NCM103 Notes 3
NCM103 Notes 3
NCM103 Notes 3
Effects of Illness
Impact on Client
Nurses can help client adjust to their lifestyles by means:
Providing explanation about necessary adjustments
Making arrangements wherever possible to accommodate the client's lifestyle
Encouraging other health professionals to become aware of the person's lifestyle
practices and to support healthy aspects of that lifestyle
Reinforcing desirable changes in practices with view to make them a permanent
part of the client's lifestyle
Impact on Family
The kind of effect and its extent depend chiefly on 3 factors:
a. member of the family who is ill
b. seriousness and length of illness
c. cultural and social customs the family follows.
The changes that can occur in the family include the following:
Role changes
Task reassignments and increased demands on time
Increased stress due to anxiety about the outcome of the illness for the client and
conflict about unaccustomed responsibilities
Financial problems
Loneliness as a result of separation and pending loss
Change in social customs
Health Care Delivery System
Health Care System
It is the totality of service offered by all health discipline
Previously, major purpose of a health care system was to provide care to ill and
However, with increasing awareness of health promotion, illness prevention and
levels of wellness, health care system are changing as the roles of nurses in
these areas
The services provided by a health care system are commonly categorized
according to type and level
Types of Health Care Services
1. Primary prevention – consists health promotion and illness prevention
2. Secondary prevention – consists of diagnosis and treatment (screening for
3. Tertiary prevention – consists of rehabilitation, health restoration and palliative
care. (Rehabilitation services for clients who have/had cerebrovascular accident
Hospice Services
An inter-professional health care service for dying, provided in the home or
another health setting
Central concept is not saving a life but improving/maintaining quality of life until
Nurses perform ongoing assessments of needs of the client and family and helps
to find appropriate resources and additional services for them as needed
Crisis Centers
Provide emergency services to clients experiencing life crises.
These may operate out of a hospital or in the community and most provide 24-
hour telephone service.
Nurses need well-developed communication and counseling skills.