The payslip shows Mr. Vishwas Nayak's earnings of Rs. 77,438.26 for April 2022 from basic pay, allowances and incentives, along with deductions of Rs. 7,189.26 for provident fund, tax, and other amounts, resulting in a net pay of Rs. 70,249. It also provides details of his leave record, loan balances, and bank account information for salary deposit.
The payslip shows Mr. Vishwas Nayak's earnings of Rs. 77,438.26 for April 2022 from basic pay, allowances and incentives, along with deductions of Rs. 7,189.26 for provident fund, tax, and other amounts, resulting in a net pay of Rs. 70,249. It also provides details of his leave record, loan balances, and bank account information for salary deposit.
The payslip shows Mr. Vishwas Nayak's earnings of Rs. 77,438.26 for April 2022 from basic pay, allowances and incentives, along with deductions of Rs. 7,189.26 for provident fund, tax, and other amounts, resulting in a net pay of Rs. 70,249. It also provides details of his leave record, loan balances, and bank account information for salary deposit.
The payslip shows Mr. Vishwas Nayak's earnings of Rs. 77,438.26 for April 2022 from basic pay, allowances and incentives, along with deductions of Rs. 7,189.26 for provident fund, tax, and other amounts, resulting in a net pay of Rs. 70,249. It also provides details of his leave record, loan balances, and bank account information for salary deposit.