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KYAMC Journal Vol. 10, No.

4, January 2020

Original Article
Effect of Preoperative Internal Biliary Drainage on
Postoperative Outcome Following
Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Periampullary Carcinoma
Munsur Miah1, M Fardil Hossain Faisal2, Bidhan C. Das3, Md.Manir Hossain Khan4,
Md.Nahid Reza5, Riaz Mahmud6, Firoz Mahmud7, Khandaker Rezaul Hoque8.

Background: Preoperative biliary drainage before pancreaticoduodenectomy is a controversial issue.
Proponents are in favor of preoperative biliary drainage by ERCP with stent to reduce surgical jaundice with
an anticipation of better surgical outcome. Objective: Compare the outcome with or without pre-operative
biliary drainage before pancreaticoduodenectomy. Materials and Methods: This observational comparative
study was conducted in department of Surgery and Hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery of BSMMU. Twenty
three patients presented with obstructive jaundice due to periampulary carcinoma who subsequently underwent
pancreaticoduodenectomy were selected by purposive sampling and finalized by eligibility criteria. Results:
Patients with preoperative biliary drainage (PBD) group required a longer operative time (mean 4.12 hours
versus 3.83 hours) and had more intra-operative blood loss (mean 662 mL versus 495 mL) compared with non
PBD group (P=0.009 and 0.010). No differences were found with respect to operative mortality (4.3%) and
incidence of pancreatic leakage (P=0.281). PBD was significantly associated with positive bile culture
(P=0.019) and high incidence of wound infection (p=0.029). Conclusion: Preoperative biliary drainage did not
increase major postoperative morbidity and mortality but associated with increased operative time, intra-
operative blood loss, and incidence of wound infection. Preoperative biliary drainage should be used selectively
in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy.

Keywords: Biliary drainage, pancreaticoduodenectomy, ERCP.

KYAMC Journal. 2020;10(4): 196-201 .
Date of received: 27.06.2019.
Date of acceptance: 25.11.2019.

Introduction years ago. It has been reported that the mortality rate due to
Periampullary carcinoma is one of the leading causes of surgical treatment of malignant obstructive jaundice ranges
cancer - related deaths worldwide and the term used to define from 5% to 27% and that the morbidity rate is approximately
a heterogeneous group of neoplasm. It has got four 50%.2 Initially both mortality and morbidity were intolerably
components, which include pancreatic adenocarcinoma, high. Over the years, mortality has diminished in high volume
cholangiocarcinoma, adenocarcinoma of the ampulla of Vater centers (1-5%), but morbidity remains high at 18-58%.3
and duodenal adenocarcinoma. Surgery in the form of Several small steps along with modifications of surgery
pancreaticoduodenectomy is the only form of therapeutic decreased the mortality rate but no significant improvement
option with curative potential for the disease which is regarding morbidity was achieved in recent years.4
challenging procedure with high postoperative morbidity and Preoperative biliary stenting is an important step that is added
mortality.1 Pancreaticoduodenectomy was performed over 100 here before operation to achieve better outcome after
1. Assistant Surgeon, Officer on special duty, Directorate General of Health Services, Government of Bangladesh.
2. Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, Khwaja Yunus Ali Medical College & Hospital, Sirajgang, Bangladesh.
3. Associate Professor, Department of Hepato-biliary & Pancreatic Surgery, Bangabandhu Seikh Mujib Medical University.
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
4. Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Bangabandhu Seikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
5. Assistant Surgeon, Officer on special duty, Directorate General of Health Services, Government of Bangladesh.
6. Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Tairunnessa Memorial Medical College Hospital, Tongi, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
7. Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Monno Medical College Hospital, manikganj, Bangladesh.
8. Assistant Surgeon, Officer on special duty, Directorate General of Health Services, Government of Bangladesh.

Correspondent: Dr.Munsur Miah, Assistant Surgeon, Officer on special duty, Directorate General of Health Services,
Government of Bangladesh. Email: [email protected] , Mobile no: +8801534832460.
KYAMC Journal Vol. 10, No.4, January 2020

operation. In 1960s and 1970s preoperative biliary stenting Table I: Demographic characteristics of patients (n=23)
was frequently advocated in an effort to improve surgical Variables Frequency Percent (%)
outcomes in pancreatic cancer patients undergoing curative- Age (years)
intent resection. This was considered to correct physiologic Mean ± SD (Min -Max) 50.35 ± 10.32 (35-75)
disturbances induced by hyperbilirubinemia secondary to Male 15 65.2
malignant obstruction, theoretically optimizing patients' Female 8 34.8
BMI (kg/m2)
condition prior to operation and improving perioperative Under weight
6 26.1
11 47.8
morbidity and mortality. But yet the role of preoperative Normal 5 21.7
Over weight
biliary drainage as an adjunct in patients undergoing surgical Obese 1 4.3
resection for malignant biliary obstruction is controversial.5 Mean ± SD (Min-Max)
Mean ± SD (Min 21.56 ± 4.22 (14.67
- 30.05)
Biliary obstruction alters the normal physiology and affects
Co - morbidities
multiple organ systems that include but are not limited to DM 3 13.0
cardiac, renal, hematologic, and hepatic dysfunction.6 It is HTN 1 4.3

associated with impaired hepatic function, coagulation Clinical characteristics among study groups:
disturbances, and development of cholangitis.
Hyperbilirubinemia is a potential risk factor that might be All the patients were presented with jaundice with
associated with poor surgical outcomes. Evidence suggests combination of other different symptoms such as pruritus,
that biliary drainage may improve immune function and fever, melaena, anaemia, weight loss.
nutritional status and reduce the risk of infection.7 Recent
studies have, however, shown routine preoperative biliary Table II: Clinical characteristics between two groups of
drainage by stenting to offer no benefit over early surgery patients.
(within two weeks) without PBD.8 In addition, it has been Groups
shown that the systemic inflammatory response continues to Group I Group II
be intense after internal biliary drainage, a fact that may be Preoperative parameters(PBD ) (No PBD
) p value
attributable to bacterial colonization. Results of recent (n=13) (n=10)
retrospective studies have suggested that the placement of n (%) n (%)
biliary stents and subsequent bacterial colonization of the
Jaundice 13(100.0) 10(100.0) -
biliary tree may increase the rates of morbidity and mortality.9
Pruritus 10 (76.9) 8 (80.0) 0.999
So, from the different corner of the world confusing decisions
are being claimed as results of preoperative biliary drainage in Fever with chills and rigor7 (53.8) 7 (70.0) 0.669
case of malignant obstructive jaundice are different from Malena 1 (7.7) 2 (20.0) 0.560
center to center. Anorexia and vomiting 6 (46.2) 8 (80.0) 0.197
Weight loss 8 (61.5) 7 (70.0) 0.999
Materials and Methods Anaemia 3(23.1) 5(50) 0.221
This prospective, observational comparative study was carried
out in Surgery Department, BSMMU, shahbag, Dhaka over a
period of 1 year from June, 2017 to august, 2018. All patients Pre operative biochemical parameters in groups:
admitted in department of Surgery with diagnosis of
obstructive jaundice due to periampulary carcinoma who Analysis of liver function shows that there were no significant
received preoperative biliary stent were included in Group-I differences of serum total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and
and who were not received stent included Group-II . Data serum albumin level between two groups of patients.
were collected in a predesigned data collection sheet attached
here with. Data were processed using computer software SPSS
version 23.0.

Patients' medical characteristics:
Total 23 patients, 15 were male and 8 were female. Mean age
was 50.35(±10.32).

KYAMC Journal Vol. 10, No.4, January 2020

Table III: Preoperative liver function test between two significance.

Groups Per operative bile culture and growth of organisms:
Biochemical variables Group I Group II p value
(PBD) (No PBD) six patients (46.2%) had positive bile culture in group-I in
(n=13) (n=10)
Serum bilirubin 13.00 ± 8.35 10.94 ± 5.48 0.508 a contrast no organisms were found in group-II.
(Min-Max) (1.80-26.00) (2.20-16.90)
Table V: Bile culture in two groups.
Alkaline phosphatase 548.77 ± 252.10 615.10 ± 241.08 0.531a

(Min-Max) (105.00-908.00) (217.00-965.00) Groups

ALT 130.34 ± 104.64 124.90 ± 55.98 Group I Group II
Bile culture p value*
Mean Rank 19.4 15.85 0.017b (PBD) (No PBD )
(Min-Max) (32.00-430.00) (70.00-250.00) n (%) n (%)
Prothombin time 15.14 ± 2.75 13.68 ± 2.18 0.018a Positive 6 (46.2) 0 (0.0)
(Min-Max) (12.00-20.50) (10.90-18.60) 0.019
No growth 7 (53.8) 10 (100.0)
INR 1.42 ± 0.23 1.17 ± 0.20 0.015a
Total 13 (100.0) 10 (100.0)
(Min-Max) (1.20-1.80) (0.90-1.58)

Serum albumin 31.86 ± 3.99 34.50 ± 4.58 0.156a

(Min-Max) (27.00-41.00) (25.00-40.00) *Fisher's Exact test was done to measure the level of
t test was done to measure the level of significance. Isolated organisms in bile culture:
Mann-whitney U test was done to measure the level of E.coli was present in 50% patients.
Table VI: Growth of organisms in bile in group-I.
Biochemical parameters of before and after stenting in
Growth in bile culture Frequency Percentage (%)
stented group:
E.coli 3 50.0
Klebsiella spp 2 33.3
Table IV: Changes of liver function 2 weeks after stenting in Pseudomonas aueruginosa 1 16.7
group-I patients (n=13).
Time of procedure and per operative blood loss in groups:
Biochemical variables Before PBD After PBD p value
The time required for operation is significantly higher
Serum bilirubin 13.00 ± 8.35 3.81 ± 3.45 <0.001a (P=0.009) in group-I than groups-II.
(Min-Max) (1.80-26.00) (1.00-12.40)
Table: VIII-Differences of per operative blood loss and time
Alkaline phosphatase 548.77 ± 252.10 357.23 ± 243.53 0.026a
of procedure between two groups.
(Min-Max) (105.00-908.00) (80.00-797.00)
ALT 100.34 ± 104.64 52.80 ± 41.15
Variables Group I Group II
p value*
Median 75 37 0.015b (PBD) (No PBD)
(n=13) (n=10)
(Min-Max) (32.00-430.00) (6.40-131.00) n (%) n (%)
Operation time (hours) 4.12 ± 0.22 3.83 ± 0.26 0.009
Prothombin time 15.14 ± 2.75 12.31 ± 1.01 0.004a
(Min-Max) (3.75-4.50) (3.50-4.25)
(Min-Max) (12.00-20.50) (10.80-14.40)
Blood loss (ml) 662 ± 163 495 ± 104 0.010
INR 1.42 ± 0.23 1.07 ± .16 0.001a
(Min-Max) (430-860) (410-645)
(Min-Max) (1.20-1.80)
Serum albumin 31.86 ± 3.99 0.023a *t test was done to measure the level of significance. Data was
35.85 ± 5.43
(Min-Max) (27.00-41.00) expressed as Mean ± SD

Post operative outcomes in groups:

Paired t test was done to measure the level of significance. Wound infection was common complication.
Wilcoxon signed rank test was done to measure the level of

KYAMC Journal Vol. 10, No.4, January 2020

Table: IX- Differences of post operative outcomes between Pseuodomonas (16. 7%). These bacteria were sensitive to
two groups meropenem, colistin, nitilmicin which are costly antibiotics,
Groups they were resistance to ceftriaxon cefuroxime, ciprofloxacine
Group I Group II and gentamicine which are low cost and commonly used
(PBD) (No PBD)
Post operative (n=13) (n=10) antibiotics. Gavazzi et al17 found most commonly isolated
Outcome n (%) n (%) P value*
organism were Enterococcus spp (75%), E.coli (36.8%) and
Wound infection 8 (61.5) 1(10.0) 0.029 klebsiella (34%) with higher resistance to cefazolin which are
Biliary leakage 1(7.7) 0(0.0) 0.999
Pancreatic leakage 1(7.7) 3(30.0) 0.281 almost similar to our study. However unlike this study, Howard
et al14 and Karsten et al2 found Candida spp. The present study
Length of hospital 40.08 ±15.82 35.10±10.60 0.402
stay(mean± sd) (26-75) (21-54) reveals that intra operative blood loss (662 ml vs 495 ml) and
Mortality 0 (0.0) 1(10.0) 0.435
operative times(4.12 hours vs 3.83 hours) were higher in
patients with stented than non stented group were similar to
*Fisher's Exact test was done to measure the level of other studies by Karsten et al2 and Hodul et al18. They found
significance. patients in the stented group required a longer operative time
Multiple responses. (mean 6.8 hours versus 6.5 hours) and had greater
intraoperative blood loss (mean 1207 ml versus 1122 ml)
Discussion compared with unstented group (p=0.046 and 0.018). Possible
Obstructive jaundice is the most frequent presentation of cause of increase peroperative blood loss and more operative
periampullary carcinoma. For patients with a resectable tumor, times are due to biliary endoprostheses induced inflammatory
surgical resection in the form of pancreaticoduodenectomy is changes with considerable fibrosis, ulcerative lesion and bile
recognized as an only acceptable surgical option for cure. duct wall thickening. This inflammatory response results
Obstructive jaundice associated with disturbed coagulation, increased vascularity of surrounding tissues and induce
decrease hepatic function and the development of cholangitis adhesion formation often making dissection in the area of porta
which has negative impact on cardiovascular function, leading hepatis challenging. The overall morbidity of the present study
to hypotension, which predispose to prerenal failure and acute was 60.86% and mortality was 4.34% due to cardio respiratory
tubular necrosis S. Khurana et al.10 To overcome these failure on 7th post operative day. Preoperative biliary drainage
problems, Lygidakis et al11 showed that normalize intra biliary was associated with high morbidity (76.9%) in compare to non
pressures secondary to preoperative biliary decompression stented group (40%). In relation to mortality and morbidity.
were associated with improved liver function, reduced Some earlier study such as Abdullah et al19 and S. G. Marcus20
peroperative bleeding and fewer postoperative complications. have reported that preoperative biliary drainage could reduce
In several studies such as Koyama K et al12 and Padillo J et al13 the overall morbidity and mortality due to subsequent
reported that biliary compression result in the reversal of organ correction of the impaired liver function and general condition
dysfunction to variable degrees. Our study also showed a but other recent studies such as Y Chan et al21 showed different
significant reduction of bilirubin, improvement of coagulation results that increased post operative infectious morbidity and
and serum albumin level after biliary decompression. In the sepsis related to mortality. However Hodul et al18 have shown
present study, it also has been showed that more than 50% that postoperative morbidity and mortality for jaundiced
patient in group-I who underwent biliary decompression whose patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy were not
preoperative serum bilirubin level was more than 10 mg/dl and influenced by preoperative biliary drainage. The other
relatively worse liver function. Although liver function interesting finding of the present study is that the incidence of
improved with biliary decompression, colonization of bile with wound infection is significantly higher in stented group than
various types of bacteria is a common problem. In the present non stented group (p=0.029). This could be related to increase
study 46.2% patient had bile infection that underwent biliary colonization of bile in stented group than non stented group.
decompression before surgery. Whereas none in who did not. Because of wound infection, the duration of hospital stay also
Howard et al14 observed bactibilia in 80% of stented versus increased on stenting group than non stenting group. In some
42% of non stented patiens (P<0.001), while Jagannath et al15 erlier study such as Povoski SP et al9 and Pisters PWT et al22
found 47% of PBD group had a positive bile culture compared has shown increased infectious complications rate after
with 31% of those without stent. The possible reason for the stenting. But Jgannath et al15 has shown no such association. In
high percentage reported in their study could be the period of this study other complications including pancreatic fistula,
time between positioning of the biliary stent and surgery. The biliary fistula were not significantly different between stented
longer the biliary stent is in place, the longer the reflux of and unstented groups. In comparison to our study Bhati et al23
intestinal bacteria into biliary tree and thus the risk of bacterial found that minor biliary leak was significantly higher in stented
colonization. In our study 62% of stented patients had a stent group (P<0.043). Shone et al24 also reported the incidence of
in place for over 4 weeks and 38% of stented patients for over wound infection and pancreatic fistula to be significantly
6 weeks. Similar to other studies such as Sudo T et al16 we higher in stented patients. In contrast to other report, Marcus et
found the most commonly micro organisms isolated in bile al 20 found endoscopic biliary drainage before
cultures were Ecoli (50%), Klebsiella spp (33.3 %) and pancreaticoduodenectomy to reduce postoperative morbidity.

KYAMC Journal Vol. 10, No.4, January 2020

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