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FAQ For Applicants

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English Proficiency Test System Check

Result Result
PASS You must have an average score of at least PASS
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you the
job. However, we would like to encourage
you to reapply in six months because there
FAIL may be opportunities to consider your RETRY
application. Regardless, we thank you for
your interest in this position at our company.

System Check Demo Lesson
Result Result
After studying Learning Kit. PASS
Please entersystem
Check your Demo lesson
once more to ensure that all
devices (e.g., headset, camera) are operational,
the background is conducive to learning, and
the internet connection is strong. Enter standby RETRY
mode and click the 'Retake System Check'
button when everything is in order.

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you the SCORING

job. However, we would like to encourage you to FAIL
Demo Lesson
Please process next step about creating your tutor
After reviewing the Learning Kit and understanding how
to do it correctly, you may select standby mode and click
'Retake Demo.'

You are placedwe

Regardless, tothank
because you initially
for your interestpassed
in thisthe
Demo lesson;
position however,
at our it should be reviewed by
■Table of contents

・How can I create a password?

・How can I continue my application?
・I don't know what is a referrer
・I can't continue my application immediately.
・I had a connection problem during the English Proficiency Test
・I can't receive verification email
・I failed the English Proficiency Test
・I can't apply for Native Camp

・About System check

・How to proceed to System check
System ・Can I reserve for System check?
・When can I enter System check ?
・My status is retry what should I do ?
・My status is fail what should I do ?

・About Demo lesson

・How to proceed to Demo lesson
・Where can I find the Learning Kit materials for the Demo Lesson?
・How many times can the applicant retake the Demo lesson ?
・Can I reserve for Demo lesson?
lesson ・My status is scoring what should I do ?
・My status is retry what should I do ?
・My status is fail what should I do ?
・My status is Retry for I need to do Self-introduction Video recording, w
・I can't enter the Demo lesson anymore
・I have been waiting for my demo lesson for far too long.
・There was connection issue and I could not talk to the Admin
・About tutor app that they cannot log in
・About equipment
・I forgot my Password
Technical ・My camera is not working properly
・I can't log in to my Account
・May I know which OS is required here in NC?
・System doesn't accept my password
・I forgot the email address I used when I first registered.

・About tutor's fee

・About payment method
・About the nationality of our student
・Do I have to use my real name or nickname?
・Is it possible to apply with a new account?
Others ・Is there a minimum required working hours?
・What will be my contract ?
・What is the passing rate to pass the EPT?
・Can I delete my information?
・What should I do if I want to stop the application process?
・Do I must speak and understand Japanese language?
ciency Test

emo Lesson?
lesson ?

Video recording, what should I do?

he Admin


No Question Answer
1 How can I create a password? When generating your password, make sure to include at least seven characters (letters,
2 How can I continue my application? digits,
You mayor alog
in of
to letters and numbers).
your account to return to the page in your application where you left off. This is t
3 I don't know what is a referrer Referrer is an active teacher who referred you to join Native Camp. It is not, however,
I can't continue my application necessary
4 You do nottoneed
fill out the referral
to proceed withsection on the form.
your application Youaway.
right may There
proceedis with your
no need to rush;
had a connection problem during the you may resume your application whenever you are ready.
5 You may contact us via the inquiry section so that we can assess the matter and decide whether to a
English Proficiency Test
6 I can't receive verification email Check your "Spam" folder first to see if the verification email has arrived. If you are
7 I failed the English Proficiency Test unable to find it,
Unfortunately, weplease re-apply
are unable usingyou
to offer a different
the job. e-mail address
However, to continue
we would like to with your
8 I can't apply for Native Camp you to reapply in six months because there may be opportunities to consider
We will investigate any other accounts you may have, so please provide the following your
information below:
System check
No Question Answer
1 About System check You can access the Recruitment Site by logging in and selecting the "Start System
2 How to proceed to System check Check"
You canoption. In any
have your case,check
system before performing
whenever you the System
want. Check,
However, ensure
ensure that
that you
you have
have all
3 Can I reserve for System check? of the system check requirements and that your Internet connection is stable.
You do not need to reserve for a system check. When you are ready to perform it, Simply go
4 When can I enter System check ? please
You gohave
can into standby mode
your system and select
checked "system your
by selecting check."
timeYou can
zone usereferring
and our website's
to the recruitment tim
5 My status is retry what should I do ? Check your system once more to ensure that all devices (e.g., headset, camera) are
6 My status is fail what should I do ? operational, thewe
Unfortunately, background
are unableistoconducive
offer you to
thelearning, and theweinternet
job. However, connection
would like is
to encourage you to reap
Demo lesson
No Question Answer
1 About Demo lesson You can go to the Learning Kit tab and study the materials provided for your demo
2 How to proceed to Demo lesson lesson.you've
Once Whenlogged
you'rein ready
to thetoapplication
start the demo, switch
website, to standby
you'll notice a mode
button. and select "Start
Navigate to the
Where can I find the Learning Kit 'Start Demo lesson' to proceed. Check the available time for taking the demo class
3 After passing System Check, you will be directed to the next page and be able to view
How manyfor the Demo
times can theLesson?
applicant the
4 YouLearning
will only Kit
havematerials for your
three attempts forDemo Lesson.
the demo Please
lesson (butproceed
there istoa the Demo
chance Lesson
that you
retake the Demo lesson will fail on your first try if we see no potential.) It is no longer possible to retake the
5 Can I reserve for Demo lesson? You do not need to reserve for a demo lesson. When you are ready to perform it, please
6 My status is scoring what should I do ? go into
You arestandby
placed tomode and because
scoring select "Start Demo Lesson."
you initially passed theYou can use
Demo our however,
lesson; website's it
7 My status is retry what should I do ? shouldreviewing
After be reviewed
the by management,
Learning Kit andwho will then decide
understanding how whether you will proceed
to do it correctly, you mayto
8 My status is fail what
Retry for should I do
I need to do?Self- select standby mode and click 'Retake Demo.'
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you the job. However, we would like to encourage you to reapply
9 introduction Video recording, what You re-enter the demo lesson and record your Self-Introduction Video with an Admin.
10 should I do? the Demo lesson anymore
I can't enter When you're
Please refer todone, your status
the timetable will beon
provided changed to Pass.
our website and use it as time reference as to when you should
I have been waiting for my demo lesson
11 Be informed that due to the COVID-19 situation, we now have a large number of
for far too long. applicants, which is why the Demo Lesson time is longer.
No Question Answer
There was connection issue and I could not
1 There could have been some temporary issues between you and the Admin. Check your
talk to the Admin
2 About tutor app that they cannot log in PC settings
You are stilland internet
in the processconnection to avoid a similar
of your application, situation
which is why youinaretheunable
future.to use the
3 About equipment tutor
You can use a high-definition camera and a noise-cancelling headphones.have
application at this time. You can only access the app if you already a tutor
If you don't
4 I forgot my Password have such, you can use a standard camera and earphones as long as we can see and
To reset your password and create a new one, please click the 'forgot password' option from the link
5 My camera is not working properly Check to see that your camera is in good working order. The NC platform is unable to
6 I can't log in to my Account recognize
Try using the
onecamera whenbrowsers:
of the three it is connected to other
Chrome, programs.
Firefox, or Edge. Please close all
May I know which OS is required here in If thecan
7 You usepersists,
either aplease
MAC notify us and send
or a Windows us a screenshot
operating of the however,
system. Please, situation.use
8 System doesn't accept my password Chrome, Firefox, or Edge as your browsers.
You must create an alphanumeric password with a minimum of seven characters. Alphanumeric pa
I forgot the email address I used when I first
9 Unfortunately, we cannot track your applicant account. So please use the link below to create a new
No Question Answer
1 About tutor's fee You will be paid according to your tutor's rank. You will be able to see your tutor's
2 About payment method rankhave
We anddifferent
fee once you have methods.
payment completedWhen
the application process
you are hired, youand
willsigned the contract.
be informed of the
3 About the nationality of our student payment method that is appropriate for your country.
Our students are not only Japanese, but come from all over the world.
Do I have to use my real name or
4 If you prefer, you can use your real name or any other nickname. However, once you've
5 Is it possible to apply with a new account? decided
Using on a name,
a different it's nottopossible
account reapplytois change
strictly itnot
later on.
Is there a minimum required working
6 There is no set amount of time that must be worked. Working hours are flexible, so you
7 What will be my contract ? may are
You select when youaswant
considered to work.
an independent contractor because Native Camp Singapore does
8 What is the passing rate to pass the EPT? not have an Employer-Employee contract
To pass the EPT, you must have an average with
score you.
of at least 80%.
9 Can I delete my information? Since you were not hired as a NativeCamp teacher, there is no saved personal
What should I do if I want to stop the information about
10 There is no need toyou that mayifbeyou
do anything removed.
want to stop the process.
application process?
Do I must speak and understand Japanese
11 No, there is no need for the applicants to speak Japanese language.

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