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DLL - MTB 3 - Q3 - W3

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: MELISSA C. BONDOC Learning Area: MTB

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: FEBRUARY 27 – MARCH 3, 2023 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A. Content Standards Possesses expanding language skills and Manifests positive attitude towards Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates expanding knowledge
cultural awareness necessary to language, literacy, and literature. grade level literary and and understanding of language
participate successfully in oral informational texts. grammar and usage when speaking
communication in different contexts. demonstrates accurate spelling of and/or writing.
grade level words. demonstrates the ability to read
grade level words with sufficient
accuracy speed, and expression to
support comprehension.

B. Performance Standards has expanding oral language to name and sustains love and appreciation for Comprehends and appreciates Speaks and writes correctly and
describe people, places, and concrete language, literacy and literature grade level narrative and effectively for different purposes
objects and communicate personal informational texts. using the grammar of the language.
experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions, Spells grade level words with accuracy.
and feelings in different contexts. Reads with sufficient speed,
accuracy, and proper expression in
reading grade level text.

C.Learning Competencies/ Participates in and initiate more Shows love for reading by listening Gives one’s reaction to an event or Identifies and uses verbs appropriate
Objectives extended social conversation or dialogue attentively during story reading and issue. MT3LC-IIIb-c-2.2.1 for the grade level. MT3G-IIIa-b-2.3.3
( Write the LC code for each) with peers, adults on unfamiliar topics by making comments or reactions. MT3A-
asking and answering questions, IIIa-i-4.2 Reads aloud grade level text with an
restating and soliciting information. accuracy of 95 - 100%. MT3F-IIIa-c-
MT3OL-IIIb-c-6.3 Correctly spells the words in the list of 1.4
vocabulary words and the words in the
selections read. MT3F-IVa-i-1.6

Social Conversation Spelling and using the Words in Giving Reactions Verbs
CONTENT Sentence
( Subject Matter)

A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages 252-263 252-263 252-263 252-263
2. Learners Material Pages 215-223 215-223 215-223 215-223
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing past lesson What is verb? Unlocking of difficulties. Pictures that Answer Activity 1 on Lmp.217. Checking of assignment.
or Presenting the shows originated, courtship, imitation, Give example of verbs and use it in
new lesson appreciate sentence.

B. Establishing a Show video sample of folk dance. Show picture of Pantomina or video Unlocking of Difficulties Read the paragraph on TGp.260.
purpose of the new clip of dance. Garnered What are the verbs in the paragraph?
lesson Applauded What are verbs?
Showcased What tense of verb is used in the
Light paragraph?
C. Presenting Examples/ Are you familiar with these dances? In what occasion is Pantomina danced? Have you ever had a chance to join Presentation:
instances of the new Where do you think the dance Original File Submitted and Formatted a dance contest or dance Compare how the verbs are used in
lesson originated? by DepEd Club Member - visit presentation in a program? the ff sentence.
depedclub.com for more 1.Perla dances gracefully.
What dance was it? 1.All members of the group dance
Will you tell us about it?
2.She travels to different places,
2. Her friends travel with her.

D. Discussing new Jumbled Letters. Present the story The Pantomina Read Understanding Goodwill Discuss Present Tense of Verbs.
concepts and Show pictures of different dances, then Dance on TGp 256. through Philippine Dances on
practicing new skills let pupils guess its name. LMp.258.
E. Discussing new Read the conversation/ dialogue on Comprehension Check about the story. Post Reading Activities. Read Guided Practice on TGp.261.
concepts and LMp.215. Comprehension Check on LMp.218
practicing new skills
F. Developing Mastery Comprehension Check Read conversation on LMp.216. Answer Activity 2 on LMp.219. Answer Activity 3 on LMp.221.
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3.) 1. What was Nina’s assignment?

G. Finding practical Appreciation of one’s Cultural Dances Appreciation of one’s Cultural Dances Appreciation of one’s Cultural Appreciation of one’s Cultural Dances
application of Dances
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making What did you learn? What did you learn from our lesson Giving reaction includes personal Present Tense- a tense expressing an
Generalization and today? view and experiences to a certain action that is currently going on or
abstraction about the situation. habitually performed or a state that
lesson currently or generally exist.

I. Evaluating learning Pair Activity. Instruct pupils to give reaction on the Instruct pupils to give reaction on . Answer Activity 4 on LMp.221.
What folk dances or local dances do you statement. the statement
know? 1. Children will be taught to dance 1. Schools must hold activities that
How are they danced? native or folk dances in school. will promote local or native songs
and dances.
J. Additional activities Cut pictures of Folk dances and paste it in What will be your reaction if you found List 5 verbs and use it in sentence. Review your previous lessons.
for application and your notebook. out you won 1 Million?



A. No. of learner who earned 80%

B .No. of learner who scored below 80%

( needs remediation)

C. No. of learners who have caught up with

the lesson

D. No of learner who continue to require


E. Which of my teaching strategies work well?


F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal /supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share
w/other teacher?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Grade III-Matiyaga Master Teacher I

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