this gives a loaded service speed of 16.00knots, and a Bridge control system
Alhambra has a single continuous deck, sunk at the aft ballast speed with 15% sea margin of almost Make NABCO
end, with a double hull containing five pairs of 18.00knots. Type M-800-11
combined side and bottom water ballast tanks. Fire detection systems
Within this structure, two longitudinal bulkheads Make Saracom
form port, starboard and centre cargo spaces, divided TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Type.. . T-1016
by transverse divisions into seven wing tanks each Length, oa 380.00m Fire extinguishing systems
side (plus two slop tanks), and five centre tanks. All Length, bp 366.00m Cargo deck .. . Foam
are arranged to carry crude oil having a flash point Breadth, moulded.. . 68.00m Make .. . Unitor
below 60°C, handled by three 5000m3/h steam Depth, moulded Engineroom.. ...High-expansion foam
turbine pumps in a three-segregation cargo system. to main deck .. 34.00m Make Kashiwa
Central to the owner's design philosophy is a to sunken deck 31.64m Cabins/public rooms .Portable CO,
requirement for a minimum 40-year ship-life without Width of double skin Radars
major steel replacement, emphasised by including side 3.90m Number 2
above-rule scantlings, and by extending the 'double- bottom.. . 3.30m Make JRC
scrubbing' inert-gas system, successfully fitted to the Draught Models JMA-9833-SA; JMA-9823-7xA
cargo tanks of existing crude carriers, to also serve design 23.00m Satellite navigation systems
the ballast spaces. The system avoids corrosion of scantling.. ..24.50m ~~.. . J~
steel tank internals by substantially reducing the Displacement.. . 509,484tonnes Models.. . JUE-310B (Inrnarsat-B):
relatively high percentage of sulphur dioxide (SO,) Deadweight JUE-75C (Irrnarsat-C)
present in inert gases, which, under certain design.. . . 407,469dwt Waste disposal plant
circumstances, can combine with water to form scantling... . 441 ,893dwt Incinerator
highly corrosive sulphuric acid. Gross 234,006gt Make Hyundai-Atlas
Use of this system has been enhanced by the Speed Model.. . Maxi 150SL-1 W/S
development, by Hellespont technical personnel, of a loaded service, 95% MCR.. . 16.00knots Waste shredder/crusher
software programme, VENT2D, which can be used ballast.. . '.. 18.00knots Make.. . Metos
to model air and gas flows through the complex Cargo capacity Model 510BS
structure of double-hull spaces. It offers a solution liquid volume 513,684m' Sewage plant
to the problems of delivering air to points furthest Bunkers Make .. . Evac
away from the gas inlets. heavy oil.. . 12,707m' Model.. . MSPII C
A novel choice of a white colour scheme applied diesel oil 476m' Contract date 17 December 1999
above the waterline, is aimed at reflecting radiant Water ballast.. . 151 ,272m' Launch/float-out date 22 September 2001
energy and reducing steelwork temperatures, thereby Fuel consumption .. 140.3tonnes/day Delivery date.... .7 March 2002
HURST POINT: advanced ro-ro design for
military sealift duties
Shipbuilder Flensburger Schiffbau- bow thruster, and two independently operable, high-lift Engine make/type MaK 9M20
Gesellschaft (FSG), Germany rudders, which include Costa bulbs. Alternator make/type.. . AEM/SE500LL6
Vessel's name:. . Hurst Point The main superstructure, fitted forward of the Output.. 2 x 1820kVA
Hull number 717 machinery space, incorporates a wheelhouse with totally Boiler
Owner/operator: AWSR Shipping I enclosed bridge wings (different from the Turkish Number .. . 1
Andrew Weir Shipping Ltd, UK series), each containing a full set of controls, and which Make.. . Aalborg
Designer FSG, Germany/ complies with the PSNR class notation, indicating fully Output. ....................... 4000kg/h
Houlder Offshore Engineering, UK redundant propulsion and steering. Accommodation is Cargo crane
Model test establishment used: HSVA, provided for a complement of 18 plus 12 drivers. Number.. .... 1
Germany Make.. . MacGregor
R~ . ~ Type EIectric-hydraulic
Total number of sister TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Capacity 4Otonnes/25m outreach
ships already completed Nil Length, oa.. . 193.00m Mooring winches
Total number of sister Length, bp.. 182.39m Number 2 x mooring winch/windlass;
ships still on order 3 at FSG, 2 at Breadth, moulded 26.00m 3 x mooring winch
Harland & Wolff, UK Depth, moulded Make . ..............................................SEC
to second deck ... . 8.60m Type . . Electric
to upper deck .. . 16.70m Special lifesaving equipment
UILT to conform to a new UK Ministry of Draught Number. 1 x 40-person freefall lifeboat;
B Defence initiative aimed at satisfying its sealift
requirements, Hurst Pointis the first of six vessels that
design ..
scantling .. .
7AOm Make.. .
1 x fast rescue boat
will be used for routine military operations for parts of Deadweight Containers
each year, and released for normal commercial traffic at deslpn.. . 10,090dwt Total TEU capacity.. . 656
other times. Under the terms of a 20-year charter, scantling 13,274dwt Vehicles
nominal owner AWSR Shipping is also required to have Gross., . 23,000gt Number of vehicle decks 3
the vessels available at short notice for MOD use, in Speed, service, (79% MCR; 22% sea margin).. .18knots Total lane length.. . 2620m
times of emergency. Cargo capacity Doors, ramps
lower hold .. approx 11AOOm' Number 1 x stern ramp/door; 1 x Side ramp/door;
I' The design and hull form is based upon that of a
successful series developed by FSG for Turkish owner main hold .. ..... approx 27,000m' 2 x fixed internal ramps; 1 x guillotine
UND (UND Akdeni,; SignificantShips of 2000), but Bunkers door; 1 x hinged cover
particularly modified by extending the double-hull heavy oil.. .. 1530m' Designer... . Transmarine (ramp/doors
structure to upper deck level to improve damage diesel oil... .......... 160m' fabricated by Macor)
stability. In addition, the main deck can withstand Water ballast., .............................. 3650m' Complement
500mm of free water, in line with the Stockholm Daily fuel consurnption.. ..42tonnes Officers .. . 8
Agreement, and cross-flooding arrangements are aimed Classification Lloyd's Register of Shipping + 1OOA1,
Crew.. . 10
at ensuring that an upright position can be maintained Roll-on/Roll-off Cargo Ship, IWS, L1, ICE 1A,
Suez crew.. . 6
even under extensive damage conclitions. +LMC, PSMR, SCM, IBS, NAV 1, ICC, UMS
Passengers (drivers)
Vehicles are carried on three levels, with entry at the High-tensile steel used in construction Cargo decks
TotaL. . 12
main deck over a 150tonne capacity, 17m wide x 13.7m Roll stabilisation equipment.. .2 Flume passive tanks
Main engines Cabins.. . 6 x two-berth
long stern ramp, adapted to work with Mexefloat
Design .. ... MaK Special rudders ...2 x high-lift spade type with Costa bulbs
pontoons, supplemented by a 75tonne, starboard side
ramp, forward of midships, which can operate within ± Model .. . 7M43 Bow thruster
20deg limits. Internal movement to the upper deck is by Manufacturer... . .... Caterpillar MaK Make.. ...Brunvoll
a fixed ramp closed by a guillotine-type door, whilst a Number.. . 2 Number... ................. 1 x CP propeller
similar ramp to the lower hold has a hinged cover. Output 2 x 6300kW/500rev/min Output., ..... 180kN
There are 26201ane metres available on decks which Gearboxes Bridge control system
are suitable for 5tonnes/m' loading, whilst a clear height Make.. . Flender Make.. ............SAM
of 6.8m allows the main deck space to accommodate Number 2 One man ooerationv., . Yes
helicopters, and two tiers of 9ft 6in high containers on Output speed.. .. 126AOrev/min Fire detection systems
trailers. Container capacity is 656TEU, loaded by a Propellers Make..... . SAM
starboard side, 40tonne swl bulwark-mounted crane. Material.. .......... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Fire extinguishing systems
Upper deck stowage is protected by a forecastle Manufacturer... . Schottel
Make.. . Wormald
whaleback, which also contains two Flume passive Number.. . 2
Holds, vehicle spaces, cabins Water
stabilisation tanks. Pitch.... . Controllable
Englneroom.. . CO,
Two seven-cylinder Caterpillar MaK M43 main Diameter .. . 5000mm
engines are fitted (two vessels of the class, expected to Speed ... ... 126AOrev/min
Make.. ................... SAM
work primarily in the commercial mode, will use the Main-enqine driven alternators
nine-cylinder variant specified for UND Akdeni'iJ. Number... . ...2 Satellite navigation systems
Developing 6300kW each, these drive inward-turning Make/type .. Make.. ............................ SAM
CP propellers to give a service speed of 18.00knots Output.. ............................... 2 x 2000kVA Contract date.. .. 18 March 2001
when running at 79% MCR with a 22% sea margin. Diesel-driven alternators Launch/float-out date 19 April 2002
Excellent manoeuvrability is achieved from a 180kN Number.... . 2 Delivery date .. . 15 August 2002
.-..-._ --...
t •
at '.
. "
KAISHUU: marking IZARls move into the
dredger market
Shipbuilder IZAR (Astillero Sestao), Spain TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Diameter ... ....................... 4400mm
Vessel's name Kaishuu Length, oa.. ............................................ 15S.00m Main-engine driven alternators
Hull number 320 Length. bp .. .140.00m Number... . .. 2
Owner/operator TOA (LUX) SA, Luxembourg Breadth, moulded 27.S0m Make/type... .. ABB/AMG 560-630
Designer: IZAR (Astillero Sestao), Spain Depth, moulded Output/speed .......... 2 x 4000kW/1800rev/min
Flag: . Luxembourg to main deck .. ...11.75m Diesel-driven alternator
Total number of sister ships to upper deck .. .. 15.50m Nurnber.. . 1
already completed.......................... ..... Nil Width of double skin Engine make/type. .. Caterpillar/3508B
Total number of sister ships side. .............................. 2.90m Output/speed 1 x 895kW/1S00rev/mln
still on order............................. ..... 1 Draught Alternator make/type ABB/AMG450S4
design 9.S2m Output/speed 1140kVN1800rev/min
scantling 11.11m Boilers
N a move to break into a new niche market, the
I IZAR Group has been successful in winning
contracts to build two dredgers for companies in the
Lightwelght.... .
1 x oil-fired thermal oil; 2 x thermal oil
Deadweight economisers
Belgian Jan de Nul Group (plus two smaller units Make Aalborg-Wiesloch
design .. ....................................... 21,SOOdwt
for French owners, to be built at the Juliana yard). Output 1 x 2500kW; 1 x 1300kW; 1 x 1200kW
scantling .. . .. . 26,700dwt
Kaisba« and" sister, with a capacity of 16,SOOm',are Mooring equipment
Speed, service . . 15.60knots
some SOOOm'larger than their consorts, and will be Number ... 2 x windlass; 1 x mooring anchor winch (aft)
Cargo capacity . .................. 16.500m'
employed by Singaporean associates of de Nul in Make.; .........Brohl
land reclamation and civil engineering work in Bunkers
Type... ......... Hydraulic
South-East Asia. heavy oil., .................. 2110m'
diesel oil.. .. 247m' Dredge pumps
The design has main machinery aft, and Number... ............2 x double-wall
wheelhouse and accommodation forward, with the Water ballast.. . . 1370m'
Type... ...... 250-45-110 WA460
hopper, contained within wide side spaces, arranged Fuel consumption
Make.. ............ IHC
with sloping bottom and seven drop-doors, Main engines only... ......36tonnes/day
Capacity.... 1 x 25.200m'/h; 1 x 21,600m'/h
positioned between. Dredging uses port and Classification .... Bureau Veritas 1 3/3, + E Hopper Dredger
Cargo/ballast control systems
starboard suction pipes positioned aft of midships Deep Sea, AUT-MS, Dredging Within 15miles
M~~. . I~
and dimensioned to dredge at a depth of 34m below from shore, or within 20miles from port. Service
the keel, at an angle of SOdeg. Three davits with notation over 15/20miles from shore/port with
Officers .. ........ S
hydraulic winches handle the suction pipes and the HS<=3m
Crew. .. ................ 32
draghead, which is fitted with an adjustable visor and Percentage of high-tensile steel
Bow thrusters
wave compensator. Spoil is discharged through the used in construction .. ...22%
Make.. ..........Lips
drop doors, or over the bow, either through a Main engines
Number... .............. 2
floating hose, or by rainbow nozzle. Design.. ......... MAN B&W Output.. ....2 x 850kW
The machinery installation is centred upon two Model. ... .............. 8L48/60 Stern thruster
MAN B&W 8L48/60 main engines, each connected Manufacturer... . ......MAN B&W Make.. ....Lips
aft by a shaftline, a flexible coupling and a reduction Number... ....2 Number... ................... 1
gearbox, to a CP propeller. A power take-off from Output.. 2 x 8400kW/500rev/min Output.. ....... 1 x 850kW
each of these gearboxes provides the drive, by way Gearboxes Bridge control system
of multiplier gearboxes and flexible couplings, to the Propulsion Make.... . Imtech Marine Industry
port and starboard dredge pumps. These are situated Make Jahnel-Kestermann One man operation.. ..........No
in the aft pump room and are rated at 2S,200m' /h Model. . .. PGV-1060 Fire detection systems
and 21,600m'/h, respectively. Two more gearbox Number.. . .2 Make.. ..................... Thorn Security
power take-offs drive the two 4000kW alternators Output/speed 2 x 8400kW/500-135rev/min Type.. .....T1000
which satisfy the vessel's electrical requirements. The
Dredge pump, starboard Radars
pumps are supplied by IHC, and have double walls Make... . Jahnel-Kestermann Number... ....................... 2
and an abrasive-resistant internal coating. To speed
Model.. ...... DP-A2S1115-3S Make....
discharge, high-pressure water can be directed into ........... 2 x MAR 1006B
Output/speed 1 x 3500/6000/6000kW- Make..
the hopper through nozzles to assist fluidisation, Satellite navigation systems
and a de-gassing plant is fitted to the suction pipe in Number.... ...3
Dredge pump, port
the aft pumproom. Make/type .. .. ..1 x Litton LMX400 GPS;
Make... . Jahnel-Kestermann
An Imtech automation system, which integrates 1 x Aquarius 5002; 1 x NR203 DGPS
the navigation DP/DT systems, alarm monitoring Model DP-A1S1115-1S
Waste disposal system
and dredging control, is operated from a large Output/speed .. .1 x 3500kW/165rev/mln Sewage plant
triangular-shaped wheelhouse and navigating bridge, Propellers Make.. ....................... Facet
designed to afford all-round visability for both Material.. .. Copper-nickel-aluminium Model. . ...... VTP-1.57 1122
navigating and dredging personnel. Manoeuvring Manufacturer... .... .. ....... ... Lips Contract date .. ...27 January 2000
and positioning are enhanced by the fitting of two Number... ....... 2 Launch/float-out date .... ................ 6 June 2001
bow thrusters, and one stern unit. Pitch... . .. Fixed Delivery date .. .................... 25 March 2002
America, utilising an expanding f1eet of
Output .4 x 2360kW/720rev/min
multipurpose ro-ro freight carriers. Alongside these TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
Length,oa 211.50m Lifesavingequipment
operations, the Group is also heavily involved with
satisfying the demand for regular ro-pax shipping Length, bp.. . 186.21m Number/capacity 8 x 150-personlifeboats;
links between north and south Italy, aimed at easing Breadth, (extreme).. . 30AOm
25 x 100-personliferafts;
heavy congestion on the country's motorways. Ferry Depth, moulded 2 x rescue boats; 4 x 450-personMES
services are also operated between the mainland and main deck (No3).. ..10.00/1030m Make.. ............................Schat-Harding;Viking
Sardinia. It is for these two sectors of its business upper deck (No 11).. .......35.65m Vehicles
that Grimaldi has built the very fast La Superba and Number of vehicle decks .4 x fixed;lx hoistable
Draught,(slwl).... .. 7.80m
La Suprema - two vessels which maintain the luxury Totallane length 3230m
Deadweight 9750dwt
cruise element introduced on to these routes with Totalcars 719 or 100 cars and 153trailers
Majestic, delivered from the same builder in 1993, and Gross.. ........50,400gt
featured in Significant Ships of that year. Speed, maximum 31.00knots
Number Stern ramp/door;internalfixed/hoistable
The propulsion plant is understood to be one of service 28.00knots
ramps and covers, hoistabledeck
the most powerful yet fitted to a ship of this type, Bunkercapacity
Designer MacGregor
and comprises four Wartsilii 16V46C main engines, heavy oil 1926m'
each developing 16,800kW and driving twin screws diesel 011.... .. 362m'
Capacity..... .. 3000
through a pair of twin-input/single-output Waterballast 7851m'
Cabins... .. 567
gearboxes. Particular attention has been paid by Renk Classification Registro ItalianoNavale,
in the design of these units to ensure low levels of Pullmanseats 940
*100Al.l, NAV.IL,
noise and vibration, notably by using double-helical Bowthrusters
teeth with special geometry, and arranging additional Make.. .... Rolls-RoyceKamewa
stiffening in the gear casing walls. Four alternators Number . ....2
AmericanBureau of Shipping, + A1(E), Output .. .. 2 x 1500kW
powered by Wiirtsilii 6R32LNE 2360kW prime
+ AMS,+ ACCU Radars, navigationsystems Atlas
movers satisfy the electrical requirements.
Vehicles are carried on four fixed and one hoistable Rollstabilisationequipment.... .......2 x Blohm& Vossfins Contract date ..
deck, providing 3230 lane metres of space for 719 Mainengines Launch/float-outdate 26 May2001
cars, accessed through a stern door/ramp, with Design wartsua Deliverydate 15March2002
DEC~ 10
DEC~ 2· <C>R"-CE 9 \
38(38R) 6(6R) 38(30R) 36(28R) 38(28R) 6(6R) 16(16R) 4 220FEU(190R)
76T 12T 76T 72T 76T 12T 32T aT OR 440TEU
Main engine
Design... . Sulzer
Model 6RTA52U
Manufacturer 3 Maj-MiD
Number 1
Output 1 x 9000kW/130rev/min
Material CuNiAI
Manufacturer Rolls-Royce Kamewa
Number 1
Pitch Controllable
Diameter... .. 5600mm
Speed.. . 130rev/min
Diesel-driven alternators
Number... . 3
Engine make.. . MAN B&W
OutpuVspeed 3 x 1280kW/900rev/min
Alternator make/type Uljanik-TESU/1FJ6-567-8
Output/speed 3 x 1400kVN900rev/min
Number/type .. . 2 x thermal oil/25-VO-35
1 x exhaust-gas thermal oil/
EXV 935/27/57.0-600
Make.. . Aalborg/Wiesloch
Output.. 2 x 5000kW; 1 x 850kW
Hose-handling crane
Number 1
Make 3-Maj-MiD
Type Hydraulic slewing SVG 10 x 21
Mooring equipment
Number 2 x mooring winch/windlass;
4 x mooring winch
Make Vulkan-DIBO
Type.. . Hydraulic
Special lifesaving equipment
Number... . 1 x 26-person free-fall lifeboat
Make/type Greben/FFL-32FP
. m~u-rr--l-.~o~m]
j. ~o~l4+o
~~~.J~mm4. ~~~.tko++-~~
extended to include this vessel, built for her owner's are also fitted. Number.. ..........3
overnight Portsmouth/Caen service. The design Engine make/type. .... wartsna 9L20C
closely follows that of Turku-built consort Normandie Output/speed of each set 1620kW/1OOOrev/min
(also featured in Significant Ships of 1992), with TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Alternatormake.. .. LeroySomer
Finnish consultant Deltamarin involved with both Length, oa.. . 173.95m Output.. .. 3 x 1620kW
vessels. In line with her builder's thinking, there are Length, bp.... .. 162.25m Boilers
no barriers fitted within the vehicle spaces: instead, Breadth, moulded... .. 28.50m Number.. . 2
B/ 5 longitudinal bulkheads in the lower garage deck, Depth, moulded Type.. ................... UnexCHB4000
and tight transverse sub-division, together with a to main deck (No3) ................ 9.00m Special lifesavingequipment
suitable beam and ample freeboard, are claimed to to upper deck. .. .. ......... 14.85m Number...4 x 400-person MES/4x 150-personlifeboats
ensure the required level of damage stability and Widthof double skin Make... ...... DBC/SEC
compliance, as specified by the Stockholm side .. . 2.70m Vehicles
Agreement. bottom.. .. 3.20m Numberof decks... 3 x fixed; 1 x hoistable
Mont St Michelis expected to provide an extra 70% Draught Totallane length 2250m (cars); 1180(trailers)
freight capacity on her scheduled route, and to offer design ". .6.20m Totalcars.. ......903
20% more car capacity, utilising 2250 lane metres on scantling ...6.50m Totalfreight units... .132
three fixed decks, plus 1180 metres on a hoistable Deadweight Doors/ramps
platform deck, to carry 903 cars and 132 trucks. Main design .. .. 6300dwt Number ....1 x bow door; 1 x bow ramp; 1 x bow visor;
access is at main deck (No 3) level over a single- scantling . . 7500dwt 1 x stern door ramp: 1 x hoistable car deck;
section door/ramp at the stern, and a three-section Gross.. .. 35,592gt 2 x side-hinqed ramp covers; 1 x hoistable
ramp at the bow, behind which an internal door is Speed, trial,85% MCR . .. 21.00knots tiltingramp; 1 x Slidingweathertightdoor
fitted in an arrangement closed by a clam-type bow Bunkers (forward)
visor. In addition, the upper deck level (No 5) has heavy oil ... 700m' Designer... .........MacGregor
direct access from shore links pans through a sliding diesel oil.... .. 290m' Complement
weathertight door in the superstructure, forward, and Waterballast.. .. 1400m' Officers ..............11
an open end, aft. Classification..Bureau Veritas C + Ro-RoPassenger Ship Crew.... ......... 140
Internal movements are by way of fixed ramps with UnrestrictedNavigation,+ ALP,+ AUT-IMS Passengers
watertight covers at each end of the space, which link + AUT·PORT, Ice 10, COMF2 Total.. ..2120
No 3 deck with the lower garage, and a tilting ramp Heel controlequipment Interingheel tanks Numberof cabins .. .. 224
connecting the main deck with upper levels. The Roll-stabilisationequipment BrownBrothers 16m' Bowthrusters
hoistable deck is served by ramps formed from the retractable fins Make.. .. Rolls·RoyceKamewa
panels. Main engines Number ..2 x tunneltype
Decks 7, 8, 9 and 10, plus three sun decks, Design .. ..........MaK Output... .................2 x 1500kW
accommodate the 2120 passengers, 788 of whom are Model . ..6M43 Contract date .
carried in 224 cabins. Four disabled berths are also Manufacturer . ............. CaterpillarMaK Launch/float-outdate . .. 16 March2002
available and reclining-seat lounges arranged. A 90- Number . . 4 Deliverydate ..
, §
'-11 1 1111
III lr
.11 ~~
.. ~ ~H~
IL'J 'nD lDlll! ~c..
" "". l?l:"
2 x mooring winch/windlass
2 x mooring winch
Rolls Royce
trades Make..
2 x GSL (37-person) lifeboats
. ......... DSB/Hatecke
I: I
ROMANTIKA: versatile ferry for Gulf of
Finland service
Shipbuilder: Jt.Iitu Rnnyards OY, Ffland The machinery insbllation mak.:s use of four Output 2 x 2700k\1A
Vessel's name: RotnantiaJ WiirtsiIa 16V32 main engines each developing DieseI-driven aItemaIors
Hull number: 433 6560kW at 75Ott:v/min, driving tuIO CP propellers at 1'IUnbe<................................•...............•......................•.. 3
Owner/operator: Talfir*, Estonia 141rev/ min through tuIO twin-input! single--output Engine makeIIype W3rIsiIa VasaI6R32 low NOx
Designer: Jt.Iitu FnIyards OY, Fftand gearboxes. Power take-offs fmm the gearboxes 0uIpuI/speed 3 x 2.o1611<W/75B-ev/nin
MarJe! tank establishment used: Danish connect with two ZlOOkVA alternators, with AItemaIor makeIIype Leroy SomeriLSA 56MHIP
MariIme InstiIuIe, Dennark supplementary electtiral supply derived from thtJ:e 0uIpuL 3 x 2960<VA
Rag: Estonia Wansili/Lcroy Somer 2960kVA diesel sets. Two Boilers
Total number of sister ships 1800kW bow thrusll:rS are fitted fur manoeuvring. 1'IUnbe< 2
already completed: NI and passenger comfort is aided by Mitsubisbi Type.•..........................................•..........lJnex CH8 60IXJ
Total number of sister ships stabiliser fins and Frank Moho anti-heeling ranks, Make AaIborg
Still on order: NiI 0uIput 2 x 6OOII<gIh
(one sisler ship ordered 1aIEr) Moomg wD:hes
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Number.•.....•........•....•.•.•....2 x rnoorWlg~;
Length. oa. 192.!l1m 2 x rnoorWlg wD:h
Ii LTHOUGH !he use of so bug<: and luxurious a Length. bp 175.2Dn Make AoIs-fInyce
.1. l..finy as RmituDtIil:s on !he dm:e-and-a-balf-bow: BreadIh. 1JlIJUded ........•.••••••..•................••.•......•....... 2!UJOm Type.........•..•.......•..•.......•••.••..•..•...........•.....••....... EIecIric
run between Tallinn and Helsinki, might seem DepIh. IJlIJUded Speciallifesamg eqLipment
extrawgant at fust glance, justificotion fur its size IK:s to ""'*'deck (No 3).........•....................•.•.•.•••.....•.9.7Orn 1'IUnbe<...•.•.••........................•....••..•...•..............•. 6 x MES
Make ww.g
in the increasing demand within !he Gulf of FmIand to ...",.,. deck (No 5) 15.4<m
to reception deck (No 6) 18.2Dn Type........•..••••••...•.......••.•......................•..••.•.......... CIUe
fur minH:ruise and seaborne conference IiociIities,
developing as part of Estonia's expanding economy. WidIh 01 doWIe sbI
I'IUnbe< 01 vehicle decks. 1
This burgeoning trade is catered fur on !he new vessel side Nil
lOIaIlane 1engIh•••..•••••.•••.•.....•............•..............•. 101Dn
(wbidt offi:r:s a 50"/. increase in both passenger boIIom. 1.5Orn
Total cars 300
aop:ocity and vclHde stowage space over existing IJraI.VlI: IJoorsIraq>s
fi:rries on the service), by l"Ift) deds (6 and 7) devoted desigrL 6.5Om
1'IUnbe<•................ 2 x stem ~ 1 x bow ramp(door;
solely to 'cruising dislDKtion', and designed by fOur Dead .. eighL 45()()dwt
Gross. 39.864gt 1 x bow visor
specialist interior an:bib:cts.
Designer TIS Ships EquipmenI
The princip:d reablre is a two-<Ied high. l000--seat Speed. seMce 22knoIs
show lounge right ali, complemented by five EkD<ers
Officers. 12
restaucmts seating 3140 c:ustDm<:IS, in !he furw:u:d heavy oiL : , 14IDri'
Crew 160
parts of those decks. Tbe usuallouoges and dUldttn's diesO oi. 2lnn'
_ baIasL 25OOni' PassaI!Jl!lS
play areas are also av.Ulablc. with lOOOm' of
lOIaI 2500
supennarl<et and ~ space a major attraction. ClassfficalilJIL•••...Bueau VeriIas. C + ~ RoI-<JoIRoI-oIf.
I'IUnbe< 01 cabR;_ 7Zl
Confi:n:oce &ciIiries on deck 9 comprise 11 rooms Passenger Sh!>. Um!sIricfed Navigation.
~ouIbnard 40%1292
of v.uious sizes and a sauna suite,wbiIst a total of 7Zl +Mach. AUT. UMS. SYS-IIEO 1. Ice lA St.p!r
Bow IbusIers
two-- and four-berth eo-suite passenger cabins Heel oonIroI e<J.ipmenL One paW 01 FfaD< Mom
Make AoIs-fInyce
providing 2172 beds, are an:angaI on deds 5, 8 and anIi-heeI Janes
1'IUnbe< 2 x IT 2650 CP kli
9. Crew aa:ommodation is positioned on deds 9, and RoI-sIalJEaIion e<J.ipmenL ~ Iwai
0IApuL 2 x ll1D<W
10, where rbe fuIl..widthnavigating bridge is Ioc2tal t::JeUscIDxI ms
Bridge oonIroI system
Three Miu:Gttgor 16-per:son passenger Iifis link !he UaiIl engn,s
Make Kelvin Hughes
v.uious decks. Desi!~L. W3rlsila Vasa
Type...•.......................................................1'lJcIeus 60IXJ
Lm:saving appIiaoces include six marine encuatioo ModeL I6V32
One-man operalion Yes
stations, and there are also six enclosed lifeboats and MarUacIuer W3rIsiIa
FWe deIection system
a full complemcoJ: of IiIi:rafts. Passenger: aa:ess is 1'IUnbe<..•..•••..........••••..••.•••.........•.•.•••••••.....................•. .4
Make ConsiIUn Marine
through furward and aft side doors, P&S, 00 to deck 0IApuL 4 x 6560kW
.FWe exmguistW1g systems
5, with main n:cepboo 011 deck 6. Gearboxes EiogiiIl!iOOiIL .................•.•...•••••.••..•••.••.•.•..... mm co.
As built, R-Jika bas only one vclHde deck (No Make Hen< Make UniIor
3), but there is scope fur adding p1atfurm decks at a MndeI IIVSL-3:lOO VencIe space ............................•...................... 1Jrencher
later stage. Currently lOOO1aoe o:oetn:s of vclHde 1'IUnbe<•.......•.•••..........•.••••..•. 2x~ Make...............................•................................. NIM!nco
stowage are awilabIc; equi:v.Ik:ot to around 300 cars, 0uIpuI speed 141rev/nin CabinsI'pttiic spaces. SpDder
laid out with thtJ:e lanes to port:, and fOur to PmpeIers Make NIM!nco
starboard, of !he unttal ~ Aca:ss is over: !he MaleriaL SIaDess steel Radars
bow and stern, with twin ramp/doors aft, and a single MarUacIuer AoIs-fInyce 1'IUnbe<•............................•...•...•.•......•................•.•••..... .4
bow entry which inc:orporatJ:s a unique fuIding I:Cune 1'IUnbe<...........•......•...............•••••.•••.......................•....•.. 2 Make Kelvin Hughes
ramp/door designed by TfS (the No.-..,-egian Pik:tL Co-IIroIabIe MndeL Nucleus 3
company wbidt n:a:ntIy aap.dted !he augo aa:ess ~ 5OOOnm Sewage pIarC
division of Hatm.'Orthy KSE), furming part of !he Speed 141rev/nin Make EvaclAqoanar
bow aa:ess :u::nngt:mems. An thtJ:e ramps are rated Main-eng01e driven aIIIemakJrs C<nract daIe JO August 2000
for ttaiIers up to 525toones total v;rigbt and a 1'IUnbe<....................................................•••••.•..•............ 2 la.nchIIIoaI-<ItII daIe 14 IJecember 2lXI1
maximum 40ft l:I2Ctor/tniIer v;rigbt of 6Otoones. MaIfeilyp.L Leroy S<lmeo1LSA 54M75-4P DeiveIy daIe 10 May 2lIII2
Shipbuilder ssw Fahr-und Hamburg, to atrain that speed, which is slighdy higher than Other cranes
Spezialschiffbau GmbH, Germany normal for this size and type of vesseL Electrical supply Number... . 1
Vessel's name: Safmarine Cunene comes from three 2240kW diesel-alternator sets. Make... . Davit International
(launched as ER Bremerhaven) Type.. . C-SFS
Hull number:. . 2002 Tasks.. . Boat/stares handling
Owner/operator:. . E R Schiffahrt GmbH & Co, TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Performance.. . 6tonnes/18m
Germany/Safmarine, South Africa l.enqthoa.. . 212.20m Mooring equipment
Designer SSW Spezialschiffbau length, bp., .. 199.95m Number/type 2 mooring winch/windlass
GmbH, Germany Breadth, moulded.. . 29.80m 3 x mooring winch
Model test Depth, moulded Make .. .......................... Kocks
establishment used: Hamburgische to main deck 16.70m Lifesaving equipment
Versuchsanstalt (HSVA), Germany Width of double skin Number .. ............. 1 x freefall lifeboat;
Flag: Liberia side. .................................... 2.23m 1 x rescue boat
Total number of sister ships bottom .. 1.49m Make .. . Ernst Hatecke
already completed:. . Nil Draught Type .. .. 32-person
Total number of sister ships design .. . 10.10m Hatch covers
still on order:. .. 6 scantling .. .. 11.40m Design.. . Macar Neptun
Gross. . 27,330gt Manufacturer... .. JSC Shipyard
Deadweight Type Pontoon
design... .. 27.900dwt Containers
F OLLOWING a period of
conversions (SigniJi'tJllI Ships of
ferry building
2001), the former
Schichau-Seebeck shipyard at Bremerhaven, now trading
Speed, service at 90% MCR' 15% sea margin. 22.00knots
. 34,500dwt lengths..
. 20ft; 40ft; 45ft; 48ft
8ft to 9ft 6in
Bunkers Total TEU capaclty... . 2490
under d1C SSW banner, has switched its interests to a new
heavy oil., 3700m' on deck.. . 1532
design of container ship, marketed as the SSW Super 25
diesel oil.. 400m' in holds 958
(with the numeral reflecting its nominal 2500TEU
Water ballast.. 11.200m' homogeneously loaded to 14tonnes 1850
capacity), and now successfully launched with the aid of
Classification .. . Germanischer Lloyd + 100A5. Reefer plugs.. . 362
this large order from Hamburg-based ER Schiffahrt.
Container Ship. IW. NAV-O. SOlAS Tiers/rows
Backing by charters from Safmatine and Maersk meant
11-2.Reg. 54. + MC AUT on deck .. ......... 6/12
that a tight delivery schedule had to be imposed on the
Main engine in holds .. . 6/10
builder; consequendy SSW subcontracted construction of
Design.. . Sulzer Ballast control system. . Stein Sohn
the hulls of three vessels in the series to Daewoo Magnalia,
Model lRTA72U-B Complement
in Romania. However, fitting out of all the ships is being
Manufacturer. .. Wilrtsilil-Sulzer Officers .. . 8
earned out at Bremerhaven.
Number .. . 1 Crew.. . 19
Today, a feature of many container ship designs is the
Output.. ......................... 21.560kW/99rev/min Spare .. . 3
increase in the numbers of refrigerated containers which
Propeller Suez crew.. .. 6
can be carried, particularly out of Australasia, and Safinarine
Material. Bow thruster
ClInene provides electrical connections for 362 reefer units, Manufacturer .... wartsua Propulsion (Lips BV) Make.. . Lips BV
with 142 of these located in the holds. A significant number
Number ... . 1 Number.... . 1 x CP
of containers loaded with IMO hazardous cargoes can be Pitch .. . .... Fixed Output Thrust 11.2010nnes
accommodated on deck and in the holds, along with high- Diameter ... . 7000mm Bridge control system
cube and other non-standard sizes. It is also of note that Speed .... 99rev/min Make., . Raytheon
container-stowage arrangements include the positioning of Diesel-driven alternators One man operation Yes
securing points between two 20ft units stowed in a 40ft slot. Number.. . 3 Radars
This to meet Australian requirements, in furtherance of Engine rnake/type.. . Caterpillar MaK/8M25 Number ... . 2
proposed deployment on SOUdl Africa/Australia routes, Output/speed... 3 x 2320kW/720rev/mln Make .. .. Raytheon
The SSW Super 25 series is double-hulled, and has a Alternator make/type. ... AEM/SE 710 Model .. Pathfinder
forecastle fitted with breakwater, also a poop on which a Output/speed.. . 3 x 2240kW/720rev/min Satellite naviqation systems
six-tier deckhouse is erected, surmounted by a navigating Boiler Number. . 2 x DGPS
bridge with offset conning position. The vessels are Number .........................................................1 Make.. Simrad 6N30 SNV
designed to be self-sustaining, with three MacGregor GL Type .. .. Compound Waste disposal plant
type slim-line 45tonne swl cranes positioned between cargo Make ... . Omnical Incinerator
hatches dosed by pontoon covets. Output ................ 2000kg/h Make.. . TeamTec
The machinery installation follows conventional lines, Cargo cranes Model. Golar OG120C S.w
with a Sulzer 7RTA nU-B main engine fitted aft, and Number.. . 3 Sewage plant
producing 21,500kW at 99rev/min, directly coupled to a Make.. MacGregor Make .. . DVZ
PP propellet to give a service speed of 22knots when Type Gl 4525; 4028; 3631-2 Contract date 26 September 2000
running at 90% MeR and allowing a 15% sea margin. The Performance 45tonnes/25m: 4010nnes/28m: launch/float-out date 7 November 2001
hull form is a new one, developed at the HSVA tank, 36tonnes/31 m Delivery date.. ...... 31 May 2002
.,19 ,is ,E
ST APOSTLE ANDREW: new river/sea
series revives Russian merchant
! I,
I Shipbuilder:. . Severnaya Verf, Russia Caterpillar diesel-driven 160kW alternator sets, Alternator make/type .. """""""" .Caterpillar/Sftt,l
Vessel's name:. . St Apostle Andrew Emphasising the probable dual role of the vessels, Output. .3 x 200kW
Hull number:. . 901 SI Apostle .Andren/ carries a free-fall lifeboat at the Boilers
Owner/operator North West Shipping Co, stern, whilst another prominent feature common to Number" ,.,,, .... 1
Russia Russian vessels is a stern anchor and winch. Type" ... KSh-200
Designer. ....... Vympel (Design Office for
Make "'" Leninskaya Kuznitsa Plant
Shipbuilding), Russia
Output. ......... ,.232kW
Flag:. .. Russia
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Special lifesaving equipment
Total number of sister ships
already completed:. Length, oa.. .......... 128.20m Type.. ." Free-fall lifeboat
................ Nil
Total number of sister ships Length, bp .. , , '" ,. '" , """,.,. '" .,,' '" 122.80m Hatch covers
still on order:. ..9 (plus 4 for other owners) Breadth, moulded. ".,., .... ,., ... ,., ,..,.", .. . 16.30m Design ,.. "., ".".,,",. MacGregor
Depth, moulded, to upper deck" ",."""",6.10m Manufacturer .. ........... Northern Shipyard JSC
Width of double skin Type.... " "" .. "., ".,.""., ..... Foldtite
- .... ~ ..........
" ,- "
~ ~ .. ~
- - _ . ., '~~--
•••••••••• ..
NOPAIK ............ ,...,
. :OOti
1't'I't' 't' 1'1'1"'1';' • II'+'
Shipbuilder Stocznia Gdynia SA, Poland operational modes (sea passage, manoeuvring, and Speed 238rev/min
Vessel's name:. ...Stena Caribbean discharge), all masterminded from either engine control Boilers
Hull number 8226/1 room, or wheelhouse. Number 1 x oil fired; 2 x exhaust gas
Owner/operator Stena Ltd, UK Make Aalborg
Designer:... Stocznia Gdynia SA, Poland Type 1 x AO-12; 2 x AQ-7
Model test establishment used: .... eTO, Poland TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Output.. 1 x 4000kg/h; 2 x 775kg/h
Flag . Bermuda Length, oa.. . 120.48m Mooring equipment
Total number of sister ships Length, bp.. . 117.10m Number 2 x mooring winch/windlass; 4 x winch
already completed:. . NiI Breadth, moulded 23.80m Make.. . Rolls-Royce IRauma Brattvaag)
Total number of sister ships Depth, moulded.. . 9.50m Type.. . Hydraulic
still on order:. ... 1 Width of double skin Cargo tanks
side 1.20m Number... . 17 x oil tanks: 2 x LPG tanks
bottom 1.60m Grades 17
Product range Oil products up to 1.025tonnes/m',
A LONG-TERM charter arrangement, made by Stena
with Texaco Eastern Caribbean for two 10,000dwt
oil products/LPG tankers, led to the development of this
.4733tonnes ~m~w~.
LPG (propane, butane)
. ~
complex design of wide-beam/shallow-draught vessel, Deadweight Coating Hempel; Hempadur 15550
whose breadth is 23.80m compared with a more usual design.. . 8600dwt Stainless steeL. . No
value for this size of vessel of between 17m/19m. Of scantling 9996dwt Cargo pumps
particular importance to the design, which owes much to Draught Number... . 17
the concept of the much larger VLCC Siena Victory (see design .. 6.10m Type 16 x SD150; 1 x SD100 hydraulic submerged
SignificantShips of 2001), is the ship's planned trading area, scantling .. .....6.53m Make.. . Frank Mohn Fusa AS
which includes operating amongst the many Caribbean Speed, service.. ...... 13.50knots at 4400kW on thrusters Capacity... 16 x 300m' /h: 1 x 75m'/h
islands, and loading and discharging in restricted waters, Cargo capacity Cargo and ballast control systems Skarpenord
even direct to beaches using floating hose pipes. oil cargo .. . 12,375m' Complement
The varied types of cargo to be carried has also resulted LPG.. 1248m' (deck tanks) Officers... . 7
in a configuration of 16 integral coated tanks, plus a Bunkers ~w 7
draining tank on deck, all of which can function as cargo heavy oil.. 625m' ~~. . 1
tanks, offering 17 double-valve segregations and a diesel oil.. 49m' Sprua. . 2
carrying capacity of 12,540m'. In addition, there are two Water ballast.. . 5200m' Single/double rooms 15/1
640m' fully pressurised LPG tanks with associated Percentage of segregated ballast 100% Stern appendage ..... Skeg between thrusters on centreline
handling equipment fitted on deck. The underdeck tanks Fuel consumption 21tonnes/day Bow thruster
are smooth sided, framed externally, treated with epoxy Classification.. . American Bureau of Shipping Make.. . Rolls-Royce Kamewa
coatings,and fitted with coils.Framo hydraulicsubmerged Percentage of hiqh-tensile steel Number... . 1
pumps ensure that a maximum discharge of 1800m'/h used in construction .. . 5% Output 650kW
can be achieved, using an array of 14 mani folds Diesel-electric system Bridge control system
amidships. Main engines Make.. . Raytheon
Stena has opted for a four-generator diesel-electric Design wartsna One man operation , yes
propulsion system, with its advantages of space-saving Number/models.. . 2 x Vasa/6R32LND Fire detection system
and flexibility,and where the combination of two large 2 x Vasa/4L20C Make Nittan
and two small units allows power delivery to be closely Output.. . 2 x 2250kW Fire extinguishing system
matched with demand. The installation comprises two 2 x 680kW Cargo area Foam and dry powder
6R32LND and two 4L20C models, both from the Alternators Make Semco
Wartsila stable, each driving Siemens alternators of Design Siemens Engineroom.. . High-pressure CO,
2250kW and 630kW output respectively,to supply power. Number/models 2 x Siemens/HFJ5 712-16E-OW Radars
The largest individual demand is from the two Rolls- 2 x Siemens/HFJ6 504-86E-OW Number 3
Royce 2200kW azimuthing propeller-thrusters, fitted with Output .. . 2 x 2220kW/720rev/min Make Raytheon Marine
frequency-controlled, variable-speed actuation. 2 x 630kW/900rev/min Models... . Tron SART; X-band ST Mk 2 ARPA;
This multi-engine/ multi-genset layout promotes trading Propulsion motors S-band ST Mk 2 ARPA
dependability, safety and redundancy, and assists Design Siemens Satellite navigation systems
maintenance by allowingthe vessel to continue operations Number 2 Make.. . Raytheon Marine
whilst individual units are shut down. The manoeuvring Propulsors Model. ... STR-1500C, Saturn Bm
qualities offered by the 360deg propulsors are enhanced Manufacturer... . Rolls-Royce Waste disposal plant
by a bow thruster supplied from another arm of the Number... . 2 Incinerator TeamTecOGS 400C
expanding Rolls-Roycegroup, whilst power management Propellers.. . 1 per unit Sewage plant DVZ DVZ-SKA-20 Biomaster
is one element of an integrated automation system Diameter... 3000mm Contract date.. . 21 January 2000
implemented by Siemens,general supplier of the electrical Pitch Fixed Launch/float-out date.. . 8 March 2001
propulsion plant. This is arranged within three Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze Delivery date 25 June 2002
11000 __ .,. BRIDGE DECK P8
UIOO."""', DECK P9
SUNBELT SPIRIT: unique ·two-way· trader
from Sumitomo
Shipbuilder: Sumitomo Heavy TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Make Aalborg
Industries Ud, Japan Length, oa 212.08m Output 3.0tonnes/h
Vessel's name: SUnbelt Spirit Length, bp . . 202.00m Cargo gear
Owner/operator: Great American Unes Inc, Breadth, moulded .............................. 32.26m Number 4
USA Depth, moulded Make Tsuji
Designer: Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ud, to main deck (No 6).. 1S.23m Type. . Trolley hoist
Japan to upper deck .. . 33.9Sm Performance 4tonnes
Rag: Republic of the Marshall Islands Draught Mooring equipment
Total number of sister ships design .. . 9.00m Number 6
already completed: Nil scantling .. . 9.80m Make Manabe
Total number of sister ships Gross . . 60,S80gt Type.. . Hydraulic
still on order: Nil Deadweight Vehicles
design .. . 13,600dwt
Number of vehicle decks 12 plus garage deck
scantling .. .. 17,9S0dwt
Total cars.. . 6190
A PERHAPS loog-overdue refinement to the car- Speed, service, 90% MCR 21.00knots
Il.canier concept bas been introduced into its North Cargo capacity
Number (vehicle mode)... ..1 x stern ramp;
Pacific services by Great American lines. Faced with total cargo deck area 54,OOOm'
uneconomic return ballast voyages following deliveries 1 x midship ramp
refrigerated deck area 9S00m'
of can; from Japan to USA, this operator developed the Bunkers Type.. . Hydraulic
attractive idea of incorporating refrigerated space into heavy oil 3700m' Designer MacGregor-Kayaba
the design of S1I1IbeIJSpirit, enabling the vessel to load diesel oil . 2S0m' Number (reefer mode).. ..4 x sideports
some 95OOm' of refrigerated cargo into eight Water ballast.. 7200m' Ballast control system
designated compartments, arranged within the car Fuel consumption (main engine only)... .. 64.3Otonnes/day Make Nakakita
space. Classification Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) Complement
The refrigerating plant installed for this diversification NS' (Vehicles/Refrigerated Cargo Officers.. .12
is capable of maintaining temperatures in the range Carrier), MNS' (MO), RMC' (-2S"C/ Crew 18
+1S·C to -25·C, using a direct-expansion system with +32"C) Bow thruster
Refrigerant 404A, and is suitable for the transport of Heel control equipment .......... Auto-heel system Make Nakashima
cargoes such as fruit, bananas, and frozen goods. The Main engine Number...... . 1
installation bas been designed for the future fitting of Design ........................................................ Sulzer Output.... . 1 x 1500kW
controlled atmospbere (CA) equipment, should this be Model. ..... . 8RTA62U Fire detection system
required. For loading the reefer cargoes, four Tsuji Manufacturer. .................................. Diesel United Make.. . Autronica
4tonne swI trolley hoists have been fined, operating Number.... .... 1
Type.. lon/thermal/optical
through sideports on the starboard side of the hull. Output... ....... 17,760kW/113rev/min
Fire extinguishing systems
In car-carryiog mode, SlInbelt Spirit uses two Propeller
Vehicle spaces/engineroom.. Low-pressure CO,
MacGregor-Kayaba starboard side-loading ramps at the MateriaL. . Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Make.. . Mycom
stem and amidships, to handle vehicles which, once on Maker . . Nakashima
board, are distributed over 12 cargo decks, and one Number . . 1
Number... . ... 1 x X-band; 1 x S-band
garage deck, using a series of fixed ramps. In all Pitch . . Fixed
54,OOOm'of deck space is available for stowing 6190 Make.. . JRC
Diameter . . 6S00mm
vdticles. Speed . . 113rev/min Satellite navigation systems
S1I1IbeIJSpirit'I service speed of 21.00knots is higher Diesel-driven alternators Number... . 1 x Inmarsat-B;
than that of many similar vessels, and has necessitated a Number......... . 3 1 x Inmarsat-C
larger engine than most, a Diesel United-built Sulzer Engine make/type Daihatsu/6DK26 Make.. . JRC
8RTA62U unit with an MCR output of 17,760kW at Output.. 1390kW Waste disposal plant
113rev / min being the selection. Electrical power is Alternator make.. .......Taiyo Incinerator
derived from three Daibatsu/Taiyo diesel-alternator Output... .... . 1300kW Make.. . Volcano
sets, each of 1300kW capacity, with their output serving Boilers Contract date May 2000
the requirements of the refrigeration plant and a Number... . 1 Launch/float-out date December 2001
1500kW bow thruster. Type..... . Oil-fired Delivery date March 2002
~~ ~
TARANTELLA: advanced-concept tanker
Shipbuilder:. ...Croatian Shipbuilding PTO from the gearbox is coupled to a 3200kW Engine make/type MAN B&W Holeby/5L23/30H
Co Trogir Ltd, Croatia alternator configured to allow it to be driven in port by Output/soeed.. .......2 x 682kW/7720rev/min
Vessel's name:. . Tarantella one main engine with the other disconnected. Alternator rnake/type.. . .UIjanik-Tesu
Hull number. . . .. . 302 (Siemens)/IFC6564-3
Owner/operator Whitefin Shipping Co Ltd, Output/speed 2 x 810kVN720rev/min
Designer ....... Croatian Shipbuilding Length,oa.. .. 18200m Number... ............. 2
Co Trogir Ltd, Croatia Length, bp.. .. 176.00m Type ................. ..... ....... . .. KLNNlC
Model test Breadth, moulded 32.20m Make... . 'TPK'
establishment used: . Brodarski Institut, Croatia Depth. moulded Output.. ......2 x 14,OOOkg/h
Flag: Liberia to main deck 17.20m Hose-handling crane
Total number of sister ships Width of double skin Number... .................... 1
already completed:. .. Nil side .. .. 2.00m Make... ............... .. MID-3 Maj
Total number of sister ships bottom .. ... 2.15m (B/15) Type.. . SVG 10X21
still on order.............................. ......... 5 Draught Performance.. ..100KN at 7m radius
design 10.98m Mooring equipment
scantling.. .12.18m Number 2 x mooring winch/windlass; 4 x mooring
Principal particulars differ only sJjghtly from those of Deadweight Type.. . 1 x freefall lifeboat
that earlier vessel, however, a number of improvements design 40,600dwt Make.. ... Greben FFL 32FP
have been made to tile design, including extending the scantling.. .. 46,764dwt Cargo tanks
double-skin hull aft into the engineroom, to protect the Speed, trial, 90% MCR, design draught.. 15.02knots Number... ........ 14 plus 2 slop tanks
bunker tanks. The side, and centrally divided bottom Cargo capacity Grades of cargo carried 7 (plus 1 x slop)
spaces, are combined to form water ballast spaces liquid volume .. ........ 52,969m' Product range.. .. Oil products and IMO
surrounding the seven pairs of cargo tanks, and two Bunkers Grade II and III chemicals
slop tanks (instead of five and and two tanks, heavy ou.. . 1474m' Coated tanks - type of coating ..Ameron/Amercoat 253
respectively,in Azov Sea). They are all arranged with diesel oil.. . 134m' Cargo pumps
angled corner connections and have tank bottoms Water ballast.. ........ 19,813m' NumbeL.... .. 14 + 2 slop
slightly sloped to the centreline, in compliance with Percentage of segregated ballast 100% Make.. ....... Marflex electric deepwell
DNV notation 'str 0.05', to facilitate drainage of CaIgo Fuel consumption Type 6 x MDPC-200: 8 x MDPC-200/150
and washing water. Main engine only 30tonnes/day Stainless steet.. . Yes
An interesting feature of the design is the use of Classification .......... Det Norske Veritas + 1A1 Tanker for 011 Capacity.... 6 x 400m'/h; 8 x 250m'/h
trapezoidal, in place of square, corrugations in the tank Products and Chemicals, ESP,EO, CCO, W1, Cargo and ballast control systems
structure, in order to allow 96% of the surface to be LCS(DIS). VCS-2, HL (1.6), COAT-2,PLUS-2, Make Saab
exposed to direct-jet washing water, to qualify for an ETC, NAUTICUS (Newbuilding), Ship type 2, Type Computerised control
ETC notation. A capability for handling IMO Grades II a2, b3, v3, f2, stLO.05 Complement
as well as III chemicals in this modified design, has led Percentage of high-tensile steel
Officers .. . 8
to the strengthening of bulkhead and boundary usedin construction.. . 31.5%
Crew. .11
structure of alternate ranks for an unlimited filling level Heel control equipment. Dedicated heeling tanks
Supernumeries .. . 3 cabins
of 1.60 tonnes/m' cargo density. The deck structure is Main engines
Suez/repair crew.. 4
also reinforced to withstand 0.70bar overpressure, thus Design .... . MaK
Special rudder .. . Becker high-lift flap type
preventing cargoes such as pentane and pentene from Model. ..8M32C
Fire detection system
vaporising at environmental temperatures. Manufacturer Caterpillar MaK
Make.. ....Consilium
A review of the CaIgo tank and double hull structure Number... .. 2
Fire extinguishing system
by 3D FEM fatigue-life analysis as part of the DNV Output., ..........2 x 3840kW/600rev/min
Cargo deck., . Foam
Nauticus (Newbuilding) assessment, followed by the Gearbox
Make.. .. Unitor
application of extra thickness, brackets or cuts-out, as Make.. .. ..........METSO
required for DNV PLUS-2 notation, has introduced a Model M2HBC-1508+PC Engineroom.. .. CO,
structure fatigue Jjfe of 40 years. It has also been Number... ......... 1 x twin-input/single-output Make Unitor
decided to use a high-tensile steel (NV36) COntent of Output speed .. .. .........105.7rev/min 'Computers on ship
31.5% in the tank envelope and bottom plating in order Propeller Number 7
to reduce tile steel hull mass. Material.. . .Nickel-aluminium-bronze Make Hewlett Packard
The Tarantella class has been fitted with a modified Manufacturer... .. Rolls-Royce Models.. .. Vectra Mariner
cargo handling system based upon electrically driven Number... . 1 Tasks Cargo/ballast/engine/navigation/loading
deepwell pumps, controlled by frequency converters, Pitch.. .. Controllable and control functions
whilst tank drying is accomplished by means of a deck- Diameter... ... 6000mm Waste disposal plant
mounted 30,000m' /h air heater, with steel ducting and Speed .. .. 105.7rev/min Incinerator
flexible connections to the required tanks. Main-engine driven alternator Make/type. .. 3 Maj-Tibo/SH20-SR
Two MaK 8M32C main engines are fitted in a Number... .. 1 Sewage plant
machinery space right aft. Each develops 3840kW at Make/type Uljanik-Tesu (Siemens)/IFC5 716-6) Make/type.. ....TIK-Karlovac/Brodopur-BP 25
600rev/ min and drives a single CP propeller through a Output/speed 3200kW (4000kVA)/1200rev/min Contract date 11 January 2000
twin-input/ single-output gearbox which can be de- Diesel-driven alternators Launch/float-out date. . 8 December 2001
clutched to allow one engine only ro power the ship. A Number 2 Delivery date.. .. 25 July 2002
, I~I'.
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To many, a modern cruise liner with its towering driven machines. Two resiliently mounted Brunvoll Make ... .....Wichmann
superstructure is no more than a 'floating block bow thrusters and one stern thruster are fitted, and Number.... .. 2 x type CP115
of flats' but to have a new ship presented which has the rudders are by Scana Volda. Passenger comfort is Pitch.. .. . Controllable
been built especially to serve in that capacity, assisted by Brown Brothers fin stabiliser equipment. Diesel-driven alternators
introduces a novel concept into the cruising market. A particular feature of The Worldis its appearance as Number... . 3
Getting this unusual project under way had its the first cruise ship built to the Det Norske Veritas Engine make/type .. . WartsilMV8L32
problems, and a previous attempt to advance the idea Nautical Safety concept (Wl), with the Society's Output/speed. . 3 x 3600kW/720rev/min
had to be abandoned by its backers, which include previous (Wl) notation redesignated NAUT-OC and Alternator make/type Leroy Somer/LSA 58 VS55-1OP
cruise specialist Kloster, due to lack of customer NAUT-AW The revisions are intended to enhance Output/speed. .. 3 x 3600kW/720rev/min
support. safety and efficiency in bridge operations, factors that Main-engine driven alternators
The World represents a smaller version of that have been addressed by STN Atlas in the Number.... . 2
original design and offers a maximum passenger development of a comprehensive outfit of navigation Make/type .. . Leroy Somer/LSA 58 M75-10P
capacity of 699, carried in 105 apartments, all and communication equipment. Output.. ............2 x 2800kW
'outside' and with balconies, and 88 outside guest- Passengers
suites, of which 74 have balconies. The rationale Total.. . 699
behind what is known as 'resort shipping' is that these TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Cabins .. . 1~
cabins will be 'purchased' by passengers who will use Length, oa.. ........196.35m Apartments (100% outside: 100% balconies) ...... 105
them for long or short periods each year, or sub-let Length, bp.. . .. 173.00m Guest suites(100% outside: 74% balconies)... ..88
them, and for this reason they are fully self-contained, Breadth, moulded.. . 29.80m Complement.. .. 343
even having their own kitchens. Recognising the Depth, moulded, to main deck.. .. 9.20m Bow thrusters
dangers that might result from this unsupervised Gross.. . ., 43,188gt Make.. ......................... Brunvoll
culinary activity, elaborate safety measures have been Draught.. .. 6.90m Number..... ............. 2
introduced in case of fire. Air draught (minimum) 39.75m Output .. .. 2 x 1200kW
The requirements of communal involvement have Deadweight.. ..5058dwt Stern thruster
not been overlooked in the design, and the usual array Speed, service.. . 17.00knots Make.. .. Brunvoll
of cruise-ship public facilities is available on decks 4, Classification Det Norske Veritas, + 1AI, Number... .. ....... 1
5 and 6; also 11 and 12. A golf simulator, two pools, Passenger Ship, EO, Ice-l C, Output... .... 1 x 700kW
jogging track, and tennis court, are included in the COMF-Vl, WI, CLEAN, NAUT Radars.. .. STN Atlas
leisure arrangements, and a fold-down marina is Bunkers Integrated automatic navigation .. ........STN Atlas
provided at the stern for swimming and tender marine diesel oi! .. ................. 1276m' Waste disposal systems .. . ScanShip Engineering
operations. The Worldis expected to spend at least 250 Water ballast.. ...... 2026m' Contract date ..
days in port each year, creating a problem with waste Fuel consumption .. ......67tonnes/day Launch/float-out date .. .....28 February 2001
treatment, and advanced plants offering 100% Percentage of high-tensile steel Delivery date ... ......................... 30 February 2002
deck. All spaces are suitable for TEU/FEU boxes, Model., .. 8K80MC-C Output. ......................... 1700kW/25tonnes
except the aftermost bay on the upper deck, which Manufacturer HSD Engine Co Ltd Contract date .. ........ 1 November 2000
loads only 40ft boxes. Homogeneously loaded to Number.. .. 1 Launch/float-out date .. .12 April 2002
14tonnes, the total TEU intake is 2370, equal to a Output. 28,832kW/104rev/min Delivery date .. . 2 October 2002
• 0' COtH.
20' CONT.
TOISA PROTEUS: offshore support vessel
with heavy-lift capability
Shipbuilder:.... Van der Giessen-de Noord BV, considerations, the wire storage drums and heave diesel oil. 1183m'
The Netherlands compensators have been located below the main deck, Waterbauast.. ...".3400m'
Vessel'sname .Toisa Proteus with roll reduction catered for by an lntering air- Classification.. ", ..."".,. Det NorskeVeritas+ lAl, EO,SF,
Hull number: 987 activated system amidships, and Frank Mohn anti-heel DYNPOSAUTRO,ERN(99.99.93)
Owner/operator:.. ,,,Toisa Ltd, pumps aft, With no immediate requirement for a Heel controlsystem ."."."." .." Framopump system
Bermuda/Sealion Shipping Ltd, UK moonpool, the necessary opening has been dosed, but Rollstabilisationequipment 2 x Interingactive roll-
Designer: ..Van der Giessen-de Noord BV, reinforcement has been built into the structure for a reductiontanks
The Netherlands 30tonne service crane to be retrofitted. Provision is Diesel-electricsystem
Model test establishmentused:"",,,,. ,MARIN, also included for a 160tonne A-frame to be added at Main engines
The Netherlands the stern. Design., ",W~rtsil~
Flag:, ,.,.".",.",.,United Kingdom The diesel-electric power system is based on the Model.. """ 9L26
Totalnumber of sister ships same package fitted to Toisa Persens,with four 2680kW Manufacturer.. . wartsua
already completed. ,,,,....,,,Nil Siemens al ternators driven by Wartsih 9L26A diesel Number , , .4
Totalnumber of sister ships engines, housed with their own switchboards in Output.., , , , .4 x 2680kW/900rev/min
still on order.. "", ..Nil separate machinery rooms forward of midships, These Alternators
drive the twin propulsion motors which supply two
Manufacturer Siemens
Rolls-Royce Aquamaster FP azimuthing thrusters aft,
Number ".. .., "" ...4
and three tunnel thrusters from Ulstein - another arm
V AN der Giessen-de Noord's ability to take a
standard hull form and adapt it to suit a particular
owner's requirements is evident from reference to a
of the Rolls-Royce stable - forward, Compared with
the prototype vessel, the azimuthing units have been
Output.. "
Propulsion motors
..4 x 2680kW/900rev/min
/ \
./' '<
,/ \
~~~"~~ ~:J
bunkering trades. IPhi/challenger is on exclusive contract Length, bp .. . 80.80m Make... . Wanson Thermopac
to Exxonmobil Marine Fuels, working around the UK Breadth, moulded .. . 15.00m Hose-handling crane
south coast. The design features a cargo space divided Depth, moulded, to main deck ... . 8.60m Number... . 1
into 19 tanks, surrounded by a double hull providing Width of double skin Make.. . Mariner
segregated ballast compartments at the side and double side .. .................. 1.06m Type.. . Electric-hydraulic stiff-boom
bottom. The ship has been built with machinery, and bottom. .................... 1.10m/1.20m Performance .. . 900kg/18m
accommodation block, aft of the cargo spaces, and a Draught Mooring equipment
bowthruster room and forepeak forward; provision has design .. . 5.50m Number... . 2 x mooring winch/windlass,
been made for bunker tanks in the engineroom double scantling .. .................. 6.30m 2 x mooring winches
bottom, and for positioning auxiliary machinery in the Gross .................. 2958gt Make ....................... Rolls-Royce (Rauma-Brattvaag)
tweendecks above the engine. Displacement. . ........... 632Otonnes (slwl) Type.. . Low-pressure hydraulic
The 19 cargo tanks are designed for the carriage of Deadweight Cargo tanks
design. . 3630dwt Number.... . 19
oils with a maximum SG of 1.025tonne/m'. Four are
scantling .. . 4450dwt Grades .. . HFO, MDO. GO, LO
coated with a two-pack epoxy suitable for white oil
Speed, service. 100% MCR . .10.25knots Product range.. . Up to SG 1.025tonnes/m'
products such as marine diesel oil and marine gas oil,
Capacity Coated tanks. . 4 tanks: two-pack pure epoxy
whilst 11 tanks have an aluminium pure epoxy coating
liquid volume ................ 5094m' 11 tanks: aluminium pure epoxy
compatible with the carriage of black heavy fuel
Bunkers 4 tanks: uncoated
products, and four are uncoated and will be used for diesel oil.. 233m' Cargo pumps
lubricating oil. Water ballast 2198m' Number.. . .4
Each tank is equipped with one cargo hatch and one Percentage segregated ballast.. . 100% Type. . 3 x rotary; 1 x twin-screw
tank-cleaning hatch. Cargo discharge uses three Classification.. . Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Make 3 x Blackmer: 1 x Bornemann
Blackmer electrically driven rotary-sliding-vane pumps, + 100A1, Double Hull Oil Tanker, Capacity... 1 x 500m'/h; 2 x 250m'/h; 1 x 48m'/h
with speed-adjustment performed by frequency ESP,+ LMC, UMS, NAABSA Complement
converters, and one Bornemann self-priming twin-screw Main engine Officers.. . . 5
pump, all located in a cargo pumproom. Piping for the Design ... . Ma" Crew.. ...... 4
14 large tanks is laid out for in-tank blending. Two high- ModeL. ...6M25 Special rudder... Flap type
velocity pressure vacuum valves are provided for each Manufacturer... .... Caterpillar MaK Bow thruster
tank, and a vapour return line is also fitted. Tank Number. ..1 Make.. . Verhaar Omega BV
cleaning is carried out by two portable machines, each of Output. .... 1850kW/750rev/min Number.. . 1
8m' /h capacity. Gearbox Fire extinguishing system
A Whessoe 'float-type' tank level-gauging system is Make.. Rolls-Royce (Ulstein) Engineroom CO,
provided, offering a simple and reliable measuring ModeL. . 480AGSC-KP Make.. . Minimax
Number... . 1 Radars
device which operates satisfactorily when the vessel is
Output speed .. . 200rev/min Number... . 2
trading in either the cargo or bunkering modes, whilst Make Decca (Litton Marine)
telnperature measurement in all tanks except those Propeller
Models.. . 1 x ATA251/6E X-band
carrying lubricating oil, is effected by glycerine-based Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze
1 x ATA253/12/E S-band
mechanical gauges. Manufacturer... . Rolls-Royce (Kamewa/Ulstein) Contract date .. . April 2000
The machinery installation is designed around an MaK Number... . ..... 1 (four blades) Launch/float-out date.. . 8 June 2002
6M25 main engine with a maximum continuous rating Pitch.. ...Controllable Delivery date .. 18 October 2002
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