Neurological Conditions
Neurological Conditions
Neurological Conditions
Patients may experience deficits in the form of verbal expression (i.e., word-finding difficulty) or
comprehension (i.e., difficulty understanding speech).
Semantics or meaning (e.g., “stern” can mean “severity of manner” or “the back of a boat”)
How to make new words (e.g., friend, friendly, unfriendly)
Grammar (e.g., “I walked to the new restaurant” rather than “walk I restaurant new”)
Social context (e.g., “Could you please open the window?” versus “Hey, open the window now!”)
When someone cannot produce speech sounds correctly or fluently or has voice problems, that is a speech
Anatomy of Language
There are several areas of the brain that play a critical role in speech and language.
Broca’s area, located in the left hemisphere, is associated with speech production and articulation. Our ability
to articulate ideas, as well as use words accurately in spoken and written language, has been attributed to this
crucial area.
Wernicke’s area is a critical language area in the posterior superior temporal lobe connects to Broca’s area via
a neural pathway. Wernicke’s area is primarily involved in the comprehension. Historically, this area has been
associated with language processing, whether it is written or spoken.
The angular gyrus allows us to associate multiple types of language-related information whether auditory,
visual or sensory. It is located in close proximity to other critical brain regions such as the parietal lobe which
processes tactile sensation, the occipital lobe which is involved in visual analyses and the temporal lobe which
processes sounds. The angular gyrus allows us to associate a perceived word with different images, sensations
and ideas.
Aphasia is the term used to describe an acquired loss of language that causes problems with any or all of the
following: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Some people with aphasia have trouble using words and
sentences (expressive aphasia). Some have problems understanding others (receptive aphasia). Others with
aphasia struggle with both using words and understanding (global aphasia). Aphasia can cause problems with
spoken language (talking and understanding) and written language (reading and writing). Typically, reading and
writing are more impaired than talking or understanding. The severity of the aphasia depends on the amount and
location of the damage to the brain.
Global Aphasia
If damage encompasses both Wernicke’s and Broca’s areas, global aphasia can occur. In this case, all aspects of
speech and language are affected. Patients can say a few words at most and understand only a few words and
phrases. They usually cannot carry out commands or name objects. They cannot read or write or repeat words
said to them.
Degeneration of the angular gyrus in the temporal lobe and inferior parietal lobe can lead to lvPPA. Typical
symptoms include slowed speech with normal articulation, impaired comprehension of sentence syntax as well
as impaired naming of things. lvPPA is probably associated with Alzheimer’s disease pathology.
PPA is caused by degeneration in the parts of the brain that control speech and language (the left, or
“dominant,” side of the brain in the frontal, temporal and parietal regions that normally control language
function). This type of aphasia begins gradually, with speech or language symptoms that reflect the normal role
for the site of initial degeneration. Eventually, problems spread throughout the broader language network. PPA
subtypes include nonfluent primary progressive aphasia (nfvPPA), semantic variant primary progressive
aphasia (svPPA) and logopenic primary progressive aphasia (lvPPA). These syndromes result from a variety of
underlying diseases, but most often frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) (both tau and TDP-43 subtypes)
or Alzheimer’s disease.
Wernicke’s Aphasia
Damage to the posterior superior areas of the language dominant temporal lobe (often called Wernicke’s area)
has been shown to significantly affect speech comprehension. In other words, information is heard through an
intact auditory cortex in the anterior temporal lobe, however, when it arrives at the posterior association areas,
the information cannot be sufficiently “translated.” In contrast to Broca’s aphasia, the person with Wernicke’s
aphasia talks volubly and gestures freely. Speech is produced without effort, and sentences are of normal length.
However, the person’s speech is devoid of meaning.
In Alzheimer’s disease, the most common cause of dementia, language functioning may be relatively spared in
the early stages of the disease, but it is likely to decline substantially in the mid to late stages. People with AD
often have difficulty with language expression, word fluency and naming objects. Syntax and comprehension of
language are generally preserved in the early stages, however, in the later stages, speech may become halting
due to word-finding difficulties. In other words, patients have great difficulty speaking in full sentences because
of the effort that is required to find the right words. Writing skills may often be compromised. Speech
comprehension may be significantly impaired during the end-stage of the disease.
CBS most commonly involves difficulty with language expression, such as word finding difficulty or speech
articulation problems. Reading and writing may also be impaired.
Language is generally not primarily affected in the behavioral variant of FTD. Often, people with bvFTD are
quiet and talk less, but this change derives more from increased apathy and lack of initiation. Patients may
respond when spoken to but tend to otherwise be disinclined to speak. On the other hand, some patients
experience euphoria and disinhibition as the disease progresses, and these people may be inclined to talk more.
The initial symptoms of semantic variant PPA often involve problems with finding the right words during
conversation. Bilateral deterioration of the temporal lobes (particularly anterior) leads to:
Individuals who have suffered neurological injuries, such as stroke or traumatic brain injury, may also
experience speech and language deficits, particularly but not exclusively, if the left side of the brain was
affected. Aphasia is common in people who have left sided brain injuries. Speaking, listening, reading, and
writing skills may all be affected to varying degrees. Should the stroke affect the parts of the brain that control
muscles used in speech (those in tongue, mouth and lips), speech can become slurred or slowed.