10 Words Phonological Awareness Instruction
10 Words Phonological Awareness Instruction
10 Words Phonological Awareness Instruction
addition, adventure, alphabet, amusement, animal, argument,
attendance, attention, attraction, audience, babysit, benefit,
borderline, butterfly, capable, carelessness, combining, comparing,
completely, completion, confusion, connected, consistent, continue,
contribute, dangerous, dealership, decision, department, developed,
difficult, disagree, disappear, disloyal, disorder, disturbance,
donation, dramatic, educate, encourage, energy, engineer, entertain,
estimate, evidence, example, expected, expensive, explaining,
fantastic, finishing, fisherman, flowerpot, forgetful, foundation,
gingerbread, grandmother, grocery, handwriting, hibernate, holiday,
honesty, imagine, imperfect, impolite, important, impressive,
incomplete, inhabit, instructed, instructor, introduce, invention,
inventor, leadership, manager, maximum, medical, memorize,
minimum, obstacle, obvious, operate, organize, peppermint,
personal, porcupine, potato, principal, protection, punishing,
recapture, reconnect, reinvent, relaxing, remainder, remember,
returning, seventeen, similar, strategy, summarize, teenager,
telephone, tornado, umbrella, uncertain, uncommon, understand,
vacation, valentine, vitamin, windowsill
Onset & Select any word with an onset that has one phoneme
Rime (no from the One-Syllable Words (Simple Syllables)
blends) Three-Phonemes List
& Rime Onset &
Select any word with an onset from the One-Syllable
Rime (with
Words (Complex Syllables) Three- Four- or Five-
Phonemes Lists
ace, ache, age, aid, aim, an, ape, arm, art, ash, at,
ate, bay, be, bow, boy, by, car, cow, day, doe, each,
One-Syllable edge, eel, egg, far, few, fur, go, hay, he, hi, how, ice,
Words with
Words if, in, is, it, itch, jar, jaw, joy, key, knee, law, lay, lie,
(Simple low, may, ray, me, mow, new, no, now, oak, oat, odd,
Syllables) off, oil, on, out, owl, own, pay, pie, raw, ray, row, saw,
say, see, she, show, shy, sigh, sir, so, tea, thaw, tie,
to, toe, toy, up, us, use, war, way, we, why, zoo
back, bad, badge, bait, bake, bark, barn, bat, batch,
bath, beach, bead, bean, bed, beg, big, bike, bin,
bird, birth, bite, boil, bone, book, boot, booth, born,
both, bowl, bug, burn, cage, cake, call, can, card,
cart, case, cash, cat, catch, cave, cell, chain, charge,
chart, chat, cheek, chin, chip, chip, chirp, choice,
chop, chose, church, coin, cone, cook, cook, cool,
cord, corn, cube, cup, curb, curl, dark, dash, dawn,
deck, dime, dirt, ditch, dodge, dog, doll, down, face,
fade, fail, faith, fake, farm, fawn, feed, feel, feet, fetch,
fill, firm, fish, fit, fog, foil, food, foot, force, fork, form,
fort, fudge, fun, fuse, gate, gate, gem, germ, get,
goal, goat, good, hard, harm, hat, hatch, hate, hawk,
head, head, hedge, hide, hike, hill, hole, home, hood,
hook, hoop, hope, horn, howl, hug, huge, hurt, jail,
join, joke, judge, jug, keep, keep, kid, kiss, kite, lace,
Words with
laid, lake, lamb, lame, lap, large, latch, late, lead, leaf,
leak, leap, ledge, leg, let, lick, life, lime, line, loud,
mad, main, make, march, mat, match, math, meat,
men, mess, mice, mine, miss, mood, mop, moth,
much, mute, nail, neat, need, nice, nine, noon, north,
nose, nose, notch, nut, pad, page, paid, park, part,
peace, peach, peel, pen, phone, pick, pig, pile, pin,
pipe, pitch, pool, porch, pork, pot, rain, rat, rate,
reach, read, rib, rice, rich, ridge, rise, road, rock, roof,
room, root, rope, rude, rule, rush, sack, sad, sale,
same, sane, sauce, sell, set, shake, shark, shed,
sheet, ship, shirt, shook, shop, shout, shut, side, size,
soap, soil, song, sort, south, sun, sun, surf, take,
tape, teach, teeth, ten, that, them, theme, these,
thick, thin, third, thorn, tide, tile, time, toad, took, tool,
top, torn, town, tube, tune, turn, vat, verb, voice, vote,
wag, wage, wake, wet, whale, wheat, wheel, wife,
wish, wood, worn, yap, yard, yarn, yet, zoom
and, ant, blew, blow, blur, claw, clay, crow, cry, draw,
Words with drew, dry, east, elf, end, flaw, flea, flew, flow, fly, fry,
Three glow, gray, grow, ink, play, pray, scar, short, sky,
One-Syllable Phonemes slay, slow, snow, star, stew, sway, three, throw, tray,
Words tree, try
Syllables) band, beast, belt, bend, best, blade, bled, bleed,
Words with bloom, blurt, blush, boast, brace, brag, braid, brain,
Four brave, bread, breath, bride, bridge, broke, broom,
Phonemes brown, brush, bump, burnt, burst, camp, clap, clash,
clean, click, clip, clock, clog, clown, coast, cold,
count, crab, crane, crash, crate, creek, crib, crowd,
crown, dance, dent, desk, drain, drawn, dream, drip,
drive, drop, drove, drown, drum, dust, faint, fast, fault,
feast, fence, first, fist, flag, flake, fled, float, flop, flute,
found, fox, frame, fresh, frog, frown, gift, glad, glass,
grab, grade, grain, grape, grass, green, greet, grill,
groan, growl, health, joint, junk, just, land, launch, lift,
limp, list, mask, meant, melt, milk, mist, must, nest,
paint, past, pest, pink, place, plan, plane, plate,
pledge, plug, plum, point, pound, price, prince, prize,
proof, quake (/q/ /w/ /ā/ /k/), raft, rest, risk, roast,
scarf, self, sent, shelf, shred, shrub, since, skate, skill,
skin, skip, skirt, skit, slack, sleep, slice, slid, slide,
slouch, slurp, smart, smell, smooth, snack, snail,
snake, sneak, snug, sound, space, spark, speak,
speech, speed, spell, spice, spill, spin, spoil, sport,
spot, spray, stack, stage, stain, start, steal, stern,
stick, sting, stole, stone, stood, stool, stop, storm,
stove, straw, stray, stride, stuck, sunk, sweep, sweet,
swim, swirl, switch, task, tent, think, thirst, thread,
throat, throne, track, trail, trait, trash, treat, trim, trip,
trout, truck, twice, twirl, vent, waist, wealth, went,
start with /ĭt/ add /h/, /b/, /f/, /k/, /l/, /m/, /p/, /s/
start with /ĭn/ add /b/, /k/, /f/, /p/, /t/, /w/
start with /ăt/ add /b/, /k/, /f/, /h/, /m/, /p/, /r/, /s/
start with /ăn/ add /b/, /f/, /k/, /m/, /p/, /r/, /t/, /v/
start with /ănd/ add /b/, /h/, /l/, /s/
start with /ăm/ add /h/, /j/, /l/, /p/, /s/, /y/
start with /āt/ add /b/, /d/, /f/, /g/, /h/, /l/ /m/, /r/, /w/
Phoneme start with /āk/ add /b/, /k/, /f/, /j/, /l/, /m/, /r/, /s/, /t/
Manipulation start with /ŏt/ add /b/, /k/, /g/, /h/, /j/, /l/, /n/, /p/, /r/
start with /ĕd/ add /b/, /d/, /f/, /h/, /l/, /r/, /s/, /w/
start with /ŭn/ add /b/, /d/, /f/, /p/, /r/, /s/, /w/
Select any other one-syllable word families, such as:
/ĭng/, /ĕt/, /ĭm/, /ŏp/, /ăp/, /ăk/, /ĭg/, /ĭp/, /ŭg/, /ŭt/, /ar/,
/ŭp/, /ĕnt/, /īd/, /ŏk/, /ām/, /āp/ /all/, /ŏb/, /īght/, /on/,
/ān/, /āl/
delete the initial sound from the following words:
blow, brisk, claw, crow, draw, drink, flaw, flow, glow,
gray, ground, grow, play, pray, slay, slow, snow,
sway, throw, tray, bled, bleed, brace, brag, braid,
brain, bread, bride, bridge, broom, brush, clap, clash,
clean, click, clip, clock, clog, crash, crate, crib, drain,
drip, flag, flake, fled, glad, grain, place, plane, plate,
Deletion pledge, plug, price, proof, quake, shred, shrub, sleep,
slid, smart, snail, space, spark, speak, speech, spill,
spin, spot, spray, stack, start, steal, stick, stone, stop,
stray, stuck, sweep, switch, thread, track, trail, trash,
street, trim, trip
delete the final sound from the following words: ant,
band, burnt, blurt, brown, dance, dent, joint, paint,
scarf, tent, think, woods
change /h/ in hat to /m/, /b/, /k/, /f/, /p/, /r/, or /s/
change /ă/ in hat to /ŏ/, /ŭ/, /ĭ/, /ē/, or /ā/
change /t/ in hat to /d/, /m/, /s/, or /v/
change /t/ in top to /h/, /m/, or /p/
change /ŏ/ top to /ă/, /ā/, / ĭ /, or /ī/
change /p/ in top to /k/, /m/, or /t/
Substitution change /s/ in sit to /b/, /k/, /f/, /h/, /l/, or /p/
change /i/ in sit to /ă/, /ĕ/, /ē/, /ī/, /ū/
change /t/ in sit to /k/, /l/, /p/, or /ks/
Select any other one-syllable word with 2-5
phonemes in which the first, middle, or last
sound/phoneme can be replaced.