DO - 143 - s2017 Standard Pay Items PART 1
DO - 143 - s2017 Standard Pay Items PART 1
DO - 143 - s2017 Standard Pay Items PART 1
A.1.1 (4) Construction of Field Laboratory for the Engineer Lump Sum
A.1.1 (5) Construction of Living Quarters for the Engineer Lump Sum
Provision of Combined Field Office, Laboratory and
A.1.1 (6) Living Quarters Building for the Engineer (Rental Month
Provision of Combined Field Office and Laboratory
A.1.1 (7) Month
Building for the Engineer (Rental Basis)
Provision of Field Office for the Engineer (Rental
A.1.1 (8) Month
Provision of Laboratory for the Engineer (Rental
A.1.1 (9) Month
Provision of Living Quarters for the Engineer (Rental
A.1.1 (10) Month
Provision of Furnitures/Fixtures, Equipment &
A.1.1 (11) Lump Sum
Appliances for the Field Office for the Engineer
Provision of Furnitures/Fixtures, Equipment &
A.1.1 (12) Lump Sum
Appliances for Laboratory Building for the Engineer
Provision of Furnitures/Fixtures & Appliances for the
A.1.1 (13) Lump Sum
Living Quarters for the Engineer
Provision of Laboratory Testing Equipment, Apparatus
A.1.1 (14) Lump Sum
and Publications for the Engineer
Operation & Maintenance of Temporary Field Office,
A.1.1 (15) Laboratory and Living Quarters Building for the Month
Operation & Maintenance of Field Office for the
A.1.1 (16) Month
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