Aqa 46651H QP Jun16

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Higher Tier Unit 1 Listening
A Wednesday 8 June 2016 Morning Time allowed: 40 minutes
approximately + 5 minutes reading time before the test
 The pauses are pre-recorded for this test.

You will need no other materials.

 Use black ink or black ball-point pen.
 Fill in the boxes at the top of this page.
 Do not open this book until you are told to do so.

This is what you should do for each item.

 After the question number is announced, there will be a pause to allow you to read the instructions and
 Listen carefully to the recording and read the questions again.
 Listen to the recording again, and then answer the questions.
 When the next question is about to start you will hear a bleep like this (*).
 You may write at any time during the test.
 Answer all questions in English.
 You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write outside the box around each page or on
blank pages.
 Write neatly and put down all the information you are asked to give.
 Ask any questions now. You must not ask questions or interrupt during the test.
 You now have five minutes to read through the question paper. You may make notes during this time. You
may open your answer book now.
 The test starts now.

 The marks for questions are shown in brackets.
 The maximum mark for this paper is 40.
 You must not use a dictionary.

SA/Jun16/E4 46651H
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Answer all questions in English in the spaces provided.

1 The local area

Melanie is talking about where she lives.

1 (i) What has Melanie recently done?

A gone on holiday

B moved house

C got a new job

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

1 (ii) What does she say about the local area?

She likes it because…

A there is a gym.

B she can eat well there.

C her post comes early.

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]


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2 Environment

Shirin is talking about her view of the future.

What three things does she wish for?

A Clean air

B Clean water

C No greenhouse gases

D Clean energy

E No pesticides

F More recycling

Write the correct letters in the boxes.         [3 marks]

Turn over for the next question

Turn over

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3 Relationships

Simon and Maria are discussing their relationship.

3 (i) What has Maria seen in other relationships?

A Her parents have split up.

B Her grandparents have split up.

C Her friends have all split up.

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

3 (ii) What does she want?

A To stay together with Simon

B To end the relationship with Simon

C To see how it goes with Simon for now

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]


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4 Jobs

Sibel and Jochen are talking about their jobs.

What do they each think about their job?

If their opinion is positive, write P.

If their opinion is negative, write N.

If it is positive and negative, write P+N.

4 (a) Sibel

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

4 (b) Jochen

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

5 Relationships

Harika is annoyed with Emma.


[1 mark]

Turn over

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6 Healthy living

Three people are talking about food and drink.



More salad, more fish? No thanks!

Eating healthily starts now!

I’ve always watched what I eat.

What do they say?

6 (a) Manfred

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

6 (b) Nele

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

6 (c) Peter

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark] ____


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7 Birthdays

Kai and Sabine are talking about birthdays.

7 (a) Kai is getting a birthday present from his mother. What does he think of it?

[1 mark]

7 (b) Why is Sabine’s party not at her house?

[1 mark]

8 Helping out

Thomas and Jule are talking about ways they help locally.

What do they think about what they do?

If their opinion is positive, write P.

If their opinion is negative, write N.

If it is positive and negative, write P+N.

8 (a) Thomas

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

8 (b) Jule

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

Turn over

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9 Holidays

Tina and Michael are talking about holidays.

9 (i) Why has Michael never been to the Mediterranean?

A He does not like a lot of sun.

B He does not like the coast.

C He is from the north.

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

9 (ii) What is Tina’s opinion?

A It is not as good as people say.

B She would never go there again.

C She had a great time there.

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]


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10 Modern technology

Stefan has a new tablet.

10 (i) How does he describe the person who bought it?

[1 mark]

10 (ii) What is the disadvantage of the tablet?

[1 mark]

Turn over for the next question


Turn over

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11 Looking for a job

These three people are having no success finding a job.

What do they say?

It’s difficult because I haven’t

worked before.

I’ll just have to keep trying.

There’s no point looking any


My references are no good.

I apply, but I hear nothing back.

11 (a) Nina

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

11 (b) Sven

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

11 (c) Nora

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark] ____


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12 School

Three people are talking about when they were at school.

If their opinion is positive, write P.

If their opinion is negative, write N.

If it is positive and negative, write P+N.

12 (a) How does Natascha feel about her time at school?

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

12 (b) How does Philip feel about his time at school?

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

12 (c) How does Antje feel about her time at school?

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

Turn over for the next question

Turn over

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13 A fashion podcast

Anna gives her thoughts on seasonal clothing.

13 (i) What is today’s topic?

[1 mark]

13 (ii) Why is it a problem?

[1 mark]

14 On the road

What situation is the pedestrian describing?

A There is traffic congestion.

B A lorry is blocking the road.

C There was almost an accident.

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]


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15 Problems at school

Three people are talking about problems at school.

15 (a) What is Rolf’s problem?

A He has been copying Harald’s work.

B He is in trouble with the Maths teacher.

C He cannot solve the Maths problem.

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

15 (b) What is Vera’s problem?

A The English teacher does not explain things well.

B Frau Sawatzky is not a good English teacher.

C The teacher she got on with left.

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

15 (c) What is Ingo’s problem?

A He may have to repeat the school year.

B He has not finished the work.

C He only got a grade 4 in German.

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]


Turn over

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16 Sporting activities

Three people are talking about their experiences with sport.

What do they think about their experience?

If their opinion is positive, write P.

If their opinion is negative, write N.

If it is positive and negative, write P+N.

16 (a) How does Jana feel about playing football?

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

16 (b) How does David feel about climbing?

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

16 (c) How does Antje feel about sailing?

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]


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17 A social issue

Nils is talking to his teacher.

17 (i) What is Nils complaining about?

[1 mark]

17 (ii) How does he feel about the situation?

[1 mark]

Turn over for the next question

Turn over

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18 Travel plans

Julia and Paul are discussing their holiday travel plans.

18 (i) Why does Paul want to go on the train?

It is…

A comfortable.

B quick.

C cheap.

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]

18 (ii) What happened to Paul last year?

He was…

A ill on the train.

B ill on the plane.

C late for the plane.

Write the correct letter in the box.   [1 mark]


Copyright information

For confidentiality purposes, from the November 2015 examination series, acknowledgements of third party copyright material will be published in a
separate booklet rather than including them on the examination paper or support materials. This booklet is published after each examination series and
is available for free download from after the live examination series.

Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright-holders may have been unsuccessful and
AQA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgements. If you have any queries please contact the Copyright Team, AQA, Stag Hill House,
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