Omam Character Chart
Omam Character Chart
Omam Character Chart
Lenny Small Huge, shapeless face, pale eyes, Childlike, mentally disabled, dependent on
shuffling gai George
"I don't want no trouble. Don't let him sock me,
Slim Tall, lean, skilled mule driver, Wise, quiet, perceptive
respected by others "You guys travel around together?"
Candy Old, one-handed swamper, tall Lonely, desperate for companionship, helpful
and stoop-shouldered
"They'll can me purty soon. Jus' as soon as I
can't swamp out no bunk houses they'll put me
on the county.
Crooks Black stable hand, crooked Lonely, bitter, isolated due to racism
back, glasses, likes to read "I ain't wanted in the bunkhouse, and you ain't
wanted in my room."
Curley’s Wife Young, pretty, wears red lipstick Lonely, desperate for attention, flirtatious
and high heels Lonely, desperate for attention, flirtatious
Aunt Clara Not physically present, but Loving, nurturing, important to Lennie's past
mentioned "You always was a good boy, Lennie."