We modify the workout when the skill of the muscle group is mastered
Warm up for upper body workout (before every workouts, 20s and 10s rest)
- Neck turns - 5 reps each side
- Shoulder roll - 10 reps each direction
- Arm Circles – 10s each direction
- Finger squeezes – 10 reps
- Forward wrist extension - 10 reps
- Backward wrist extension - 10 reps
- Wrist flexion - 10 reps
- Scapular Push – 5 reps
- Full Range of Motion shoulder – 10 reps
- Stretch from the front the back – 10 reps
- Stretch Left Shoulder with elastic band – 10 reps
- Reverse Plank Bridges – 5 reps
- Elbow Circles – 10 reps each side
- 5 Scapular Pull Ups
- 5 dips
- One arm rotation at the bar each side
- Skin the cat – 3 reps
- 30s of planks
- 5 squats
1 min
● Straddle plank position to pike position (try to move the chest to the floor)
3 sets - 15 reps, 20s hold for the last rep – 1 min
● Front Extension - Back Extension - Lateral Right now Extension - Lateral Left Extension
12 reps on each direction – 3 sets – 30s pause
Free Handstand + Handstand Assisted with wall
Ring MU Transition: Hold + Swing
Workout A - Strength
Tips for MU: no false grip – lockout the elbows + Point de qaaa toes + Keeps the tension in
your core + make sure to engage the legs + must always have the plank position
● Weighted Dips with ring (40 Kg) pseudo to focus on the the triceps
4 reps - 3 sets - 3 min
● MU
5 reps - 3 sets - 2 min
Round (1 min - 1 min 30 each every exercise) 2 - 2 laps
● Dips
max reps
● Switches Lunges
● Burpee (Advanced)
10 reps