Deane.2009-RSER-Techno-economic Review of Existing and New Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Plant

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (2010) 1293–1302

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Techno-economic review of existing and new pumped hydro energy storage plant
J.P. Deane *, B.P. Ó Gallachóir, E.J. McKeogh
Sustainable Energy Research Group, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland


Article history: There has been a renewed commercial and technical interest in pumped hydro energy storage (PHES)
Received 3 November 2009 recently with the advent of increased variable renewable energy generation and the development of
Accepted 17 November 2009 liberalized electricity markets. During the next 8 years over 7 GW of PHES capacity will be added to the
European network while projects are also planned in the USA and Japan. This paper provides a review of
Keyword: existing and proposed PHES plant and discusses the technical and economic drivers for these
Pumped hydro energy storage developments. Current trends for new PHES development generally show that developers operating in
liberalized markets are tending to repower, enhance projects or build ‘pump-back’ PHES rather than
traditional ‘pure pumped storage’. Capital costs per kW for proposed PHES in the review region range
between s470/kW and s2170/kW, however these costs are highly site and project specific. An
emergence has also been observed in recent PHES developments of the use of variable speed technology.
This technology, while incurring slightly higher capital costs, offers a greater range of operational
flexibility and efficiency over conventional PHES. This paper has primarily been prompted by a lack of
detailed information on PHES facilities worldwide and reviews current developments in the context of
market and generation mix changes. The most recent large scale review of PHES faculties was
undertaken by the American Society of Civil Engineers Hydro Power Task Committee on Pumped Storage
in 1996. In the absence of data in the literature on new PHES plant development, this review draws
primarily on publicly available information from utilities, government bodies and electricity regulators.
In the same context this study is limited to a review region of the European Union, Japan and the United
States as information on developments outside these areas is difficult to procure. This paper also gives a
review of locations and proposed timelines for new PHES development and provides a thorough up-to-
date overview of the development trends of this technology.
ß 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1294
2. Pumped hydro energy storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1294
2.1. Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1294
3. Traditional development of PHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1294
3.1. Ownership of current PHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1296
4. New developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1296
4.1. Technology developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1296
4.2. Drivers for new PHES development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1297
4.3. Switzerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1297
4.4. Portugal and Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1298
4.5. Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1299
4.6. Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1299
4.7. Slovenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1299
4.8. USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1299
4.9. Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +353 21 4901959.

E-mail address: [email protected] (J.P. Deane).

1364-0321/$ – see front matter ß 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1294 J.P. Deane et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (2010) 1293–1302

5. Capital cost for PHES and current trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300

6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1301
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1301
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1301

1. Introduction place mainly during off-peak periods, when electricity demand is

low and electricity prices are low. Generation takes place during
PHES is currently the only commercially proven large scale peak periods, when electricity system demand is high. Pumping
(>100 MW) energy storage technology with over 300 plants and generating generally follow a daily cycle but weekly or even
installed worldwide with a total installed capacity of over 95 GW seasonal cycling is also possible with larger PHES plant.
[1]. In recent years there has been a flurry of interest in the The US Army Corps of Engineers distinguishes between two
technology resulting in the planning and building of a number of types of PHES [2] namely pure PHES and pump-back PHES. Pure
new plants in Europe and Japan. As of 2009, the European Union has PHES plants rely entirely on water that has been pumped to an
an installed PHES capacity of 36 GW accounting for 4.3% of total upper reservoir from a lower reservoir, a river or the sea. Pure PHES
generating capacity within the region. USA has an installed capacity are also known as ‘closed-loop’ or ‘off-stream’. Pump-back PHES
of 21.8 GW with over 39 PHES plants and Japan with 34 plants (Plant use a combination of pumped water and natural inflow to produce
with installed MW capacity >200 MW) has an installed capacity of power/energy similar to a conventional hydroelectric power plant.
24.5 GW. While PHES was previously developed in many countries Pump-back PHES may be located on rivers or valleys with glacial or
to facilitate the integration of large baseload generation, there has hydro inflow. Fig. 1 shows a schematic of both Pure and Pump-
been a recent renewed interest in the technology with an increase of back PHES.
variable renewable generation such as wind in many countries. This The benefits of PHES to electrical system operations are well
paper examines the drivers and costs behind both new PHES documented in textbooks and journals [3–7]. Its flexible genera-
development and existing developments. The majority of informa- tion can provide both up and down regulation in the power system
tion gathered on new PHES development for this review paper while its quick start capabilities make it suitable for black starts
comes directly from developer websites as there is a gap in this and provision of spinning and standing reserve. A summary review
information in academic literature. of the operational characteristic of PHES in comparison to
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 introduces the conventional power plant is provided in Table 1. In terms of
technology and basic concepts of PHES; Section 3 reviews existing operational characteristics and flexibility it is clear that gas turbine
developments in the review region and details the owners of large peaking plant such as OCGTs (open cycle gas turbine) offer some
PHES plant; Section 4 gives a general overview of proposed PHES and similar power system operation services, however generally at a
looks at the drivers for these developments. A detailed description of higher capital cost. It would be interesting and useful to compare in
each proposed project is given on a country by country basis. Section detail the performance and benefits of PHES with those of OCGT
5 reviews the capital cost of new and exiting plant while Section 6 and indeed other plant types. The purpose of this paper however is
concludes with some observations on current trends. to provide a detailed review of PHES. The analysis provided in this
While there are a large number of PHES plants in planning or paper could inform such a comparison.
early development stages in countries like the USA, the authors
limited this review to plants deemed to be likely or very likely to be 3. Traditional development of PHES
built. The principal criteria used to make this assessment were (1)
whether construction has commenced and (2) has the Environ- PHES is a resource driven facility which requires very specific
mental Assessment Stage of planning been completed. site conditions to make a project viable, i.e. high head, favourable
topography, good geotechnical conditions, access to the electricity
2. Pumped hydro energy storage transmission networks and water availability. The most essential
of these criteria is availability of locations with a difference in
2.1. Technology elevation and access to water. Some of the earliest PHES plants
were built in the Alpine regions of Switzerland and Austria, regions
The fundamental principle of PHES is to store electric energy in that have a rich hydro resource and a natural complimentary
the form of hydraulic potential energy. Pumping typically takes topography for PHES. Prior to the emergence of liberalized

Fig. 1. Pure PHES on left and pump-back PHES on right.

J.P. Deane et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (2010) 1293–1302 1295

Table 1
Typical operating characteristic of generating plant [7].

Nuclear power plant Coal fired plant Oil fired plant Gas turbine-peaker PHES

Normal duty cycle Baseload Baseload Baseload-midmerit Peak load Peak-midmerit

Unit start up-daily No No Yes, hot Yes Yes
Load following No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Quick start (10 min) No No No Yes Yes
Frequency regulation No Yes Yes No Yes
Black Start No No No Yes Yes

resource developed PHES to primarily enhance the operation and

efficiency of large scale hydro power plants.
The chronological development of PHES in many countries
shows the majority of plants were build from 1960s to the late
1980s. This was in part due to a rush for energy security and
nuclear energy after the oil crises in the early 1970s. Fewer
facilities were developed during the 1990s; due to a natural
saturation of the best available (most cost effective) locations and a
decline in growth in nuclear development. Fig. 3, with information
gathered from individual plant developers, shows the develop-
ment of PHES in Europe confirming the high level of construction in
the 1960s through to the 1980s. Since the year 2000 however, a
number of large PHES plant have come online in Europe, such as
Goldisthal in Germany with a capacity of 1060 MW and Kopswerk
II with a capacity of 450 MW in Austria.
Fig. 2. Development of nuclear power and pumped hydro energy storage in USA [8].
As shown in Table 2, PHES generally accounts for a small
percentage of a country’s generation portfolio in terms of installed
capacity. The country with the highest percentage of installed
electricity markets, PHES plants were built by state owned utilities PHES worldwide is Luxemburg with 67%. Excluding Luxemburg the
as a system tool to supply energy in times of high demand and average installed capacity for the countries in the review region is
allow baseload power plants to operate at high efficiencies in approximately 6%. Countries with high installed capacities of PHES
periods of low demand. PHES also provided for such power systems generally have a large amount of installed nuclear power capacity,
management tasks as balancing, frequency stability and black like Latvia, Japan and the Slovak Republic or a rich hydro
starts. PHES plants have been built in many countries such as the topography such as Croatia and Austria.
USA and Japan to act as fast response peaking plant to complement On the worldwide scale the USA and Japan have the highest
high inertia nuclear power plants, but more recently there has installed capacities of PHES. The USA has an installed capacity of
been a renewed interest in the technology as an integrator for 21,886 MW [8] of pumped hydro energy storage plants accounting
variable wind power. Fig. 2 shows that the development of PHES for 2.1% of total installed generating capacity. 39 PHES plants are
plants in the USA is strongly correlated to the development of currently in operation with installed capacities ranging from 8 MW
nuclear power plants. PHES development on a European level is to over 2000 MW. The largest plant is the Virginia Electric & Power
also closely correlated to nuclear development however countries Co. (now called Dominion) owned Bath plant with a capacity of
such as Austria with no nuclear generation, but a rich hydro 2862 MW built in 1985. The 1050-MW Helms pumped storage

Fig. 3. Chronological development of PHES in MW capacity and plant number in the EU for existing and proposed PHES.
1296 J.P. Deane et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (2010) 1293–1302

Table 2
Installed Generation Capacities (MW) in EU Member States (2006) [15] Japan (2008) [10] and USA (2007) [8]. PHES as a % of full installed capacity is also shown.

Country Conventional thermal Nuclear Wind Geothermal PHES Conventional hydro PHES as % of total mix

Sweden 7882 9454 516 0 36 16,234 0.1

Croatia 1802 0 17 0 256 1804 6.6
Ireland 5171 0 746 0 292 234 4.5
Greece 9682 0 749 0 699 2436 5.2
Latvia 2471 1183 31 0 760 117 16.7
Bulgaria 6418 2722 27 0 864 1984 7.2
Slovak Republic 3051 2640 5 0 916 1598 11.2
Portugal 7685 0 1681 25 1048 4017 7.2
Luxemburg 463 0 35 0 1100 40 67.2
Czech Republic 11,528 3760 44 0 1147 1028 6.6
Belgium 8807 5825 212 0 1307 107 8.0
Poland 29,857 0 172 0 1406 925 4.3
Switzerland 844 3220 12 0 1655 13,355 8.7
United Kingdom 64,568 10,969 1955 0 2726 1514 3.3
Austria 6344 0 969 0 3580 8273 18.7
Italy 65,492 0 1902 671 4017 17,055 4.5
France 25,672 63,260 1412 0 4303 20,822 3.7
Germany 75,176 20,208 20,622 0 4854 4141 3.9
Spain 43,659 7365 11,736 0 5347 12,967 6.6
USA 776,122 100,266 16,515 2214 21886 77,885 2.2
Japan 142,000 49,470 1880 520 24575 21,465 10.2

project, operated by Pacific Gas and Electric Company in Fresno previously the largest PHES plant in Europe. Dinorwig can achieve
County, California with a head of 543 m has the highest head in the full load from spinning in less than 20 s [11].
United States. The largest federally owned pumped storage project
is the Tennessee Valley Authority’s 1530 MW Raccoon Mountain 3.1. Ownership of current PHES
project on the Tennessee River in Tennessee [9]. Major pumped
storage plants (plants with installed capacity >100 MW) in the While many PHES facilities were built before liberalized markets
USA are characterised by a mixture of pure pumped storage (17 by State owned utilities, more recent times has been characterised
plants), operating on daily cycles and pump-back facilities (12 by mergers and buy-outs of competing private companies. Table 3
plants) with large energy storage capacity operating on weekly or details the current ownership of PHES in the review region. The
seasonal cycles. A number of pump-back facilities, such as Castaic largest owner of individual PHES plant in the review region is
(1275 MW) also serve as part of irrigation and water regulation Iberdrola [12] with a total of 10 operational plants in Spain and
schemes. The average size of a PHES plant in the United States is Portugal. TEPCO [13] and J-Power [14] (also know as EPDC) are the
520 MW. The majority of PHES plants were built in the period largest owners of plant MW with a combined capacity of over
1970–1980 when 14 facilities totalling a MW capacity of 9636 MW 11,700 MW. EDF are the largest owner and operator of PHES plant in
were installed. Europe on a MW basic. In the USA there is no clear major owner of
Like the USA, Japan developed PHES to compliment nuclear PHES with the majority of the 34 plants being individually owned.
power facilities, providing peak power in the evenings and The largest owner of PHES is the US Bureau of Reclamation with 4
pumping when demand is low. Japan has the third largest plants totalling to an installed capacity of 340 MW. The California
installation of nuclear power worldwide with a total of 53 units Department of Water Resources owns three plants with a total
accounting for 47.9 GW installed capacity. Currently Japan has 34 installed capacity of 800 MW.
PHES major plants with a total capacity of 24,575 MW [10].
Current installed capacities in Japan range from 200 MW to 4. New developments
1932 MW. The majority of plants are pure pumped hydro storage
schemes operating on a daily cycle characterised by large MW 4.1. Technology developments
capacity and relatively short storage times, typically 5–10 h. PHES
installations account for 10.2% of full installed generating While PHES is a relatively mature and established technology a
capacity. number of recent innovations and improvements have been
In a European context the majority of PHES facilities are observed.
concentrated in the Alpine regions of France, Switzerland and
Austria however Germany has the largest number of PHES plants Table 3
with 23 operational plants ranging in capacity from 62.5 to Majors owners of PHES in the review regiona.
1060 MW. Germany is second only to Spain in terms of installed Owner Number of operational Approximate pumping
MW capacity. Over 6000 MW of PHES is installed on the Iberian plants (2009) capacity (MW)
Peninsula. Spain has 14 PHES plants with sizes ranging from 65 to Iberdrola 10 3327
745 MW. The largest plant currently in operation is the Iberdrola TEPCO 9 6801
owned Villarino plant with a capacity of 745 MW. Portugal has five Vattenfall 8 2893
major PHES plants with an average capacity of 160 MW. PHES in J-Power 7 4970
EDP 6 969
Portugal and Spain are predominantly pump-back type operating
EDF 6 4978
on major rivers or operating as part of larger hydro complexes or Verbund 6 1182
cascades. This type of facility can also play a number of important Endesa 5 1577
roles from irrigation to flood control. The largest PHES plant in the E-on Wasserkraft 5 1009
EU is the 1800 MW EDF owned ‘Grand Maison’ facility in the French Schluchseewerk AG 5 1740

Alps opened in 1987. The 1728 MW Dinorwig plant in the UK was a

Values are obtained from web sites of individual companies.
J.P. Deane et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (2010) 1293–1302 1297

A number of proposed PHES plant (Linthal 2015 and Nant de  Increased interconnection is cited as contributing to the value of
Drance) will use variable speed pump/turbine units. This technology PHES as developers have access to more potential markets and
is already employed in a number of existing PHES units in Japan. The market opportunities.
advantage of variable speed pump/turbine units is the variable  Security of supply. PHES is seen by many developers to
speed pumped storage plants use asynchronous motor-generators contribute to a countries or regions security of supply.
that allow the pump/turbine rotation speed to be adjusted. This  Reduce volatility or increase efficiency of current hydroelectric
technology allows regulation of the amount of energy absorbed in assets. Developers who already have existing hydroelectric or
pumping mode. This facilitates energy storage when power levels PHES assets are using newer more efficient equipment to
available on the network are low and in addition to reducing the increase the operational efficiency of existing plants.
number of starts and stops can help regulate the network frequency
or voltage in pumping mode [16]. This technology also allows Within the EU there is currently approximately 7400 MW of
turbines to operate closer to their optimal efficiency point. A study in new PHES development proposed, with a total investment cost of
the USA [17] has estimated that this would increase the power over s6 billion. This constitutes approximately 20% increase in
component cost of a variable speed plant as opposed to a installed capacity of PHES in the EU. Fig. 4 [15] shows existing and
conventional PHES plant from approximately $ 1000–1050/kW. planned PHES in the EU as well as current installed wind capacity
In the area of improved efficiencies the Kannagawa PHES plant and the percentage of PHES of total system capacity. Switzerland
in Japan was the first plant to employ a ‘splitter runner’ which is a has the highest amount of planned PHES at 2014 MW. Table 4
multi-blade turbine pump runner. Improvements in power details proposed PHES in Europe. A review of new developments on
generation and pump efficiencies of up to 4% are reported for a country by country basis is given in the next sections.
this runner by TEPCO [18]. Information for these developments was gathered from publically
In the area of site development, J-POWER became the first available information from project developers. Note that a number
company in the world in 1999 to build and operate a 30 MW of proposed PHES projects which are in the early stages of
seawater PHES plant at Okinawa with a head of 136 m. Research for development and have not completed environmental impact
the plant development started in 1981 and focussed on corrosion statements, such as Scottish and Southern Energy’s two proposed
preventive measures [19]. Seawater PHES may have several PHES projects in Scotland [20] are not detailed here.
advantages over conventional PHES such as lower civil construc-
tion cost and greater site availability. See-water PHES technology 4.3. Switzerland
has yet to develop a commercial track record however, with only
one completed plant worldwide. In a European comparison, Switzerland is fourth in terms of
contribution of hydropower towards electricity production, behind
4.2. Drivers for new PHES development

From a review of available public literature, developers of new Table 4

Proposed PHES in Europe.
PHES cite a number of key reasons for new developments, these
can be summarised as follows. Country Proposed PHES (MW)

Switzerland (CH) 2140

 Government and regional targets for increased renewable energy Portugal (PT) 1956
are stimulating wind energy development in many countries. Austria (AT) 1430
Increased variable generation is seen to drive the demand for Germany (DE) 1000
Spain (ES) 720
system reserve and increase the value of PHES in ancillary services. Slovenia (SL) 180
 A general growing demand for energy and peak power in
liberalized markets across Europe. Total 7426

Fig. 4. Installed PHES, proposed PHES, existing installed wind capacity and % of PHES of full installed capacity in the EU. Note: For illustration purposed Germany (DE) and
Spain (ES) installed wind capacity is limited to 6000 MW. Actual installed wind capacity in Germany is 23,903 MW and 16,740 MW in Spain.
1298 J.P. Deane et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (2010) 1293–1302

Table 5
Summary details of proposed PHES in Switzerland.

Proposed Plant Capacity (MW) Published cost Project developer Operational date

Linthal 2015 (NESTIL) 140 100 million Swiss francs Axpo Group 2009–2010
Linthal 2015 (Linthal) 1000 1 billion Swiss francs Axpo Group 2015
Nant de Drance 600 990 million Swiss francs Nant de Drance SA 2015
KWO Plus (Gimsel 3) 400 320 million Swiss francs Kraftwerke Oberhasli AG 2014

Norway, Austria and Iceland. Hydropower plays a major role in 19% with hydro resources supplying 11% of electricity while in 2007
Switzerland’s energy production with a share of around 57%. In the import balance was 15% with hydro supplying 18% of electricity
Switzerland’s hydropower plant statistics, a distinction is made [25]. This volatility along with ambitious government renewable
between four types of plants: run-of-river (3667 MW), storage energy targets and a relatively under exploited hydro resource is
(8067 MW), pumped storage (1384 MW) and basic water flow stimulating a renewed commercial interest in PHES development.
plants (316 MW) [21]. A number of new PHES plants are planned Portugal is one of the few European countries with significant hydro
here, with developers citing security of supply, increased wind potential (54%) to be developed [26]. Portugal has ambitious
penetration in European countries and an increase in demand in renewable energy goals. By 2010, renewable energy should
peak power in liberalized European markets as major incentives represent 45% of the total consumption in the country. The installed
for development. wind energy capacity is expected to increase to 5100 MW by 2010. In
Axpo Group is developing the Linthal 2015 PHES project which this context the Portuguese government commissioned ‘Plano
consists of two major expansion phases to the existing Linth Nacional de Barragens de Elevado Potencial Hidroelélictrico-‘The
Limmer complex [22]. The first phase NESTIL is a 140 MW pumping National Program of High Hydroelectric Potential Dams’ [27]
capacity and 110 MW turbine capacity plant that is being built into (PNBEPH) in 2007. The PNBEPH identified and defined priorities
the existing complex. The construction of NESTIL began in 2005 for investments in large hydroelectric developments in the project
and will take 4 years at an estimated cost of 100 million Swiss horizon 2007–2020. The PNBEPH intends to reach a national hydro
francs. The second phase Linthal is part of the same complex of rated capacity above 7000 MW in 2020 (70% of the national hydro
reservoirs has a 1000 MW pump/turbine capacity. Construction of potential). Particular emphasis was given in the PNBEPH to
Linthal is expected to take 5 year and has an estimated cost of 1 hydroelectric plants with pumping capacity given its ability to
billion francs. facilitate the integration of variable renewable generation. Wind
Construction started in 2008 at the 600 MW Nant de Drance power production and electricity demand in Portugal are highly
PHES plant. The project is being developed by Nant de Drance SA a uncorrelated with the windiest periods occurring at night time and
consortium of three companies Alpiq, CFF and FMV. The facility early morning. Preliminary analysis within the PNBEPH indicated the
will use existing reservoirs at the Vieux Emosson site. The project is ideal relationship between pumping capacity and wind power was in
expected to be completed in 2015 and cost of the project is the order of 1.0 MW pumping capacity to 3.5 MW of wind power.
estimated at 990 million Swiss francs [23]. One of the largest new PHES plants to be built in Portugal (and
Kraftwerke Oberhasli AG power company (KWO) is currently in Europe) is the Alto Támega complex [28]. This project is being built
the process of its 845 million Swiss franc investment and by the Spanish utility Iberdrola. This complex comprises of four
enhancement program (KWO Plus) of its existing hydroelectric dams (Daivoes, Gouaves, Padroselos, Alto Támega) with a total
facilities. This program includes the construction of the new generating capacity of 1200 MW and a total pumping capacity of
400 MW PHES Gimsel 3 plant at a cost of 320 million Swiss francs. 900 MW. The company also recently won a tender to manage the
The plant will use existing reservoirs at the complex and existing Aguieira PHES plant (336 generating capacity and 270
compliment the existing 344 MW Grimsel 2 PHES plant. Construc- pumping capacity) in Portugal until 2014 [29]. Iberdrola are also
tion is expected to start on this facility in 2010 and end in 2014 developing and expanding a similar complex in Spain at the La
[24]. Table 5 provides a summary of proposed PHES development Muela complex which when completed in 2012 will have a total
and costs in Switzerland. generating capacity of 1710 MW and 1260 MW of pumping
capacity. EDP (Energias de Portugal) are building four new PHES
4.4. Portugal and Spain plants in Portugal namely; Baixo Sabor, Foz Tua and Fridão/Alvito
and expanding Alqeueva II. EDP state that increased wind
In the European Union, Portugal is leading a resurgence in PHES penetration is adding to the value of PHES through energy
with plans to build or upgrade up to 10 facilities adding storage and ancillary services and making it attractive for
approximately 2000 MW of PHES to its current capacity of investment. Increased interconnection with Spain (set to double
980 MW. Portugal has a total installed generating capacity of to approximately 3 GW by 2014) and the liberalized Iberian
14916 MW with a total hydroelectric installation of 4943 MW. electricity market (MIBEL) are also increasing the attractiveness of
Hydroelectric capacity factors for the past 5 years have been below PHES for utilities and investors in Portugal [30]. Table 6 provides a
average at 56% and Portugal is exposed to volatility in hydroelectric summary of costs and MW capacities of proposed PHES in Spain
production. In 2008 Portugal’s imported balance for electricity was and Portugal.

Table 6
Summary details of proposed PHES in Portugal and Spain.

Facility Size Published cost Developer Operational date

Alto Támega Complex 1200 MW turbine, capacity 900 MW pumping capacity 1.7 billion Euros [28] Iberdrola 2018
Baixo Sabor 170 MW 369 million Euro [31] EDP 2013
Foz Tua 324 MW 340 million Euro [32] EDP 2018
Fridão/Alvitoa 256 MW + 136 MW 510 million Euro [33] EDP 2016
Alqeueva II (expansion) 240 MW 150 million Euro [34] EDP 2012
La Muela II (extension) 720 MW 350 million Euro [35] Iberdrola 2012
Subject to the confirmation by INAG (the Portuguese Water Institute).
J.P. Deane et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (2010) 1293–1302 1299

4.5. Austria 1000 MW Hornbergen II project. This is an extension to the

Hotzenwaldgruppe complex in southern Germany. The project is
Hydroelectric power supplies approximately 55% of Austrian expected to be completed by 2014 and is estimated to cost over
electricity [36] with an installed capacity of 11,853 MW of which s700 million. Increase in wind energy installations, increase in
3.5 GW is PHES. Austria has 13 major PHES plants with the earliest energy demand in the region and electrical grid congestion from
plant, Rodundwerk I (198 MW) coming into full operation in 1952. the north to the south of Germany are cited as prime reasons for
The majority of PHES in Austria are situated in the west and south development of the plant [44].
of the country in the Alpine regions. PHES in Austria, (as in the
alpine regions of Switzerland) is characterised by large storage 4.7. Slovenia
reservoirs with some glacial inflow and are generally connected by
long underground penstocks into multi-stage hydroelectric com- Slovenia utility Soške elektrarne Nova Gorica (SENG) are in the
plexes such as the Malta or Kaprun complexes. Major owners of final construction phase of the countries first PHES plant. The
PHES in Austria are the utilities Verbund, Illwerke and Tiroler. 520 m head 180 MW Avče PHES plant is estimated to cost SENG
Liberalization of electricity markets, the rapid development of s91.4 million. SENG have secured loans from the European
wind energy and increased electricity demand are cited as the Investment Bank (EIB) for the construction of the project. The plant
main drivers for increased PHES development in Austria. In is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2009 [45].
November 2008 the Vorarlberger Illwerke AG KOPS II (Kopswerk)
plant went into operation. KOPS II is located at the site of the 4.8. USA
existing KOPS plant. The project uses existing reservoirs and has a
head of approximately 800 m. The project cost approximately In the past 15 years just one major PHES plant (Rocky Mountain
s360 million and took 3.5 years to build. Plant KOPS II has a full 848 MW) was built in the USA. The most recent PHES build in the
range of controllability of 100% in turbine operation and in pump USA is the 40 MW Lake Hodges project in San Diego [46]. Recent
mode using hydraulic short circuit [37]. Following the commissioning renewed commercial interest in PHES is evident with companies
of KOPS II, Vorarlberger Illwerke has 1700 MW of turbine output and such as Brookfield Power Corporation, Nevada Hydro Company and
980 MW of pump capacity in the Austrian market [38]. Symbiotic LLC announcing pipelines of over 6000 MW of planned
Verbund are planning to build two new PHES Plant – Reißeck II PHES plant [47]. At governmental level, Secretary of Energy Dr
and Limberg II. Verbund currently own and operate 6 PHES plants Steven Chu made positive comments [48] about the merits of PHES
with a total pumping capacity of 1182 MW and generating but has urged that new plants must not adversely affect local
capacity of 1621 MW [39]. Limberg II (480 MW capacity with a environment sensitivities and that lessons could be learned from
head of 360 m) is being built into the Kaprun Power Storage European operators on this issue. According to official statistics
Complex and is expected to be completed by 2012 at a cost of s365 from the Energy Information Administration there are currently no
million. After the start of operations of Limberg II, the turbine planned construction of PHES plants in the USA up to 2012 [49]
output of the Kaprun Power Storage Complex will increase from however the Federal Energy Regulator Commission (FERC) has
353 to 833 MW. The power output in the pump operation is set to granted over 30 pre-permits1 totalling over 22,000 MW of PHES.
climb from 130 to 610 MW [40]. Reißeck II with a planned installed The majority of pre-permits were issued for potential locations in
capacity of 430 MW and a head of 595 m is being added to the western USA states with high renewable portfolio standard targets,
Malta complex in Carinthia. The project will use existing reservoirs namely California (20% target by 2010), Washington (15% target by
and resources and is estimated to cost s335 million. The project is 2020), Nevada (20% target by 2015) and Oregon (25% target by
currently going through the environmental planning stage and is 2025). A high number of pre-permit applications do not mean that
expected to be completed by 2014 [41]. projects will get build. Fifteen years ago the FERC had license
Kelag are adding the 140 MW Feldsee PHES plant at a cost of applications for 18 GW of new pumped storage (42 plants with 31
s75 million to its Fragant hydro complex (334 MW) also in in the west). However, deregulation, relatively cheap natural gas,
Carinthia. The new PHES plant will use existing reservoirs at a head and risk adverse private investors led nearly all developers to back
of 532m. The project is expected to be completed by late 2009 [42]. out of construction [50]. Because of the need for significant
A summary table of new Austrian PHES development is provided in elevation changes in pumped hydroelectric plan designs, the
Table 7. number of environmentally acceptable sites for future pumped
hydroelectric facilities is very limited. Nevertheless, planning is
4.6. Germany underway to add new pumped hydro storage power plants to the
USA grid [51]. As of 2009, one final Environmental Impact
Germany with 23 operational PHES plants has the highest Statement has been submitted to the FERC for a pumped hydro
number of plants in Europe. In 2003 after 30 years of planning and scheme-The 500 MW (6000 MWh storage) Lake Elsinore Advanced
7 years of construction, Germanys largest pumped storage plant Pumped Storage Project (LEAPS). The FERC has estimated the cost
Goldisthal in Thuringia was put into operation. The plant, owned by of the project (not including Transmission line) to be approxi-
Vattenfall has an installed capacity of 1060 MW and a storage mately US$ 1 billion [52]. A construction date has not yet been
capacity of 8.5 GWh [43]. Currently one new PHES facility is given for the project. A study undertaken for the ERPI in 1988 [7]
planned for Germany. Schluchseewerk AG, owner of over identified a number of reasons why the utilities in the USA were
1600 MW of PHES in Germany are in the planning phase of the reluctant to pursue PHES. These reasons ranged from the
availability of suitable sites, long lead times for licensing by
regulatory agencies (4–6 years) and cost overruns in a number of
Table 7
PHES projects.
Summary details of proposed PHES in Austria.

Facility Size (MW) Published cost Developer Operational

date 1
A preliminary permit, issued for up to 3 years, does not authorize construction;
rather, it maintains priority of application for license (i.e., guaranteed first-to-file
Reißeck II 430 335 million Euro Verbund 2014
status) while the permittee studies the site and prepares to apply for a license. The
Limberg II 480 365 million Euro Verbund 2012
permittee must submit periodic reports on the status of its studies. It is not
Feldsee 140 75 million Euro Kelag 2009
necessary to obtain a permit in order to apply for or receive a license.
1300 J.P. Deane et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (2010) 1293–1302

4.9. Japan

Although steady development of hydroelectric power plants is

desired, Japan has used nearly all available sites for the
construction of large scale hydroelectric facilities, and so recent
developments have been on a smaller scale [10]. In Japans largest
service area, the Tokyo Electric & Power Company (TEPCO) service
area, the proportion of PHES as a percentage of the total capacity of
the entire power network is determined based on a power
network system analysis that aims to minimize the power
generation cost of the entire power network taking into
consideration the pattern of daily electricity usage. The current
optimal proportion of PHES capacity as a percentage of the total
capacity of the entire power network in TEPCO’s service area is
estimated to be 10–15% [53]. Fig. 5. MW capacity and capital cost (ex transmission line and interest during
All PHES plants in Japan are owned and operated by the 10 construction) for 14 PHES Plant in the USA built between 1963 and 1985. Y-axis is
privately owned regional electric power companies and J-Power full CAPEX cost in US$ (1988). Size of bubble is indicative of relative cost per MW.
who own 4.9 GW of PHES. A number of PHES plants are currently in
the construction phase: Tokyo Electric & Power Company are
currently in the construction phase of the Kannagawa plant which
when completed in 2015 will be Japans largest PHES plant with an
installed capacity of 2820 MW [54]. TEPCO also have the option to
bring another 800 MW online at its Kazunogawa II plant to increase
its capacity to 1600 MW. Kazunogawa PHES is unique in that it has
one of the world’s largest ultra high head large capacity turbines
(400 MW pump with a head of over 700 m) [55]. Kyushu Electric
Power Company are in phase II of the construction of the
Omarugawa PHES, currently 300 MW are operational. The plant
is expected to be completed by 2011 with a maximum capacity of
1200 MW [56]. Table 8 provides a summary of proposed PHES
development in Japan.

5. Capital cost for PHES and current trends

Fig. 6. MW capacity and capital cost (ex transmission line) for proposed PHES in
PHES plants are characterised by long asset life (typically 50– review region. Y-axis is full CAPEX cost. Size of bubble is indicative of relative cost
per MW. Plants in Switzerland and USA were converted to s using the following
100 years), high capital cost, low operation and maintenance cost
exchange rates. (1 CHF = s0.6515, 1 USD = s0.70715).
and round-trip efficiencies of 70–75%. Project costs for PHES are
very site specific with some quoted costs varying from of s600–
3000/kW [57]. Furthermore capital costs depend not only on the data was publically available to compare costs in terms of s/kWh.
installed power but also on the energy storage and MW capacity at It must be borne in mind that the majority of projects in the review
any given site. region are either extensions to existing projects, repowering of
A study [7] undertaken by the EPRI of 14 PHES plant build in the projects or pump-back PHES.
USA from the years 1963 to 1985 found that build costs varied from PHES projects may be remunerated in liberalized electricity
under $ 300 to over $ 600/kW with an average cost of $ 434/kW. markets through ancillary services payments, capacity payment
The costs presented in the study are in January 1988 currency and and electricity trading. Generally electricity trading is the major
exclude interest during construction and transmission costs. Fig. 5 source of revenue for PHES as operators may take advantage of
presents the costs detailed in the study. The study also noted that energy arbitrage opportunities. For arbitrage pumping price has to
there was an observed increase in capital costs in ‘‘recent’’ builds in be at least 25–30% lower than selling price to compensate for
the USA (recent assumed to be 1980+). This increase in costs was energy losses and significant volatility (not necessarily high energy
attributed to higher licensing costs, higher cost in providing more prices) must be present in the wholesale price of electricity to
efficient and reliable plant and construction delays due to technical make revenue. Increased wind generation in many countries can
and financial problems. naturally lend itself to increased price volatility in the wholesale
Fig. 6 details the published capital costs and installed capacities market [57].
for all proposed PHES plants in the review region, the majority of Current trends for new PHES plants in Europe show that
which are in Europe. A general linear trend is observed in the developers operating in liberalized markets are tending to
relationship between installed capacity and capital cost. Capital repower, enhance projects or build ‘pump-back’ PHES rather
costs per MW for proposed PHES in the review region are between than traditional ‘pure pumped storage’. This is partly driven by a
s470/kW and s2170/kW. Unfortunately not enough consistent lack of economically attractive new sites. An advantage with

Table 8
Summary details of proposed PHES in Japan.

Facility Installed MW capacity Head (m) Operator Completion date

Kannagawa 2820 653 TEPCO 2015

Kazunogawa II 1600 (800 MW + option to expand) 700 TEPCO NA
Omarugawa 1200 646 KEPC 2011
J.P. Deane et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (2010) 1293–1302 1301

‘pump-back’ facilities is that energy storage is generally much [16]

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attractive as large savings are made on the capital expenditure =1366&TierSlicer1_TSMenuTargetType=1&TierSlicer1_TSMenuID=6.
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[23] Nant de Drance Project Web Site. Online at
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6. Conclusion [29] Official Iberdrola press release; March 2009
This review papers details and presents over 7000 MW of new [30] EDP ‘Going Green’ presentation at investors day presentation; January 2008.
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commercial interest in the USA, only one PHES plant has submitted [31] EDP list of Hydroelectric Power Plants Development from EDP’s web site. Online
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authorities. Japan will continue to grow its PHES capacity over [32] EDP Foz Tua Official Press Release from EDP web site. April 2008. Online
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[39] Verbund web site. Online at
[40] Verbund Official Limberg II Project web site. Online at
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