P Actites (Lynch, 1979)
P Actites (Lynch, 1979)
P Actites (Lynch, 1979)
A New Frog Species of the Eleutherodactylus fitzingeri Group from the Pacific Andean
Versant in Ecuador
Author(s): John D. Lynch
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Herpetologica, Vol. 35, No. 3 (Sep., 1979), pp. 228-233
Published by: Herpetologists' League
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3891691 .
Accessed: 12/09/2012 17:58
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228 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 35, No. 3
digits (instead of distinct fringes). Neither %, fold not flap-like; inner metatarsal tubercle
of these close relatives has dense black elongate (three times as long as wide), non-com-
flecking on the anterior and posterior sur- pressed; outer metatarsal tubercle indistinct, sub-
conical, 1/4A/6 size of inner; indistinct supernumer-
faces of the thighs as does E. actites. ary plantar tubercles at base of toes 2, 3, and 4;
subarticular tubercles non-conical, those on inner
Description.-Head narrowerthan to as broad as toes round, those on outer toes longer than wide;
body; head broader than long; head width 33.0- toes bearing narrow, keel-like lateral fringes, not
37.6 (x = 35.4 + 0.4 [x + 2 SE], n = 71) percent webbed; all toes bearing broad pads and discs
SVL; snout acuminate in dorsal view, rounded to (broader than long), all apically rounded; hind-
weakly protruding in lateral profile, snout long, limbs long, heels broadly overlap when flexed legs
E-N 86.9-111.8 (i = 99.6 + 2.1, n = 33) percent
held at right angles to body; heel of adpressed leg
eye length in males, 105.0-134.6 (x 115.4 + 2.1, extending beyond tip of snout; shank 51.5-63.8
n = 38) percent in females; nostrils not protuber-
ant, directed dorsolaterally;canthus rostralissharp, (x = 58.4 + 1.0, n = 33) percent SVL in males,
53.7-64.7 (i = 59.5 + 1.3, n = 21) percent in
straight or weakly convex; loreal region flat, sloping
adult females, 57.8-69.0 (x = 62.1 + 1.1, n = 17)
abruptly to lips; lips not flared; upper eyelid width percent in juvenile and young females.
79.4-133.3 (x = 103.1 + 4.6, n = 30) percent
In preservative, gray above with darker gray
IOD in males, 75.0-106.2 (i = 90.5 -+- 3.1, n =
36) percent in females; interorbital space flat, no interorbitalbar, scapular W, one to three chevrons,
cranial crests; supratympanicfold prominent, con- oblique limb bars (narrower than interspaces);
cealing uppermost edge of tympanum; tympanum some individuals have numerous smaller gray spots
prominent, slightly higher than long, its length interspersed among those listed above; canthal,
(x = 38.8
supratympanic, labial stripes darker gray; some
32.2-45.7 -+- 1.2, n - 33) percent eye
individualshave labial bars; anal triangle dark gray;
length in males, 33.3-50.5 (x 42.7 ? 1.2, n = groin and posterior flanks, anterior and posterior
38) percent in females; tympanum separated from
surfaces of arm and thigh speckled with black;
eye by twice its length; no enlarged tubercles on
head except for prominent postrictal tubercles; posterior thigh dark gray with some black flecks
choanae moderate-sized, triangular in outline, not along upper edge (at posterioredge of thigh bars);
concealed by palatal shelf of maxillaryarch; vomer- venter dull cream spotted with gray; lower surfaces
ine odontophores prominent, four times size of a of limbs, bands, and feet dull gray.
choana, median and posteriorto choanae, separated In life, gray, pale reddish-brown,to dark brown
above with darker brown markings edged with
by a choanal width; odontophores approximately
triangular in outline, each bearing a row of 4-7 black; canthal and supratympanic stripes black
teeth in a nearly transverserow (dipping medially) edged with yellow-bronze;flanks paler than dorsum
across posterior edge; tongue slightly longer than with pale rose wash becoming pale blue-gray ven-
wide, posterior border shallowly notched, posterior trally and posteriorly,spotted with black; posterior
thighs pale blue-gray speckled with silver and
/4 not adherent to floor of mouth; males with long black; venter white to yellow, speckled with brown;
vocal slits posterolateral to tongue; median vocal
sac present. undersidesof thighs flesh-colored;palms, soles, and
tarsi black; iris pale yellow reticulated with black
Skin of dorsum, head, flanks, and limbs sha-
greened (no enlarged tubercles); thin, non-glan- and bearing red horizontal streak.
Measurements of the holotype in millimeters.-
dular dorsolateral folds present; skin of venter
SVL 52.2; shank 30.3; head width 18.2; head
smooth to wrinkled,some suggestion of granulations
length 19.1; tympanum length 2.2; eye length 5.6;
on posterior part of belly (anterior to discoidal
E-N 6.0. The holotype is an adult female having
fold); undersides of limbs smooth except thighs
extensively convoluted oviducts; most ovarian eggs
posteroventralto anus (coarsely areolate compared
to that of venter); anal opening not modified, no are small and white but some are large and yellow.
para-anal tubercles; no ulnar tubercles except Ety mology.-Greek, aktites, a shore
rounded antebrachial tubercle; palmar tubercle dweller, in reference to the abundance of
bifid, twice as large as oval thenar tubercle; indis-
tinct supernumerarytubercles at base of fingers 3 the frogs along edges of small streams flow-
and 4; subarticular tubercles on inner digits sub- ing through Pilalo.
conical, those on outer digits flat, as long as wide, Distribution.-Known only from the im-
simple; fingers bearing narrow, keel-like lateral mediate vicinity of Pilalo, Provincia Coto-
fringes; moderate-sized pads on fingers 2-4, none
on thumb; all digits bearing discs, that on thumb paxi, Ecuador, 2486 m. In addition to the
round, others broader than long; pads and discs large series at the University of Kansas,
rounded apically; thumb longer than second finger. there is a large uncatalogued series at the
Knee lacking tubercles; heel bearing small round
tubercles; no tubercles on outer edge of tarsus; National Museum of Natural History and
inner edge of tarsus bearing distinct fold on distal another in my possession (to be used for
232 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 35, No. 3