Ocular Manifestations in Down's Syndrome
Ocular Manifestations in Down's Syndrome
Ocular Manifestations in Down's Syndrome
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research
Volume 3 | Issue 5 | May 2016 | ICV: 50.43 | ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379
Nanda L, et al. Ocular Manifestations in Down’s Syndrome
was defined as more than +0.75 D spherical equivalent and zontal-pendular type (table-1). Six year and younger patients
myopia was defined as less than -0.75 D spherical equiva- showed a higher prevalence of hyperopia than those who
lent. Astigmatism was defined as refractive error more than are in older age groups; patients between 6-10 years old had
+- 0.75 of the cylinder.10,11 a higher prevalence of astigmatism. Patients older than 10
Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy after cycloplegic reti- years had more cataract, strabismus, iris abnormalities. My-
noscopy was used to examine the retina, choroid and optic opia is more common in patients with cardiac abnormalities.
disc, and included a full assessment of vessels in relation to Patients develop amblyopia due to strabismus and refractive
optic disc. error. Brushfield spots and keratoconus were not found.
We observed that majority of the patients had upward slant-
ing of the palpebral fissure. On examining the fundus it
Data was analyzed using SPSS version 19. Results are based showed numerous vessels >18 crossing the optic disc mar-
on descriptive statistics. gin and extending towards retinal periphery. In one patient
RESULTS retinal pigment epithelium showed focal hyperplasia. In the
bar chart below incidence of ocular abnormality in Down
Sixty four patients with Down syndrome (mean age, 8 years; syndrome is shown (figure-1)
range, 1year 6months to 14 years) underwent eye examina-
tions. Clinically significant refractive errors were present in DISSCUSSION
32% of the subjects, accommodative insufficiency in 34%, The incidence of strabismus in our study was 32% which is
nystagmus in 3%, and cataract in 7%, retinal abnormality in similar to that in other studies from da Cunha and Moreira
10%, epicanthal folds in 90%, lacrimal system obstruction (38%)12 or Lowe (33%)13 or Hiles et al (34%).14 Asians are
in 12%, blephritis in 18%, iris abnormalities in 12%, up- shown to have higher prevalence of exotropia as compared to
ward slanting of palpebral fissure with outer canthus in 93%. Caucasians.15 Racial factors may play a role in this striking-
Strabismus was present in 21 patients (32%), 14 of whom ly high incidence. Upward slanting of palpebral fissure, the
had esodeviations and 7 of whom had exodeviations. Nys- most frequent ocular finding, is present in 60 patients(93%).
tagmus was observed in 2 patients (3%), usually in the hori- Epicanthal folds, the second most prevalent feature, were
found in 58 patients (90%).The prevalence of these two ab-
Ocular abnormality
normalities has been reported as low as 9% and as high as
Total No of Patients 100%. This variation might be related to age and racial fac-
60 tors. Several authors have reported a decrease in prevalence
50 with increased age as shown in table 2.
40 Nystagmus was present in 2 patients (3%), which is in ac-
30 cordance with previous reports of 4-30%.The patients hav-
20 ing nystagmus in the present study usually had refractive
10 errors, which are in accordance with other studies reporting
nystagmus associated with refractive errors.16 The incidence
of cataract (7%) was similar to that in the studies done by
Shapiro and France (7%)16 and Roizen et al (5%)17, but quite
lower than 11-86% of other reports by Berk et al (11%)18 and
da Cunha and Moreira (20%).12 This varying incidence rate
might be related to the differences in age distribution and
diagnostic criteria.
The incidence of keratoconus varies between 0 and 30%. But
Figure-1: Incidence of ocular abnormality in Down syndrome
Comparison of ocular findings in Present Wong and Da Cunha Berk et al Caputo Shapiro
previous studies with our findings study Ho (1997)19 and Morei- (1996)18 et al and France
ra (1996)12 (1989)20 (1985)16
Number of patients 64 140 152 55 187 53
Nationality Indian Hong Kong Brazil Turkey US US
Range of age (years) 1 yr 6month 0-13 0-18 0-25 0-26 7036
- 14
Mean age ( years) 8 3.74 - 7.2 5.8 17.4
Upward slanting (%) 60(93) 140 125(82) - - 47(89)
Epicanthus (%) 58(90) 140 92(61) 13(24) - -
Refractive errors (%) 35(54) 137(98) 149(98) 60 122(65) 35
Hyperopia 8 42 39 29 39 17
Myopia 5 12 19 7 42 18
Astigmatism 22 8 91 24 41 12
Strabismus (%) 21(32) 28(20) 57(38) 12(22) 107(57) 23(43)
Esotropia 14 51 11 97 22
Exotropia 7 0 1 4
Hypertropia 0 4 0 6
Nystagmus (%) 2(3) 15(11) 28(18) 7(13) 55(29) 5(9)
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction (%) 8(12) - 46(30) 12(22) 9(5) -
Blepharitis (%) 12(18) 8(7) 45(30) 19(35) - 25(47)
Number of retinal vessels >= 18 (%) 6(9) 16 42 21(38) - -
Lens opacities (%) 5(7) 4 20(13) 11(20) 21(11) 7(13)
Focal RPE hyperplasia (%) 1(1.5) - - - - -
Glaucoma (%) 0 1 - - 10(5) -
Corneal opacities (%) 0 - - - - -
Keratoconus (%) 0 0 - - - 8(15)
Brushfield spots (%) 0 0 79(52) 20(36) - 43(81)
Table-2: Comparison of ocular findings in previous studies with our findings
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Volume 3 | Issue 5 | May 2016 | ICV: 50.43 | ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379
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