Unit-2 Drive Motor Characteristics
Unit-2 Drive Motor Characteristics
Unit-2 Drive Motor Characteristics
Drive motor characteristics
DC Motor Characteristics:
The performance of a d.c. motor can be judged from its characteristic curves known as motor
characteristics, following are the three important characteristics of a d.c. motor:
i. Torque and Armature current characteristic (Ta - Ia)
It is the curve between armature torque Ta and armature current Ia of a d.c. motor.
It is also known as electrical characteristic of the motor.
ii. Speed and armature current characteristic (N - Ia)
It is the curve between speed N and armature current Ia of a d.c. motor. It is very
important characteristic as it is often the deciding factor in the selection of the motor for
a particular application.
iii. Speed and torque characteristic (N - Ta)
It is the curve between speed N and armature torque Ta of a d.c. motor. It is also known
as mechanical characteristic.
Basics of DC Motors:
The electrical equivalent circuit of dc motor as shown in fig.
The back e.m.f. Eb (= P ZN/60 A) is always less than the applied voltage V, since back e.m.f.
Eb acts in opposition to the supply voltage or applied voltage V, The net voltage across the armature
circuit is V- Eb.
The armature current Ia is given by
Voltage equation
Power equation
Power P = V x Ia in watts
Hence torque in a d.c. motor is directly proportional to flux per pole and armature current.
i. For a shunt motor, flux is practically constant
Ta Ia
ii. For a series motor, flux is directly proportional to armature current
Ia provided magnetic saturation does not take place.
Ta a2 a
Speed of a D.C. Motor
Therefore, in a d.c. motor, speed is directly proportional to back e.m.f. Eb and inversely
proportional to flux per pole .
i. Ta / Ia Characteristic
Hence Ta / Ia characteristic is a straight line passing through the origin as shown in fig. The shaft
torque (Tsh) is less than Ta and is shown by a dotted line. It is clear from the curve that a very large
current is required to start a heavy load. Therefore, a shunt motor should not be started on heavy load.
ii. N / Ia Characteristic
The speed N of a. d.c. motor is given by;
The flux and back e.m.f. Eb in a shunt motor are almost constant under normal conditions.
Therefore, speed of a shunt motor will remain constant as the armature current varies (dotted line AB in
Fig.). Strictly speaking, when load is increased, Eb (= V- IaRa) and decrease due to the armature
resistance drop and armature reaction respectively. However, Eb decreases slightly more than f so that
the speed of the motor decreases slightly with load (line AC).
iii. N / Ta Characteristic.
The curve is obtained by plotting the values of N and Ta for various armature currents (See
Fig.). It may be seen that speed falls somewhat as the load torque increases
Following two important conclusions are drawn from the above characteristics:
(i) There is slight change in the speed of a shunt motor from no-load to full load.
Hence, it is essentially a constant-speed motor.
(ii) The starting torque is not high because Ta α Ia.
DC Series Motor Ta – Ia Characteristics
Thus upto magnetic saturation, the armature torque is directly proportional to the square of
armature current. If Ia is doubled, Ta is almost quadrupled.
Therefore, Ta/Ia curve upto magnetic saturation is a parabola (portion OA of the curve in Fig.).
However, after magnetic saturation, torque is directly proportional to the armature current. Therefore,
Ta/Ia curve after magnetic saturation is a straight line (portion AB of the curve). It may be seen that in
the initial portion of the curve (i.e. upto magnetic saturation), Ta α Ia 2. This means that starting torque
of a d.c. series motor will be very high as compared to a shunt motor (where that Ta α Ia).
(ii) N / Ia Characteristic.
The speed N of a series motor is given by;
When the armature current increases, the back e.m.f. Eb decreases due to Ia (Ra + Rse) drop while the
flux f increases. However, Ia (Ra + Rse) drop is quite small under normal conditions and may be
Thus, upto magnetic saturation, the N/Ia curve follows the hyperbolic path as shown in Fig.
After saturation, the flux becomes constant and so does the speed.
N – Ia Characteristics
iii. N / Ta Characteristic:
The N/Ta characteristic of a series motor is shown in Fig. It is clear that series motor develops
high torque at low speed and vice-versa. It is because an increase in torque requires an increase in
armature current, which is also the field current. The result is that flux is strengthened and hence the
speed drops (N 1/). Reverse happens should the torque be low.
N – T Characteristics
Following three important conclusions are drawn from the above characteristics of series motors:
It has a high starting torque because initially Ta α Ia 2
(ii) It is a variable speed motor (See N/Ia curve in Fig) i.e., it automatically adjusts the
speed as the load changes. Thus if the load decreases, its speed is automatically raised
and vice-versa.
(iii)At no-load, the armature current is very small and so is the flux. Hence, the speed
rises to an excessive high value (N 1/). This is dangerous for the machine which may be
destroyed due to centrifugal forces set up in the rotating parts. Therefore, a series motor
should never be started on no-load. However, to start a series motor, mechanical load is first
put and then the motor is started.
(ii) N / Ia Characteristic.
As explained above, as the lead increases, the flux per pole also increases. Consequently, the
speed (N 1/) of the motor tails as the load increases (See Fig.). It may be noted that as
the load is added, the increased amount of flux causes the speed to decrease more than does
the speed of a shunt motor. Thus the speed regulation of a cumulative compound motor is
poorer than that of a shunt motor.
(iii)N / Ta Characteristic.
Fig. shows N / Ta characteristic of a cumulative compound motor. For a given armature
current, the torque of a cumulative compound motor is more than that of a shunt motor but
less than that of a series motor.
1. Shunt motors
Lathes, drills, boring mills, shapers, spinning and weaving machines, wood working machines,
reciprocating pumps, blowers, centrifugal pumps, milling machines, grinders etc.
2. Series motors
Electric locomotives, tram cars, trolley cars, cranes, hoists, elevators, conveyors, winches etc.
3. DC differential compound motor
Battery boosters, experimental and research work only.
4. Cumulative compound motor
Punching, shearing and planning machines, lifts, air compressors, rolling mills, printing presses,
In mechanical braking, the motor is stopped due to the friction between the moving parts of the
motor and the brake shoe i.e. kinetic energy of the motor is dissipated as heat. Mechanical braking has
several disadvantages including non-smooth stop and greater stopping time.
In electric braking, the kinetic energy of the moving parts (i.e., motor) is converted into
electrical energy which is dissipated in a resistance as heat or alternatively, it is returned to the supply
source (Regenerative braking).
For d.c. shunt as well as series motors, the following three methods of electric braking are used:
It may be noted that electric braking cannot hold the motor stationary and mechanical braking is
necessary. However, the main advantage of using electric braking is that it reduces the wear and tear of
mechanical brakes and cuts down the stopping time considerably due to high braking retardation.
9. This type of braking is applied to hold system It can’t produce holding torque. It requires
at any position. electrical energy to achieve braking operation.
Dynamic braking is used to stop the motor by dissipating its stored kinetic enrgy into a
resistive load or external resistance or braking reistance Rb. once the kinetic energy is totally dissipated,
the motor stops rotating if no external torque is exerted.
In this method, the armature of the running motor is disconnected from the supply and is
connected across a variable resistance R. However, the field winding is remains connected to the
supply. The armature, while slowing down, rotates in a strong magnetic field and, therefore, operates as
a generator, sending a large current through resistance R. This causes the energy possessed by the
rotating armature to be dissipated quickly as heat in the resistance. As a result, the motor is brought to
standstill quickly.
Fig.(i) shows dynamic braking of a shunt motor. The braking torque can be controlled by
varying the resistance R. If the value of R is decreased as the motor speed decreases, the braking torque
may be maintained at a high value. At a low value of speed, the braking torque becomes small and the
final stopping of the motor is due to friction.
This type of braking is used extensively in connection with the control of elevators and hoists
and in other applications in which motors must be started, stopped and reversed frequently.
Torque Ta
V − Eb − Eb − kbN
Ia = = = , V = 0, Also, Eb α N
Ra + Rb Ra + Rb Ra + Rb
ii) Plugging (or) Counter current braking (or) Reverse current braking
In this method, connections to the armature are reversed so that motor tends to rotate in the
opposite direction, thus providing the necessary braking effect. When the motor comes to rest, the
supply must be cut off otherwise the motor will start rotating in the opposite direction.
Due to the reversal of armature connections, both V and Eb start acting in the same direction
around the circuit. In order to limit the armature current to a safe value, it is essential to insert a resistor
in the circuit while reversing the armature connections.
When compared with rheostatic braking, plugging gives better braking torque. This method is
commonly used for printing presses, elevators, rolling mills and machine tools
The speed torque characteristic under plugging condition is given below in figure.
V 1 T (R + R )
N= + b a 2 ex V and Ia are negative
k b Ra + Rex k t k b
Rex – external resistance
Td = Tb = k t I a
1. In this method quick stoping is achived
2. For reversing the drives requires a short time for reversal
In the regenerative braking, the motor is run as a generator. As a result, the kinetic energy of the
motor is converted into electrical energy and returned to the supply. Fig. shows two methods of
regenerative braking for a shunt motor.
Regeneration takes place when Eb becomes greater than V. This happens when the overhauling
load acts as a prime mover and so drives the machine as a generator. Hence, the direction of Ia and
armature torque is reversed and speed falls until Eb becomes less than V.
During slowing down of the motor, power is returned to the line which may be used for
supplying another train on an upgrade motion thereby relieving the power supply house, a part of its
load. As a safety measure, it is essential to have some type of mechanical braking also in order to hold
the load in the event of power failure.
In one method, field winding is disconnected from the supply and field current is increased by
exciting it from another source. As a result, induced e.m.f. E exceeds the supply voltage V and the
machine feeds energy into the supply. Thus braking torque is provided upto the speed at which induced
e.m.f. and supply voltage are equal. As the machine slows down, it is not possible to maintain induced
e.m.f. at a higher value than the supply voltage. Therefore, this method is possible only for a limited
range of speed.
In a second method, the field excitation does not change but the load causes the motor to run
above the normal speed (e.g., descending load on a crane). As a result, the induced e.m.f. E becomes
greater than the supply voltage V. The direction of armature current I, therefore, reverses but the
direction of shunt field current If remains unaltered. Hence the torque is reversed and the speed falls
until E becomes less than V.
This method is used when the load on the motor has overhauling characteristics as m the
lowering of the case of a hoist or downgrade motion of electric train.
From the characteristic curves, it is clear that, higher the armature circuit resistance, the higher
is the speed at which the motor has to run for a given braking torque.
T V − Eb
Tb = k t I a Ia = Also, I a = Eb > V Ia is –ve
k t Ra
N= − a a N= + b a2
k b k b k b k t k b
1. The kinetic energy converted to electrical energy, which can be usefully utilized or returned
to supply mains.
2. Energy efficiency increases.
1. Need a set of battery bank to store the regenerated energy.
2. Load forces capable to accelerate the motor which is greater than the no load rated speed.
i. Rheostatic braking
In series motor field is proportional to the armature current. At the beginning of dynamic
braking, the field is strong, but gradually weakens because of the reduction of armature current, which
may prolong the braking time. To brake the motor faster the series field can be separated from the
armature circuit and excited by a different voltage source.
The speed-torque characteristics of dc series motor during rheostatic braking is shown in the
following figure (Fig.). Explanations are similar to rheostatic braking method applied to DC shunt
k k 2 N
Tb = Td = − t b
Ra + Rb
Dynamic braking operation Motoring operation
R3 R3
-T T
Speed - torque characteristics
The speed torque characteristics of a de series motor for plugging condition is shown below
(Fig.). The above characteristics have been constructed in the same manner as that of plugging
conditions applied to DC shunt motor.
Motoring Plugging
At no load the speed increases asymptotically, which results decreases in armature current and
field flux. The induced emf cannot be greater than the supply or terminal voltage. Hence regeneration is
not possible in a plain dc series motor, since the field current cannot be made greater than the armature
The regeneration in such a case is achieved by separately exciting the field, now dc series motor
work as dc shunt motor and motor characteristics similar to those of a separately excited shunt motor.
Speed - torque characteristics
Characteristics of AC Motors
The most common type of ac motor being used throughout the world is the induction motor.
Induction motors are most rugged, requires less maintenance and are less expensive than de machines
of equal kW ratings and speed ratings.
Induction motors are constructed both for single phase and three phase operation. Three phase
induction motors are widely used for all types of industrial applications such as lifts, cranes, pumps,
lathes, machine tools, etc. whereas single phase induction motors are used mainly for domestic
electrical appliances such as fans, refrigerators, washing machines, etc.
AC induction motors
Shaded pole
Three phase induction motor characteristics:
A 3-phase induction motor has a stator and a rotor. The stator carries a 3-phase winding (called
stator winding) while the rotor carries a short-circuited winding (called rotor winding). Only the stator
winding is fed from 3-phase supply. The rotor winding derives its voltage and power from the
externally energized stator winding through electromagnetic induction and hence the name, in which
electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy.
1. It has simple and rugged construction.
2. It is relatively cheap.
3. It requires little maintenance.
4. It has high efficiency and reasonably good power factor.
5. It has self starting torque.
1. It is essentially a constant speed motor and its speed cannot be changed easily.
2. Its starting torque is inferior to d.c. shunt motor.
Three phase induction motors are of two types namely, squirrel cage type and slip ring type.
Almost 90% of the induction motors are squirrel cage type only. The squirrel cage rotor consists of a
cylindrical laminated core with parallel slots for carrying the rotor conductors are heavy bars of copper,
aluminium or alloys. The rotor bars are permanently short circuited on themselves using end rings;
hence it is not possible to add any external resistance in series with the rotor circuit for starting
The slip ring rotor is provided with 3 phase, double layer, distributed winding consisting of coils
as used in alternators. The rotor is wound for as many poles as the number of stator poles and is always
wound 3 phase even when the stator is wound 2 phase. The three phases are connected internally. The
other three winding terminals are brought out and connected to three insulated slip rings mounted on
the shaft with brushes resting on them.
These three brushes are further externally connected to a 3 phase star connected rheostat. It’s
makes possible the introduction additional resistance in the rotor circuit during the starting period for
increasing the starting torque of the motor.
When under normal running conditions after starting the slip rings are automatically short
circuited and brushes will be lifted from the slip ring to reduce the frictional losses and the wear and
tear. Hence, under normal running conditions, the slip ring rotor is short circuited on itself and now it
looks like squirrel cage rotor.
Slip (s)
The difference between the synchronous speed Ns and the actual speed N of the rotor is known
as slip.
Ns − N Ns − N
Slip s = or %s = 100
Ns Ns
120 f
Synchronuous speed N s = in rpm where, f – Supply frequency, Hz
Synchronuous speed n s = s in rps P – No.of stator poles
Slip speed = Ns – N in rpm T – Torque developed, N-m
120 f
The rotor (or motor) speed N = N s (1 − s ) = (1 − s ) in rpm
Rotor current frequency f' = sf
Power (P)
2 N T 2 N
Out put power P = T = in watts where, = rad/sec
60 60
Starting torque (Tst)
The torque developed by the motor at the instant of starting is called starting torque.
E 22 R2 E 22 R2 3 E 22 R2
Tst = k =
R22 + X 22 R22 + X 22 2 n s R22 + X 22
E 22
Tm = k i.e. Tm V 2
2X 2
Ratio of various torque
s m2 + s 2f
Tst 2 sm Tf 2 sm s f Tst Tst I
= , = , = , = x 2 sc
Tm 1 + s m2 Tm s m2 + s 2f Tf s f (1 + s m2 ) T I st
Max. torque Tm
B Tf
A Ns
s=0 sm
Speed - Torque Characteristics
T s / s2 X22
T1/s as X2 is constant
Thus the torque is now inversely proportional to slip. Hence torque-slip curve is a
rectangular hyperbola.
(v) The maximum torque remains the same and is independent of the value of rotor resistance.
Therefore, the addition of resistance to the rotor circuit does not change the value of
maximum torque but it only changes the value of slip at which maximum torque occurs.
To maintain the magnetic flux constant, it is therefore necessary to control the supply frequency
and voltage in such a way that V/f remains constant.
A family of torque-speed curves for an induction motor obtained by supply frequency variation
with V/f = constant.
Speed-Torque Characteristics
Single phase motors are manufactured in different types to meet the requirements of various
applications. Single phase motors are classified on the basis of their construction and starting methods
employed. The main types of single phase motors are listed below.
3. Repulsion motors
(i) Repulsion-start induction-run motor
(ii) Repulsion-induction motor
4. Synchronous motors
(i) Reluctance motor (ii) Hysteresis motor
The starting winding is otherwise called as auxiliary winding and main winding is otherwise
called as running winding. These two windings are arranged such that, the phase difference between the
currents in the two stator windings is very large i.e. the maximum angle is 90°. These two currents
produce revolving flux and hence make the motor self starting. There are many methods by which the
necessary phase difference between the two currents can be created.
The double-field revolving theory is proposed to explain this dilemma of no torque at start and
yet torque once rotated. This theory is based on the fact that an alternating sinusoidal flux ( = m cos
t) can be represented by two revolving fluxes, each equal to one-half of the maximum value of
alternating flux (i.e., m /2) and each rotating at synchronous speed (Ns = 120f / P, = 2f) in opposite
The above statement will now be proved. The instantaneous value of flux due to the stator
current of a single-phase induction motor is given by;
= m cos t
Consider two rotating magnetic fluxes 1 and 2 each of magnitude m/2 and rotating in
opposite directions with angular velocity .
Let the two fluxes start rotating from OX axis at t = 0. After time t seconds, the angle through
which the flux vectors have rotated is at. Resolving the flux vectors along-X-axis and Y-axis, we have,
Speed - Torque Characteristics
Thus the resultant flux vector is = m cos t along X-axis. Therefore, an alternating field can
be replaced by two relating fields of half its amplitude rotating in opposite directions at synchronous
speed. Note that the resultant vector of two revolving flux vectors is a stationary vector that oscillates in
length with time along X-axis. When the rotating flux vectors are in phase (fig(i)), the resultant vector
is = m ; when out of phase by 180° (Fig.(ii)), the resultant vector = 0.
Split phase resistance start induction motor:indings, a main winding (also referred to as
The stator of a split-phase induction motor is provided with an auxiliary or starting winding S in
addition to the main or running winding M. The starting winding is located 90° electrical from the main
The starting winding has fewer turns and is wound of smaller diameter copper wire than the
running winding. Therefore, the starting winding has low reactance and high resistance. The running or
main winding has a low resistance and high reactance.
The current Is drawn by the starting winding lags behind applied voltage by a small angle
whereas current Im taken by the main winding large behind V by a very large angle. The phase angle
between Is and Im is made as large as possible, because, the starting torque of a split phase motor is
proportional to sinα.
(i) The sinning torque is 15 to 2 times the full-loud torque mid (lie starting current is 6 to 8 times the
full-load current.
(ii) Due to their low cost, split-phase induction motors are most popular single phase motors in the
(iii) Since the starting winding is made of fine wire, the current density is high and the winding heats up
quickly. If the starting period exceeds 5 seconds, the winding may burn out unless the motor is
protected by built-in-thermal relay. This motor is, therefore, suitable where starting periods are not
(iv) An important characteristic of these motors is that they are essentially constant-speed motors. The
speed variation is 2-5% from no-load to full load.
(v) These motors are suitable where a moderate starting torque is required and where starting periods
are infrequent e.g., to drive:
(a) fans (b) washing machines (c) oil burners (d) small machine tools (e) blowers etc.
The power rating of such motors generally lies between 60 W and 250 W.
Capacitor-Start Motor
The capacitor-start motor is identical to a split-phase motor except that the starting winding has
as many turns as the main winding. Moreover, a capacitor C is connected in series with the starting
winding as shown in Fig. (i). The value of capacitor is so chosen that Is leads Im by about 80° (i.e., α ≈
80°) which is considerably greater than 25° found in split-phase motor [See Fig. (ii). Consequently,
starting torque (Ts = k Im Is sinα) is much more than that of a split-phase motor Again, the starting
winding is opened by the centrifugal switch when the motor attains about 75% of synchronous speed.
The motor then operates as a single-phase induction motor and continues to accelerate till it reaches the
normal speed.
Electrical equivalent circuit Phasor diagram
(i) Although starting characteristics of a capacitor-start motor are better than those of a split-phase
motor, both machines possess the same running characteristics because the main windings are
(ii) The phase angle between the two currents is about 80° compared to about 25° in a split-phase
Consequently, for the same starting torque, the current in the starting winding is only about half that
in a split-phase motor. Therefore, the starting winding of a capacitor start motor heats up less
quickly and is well suited to applications involving either frequent or prolonged starting periods.
Applications: Due to its higher starting torque, the capacitor start split phase motors are used in pumps,
compressors, air .conditioners, large washing I!1achines and refrigeration units.
This motor is identical to a capacitor-start motor except that starting winding is not opened after
starting so that both the windings remain connected to the supply when running as well as at starting
two designs are generally used.
(i) Single value capacitor motor, a single capacitor C is used for both starting and running as shown in
Fig.(i). This design eliminates the need of a centrifugal switch and at the same time improves the
power factor and efficiency of the motor.
Applications: Due to noiseless operation, this type of motors are desirable for use in offices and
These motors are used where the starting torque is low such as fans, blowers, voltage
regulators, furnace controls; valve controls, arc welding controls, etc etc.
In the other design, two capacitors C1 and C2 are used in the starting winding as shown in
Fig.(ii)). The smaller capacitor C1 required for optimum running conditions is permanently
connected in series with the starting winding. The much larger capacitor C2 is connected in parallel with
C1 for optimum starting and remains in the circuit during starting. The starting capacitor C1 is
disconnected when the motor approaches about 75% of synchronous speed. The motor then runs as a
single-phase induction motor.
(i) The starting winding and the capacitor can be designed for perfect 2-phase operation at any load.
The motor then produces a constant torque and not a pulsating torque as in other single-phase
(ii) Because of constant torque, the motor is vibration free
(a) hospitals (b) studios and (c) other places where silence is important. (c) smaller home air
Shaded-Pole Motor
The shaded-pole motor is very popular for ratings below 0.05 H.P (~ 40W) because of its
extremely simple construction. It has salient poles on the stator excited by single-phase supply and a
squirrel cage rotor as shown in Fig. A portion of each pole is surrounded by a short-circuited turn of
copper strip called shading coil.
These motors have salient poles on the stator and a squirrel cage rotor. The necessary phase
splitting is produced by induction principle. The 1/3rd part of the pole is shaded portion and the other as
unshaded portion. When the exciting winding is connected to an AC supply, the magnetic axis will shift
from the unshaded portion of the pole to the shaded portion of the pole. This shift in magnetic axis is
equivalent to physical motion of the pole. As a result, the squirrel cage rotor will rotate in a direction
from the unshaded portion to the shaded portion. Its direction of motion is fixed.
Shaded de motors are simple in construction, almost reliable rugged and cheaper.
These motors has low starting torque, low efficiency and very little overload capacity
Applications: Due to its low starting torque, the shaded pole motors are generally used for small hand
fans, toys, hair driers, electric clocks, advertising displays, motion picture projectors, etc.
The speed of rotation of the air-gap field is directly proportional to the supply frequency, so it
should be clear that since d.c. is effectively zero frequency, the air-gap field will be stationary. The
rotor always tries to run at the same speed as the field. So, if the field is stationary, and the rotor is not,
a braking torque will be exerted, so that the braking (negative) torque falls to zero as the rotor comes to
rest. Since there will be induced currents in the rotor (and hence torque) only when the rotor is ‘cutting’
the flux. As with plugging, injection (or dynamic) braking is a dissipative process, all the kinetic energy
being turned into heat inside the motor.
Motoring Plugging
This is the most economical method of braking. During regenerative braking, the induction
motor is made to operate as an induction generator, converting the acquired mechanical energy into
electrical energy and feeding it back to the supply mains. It is worthwhile to mention that, when rotor
of induction motor is made to rotate at a speed greater than synchronous speed i.e., super synchronous
speed, induction motor will now behave as induction generator.
AC Supply
Load Induction
When rotor of an induction motor runs faster than the stator field (synchronous speed) speed,
then slip becomes negative, now machine act as generator. Overhauling load, hoist load and crane or
downhill motion has tendency to run the rotor above the synchronous speed. Regenerative braking is
120 f
also possible with a pole changing method and by varying the supply frequency N s = .
1. (i) List out the advantages and disadvantages of electrical braking over mechanical braking. (8)
(ii) Discuss any one method of electrical braking of DC Machines. (8)
2. Explain the Speed-Torque characteristics of three phase induction motor with neat diagrams.
3. Explain about the speed-torque characteristics of a DC Shunt Motor with suitable graph and
equations. (16)
4. Explain how an induction motor is brought to stop by (i) Plugging and (ii) dynamic braking.(16)
13. Explain about the speed-torque characteristics of a DC Compound Motor with suitable graph and
equations. (16)
14. A 220V shunt Motor has an armature resistance of 0.062Ω and with full field has an emf of
215V at a speed of 960 rpm, the motor is driving an overhauling load with a torque of 172
Nm. Calculate the minimum speed at which the motor can hold the load by means of regenerative
braking. (16)
Starting methods for ac and dc motors
At starting, when the motor is stationary, there is no back e.m.f. (E b = 0) in the armature.
Consequently, if the motor is directly switched on to the mains, the armature will draw a heavy
current (Ia = V/Ra) because of small armature resistance. This current will damage the motor.
The voltage and current equation of dc motor is given by V = E b + I a Ra ,
V − Eb
Ia =
Where, Eb - Back emf, Ra - Armature resistance, V - Supply voltage
V − Eb V
From the voltage equation, current drawn by dc motor is I a = Eb = 0
Ra Ra
This high starting current may result in:
(i) Burning of armature due to excessive heating effect,
(ii) Damaging the commutator and brushes due to heavy sparking,
(iii) Excessive voltage drops in the line to which the motor is connected.
As an example, 5H.P, 220V shunt motor has a full-load current of 20A and an armature
resistance of about 0.5 Ω. If this motor is directly switched on to supply, it would take an armature
current of 220/0.5 = 440 A which is 22 times the full-load current.
The starting operation of a d.c. motor consists in the insertion of external resistance into
the armature circuit to limit the starting current taken by the motor and the removal of this
resistance in steps as the motor accelerates. When the motor attains the normal speed, this
resistance is totally cut out of the armature circuit. It is very important and desirable to provide the
starter with protective devices to enable the starter arm to return to OFF position
(i) When the supply fails, thus preventing the armature being directly across the mains when this voltage
is restored. For this purpose, we use no-volt release coil.
(ii) When the motor becomes overloaded or develops a fault causing the motor to take an excessive
current. For this purpose, we use overload release coil.
A two point starter is used for starting a DC series motor which has the problem of over-
speeding due to the loss of load from its shaft. At this point, we have to keep in mind that, a DC
series motor never be started without load. A two point starter is shown below.
Series field
Typical Control Circuit for Starting DC Series Motor using TWO point starter with No Load Protection
Here for starting the motor, the control arm is moved clockwise from its OFF position to
the ON position against the spring tension. The control arm is held in the ON position by an
electromagnet. The Hold ON electromagnet is connected in series with the armature circuit. If the
motor loses its load, current decreases and hence the strength of the electromagnet also
decreases. The control arm returns to the OFF position due to spring tension, thus preventing the
motor from over-speeding. The starter arm also returns to the OFF position when the supply
voltage decreases appreciably. The L and A or F are the starter terminals which are connected
with the supply and motor terminals.
L – Line (Supply) F – Field A – Armature
No load protection:
When the DC series motor is started without any load, the starting current is very low due
to the absence of load, the No-Load armature current is very low because of starting resistance.
Since the magnet is not sufficiently energized to attract the starting handle. So, if the starter handle
is placed at run position it returns back to the off position due to spring action. The DC series motor
is now switched off and No Load protection is thus accomplished.
The operation this starter is similar to the two point starter with no load protection. Now
handle is gradually moved from off position, full starting resistance is connected to armature of the
dc series motor and the high starting current is limited. Finally handle reach the RUN position.
Where the entire starting resistance is removed from the series circuit. The handle is kept at run
position due to the presence of No-Volt magnet, which is connected across the DC supply through
the resistance R. If there is no resistance then No-Volt magnet circuit acts as a short circuit. The
starting resistance is connected to terminal A. The terminal A is connected to series field winding
and armature of DC series motor.
Series field
Typical Control Circuit for Starting DC Series Motor using TWO point starter with No Volt Protection
No Volt Protection
When supply fails the No-Volt magnet that is connected in parallel across the supply gets
de-energized. As a result it releases the starter handle: So the starter handle reaches the off
position, protecting the DC series motor from No-Volt. If No-Volt protection is not there, the starter
handle remains at Run position. When supply returns the DC series motor is directly connected
across the supply producing high starting current.
Schematic diagram
Fig. shows the schematic diagram of a three-point starter for a shunt motor with protective
devices. It is so called because it has three terminals L, F and A. The starter consists of starting
resistance divided into several sections and connected in series with the armature. The tapping
points of the starting resistance are brought out to a number of studs. The three terminals L, F and
A of the starter are connected respectively to the positive line terminal, shunt field terminal and
armature terminal. The other terminals of the armature and shunt field windings are connected to
the negative terminal of the supply.
The no-volt release coil is connected in the shunt field circuit. One end of the handle is
connected to the terminal L through the over-load release coil. The other end of the handle moves
against a spiral spring and makes contact with each stud during starting operation, cutting out
more and more starting resistance as it passes over each stud in clockwise direction.
(i) To start with, the d.c. supply is switched on with handle in the OFF position.
(ii) The handle is now moved clockwise to the first stud. As soon as it comes in contact with the first
stud, the shunt field winding is directly connected across the supply, while the whole starting
resistance is inserted in series with the armature circuit.
(iii) As the handle is gradually moved over to the final stud, the starting resistance is cut out of the
armature circuit in steps. The handle is now held magnetically by the no-volt release coil which is
energized by shunt field current.
(iv) If the supply voltage is suddenly interrupted or if the field excitation is accidentally cut, the no-volt
release coil is demagnetized and the handle goes back to the OFF position under the pull of the
spring. If no-volt release coil were not used, then in case of failure of supply, the handle would
remain on the final stud. If then supply is restored, the motor will be directly connected across the
supply, resulting in an excessive armature current.
(v) If the motor is over-loaded (or a fault occurs), it will draw excessive current from the supply. This
current will increase the ampere-turns of the over-load release coil and pull the armature C, thus short-
circuiting the no volt release coil. The no-volt coil is demagnetized and the handle is pulled to the OFF
position by the spring. Thus, the motor is automatically disconnected from the supply.
In a three-point starter, the no-volt release coil is connected in series with the shunt field
circuit so that it carries the shunt field current. During speed control, speed is varied through field
regulator; the field current may be weakened to such an extent that the no-volt release coil may
not be able to keep the starter arm in the ON position. This may disconnect the motor from the
supply when it is not desired. This drawback is overcome in the four point starter.
The connection diagram for a four point starter is shown in Fig. Therefore, when the
starting arm touches the starting resistance, current from the supply is divided into three paths.
One through the starting resistance and armature, one through the field circuit and one through
the NVR coil.
A protective resistance is connected in series with the NVR coil (or) Hold-on magnet coil.
With this arrangement, any change of current in the shunt filed circuit not at all affect the current
passing through the HOLD-ON coil because the two circuits are independent of each other. It
means that the electromagnetic pull exerted by the Hold-on coil will always be sufficient and will
prevent the spring from restoring the starting arm to OFF position no matter how the field rheostat
or regulator is adjusted.
When the load on motor increases above the rated limit then the armature takes high
current. When the motor is left unprotected from this high current, then it is damaged, the over
current magnet is used for this protection. When there is high current due to over load or due to
short circuit the over current magnet is energized and attracts soft iron rod H. As a result, the soft,
iron rod H closes the switch S. When the switch S is closed, it short circuits the No-Volt magnet. As
a result No Volt magnet is de-energized and release the starter handle to the Off position. So the
motor is switched off' and protected from the over current or high current.
The No Volt magnet keeps starter handle at run position against the control spring. The No-
Volt magnet attracts the soft iron bar placed in the handle. The No-Volt magnet is energized by the
.current flowing through the field circuit. If there is no No-Volt magnet the starter handle is pulled
back the Off position by the control spring and the motor Point Starter is switched Off.
Typical control circuit for dc shunt motor
The armature has been shown connected directly across the lines through resistance R.
When the START-push button is pressed, the main contactor M gets energized by getting supply
through the START-push button and the OLR. As soon as the contactor closes, normally open
contact M1 will close and act as seal-in contact while the releasing of Start push button. The M will
remain energized by getting supply through holding contact M1 which has been connected in
parallel with the START-push button. It may be understood that ON delay timer T also energized,
after certain time delay T will closed. Now starting resistance R connected in series with armature
were removed (shorted). The dc motor operates rated condition. In case of any emergency stop or
operation is completed, press the STOP push button to stop the motor. Normal operating condition
over load release not energized, there is any sudden increase in load (above the rated load or
current), now OLR get energized and corresponding OLR contact opened which results the
armature supply disconnected and motor is stopped.
Typical control circuit for dc shunt motor
When motor just starts, counter emf in the armature is zero. As the motor accelerates,
counter emf also starts building up. The accelerating voltage relays 1AR, 2AR and 3AR are set to
pick up at different increasing values of emf and their contacts energise contactors 1A, 2A and 3A
to cut off resistance R1, R2, R3 from armature circuit. In the four step starter shown in Fig., the
voltage accelerating relays may be set to pick up at 50, 75 and 90 percent rated speed. The working
of the control is explained as under:
When the START-push button is pressed, contacotor M is energised and it gets hold
through its own contact M2. Its main contact M1 energises the armature with resistance R1, R2 and
R3 in the circuit. The motor accelerates and when say 50% of the normal speed is reached, emf
generated causes the relay 1AR to pick up. Contact of 1AR closes to energise contactor 1A which
shorts resistance R1 through its main contact 1A1. Due to cutting of resistance R1, the motor
accelerates further and at 75% of normal speed counter emf generated makes the relay 2AR to pick
up. When 2AR picks up contact 2A1 of contactor 2A closes and shorts resistance R2. Thus
the motor accelerates still further and at 90% of the normal speed, relay 3AR picks up and thus the
third resistance R3 is short circuited by contactor 3A. Now the motor gets connected directly to the
lines and reaches its final speed.
Let R1 = Total resistance in the armature circuit when the starter arm is on stud no.1 (See Fig.)
R2 = Total resistance in the armature circuit when the starter arm is on stud no.2 and so on
Im = Maximum or Upper current limit
I = Lower current limit
n = Number of sections in the starter resistance
V = Applied voltage
Ra = Armature resistance
On stud 1. When the starter arm-moves to stud 1, the total resistance in the armature circuit is R1 and the
circuit current jumps to maximum values Im given by;
Im =
Since, torque Ia, it follows that the maximum torque acts on the armature to accelerate it. As the
armature accelerates, the induced e.m.f. (back e.m.f.) increases and the armature current
decreases when the current has fallen to the predetermined value I, the starter arm is moved over
to stud 2. Let the value of back e.m.f. be Eb1 at the instant the starter arm leaves the stud 1. Then
current I is given by;
V − Eb1
On stud 2. As the starter arm moves over to stud 2, sufficient resistance is cut out (now total circuit
resistance is R2) and current rises to maximum value Im once again given by;
V − Eb1
Im =
The acceleration continues and the back e.m.f. increases and the armature current
decreases. When the current has fallen to the predetermined value I, the starter arm is moved over
to stud 3. Let Eb2 be the value of back e.m.f. at the instant the starter arm leaves the stud 2. Then,
V − Eb 2
Starting of Three Phase Induction Motors
In the case of an induction motor, at start when the rotor is at standstill, the squirrel cage
rotor is just like a short circuited secondary. Therefore, the current in the rotor circuit will be very
high and at the same time, the stator also will draw a high current from the supply lines if full line
voltage were applied at start.
The magnitude of this current depends on the electrical design of the motor and is
independent of the mechanical load. The duration of starting current, however, depends upon the
time required for acceleration, which in turn depends on the nature of the driven load.
Modern well designed induction motors will usually take about 5 to 7 times the rated full
load current at the starting if rated voltage is applied to it. Best way to reduce the starting current
is to apply reduced voltage across the stator winding at start. With the reduction in voltage applied
to the stator of an induction motor, the short circuit current will be reduced in the same
The major factor to be considered if we employ reduced voltage for starting of squirrel
cage induction motor is the large reduction in starting torque, since starting torque is proportional
to the square of applied voltage. Whether or not such a large reduction in starting torque is
permissible will depend upon the applications.
The use of primary resistors is to drop some voltage arid hence reduce the voltage applied
across the motor terminals. In this way, the initial current drawn by the motor is reduced (Fig.). By
using primary resistors, the applied voltage per phase can be reduced by a fraction ‘x’, then
The ratio of the starting torque to full load torque is x2 times of that obtained with direct
switching or across the line starting. This method is useful for the smooth starting of small
machines only.
Main p
p S
l wi
y tc
Typical Control circuit of DOL Starter
A DOL starter with protective devices included. To start the motor, it is merely necessary to
press the START button. This energies the M contactor through the overload relay contacts OL
(normally closed) which, in turn, close the main contacts M. Contacts M1 many also close to seal
the main contactor, so that the START button may be released. Overload protection is provided by
two thermal elements OL place in the motor leads. If there is any overload, motor may get
overheated and now at this instant, thermal elements open the OL contacts in the control circuit to
de-energize the main coil. This opens the M contacts and disconnects the motor from the supply.
The tapping on the autotransformer is so set that when it is in the circuit, 65% to 80% of
line voltage is applied to the motor. At the instant of starting, the change-over switch is thrown to
“start” position. This puts the autotransformer in the circuit and thus reduced voltage is applied to
the circuit. Consequently, starting current is limited to safe value. When the motor attains about
80% of normal speed, the changeover switch is thrown to “run” position. This takes out the
autotransformer from the circuit and puts the motor to full line voltage. Autotransformer starting
has several advantages viz low power loss, low starting current and less radiated heat. For large
machines (over 25 H.P.), this method of starting is often used. Auto-transformers may be either
manually or magnetically operated.
Relation between starting and F.L. Torques. Consider a star-connected squirrel cage
induction motor. If V is the line voltage, then voltage across motor phase on direct switching is
V/3 and starting current is Ist = Isc. In case of autotransformer, if a tapping of transformation ratio
K (a fraction) is used, then phase voltage across motor is xV / 3 and Ist = x Isc,
Start Run
Autotransformer Starter
I st = xI sc
2 2 2
Tst I st
s f = xI sc
sf T I
= or st = x 2 sc sf
T f I f I Tf I
f f
It is found that while the starting torque is reduced to a fraction x2 of that obtainable by
direct starting, the starting line current is also reduced by the same fraction. Compared to the
primary resistors starting, the line current reduces further a fraction x while torque remains the
same. The auto-transformer starting is much superior to primary resistors starting. Also smooth
starting and high acceleration are possible by gradually raising the voltage to the full line value.
Star-delta starting
The stator winding of the motor is designed for delta operation and is connected in star
during the starting period. When the machine is up to speed, the connections are changed to delta.
The circuit arrangement for star-delta starting is shown in Fig.
The six leads of the stator windings are connected to the changeover switch as shown. At
the instant of starting, the changeover switch is thrown to “Start” position which connects the
stator windings in star. Therefore, each stator phase gets V/3 volts where V is the line voltage.
This reduces the starting current. When the motor picks up speed, the changeover switch is thrown
to “Run” position which connects the stator windings in delta. Now each stator phase gets full line
voltage V.
Starting current/phase, Isc = V/Zsc Starting line current = 3 Isc where V = line voltage
Star – Delta Starter
2 2
Tst I st
s f = I sc s Tst 1 I sc
= or =
T f I f
T f 3 I f
Where Isc = starting phase current (delta), If = F.L. phase current (delta)
Note that in star-delta starting, the starting line current is reduced to one-third as
compared to starting with the winding delta connected. Further, starting torque is reduced to one-
third of that obtainable by direct delta starting. This method is cheap but limited to applications
where high starting torque is not necessary e.g., machine tools, pumps etc.
It is clear that the star-delta starting reduces the starting torque to one to one third that
obtainable by direct delta starting and also the starting line current the star-delta starter is
equivalent to an auto-transformer of ratio of 1/3 or 58% tapping approximately.
By increasing the rotor resistance, riot only the motor current is reduced at starting but at
the same time torque is also increased due to improvement in power factor. The rheostat is either
of stud or contactor type and may be hand operated or automatic.
The introduction of additional external resistance in the rotor circuit enables slip ring motor
to develop a high starting torque with reasonable starting current. Hence, such motors can be
started under load.
When the motor runs under normal conditions the rings are short circuited and brushes
will be automatically lifted from them.
Slip-ring motors are invariably started by rotor resistance starting. In this method, a variable star-connected
rheostat is connected in the rotor circuit through slip rings and full voltage is applied to the stator
winding as shown in Fig.
(i) At starting, the handle of rheostat is set in the OFF position so that maximum resistance is
placed in each phase of the rotor circuit. This reduces the starting current and at the same
time starting torque is increased.
(ii) As the motor picks up speed, the handle of rheostat is gradually moved in clockwise direction
and cuts out the external resistance in each phase of the rotor circuit. When the motor attains
normal speed, the change-over switch is in the ON position and the whole external resistance is
cut out from the rotor circuit.
A softstarter has different characteristics to the other starting methods. It has thyristors in the
main circuit, and the motor voltage is regulated with a printed circuit board. The softstarter makes
use of the fact that when the motor voltage is low during start, the starting current and starting
torque is also low.
The soft starter eliminates unnecessary jerks during the start. Gradually, the voltage and the torque
increase so that the machinery starts to accelerate One of the benefits with this starting method is
the possibility to adjust the torque to the exact need, whether the application is loaded or not. In
principle the full starting torque is available, but with the big difference that the starting procedure
is much more forgiving to the driven machinery, with lower maintenance costs as a result.
Another feature of the soft starter is the soft stop function, which is very useful when
stopping pumps where the problem is water hammering in the pipe system at direct stop as for
star-delta starter and direct-on-line starter. The soft stop function can also be used when stopping
conveyor belts to prevent material from damage when the belts stop too quickly.
Soft starting an ac motor refers to any one of several starting methods that limit the
starting current and torque of the motor. The reduced voltage starters, and will be referred to as
soft starting. Most soft starters use voltage control to limit the motor starting current and torque
by continuously ramping the applied motor voltage when starting and stopping. Other reduced
voltage starting techniques cause a step change in the applied motor voltage, using electro
mechanical contactor switching.
3 AC Supply
Soft starter circuit Speed torque characteristics of soft started motor
Simple Soft starter circuit
Soft starting an ac motor refers to any one of several starting methods that limit the
starting current and torque of the motor. The reduced voltage starters, and will be referred to as
soft starting. Most soft starters use voltage control to limit the motor starting current and torque
by continuously ramping the applied motor voltage when starting and stopping. Other reduced
voltage starting techniques cause a step change in the applied motor voltage, using electro
mechanical contactor switching.
1. Draw a neat schematic diagram of a three point starter and explain its working. (16)
2. Draw a neat schematic diagram of a four point starter and explain its working. (16)
3. Explain with neat circuit diagram, the star-delta starter method of starting squirrel cage induction motor.
4. Explain the typical control circuits for DC Series and Shunt motors (16)
5. Explain the different starting methods of three phase squirrel cage induction motor with neat
sketches. (16)
6. Explain the different starting methods of DC motors.
7. Explain with neat diagram the starting of three phase slip ring induction motor. (16)
8. Draw and explain the push-button operated direct-on line starter for three phase induction motor.
9. Draw and explain the manual auto-transformer starter for three phase induction motor. (16)
A squirrel cage induction motor has a short circuit current of 4 times the full load value and
has a full load slip of 5%. Determine the suitable auto transformation ratio if the supply line current
is not to exceed twice the full load current. Also, express the starting torque in terms of the full
load torque. Neglect magnetizing current.
Calculate the percentage tapping required in an auto-transformer used for squirrel cage induction
motor to start the motor against of full load torque. The short circuit current on normal voltage is 5
times the full load current and full load slip is 5%.
A 3 induction motor is designed to run at 5% slip on full load. If motor draws 6 times the
full load current at starting at the rated voltage, estimate the ratio of starting torque to the full load
A 3 phase, 4 Pole, 50Hz induction motor takes 50Amps at full load speed of 1450 rpm and
develops a torque of 175 N-m. The starting current at rated voltage is 325 Amps. Calculate the
starting torque? If a star-delta starter is used, calculate the starting current?
Calculate the starting torque of a 3 phase induction motor in terms of full load torque when
started by means of (a) start-delta starter (b) and autotransformer with 60% tapping. The short
circuit current of the motor is 6 times the full load current and full load slip is 6%.
Calculate the ratio of starting to full load current, if the motor is provided with a star-delta
starter. Ignore magnetizing current. The other data are: 10 kW rating, 400V, 3 motor has full load
efficiency is 90% and power factor is 0.8 lagging. The blocked rotor line current is 40A at 200V.